void DocumentLoader::responseReceived(Resource* resource, const ResourceResponse& response) { ASSERT_UNUSED(resource, m_mainResource == resource); RefPtr<DocumentLoader> protect(this); m_applicationCacheHost->didReceiveResponseForMainResource(response); // The memory cache doesn't understand the application cache or its caching rules. So if a main resource is served // from the application cache, ensure we don't save the result for future use. All responses loaded // from appcache will have a non-zero appCacheID(). if (response.appCacheID()) memoryCache()->remove(m_mainResource.get()); DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(AtomicString, xFrameOptionHeader, ("x-frame-options", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral)); HTTPHeaderMap::const_iterator it = response.httpHeaderFields().find(xFrameOptionHeader); if (it != response.httpHeaderFields().end()) { String content = it->value; ASSERT(m_mainResource); unsigned long identifier = mainResourceIdentifier(); ASSERT(identifier); if (frameLoader()->shouldInterruptLoadForXFrameOptions(content, response.url(), identifier)) { InspectorInstrumentation::continueAfterXFrameOptionsDenied(m_frame, this, identifier, response); String message = "Refused to display '" + response.url().elidedString() + "' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to '" + content + "'."; frame()->document()->addConsoleMessageWithRequestIdentifier(SecurityMessageSource, ErrorMessageLevel, message, identifier); frame()->document()->enforceSandboxFlags(SandboxOrigin); if (HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement = frame()->ownerElement()) ownerElement->dispatchEvent(Event::create(EventTypeNames::load)); // The load event might have detached this frame. In that case, the load will already have been cancelled during detach. if (frameLoader()) cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); return; } } ASSERT(!mainResourceLoader() || !mainResourceLoader()->defersLoading()); m_response = response; if (isArchiveMIMEType(m_response.mimeType()) && m_mainResource->dataBufferingPolicy() != BufferData) m_mainResource->setDataBufferingPolicy(BufferData); if (!shouldContinueForResponse()) { InspectorInstrumentation::continueWithPolicyIgnore(m_frame, this, m_mainResource->identifier(), m_response); cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); return; } if (m_response.isHTTP()) { int status = m_response.httpStatusCode(); if ((status < 200 || status >= 300) && m_frame->ownerElement() && m_frame->ownerElement()->isObjectElement()) { m_frame->ownerElement()->renderFallbackContent(); // object elements are no longer rendered after we fallback, so don't // keep trying to process data from their load cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); } } }
void DocumentLoader::willSendRequest(ResourceRequest& newRequest, const ResourceResponse& redirectResponse) { // Note that there are no asserts here as there are for the other callbacks. This is due to the // fact that this "callback" is sent when starting every load, and the state of callback // deferrals plays less of a part in this function in preventing the bad behavior deferring // callbacks is meant to prevent. ASSERT(!newRequest.isNull()); if (!frameLoader()->checkIfFormActionAllowedByCSP(newRequest.url())) { cancelMainResourceLoad(frameLoader()->cancelledError(newRequest)); return; } ASSERT(timing()->fetchStart()); if (!redirectResponse.isNull()) { // If the redirecting url is not allowed to display content from the target origin, // then block the redirect. RefPtr<SecurityOrigin> redirectingOrigin = SecurityOrigin::create(redirectResponse.url()); if (!redirectingOrigin->canDisplay(newRequest.url())) { FrameLoader::reportLocalLoadFailed(m_frame, newRequest.url().string()); cancelMainResourceLoad(frameLoader()->cancelledError(newRequest)); return; } timing()->addRedirect(redirectResponse.url(), newRequest.url()); } // Update cookie policy base URL as URL changes, except for subframes, which use the // URL of the main frame which doesn't change when we redirect. if (frameLoader()->isLoadingMainFrame()) newRequest.setFirstPartyForCookies(newRequest.url()); // If we're fielding a redirect in response to a POST, force a load from origin, since // this is a common site technique to return to a page viewing some data that the POST // just modified. // Also, POST requests always load from origin, but this does not affect subresources. if (newRequest.cachePolicy() == UseProtocolCachePolicy && isPostOrRedirectAfterPost(newRequest, redirectResponse)) newRequest.setCachePolicy(ReloadIgnoringCacheData); Frame* top = m_frame->tree()->top(); if (top) { if (!top->loader()->mixedContentChecker()->canDisplayInsecureContent(top->document()->securityOrigin(), newRequest.url())) { cancelMainResourceLoad(frameLoader()->cancelledError(newRequest)); return; } } setRequest(newRequest); if (redirectResponse.isNull()) return; frameLoader()->client()->dispatchDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoad(); if (!shouldContinueForNavigationPolicy(newRequest)) stopLoadingForPolicyChange(); }
