 * See the derivations of ΔA in SonntagUpdate.h
 * @see SonntagUpdate.h
float SonntagUpdate::calculateDeltaActivity() {
     const float A = currentState->activity;
     const float V = calculateV();
     const float thetaC = parameters[DECAY_COMPETITION];
     const float thetaL = parameters[DECAY_LOSS];
     const float thetaA = parameters[ACTIVATION_DAMPENING];

     // allow for manual input (CSV, GUI, etc)
     float I;
     if (currentState->manual_input > 0) {
          I = currentState->manual_input;
     } else {
          I = calculateInput();

     // equation 4.6, pg79
     const float deltaA = (pow(A, thetaA) + I * (1 - A)) * (1 - A) * V - ((pow(A, thetaL) + A * pow((1 - A),
                                                                                                    thetaC))) * (1 - V);
     // wolfram input, x=A, y=I (no V term):
     // (x + y*(1-x)) * (1-x) - (x^5 + x * (1-x)^9) from x = 0 to x = 1, y= 0 to y = 1

     printf("current A: %f\n", A);
     printf("current I: %f\n", I);
     printf("V term: %f\n", V);
     printf("deltaA: %f\n", deltaA);

     return deltaA;
//             SDL Functions
void init() {
  //Initialise SDL.
  if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) exit(1);

  //Use double buffering (24-bit).
  SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24);

  //Set vertical sync.

  //Create window.
  if (SDL_SetVideoMode(800, 800, 32, SDL_OPENGL) == 0) exit(1);
  SDL_WM_SetCaption("Primitives", "Primitives");

  //Set up orthographic camera.
  glOrtho(-2, 2, -2, 2, 2, -2);

  //Set the clear color.
  glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);

  //Use the z-buffer.

  //Use vertex and colour arrays.

  //Calculate the vertex and colour data.
Exemple #3
STImage *FieldMorph(STImage *image,
                    const std::vector<Feature> &sourceFeatures,
                    const std::vector<Feature> &targetFeatures,
                    float t, float a, float b, float p)
    int width = image->GetWidth();
    int height = image->GetHeight();
    STImage *result = new STImage(width, height, STColor4ub(255,255,255,255));
    std::vector<Feature> interpolatedFeatures = interpolateFeatures(sourceFeatures, targetFeatures, t);
    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
            STVector2 dispSum = STVector2(0, 0);
            float weightsum = 0;
            STPoint2 X = STPoint2(x, y);
            int numFeatures = sourceFeatures.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++) {
                STPoint2 Pp = sourceFeatures[i].P;
                STPoint2 Qp = sourceFeatures[i].Q;
                STPoint2 P = interpolatedFeatures[i].P;
                STPoint2 Q = interpolatedFeatures[i].Q;
                float u = calculateU(X, P, Q);
                float v = calculateV(X, P, Q);
                STPoint2 Xp = calculateXp(Pp, Qp, u, v);
                STVector2 displacement = STVector2(Xp) - STVector2(X);
                float dist = calculateDistance(X, P, Q, u, v);
                float weight = calculateWeight(Q, P, a, b, p, dist);
                dispSum += displacement * weight;
                weightsum += weight;
            STPoint2 Xprime = X + dispSum/weightsum;
            result->SetPixel(x, y, interpolatedColor(Xprime, image));
    return result;