Exemple #1
void SimpleFontData::platformInit()
    if (!m_platformData.scaledFont())

    cairo_font_extents_t font_extents;
    cairo_text_extents_t text_extents;
    cairo_scaled_font_extents(m_platformData.scaledFont(), &font_extents);


    // There seems to be some rounding error in cairo (or in how we
    // use cairo) with some fonts, like DejaVu Sans Mono, which makes
    // cairo report a height smaller than ascent + descent, which is
    // wrong and confuses WebCore's layout system. Workaround this
    // while we figure out what's going on.
    float lineSpacing = font_extents.height;
    if (lineSpacing < font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent)
        lineSpacing = font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent;

    m_fontMetrics.setLineGap(lineSpacing - font_extents.ascent - font_extents.descent);

    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents(m_platformData.scaledFont(), "x", &text_extents);

    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents(m_platformData.scaledFont(), " ", &text_extents);
    m_spaceWidth = static_cast<float>(text_extents.x_advance);
    m_syntheticBoldOffset = m_platformData.syntheticBold() ? 1.0f : 0.f;
void SimpleFontData::platformInit()

    cairo_font_extents_t font_extents;
    cairo_text_extents_t text_extents;
    cairo_scaled_font_extents(m_platformData.m_scaledFont, &font_extents);
    m_ascent = static_cast<int>(lroundf(font_extents.ascent));
    m_descent = static_cast<int>(lroundf(font_extents.descent));
    m_lineSpacing = static_cast<int>(lroundf(font_extents.height));
    // There seems to be some rounding error in cairo (or in how we
    // use cairo) with some fonts, like DejaVu Sans Mono, which makes
    // cairo report a height smaller than ascent + descent, which is
    // wrong and confuses WebCore's layout system. Workaround this
    // while we figure out what's going on.
    if (m_lineSpacing < m_ascent + m_descent)
        m_lineSpacing = m_ascent + m_descent;
    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents(m_platformData.m_scaledFont, "x", &text_extents);
    m_xHeight = text_extents.height;
    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents(m_platformData.m_scaledFont, " ", &text_extents);
    m_spaceWidth =  static_cast<float>(text_extents.x_advance);
    m_lineGap = m_lineSpacing - m_ascent - m_descent;
    m_syntheticBoldOffset = m_platformData.syntheticBold() ? 1.0f : 0.f;
Exemple #3
void SimpleFontData::platformInit()
    if (!m_platformData.m_size)

    cairo_font_extents_t font_extents;
    cairo_text_extents_t text_extents;
    cairo_scaled_font_extents(m_platformData.scaledFont(), &font_extents);

    float ascent = narrowPrecisionToFloat(font_extents.ascent);
    float descent = narrowPrecisionToFloat(font_extents.descent);
    float lineGap = narrowPrecisionToFloat(font_extents.height - font_extents.ascent - font_extents.descent);


    m_fontMetrics.setLineSpacing(ascent + descent + lineGap);
    // Match CoreGraphics metrics.
    m_fontMetrics.setLineSpacing(lroundf(ascent) + lroundf(descent) + lroundf(lineGap));

    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents(m_platformData.scaledFont(), "x", &text_extents);

    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents(m_platformData.scaledFont(), " ", &text_extents);
    m_spaceWidth = narrowPrecisionToFloat(text_extents.x_advance);

    m_syntheticBoldOffset = m_platformData.syntheticBold() ? 1.0f : 0.f;
void Font::platformInit()
    if (!m_platformData.size())

    cairo_font_extents_t fontExtents;
    cairo_scaled_font_extents(m_platformData.scaledFont(), &fontExtents);

    float ascent = narrowPrecisionToFloat(fontExtents.ascent);
    float descent = narrowPrecisionToFloat(fontExtents.descent);
    float capHeight = narrowPrecisionToFloat(fontExtents.height);
    float lineGap = narrowPrecisionToFloat(fontExtents.height - fontExtents.ascent - fontExtents.descent);

        CairoFtFaceLocker cairoFtFaceLocker(m_platformData.scaledFont());

