/** \brief Display the inlined help
void	lib_apps_t::display_help(const clineopt_arr_t &clineopt_arr)	throw()
    // display a inlined help
    KLOG_STDERR(human_name() << " - " << summary() << "\n");
    KLOG_STDERR(canon_name() << " version " << version() << " - list of possible options:\n" );
    KLOG_STDERR(clineopt_helper_t::help_string(clineopt_arr) );
    KLOG_STDERR(longdesc() << "\n");
/** \brief parse the envvar for the cmdline_opt
 * - NOTE: the env_var is of the form NEOIP_OLOAD_CMDLINE_OPT for neoip-oload
 *   - e.g. export NEOIP_OLOAD_CMDLINE_OPT="-x 50k"
clineopt_err_t	lib_apps_t::parse_cmdline_from_envvar(const clineopt_arr_t &clineopt_arr)
    std::string	envvar_key	= string_t::to_upper(canon_name()) + "_CMDLINE_OPT";
    char *		envvar_val	= getenv(envvar_key.c_str());
    // log to debug
    KLOG_DBG("envvar_key="<< envvar_key);
    // if there are no envvar, return now
    if( !envvar_val )	return clineopt_err_t::OK;

    // parse the envvar_val as a argv array
    std::vector<std::string>	env_arr	= string_t::parse_as_argv(envvar_val);
    // parse the env_arr with the clineopt_arr
    clineopt_err_t	clineopt_err;
    clineopt_err	= clineopt_helper_t::parse(env_arr, m_arg_option, clineopt_arr);
    return clineopt_err;
Exemple #3
main(int argc, char **argv)
	DKIM_STAT status;
	u_int verifycnt = 0;
	int c;
	int w;
	int rate;
	size_t msgsize = DEFMSGSIZE;
	size_t msgrem;
	size_t wsz;
	time_t start = DEFTESTINT;
	time_t testint = DEFTESTINT;
	dkim_canon_t hcanon = DKIM_CANON_RELAXED;
	dkim_canon_t bcanon = DKIM_CANON_SIMPLE;
	dkim_alg_t signalg = DKIM_SIGN_UNKNOWN;
	dkim_query_t qtype = DKIM_QUERY_FILE;
	char *p;
	DKIM *dkim;
	DKIM_LIB *lib;
	dkim_sigkey_t key;
	unsigned char hdr[MAXHEADER + 1];
	unsigned char body[BODYBUFRSZ];

	progname = (p = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) == NULL ? argv[0] : p + 1;

	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "b:h:m:s:t:")) != -1)
		switch (c)
		  case 'b':
			bcanon = canon_code(optarg);
			if (bcanon == (dkim_canon_t) -1)
				        "%s: unknown canonicalization '%s'\n",
				        progname, optarg);
				return EX_USAGE;

		  case 'h':
			hcanon = canon_code(optarg);
			if (hcanon == (dkim_canon_t) -1)
				        "%s: unknown canonicalization '%s'\n",
				        progname, optarg);
				return EX_USAGE;

		  case 'm':
			msgsize = strtoul(optarg, &p, 10);
			if (*p != '\0')
				fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid size '%s'\n",
				        progname, optarg);
				return EX_USAGE;

		  case 's':
			signalg = alg_code(optarg);
			if (signalg == (dkim_alg_t) -1)
				        "%s: unknown signing algorithm '%s'\n",
				        progname, optarg);
				return EX_USAGE;

		  case 't':
			testint = strtoul(optarg, &p, 10);
			if (*p != '\0')
				fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid seconds '%s'\n",
				        progname, optarg);
				return EX_USAGE;

			return usage();

	(void) gnutls_global_init();
#endif /* USE_GNUTLS */

	/* instantiate the library */
	lib = dkim_init(NULL, NULL);

	if (signalg == DKIM_SIGN_UNKNOWN)
		if (dkim_libfeature(lib, DKIM_FEATURE_SHA256))
			signalg = DKIM_SIGN_RSASHA256;
			signalg = DKIM_SIGN_RSASHA1;
	else if (signalg == DKIM_SIGN_RSASHA256 &&
	         !dkim_libfeature(lib, DKIM_FEATURE_SHA256))
		        "### requested signing algorithm not available\n");
		return 1;

	        "*** VERIFYING SPEED TEST: %s/%s with %s, size %u for %lds\n",
	        canon_name(hcanon), canon_name(bcanon), alg_name(signalg),
	        (unsigned int) msgsize, (long) testint);

	key = KEY;

	(void) dkim_options(lib, DKIM_OP_SETOPT, DKIM_OPTS_QUERYMETHOD,
	                    &qtype, sizeof qtype);
	(void) dkim_options(lib, DKIM_OP_SETOPT, DKIM_OPTS_QUERYINFO,
	                    KEYFILE, strlen(KEYFILE));


	/* prepare a random body buffer */
	for (c = 0, w = 0; c < sizeof body; c++)
		if (w >= 75 && c < sizeof body - 2)
			body[c++] = '\r';
			body[c++] = '\n';
			w = 0;

		body[c++] = (random() + 32) % 127;

