static cairo_time_t do_text (cairo_t *cr, int width, int height, int loops) { const char text[] = "the jay, pig, fox, zebra and my wolves quack"; int len = strlen (text); double x, y; int i = 0, j = 0; cairo_set_font_size (cr, 9); cairo_perf_timer_start (); cairo_perf_set_thread_aware (cr, FALSE); while (loops--) { if (loops == 0) cairo_perf_set_thread_aware (cr, TRUE); do { cairo_move_to (cr, 0, j++ * 10); cairo_show_text (cr, text + i); cairo_get_current_point (cr, &x, &y); while (x < width && cairo_status (cr) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) { cairo_show_text (cr, text); cairo_get_current_point (cr, &x, &y); } if (++i >= len) i = 0; } while (y < height && cairo_status (cr) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS); } cairo_perf_timer_stop (); return cairo_perf_timer_elapsed (); }
static PangoLayout * show_text_with_page_feed (cairo_t *cr, const gchar *utf8) { PangoLayout *layout; double x, y; int width, height; if (!utf8) return NULL; layout = cut_cairo_create_pango_layout(cr, utf8, 10); if (!layout) return NULL; cairo_get_current_point(cr, &x, &y); pango_layout_get_pixel_size(layout, &width, &height); if (A4_HEIGHT < y + height) { cairo_show_page(cr); init_page(cr); cairo_get_current_point(cr, NULL, &y); cairo_move_to(cr, x, y); } pango_cairo_show_layout(cr, layout); return layout; }
static cairo_perf_ticks_t do_world_map (cairo_t *cr, int width, int height, int loops) { const wm_element_t *e; double cx, cy; cairo_set_line_width (cr, 0.2); cairo_perf_timer_start (); while (loops--) { cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, .68, .85, .90); /* lightblue */ cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, 800, 400); cairo_fill (cr); e = &countries[0]; while (1) { switch (e->type) { case WM_NEW_PATH: case WM_END: cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, .75, .75, .75); /* silver */ cairo_fill_preserve (cr); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, .50, .50, .50); /* gray */ cairo_stroke (cr); cairo_move_to (cr, e->x, e->y); break; case WM_MOVE_TO: cairo_close_path (cr); cairo_move_to (cr, e->x, e->y); break; case WM_LINE_TO: cairo_line_to (cr, e->x, e->y); break; case WM_HLINE_TO: cairo_get_current_point (cr, &cx, &cy); cairo_line_to (cr, e->x, cy); break; case WM_VLINE_TO: cairo_get_current_point (cr, &cx, &cy); cairo_line_to (cr, cx, e->y); break; case WM_REL_LINE_TO: cairo_rel_line_to (cr, e->x, e->y); break; } if (e->type == WM_END) break; e++; } cairo_new_path (cr); } cairo_perf_timer_stop (); return cairo_perf_timer_elapsed (); }
static void paint_output_info(struct connector *c, struct igt_fb *fb) { cairo_t *cr = igt_get_cairo_ctx(drm_fd, fb); int l_width = fb->width; int l_height = fb->height; double str_width; double x, y, top_y; double max_width; int i; cairo_move_to(cr, l_width / 2, l_height / 2); /* Print connector and mode name */ cairo_set_font_size(cr, 48); igt_cairo_printf_line(cr, align_hcenter, 10, "%s", kmstest_connector_type_str(c->connector->connector_type)); cairo_set_font_size(cr, 36); str_width = igt_cairo_printf_line(cr, align_hcenter, 10, "%s @ %dHz on %s