        // If the USE_TYPO_METRICS flag is set in the OS/2 table then we use typo metrics instead.
        FT_Face freeTypeFace = cairoFtFaceLocker.ftFace();
        TT_OS2* OS2Table = freeTypeFace ? static_cast<TT_OS2*>(FT_Get_Sfnt_Table(freeTypeFace, ft_sfnt_os2)) : nullptr;
        if (OS2Table) {
            const FT_Short kUseTypoMetricsMask = 1 << 7;
            if (OS2Table->fsSelection & kUseTypoMetricsMask) {
                // FT_Size_Metrics::y_scale is in 16.16 fixed point format.
                // Its (fractional) value is a factor that converts vertical metrics from design units to units of 1/64 pixels.
                double yscale = (freeTypeFace->size->metrics.y_scale / 65536.0) / 64.0;
                ascent = narrowPrecisionToFloat(yscale * OS2Table->sTypoAscender);
                descent = -narrowPrecisionToFloat(yscale * OS2Table->sTypoDescender);
                lineGap = narrowPrecisionToFloat(yscale * OS2Table->sTypoLineGap);


    m_fontMetrics.setLineSpacing(ascent + descent + lineGap);
    // Match CoreGraphics metrics.
    m_fontMetrics.setLineSpacing(lroundf(ascent) + lroundf(descent) + lroundf(lineGap));

    cairo_text_extents_t textExtents;
    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents(m_platformData.scaledFont(), "x", &textExtents);
    m_fontMetrics.setXHeight(narrowPrecisionToFloat((platformData().orientation() == Horizontal) ? textExtents.height : textExtents.width));

    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents(m_platformData.scaledFont(), " ", &textExtents);
    m_spaceWidth = narrowPrecisionToFloat((platformData().orientation() == Horizontal) ? textExtents.x_advance : -textExtents.y_advance);

    if ((platformData().orientation() == Vertical) && !isTextOrientationFallback()) {
        CairoFtFaceLocker cairoFtFaceLocker(m_platformData.scaledFont());
        FT_Face freeTypeFace = cairoFtFaceLocker.ftFace();

    m_syntheticBoldOffset = m_platformData.syntheticBold() ? 1.0f : 0.f;
Exemple #5
static PyObject *
scaled_font_text_extents (PycairoScaledFont *o, PyObject *obj)
    cairo_text_extents_t extents;
    PyObject *pyUTF8 = NULL;
    const char *utf8 = NULL;

    /* accept str and unicode text, auto convert to utf8 as required */
    if (PyString_Check(obj)) {
	/* A plain ASCII string is also a valid UTF-8 string */
	utf8 = PyString_AS_STRING(obj);
    } else if (PyUnicode_Check(obj)) {
	pyUTF8 = PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(obj);
	if (pyUTF8 != NULL) {
	    utf8 = PyString_AS_STRING(pyUTF8);
    } else {
	    "ScaledFont.text_extents: text must be str or unicode");
    if (utf8 == NULL)
	return NULL;

    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents (o->scaled_font, utf8, &extents);
    return Py_BuildValue("(dddddd)", extents.x_bearing, extents.y_bearing,
			 extents.width, extents.height, extents.x_advance,
Exemple #6
static int m_font_size(lua_State * L)
	struct lfont_t * font = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, MT_FONT);
	const char * text = luaL_optstring(L, 2, NULL);
	cairo_text_extents_t extents;
	cairo_scaled_font_text_extents(font->sfont, text, &extents);
	lua_pushnumber(L, extents.width);
	lua_pushnumber(L, extents.height + extents.y_bearing);
	return 2;
void SimpleFontData::platformInit()
    if (!m_platformData.m_size)

    cairo_font_extents_t fontExtents;
    cairo_scaled_font_extents(m_platformData.scaledFont(), &fontExtents);

    float ascent = narrowPrecisionToFloat(fontExtents.ascent);
    float descent = narrowPrecisionToFloat(fontExtents.descent);
    float lineGap = narrowPrecisionToFloat(fontExtents.height - fontExtents.ascent - fontExtents.descent);


    m_fontMetrics.setLineSpacing(ascent + descent + lineGap);
    // Match CoreGraphics metrics.
    m_fontMetrics.setLineSpacing(lroundf(ascent) + lroundf(descent) + lroundf(lineGap));

    cairo_text_extents_t textExtents;
    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents(m_platformData.scaledFont(), "x", &textExtents);
    m_fontMetrics.setXHeight(narrowPrecisionToFloat((platformData().orientation() == Horizontal) ? textExtents.height : textExtents.width));

