/// return current path if a directory, path to file if file, also handles x-caja-desktop
/// on failure (smb:///, sftp, ...) returns empty string
inline std::string get_path(CajaFileInfo* file_info){
		const gchar_handle uri(caja_file_info_get_uri(file_info));
		const std::size_t len = std::strlen(uri.get());
		if(len >= caja_desktop.size() && caja_desktop.compare(0, caja_desktop.size(), uri.get(), caja_desktop.size()) == 0){
			const char* home = g_get_home_dir();
			return to_string(home);
		const gchar_handle path(g_filename_from_uri(uri.get(), nullptr, nullptr));
		return to_string(path.get());
	const gchar_handle uri(caja_file_info_get_parent_uri(file_info));
	const gchar_handle path(g_filename_from_uri(uri.get(), nullptr, nullptr));
	return to_string(path.get());
static GList*
get_file_items (CajaMenuProvider *provider,
		GtkWidget            *window,
		GList                *files)
  CajaShares *shares;
  gboolean one_item, is_local, is_dir;
  CajaFileInfo *info;
  CajaMenuItem *menu_item;

  shares = CAJA_SHARES (provider);
  one_item = (files && !files->next);

  if (!one_item)
    return NULL;
  info = files->data;
  is_dir = caja_file_info_is_directory (info);

  if (!is_dir)
    return NULL;

  is_local = is_directory_local (info);

  if (!is_local)
    return NULL;

  menu_item = caja_menu_item_new ("CajaShares::share",
				      _("_Share Folder..."),
				      _("Share this folder with other computers"),

  /* do not allow running more than one instance from caja at the same time */
  g_object_set (menu_item, "sensitive", (shares->pid == 0), NULL);
  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (menu_item),
		    G_CALLBACK (on_menu_item_activate), NULL);

  g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (menu_item), "file", info);
  g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (menu_item), "shares", provider);

  return g_list_append (NULL, menu_item);
static gboolean
file_get_share_status_file (CajaShares   *shares,
			    CajaFileInfo *file)
  char *path;
  gboolean status;

  if (!caja_file_info_is_directory(file) || !is_directory_local (file))
    status = FALSE;
      path = get_path_from_file_info (file);
      g_return_val_if_fail (path != NULL, FALSE);

      status = (g_hash_table_lookup (shares->paths, path) != NULL);
      g_free (path);

  return status;
static void
do_file_info_command(GIOChannel *chan, DropboxFileInfoCommand *dfic, GError **gerr) {
  /* we need to send two requests to dropbox:
     file status, and folder_tags */
  GError *tmp_gerr = NULL;
  DropboxFileInfoCommandResponse *dficr;
  GHashTable *file_status_response = NULL, *args, *folder_tag_response = NULL, *emblems_response = NULL;
  gchar *filename = NULL;

    gchar *filename_un, *uri;
    uri = caja_file_info_get_uri(dfic->file);
    filename_un = uri ? g_filename_from_uri(uri, NULL, NULL): NULL;
    if (filename_un) {
      filename = g_filename_to_utf8(filename_un, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL);
      if (filename == NULL) {
        /* oooh, filename wasn't correctly encoded. mark as  */
	debug("file wasn't correctly encoded %s", filename_un);

  if (filename == NULL) {
    /* We couldn't get the filename.  Just return empty. */
    goto exit;

  args = g_hash_table_new_full((GHashFunc) g_str_hash,
			       (GEqualFunc) g_str_equal,
			       (GDestroyNotify) g_free,
			       (GDestroyNotify) g_strfreev);
    gchar **path_arg;
    path_arg = g_new(gchar *, 2);
    path_arg[0] = g_strdup(filename);
    path_arg[1] = NULL;
    g_hash_table_insert(args, g_strdup("path"), path_arg);

  emblems_response = send_command_to_db(chan, "get_emblems", args, NULL);
  if (emblems_response) {
      /* Don't need to do the other calls. */
      goto exit;

  /* send status command to server */
  file_status_response = send_command_to_db(chan, "icon_overlay_file_status",
					    args, &tmp_gerr);
  args = NULL;
  if (tmp_gerr != NULL) {
    g_assert(file_status_response == NULL);
    g_propagate_error(gerr, tmp_gerr);

  if (caja_file_info_is_directory(dfic->file)) {
    args = g_hash_table_new_full((GHashFunc) g_str_hash,
				 (GEqualFunc) g_str_equal,
				 (GDestroyNotify) g_free,
				 (GDestroyNotify) g_strfreev);
      gchar **paths_arg;
      paths_arg = g_new(gchar *, 2);
      paths_arg[0] = g_strdup(filename);
      paths_arg[1] = NULL;
      g_hash_table_insert(args, g_strdup("path"), paths_arg);
    folder_tag_response =
      send_command_to_db(chan, "get_folder_tag", args, &tmp_gerr);
    args = NULL;
    if (tmp_gerr != NULL) {
      if (file_status_response != NULL)
      g_assert(folder_tag_response == NULL);
      g_propagate_error(gerr, tmp_gerr);