encoder", c->, c->mode.vrefresh, kmstest_encoder_type_str(c->encoder->encoder_type)); cairo_rel_move_to(cr, -str_width / 2, 0); /* List available modes */ cairo_set_font_size(cr, 18); str_width = igt_cairo_printf_line(cr, align_left, 10, "Available modes:"); cairo_rel_move_to(cr, str_width, 0); cairo_get_current_point(cr, &x, &top_y); max_width = 0; for (i = 0; i < c->connector->count_modes; i++) { cairo_get_current_point(cr, &x, &y); if (y >= l_height) { x += max_width + 10; max_width = 0; cairo_move_to(cr, x, top_y); } str_width = igt_cairo_printf_line(cr, align_right, 10, "%s @ %dHz", c->connector->modes[i].name, c->connector->modes[i].vrefresh); if (str_width > max_width) max_width = str_width; } if (qr_code) paint_image(cr, "pass.png"); igt_assert(!cairo_status(cr)); cairo_destroy(cr); }
static void icon_shape_renderer (cairo_t *cr, PangoAttrShape *attr, gboolean do_path, gpointer user_data) { IconShapeData *data = user_data; gdouble x, y; cairo_get_current_point (cr, &x, &y); if (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (attr->data) == data->placeholder) { gdouble ascent; gdouble height; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; GtkIconInfo *info; ascent = pango_units_to_double (attr->ink_rect.y); height = pango_units_to_double (attr->ink_rect.height); info = gtk_icon_theme_lookup_by_gicon (gtk_icon_theme_get_default (), data->icon, (gint)height, GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_FORCE_SIZE | GTK_ICON_LOOKUP_USE_BUILTIN); pixbuf = gtk_icon_info_load_icon (info, NULL); g_object_unref (info); cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER); cairo_reset_clip (cr); gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, pixbuf, x, y + ascent); cairo_paint (cr); g_object_unref (pixbuf); } }
static void add_rectangle (cairo_t *cr, double size) { double x, y; if (size < 1) return; cairo_get_current_point (cr, &x, &y); cairo_rel_move_to (cr, -size/2., -size/2.); cairo_rel_line_to (cr, size, 0); cairo_rel_line_to (cr, 0, size); cairo_rel_line_to (cr, -size, 0); cairo_close_path (cr); cairo_save (cr); cairo_translate (cr, -size/2., size); cairo_move_to (cr, x, y); cairo_rotate (cr, M_PI/4); add_rectangle (cr, size / M_SQRT2); cairo_restore (cr); cairo_save (cr); cairo_translate (cr, size/2., size); cairo_move_to (cr, x, y); cairo_rotate (cr, -M_PI/4); add_rectangle (cr, size / M_SQRT2); cairo_restore (cr); }
void CanvasCairo::pathAltArcTo(float rx, float ry, float angle, bool largeArc, bool sweep, float x, float y) { double _x, _y; cairo_get_current_point (_context, &_x, &_y); rx = fabsf(rx); ry = fabsf(ry); Mat4 transform(Mat4::IDENTITY); Mat4::createRotationZ(angle, &transform); Mat4 inverse = transform; inverse.transpose(); Vec2 vDash(cocos2d::PointApplyTransform(Vec2((_x - x) / 2, (_y - y) / 2), inverse)); float lambda = (vDash.x * vDash.x) / (rx * rx) + (vDash.y * vDash.y) / (ry * ry); if (lambda > 1.0f) { rx = sqrtf(lambda) * rx; ry = sqrtf(lambda) * ry; vDash = Vec2(cocos2d::PointApplyTransform(Vec2((_x - x) / 2, (_y - y) / 2), inverse)); } float rx_y1_ = (rx * rx * vDash.y * vDash.y); float ry_x1_ = (ry * ry * vDash.x * vDash.x); float cst = sqrtf(((rx * rx * ry * ry) - rx_y1_ - ry_x1_) / (rx_y1_ + ry_x1_)); Vec2 cDash((largeArc != sweep ? 