    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents(m_platformData.scaledFont(), " ", &textExtents);
    m_spaceWidth = narrowPrecisionToFloat((platformData().orientation() == Horizontal) ? textExtents.x_advance : -textExtents.y_advance);

    if ((platformData().orientation() == Vertical) && !isTextOrientationFallback()) {
        FT_Face freeTypeFace = cairo_ft_scaled_font_lock_face(m_platformData.scaledFont());

    m_syntheticBoldOffset = m_platformData.syntheticBold() ? 1.0f : 0.f;
Exemple #8
static PyObject *
scaled_font_text_extents (PycairoScaledFont *o, PyObject *obj)
    cairo_text_extents_t extents;
    const char *utf8 = __PyBaseString_AsUTF8 (obj);
    if (utf8 == NULL) {
		"ScaledFont.text_extents() argument must be a string or "
		"unicode object");
	return NULL;

    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents (o->scaled_font, utf8, &extents);
    if (Pycairo_Check_Status (cairo_scaled_font_status(o->scaled_font)))
	return NULL;
    return Py_BuildValue("(dddddd)", extents.x_bearing, extents.y_bearing,
			 extents.width, extents.height, extents.x_advance,
Exemple #9
static cairo_test_status_t
draw (cairo_t *cr, int width, int height)
    const cairo_test_context_t *ctx = cairo_test_get_context (cr);
    cairo_text_extents_t extents, nil_extents;
    cairo_font_extents_t font_extents, nil_font_extents;
    cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font;

    cairo_select_font_face (cr, "Bitstream Vera Sans",
    cairo_set_font_size (cr, 16);

    cairo_move_to (cr, 10, 25);
    cairo_show_text (cr, NULL);
    cairo_show_text (cr, "");
    cairo_show_glyphs (cr, NULL, 0);
    cairo_show_glyphs (cr, (void*)8, 0);

    cairo_move_to (cr, 10, 55);
    cairo_text_path (cr, NULL);
    cairo_text_path (cr, "");
    cairo_glyph_path (cr, (void*)8, 0);
    cairo_fill (cr);

    memset (&nil_extents, 0, sizeof (cairo_text_extents_t));

    memset (&extents, 0xff, sizeof (cairo_text_extents_t));
    cairo_text_extents (cr, "", &extents);
    if (! text_extents_equal (&extents, &nil_extents)) {
	cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: cairo_text_extents(\"\"); extents (%g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g)\n",
		        extents.x_bearing, extents.y_bearing,
			extents.width, extents.height,
			extents.x_advance, extents.y_advance);

    memset (&extents, 0xff, sizeof (cairo_text_extents_t));
    cairo_text_extents (cr, NULL, &extents);
    if (! text_extents_equal (&extents, &nil_extents)) {
	cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: cairo_text_extents(NULL); extents (%g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g)\n",
		        extents.x_bearing, extents.y_bearing,
			extents.width, extents.height,
			extents.x_advance, extents.y_advance);

    memset (&extents, 0xff, sizeof (cairo_text_extents_t));
    cairo_glyph_extents (cr, (void*)8, 0, &extents);
    if (! text_extents_equal (&extents, &nil_extents)) {
	cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: cairo_glyph_extents(); extents (%g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g)\n",
		        extents.x_bearing, extents.y_bearing,
			extents.width, extents.height,
			extents.x_advance, extents.y_advance);

    scaled_font = cairo_get_scaled_font (cr);

    memset (&extents, 0xff, sizeof (cairo_text_extents_t));
    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents (scaled_font, "", &extents);
    if (! text_extents_equal (&extents, &nil_extents)) {
	cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: cairo_scaled_font_text_extents(\"\"); extents (%g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g)\n",
		        extents.x_bearing, extents.y_bearing,
			extents.width, extents.height,
			extents.x_advance, extents.y_advance);

    memset (&extents, 0xff, sizeof (cairo_text_extents_t));
    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents (scaled_font, NULL, &extents);
    if (! text_extents_equal (&extents, &nil_extents)) {
	cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: cairo_scaled_font_text_extents(NULL); extents (%g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g)\n",
		        extents.x_bearing, extents.y_bearing,
			extents.width, extents.height,
			extents.x_advance, extents.y_advance);

    memset (&extents, 0xff, sizeof (cairo_text_extents_t));
    cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents (scaled_font, (void*)8, 0, &extents);
    if (! text_extents_equal (&extents, &nil_extents)) {
	cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents(NULL); extents (%g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g)\n",
		        extents.x_bearing, extents.y_bearing,
			extents.width, extents.height,
			extents.x_advance, extents.y_advance);

