Exemple #1
inline static void	calc_new_pts_normal(double (*calc_x)(),
					    double (*calc_y)(),
					    double (*calc_z)(),
					    t_vec3 **arg)
  t_vec3		*d;
  t_vec3		*ori;
  t_vec3		tmp;
  t_intersect		inter;

  d = arg[0];
  ori = arg[1];
  update_inter_normal(&inter, ori, 0.000000001, 0.000000001);
  inter.pos.z = -(d[0].x * (inter.pos.x - ori->x) + d[0].y *
  		  (inter.pos.y - ori->y)) / d[0].z + ori->z;
  calc_tmp_normal(&tmp, &inter);
  d[1].x = calc_x(&inter, tmp);
  d[1].y = calc_y(&inter, tmp);
  d[1].z = calc_z(&inter, tmp);
  update_inter_normal(&inter, ori, -0.000000001, -0.000000002);
  inter.pos.z = -(d[0].x * (inter.pos.x - ori->x) + d[0].y *
  		  (inter.pos.y - ori->y)) / d[0].z + ori->z;
  calc_tmp_normal(&tmp, &inter);
  d[2].x = calc_x(&inter, tmp);
  d[2].y = calc_y(&inter, tmp);
  d[2].z = calc_z(&inter, tmp);
Exemple #2
void			calc_normale(double (*calc_x)(), double (*calc_y)(),
				     double (*calc_z)(), t_intersect *inter)
  t_vec3		d[3];
  t_vec3		v[2];
  t_vec3		tmp;

  calc_tmp_normal(&tmp, inter);
  d[0].x = calc_x(inter, tmp);
  d[0].y = calc_y(inter, tmp);
  d[0].z = calc_z(inter, tmp);
  calc_new_pts_normal(calc_x, calc_y, calc_z, (t_vec3*[2]){d, &inter->pos});
Exemple #3
int main()
    string main_string = "some string where we want to find substring or sub of string or just sub";
    string substring = "sub";
    string working_string = substring + main_string;
    vector<int> z;
    calc_z(working_string, z);

    //after this z[i] is maximal length of prefix of working_string
    //which is equal to string which starting from i-th position of
    //working_string. So the positions where z[i] >= substring.size()
    //are positions of substrings.

    for(int i = substring.size(); i < working_string.size(); ++i)
        if(z[i] >=substring.size())
            cout << i - substring.size() << endl; //to get position in main_string
void dirichlet_fit_main(struct data_t *data, int rseed)
    const int N = data->N, S = data->S, K = data->K;
    int i, j, k;

    gsl_rng *ptGSLRNG;
    ptGSLRNG = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default);
    gsl_rng_set(ptGSLRNG, rseed);

    /* allocate matrices */
    double **aadZ, **aadLambda, **aadErr, *adW;
    adW = (double *) calloc(K, sizeof(double));

    aadZ = (double **) calloc(K, sizeof(double *));
    aadLambda = (double **) calloc(K, sizeof(double *));
    aadErr = (double **) calloc(K, sizeof(double*));

    aadZ[0] = (double *) calloc(K * N, sizeof(double));
    aadLambda[0] = (double *) calloc(K * S, sizeof(double));
    aadErr[0] = (double *) calloc(K * S, sizeof(double));

    for (k = 1; k < K; k++) {
        aadZ[k] = aadZ[0] + k * N;
        aadLambda[k] = aadLambda[0] + k * S;
        aadErr[k] = aadErr[0] + k * S;

    /* soft k means initialiser */
    kmeans(data, ptGSLRNG, adW, aadZ, aadLambda);
    for (k = 0; k < K; k++) {
        adW[k] = 0.0;
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
            adW[k] += aadZ[k][i];

    if (data->verbose)
        Rprintf("  Expectation Maximization setup\n");
    for (k = 0; k < K; k++) {
        for (j = 0; j < S; j++) {
            const double x = aadLambda[k][j];
            aadLambda[k][j] = (x > 0.0) ? log(x) : -10;
        optimise_lambda_k(aadLambda[k], data, aadZ[k]);

    /* simple EM algorithm */
    int iter = 0;
    double dNLL = 0.0, dNew, dChange = BIG_DBL;

    if (data->verbose)
        Rprintf("  Expectation Maximization\n");
    while (dChange > 1.0e-6 && iter < 100) {
        calc_z(aadZ, data, adW, aadLambda); /* latent var expectation */
        for (k = 0; k < K; k++) /* mixture components, given pi */
            optimise_lambda_k(aadLambda[k], data, aadZ[k]);
        for (k = 0; k < K; k++) { /* current likelihood & weights */
            adW[k] = 0.0;
            for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
                adW[k] += aadZ[k][i];

        dNew = neg_log_likelihood(adW, aadLambda, data);
        dChange = fabs(dNLL - dNew);
        dNLL = dNew;
        if (data->verbose && (iter % 10) == 0)
            Rprintf("    iteration %d change %f\n", iter, dChange);

    /* hessian */
    if (data->verbose)
        Rprintf("  Hessian\n");
    gsl_matrix *ptHessian = gsl_matrix_alloc(S, S),
        *ptInverseHessian = gsl_matrix_alloc(S, S);
    gsl_permutation *p = gsl_permutation_alloc(S);
    double dLogDet = 0., dTemp;
    int signum, status;

    for (k = 0; k < K; k++) {
        data->adPi = aadZ[k];
        if (k > 0)
            dLogDet += 2.0 * log(N) - log(adW[k]);
        hessian(ptHessian, aadLambda[k], data);

        status = gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(ptHessian, p, &signum);
        gsl_linalg_LU_invert(ptHessian, p, ptInverseHessian);
        for (j = 0; j < S; j++) {
            aadErr[k][j] = gsl_matrix_get(ptInverseHessian, j, j);
            dTemp = gsl_matrix_get(ptHessian, j, j);
            dLogDet += log(fabs(dTemp));


    /* results */
    double dP = K * S + K - 1;
    data->NLE = dNLL; data->LogDet = dLogDet;
    data->fit_laplace = dNLL + 0.5 * dLogDet - 0.5 * dP * log(2. * M_PI);
    data->fit_bic = dNLL + 0.5 * log(N) * dP;
    data->fit_aic = dNLL + dP;

    group_output(data, aadZ);
    mixture_output(data, adW, aadLambda, aadErr);

    free(aadErr[0]); free(aadErr);
    free(aadLambda[0]); free(aadLambda);
    free(aadZ[0]); free(aadZ);