bool FITSViewer::initFITS() { free(imgBuffer); imgBuffer = NULL; image->clearMem(); /* Load image into buffer */ if ( (imgBuffer = loadData (currentURL.path().ascii(), imgBuffer)) == NULL) { close(); return false; } /* Display image in the central widget */ if (image->loadFits(currentURL.path().ascii()) == -1) { close(); return false; } /* Clear history */ history->clear(); /* Set new file caption */ setCaption(currentURL.fileName()); /* Get initial statistics */ calculateStats(); image->viewport()->resize(image->viewport()->width() + 5, image->viewport()->height()); image->viewportResizeEvent(NULL); return true; }
double ProbabilityOfMatch::modelProbability(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map, const shared_ptr<const Way>& w1, const shared_ptr<const Way>& w2, double portionScore) { std::map<QString, double> sample = calculateStats(map, w1, w2, portionScore); return _model.evaluate(sample); }
void GeneticPopulation::evolve() { std::sort(population.begin(), population.end()); calculateStats(); Genomes newPopulation; assert((bestTopN * bestCopies) % 2 == 0); assert(population.size() % 2 == 0); pickBest(bestTopN, bestCopies, newPopulation); while (newPopulation.size() < population.size()) { Genome parent1 = pickRoulette(); Genome parent2 = pickRoulette(); Weights child1, child2; crossover(parent1.weights, parent2.weights, child1, child2); mutate(child1); mutate(child2); newPopulation.push_back(Genome(child1, 0)); newPopulation.push_back(Genome(child2, 0)); } population = newPopulation; }
void FITSViewer::imageReduction() { FITSProcessCommand *cbc; FITSHistogramCommand *hbc; QStringList darkFiles, flatFiles, darkflatFiles; int darkCombineMode = 0 , flatCombineMode = 0, darkflatCombineMode =0; QListViewItem *file; image->saveTemplateImage(); ImageReductionDlg irDialog(this); if (irDialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { if (irDialog.darkListView->childCount() == 0 && irDialog.flatListView->childCount() == 0) { image->destroyTemplateImage(); return; } darkCombineMode = irDialog.darkAverageB->isChecked() ? 0 : 1; flatCombineMode = irDialog.flatAverageB->isChecked() ? 0 : 1; darkflatCombineMode= irDialog.darkflatAverageB->isChecked() ? 0 : 1; file = irDialog.darkListView->firstChild(); while (file) { darkFiles << file->text(0); file = file->nextSibling(); } file = irDialog.flatListView->firstChild(); while (file) { flatFiles << file->text(0); file = file->nextSibling(); } file = irDialog.darkflatListView->firstChild(); while (file) { darkflatFiles << file->text(0); file = file->nextSibling(); } cbc = new FITSProcessCommand(this); FITSProcess reduc(this, darkFiles, flatFiles, darkflatFiles, darkCombineMode, flatCombineMode, darkflatCombineMode); reduc.reduce(); history->addCommand(cbc, false); calculateStats(); hbc = new FITSHistogramCommand(this, NULL, FITSImage::FITSLinear, (int) stats.min, (int) stats.max); history->addCommand(hbc); fitsChange(); } image->destroyTemplateImage(); }
void ICharacter::setImbue (const Imbue &imbue) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_buff_mutex); m_Imbue = imbue; lock.unlock(); calculateStats(); }
void NetInfo::calculateStats(unsigned int timeToDiscard, unsigned int analyzerSleepTime) { adquireLock(this); this->maxPackets = timeToDiscard*SECtoMICROSEC/interval; if (not beacons.empty()) { if ((lastDelay != 0 or timeOK < timeToDiscard) and bestIndex >= 0) { numPackets = beacons.size(); if (not calculateStats(false) and lastDelay < 0.8) timeOK = 0; else if (timeOK < timeToDiscard) timeOK += analyzerSleepTime; } removeOldBeacons(timeToDiscard); selectBest(); calculateStats(true); statsTimestamp = time(NULL); ok = timeOK >= timeToDiscard; } releaseLock(this); }
void FITSViewer::updateImgBuffer() { int width = image->width; int height = image->height; for (int i=0; i < height; i++) for (int j=0; j < width; j++) imgBuffer[i * width + j] = (int) *(image->displayImage->scanLine(height - i - 1) + j); //image->reducedImgBuffer[i * width + j]; calculateStats(); }