    /* Lets also try font size 0 while here */
    cairo_set_font_size (cr, 0);

    memset (&extents, 0xff, sizeof (cairo_text_extents_t));
    cairo_text_extents (cr, "test", &extents);
    if (! text_extents_equal (&extents, &nil_extents)) {
	cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: cairo_set_font_size(0); cairo_text_extents(\"test\"); extents (%g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g)\n",
		        extents.x_bearing, extents.y_bearing,
			extents.width, extents.height,
			extents.x_advance, extents.y_advance);

    memset (&nil_font_extents, 0, sizeof (cairo_font_extents_t));

    memset (&font_extents, 0xff, sizeof (cairo_font_extents_t));
    cairo_font_extents (cr,  &font_extents);
    if (! font_extents_equal (&font_extents, &nil_font_extents)) {
	cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: cairo_set_font_size(0); cairo_font_extents(); extents (%g, %g, %g, %g, %g)\n",
		        font_extents.ascent, font_extents.descent,
			font_extents.max_x_advance, font_extents.max_y_advance);

    scaled_font = cairo_get_scaled_font (cr);

    memset (&font_extents, 0xff, sizeof (cairo_font_extents_t));
    cairo_scaled_font_extents (scaled_font,  &font_extents);
    if (! font_extents_equal (&font_extents, &nil_font_extents)) {
	cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: cairo_set_font_size(0); cairo_scaled_font_extents(); extents (%g, %g, %g, %g, %g)\n",
		        font_extents.ascent, font_extents.descent,
			font_extents.max_x_advance, font_extents.max_y_advance);

void Font::platformInit()
    m_syntheticBoldOffset = m_platformData.syntheticBold() ? 1.0f : 0.f;
    m_scriptCache = 0;
    m_scriptFontProperties = 0;
    m_isSystemFont = false;

    if (m_platformData.useGDI())
        return initGDIFont();

    if (!m_platformData.size()) {
        m_avgCharWidth = 0;
        m_maxCharWidth = 0;
        m_isSystemFont = false;
        m_scriptCache = 0;
        m_scriptFontProperties = 0;

    HWndDC dc(0);

    cairo_scaled_font_t* scaledFont = m_platformData.scaledFont();
    const double metricsMultiplier = cairo_win32_scaled_font_get_metrics_factor(scaledFont) * m_platformData.size();

    cairo_win32_scaled_font_select_font(scaledFont, dc);

    TEXTMETRIC textMetrics;
    GetTextMetrics(dc, &textMetrics);
    float ascent = textMetrics.tmAscent * metricsMultiplier;
    float descent = textMetrics.tmDescent * metricsMultiplier;
    float xHeight = ascent * 0.56f; // Best guess for xHeight for non-Truetype fonts.
    float lineGap = textMetrics.tmExternalLeading * metricsMultiplier;

    int faceLength = ::GetTextFace(dc, 0, 0);
    Vector<WCHAR> faceName(faceLength);
    ::GetTextFace(dc, faceLength, faceName.data());
    m_isSystemFont = !wcscmp(faceName.data(), L"Lucida Grande");

    ascent = ascentConsideringMacAscentHack(faceName.data(), ascent, descent);

    m_fontMetrics.setLineSpacing(lroundf(ascent) + lroundf(descent) + lroundf(lineGap));
    m_avgCharWidth = textMetrics.tmAveCharWidth * metricsMultiplier;
    m_maxCharWidth = textMetrics.tmMaxCharWidth * metricsMultiplier;

    cairo_text_extents_t extents;
    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents(scaledFont, "x", &extents);
    xHeight = -extents.y_bearing;


    m_scriptCache = 0;
    m_scriptFontProperties = 0;

