Exemple #1
int testParallel()
  float resistors3[] = {3,3,3};
  float resistors5[] = {100,100,100,100,100};
  float resistors0[] = {0,1,10,100,1000};

  // Test using big 'S'
  float totRes = calc_resistance(3,'P',resistors3);
  printf("Parallel = %7.2f\n",totRes);
  if (totRes != 1.0) { return 1; }

  // Test using small 'p'
  totRes = calc_resistance(3,'p',resistors3);
  printf("Parallel = %7.2f\n",totRes);
  if (totRes != 1.0) { return 1; }

  // Test using 5 resistors
  totRes = calc_resistance(5,'P',resistors5);
  printf("Parallel = %7.2f\n",totRes);
  if (totRes != 20.0) { return 1; }

  // Test with a 0ohm
  totRes = calc_resistance(5,'P',resistors0);
  printf("Parallel = %7.2f\n",totRes);
  if (totRes != 0) { return 1; }

  return 0;
Exemple #2
int testParallel()
  float resistors[] = {1,1,1};
  float totRes = calc_resistance(3,'P',resistors);
  printf("Parallel = %f\n",totRes);

  float resistors2[] = {3,3,3};
  totRes = calc_resistance(3,'P',resistors2);
  printf("Parallel = %f\n",totRes);

  return 0;
Exemple #3
int main()
  int count, i;
  float totRes;
  float *array;
  char conn;
  printf("Ange spänningskälla i V:");
  printf("Ange koppling[S | P]:");
  if (scanf("%c", &conn)!=1) { printf ("error - it is not an char\n"); return -1; }
  printf("Antal komponenter:");
  if (scanf("%i", &count)!=1) { printf ("error - it is not an integer\n"); return -1; }
  array = (float*)  malloc(sizeof(float) * count);
  for (i=0; i < count; i++)
    printf("Komponent %d i ohm:",i + 1);
    if (scanf("%f", &array[i])!=1) { printf ("error - it is not an float\n"); return -1; }

  // Calculate values
  printf("Ersättningsresistans: %.2f ohm\n",calc_resistance(count,conn,array));
  printf("Effekt: %f W\n",1.78);
  printf("Ersättningsresistanser i E12-serien kopplade i serie:");
  return 0;
Exemple #4
int testSerial()
  float resistors[] = {1,2,3};
  float totRes = calc_resistance(3,'S',resistors);
  printf("Serial = %f\n",totRes);
  return (totRes != 6.0);
Exemple #5
int testNull()
  float totRes = calc_resistance(3,'P',NULL);
  if (totRes != -1) { return 1; }

  return 0;
Exemple #6
int testSerial()
  float resistors[] = {1,2,3};
  float resistors0[] = {0,1,10,100,1000};

  // Test big 'S'
  float totRes = calc_resistance(3,'S',resistors);
  printf("Serial   = %7.2f\n",totRes);
  if (totRes != 6.0) { return 1; }

  // Test small 's'
  totRes = calc_resistance(3,'s',resistors);
  printf("Serial   = %7.2f\n",totRes);
  if (totRes != 6.0) { return 1; }

  // Test using 0 ohm
  totRes = calc_resistance(5,'s',resistors0);
  printf("Serial   = %7.2f\n",totRes);
  if (totRes != 1111.0) { return 1; }

  return 0;
Exemple #7
* @brief Event method that is fired when it's time to calculate the output of the input
* Event method that fires when the button is clicked. This calculates the result of the electrolib functionality.
* @return void
static void calculateAndPresentOutput(){
    int E12OUTPUTLABELROW = 8;
    float* replaceResistanceValues = calloc(3,sizeof(float));

    float totalresistance = calc_resistance(getNumberOfComponents(), getConnectionType(), getResistanceItems());
    float totalpower = calc_power_r(getVoltage(), totalresistance);
    int numberOfResistors = e_resistance(totalresistance, replaceResistanceValues);

    char formatedMessage[100];
    sprintf(formatedMessage, "Ersättningsresistance: %.1f ohm", totalresistance);
    addOutputLabel(_mainGrid, formatedMessage, 1, RESISTANCEOUTPUTLABELROW, 2);
    sprintf(formatedMessage, "Effekt: %.2f W", totalpower);
    addOutputLabel(_mainGrid, formatedMessage, 1, VOLTAGEOUTPUTLABELROW, 2);
    sprintf(formatedMessage, "Ersättningsresistans i E12-serien koppliade i serie: %.0f, %.0f, %.0f", *replaceResistanceValues, *(replaceResistanceValues+1), *(replaceResistanceValues+2));
    addOutputLabel(_mainGrid, formatedMessage, 1, E12OUTPUTLABELROW, 2);
Exemple #8
int main()
  int count, i;
  float totRes;
  float volt=2.0;
  float power;
  float *array;
  char conn;
  float resistors[3];
  float *fp=&resistors[0];
  int antal;

  printf("Ange koppling[S | P]: ");
  if (scanf("%c", &conn)!=1) { printf ("Error - Inmatat värde är inte en char\n"); return -1; }
  printf("Antal komponenter: ");
  if (scanf("%i", &count)!=1) { printf ("Error - Inmatat värde är inte en integer\n"); return -1; }
  array = (float*)  malloc(sizeof(float) * count);
  for (i=0; i < count; i++)
    printf("Komponent %d i ohm: ",i + 1);
    if (scanf("%f", &array[i])!=1) { printf ("Error - Inmatat värde är inte en float\n"); return -1; }
  // Calculate values
  totRes = calc_resistance(count,conn,array);
  if (totRes == -1) {printf ("Error - Misslyckades med att räkna ut ersättningsresistans\n"); return -1;}
  printf("Ersättningsresistans: %.2f ohm\n",totRes);

  printf("Ange spänningskälla i V: ");
  if (scanf("%f", &volt)!=1){ printf("Error - Inmatat värde är inte en float\n"); return -1;}
  power = calc_power_r(volt, totRes);
  printf("Effekt: %.2f W\n", power);
  printf("Ersättningsresistanser i E12-serien kopplade i serie: ");
  for (antal = e_resistance(totRes, &resistors[0]); antal>0; antal--){
    printf("%1.0f", *fp++);
    if (antal>1)
      printf(", ");

  return 0;
int main(void)
    char koppling;
    int antal;
    float *komp;
    int i = 0;
    printf("Ange koppling[S | P]:");
    scanf("%c", &koppling);
    printf("Antal komponenter:");
    scanf("%d", &antal);
    komp = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*antal);
    for(i=0; i<antal; i++) {
        printf("Komponent %d i ohm:", i+1);
        scanf("%f", &komp[i]);
    printf("Ersättningsresistans: %f  ohm \n", calc_resistance(antal, koppling, komp));

    return 0;