bool spec_executioner( CHAR_DATA *ch ) { char buf[MSL]={'\0'}; CHAR_DATA *victim; CHAR_DATA *v_next; char *crime; if ( !IS_AWAKE(ch) || ch->fighting != NULL ) return FALSE; crime = ""; for ( victim = ch->in_room->people; victim != NULL; victim = v_next ) { v_next = victim->next_in_room; if ( !IS_NPC(victim) && IS_SET(victim->act, PLR_KILLER) && can_see(ch,victim)) { crime = "KILLER"; break; } if ( !IS_NPC(victim) && IS_SET(victim->act, PLR_THIEF) && can_see(ch,victim)) { crime = "THIEF"; break; } } if ( victim == NULL ) return FALSE; sprintf( buf, "%s is a %s! PROTECT THE INNOCENT! MORE BLOOOOD!!!", victim->name, crime ); REMOVE_BIT(ch->comm,COMM_NOSHOUT); do_function(ch, &do_yell, buf ); multi_hit( ch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED ); return TRUE; }
bool spec_guard( CHAR_DATA *ch ) { char buf[MSL]={'\0'}; CHAR_DATA *victim; CHAR_DATA *v_next; CHAR_DATA *ech; char *crime; int max_evil; if ( !IS_AWAKE(ch) || ch->fighting != NULL ) return FALSE; max_evil = 300; ech = NULL; crime = ""; for ( victim = ch->in_room->people; victim != NULL; victim = v_next ) { v_next = victim->next_in_room; if ( !IS_NPC(victim) && IS_SET(victim->act, PLR_KILLER) && can_see(ch,victim)) { crime = "KILLER"; break; } if ( !IS_NPC(victim) && IS_SET(victim->act, PLR_THIEF) && can_see(ch,victim)) { crime = "THIEF"; break; } if ( victim->fighting != NULL && victim->fighting != ch && victim->alignment < max_evil ) { max_evil = victim->alignment; ech = victim; } } if ( victim != NULL ) { sprintf( buf, "%s is a %s! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!! BANZAI!!", victim->name, crime ); REMOVE_BIT(ch->comm,COMM_NOSHOUT); do_function(ch, &do_yell, buf ); multi_hit( ch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED ); return TRUE; } if ( ech != NULL ) { act( "$n screams 'PROTECT THE INNOCENT!! BANZAI!!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); multi_hit( ch, ech, TYPE_UNDEFINED ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
bool spec_clan_guard( CHAR_DATA * ch ) { CHAR_DATA *victim = NULL; CHAR_DATA *v_next = NULL; if( !IS_AWAKE( ch ) || ch->fighting || !ch->mob_clan ) return FALSE; for( victim = ch->in_room->first_person; victim; victim = v_next ) { v_next = victim->next_in_room; if( !can_see( ch, victim ) ) continue; if( get_timer( victim, TIMER_RECENTFIGHT ) > 0 ) continue; if( !IS_NPC( victim ) && victim->pcdata && victim->pcdata->clan && IS_AWAKE( victim ) && victim->pcdata->clan != ch->mob_clan && nifty_is_name( victim->pcdata->clan->name, ch->mob_clan->atwar ) ) { char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; snprintf( buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, "%s", "Hey you're not allowed in here!" ); do_yell( ch, buf ); multi_hit( ch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED ); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
bool spec_police_fine( CHAR_DATA * ch ) { CHAR_DATA *victim; CHAR_DATA *v_next; int vip; char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; if( !IS_AWAKE( ch ) || ch->fighting ) return FALSE; for( victim = ch->in_room->first_person; victim; victim = v_next ) { v_next = victim->next_in_room; if( IS_NPC( victim ) ) continue; if( !can_see( ch, victim ) ) continue; if( number_bits( 1 ) == 0 ) continue; for( vip = 0; vip <= 31; vip++ ) if( IS_SET( ch->vip_flags, 1 << vip ) && IS_SET( victim->pcdata->wanted_flags, 1 << vip ) ) { sprintf( buf, "Hey you're wanted on %s!", planet_flags[vip] ); do_say( ch, buf ); act( AT_ACTION, "$n fines $N an enormous amount of money.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT ); act( AT_ACTION, "$n fines you an enourmous amount of money.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT ); victim->gold /= 2; REMOVE_BIT( victim->pcdata->wanted_flags, 1 << vip ); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