    RestoreDC(dc, -1);
static PangoCairoFontHexBoxInfo *
_pango_cairo_font_private_get_hex_box_info (PangoCairoFontPrivate *cf_priv)
  static const char hexdigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
  char c[2] = {0, 0};
  PangoFont *mini_font;
  PangoCairoFontHexBoxInfo *hbi;

  /* for metrics hinting */
  double scale_x = 1., scale_x_inv = 1., scale_y = 1., scale_y_inv = 1.;
  gboolean is_hinted;

  int i;
  int rows;
  double pad;
  double width = 0;
  double height = 0;
  cairo_font_options_t *font_options;
  cairo_font_extents_t font_extents;
  double size, mini_size;
  PangoFontDescription *desc;
  cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font, *scaled_mini_font;
  PangoMatrix pango_ctm;
  cairo_matrix_t cairo_ctm;
  PangoGravity gravity;

  if (!cf_priv)
    return NULL;

  if (cf_priv->hbi)
    return cf_priv->hbi;

  scaled_font = _pango_cairo_font_private_get_scaled_font (cf_priv);
  if (G_UNLIKELY (scaled_font == NULL || cairo_scaled_font_status (scaled_font) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS))
    return NULL;

  is_hinted = cf_priv->is_hinted;

  font_options = cairo_font_options_create ();
  desc = pango_font_describe_with_absolute_size ((PangoFont *)cf_priv->cfont);
  size = pango_font_description_get_size (desc) / (1.*PANGO_SCALE);
  gravity = pango_font_description_get_gravity (desc);

  cairo_scaled_font_get_ctm (scaled_font, &cairo_ctm);
  cairo_scaled_font_get_font_options (scaled_font, font_options);
  /* I started adding support for vertical hexboxes here, but it's too much
   * work.  Easier to do with cairo user fonts and vertical writing mode
   * support in cairo.
  /*cairo_matrix_rotate (&cairo_ctm, pango_gravity_to_rotation (gravity));*/
  pango_ctm.xx = cairo_ctm.xx;
  pango_ctm.yx = cairo_ctm.yx;
  pango_ctm.xy = cairo_ctm.xy;
  pango_ctm.yy = cairo_ctm.yy;
  pango_ctm.x0 = cairo_ctm.x0;
  pango_ctm.y0 = cairo_ctm.y0;

  if (is_hinted)
      /* prepare for some hinting */
      double x, y;

      x = 1.; y = 0.;
      cairo_matrix_transform_distance (&cairo_ctm, &x, &y);
      scale_x = sqrt (x*x + y*y);
      scale_x_inv = 1 / scale_x;

      x = 0.; y = 1.;
      cairo_matrix_transform_distance (&cairo_ctm, &x, &y);
      scale_y = sqrt (x*x + y*y);
      scale_y_inv = 1 / scale_y;

/* we hint to the nearest device units */
#define HINT(value, scale, scale_inv) (ceil ((value-1e-5) * scale) * scale_inv)
#define HINT_X(value) HINT ((value), scale_x, scale_x_inv)
#define HINT_Y(value) HINT ((value), scale_y, scale_y_inv)

  /* create mini_font description */
    PangoFontMap *fontmap;
    PangoContext *context;

    /* XXX this is racy.  need a ref'ing getter... */
    fontmap = pango_font_get_font_map ((PangoFont *)cf_priv->cfont);
    if (!fontmap)
      return NULL;
    fontmap = g_object_ref (fontmap);

    /* we inherit most font properties for the mini font.  just
     * change family and size.  means, you get bold hex digits
     * in the hexbox for a bold font.

