Exemple #1
 *  Perform a single WHAM iteration
void wham_iteration(struct hist_group* hist_group, double *prob, 
                   int have_energy)
int i,j;
double num, denom, bias, bf, coor;
// loop over bins of global histogram
for (i=0; i<NUM_BINS; i++)
    coor = calc_coor(i);
    num = 0.0;
    denom = 0.0;
     *   use previous biases to estimate probability
     *   Equation 8 in Reference 1
    for (j=0; j<hist_group->num_windows;j++)
        num += (double) get_histval( &(hist_group->hists[j]),i);
        bias = calc_bias(hist_group,j,coor);
        bf = exp((hist_group->F_old[j] - bias) / hist_group->kT[j]);
        /* If we have energies, then the histograms contain boltzmann 
         * factors.  If not, they contain integer counts.  Accordingly, 
         * we either use a partition function to normalize, or simply the 
         * number of points.
        if (have_energy)
            denom += (double) hist_group->partition[j] * bf;
            denom += (double) hist_group->hists[j].num_points * bf;
    prob[i] = num / denom;
     *   use new probability to update bias estimate
     *   Equation 9 from Reference 1
    for (j=0; j<hist_group->num_windows;j++)
        bias = calc_bias(hist_group,j,coor);
        bf = exp(-bias/hist_group->kT[j]) * prob[i];
        hist_group->F[j] += bf;
 *   take natural log of Equation 9 from Reference 1
 *   because we store F rather than exp(-F/kT)
for (j=0; j<hist_group->num_windows;j++)
    hist_group->F[j] = -hist_group->kT[j] * log(hist_group->F[j]);
for (j=hist_group->num_windows - 1;j>=0;j--)
    hist_group->F[j] -= hist_group->F[0];
Exemple #2
void GBDT::fit(Problem const &Tr, Problem const &Va)
    bias = calc_bias(Tr.Y);

    std::vector<float> F_Tr(Tr.nr_instance, bias), F_Va(Va.nr_instance, bias);

    Timer timer;
    printf("iter     time    tr_loss    va_loss\n");
    for(uint32_t t = 0; t < trees.size(); ++t)

        std::vector<float> const &Y = Tr.Y;
        std::vector<float> R(Tr.nr_instance), F1(Tr.nr_instance);

        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
        for(uint32_t i = 0; i < Tr.nr_instance; ++i){ 
            double tmp = Y[i]*F_Tr[i];
            //tmp = (tmp < 1e-12)? 1e-12 : tmp ;
            //tmp = (tmp > 1e12)? 1e12 : tmp ;
            //R[i] = static_cast<float>(Y[i]/(1+exp(Y[i]*F_Tr[i])));
            R[i] = static_cast<float>(Y[i]/(1+exp(tmp)));
        trees[t].fit(Tr, R, F1);
        double Tr_loss = 0;
        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) reduction(+: Tr_loss)
        for(uint32_t i = 0; i < Tr.nr_instance; ++i) 
            F_Tr[i] += F1[i];
            Tr_loss += log(1+exp(-Y[i]*F_Tr[i]));
        Tr_loss /= static_cast<double>(Tr.nr_instance);

        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
        for(uint32_t i = 0; i < Va.nr_instance; ++i)
            std::vector<float> x = construct_instance(Va, i);
            F_Va[i] += trees[t].predict(x.data()).second;

        double Va_loss = 0;
        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) reduction(+: Va_loss)
        for(uint32_t i = 0; i < Va.nr_instance; ++i) 
            Va_loss += log(1+exp(-Va.Y[i]*F_Va[i]));
        Va_loss /= static_cast<double>(Va.nr_instance);

        printf("%4d %8.1f %10.5f %10.5f\n", t, timer.toc(), Tr_loss, Va_loss);
Exemple #3
void GBDT::fit(Problem const &Tr, Problem const &Va)
    bias = calc_bias(Tr.Y);

    std::vector<float> F_Tr(Tr.nr_instance, bias), F_Va(Va.nr_instance, bias);

    Timer timer;
    printf("iter     time    tr_loss    va_loss\n");
    // 感觉这里使用的是 logloss,即logit boost算法。
    // 整体算法取自 The Elements of Statistical Learning Algorithm 10.3
    for(uint32_t t = 0; t < trees.size(); ++t)

        std::vector<float> const &Y = Tr.Y;
        std::vector<float> R(Tr.nr_instance), F1(Tr.nr_instance);
        // 计算残差,也就是loss function的梯度下降
        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
        for(uint32_t i = 0; i < Tr.nr_instance; ++i)
            R[i] = static_cast<float>(Y[i]/(1+exp(Y[i]*F_Tr[i])));
        // regression tree,去fit targets R[i]
        trees[t].fit(Tr, R, F1);
        // 计算整体的loss,并累加F_Tr(sum{y})
        // 可以看到,这里没有使用权重alpha,也就是没有使用bootstrap re-sample
        double Tr_loss = 0;
        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) reduction(+: Tr_loss)
        for(uint32_t i = 0; i < Tr.nr_instance; ++i)
            F_Tr[i] += F1[i];
            Tr_loss += log(1+exp(-Y[i]*F_Tr[i]));
        Tr_loss /= static_cast<double>(Tr.nr_instance);
        // 计算validation loss
        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
        for(uint32_t i = 0; i < Va.nr_instance; ++i)
            std::vector<float> x = construct_instance(Va, i);
            F_Va[i] += trees[t].predict(x.data()).second;

        double Va_loss = 0;
        #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) reduction(+: Va_loss)
        for(uint32_t i = 0; i < Va.nr_instance; ++i)
            Va_loss += log(1+exp(-Va.Y[i]*F_Va[i]));
        Va_loss /= static_cast<double>(Va.nr_instance);

        printf("%4d %8.1f %10.5f %10.5f\n", t, timer.toc(), Tr_loss, Va_loss);