/* File read/write code redone using standard Smaug I/O routines - Samson 9-12-98 */ void do_finger( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) { CHAR_DATA *victim; if( IS_NPC(ch) ) { send_to_char( "Mobs can't use the finger command.\n\r", ch ); return; } if ( argument[0] == '\0' ) { send_to_char("Finger whom?\n\r", ch ); return; } victim = get_char_world(ch, argument); if ( ( victim == NULL ) || (!victim) ) { read_finger( ch, argument ); return; } if ( IS_IMMORTAL(victim) && !IS_IMMORTAL(ch) ) { send_to_char( "Cannot finger an immortal.\n\r", ch ); return; } /* if ( ( ch->top_level < victim->top_level && ch->top_level < LEVEL_INFINITE ) && IS_IMMORTAL(ch) ) { send_to_char( "Cannot finger an immortal above your own level.\n\r", ch ); return; } */ if ( IS_NPC( victim ) ) { read_finger( ch, argument ); return; } if ( !can_see( ch, victim ) ) { send_to_char("They aren't here.\n\r", ch ); return; } send_to_char("&w Finger Info\n\r", ch); send_to_char(" -----------\n\r", ch); ch_printf(ch, "&wName : &G%-20s &wAge: &G%d\n\r", victim->name, victim->pcage ); ch_printf(ch, "&wSex : &G%-20s\n\r", victim->sex == SEX_MALE ? "Male" : victim->sex == SEX_FEMALE ? "Female" : "Neutral" ); ch_printf(ch, "&wTitle: &G%s\n\r", victim->pcdata->title ); ch_printf(ch, "&wHomepage: &G%s\n\r", victim->pcdata->homepage ? victim->pcdata->homepage : "None" ); // ch_printf(ch, "&wClan: &G%s\n\r", victim->pcdata->clan ? victim->pcdata->clan->name : "Unclanned" ); ch_printf(ch, "&wLast on: &G%s\n\r", (char *) ctime( &ch->logon ) ); return; }
void compute_dlight(int xc,int yc) { int xs,ys,xe,ye,x,y,v,d,best=0,m; unsigned long long prof; prof=prof_start(); xs=max(0,xc-LIGHTDIST); ys=max(0,yc-LIGHTDIST); xe=min(MAPX-1,xc+1+LIGHTDIST); ye=min(MAPY-1,yc+1+LIGHTDIST); for (y=ys; y<ye; y++) { m=y*MAPX+xs; for (x=xs; x<xe; x++,m++) { if ((xc-x)*(xc-x)+(yc-y)*(yc-y)>(LIGHTDIST*LIGHTDIST+1)) continue; if (!(map[m].flags&MF_INDOORS)) { if ((v=can_see(0,xc,yc,x,y,LIGHTDIST))==0) continue; d=256/(v*(abs(xc-x)+abs(yc-y))); if (d>best) best=d; } } } if (best>256) best=256; map[xc+yc*MAPX].dlight=best; prof_stop(18,prof); }
Character *get_char_world(Character *ch, const char *argument) { char arg[BUF_SIZ]; long number; Character *wch; int count; if ((wch = get_char_room(ch, argument)) != NULL) { return wch; } number = number_argument(argument, arg); count = 0; for (wch = first_character; wch != NULL; wch = wch->next) { if (wch->inRoom == NULL || !can_see(ch, wch) || !is_name(arg, wch->name)) { continue; } if (++count == number) { return wch; } } return NULL; }
/* will_reach() is used for determining whether we'll get to stairs (and * potentially other locations of interest). It is generally permissive. * TODO: Pathfinding; Make sure that non-smashing monsters won't "teleport" through windows Injure monsters if they're gonna be walking through pits or whatevs */ bool monster::will_reach(int x, int y) { monster_attitude att = attitude(&(g->u)); if (att != MATT_FOLLOW && att != MATT_ATTACK && att != MATT_FRIEND) return false; if (has_flag(MF_DIGS)) return false; if (has_flag(MF_IMMOBILE) && (posx() != x || posy() != y)) return false; std::vector<point> path = g->m.route(posx(), posy(), x, y, has_flag(MF_BASHES)); if (path.size() == 0) return false; if (has_flag(MF_SMELLS) && g->scent(posx(), posy()) > 0 && g->scent(x, y) > g->scent(posx(), posy())) return true; if (can_hear() && wandf > 0 && rl_dist(wandx, wandy, x, y) <= 2 && rl_dist(posx(), posy(), wandx, wandy) <= wandf) return true; int t; if (can_see() && g->m.sees(posx(), posy(), x, y, g->light_level(), t)) return true; return false; }