1.0f : -1.0f) * cst * rx * vDash.y / ry, (largeArc != sweep ? 1.0f : -1.0f) * - cst * ry * vDash.x / rx); float cx = cDash.x + (_x + x) / 2; float cy = cDash.y + (_y + y) / 2; float startAngle = Vec2::angle(Vec2(1.0f, 0.0f), Vec2((vDash.x - cDash.x) / rx, (vDash.y - cDash.y) / ry)); float sweepAngle = Vec2::angle(Vec2((vDash.x - cDash.x) / rx, (vDash.y - cDash.y) / ry), Vec2((-vDash.x - cDash.x) / rx, (-vDash.y - cDash.y) / ry)); pathArcTo(cx, cy, rx, ry, startAngle, sweepAngle, angle); }
static void show_test_case (cairo_t *cr, CutTestCase *test_case, CutTestResultStatus status, guint n_tests, guint n_successes, guint n_failures, guint n_errors, guint n_pendings, guint n_omissions) { PangoLayout *layout; const gchar *utf8; int width, height; gdouble x, y; utf8 = cut_test_get_name(CUT_TEST(test_case)); layout = show_text_with_page_feed(cr, utf8); if (!layout) return; cairo_get_current_point(cr, &x, &y); cairo_save(cr); pango_layout_get_pixel_size(layout, &width, &height); cairo_rectangle(cr, A4_WIDTH - 100 - 10, y + 2, 100, height - 4); cut_cairo_set_source_result_color(cr, status); cairo_fill_preserve(cr); cairo_set_line_width(cr, 0.5); cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0, 0, 0); cairo_stroke(cr); cairo_restore(cr); cairo_move_to(cr, x, y + height); g_object_unref(layout); }
static PyObject * pycairo_get_current_point (PycairoContext *o) { double x, y; cairo_get_current_point (o->ctx, &x, &y); return Py_BuildValue("(dd)", x, y); }
CAMLprim value ml_cairo_get_current_point (value cr) { double x, y; cairo_get_current_point (cairo_t_val (cr), &x, &y); return ml_cairo_point (x, y); }
static VALUE cr_get_current_point (VALUE self) { double point[2]; cairo_get_current_point (_SELF, point, point + 1); return rb_cairo__float_array (point, 2); }
gfxPoint gfxContext::CurrentPoint() const { double x, y; cairo_get_current_point(mCairo, &x, &y); return gfxPoint(x, y); }
static void fancy_shape_renderer (cairo_t *cr, PangoAttrShape *attr, gboolean do_path, gpointer data) { double x, y; cairo_get_current_point (cr, &x, &y); cairo_translate (cr, x, y); cairo_scale (cr, (double) attr->ink_rect.width / PANGO_SCALE, (double) attr->ink_rect.height / PANGO_SCALE); switch (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (attr->data)) { case 0x2665: /* U+2665 BLACK HEART SUIT */ { cairo_move_to (cr, .5, .0); cairo_line_to (cr, .9, -.4); cairo_curve_to (cr, 1.1, -.8, .5, -.9, .5, -.5); cairo_curve_to (cr, .5, -.9, -.1, -.8, .1, -.4); cairo_close_path (cr); } break; } if (!do_path) { cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1., 0., 0.); cairo_fill (cr); } }
void lsm_cairo_rel_horizontal (cairo_t *cairo, double dx) { double x0, y0; cairo_get_current_point (cairo, &x0, &y0); cairo_line_to (cairo, x0 + dx, y0); }
void lsm_cairo_rel_vertical (cairo_t *cairo, double dy) { double x0, y0; cairo_get_current_point (cairo, &x0, &y0); cairo_line_to (cairo, x0, y0 + dy); }
void lsm_cairo_rel_quadratic_curve_to (cairo_t *cr, double dx1, double dy1, double dx, double dy) { double x0, y0; cairo_get_current_point (cr, &x0, &y0); lsm_cairo_quadratic_curve_to (cr, x0 + dx1, y0 + dy1, x0 + dx, y0 + dy); }
