Exemple #1
	void GmailChecker::httpFinished ()
		emit canContinue ();

		if (Reply_->error ())
			QString error = tr ("Error");
			error.prepend ("Gmail Notifier: ");

			if (Reply_->attribute (QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt () == 401)
				emit anErrorOccupied (error.append (" 401"),
						tr ("The username or password is incorrect"));
			else if (Reply_->error() == QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError) // When timed out
				emit anErrorOccupied (error, tr ("Connection timeout"));
				emit anErrorOccupied (error, Reply_->errorString ());
			Data_ = QString::fromUtf8 (Reply_->readAll ());
			ParseData ();

		Reply_->deleteLater ();
		Reply_ = 0;
LoginDialog::LoginDialog(QWidget *parent,bool canautologin) : LoginDialogBase(parent)
	PMSettings *pmsettings = new PMSettings();


    if (pmsettings->getAttributeSettings("remember") == "true"){
    } else {

	if (pmsettings->getAttributeSettings("autologin") == "true")
        delete pmsettings;

        if (canautologin == true) canContinue();

    } else {
        delete pmsettings;
static int readPubkeyAttributes( INOUT STREAM *stream, 
								 INOUT PKCS15_INFO *pkcs15infoPtr,
								 IN_LENGTH const int endPos, 
								 const BOOLEAN isPubKeyObject )
	int usageFlags, status;

	assert( isWritePtr( stream, sizeof( STREAM ) ) );
	assert( isWritePtr( pkcs15infoPtr, sizeof( PKCS15_INFO ) ) );

	REQUIRES( endPos > 0 && endPos > stell( stream ) && \
			  endPos < MAX_INTLENGTH );

	status = readBitString( stream, &usageFlags );		/* Usage flags */
	if( canContinue( stream, status, endPos ) &&		/* Native flag */
		peekTag( stream ) == BER_BOOLEAN )
		status = readUniversal( stream );
	if( canContinue( stream, status, endPos ) &&		/* Access flags */
		peekTag( stream ) == BER_BITSTRING )
		status = readUniversal( stream );
	if( canContinue( stream, status, endPos ) &&		/* Key reference */
		peekTag( stream ) == BER_INTEGER )
		status = readUniversal( stream );
	if( canContinue( stream, status, endPos ) &&		/* Start date */
		peekTag( stream ) == BER_TIME_GENERALIZED )
		status = readGeneralizedTime( stream, &pkcs15infoPtr->validFrom );
	if( canContinue( stream, status, endPos ) &&		/* End date */
		peekTag( stream ) == MAKE_CTAG( CTAG_KA_VALIDTO ) )
		status = readGeneralizedTimeTag( stream, &pkcs15infoPtr->validTo, 
										 CTAG_KA_VALIDTO );
	if( cryptStatusError( status ) )
		return( status );
	if( isPubKeyObject )
		pkcs15infoPtr->pubKeyUsage = usageFlags;
		pkcs15infoPtr->privKeyUsage = usageFlags;

	return( CRYPT_OK );
Exemple #4
void MainMenu::gotoMenuScreen(int screen) {
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
		const MenuButton *btn;

		if (_vm->_gameDescription->language == Common::RU_RUS) {
			btn = &kMenuButtonsRu[screen * 5 + i];
		} else {
			btn = &kMenuButtons[screen * 5 + i];
		_buttons[i]->setEnabled(btn->cmd != 0);
	// Enable the "Continue" button if a savegame at slot 0 exists
	if (screen == kMainMenuScr)
static int readCertAttributes( INOUT STREAM *stream, 
							   INOUT PKCS15_INFO *pkcs15infoPtr,
							   IN_LENGTH const int endPos )
	int length, status = CRYPT_OK;

	assert( isWritePtr( stream, sizeof( STREAM ) ) );
	assert( isWritePtr( pkcs15infoPtr, sizeof( PKCS15_INFO ) ) );