const char *char_data::get_name( CHAR_DATA *looker ) { if ( looker != NULL ) { if ( can_see(looker, this) ) { if ( IS_NPC(this) ) return npcdata->short_descr; else { if ( IS_WOLF(this) && (IS_SHIFTED(this) || IS_RAGED(this)) ) return "A Large @@bWolf@@N"; else return name.c_str(); } } else { if ( IS_IMMORTAL(this) ) return "A Mystical Being"; else return "Someone"; } } else { if ( IS_NPC(this) ) return npcdata->short_descr; else return name.c_str(); } return "Unknown!"; }
void mp_greet_trigger( CHAR_DATA *ch ) { CHAR_DATA *mob; for ( mob = ch->in_room->people; mob != NULL; mob = mob->next_in_room ) { if ( IS_NPC( mob ) && ( HAS_TRIGGER(mob, TRIG_GREET) || HAS_TRIGGER(mob,TRIG_GRALL) ) ) { /* * Greet trigger works only if the mobile is not busy * (fighting etc.). If you want to catch all players, use * GrAll trigger */ if ( HAS_TRIGGER( mob,TRIG_GREET ) && mob->position == mob->pIndexData->default_pos && can_see( mob, ch ) ) mp_percent_trigger( mob, ch, NULL, NULL, TRIG_GREET ); else if ( HAS_TRIGGER( mob, TRIG_GRALL ) ) mp_percent_trigger( mob, ch, NULL, NULL, TRIG_GRALL ); } } return; }
// Looks at all spaces within 2, looking for a spot which is clear of nastiness and beings // returns {0,0} if none found // THIS MAKES NO ADJUSTMENTS FOR BIG MONSTERS!!! location find_clear_spot(location from_where,short mode) //mode; // 0 - normal 1 - prefer adjacent space { location loc,store_loc; short num_tries = 0,r1; while (num_tries < 75) { num_tries++; loc = from_where; r1 = get_ran(1,-2,2); loc.x = loc.x + r1; r1 = get_ran(1,-2,2); loc.y = loc.y + r1; if ((loc_off_act_area(loc) == false) && (is_blocked(loc) == false) && (can_see(from_where,loc,1) == 0) && (!(is_combat()) || (pc_there(loc) == 6)) && (!(is_town()) || (loc != && (!(,loc.y) & 248)) && // check for crate, barrel, barrier, quickfire (!(,loc.y) & 254))) { // check for fields, clouds if ((mode == 0) || ((mode == 1) && (adjacent(from_where,loc) == true))) return loc; else store_loc = loc; } } return store_loc; }
static int ant_dodge(game_object *o) { if (o->lvars[ANT_need_to_dodge]==1) { o->lvars[ANT_need_to_dodge]=0; if ((jrand()%2)==0) { o->set_state(stopped); o->set_aistate(ANT_JUMP); if (!can_see(o,o->x,o->y,o->x,o->y-120)) // is there a roof above? { o->set_yvel(-17); o->set_xvel(0); o->set_aistate(ANT_JUMP_ROOF); ant_ai(); } else { o->set_yvel(-12); if (o->direction>0) o->set_xvel(22); else o->set_xvel(-22); o->set_aistate(ANT_JUMP); } } return 1; } else return 0; }
/* * Mass refresh will refresh every visible character in the room for only * 3 more mana than a normal refresh. It also has an additional 1 to 10 * movement random bonus on top of the normal refresh. */ void spell_mass_refresh(int sn, int level, CHAR_DATA * ch, void *vo, int target) { CHAR_DATA *gch; char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; for (gch = ch->in_room->people; gch != NULL; gch = gch->next_in_room) { // If the character can't be seen they can't be refreshed, we don't // want this used to sniff out hidden characters. if (!can_see(ch, gch)) { continue; } gch->move = UMIN(gch->move + level + number_range(1, 10), gch->max_move); if (gch->max_move == gch->move) { send_to_char("You feel fully refreshed!\r\n", gch); } else { send_to_char("You feel less tired.\r\n", gch); } if (gch != ch) { sprintf(buf, "%s has been refreshed.\r\n", gch->name); send_to_char(buf, ch); } } } // end spell_mass_refresh