void ICharacter::addBuff (const Buff &buff) { assert(buff.skill->refID()); if (buff.skill->hasBuffs()) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_buff_mutex); m_buff_list.insert(std::make_pair(buff.skill->refID(),buff)); lock.unlock(); calculateStats(); } }
void DLProcess::parsePBILine(QString line){ //Quick checks for line formatting if( line.startsWith("FETCH:") ){ emit UpdateMessage(tr("Download Starting...")); return; } else if( line == "FETCHDONE"){ emit UpdateMessage(tr("Download Finished")); return; } else if(!line.startsWith("SIZE:")){ emit UpdateMessage(line); return; } //Now parse the PBI download line //qDebug() << "parse Download Line:" << line; //Line format: SIZE: <KB> DOWNLOADED: <KB> SPEED: <KB/s> KB/s line = line.simplified(); line.replace("SIZE: ",""); line.replace("DOWNLOADED: ", ""); line.replace("SPEED: ",""); line.replace("KB/s",""); //Now run the calculations and emit the signal calculateStats(line.section(" ",1,1), line.section(" ",0,0), line.section(" ",2,2), ""); }
void FITSViewer::fitsStatistics() { statForm stat(this); calculateStats(); stat.widthOUT->setText(QString("%1").arg(stats.width)); stat.heightOUT->setText(QString("%1").arg(stats.height)); stat.bitpixOUT->setText(QString("%1").arg(stats.bitpix)); stat.maxOUT->setText(QString("%1").arg(stats.max)); stat.minOUT->setText(QString("%1").arg(stats.min)); stat.atMaxOUT->setText(QString("%1").arg(stats.maxAt)); stat.atMinOUT->setText(QString("%1").arg(stats.minAt)); stat.meanOUT->setText(QString("%1").arg(stats.average)); stat.stddevOUT->setText(QString("%1").arg(stats.stddev)); stat.exec(); }
std::pair<uint32_t,uint32_t> ICharacter::removeImbue (const uint32_t skillID, bool signal) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_buff_mutex); std::pair<uint32_t,uint32_t> ret = std::make_pair(0,0); if (m_Imbue.skill && m_Imbue.skill->refID() == skillID) { ret = std::make_pair(m_Imbue.taskID,m_Imbue.castID); m_Imbue = Imbue(); lock.unlock(); if (signal) calculateStats(); } return ret; }
std::pair<uint32_t,uint32_t> ICharacter::removeBuff (const uint32_t SkillID, bool signal) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_buff_mutex); std::pair<uint32_t,uint32_t> ret = std::make_pair(0,0); std::map<uint32_t,Buff>::iterator i = m_buff_list.find(SkillID); if (i != m_buff_list.end()) { ret = std::make_pair(i->second.taskID,i->second.CastID); m_buff_list.erase(i); lock.unlock(); if (signal) calculateStats(); } return ret; }
// Runs a full round of experiments void performExperiments(struct parameters* params, unsigned int nGenerations, unsigned int nRepeats, const std::string& nodeFunctions) { setCustomFitnessFunction(params, fitness, "PocMan Level 1"); struct chromosome* bestChromosome = nullptr; double bestFitness = DBL_MAX; std::vector<double> fitnesses; std::vector<double> durations; fitnesses.reserve(nRepeats); durations.reserve(nRepeats); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRepeats; i++) { // Run CGP, record the results auto start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); struct chromosome* chromo = runCGP(params, nullptr, nGenerations); auto end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); double fitness = getChromosomeFitness(chromo); fitnesses.push_back(fitness); std::chrono::duration<double> diff = end - start; double duration = diff.count(); durations.push_back(duration); // Should we keep this chromosome? if (fitness < bestFitness) { if (bestChromosome != nullptr) freeChromosome(bestChromosome); bestChromosome = chromo; bestFitness = fitness; } else { freeChromosome(chromo); } } // Stats! double meanFitness, stdevFitness, minFitness, maxFitness; std::tie(meanFitness, stdevFitness, minFitness, maxFitness) = calculateStats(fitnesses); double