Exemple #1
NLM_EXTERN size_t Nlm_stream2text(const Nlm_Char FAR PNTR str, size_t max_col,
                                  int PNTR dash)
  const Nlm_Char FAR PNTR s;
  const Nlm_Char FAR PNTR sb; /* the nearest breakable position */
  size_t n_lead = 0;
  size_t n_tail = 0;

  size_t len = Nlm_StringLen( str );
  len = max_col < len ? max_col : len;

  *dash = 0;
  if (len == 0  ||  can_break(str[len-1], str[len]))
    return len;

  /* go to the beginning of the last completely fit word */
  for (sb = &str[len-1];
       sb != str  &&  !IS_WHITESP(*sb)  &&  !can_break(*sb, *(sb+1));
       sb--) continue;
  while (sb != str  &&  IS_WHITESP(*sb))

  if (sb == str)
    { /* the first word is longer than "max_col" */
      if (len > MAX_NO_DASH  &&  IS_ALPHA(str[len-1])  &&  IS_ALPHA(str[len]))
        *dash = 1;  /* recommend use dash in the place of last symbol */

      return len;

  /* decide of whether and how to break the last alphabet word */

  /*  count the lead and the tail of the last non-fit word */
  for (s = &str[len];  *s != '\0'  &&  IS_ALPHA(*s);  s++, n_tail++) continue;
  for (s = &str[len-1];  IS_ALPHA(*s);  s--, n_lead++) continue;
  ASSERT ( s > str );

  /* try to "move" symbols from lead in the sake of tail */
  while (n_lead > MIN_LEAD  &&  n_tail < MIN_TAIL)  {

  if (n_lead < MIN_LEAD  ||  n_tail < MIN_TAIL)
    { /* no luck this time -- move the whole non-fit word to the next line */
      return (sb - str + 1);
      *dash = 1;
      return (s - str + n_lead + 1);
Exemple #2
BonusBlock::collision(GameObject& other, const CollisionHit& hit_){

  auto player = dynamic_cast<Player*> (&other);
  if (player) {
    if (player->does_buttjump)

  auto badguy = dynamic_cast<BadGuy*> (&other);
  if(badguy) {
    // hit contains no information for collisions with blocks.
    // Badguy's bottom has to be below the top of the block
    // SHIFT_DELTA is required to slide over one tile gaps.
    if( badguy->can_break() && ( badguy->get_bbox().get_bottom() > bbox.get_top() + SHIFT_DELTA ) ){
  auto portable = dynamic_cast<Portable*> (&other);
  if(portable) {
    auto moving = dynamic_cast<MovingObject*> (&other);
    if(moving->get_bbox().get_top() > bbox.get_bottom() - SHIFT_DELTA) {
  return Block::collision(other, hit_);