bool spec_clan_guard(CHAR_DATA * ch) { CHAR_DATA *victim; CHAR_DATA *v_next; if (!IS_AWAKE(ch) || ch->fighting) return FALSE; for (victim = ch->in_room->first_person; victim; victim = v_next) { v_next = victim->next_in_room; if (!can_see(ch, victim)) continue; if (get_timer(victim, TIMER_RECENTFIGHT) > 0) continue; if (!IS_NPC(victim) && victim->pcdata && victim->pcdata->clan && IS_AWAKE(victim) && str_cmp(ch->name, victim->pcdata->clan->name)) { do_yell(ch, "Hey your not allowed in here!"); multi_hit(ch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
bool spec_new_republic_trooper(CHAR_DATA * ch) { CHAR_DATA *victim; CHAR_DATA *v_next; if (!IS_AWAKE(ch) || ch->fighting) return FALSE; for (victim = ch->in_room->first_person; victim; victim = v_next) { v_next = victim->next_in_room; if (!can_see(ch, victim)) continue; if (get_timer(victim, TIMER_RECENTFIGHT) > 0) continue; if ((IS_NPC(victim) && nifty_is_name("imperial", victim->name) && victim->fighting && who_fighting(victim) != ch) || (!IS_NPC(victim) && victim->pcdata && victim->pcdata->clan && IS_AWAKE(victim) && nifty_is_name("empire", victim->pcdata->clan->name))) { do_yell(ch, "Long live the New Republic!"); multi_hit(ch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
bool spec_police_attack(CHAR_DATA * ch) { CHAR_DATA *victim; CHAR_DATA *v_next; int vip; char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; if (!IS_AWAKE(ch) || ch->fighting) return FALSE; for (victim = ch->in_room->first_person; victim; victim = v_next) { v_next = victim->next_in_room; if (IS_NPC(victim)) continue; if (!can_see(ch, victim)) continue; if (number_bits(1) == 0) continue; for (vip = 0; vip < 32; vip++) if (IS_SET(ch->vip_flags, 1 << vip) && IS_SET(victim->pcdata->wanted_flags, 1 << vip)) { sprintf(buf, "Hey you're wanted on %s!", planet_flags[vip]); do_say(ch, buf); REMOVE_BIT(victim->pcdata->wanted_flags, 1 << vip); multi_hit(ch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
/* will_reach() is used for determining whether we'll get to stairs (and * potentially other locations of interest). It is generally permissive. * TODO: Pathfinding; Make sure that non-smashing monsters won't "teleport" through windows Injure monsters if they're gonna be walking through pits or whatevs */ bool monster::will_reach(game *g, int x, int y) { monster_attitude att = attitude(&(g->u)); if (att != MATT_FOLLOW && att != MATT_ATTACK && att != MATT_FRIEND) return false; if (has_flag(MF_DIGS)) return false; if (has_flag(MF_IMMOBILE) && (posx != x || posy != y)) return false; if (has_flag(MF_SMELLS) && g->scent(posx, posy) > 0 && g->scent(x, y) > g->scent(posx, posy)) return true; if (can_hear() && wandf > 0 && rl_dist(wandx, wandy, x, y) <= 2 && rl_dist(posx, posy, wandx, wandy) <= wandf) return true; int t; if (can_see() && g->m.sees(posx, posy, x, y, g->light_level(), t)) return true; return false; }