meanDuration, stdevDuration, minDuration, maxDuration; std::tie(meanDuration, stdevDuration, minDuration, maxDuration) = calculateStats(durations); // Logging! log("### PARAMETERS\n"); log(parametersToString(params)); log("generations: " + std::to_string(nGenerations) + "\n"); log("\n--------------------\n\n"); log("### FITNESS VALUES\n"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRepeats; i++) log("(" + std::to_string(i + 1) + "):\t" + std::to_string(fitnesses[i]) + "\n"); log("\n--------------------\n\n"); log("### STATISTICS (FITNESS)\n"); log("mean : " + std::to_string(meanFitness) + "\n"); log("std : " + std::to_string(stdevFitness) + "\n"); log("rng : " + std::to_string(minFitness) +":" + std::to_string(maxFitness) + "\n"); log("\n--------------------\n\n"); log("### DURATION VALUES\n"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRepeats; i++) log("(" + std::to_string(i + 1) + "):\t" + std::to_string(durations[i]) + "\n"); log("\n--------------------\n\n"); log("### STATISTICS (DURATIONS)\n"); log("mean : " + std::to_string(meanDuration) + "\n"); log("std : " + std::to_string(stdevDuration) + "\n"); log("rng : " + std::to_string(minDuration) + ":" + std::to_string(maxDuration) + "\n"); log("\n--------------------\n\n"); log("### BEST CHROMOSOME\n"); log(chromosomeToString(bestChromosome, 0)); log("\n--------------------\n\n"); log("### GAMEPLAY TRACE\n"); log(controller.generateGameTrace(bestChromosome)); }
void ImageWriter::writeImage(QString theInputFileString, QString theOutputFileString) { //printf("Started with input : %s output: %s \n",theInputFileString,theOutputFileString); GDALAllRegister(); GDALDataset *gdalDataset = (GDALDataset *) GDALOpen( theInputFileString, GA_ReadOnly ); if ( gdalDataset == NULL ) { //valid = FALSE; return ; } int myXDimInt = gdalDataset->GetRasterXSize(); int myYDimInt = gdalDataset->GetRasterYSize(); printf("Raster is %i x %i cells\n", myXDimInt, myYDimInt); GDALRasterBand *myGdalBand = gdalDataset->GetRasterBand( 1 ); // RasterIO() takes care of scaling down image uint *myGdalScanData = (uint*) CPLMalloc(sizeof(uint)*myXDimInt * sizeof(uint)*myYDimInt); CPLErr myResultCPLerr = myGdalBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, 0, 0, myXDimInt, myYDimInt, myGdalScanData, myXDimInt, myYDimInt, GDT_UInt32, 0, 0 ); QImage myQImage=QImage(myXDimInt,myYDimInt,32); myQImage.setAlphaBuffer(true); uint stdDevsToPlotDouble=0; bool invertHistogramFlag=false; int transparencyLevelInt=255; //calculate the adjusted matrix stats - which come into affect if the user has chosen RasterBandStats * myAdjustedRasterBandStats = new RasterBandStats(); calculateStats(myAdjustedRasterBandStats, gdalDataset); myAdjustedRasterBandStats->noDataDouble=0;//hard coding for now //to histogram stretch to a given number of std deviations //see if we are using histogram stretch using stddev and plot only within the selected number of deviations if we are //cout << "stdDevsToPlotDouble: " << cboStdDev->currentText() << " converted to " << stdDevsToPlotDouble << endl; if (stdDevsToPlotDouble > 0) { //work out how far on either side of the mean we should include data float myTotalDeviationDouble = stdDevsToPlotDouble * myAdjustedRasterBandStats->stdDevDouble; //printf("myTotalDeviationDouble: %i\n" , myTotalDeviationDouble ); //adjust min and max accordingly //only change min if it is less than mean - (n x deviations) if (myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble < (myAdjustedRasterBandStats->meanDouble-myTotalDeviationDouble)) { myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble=(myAdjustedRasterBandStats->meanDouble-myTotalDeviationDouble); //cout << "Adjusting minValDouble to: " << myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble << endl; } //only change max if it is greater