Exemple #1
inline int scoreDigraph(Keyboard *k, char digraph[], int64_t multiplier,
                        int allLocs[])
	int loc0 = allLocs[(int) digraph[0]];
	int loc1 = allLocs[(int) digraph[1]];
    k->fitness += allDigraphCosts[loc0][loc1] * multiplier;
    return 0;
	if (loc0 >= ksize && loc1 >= ksize) {
		k->distance += doubleShiftCost * multiplier;
	} else if ((loc0 >= ksize) ^ (loc1 >= ksize)) {
		k->distance += shiftCost * multiplier;
	loc0 %= ksize;
	loc1 %= ksize;
	/* These all require that the hand be the same. */
	if (hand[loc0] == hand[loc1]) {
		k->sameHand		+= sameHand					  * multiplier;
		k->sameFinger	+= calcSameFinger(loc0, loc1) * multiplier;
		/* These factors are meaningless for the thumbs, because thumbs are 
		 * relatively separate from the rest of the fingers.
		if (finger[loc0] != THUMB && finger[loc1] != THUMB) {
			k->inRoll    += calcInRoll    (loc0, loc1) * multiplier;	
			k->outRoll   += calcOutRoll   (loc0, loc1) * multiplier;	
			k->rowChange += calcRowChange (loc0, loc1) * multiplier;
			k->homeJump  += calcHomeJump  (loc0, loc1) * multiplier;
			k->ringJump  += calcRingJump  (loc0, loc1) * multiplier;
			k->toCenter  += calcToCenter  (loc0, loc1) * multiplier;
			k->toOutside += calcToOutside (loc0, loc1) * multiplier;		
	return 0;
Exemple #2
inline int scoreDigraphDirect(Keyboard *k, char digraph[], int64_t multiplier)
	int locs[2];
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) locs[i] = locIgnoreShifted(k, digraph[i]);
	if (hand[locs[0]] == hand[locs[1]]) {
		if (calcInRoll    (locs[0], locs[1]) != 0) k->inRoll     += multiplier;
		if (calcOutRoll   (locs[0], locs[1]) != 0) k->outRoll    += multiplier;
												   k->sameHand   += multiplier;
		if (calcSameFinger(locs[0], locs[1]) != 0) k->sameFinger += multiplier;
		if (calcRowChange (locs[0], locs[1]) != 0) k->rowChange  += multiplier;
		if (calcHomeJump  (locs[0], locs[1]) != 0) k->homeJump   += multiplier;
		if (calcRingJump  (locs[0], locs[1]) != 0) k->ringJump   += multiplier;
		if (calcToCenter  (locs[0], locs[1]) != 0) k->toCenter   += multiplier;
		if (calcToOutside (locs[0], locs[1]) != 0) k->toOutside	 += multiplier;
	return 0;
Exemple #3
int preCalculateFitness()
	int i, j;
    memset(allDigraphCosts, 0, sizeof(allDigraphCosts));
	for (i = 0; i < 2 * ksize; ++i) {
		for (j = 0; j < 2 * ksize; ++j) {
            if (i >= ksize && j >= ksize) {
                allDigraphCosts[i][j] += doubleShiftCost;
            } else if ((i >= ksize) != (j >= ksize)) {
                allDigraphCosts[i][j] += shiftCost;
            int loc0 = i % ksize;
            int loc1 = j % ksize;
			if (hand[loc0] == hand[loc1]) {
				allDigraphCosts[i][j] += sameHand;
				allDigraphCosts[i][j] += calcSameFinger(loc0, loc1);

				if (finger[i] != THUMB && finger[j] != THUMB) {
					allDigraphCosts[i][j] += calcInRoll   (loc0, loc1);
					allDigraphCosts[i][j] += calcOutRoll  (loc0, loc1);	
					allDigraphCosts[i][j] += calcRowChange(loc0, loc1);
					allDigraphCosts[i][j] += calcHomeJump (loc0, loc1);
					allDigraphCosts[i][j] += calcRingJump (loc0, loc1);
					allDigraphCosts[i][j] += calcToCenter (loc0, loc1);
					allDigraphCosts[i][j] += calcToOutside(loc0, loc1);
	return 0;
Exemple #4
 * Make sure that all of the fitness functions are working correctly. A bug in there
 * would be hard to notice without explicitly testing it.
 * 1: There is a bug in one of the fitness functions.
int testFitness()
    if (fullKeyboard == FK_NO) {
        printf("\nTesting calcInRoll():\n");
        testResult(calcInRoll(0, 0), 0);
        testResult(calcInRoll(10, 11), inRoll);
        testResult(calcInRoll(14, 15), 0);
        testResult(calcInRoll(29, 28), inRoll);
        testResult(calcInRoll(3, 4), 0);
        testResult(calcInRoll(4, 3), 0);
        testResult(calcInRoll(11, 2), 0);
        testResult(calcInRoll(2, 11), 0);