/* * Check for parry. */ bool check_parry( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim ) { int chance; if ( !IS_AWAKE(victim) ) return FALSE; chance = get_skill(victim,gsn_parry) / 2; if ( get_eq_char( victim, WEAR_WIELD ) == NULL ) { if (IS_NPC(victim)) chance /= 2; else return FALSE; } if (!can_see(ch,victim)) return FALSE; if ( dice_rolls(ch, chance,8) >= 1 ) return FALSE; act( "You parry $n's attack.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT, 1 ); act( "$N parries your attack.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR, 1 ); return TRUE; }
bool spec_cast_adept( CHAR_DATA *ch ) { CHAR_DATA *victim; CHAR_DATA *v_next; if ( !IS_AWAKE(ch) ) return FALSE; for ( victim = ch->in_room->people; victim != NULL; victim = v_next ) { v_next = victim->next_in_room; if ( victim != ch && can_see( ch, victim ) && number_bits( 1 ) == 0 ) break; } if ( victim == NULL ) return FALSE; switch ( number_bits( 3 ) ) { case 0: act( "$n utters the word 'tehctah'.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); spell_armor( skill_lookup( "armor" ), ch->level, ch, victim ); return TRUE; case 1: act( "$n utters the word 'nhak'.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); spell_bless( skill_lookup( "bless" ), ch->level, ch, victim ); return TRUE; case 2: act( "$n utters the word 'yeruf'.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); spell_cure_blindness( skill_lookup( "cure blindness" ), ch->level, ch, victim ); return TRUE; case 3: act( "$n utters the word 'garf'.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); spell_cure_light( skill_lookup( "cure light" ), ch->level, ch, victim ); return TRUE; case 4: act( "$n utters the words 'rozar'.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); spell_cure_poison( skill_lookup( "cure poison" ), ch->level, ch, victim ); return TRUE; case 5: act( "$n utters the words 'nadroj'.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); spell_refresh( skill_lookup( "refresh" ), ch->level, ch, victim ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// if we first saw the player or it's been a while since we've seen the player then do a scream static void scream_check(game_object *o, game_object *b) { if (can_see(o,o->x,o->y,b->x,b->y)) { if (o->lvars[ANT_no_see_time]==0 || o->lvars[ANT_no_see_time]>20) the_game->play_sound(S_ASCREAM_SND,127,o->x,o->y); o->lvars[ANT_no_see_time]=1; } else o->lvars[ANT_no_see_time]++; }
static void fire_at_player(game_object *o, game_object *b) { int32_t firex=o->x+(o->direction>0?15:-15),firey=o->y-15, playerx=b->x+b->xvel()*8,playery=b->y-15+b->yvel()*2; if (can_see(o,o->x,o->y,firex,firey) && can_see(o,firex,firey,playerx,playery)) { int angle=lisp_atan2(firey-playery,playerx-firex); void *call_list=NULL; PtrRef r1(call_list); push_onto_list(LPointer::Create(b),call_list); push_onto_list(LNumber::Create(angle),call_list); push_onto_list(LNumber::Create(firey),call_list); push_onto_list(LNumber::Create(firex),call_list); push_onto_list(LNumber::Create(o->aitype()),call_list); push_onto_list(LPointer::Create(o),call_list); ((LSymbol *)l_fire_object)->EvalUserFunction((LList *)call_list); o->set_state((character_state)S_weapon_fire); } }
static void fire_at_player(game_object *o, game_object *b) { long firex=o->x+(o->direction>0?15:-15),firey=o->y-15, playerx=b->x+b->xvel()*8,playery=b->y-15+b->yvel()*2; if (can_see(o,o->x,o->y,firex,firey) && can_see(o,firex,firey,playerx,playery)) { int angle=lisp_atan2(firey-playery,playerx-firex); void *call_list=NULL; p_ref r1(call_list); push_onto_list(new_lisp_pointer(b),call_list); push_onto_list(new_lisp_number(angle),call_list); push_onto_list(new_lisp_number(firey),call_list); push_onto_list(new_lisp_number(firex),call_list); push_onto_list(new_lisp_number(o->aitype()),call_list); push_onto_list(new_lisp_pointer(o),call_list); eval_user_fun((lisp_symbol *)l_fire_object,call_list); o->set_state((character_state)S_weapon_fire); } }