void DocumentLoader::willSendRequest(ResourceRequest& newRequest, const ResourceResponse& redirectResponse) { // Note that there are no asserts here as there are for the other callbacks. This is due to the // fact that this "callback" is sent when starting every load, and the state of callback // deferrals plays less of a part in this function in preventing the bad behavior deferring // callbacks is meant to prevent. ASSERT(!newRequest.isNull()); if (isFormSubmission(m_triggeringAction.type()) && !m_frame->document()->contentSecurityPolicy()->allowFormAction(newRequest.url())) { cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(newRequest.url())); return; } ASSERT(timing()->fetchStart()); if (!redirectResponse.isNull()) { // If the redirecting url is not allowed to display content from the target origin, // then block the redirect. RefPtr<SecurityOrigin> redirectingOrigin = SecurityOrigin::create(redirectResponse.url()); if (!redirectingOrigin->canDisplay(newRequest.url())) { FrameLoader::reportLocalLoadFailed(m_frame, newRequest.url().string()); cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(newRequest.url())); return; } timing()->addRedirect(redirectResponse.url(), newRequest.url()); } // If we're fielding a redirect in response to a POST, force a load from origin, since // this is a common site technique to return to a page viewing some data that the POST // just modified. if (newRequest.cachePolicy() == UseProtocolCachePolicy && isRedirectAfterPost(newRequest, redirectResponse)) newRequest.setCachePolicy(ReloadBypassingCache); // If this is a sub-frame, check for mixed content blocking against the top frame. if (m_frame->tree().parent()) { // FIXME: This does not yet work with out-of-process iframes. Frame* top = m_frame->tree().top(); if (top->isLocalFrame() && !toLocalFrame(top)->loader().mixedContentChecker()->canRunInsecureContent(toLocalFrame(top)->document()->securityOrigin(), newRequest.url())) { cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(newRequest.url())); return; } } m_request = newRequest; if (redirectResponse.isNull()) return; appendRedirect(newRequest.url()); frameLoader()->client()->dispatchDidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoad(); if (!shouldContinueForNavigationPolicy(newRequest)) cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); }
void DocumentLoader::dataReceived(Resource* resource, const char* data, unsigned length) { ASSERT(data); ASSERT(length); ASSERT_UNUSED(resource, resource == m_mainResource); ASSERT(!m_response.isNull()); ASSERT(!mainResourceLoader() || !mainResourceLoader()->defersLoading()); // Both unloading the old page and parsing the new page may execute JavaScript which destroys the datasource // by starting a new load, so retain temporarily. RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<LocalFrame> protectFrame(m_frame); RefPtr<DocumentLoader> protectLoader(this); m_applicationCacheHost->mainResourceDataReceived(data, length); m_timeOfLastDataReceived = monotonicallyIncreasingTime(); if (isArchiveMIMEType(response().mimeType())) return; commitIfReady(); if (!frameLoader()) return; commitData(data, length); // If we are sending data to MediaDocument, we should stop here // and cancel the request. if (m_frame && m_frame->document()->isMediaDocument()) cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); }
// Cancels the data source's pending loads. Conceptually, a data source only loads // one document at a time, but one document may have many related resources. // stopLoading will stop all loads initiated by the data source, // but not loads initiated by child frames' data sources -- that's the WebFrame's job. void DocumentLoader::stopLoading() { RefPtr<Frame> protectFrame(m_frame); RefPtr<DocumentLoader> protectLoader(this); // In some rare cases, calling FrameLoader::stopLoading could cause isLoading() to return false. // (This can happen when there's a single XMLHttpRequest currently loading and stopLoading causes it // to stop loading. Because of this, we need to save it so we don't return early. bool loading = isLoading(); if (m_committed) { // Attempt to stop the frame if the document loader is loading, or if it is done loading but // still parsing. Failure to do so can cause a world leak. Document* doc = m_frame->document(); if (loading || doc->parsing()) m_frame->loader()->stopLoading(UnloadEventPolicyNone); } // Always cancel multipart loaders cancelAll(m_multipartResourceLoaders); clearArchiveResources(); if (!loading) { // If something above restarted loading we might run into mysterious crashes like // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62764 and <rdar://problem/9328684> ASSERT(!isLoading()); return; } // We might run in to infinite recursion if we're stopping loading as the result of // detaching from the frame, so break out of that recursion here. // See <rdar://problem/9673866> for more details. if (m_isStopping) return; m_isStopping = true; FrameLoader* frameLoader = DocumentLoader::frameLoader(); if (isLoadingMainResource()) // Stop the main resource loader and let it send the cancelled message. cancelMainResourceLoad(frameLoader->cancelledError(m_request)); else if (!m_resourceLoaders.isEmpty()) // The main resource loader already finished loading. Set the cancelled error on the // document and let the resourceLoaders send individual cancelled messages below. setMainDocumentError(frameLoader->cancelledError(m_request)); else // If there are no resource loaders, we need to manufacture a cancelled message. // (A back/forward navigation has no resource loaders because its resources are cached.) mainReceivedError(frameLoader->cancelledError(m_request)); stopLoadingSubresources(); m_isStopping = false; }
