Exemple #1
void TVA::reset(const Part *newPart, const TimbreParam::PartialParam *newPartialParam, const MemParams::RhythmTemp *newRhythmTemp) {
	part = newPart;
	partialParam = newPartialParam;
	patchTemp = newPart->getPatchTemp();
	rhythmTemp = newRhythmTemp;

	playing = true;

	Tables *tables = &partial->getSynth()->tables;

	int key = partial->getPoly()->getKey();
	int velocity = partial->getPoly()->getVelocity();

	keyTimeSubtraction = calcKeyTimeSubtraction(partialParam->tva.envTimeKeyfollow, key);

	biasAmpSubtraction = calcBiasAmpSubtractions(partialParam, key);
	veloAmpSubtraction = calcVeloAmpSubtraction(partialParam->tva.veloSensitivity, velocity);

	int newTargetAmp = calcBasicAmp(tables, partial, system, partialParam, patchTemp, newRhythmTemp, biasAmpSubtraction, veloAmpSubtraction, part->getExpression());

	if (partialParam->tva.envTime[0] == 0) {
		// Initially go to the TVA_PHASE_ATTACK target amp, and spend the next phase going from there to the TVA_PHASE_2 target amp
		// Note that this means that velocity never affects time for this partial.
		newTargetAmp += partialParam->tva.envLevel[0];
		targetPhase = TVA_PHASE_2 - 1; // The first target used in nextPhase() will be TVA_PHASE_2
	} else {
		// Initially go to the base amp determined by TVA level, part volume, etc., and spend the next phase going from there to the full TVA_PHASE_ATTACK target amp.
		targetPhase = TVA_PHASE_ATTACK - 1; // The first target used in nextPhase() will be TVA_PHASE_ATTACK

	// "Go downward as quickly as possible".
	// Since currentAmp is 0, nextAmp() will notice that we're already at or below the target and trying to go downward,
	// and therefore jump to the target immediately and call nextPhase().
	setAmpIncrement(0x80 | 127);
	la32TargetAmp = (Bit8u)newTargetAmp;

	currentAmp = 0;
Exemple #2
void TVA::reset(const Part *newPart, const TimbreParam::PartialParam *newPartialParam, const MemParams::RhythmTemp *newRhythmTemp) {
	part = newPart;
	partialParam = newPartialParam;
	patchTemp = newPart->getPatchTemp();
	rhythmTemp = newRhythmTemp;

	playing = true;

	const Tables *tables = &Tables::getInstance();

	int key = partial->getPoly()->getKey();
	int velocity = partial->getPoly()->getVelocity();

	keyTimeSubtraction = calcKeyTimeSubtraction(partialParam->tva.envTimeKeyfollow, key);

	biasAmpSubtraction = calcBiasAmpSubtractions(partialParam, key);
	veloAmpSubtraction = calcVeloAmpSubtraction(partialParam->tva.veloSensitivity, velocity);

	int newTarget = calcBasicAmp(tables, partial, system, partialParam, patchTemp, newRhythmTemp, biasAmpSubtraction, veloAmpSubtraction, part->getExpression(), partial->getSynth()->controlROMFeatures->quirkRingModulationNoMix);
	int newPhase;
	if (partialParam->tva.envTime[0] == 0) {
		// Initially go to the TVA_PHASE_ATTACK target amp, and spend the next phase going from there to the TVA_PHASE_2 target amp
		// Note that this means that velocity never affects time for this partial.
		newTarget += partialParam->tva.envLevel[0];
		newPhase = TVA_PHASE_ATTACK; // The first target used in nextPhase() will be TVA_PHASE_2
	} else {
		// Initially go to the base amp determined by TVA level, part volume, etc., and spend the next phase going from there to the full TVA_PHASE_ATTACK target amp.
		newPhase = TVA_PHASE_BASIC; // The first target used in nextPhase() will be TVA_PHASE_ATTACK

	ampRamp->reset();//currentAmp = 0;

	// "Go downward as quickly as possible".
	// Since the current value is 0, the LA32Ramp will notice that we're already at or below the target and trying to go downward,
	// and therefore jump to the target immediately and raise an interrupt.
	startRamp(Bit8u(newTarget), 0x80 | 127, newPhase);