void io_display(dungeon_t *d) { uint32_t y, x; uint32_t illuminated; clear(); for (y = 0; y < DUNGEON_Y; y++) { for (x = 0; x < DUNGEON_X; x++) { if ((illuminated = is_illuminated(d->pc, y, x))) { attron(A_BOLD); } if (d->charmap[y][x] && can_see(d, character_get_pos(d->pc), character_get_pos(d->charmap[y][x]), 1)) { mvaddch(y + 1, x, character_get_symbol(d->charmap[y][x])); } else { switch (pc_learned_terrain(d->pc, y, x)) { case ter_wall: case ter_wall_immutable: case ter_unknown: mvaddch(y + 1, x, ' '); break; case ter_floor: case ter_floor_room: mvaddch(y + 1, x, '.'); break; case ter_floor_hall: mvaddch(y + 1, x, '#'); break; case ter_debug: mvaddch(y + 1, x, '*'); break; case ter_stairs_up: mvaddch(y + 1, x, '<'); break; case ter_stairs_down: mvaddch(y + 1, x, '>'); break; default: /* Use zero as an error symbol, since it stands out somewhat, and it's * * not otherwise used. */ mvaddch(y + 1, x, '0'); } } if (illuminated) { attroff(A_BOLD); } } } io_print_message_queue(0, 0); refresh(); }
static void npc_next_pos_14(dungeon *d, npc *c, pair_t next) { /* pass wall; not smart; not telepathic; tunneling; not erratic */ if (can_see(d, character_get_pos(c), character_get_pos(d->PC), 0, 0)) { c->pc_last_known_position[dim_y] = character_get_y(d->PC); c->pc_last_known_position[dim_x] = character_get_x(d->PC); npc_next_pos_line_of_sight(d, c, next); } else { npc_next_pos_rand_pass(d, c, next); } }
static void npc_next_pos_00(dungeon *d, npc *c, pair_t next) { /* not smart; not telepathic; not tunneling; not erratic */ if (can_see(d, character_get_pos(c), character_get_pos(d->PC), 0, 0)) { c->pc_last_known_position[dim_y] = d->PC->position[dim_y]; c->pc_last_known_position[dim_x] = d->PC->position[dim_x]; npc_next_pos_line_of_sight(d, c, next); } else { npc_next_pos_rand(d, c, next); } }
bool spec_jedi_healer( CHAR_DATA * ch ) { CHAR_DATA *victim; CHAR_DATA *v_next; if( !IS_AWAKE( ch ) ) return FALSE; for( victim = ch->in_room->first_person; victim; victim = v_next ) { v_next = victim->next_in_room; if( victim != ch && can_see( ch, victim ) && number_bits( 1 ) == 0 ) break; } if( !victim ) return FALSE; switch ( number_bits( 12 ) ) { case 0: act( AT_MAGIC, "$n pauses and concentrates for a moment.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); spell_smaug( skill_lookup( "armor" ), ch->top_level, ch, victim ); return TRUE; case 1: act( AT_MAGIC, "$n pauses and concentrates for a moment.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); spell_smaug( skill_lookup( "good fortune" ), ch->top_level, ch, victim ); return TRUE; case 2: act( AT_MAGIC, "$n pauses and concentrates for a moment.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); spell_cure_blindness( skill_lookup( "cure blindness" ), ch->top_level, ch, victim ); return TRUE; case 3: act( AT_MAGIC, "$n pauses and concentrates for a moment.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); spell_smaug( skill_lookup( "cure light" ), ch->top_level, ch, victim ); return TRUE; case 4: act( AT_MAGIC, "$n pauses and concentrates for a moment.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); spell_cure_poison( skill_lookup( "cure poison" ), ch->top_level, ch, victim ); return TRUE; case 5: act( AT_MAGIC, "$n pauses and concentrates for a moment.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM ); spell_smaug( skill_lookup( "refresh" ), ch->top_level, ch, victim ); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