void DocumentLoader::cancelLoadAfterXFrameOptionsOrCSPDenied(const ResourceResponse& response) { InspectorInstrumentation::continueAfterXFrameOptionsDenied(m_frame, this, mainResourceIdentifier(), response); frame()->document()->enforceSandboxFlags(SandboxOrigin); if (FrameOwner* owner = frame()->owner()) owner->dispatchLoad(); // The load event might have detached this frame. In that case, the load will already have been cancelled during detach. if (frameLoader()) cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); return; }
// Cancels the data source's pending loads. Conceptually, a data source only loads // one document at a time, but one document may have many related resources. // stopLoading will stop all loads initiated by the data source, // but not loads initiated by child frames' data sources -- that's the WebFrame's job. void DocumentLoader::stopLoading() { RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<LocalFrame> protectFrame(m_frame); RefPtr<DocumentLoader> protectLoader(this); // In some rare cases, calling FrameLoader::stopLoading could cause isLoading() to return false. // (This can happen when there's a single XMLHttpRequest currently loading and stopLoading causes it // to stop loading. Because of this, we need to save it so we don't return early. bool loading = isLoading(); if (m_committed) { // Attempt to stop the frame if the document loader is loading, or if it is done loading but // still parsing. Failure to do so can cause a world leak. Document* doc = m_frame->document(); if (loading || doc->parsing()) m_frame->loader().stopLoading(); } if (!loading) { m_fetcher->stopFetching(); return; } if (m_loadingMainResource) { // Stop the main resource loader and let it send the cancelled message. cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); } else if (m_fetcher->isFetching()) { // The main resource loader already finished loading. Set the cancelled error on the // document and let the resourceLoaders send individual cancelled messages below. setMainDocumentError(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); } else { // If there are no resource loaders, we need to manufacture a cancelled message. // (A back/forward navigation has no resource loaders because its resources are cached.) mainReceivedError(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); } m_fetcher->stopFetching(); }
void DocumentLoader::responseReceived(Resource* resource, const ResourceResponse& response, PassOwnPtr<WebDataConsumerHandle> handle) { ASSERT_UNUSED(resource, m_mainResource == resource); ASSERT_UNUSED(handle, !handle); RefPtr<DocumentLoader> protect(this); m_applicationCacheHost->didReceiveResponseForMainResource(response); // The memory cache doesn't understand the application cache or its caching rules. So if a main resource is served // from the application cache, ensure we don't save the result for future use. All responses loaded // from appcache will have a non-zero appCacheID(). if (response.appCacheID()) memoryCache()->remove(m_mainResource.get()); DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(AtomicString, xFrameOptionHeader, ("x-frame-options", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral)); HTTPHeaderMap::const_iterator it = response.httpHeaderFields().find(xFrameOptionHeader); if (it != response.httpHeaderFields().end()) { String content = it->value; if (frameLoader()->shouldInterruptLoadForXFrameOptions(content, response.url(), mainResourceIdentifier())) { String message = "Refused to display '" + response.url().elidedString() + "' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to '" + content + "'."; RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<ConsoleMessage> consoleMessage = ConsoleMessage::create(SecurityMessageSource, ErrorMessageLevel, message); consoleMessage->setRequestIdentifier(mainResourceIdentifier()); frame()->document()->addConsoleMessage(consoleMessage.release()); cancelLoadAfterXFrameOptionsOrCSPDenied(response); return; } } m_contentSecurityPolicy = ContentSecurityPolicy::create(); m_contentSecurityPolicy->setOverrideURLForSelf(response.url()); m_contentSecurityPolicy->didReceiveHeaders(ContentSecurityPolicyResponseHeaders(response)); if (!m_contentSecurityPolicy->allowAncestors(m_frame, response.url())) { cancelLoadAfterXFrameOptionsOrCSPDenied(response); return; } ASSERT(!mainResourceLoader() || !mainResourceLoader()->defersLoading()); m_response = response; if (isArchiveMIMEType(m_response.mimeType()) && m_mainResource->dataBufferingPolicy() != BufferData) m_mainResource->setDataBufferingPolicy(BufferData); if (!shouldContinueForResponse()) { InspectorInstrumentation::continueWithPolicyIgnore(m_frame, this, m_mainResource->identifier(), m_response); cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); return; } if (m_response.isHTTP()) { int status = m_response.httpStatusCode(); // FIXME: Fallback content only works if the parent is in the same processs. if ((status < 200 || status >= 300) && m_frame->owner()) { if (!m_frame->deprecatedLocalOwner()) { ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); } else if (m_frame->deprecatedLocalOwner()->isObjectElement()) { m_frame->deprecatedLocalOwner()->renderFallbackContent(); // object elements are no longer rendered after we fallback, so don't // keep trying to process data from their load cancelMainResourceLoad(ResourceError::cancelledError(m_request.url())); } } } }
void DocumentLoader::stopLoadingForPolicyChange() { ResourceError error = interruptedForPolicyChangeError(); error.setIsCancellation(true); cancelMainResourceLoad(error); }