Exemple #1
 * Get the difference in milliseconds between this time zone and UTC (GMT)
 * NOT including DST.
double getUTCOffset(ExecState* exec)
    double utcOffset = exec->globalData().cachedUTCOffset;
    if (!isnan(utcOffset))
        return utcOffset;
    exec->globalData().cachedUTCOffset = calculateUTCOffset();
    return exec->globalData().cachedUTCOffset;
Exemple #2
// Returns combined offset in millisecond (UTC + DST).
LocalTimeOffset calculateLocalTimeOffset(double ms, TimeType inputTimeType)
    double localToUTCTimeOffset = inputTimeType == LocalTime ? calculateUTCOffset() : 0;
    double localToUTCTimeOffset = calculateUTCOffset();
    if (inputTimeType == LocalTime)
        ms -= localToUTCTimeOffset;

    // On Mac OS X, the call to localtime (see calculateDSTOffset) will return historically accurate
    // DST information (e.g. New Zealand did not have DST from 1946 to 1974) however the JavaScript
    // standard explicitly dictates that historical information should not be considered when
    // determining DST. For this reason we shift away from years that localtime can handle but would
    // return historically accurate information.
    int year = msToYear(ms);
    int equivalentYear = equivalentYearForDST(year);
    if (year != equivalentYear) {
        bool leapYear = isLeapYear(year);
        int dayInYearLocal = dayInYear(ms, year);
        int dayInMonth = dayInMonthFromDayInYear(dayInYearLocal, leapYear);
        int month = monthFromDayInYear(dayInYearLocal, leapYear);
        double day = dateToDaysFrom1970(equivalentYear, month, dayInMonth);
        ms = (day * msPerDay) + msToMilliseconds(ms);

    double localTimeSeconds = ms / msPerSecond;
    if (localTimeSeconds > maxUnixTime)
        localTimeSeconds = maxUnixTime;
    else if (localTimeSeconds < 0) // Go ahead a day to make localtime work (does not work with 0).
        localTimeSeconds += secondsPerDay;
    // FIXME: time_t has a potential problem in 2038.
    time_t localTime = static_cast<time_t>(localTimeSeconds);

    tm localTM;
    getLocalTime(&localTime, &localTM);
    return LocalTimeOffset(localTM.tm_isdst, localTM.tm_gmtoff * msPerSecond);
    double dstOffset = calculateDSTOffset(localTime, localToUTCTimeOffset);
    return LocalTimeOffset(dstOffset, localToUTCTimeOffset + dstOffset);
static int currentFullYear()
    double current = currentTimeMS();
    double utcOffset = calculateUTCOffset();
    double dstOffset = calculateDSTOffset(current, utcOffset);
    int offset = static_cast<int>((utcOffset + dstOffset) / msPerMinute);
    current += offset * msPerMinute;

    DateComponents date;
    return date.fullYear();
Exemple #4
int DateTimeYearFieldElement::defaultValueForStepDown() const
    double current = currentTimeMS();
    double utcOffset = calculateUTCOffset();
    double dstOffset = calculateDSTOffset(current, utcOffset);
    int offset = static_cast<int>((utcOffset + dstOffset) / msPerMinute);
    current += offset * msPerMinute;

    DateComponents date;
    return date.fullYear();
Decimal MonthInputType::defaultValueForStepUp() const
    double current = currentTimeMS();
    double utcOffset = calculateUTCOffset();
    double dstOffset = calculateDSTOffset(current, utcOffset);
    int offset = static_cast<int>((utcOffset + dstOffset) / msPerMinute);
    current += offset * msPerMinute;

    DateComponents date;
    double months = date.monthsSinceEpoch();
    return Decimal::fromDouble(months);
Exemple #6
double parseDateFromNullTerminatedCharacters(const char* dateString)
    bool haveTZ;
    int offset;
    double ms = parseDateFromNullTerminatedCharacters(dateString, haveTZ, offset);
    if (isnan(ms))
        return NaN;

    // fall back to local timezone
    if (!haveTZ) {
        double utcOffset = calculateUTCOffset();
        double dstOffset = calculateDSTOffset(ms, utcOffset);
        offset = static_cast<int>((utcOffset + dstOffset) / msPerMinute);
    return ms - (offset * msPerMinute);
double parseDateFromNullTerminatedCharacters(const char* dateString)
    bool haveTZ;
    int offset;
    double ms = parseDateFromNullTerminatedCharacters(dateString, haveTZ, offset);
    if (std::isnan(ms))
        return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();