void pc_observe_terrain(character *the_pc, dungeon_t *d) { pair_t where; pc *p; int8_t y_min, y_max, x_min, x_max; p = (pc *) the_pc; y_min = p->position[dim_y] - PC_VISUAL_RANGE; if (y_min < 0) { y_min = 0; } y_max = p->position[dim_y] + PC_VISUAL_RANGE; if (y_max > DUNGEON_Y - 1) { y_max = DUNGEON_Y - 1; } x_min = p->position[dim_x] - PC_VISUAL_RANGE; if (x_min < 0) { x_min = 0; } x_max = p->position[dim_x] + PC_VISUAL_RANGE; if (x_max > DUNGEON_X - 1) { x_max = DUNGEON_X - 1; } for (where[dim_y] = y_min; where[dim_y] <= y_max; where[dim_y]++) { where[dim_x] = x_min; can_see(d, p->position, where, 1); where[dim_x] = x_max; can_see(d, p->position, where, 1); } /* Take one off the x range because we alreay hit the corners above. */ for (where[dim_x] = x_min - 1; where[dim_x] <= x_max - 1; where[dim_x]++) { where[dim_y] = y_min; can_see(d, p->position, where, 1); where[dim_y] = y_max; can_see(d, p->position, where, 1); } }
int monster::sight_range( const int light_level ) const { // Non-aquatic monsters can't see much when submerged if( !can_see() || ( underwater && !has_flag( MF_SWIMS ) && !has_flag( MF_AQUATIC ) && !digging() ) ) { return 1; } int range = ( light_level * type->vision_day ) + ( ( DAYLIGHT_LEVEL - light_level ) * type->vision_night ); range /= DAYLIGHT_LEVEL; return range; }
bool rand_move(char i) { bool acted_yet = false; short j; location store_loc; // first, if outdoor, just roam. if (is_out()) { store_loc = random_shift([i].m_loc); return outdoor_move_monster(i,store_loc); } if ([i].targ_loc ==[i].cur_loc)[i].targ_loc.x = 0; // FIrst, try to move to monst_targs. If it don't work, then we'll shift. if ([i].targ_loc.x > 0) acted_yet = seek_party(i,[i].cur_loc,[i].targ_loc); if (acted_yet == false) {[i].targ_loc.x = 0; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { store_loc =[i].cur_loc; store_loc.x += get_ran(1,0,24) - 12; store_loc.y += get_ran(1,0,24) - 12; if ((loc_off_act_area(store_loc) == false) && (can_see([i].cur_loc,store_loc,0) < 5)) {[i].targ_loc = store_loc; j = 3; } } if ([i].targ_loc.x == 0) { // maybe pick a wand loc, else juist pick a loc j = get_ran(1,0,3); store_loc =>wandering_locs[j]; if ((loc_off_act_area(store_loc) == false) && (get_ran(1,0,1) == 1))[i].targ_loc = store_loc; else { store_loc =[i].cur_loc; store_loc.x += get_ran(1,0,20) - 10; store_loc.y += get_ran(1,0,20) - 10; if (loc_off_act_area(store_loc) == false)[i].targ_loc = store_loc; } } if ([i].targ_loc.x > 0) acted_yet = seek_party(i,[i].cur_loc,[i].targ_loc); } return acted_yet; }
bool spec_executioner( CHAR_DATA *ch ) { char buf[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; CHAR_DATA *victim; CHAR_DATA *v_next; char *crime; if ( !IS_AWAKE( ch ) || ch->fighting != NULL ) return FALSE; crime = ""; for ( victim = ch->in_room->people; victim != NULL; victim = v_next ) { v_next = victim->next_in_room; if ( !IS_NPC( victim ) && EXT_IS_SET( victim->act, PLR_KILLER ) && can_see( ch, victim ) ) { crime = "KILLER"; break; } if ( !IS_NPC( victim ) && EXT_IS_SET( victim->act, PLR_THIEF ) && can_see( ch, victim ) ) { crime = "THIEF"; break; } } if ( victim == NULL ) return FALSE; sprintf( buf, "%s is a %s! BRONIÆ NIEWINNYCH! KRRRRWII!!!", victim->name, crime ); REMOVE_BIT( ch->comm, COMM_NOSHOUT ); do_function( ch, &do_yell, buf ); multi_hit( ch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED ); return TRUE; }