Exemple #1
static void
_cairo_scaled_font_init_key (cairo_scaled_font_t        *scaled_font,
			     cairo_font_face_t	        *font_face,
			     const cairo_matrix_t       *font_matrix,
			     const cairo_matrix_t       *ctm,
			     const cairo_font_options_t *options)
    uint32_t hash = FNV1_32_INIT;

    scaled_font->status = CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    scaled_font->font_face = font_face;
    scaled_font->font_matrix = *font_matrix;
    scaled_font->ctm = *ctm;
    scaled_font->options = *options;

    /* We do a bytewise hash on the font matrices, ignoring the
     * translation values in the ctm */
    hash = _hash_bytes_fnv ((unsigned char *)(&scaled_font->font_matrix.xx),
			    sizeof(cairo_matrix_t), hash);
    hash = _hash_bytes_fnv ((unsigned char *)(&scaled_font->ctm.xx),
			    sizeof(double) * 4, hash);

    hash ^= (unsigned long) scaled_font->font_face;

    hash ^= cairo_font_options_hash (&scaled_font->options);

    scaled_font->hash_entry.hash = hash;
Exemple #2
unsigned long FontOptions::hash()
	return cairo_font_options_hash( mCairoFontOptions );
static long caml_cairo_font_options_hash(value v)
static VALUE
cr_options_hash (VALUE self)
  return INT2NUM (cairo_font_options_hash (_SELF (self)));