	/* generate the signature */
	dkim = dkim_sign(lib, JOBID, NULL, key, SELECTOR, DOMAIN,
	                 hcanon, bcanon, signalg, -1L, &status);

	status = dkim_header(dkim, HEADER02, strlen(HEADER02));

	status = dkim_header(dkim, HEADER03, strlen(HEADER03));

	status = dkim_header(dkim, HEADER04, strlen(HEADER04));

	status = dkim_header(dkim, HEADER05, strlen(HEADER05));

	status = dkim_header(dkim, HEADER06, strlen(HEADER06));

	status = dkim_header(dkim, HEADER07, strlen(HEADER07));

	status = dkim_header(dkim, HEADER08, strlen(HEADER08));

	status = dkim_header(dkim, HEADER09, strlen(HEADER09));

	status = dkim_eoh(dkim);

	msgrem = msgsize;

	while (msgrem > 0)
		wsz = MIN(msgrem, sizeof body);

		status = dkim_body(dkim, body, wsz);

		msgrem -= wsz;

	status = dkim_eom(dkim, NULL);

	memset(hdr, '\0', sizeof hdr);
	snprintf(hdr, sizeof hdr, "%s: ", DKIM_SIGNHEADER);
	status = dkim_getsighdr(dkim, hdr + strlen(hdr),
	                        sizeof hdr - strlen(hdr),
	                        strlen(hdr) + 1);

	status = dkim_free(dkim);

	(void) time(&start);

	/* begin the verify loop */
	while (time(NULL) < start + testint)
		dkim = dkim_verify(lib, JOBID, NULL, &status);

		status = dkim_header(dkim, hdr, strlen(hdr));

		status = dkim_header(dkim, HEADER02, strlen(HEADER02));

		status = dkim_header(dkim, HEADER03, strlen(HEADER03));

		status = dkim_header(dkim, HEADER04, strlen(HEADER04));

		status = dkim_header(dkim, HEADER05, strlen(HEADER05));

		status = dkim_header(dkim, HEADER06, strlen(HEADER06));

		status = dkim_header(dkim, HEADER07, strlen(HEADER07));

		status = dkim_header(dkim, HEADER08, strlen(HEADER08));

		status = dkim_header(dkim, HEADER09, strlen(HEADER09));

		status = dkim_eoh(dkim);

		msgrem = DEFMSGSIZE;

		while (msgrem > 0)
			wsz = MIN(msgrem, sizeof body);

			status = dkim_body(dkim, body, wsz);

			msgrem -= wsz;

		status = dkim_eom(dkim, NULL);

		status = dkim_free(dkim);



	rate = verifycnt / testint;

	fprintf(stdout, "*** %u messages verified (%d msgs/sec)\n",
	        verifycnt, rate);

	return 0;
/** \brief start the apps
libsess_err_t	lib_apps_t::start(int argc, char **argv, const clineopt_arr_t &apps_clineopt_arr
                                  , const std::string &m_canon_name, const std::string &m_human_name
                                  , const std::string &m_version, const std::string &m_summary
                                  , const std::string &m_longdesc, const apps_type_t &m_apps_type) throw()
    // copy the parameter
    this->m_canon_name	= m_canon_name;
    this->m_human_name	= m_human_name;
    this->m_version		= m_version;
    this->m_summary		= m_summary;
    this->m_longdesc	= m_longdesc;
    this->m_apps_type	= m_apps_type;

    // sanity check - all parameters MUST be set
    DBG_ASSERT( !canon_name().empty() );
    DBG_ASSERT( !human_name().empty() );
    DBG_ASSERT( !version().empty() );
    DBG_ASSERT( !summary().empty() );
    DBG_ASSERT( !longdesc().empty() );
    DBG_ASSERT( !apps_type().is_null() );

#if 0	// TODO fixup this issue... *apparently* setting this or not under window
    // didnt change the result. so i manually change the OS preference
    // - obviously this is crap :)
    // - as seens in neoip-nunit "all/base/string" which is failing with "1,0"
    //   on cout/cin

    // set 'locale' to the default C one
    // - without that the operating system may use display float(1.0) as "1,0"
    // - i didnt experience it under linux but did under _WIN32. likely because
    //   i run linux under english default
    // - as i do it only for float/double, maybe i should limit this to LC_NUMERIC ?
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "C" );

    // parse the command line
    clineopt_err_t	clineopt_err;
    clineopt_err	= parse_cmdline(argc, argv, apps_clineopt_arr);

    // display the short help if the clineopt is in the cmdline
    if( m_arg_option.contain_key("help") ) {
        // build the full clineopt_arr
        clineopt_arr_t	clineopt_arr	= apps_clineopt_arr;
        clineopt_arr	+= lib_session_t::clineopt_arr();
        clineopt_arr	+= neutral_clineopt_arr();
        // display the help
        // notify the caller not to launch the apps
        return libsess_err_t(libsess_err_t::OK, "DONTLAUNCHAPPS");

    // display the version if the clineopt is in the cmdline
    if( m_arg_option.contain_key("version") ) {
        // display the version
        // notify the caller not to launch the apps
        return libsess_err_t(libsess_err_t::OK, "DONTLAUNCHAPPS");

    // if the cmdline parsing failed, return an error
    if( clineopt_err.failed() )	return libsess_err_from_clineopt(clineopt_err);

    // initialize the lib_session
    if( lib_session_init() )	return libsess_err_t(libsess_err_t::ERROR, "lib_session_init() failed!!!");
    libsess_err_t	libsess_err;
    libsess_err	= lib_session_get()->set_profile(profile.lib_session()).start(this);
    if( libsess_err.failed() )	return libsess_err;

    // unbuffer the output just to debug
    setbuf(stderr, NULL);
    setbuf(stdout, NULL);
    /* init signal handler for stun shutdown */
    signal( SIGINT, signal_hd );
    signal( SIGTERM, signal_hd );

#ifndef _WIN32	// no sigpipe in mingw
    // NOTE: added to run only ELOOP_LEVT
    // - it was not needed for ELOOP_GLIB, likely glib use it for itself
    signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );

    // put a 'random' seed
    // return no error
    return libsess_err_t::OK;