    // fall back to local timezone
    if (!haveTZ) {
        double utcOffset = calculateUTCOffset();
        double dstOffset = calculateDSTOffset(ms, utcOffset);
        offset = (utcOffset + dstOffset) / msPerMinute;
    return ms - (offset * msPerMinute);
Exemple #8
void initializeDates()
#ifndef NDEBUG
    static bool alreadyInitialized;

    equivalentYearForDST(2000); // Need to call once to initialize a static used in this function.
    // Register for a notification whenever the time zone changes.
    uint32_t status = notify_register_check("com.apple.system.timezone", &s_notificationToken);
    if (status == NOTIFY_STATUS_OK) {
        s_cachedUTCOffset = calculateUTCOffset();
        s_haveCachedUTCOffset = true;
Exemple #9
 * Get the difference in milliseconds between this time zone and UTC (GMT)
 * NOT including DST.
double getUTCOffset()
    if (s_haveCachedUTCOffset) {
        int notified;
        uint32_t status = notify_check(s_notificationToken, &notified);
        if (status == NOTIFY_STATUS_OK && !notified)
            return s_cachedUTCOffset;

    int32_t utcOffset = calculateUTCOffset();

    // Theoretically, it is possible that several threads will be executing this code at once, in which case we will have a race condition,
    // and a newer value may be overwritten. In practice, time zones don't change that often.
    s_cachedUTCOffset = utcOffset;

    return utcOffset;
Exemple #10
PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> MHTMLArchive::generateMHTMLData(Page* page, bool useBinaryEncoding)
    Vector<PageSerializer::Resource> resources;
    PageSerializer pageSerializer(&resources);

    String boundary = generateRandomBoundary();
    String endOfResourceBoundary = makeString("--", boundary, "\r\n");

    tm localTM;
    String dateString = makeRFC2822DateString(localTM.tm_wday, localTM.tm_mday, localTM.tm_mon, 1900 + localTM.tm_year, localTM.tm_hour, localTM.tm_min, localTM.tm_sec, calculateUTCOffset() / (1000 * 60));

    StringBuilder stringBuilder;
    stringBuilder.append("From: <Saved by WebKit>\r\n");
    stringBuilder.append("Subject: ");
    // We replace non ASCII characters with '?' characters to match IE's behavior.
    stringBuilder.append("\r\nDate: ");
    stringBuilder.append("\r\nMIME-Version: 1.0\r\n");
    stringBuilder.append("Content-Type: multipart/related;\r\n");

    // We use utf8() below instead of ascii() as ascii() replaces CRLFs with ?? (we still only have put ASCII characters in it).
    CString asciiString = stringBuilder.toString().utf8();
    RefPtr<SharedBuffer> mhtmlData = SharedBuffer::create();
    mhtmlData->append(asciiString.data(), asciiString.length());

    for (size_t i = 0; i < resources.size(); ++i) {
        const PageSerializer::Resource& resource = resources[i];

        stringBuilder.append("Content-Type: ");

        const char* contentEncoding = 0;
        if (useBinaryEncoding)
            contentEncoding = binary;
        else if (MIMETypeRegistry::isSupportedJavaScriptMIMEType(resource.mimeType) || MIMETypeRegistry::isSupportedNonImageMIMEType(resource.mimeType))
            contentEncoding = quotedPrintable;
            contentEncoding = base64;

        stringBuilder.append("\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: ");
        stringBuilder.append("\r\nContent-Location: ");

        asciiString = stringBuilder.toString().utf8();
        mhtmlData->append(asciiString.data(), asciiString.length());

        if (!strcmp(contentEncoding, binary)) {
            const char* data;
            size_t position = 0;
            while (size_t length = resource.data->getSomeData(data, position)) {
                mhtmlData->append(data, length);
                position += length;
        } else {
            // FIXME: ideally we would encode the content as a stream without having to fetch it all.
            const char* data = resource.data->data();
            size_t dataLength = resource.data->size();
            Vector<char> encodedData;
            if (!strcmp(contentEncoding, quotedPrintable)) {
                quotedPrintableEncode(data, dataLength, encodedData);
                mhtmlData->append(encodedData.data(), encodedData.size());
                mhtmlData->append("\r\n", 2);
            } else {
                ASSERT(!strcmp(contentEncoding, base64));
                // We are not specifying insertLFs = true below as it would cut the lines with LFs and MHTML requires CRLFs.
                base64Encode(data, dataLength, encodedData);
                const size_t maximumLineLength = 76;
                size_t index = 0;
                size_t encodedDataLength = encodedData.size();
                do {
                    size_t lineLength = std::min(encodedDataLength - index, maximumLineLength);
                    mhtmlData->append(encodedData.data() + index, lineLength);
                    mhtmlData->append("\r\n", 2);
                    index += maximumLineLength;
                } while (index < encodedDataLength);

    asciiString = makeString("--", boundary, "--\r\n").utf8();
    mhtmlData->append(asciiString.data(), asciiString.length());

    return mhtmlData.release();