PyObject* py_get_caravan_options(struct unit *punit,
			  struct city *phomecity, struct city *pdestcity)
  bool can_establish, can_trade, can_wonder;

  can_trade = can_cities_trade(phomecity, pdestcity);
  can_establish = can_trade
  		  && can_establish_trade_route(phomecity, pdestcity);

  return Py_BuildValue("iii", can_establish, can_trade, can_wonder);
void popup_caravan_dialog(struct unit *punit,
			  struct city *phomecity, struct city *pdestcity)
  char title_buf[128], buf[128], wonder[128];
  bool can_establish, can_trade, can_wonder;
  fc_snprintf(title_buf, sizeof(title_buf),
              /* TRANS: %s is a unit type */
              _("Your %s Has Arrived"), unit_name_translation(punit));
  fc_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
              _("Your %s from %s reaches the city of %s.\nWhat now?"),
              city_name(phomecity), city_name(pdestcity));
  caravan_city_id=pdestcity->id; /* callbacks need these */
  get_help_build_wonder_button_label(wonder, sizeof(wonder), &can_wonder);
  can_trade = can_cities_trade(phomecity, pdestcity);
  can_establish = can_trade
  		  && can_establish_trade_route(phomecity, pdestcity);

  caravan_dialog = popup_choice_dialog(GTK_WINDOW(toplevel),
    title_buf, buf,
    (can_establish ? _("Establish _Trade route") :
    _("Enter Marketplace")),caravan_establish_trade_callback, NULL,
    wonder,caravan_help_build_wonder_callback, NULL,
    _("_Keep moving"), NULL, NULL,

  g_signal_connect(caravan_dialog, "destroy",
		   G_CALLBACK(caravan_destroy_callback), NULL);
  if (!can_trade) {
    choice_dialog_button_set_sensitive(caravan_dialog, 0, FALSE);
  if (!can_wonder) {
    choice_dialog_button_set_sensitive(caravan_dialog, 1, FALSE);
Exemple #3
  Popup a dialog giving a player choices when their caravan arrives at
  a city (other than its home city).  Example:
    - Establish trade route.
    - Help build wonder.
    - Keep moving.
void popup_caravan_dialog(struct unit *pUnit,
			  struct city *pHomecity, struct city *pDestcity)
  struct widget *pWindow = NULL, *pBuf = NULL;
  SDL_String16 *pStr;
  struct CONTAINER *pCont;
  char cBuf[128];
  SDL_Rect area;
  if (pCaravan_Dlg) {

  pCont = fc_calloc(1, sizeof(struct CONTAINER));
  pCont->id0 = pUnit->id;
  pCont->id1 = pDestcity->id;
  pCaravan_Dlg = fc_calloc(1, sizeof(struct SMALL_DLG));
  is_unit_move_blocked = TRUE;
  fc_snprintf(cBuf, sizeof(cBuf), _("Your %s has arrived at %s"),
              unit_name_translation(pUnit), city_name(pDestcity));

  /* window */
  pStr = create_str16_from_char(cBuf, adj_font(12));
  pStr->style |= TTF_STYLE_BOLD;
  pWindow = create_window_skeleton(NULL, pStr, 0);
  pWindow->action = caravan_dlg_window_callback;
  set_wstate(pWindow, FC_WS_NORMAL);
  add_to_gui_list(ID_CARAVAN_DLG_WINDOW, pWindow);
  pCaravan_Dlg->pEndWidgetList = pWindow;

  area = pWindow->area;
  area.h = MAX(area.h, adj_size(2));
  /* ---------- */
  if (can_cities_trade(pHomecity, pDestcity))
    int revenue = get_caravan_enter_city_trade_bonus(pHomecity, pDestcity);
    if (can_establish_trade_route(pHomecity, pDestcity)) {
      fc_snprintf(cBuf, sizeof(cBuf),
                  _("Establish Trade route with %s ( %d R&G + %d trade )"),
                  trade_between_cities(pHomecity, pDestcity));
    } else {
      revenue = (revenue + 2) / 3;
      fc_snprintf(cBuf, sizeof(cBuf),
		_("Enter Marketplace ( %d R&G bonus )"), revenue);

    create_active_iconlabel(pBuf, pWindow->dst, pStr,
	    cBuf, caravan_establish_trade_callback);
    pBuf->data.cont = pCont;
    set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL);

    add_to_gui_list(ID_LABEL, pBuf);
    area.w = MAX(area.w, pBuf->size.w);
    area.h += pBuf->size.h;
  /* ---------- */
  if (unit_can_help_build_wonder(pUnit, pDestcity)) {
    create_active_iconlabel(pBuf, pWindow->dst, pStr,
	_("Help build Wonder"), caravan_help_build_wonder_callback);
    pBuf->data.cont = pCont;
    set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL);
    add_to_gui_list(ID_LABEL, pBuf);
    area.w = MAX(area.w, pBuf->size.w);
    area.h += pBuf->size.h;
  /* ---------- */
  create_active_iconlabel(pBuf, pWindow->dst, pStr,
	    _("Keep moving"), exit_caravan_dlg_callback);
  pBuf->data.cont = pCont;
  set_wstate(pBuf, FC_WS_NORMAL);
  set_wflag(pBuf, WF_FREE_DATA);
  pBuf->key = SDLK_ESCAPE;
  add_to_gui_list(ID_LABEL, pBuf);
  area.w = MAX(area.w, pBuf->size.w);
  area.h += pBuf->size.h;
  /* ---------- */
  pCaravan_Dlg->pBeginWidgetList = pBuf;
  /* setup window size and start position */
  resize_window(pWindow, NULL, NULL,
                (pWindow->size.w - pWindow->area.w) + area.w,
                (pWindow->size.h - pWindow->area.h) + area.h);
  area = pWindow->area;
  put_window_near_map_tile(pWindow, pWindow->size.w, pWindow->size.h,

  /* setup widget size and start position */
  pBuf = pWindow->prev;
  	area.y + 1, area.w, 0,
	pCaravan_Dlg->pBeginWidgetList, pBuf);
  /* --------------------- */
  /* redraw */
  redraw_group(pCaravan_Dlg->pBeginWidgetList, pWindow, 0);