    /* We should rotate the box, not glyphs */
    pango_font_description_unset_fields (desc, PANGO_FONT_MASK_GRAVITY);

    pango_font_description_set_family_static (desc, "monospace");

    rows = 2;
    mini_size = size / 2.2;
    if (is_hinted)
	mini_size = HINT_Y (mini_size);

	if (mini_size < 6.0)
	    rows = 1;
	    mini_size = MIN (MAX (size - 1, 0), 6.0);

    pango_font_description_set_absolute_size (desc, pango_units_from_double (mini_size));

    /* load mini_font */

    context = pango_font_map_create_context (fontmap);

    pango_context_set_matrix (context, &pango_ctm);
    pango_context_set_language (context, pango_script_get_sample_language (PANGO_SCRIPT_LATIN));
    pango_cairo_context_set_font_options (context, font_options);
    mini_font = pango_font_map_load_font (fontmap, context, desc);

    g_object_unref (context);
    g_object_unref (fontmap);

  pango_font_description_free (desc);
  cairo_font_options_destroy (font_options);

  scaled_mini_font = pango_cairo_font_get_scaled_font ((PangoCairoFont *) mini_font);

  for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++)
      cairo_text_extents_t extents;

      c[0] = hexdigits[i];
      cairo_scaled_font_text_extents (scaled_mini_font, c, &extents);
      width = MAX (width, extents.width);
      height = MAX (height, extents.height);

  cairo_scaled_font_extents (scaled_font, &font_extents);
  if (font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent <= 0)
      font_extents.ascent = PANGO_UNKNOWN_GLYPH_HEIGHT;
      font_extents.descent = 0;

  pad = (font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent) / 43;
  pad = MIN (pad, mini_size);

  hbi = g_slice_new (PangoCairoFontHexBoxInfo);
  hbi->font = (PangoCairoFont *) mini_font;
  hbi->rows = rows;

  hbi->digit_width  = width;
  hbi->digit_height = height;

  hbi->pad_x = pad;
  hbi->pad_y = pad;

  if (is_hinted)
      hbi->digit_width  = HINT_X (hbi->digit_width);
      hbi->digit_height = HINT_Y (hbi->digit_height);
      hbi->pad_x = HINT_X (hbi->pad_x);
      hbi->pad_y = HINT_Y (hbi->pad_y);

  hbi->line_width = MIN (hbi->pad_x, hbi->pad_y);

  hbi->box_height = 3 * hbi->pad_y + rows * (hbi->pad_y + hbi->digit_height);

  if (rows == 1 || hbi->box_height <= font_extents.ascent)
      hbi->box_descent = 2 * hbi->pad_y;
  else if (hbi->box_height <= font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent - 2 * hbi->pad_y)
      hbi->box_descent = 2 * hbi->pad_y + hbi->box_height - font_extents.ascent;
      hbi->box_descent = font_extents.descent * hbi->box_height /
			 (font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent);
  if (is_hinted)
       hbi->box_descent = HINT_Y (hbi->box_descent);

  cf_priv->hbi = hbi;
  return hbi;
static cairo_test_status_t
draw (cairo_t *cr, int width, int height)
    const cairo_test_context_t *ctx = cairo_test_get_context (cr);
    cairo_surface_t *surface;
    cairo_t         *cr2;
    const char      *phase;
    const char	     string[] = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
    cairo_text_extents_t extents, scaled_font_extents;
    cairo_status_t   status;
    int              errors = 0;

    surface = cairo_surface_create_similar (cairo_get_group_target (cr),
                                            CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR, 100, 100);
    /* don't use cr accidentally */
    cr = NULL;
    cr2 = cairo_create (surface);
    cairo_surface_destroy (surface);

    cairo_set_line_width (cr2, 10);
    cairo_set_line_join (cr2, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_MITER);
    cairo_set_miter_limit (cr2, 100);

    phase = "No path";
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, EQUALS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, EQUALS, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    cairo_save (cr2);

    cairo_new_path (cr2);
    cairo_move_to (cr2, 200, 400);
    cairo_rel_line_to (cr2, 0., 0.);
    phase = "Degenerate line";
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, EQUALS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, EQUALS, 200, 400, 0, 0);

    cairo_new_path (cr2);
    cairo_move_to (cr2, 200, 400);
    cairo_rel_curve_to (cr2, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.);
    phase = "Degenerate curve";
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, EQUALS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, EQUALS, 200, 400, 0, 0);

    cairo_new_path (cr2);
    cairo_arc (cr2, 200, 400, 0., 0, 2 * M_PI);
    phase = "Degenerate arc (R=0)";
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, EQUALS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, EQUALS, 200, 400, 0, 0);

    cairo_new_path (cr2);
    cairo_arc (cr2, 200, 400, 10., 0, 0);
    phase = "Degenerate arc (Θ=0)";
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, EQUALS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, EQUALS, 200, 400, 0, 0);

    cairo_new_path (cr2);
    cairo_restore (cr2);