	REQUIRES( endPos > 0 && endPos > stell( stream ) && \
			  endPos < MAX_INTLENGTH );

	if( peekTag( stream ) == BER_BOOLEAN )			/* Authority flag */
		status = readUniversal( stream );
	if( canContinue( stream, status, endPos ) &&	/* Identifier */
		peekTag( stream ) == BER_SEQUENCE )
		status = readUniversal( stream );
	if( canContinue( stream, status, endPos ) &&	/* Thumbprint */
		peekTag( stream ) == MAKE_CTAG( CTAG_CA_DUMMY ) )
		status = readUniversal( stream );
	if( canContinue( stream, status, endPos ) &&	/* Trusted usage */
		peekTag( stream ) == MAKE_CTAG( CTAG_CA_TRUSTED_USAGE ) )
		readConstructed( stream, NULL, CTAG_CA_TRUSTED_USAGE );
		status = readBitString( stream, &pkcs15infoPtr->trustedUsage );
	if( canContinue( stream, status, endPos ) &&	/* Identifiers */
		peekTag( stream ) == MAKE_CTAG( CTAG_CA_IDENTIFIERS ) )
		status = readConstructed( stream, &length, CTAG_CA_IDENTIFIERS );
		if( cryptStatusOK( status ) )
			status = readKeyIdentifiers( stream, pkcs15infoPtr, 
										 stell( stream ) + length );
	if( canContinue( stream, status, endPos ) &&	/* Implicitly trusted */
		status = readBooleanTag( stream, &pkcs15infoPtr->implicitTrust,
	if( canContinue( stream, status, endPos ) &&	/* Validity */
		peekTag( stream ) == MAKE_CTAG( CTAG_CA_VALIDTO ) )
		/* Due to miscommunication between PKCS #15 and 7816-15 there are 
		   two ways to encode the validity information for certificates, one 
		   based on the format used elsewhere in PKCS #15 (for PKCS #15) and 
		   the other based on the format used in certificates (for 7816-15).  
		   Luckily they can be distinguished by the tagging type */
		readConstructed( stream, NULL, CTAG_CA_VALIDTO );
		readUTCTime( stream, &pkcs15infoPtr->validFrom );
		status = readUTCTime( stream, &pkcs15infoPtr->validTo );
		if( canContinue( stream, status, endPos ) &&	/* Start date */
			peekTag( stream ) == BER_TIME_GENERALIZED )
			status = readGeneralizedTime( stream, &pkcs15infoPtr->validFrom );
		if( canContinue( stream, status, endPos ) &&	/* End date */
			peekTag( stream ) == MAKE_CTAG_PRIMITIVE( CTAG_CA_VALIDTO ) )
			status = readGeneralizedTimeTag( stream, &pkcs15infoPtr->validTo,
											 CTAG_CA_VALIDTO );

	return( status );
Exemple #6
void lionheart::Game::doTurn(std::shared_ptr<Display> display)
  //determine random turn order
  static std::random_device rd;
  static std::mt19937 engine(rd());
  for(auto&& u:units)
    std::shuffle(std::begin(u), std::end(u), engine);

  auto u0 = std::begin(units[0]);
  auto u1 = std::begin(units[1]);
  while (u0 != std::end(units[0]) && u1 != std::end(units[1]))
    auto doAction = [&](Unit &unit,
                       std::shared_ptr<Player> p,
                       std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>> &allies,
                       std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Unit>> &enemies)->bool
        if (unit.isAlive())
          std::shared_ptr<const Paths> paths = nullptr;
          if(unit.getMoveSpeed() == 5)
            paths = mountedPaths;
            paths = infantryPaths;
          // get recommendations
          auto action = p->recommendAction(unit, buildReport(map, turns, allies, enemies), Plan(unit, allies, enemies,paths));
          // execute valid recommendations
          return action(map, unit, allies,enemies);
		return false;
    // do player 0 unit
    if (u0 != std::end(units[0]))
      auto unit = *u0;
      auto result = doAction(*unit,player[0],units[0],units[1]);

    // do player 1 unit
    if (u1 != std::end(units[1]))
      auto unit = *u1;
      auto result = doAction(*unit,player[1],units[1],units[0]);

  // remove the fallen
  for (auto &&u : units)
                              [](std::shared_ptr<Unit> const &unit)
    { return !unit->isAlive(); }),
    state = FINISHED;