Point PathBuilderCairo::CurrentPoint() const { CairoTempMatrix tempMatrix(*mPathContext, mTransform); double x, y; cairo_get_current_point(*mPathContext, &x, &y); return Point((Float)x, (Float)y); }
value lime_cairo_get_current_point (double handle) { double x, y; cairo_get_current_point ((cairo_t*)(intptr_t)handle, &x, &y); Vector2 vec2 = Vector2 (x, y); return vec2.Value (); }
FloatPoint Path::currentPoint() const { // FIXME: Is this the correct way? double x; double y; cairo_get_current_point(platformPath()->context(), &x, &y); return FloatPoint(x, y); }
value lime_cairo_get_current_point (value handle) { double x, y; cairo_get_current_point ((cairo_t*)val_data (handle), &x, &y); Vector2 vec2 = Vector2 (x, y); return vec2.Value (); }
static void _emit_smooth_curve (LsmSvgPathContext *ctxt, gboolean relative) { double x, y; double x0, y0; cairo_get_current_point (ctxt->cr, &x0, &y0); switch (ctxt->last_command) { case 'C': x = 2 * x0 - ctxt->values[2]; y = 2 * y0 - ctxt->values[3]; break; case 'c': x = 2 * x0 - (ctxt->values[2] + x0 - ctxt->values[4]); y = 2 * y0 - (ctxt->values[3] + y0 - ctxt->values[5]); break; case 'S': x = 2 * x0 - ctxt->values[0]; y = 2 * y0 - ctxt->values[1]; break; case 's': x = 2 * x0 - (ctxt->values[0] + x0 - ctxt->values[2]); y = 2 * y0 - (ctxt->values[1] + y0 - ctxt->values[3]); break; default: x = x0; y = y0; break; } while (lsm_str_parse_double_list (&ctxt->ptr, 4, ctxt->values) == 4) { if (relative) { cairo_get_current_point (ctxt->cr, &x0, &y0); cairo_curve_to (ctxt->cr, x, y, x0 + ctxt->values[0], y0 + ctxt->values[1], x0 + ctxt->values[2], y0 + ctxt->values[3]); x = 2 * (x0 + ctxt->values[2]) - (x0 + ctxt->values[0]); y = 2 * (y0 + ctxt->values[3]) - (y0 + ctxt->values[1]); } else { cairo_curve_to (ctxt->cr, x, y, ctxt->values[0], ctxt->values[1], ctxt->values[2], ctxt->values[3]); x = 2 * ctxt->values[2] - ctxt->values[0]; y = 2 * ctxt->values[3] - ctxt->values[1]; } } }
void CanvasCairo::pathQuadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { double x0, y0; cairo_get_current_point (_context, &x0, &y0); cairo_curve_to (_context, 2.0 / 3.0 * x1 + 1.0 / 3.0 * x0, 2.0 / 3.0 * y1 + 1.0 / 3.0 * y0, 2.0 / 3.0 * x1 + 1.0 / 3.0 * x2, 2.0 / 3.0 * y1 + 1.0 / 3.0 * y2, x2, y2); }
void lsm_cairo_rel_elliptical_arc (cairo_t *cairo, double rx, double ry, double x_axis_rotation, gboolean large_arc_flag, gboolean sweep_flag, double dx, double dy) { double x, y; cairo_get_current_point (cairo, &x, &y); lsm_cairo_elliptical_arc (cairo, rx, ry, x_axis_rotation, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, x +dx ,y + dy); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ct_helper_quadratic_to (cairo_t *cr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2){ double x0, y0; cairo_get_current_point (cr, &x0, &y0); cairo_curve_to (cr, 2.0 / 3.0 * x1 + 1.0 / 3.0 * x0, 2.0 / 3.0 * y1 + 1.0 / 3.0 * y0, 2.0 / 3.0 * x1 + 1.0 / 3.0 * x2, 2.0 / 3.0 * y1 + 1.0 / 3.0 * y2, y1, y2); }
static int cr_get_current_point (lua_State *L) { cairo_t **obj = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, OOCAIRO_MT_NAME_CONTEXT); double x, y; if (!cairo_has_current_point(*obj)) return 0; cairo_get_current_point(*obj, &x, &y); lua_pushnumber(L, x); lua_pushnumber(L, y); return 2; }