    /* Test that with CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND, we get "dots" from
     * cairo_move_to; cairo_rel_line_to(0,0) */
    cairo_save (cr2);

    cairo_set_line_cap (cr2, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND);
    cairo_set_line_width (cr2, 20);

    cairo_move_to (cr2, 200, 400);
    cairo_rel_line_to (cr2, 0, 0);
    phase = "Single 'dot'";
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, EQUALS, 190, 390, 20, 20);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, EQUALS, 200, 400, 0, 0);

    /* Add another dot without starting a new path */
    cairo_move_to (cr2, 100, 500);
    cairo_rel_line_to (cr2, 0, 0);
    phase = "Multiple 'dots'";
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, EQUALS, 90, 390, 120, 120);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, EQUALS, 100, 400, 100, 100);

    cairo_new_path (cr2);

    cairo_restore (cr2);

    /* http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7965 */
    phase = "A vertical, open path";
    cairo_save (cr2);
    cairo_set_line_cap (cr2, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_ROUND);
    cairo_set_line_join (cr2, CAIRO_LINE_JOIN_ROUND);
    cairo_move_to (cr2, 0, 180);
    cairo_line_to (cr2, 750, 180);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, EQUALS, -5, 175, 760, 10);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, EQUALS, 0, 180, 755, 0);
    cairo_new_path (cr2);
    cairo_restore (cr2);

    phase = "Simple rect";
    cairo_save (cr2);
    cairo_rectangle (cr2, 10, 10, 80, 80);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 10, 10, 80, 80);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, EQUALS, 5, 5, 90, 90);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, EQUALS, 10, 10, 80, 80);
    cairo_new_path (cr2);
    cairo_restore (cr2);

    phase = "Two rects";
    cairo_save (cr2);
    cairo_rectangle (cr2, 10, 10, 10, 10);
    cairo_rectangle (cr2, 20, 20, 10, 10);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 10, 10, 20, 20);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, EQUALS, 5, 5, 30, 30);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, EQUALS, 10, 10, 20, 20);
    cairo_new_path (cr2);
    cairo_restore (cr2);

    phase = "Triangle";
    cairo_save (cr2);
    cairo_move_to (cr2, 10, 10);
    cairo_line_to (cr2, 90, 90);
    cairo_line_to (cr2, 90, 10);
    cairo_close_path (cr2);
    /* miter joins protrude 5*(1+sqrt(2)) above the top-left corner and to
       the right of the bottom-right corner */
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 10, 10, 80, 80);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, CONTAINS, 0, 5, 95, 95);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, CONTAINS, 10, 10, 80, 80);
    cairo_new_path (cr2);
    cairo_restore (cr2);

    cairo_save (cr2);

    cairo_set_line_width (cr2, 4);

    cairo_rectangle (cr2, 10, 10, 30, 30);
    cairo_rectangle (cr2, 25, 10, 15, 30);

    cairo_set_fill_rule (cr2, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD);
    phase = "EVEN_ODD overlapping rectangles";
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 10, 10, 15, 30);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, EQUALS, 8, 8, 34, 34);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, EQUALS, 10, 10, 30, 30);

    /* Test other fill rule with the same path. */

    cairo_set_fill_rule (cr2, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING);
    phase = "WINDING overlapping rectangles";
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 10, 10, 30, 30);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, EQUALS, 8, 8, 34, 34);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, EQUALS, 10, 10, 30, 30);

    /* Now, change the direction of the second rectangle and test both
     * fill rules again. */
    cairo_new_path (cr2);
    cairo_rectangle (cr2, 10, 10, 30, 30);
    cairo_rectangle (cr2, 25, 40, 15, -30);

    cairo_set_fill_rule (cr2, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD);
    phase = "EVEN_ODD overlapping rectangles";
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 10, 10, 15, 30);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, EQUALS, 8, 8, 34, 34);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, EQUALS, 10, 10, 30, 30);

    /* Test other fill rule with the same path. */

    cairo_set_fill_rule (cr2, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING);
    phase = "WINDING overlapping rectangles";
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 10, 10, 15, 30);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, EQUALS, 8, 8, 34, 34);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, EQUALS, 10, 10, 30, 30);

    cairo_new_path (cr2);

    cairo_restore (cr2);