than mean + (n x deviations) if (myAdjustedRasterBandStats->maxValDouble > (myAdjustedRasterBandStats->meanDouble + myTotalDeviationDouble)) { myAdjustedRasterBandStats->maxValDouble=(myAdjustedRasterBandStats->meanDouble+myTotalDeviationDouble); //cout << "Adjusting maxValDouble to: " << myAdjustedRasterBandStats->maxValDouble << endl; } //update the range myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble = myAdjustedRasterBandStats->maxValDouble-myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble; } printf("Main ::\n"); std::cout << "Band Name : " << myAdjustedRasterBandStats->bandName << std::endl; printf("Band No : %i\n",myAdjustedRasterBandStats->bandNo); printf("Band min : %f\n",myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble); printf("Band max : %f\n",myAdjustedRasterBandStats->maxValDouble); printf("Band range: %f\n",myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble); printf("Band mean : %f\n",myAdjustedRasterBandStats->meanDouble); printf("Band sum : %f\n",myAdjustedRasterBandStats->sumDouble); //double sumSqrDevDouble; //used to calculate stddev //double stdDevDouble; //double sumDouble; //int elementCountInt; //double noDataDouble; //set up the three class breaks for pseudocolour mapping double myBreakSizeDouble = myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble / 3; double myClassBreakMin1 = myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble; double myClassBreakMax1 = myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble + myBreakSizeDouble; double myClassBreakMin2 = myClassBreakMax1; double myClassBreakMax2 = myClassBreakMin2 + myBreakSizeDouble; double myClassBreakMin3 = myClassBreakMax2; double myClassBreakMax3 = myAdjustedRasterBandStats->maxValDouble; printf ("ClassBreak size : %f \n",myBreakSizeDouble); printf ("ClassBreak 1 : %f - %f\n",myClassBreakMin1,myClassBreakMax1); printf ("ClassBreak 2 : %f - %f\n",myClassBreakMin2,myClassBreakMax2); printf ("ClassBreak 3 : %f - %f\n",myClassBreakMin3,myClassBreakMax3); int myRedInt=0; int myGreenInt=0; int myBlueInt=0; for (int myColumnInt = 0; myColumnInt < myYDimInt; myColumnInt++) { for (int myRowInt =0; myRowInt < myXDimInt; myRowInt++) { int myInt=myGdalScanData[myColumnInt*myXDimInt + myRowInt]; //dont draw this point if it is no data ! //double check that myInt >= min and <= max //this is relevant if we are plotting within stddevs if ((myInt < myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble ) && (myInt != myAdjustedRasterBandStats->noDataDouble)) { myInt = static_cast<int>(myAdjustedRasterBandStats->minValDouble); } if ((myInt > myAdjustedRasterBandStats->maxValDouble) && (myInt != myAdjustedRasterBandStats->noDataDouble)) { myInt = static_cast<int>(myAdjustedRasterBandStats->maxValDouble); } if (myInt==myAdjustedRasterBandStats->noDataDouble) { //hardcoding to white for now myRedInt = 255; myBlueInt = 255; myGreenInt =255; } else if(!invertHistogramFlag) { //check if we are in the first class break if ((myInt >= myClassBreakMin1) && (myInt < myClassBreakMax1) ) { myRedInt = 0; myBlueInt = 255; myGreenInt = static_cast<int>(((255/myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble) * (myInt-myClassBreakMin1))*3); } //check if we are in the second class break else if ((myInt >= myClassBreakMin2) && (myInt < myClassBreakMax2) ) { myRedInt = static_cast<int>(((255/myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble) * ((myInt-myClassBreakMin2)/1))*3); myBlueInt = static_cast<int>(255-(((255/myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble) * ((myInt-myClassBreakMin2)/1))*3)); myGreenInt = 255; } //otherwise we must be in the third classbreak else { myRedInt = 255; myBlueInt = 0; myGreenInt = static_cast<int>(255-(((255/myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble) * ((myInt-myClassBreakMin3)/1)*3))); } } else //invert histogram toggle is on { //check if we are in the first class break if ((myInt >= myClassBreakMin1) && (myInt < myClassBreakMax1) ) { myRedInt = 255; myBlueInt = 0; myGreenInt = static_cast<int>(((255/myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble) * ((myInt-myClassBreakMin1)/1)*3)); } //check if we are in the second class break else if ((myInt >= myClassBreakMin2) && (myInt < myClassBreakMax2) ) { myRedInt = static_cast<int>(255-(((255/myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble) * ((myInt-myClassBreakMin2)/1))*3)); myBlueInt = static_cast<int>(((255/myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble) * ((myInt-myClassBreakMin2)/1))*3); myGreenInt = 255; } //otherwise we must be in the third classbreak else { myRedInt = 0; myBlueInt = 255; myGreenInt = static_cast<int>(255-(((255/myAdjustedRasterBandStats->rangeDouble) * (myInt-myClassBreakMin3))*3)); } } myQImage.setPixel( myRowInt, myColumnInt, qRgba( myRedInt, myGreenInt, myBlueInt, transparencyLevelInt )); } } //draw with the experimental transaparency support CPLFree(myGdalScanData); GDALClose(gdalDataset); printf("Saving image...\n");,"PNG"); return ; }
/** * This gets the number of calculated chunks. * * @return The number of calculated chunks. */ size_t ChunkWatcher::numberCalcedChunks() const { if (!numbersValid_) calculateStats(); return numCalced_; }
/** * This gets the number of dirty chunks. * * @return The number of dirty chunks. */ size_t ChunkWatcher::numberDirtyChunks() const { if (!numbersValid_) calculateStats(); return numDirty_; }
void DLProcess::parsePKGLine(QString line){ // KPM!! // TODO 12-12-2013 // No JSON in Qt4, once we move to Qt5, replace this hack // with the new JSON parser // Moved 2/18/14 to this class from pc-pkgmanager by Ken Moore //qDebug() << " -- pkg line:" << line; // Look for a download status update if ( line.indexOf("\"INFO_FETCH") != -1 && line.indexOf("\"url\"") != -1 ) { QString file, dl, tot; line.remove(0, line.indexOf("\"url") + 8); line.truncate(line.lastIndexOf("}")); // Get the file basename file = line; //qDebug() << "DL File:" << file; file.truncate(line.indexOf("\"")); file = file.section("/",-1).section(".txz",0,0); //replace the QFileInfo method below (Ken) //QFileInfo tFile; //tFile.setFile(file); //file = tFile.baseName(); // Get the download / total dl = line.section(":", 2, 2).section(",", 0, 0); tot = line.section(":", 3, 3).section("}", 0, 0); dl = dl.simplified(); tot = tot.simplified(); //These are in bytes, need to convert to kilobytes before sending it on... dl = QString::number( dl.toLongLong()/1024 ); tot = QString::number( tot.toLongLong()/1024 ); //Now calculate the stats and emit the signal calculateStats(dl, tot, "", file); } else if ( line.indexOf("PKGCONFLICTS: ") == 0 ) { QString tmp = line; tmp.replace("PKGCONFLICTS: ", ""); ConflictList = tmp; } else if ( line.indexOf("PKGREPLY: ") == 0 ) { QString ans; QString tmp = line; tmp.replace("PKGREPLY: ", ""); QMessageBox msgBox(parentW); msgBox.setText(tr("The following packages are causing conflicts with the selected changes and can be automatically removed. Continue?") + "\n" + ConflictList); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No); msgBox.setDetailedText(getConflictDetailText()); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No); if ( msgBox.exec() == QMessageBox::Yes) { // We will try to fix conflicts ans="yes"; } else { // We will fail :( QMessageBox::warning(parentW, tr("Package Conflicts"), tr("You may need to manually fix the conflicts before trying again."), QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok); ans="no"; } QFile pkgTrig( tmp ); if ( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) ) { QTextStream streamTrig( &pkgTrig ); streamTrig << ans; pkgTrig.close(); ConflictList.clear(); //already sent an answer - clear the internal list } }else{ //Just emit the message //line.remove(0, line.indexOf("\"msg") + 8); //line.truncate(line.lastIndexOf("\"")); emit UpdateMessage(line); return; } }