cairo_t * gsk_cairo_blur_start_drawing (cairo_t *cr, float radius, GskBlurFlags blur_flags) { cairo_rectangle_int_t clip_rect; cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_t *blur_cr; gdouble clip_radius; gdouble x_scale, y_scale; gboolean blur_x = (blur_flags & GSK_BLUR_X) != 0; gboolean blur_y = (blur_flags & GSK_BLUR_Y) != 0; if (!needs_blur (radius)) return cr; gdk_cairo_get_clip_rectangle (cr, &clip_rect); clip_radius = gsk_cairo_blur_compute_pixels (radius); x_scale = y_scale = 1; cairo_surface_get_device_scale (cairo_get_target (cr), &x_scale, &y_scale); if (blur_flags & GSK_BLUR_REPEAT) { if (!blur_x) clip_rect.width = 1; if (!blur_y) clip_rect.height = 1; } /* Create a larger surface to center the blur. */ surface = cairo_surface_create_similar_image (cairo_get_target (cr), CAIRO_FORMAT_A8, x_scale * (clip_rect.width + (blur_x ? 2 * clip_radius : 0)), y_scale * (clip_rect.height + (blur_y ? 2 * clip_radius : 0))); cairo_surface_set_device_scale (surface, x_scale, y_scale); cairo_surface_set_device_offset (surface, x_scale * ((blur_x ? clip_radius : 0) - clip_rect.x), y_scale * ((blur_y ? clip_radius : 0) - clip_rect.y)); blur_cr = cairo_create (surface); cairo_set_user_data (blur_cr, &original_cr_key, cairo_reference (cr), (cairo_destroy_func_t) cairo_destroy); if (cairo_has_current_point (cr)) { double x, y; cairo_get_current_point (cr, &x, &y); cairo_move_to (blur_cr, x, y); } return blur_cr; }
void gra2cairo_draw_path(struct gra2cairo_local *local) { if (local->cairo && local->linetonum) { double x, y; cairo_get_current_point(local->cairo, &x, &y); cairo_stroke(local->cairo); cairo_move_to(local->cairo, x, y); local->linetonum = 0; } }
static int ui_get_current_point(lua_State *L) { double x, y; struct context *c = lua_touserdata(L, 1); cairo_get_current_point(c->cr, &x, &y); lua_pushnumber(L, x); lua_pushnumber(L, y); return 2; }
void gfxContext::QuadraticCurveTo(const gfxPoint& pt1, const gfxPoint& pt2) { double cx, cy; cairo_get_current_point(mCairo, &cx, &cy); cairo_curve_to(mCairo, (cx + pt1.x * 2.0) / 3.0, (cy + pt1.y * 2.0) / 3.0, (pt1.x * 2.0 + pt2.x) / 3.0, (pt1.y * 2.0 + pt2.y) / 3.0, pt2.x, pt2.y); }
static void mini_svg_render (MiniSvg *shape, cairo_t *cr, gboolean do_path) { double x, y; const char *p; char op[2]; int items, len; cairo_get_current_point (cr, &x, &y); cairo_translate (cr, x, y); for (p = shape->path; (items = sscanf (p, "%1s %n", op, &len)), p += len, *p;) switch (*op) { case 'M': { sscanf (p, "%lf,%lf %n", &x, &y, &len); p += len; cairo_move_to (cr, x, y); break; } case 'L': { sscanf (p, "%lf,%lf %n", &x, &y, &len); p += len; cairo_line_to (cr, x, y); break; } case 'C': { double x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3; sscanf (p, "%lf,%lf %lf,%lf %lf,%lf %n", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, &x3, &y3, &len); p += len; cairo_curve_to (cr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); break; } case 'z': { cairo_close_path (cr); break; } default: { g_warning ("Invalid MiniSvg operation '%c'", *op); break; } } if (!do_path) cairo_fill (cr); }