    /* http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7245 */
    phase = "Arc";
    cairo_save (cr2);
    cairo_arc (cr2, 250.0, 250.0, 157.0, 5.147, 3.432);
    cairo_set_line_width (cr2, 154.0);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, APPROX_EQUALS, 16, 38, 468, 446);
    cairo_new_path (cr2);
    cairo_restore (cr2);

    phase = "Text";
    cairo_save (cr2);
    cairo_select_font_face (cr2, "Bitstream Vera Sans",
    cairo_set_font_size (cr2, 12);
    cairo_text_extents (cr2, string, &extents);
    /* double check that the two methods of measuring the text agree... */
    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents (cairo_get_scaled_font (cr2),
    if (memcmp (&extents, &scaled_font_extents, sizeof (extents))) {
	cairo_test_log (ctx, "Error: cairo_text_extents() does not match cairo_scaled_font_text_extents() - font extents (%f, %f) x (%f, %f) should be (%f, %f) x (%f, %f)\n",

    cairo_move_to (cr2, -extents.x_bearing, -extents.y_bearing);
    cairo_text_path (cr2, string);
    cairo_set_line_width (cr2, 2.0);
    /* XXX: We'd like to be able to use EQUALS here, but currently
     * when hinting is enabled freetype returns integer extents. See
     * http://cairographics.org/todo */
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, APPROX_EQUALS,
			      0, 0, extents.width, extents.height);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, APPROX_EQUALS,
			      -1, -1, extents.width+2, extents.height+2);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, APPROX_EQUALS,
			      0, 0, extents.width, extents.height);
    cairo_new_path (cr2);
    cairo_restore (cr2);

    phase = "User space, simple scale, getting extents with same transform";
    cairo_save (cr2);
    cairo_scale (cr2, 2, 2);
    cairo_rectangle (cr2, 5, 5, 40, 40);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 5, 5, 40, 40);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, EQUALS, 0, 0, 50, 50);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, EQUALS, 5, 5, 40, 40);
    cairo_new_path (cr2);
    cairo_restore (cr2);

    phase = "User space, simple scale, getting extents with no transform";
    cairo_save (cr2);
    cairo_save (cr2);
    cairo_scale (cr2, 2, 2);
    cairo_rectangle (cr2, 5, 5, 40, 40);
    cairo_restore (cr2);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, EQUALS, 10, 10, 80, 80);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, EQUALS, 5, 5, 90, 90);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, EQUALS, 10, 10, 80, 80);
    cairo_new_path (cr2);
    cairo_restore (cr2);

    phase = "User space, rotation, getting extents with transform";
    cairo_save (cr2);
    cairo_rectangle (cr2, -50, -50, 50, 50);
    cairo_rotate (cr2, -M_PI/4);
    /* the path in user space is now (nearly) the square rotated by
       45 degrees about the origin. Thus its x1 and x2 are both nearly 0.
       This should show any bugs where we just transform device-space
       x1,y1 and x2,y2 to get the extents. */
    /* The largest axis-aligned square inside the rotated path has
       side lengths 50*sqrt(2), so a bit over 35 on either side of
       the axes. With the stroke width added to the rotated path,
       the largest axis-aligned square is a bit over 38 on either side of
       the axes. */
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, FILL, CONTAINS, -35, -35, 35, 35);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, STROKE, CONTAINS, -38, -38, 38, 38);
    errors += !check_extents (ctx, phase, cr2, PATH, CONTAINS, -35, -35, 35, 35);
    cairo_new_path (cr2);
    cairo_restore (cr2);

    status = cairo_status (cr2);
    cairo_destroy (cr2);

    if (status)
	return cairo_test_status_from_status (ctx, status);

    return errors == 0 ? CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS : CAIRO_TEST_FAILURE;
Exemple #13
 void textwidth(const string& text, cairo_text_extents_t* extents) override {
   cairo_scaled_font_text_extents(m_scaled, text.c_str(), extents);
Exemple #14
 int CairoFont::getWidth(const std::string& text) const
     cairo_text_extents_t textext;
     return (int)textext.width;