bool FITSImage::loadFITS ( const QString &inFilename, QProgressDialog *progress ) { int status=0, nulval=0, anynull=0; long fpixel[2], nelements, naxes[2]; char error_status[512]; qDeleteAll(starCenters); starCenters.clear(); if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress) { progress->setLabelText(i18n("Please hold while loading FITS file...")); progress->setWindowTitle(i18n("Loading FITS")); } if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress) progress->setValue(30); if (fptr) { fits_close_file(fptr, &status); if (tempFile) QFile::remove(filename); } filename = inFilename; if (filename.contains("/tmp/")) tempFile = true; else tempFile = false; filename.remove("file://"); if (fits_open_image(&fptr, filename.toAscii(), READONLY, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); fits_get_errstatus(status, error_status); if (progress) KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Could not open file %1 (fits_get_img_param). Error %2", filename, QString::fromUtf8(error_status)), i18n("FITS Open")); return false; } if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress) if (progress->wasCanceled()) return false; if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress) progress->setValue(40); if (fits_get_img_param(fptr, 2, &(stats.bitpix), &(stats.ndim), naxes, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); fits_get_errstatus(status, error_status); if (progress) KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("FITS file open error (fits_get_img_param): %1", QString::fromUtf8(error_status)), i18n("FITS Open")); return false; } if (stats.ndim < 2) { if (progress) KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("1D FITS images are not supported in KStars."), i18n("FITS Open")); return false; } if (fits_get_img_type(fptr, &data_type, &status)) { fits_report_error(stderr, status); fits_get_errstatus(status, error_status); if (progress) KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("FITS file open error (fits_get_img_type): %1", QString::fromUtf8(error_status)), i18n("FITS Open")); return false; } if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress) if (progress->wasCanceled()) return false; if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress) progress->setValue(60); stats.dim[0] = naxes[0]; stats.dim[1] = naxes[1]; delete (image_buffer); image_buffer = NULL; image_buffer = new float[stats.dim[0] * stats.dim[1]]; if (image_buffer == NULL) { qDebug() << "Not enough memory for image_buffer"; return false; } if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress) { if (progress->wasCanceled()) { delete (image_buffer); return false; } } if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress) progress->setValue(70); nelements = stats.dim[0] * stats.dim[1]; fpixel[0] = 1; fpixel[1] = 1; qApp->processEvents(); if (fits_read_2d_flt(fptr, 0, nulval, naxes[0], naxes[0], naxes[1], image_buffer, &anynull, &status)) { fprintf(stderr, "fits_read_pix error\n"); fits_report_error(stderr, status); return false; } if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress) { if (progress->wasCanceled()) { delete (image_buffer); return false; } } calculateStats(); if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress) progress->setValue(80); //currentWidth = stats.dim[0]; // currentHeight = stats.dim[1]; qApp->processEvents(); if (mode == FITS_NORMAL) { checkWCS(); if (progress) progress->setValue(90); } if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress) { if (progress->wasCanceled()) { delete (image_buffer); return false; } } if (mode == FITS_NORMAL && progress) progress->setValue(100); starsSearched = false; return true; }