        printf("\nTesting calcOutRoll():\n");
        testResult(calcOutRoll(0, 0), 0);
        testResult(calcOutRoll(11, 10), outRoll);
        testResult(calcOutRoll(15, 14), 0);
        testResult(calcOutRoll(28, 29), outRoll);
        testResult(calcOutRoll(3, 4), 0);
        testResult(calcOutRoll(14, 13), 0);

        printf("\nTesting calcSameFinger():\n");
        testResult(calcSameFinger(0, 0), 0);
        testResult(calcSameFinger(10, 0), sameFingerP);
        testResult(calcSameFinger(11, 21), sameFingerR);
        testResult(calcSameFinger(7, 27), sameFingerM);
        testResult(calcSameFinger(13, 4), sameFingerI);
        testResult(calcSameFinger(0, 4), 0);

        printf("\nTesting calcRowChange():\n");
        testResult(calcRowChange(8, 8), 0);
        testResult(calcRowChange(10, 0), rowChangeUp);
        testResult(calcRowChange(11, 0), rowChangeUp + handWarp);
        testResult(calcRowChange(13, 2), rowChangeUp + handSmooth);
        testResult(calcRowChange(8, 16), rowChangeDown);
        testResult(calcRowChange(8, 26), rowChangeDown);
        testResult(calcRowChange(28, 9), rowChangeUp + handWarp);
        testResult(calcRowChange(25, 5), rowChangeUp);

        printf("\nTesting calcHomeJump():\n");
        testResult(calcHomeJump(8, 8), 0);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(10, 0), 0);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(11, 0), 0);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(10, 1), 0);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(8, 16), 0);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(8, 26), homeJump + homeJumpIndex);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(28, 9), homeJump);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(25, 5), homeJump);

        printf("\nTesting calcToCenter():\n");
        testResult(calcToCenter(0, 0), 0);
        testResult(calcToCenter(13, 14), toCenter);
        testResult(calcToCenter(17, 15), toCenter);
        testResult(calcToCenter(4, 1), toCenter);
        testResult(calcToCenter(25, 9), toCenter);
        testResult(calcToCenter(25, 15), 0);

    } else if (fullKeyboard == FK_STANDARD) {
        printf("\nTesting calcHomeJump():\n");
        testResult(calcHomeJump(8, 8), 0);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(14, 0), 0);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(15, 0), 0);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(14, 1), 0);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(36, 9), 0);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(48, 9), doubleJump + homeJumpIndex);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(49, 23), homeJump + homeJumpIndex);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(44, 18), homeJump);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(44, 3), doubleJump);

    } else {
        printf("\nTesting calcInRoll():\n");
        testResult(calcInRoll(0, 0), 0);
        testResult(calcInRoll(2, 3), inRoll);
        testResult(calcInRoll(2, 14), 0);
        testResult(calcInRoll(13, 3), 0);
        testResult(calcInRoll(29, 28), inRoll);
        testResult(calcInRoll(28, 27), 0);

        printf("\nTesting calcSameFinger():\n");
        testResult(calcSameFinger(0, 0), 0);
        testResult(calcSameFinger(11, 0), sameFingerP);
        testResult(calcSameFinger(12, 23), sameFingerR);
        testResult(calcSameFinger(7, 29), sameFingerM);
        testResult(calcSameFinger(25, 15), sameFingerI);
        testResult(calcSameFinger(0, 4), 0);

        printf("\nTesting calcHomeJump():\n");
        testResult(calcHomeJump(8, 8), 0);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(11, 0), 0);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(12, 0), 0);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(11, 1), 0);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(8, 17), 0);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(19, 39), homeJump + homeJumpIndex);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(41, 20), homeJump);
        testResult(calcHomeJump(38, 16), homeJump);

    return 0;
Exemple #5
int worstDigraphs(Keyboard *k, int damagingp)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < FINGER_COUNT; ++i) k->fingerUsage[i] = 0;

    char keys[diLen][2];
    memcpy(keys, diKeys, sizeof(char) * diLen * 2);

    int64_t values[diLen];

    for (i = 0; i < diLen; ++i) {
        k->distance		= 0;
        k->inRoll		= 0;
        k->outRoll		= 0;
        k->sameHand		= 0;
        k->sameFinger	= 0;
        k->rowChange	= 0;
        k->homeJump		= 0;
        k->toCenter		= 0;
        k->toOutside	= 0;
        int locs[2];

        locs[0] = locWithoutShifted(k, diKeys[i][0]);
        locs[1] = locWithoutShifted(k, diKeys[i][1]);

        // These all require that the hand be the same.
        if (hand[locs[0]] == hand[locs[1]]) {
            k->inRoll		= calcInRoll    (locs[0], locs[1]);
            k->outRoll		= calcOutRoll   (locs[0], locs[1]);
            k->sameHand		= sameHand						  ;
            k->sameFinger	= calcSameFinger(locs[0], locs[1]);
            k->rowChange	= calcRowChange (locs[0], locs[1]);
            k->homeJump		= calcHomeJump  (locs[0], locs[1]);
            k->toCenter		= calcToCenter  (locs[0], locs[1]);
            k->toOutside	= calcToOutside (locs[0], locs[1]);
        k->distance = (distanceCosts[locs[0]] + distanceCosts[locs[1]]) * distance;

        /* Re-assign diValues[i] to the cost of that digraph. */
        values[i] = k->distance + k->inRoll + k->outRoll + k->sameHand + k->sameFinger + k->rowChange + k->homeJump + k->toCenter + k->toOutside;

        /* This function will tell you...
         * Without this line: Which digraphs have the worst score.
         * With this line: Which digraphs are the most damaging, based on both score and frequency.
        if (damagingp)
            values[i] *= diValues[i];

    sortDigraphs(keys, values, 0, diLen - 1);

    for (i = 0; i < diLen; ++i) {
        char buf1[5];
        char buf2[5];
        charToPrintable(buf1, keys[i][0], FALSE);
        charToPrintable(buf2, keys[i][1], FALSE);

        printf("%s%s = %lld\n", buf1, buf2, values[i]);


    return 0;
Exemple #6
int worstDigraphs(Keyboard *k, int damagingp)
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < FINGER_COUNT; ++i) k->fingerUsage[i] = 0;
	struct Digraph worst[diLen];
	memcpy(worst, digraphs, sizeof(worst) * diLen);
	for (i = 0; i < diLen; ++i) {
		k->distance	    = 0;
		k->inRoll       = 0;
		k->outRoll      = 0;
		k->sameHand     = 0;
		k->sameFinger   = 0;
		k->rowChange    = 0;
		k->homeJump     = 0;
		k->toCenter     = 0;
		k->toOutside    = 0;
		int locs[2];
		locs[0] = locIgnoreShifted(k, worst[i].key[0]);
		locs[1] = locIgnoreShifted(k, worst[i].key[1]);
		// These all require that the hand be the same.
		if (hand[locs[0]] == hand[locs[1]]) {
			k->inRoll     = calcInRoll    (locs[0], locs[1]);	
			k->outRoll    = calcOutRoll   (locs[0], locs[1]);	
			k->sameHand   = sameHand                        ;
			k->sameFinger = calcSameFinger(locs[0], locs[1]);
			k->rowChange  = calcRowChange (locs[0], locs[1]);
			k->homeJump   = calcHomeJump  (locs[0], locs[1]);
			k->toCenter   = calcToCenter  (locs[0], locs[1]);
			k->toOutside  = calcToOutside (locs[0], locs[1]);
		k->distance = (distanceCosts[locs[0]] + distanceCosts[locs[1]]) * distance;

		/* Re-assign digraphs[i].value to the cost of that digraph. */
		worst[i].value = k->distance + k->inRoll + k->outRoll +
                k->sameHand + k->sameFinger + k->rowChange + k->homeJump +
                k->toCenter + k->toOutside;
		/* This function will tell you...
		 * Without this line: Which digraphs have the worst score.
		 * With this line: Which digraphs are the most damaging, based on both score and frequency.
		if (damagingp)
			worst[i].value *= digraphs[i].value;
	qsort(worst, diLen, sizeof(struct Digraph), &cmpDigraphsByValue);
	for (i = 0; i < diLen; ++i) {
		char buf1[5];
		char buf2[5];
		charToPrintable(buf1, worst[i].key[0], FALSE);
		charToPrintable(buf2, worst[i].key[1], FALSE);
		printf("%s%s = %lld\n", buf1, buf2, worst[i].value);
	return 0;	