Exemple #1
    \since 4.4

    Returns true if this proxy supports the
    QNetworkProxy::CachingCapability capability.

    In Qt 4.4, the capability was tied to the proxy type, but since Qt
    4.5 it is possible to remove the capability of caching from a
    proxy by calling setCapabilities().

    \sa capabilities(), type(), isTransparentProxy()
bool QNetworkProxy::isCachingProxy() const
    return capabilities() & CachingCapability;
Exemple #2
    \since 4.4

    Returns true if this proxy supports transparent tunneling of TCP
    connections. This matches the QNetworkProxy::TunnelingCapability

    In Qt 4.4, the capability was tied to the proxy type, but since Qt
    4.5 it is possible to remove the capability of caching from a
    proxy by calling setCapabilities().

    \sa capabilities(), type(), isCachingProxy()
bool QNetworkProxy::isTransparentProxy() const
    return capabilities() & TunnelingCapability;
QgsRasterBlock * QgsRasterDataProvider::block( int theBandNo, QgsRectangle  const & theExtent, int theWidth, int theHeight, QgsRasterBlockFeedback* feedback )
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "theBandNo = %1 theWidth = %2 theHeight = %3" ).arg( theBandNo ).arg( theWidth ).arg( theHeight ), 4 );
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "theExtent = %1" ).arg( theExtent.toString() ), 4 );

  QgsRasterBlock *block;
  if ( sourceHasNoDataValue( theBandNo ) && useSourceNoDataValue( theBandNo ) )
    block = new QgsRasterBlock( dataType( theBandNo ), theWidth, theHeight, sourceNoDataValue( theBandNo ) );
    block = new QgsRasterBlock( dataType( theBandNo ), theWidth, theHeight );

  if ( block->isEmpty() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Couldn't create raster block" );
    return block;

  // Read necessary extent only
  QgsRectangle tmpExtent = extent().intersect( &theExtent );

  if ( tmpExtent.isEmpty() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Extent outside provider extent" );
    return block;

  double xRes = theExtent.width() / theWidth;
  double yRes = theExtent.height() / theHeight;
  double tmpXRes, tmpYRes;
  double providerXRes = 0;
  double providerYRes = 0;
  if ( capabilities() & Size )
    providerXRes = extent().width() / xSize();
    providerYRes = extent().height() / ySize();
    tmpXRes = qMax( providerXRes, xRes );
    tmpYRes = qMax( providerYRes, yRes );
    if ( qgsDoubleNear( tmpXRes, xRes ) ) tmpXRes = xRes;
    if ( qgsDoubleNear( tmpYRes, yRes ) ) tmpYRes = yRes;
    tmpXRes = xRes;
    tmpYRes = yRes;

  if ( tmpExtent != theExtent ||
       tmpXRes > xRes || tmpYRes > yRes )
    // Read smaller extent or lower resolution

    if ( !extent().contains( theExtent ) )
      QRect subRect = QgsRasterBlock::subRect( theExtent, theWidth, theHeight, extent() );
      block->setIsNoDataExcept( subRect );

    // Calculate row/col limits (before tmpExtent is aligned)
    int fromRow = qRound(( theExtent.yMaximum() - tmpExtent.yMaximum() ) / yRes );
    int toRow = qRound(( theExtent.yMaximum() - tmpExtent.yMinimum() ) / yRes ) - 1;
    int fromCol = qRound(( tmpExtent.xMinimum() - theExtent.xMinimum() ) / xRes );
    int toCol = qRound(( tmpExtent.xMaximum() - theExtent.xMinimum() ) / xRes ) - 1;

    QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "fromRow = %1 toRow = %2 fromCol = %3 toCol = %4" ).arg( fromRow ).arg( toRow ).arg( fromCol ).arg( toCol ), 4 );

    if ( fromRow < 0 || fromRow >= theHeight || toRow < 0 || toRow >= theHeight ||
         fromCol < 0 || fromCol >= theWidth || toCol < 0 || toCol >= theWidth )
      // Should not happen
      QgsDebugMsg( "Row or column limits out of range" );
      return block;

    // If lower source resolution is used, the extent must beS aligned to original
    // resolution to avoid possible shift due to resampling
    if ( tmpXRes > xRes )
      int col = floor(( tmpExtent.xMinimum() - extent().xMinimum() ) / providerXRes );
      tmpExtent.setXMinimum( extent().xMinimum() + col * providerXRes );
      col = ceil(( tmpExtent.xMaximum() - extent().xMinimum() ) / providerXRes );
      tmpExtent.setXMaximum( extent().xMinimum() + col * providerXRes );
    if ( tmpYRes > yRes )
      int row = floor(( extent().yMaximum() - tmpExtent.yMaximum() ) / providerYRes );
      tmpExtent.setYMaximum( extent().yMaximum() - row * providerYRes );
      row = ceil(( extent().yMaximum() - tmpExtent.yMinimum() ) / providerYRes );
      tmpExtent.setYMinimum( extent().yMaximum() - row * providerYRes );
    int tmpWidth = qRound( tmpExtent.width() / tmpXRes );
    int tmpHeight = qRound( tmpExtent.height() / tmpYRes );
    tmpXRes = tmpExtent.width() / tmpWidth;
    tmpYRes = tmpExtent.height() / tmpHeight;

    QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "Reading smaller block tmpWidth = %1 theHeight = %2" ).arg( tmpWidth ).arg( tmpHeight ), 4 );
    QgsDebugMsgLevel( QString( "tmpExtent = %1" ).arg( tmpExtent.toString() ), 4 );

    QgsRasterBlock *tmpBlock;
    if ( sourceHasNoDataValue( theBandNo ) && useSourceNoDataValue( theBandNo ) )
      tmpBlock = new QgsRasterBlock( dataType( theBandNo ), tmpWidth, tmpHeight, sourceNoDataValue( theBandNo ) );
      tmpBlock = new QgsRasterBlock( dataType( theBandNo ), tmpWidth, tmpHeight );

    readBlock( theBandNo, tmpExtent, tmpWidth, tmpHeight, tmpBlock->bits(), feedback );

    int pixelSize = dataTypeSize( theBandNo );

    double xMin = theExtent.xMinimum();
    double yMax = theExtent.yMaximum();
    double tmpXMin = tmpExtent.xMinimum();
    double tmpYMax = tmpExtent.yMaximum();

    for ( int row = fromRow; row <= toRow; row++ )
      double y = yMax - ( row + 0.5 ) * yRes;
      int tmpRow = floor(( tmpYMax - y ) / tmpYRes );

      for ( int col = fromCol; col <= toCol; col++ )
        double x = xMin + ( col + 0.5 ) * xRes;
        int tmpCol = floor(( x - tmpXMin ) / tmpXRes );

        if ( tmpRow < 0 || tmpRow >= tmpHeight || tmpCol < 0 || tmpCol >= tmpWidth )
          QgsDebugMsg( "Source row or column limits out of range" );
          block->setIsNoData(); // so that the problem becomes obvious and fixed
          delete tmpBlock;
          return block;

        qgssize tmpIndex = static_cast< qgssize >( tmpRow ) * static_cast< qgssize >( tmpWidth ) + tmpCol;
        qgssize index = row * static_cast< qgssize >( theWidth ) + col;

        char *tmpBits = tmpBlock->bits( tmpIndex );
        char *bits = block->bits( index );
        if ( !tmpBits )
          QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Cannot get input block data tmpRow = %1 tmpCol = %2 tmpIndex = %3." ).arg( tmpRow ).arg( tmpCol ).arg( tmpIndex ) );
        if ( !bits )
          QgsDebugMsg( "Cannot set output block data." );
        memcpy( bits, tmpBits, pixelSize );

    delete tmpBlock;
    readBlock( theBandNo, theExtent, theWidth, theHeight, block->bits(), feedback );

  // apply scale and offset
  block->applyScaleOffset( bandScale( theBandNo ), bandOffset( theBandNo ) );
  // apply user no data values
  block->applyNoDataValues( userNoDataValues( theBandNo ) );
  return block;
QString QgsVectorDataProvider::capabilitiesString() const
  QStringList abilitiesList;

  int abilities = capabilities();

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Add Features" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Add Features" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteFeatures )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Delete Features" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Delete Features" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeAttributeValues )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Change Attribute Values" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Change Attribute Values" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddAttributes )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Add Attributes" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Add Attributes" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteAttributes )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Delete Attributes" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Delete Attributes" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::RenameAttributes )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Rename Attributes" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Rename Attributes" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::CreateSpatialIndex )
    // TODO: Tighten up this test.  See QgsOgrProvider for details.
    abilitiesList += tr( "Create Spatial Index" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Create Spatial Index" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::CreateAttributeIndex )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Create Attribute Indexes" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Create Attribute Index" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::SelectAtId )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Fast Access to Features at ID" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Select at ID" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeGeometries )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Change Geometries" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Change Geometries" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::SimplifyGeometries )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Presimplify Geometries" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Simplify Geometries before fetching the feature" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::SimplifyGeometriesWithTopologicalValidation )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Presimplify Geometries with Validity Check" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Simplify Geometries before fetch the feature ensuring that the result is a valid geometry" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeFeatures )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Simultaneous Geometry and Attribute Updates" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: change both feature attributes and geometry at once" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::TransactionSupport )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Transactions" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: transactions" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::CircularGeometries )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Curved Geometries" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Supports circular geometry types (circularstring, compoundcurve, curvepolygon)" );

  return abilitiesList.join( ", " );
Exemple #5
void QgsRasterInterface::initHistogram( QgsRasterHistogram &theHistogram,
                                        int theBandNo,
                                        int theBinCount,
                                        double theMinimum, double theMaximum,
                                        const QgsRectangle & theExtent,
                                        int theSampleSize,
                                        bool theIncludeOutOfRange )
  theHistogram.bandNumber = theBandNo;
  theHistogram.minimum = theMinimum;
  theHistogram.maximum = theMaximum;
  theHistogram.includeOutOfRange = theIncludeOutOfRange;

  int mySrcDataType = srcDataType( theBandNo );

  if ( qIsNaN( theHistogram.minimum ) )
    // TODO: this was OK when stats/histogram were calced in provider,
    // but what TODO in other interfaces? Check for mInput for now.
    if ( !mInput && mySrcDataType == QGis::Byte )
      theHistogram.minimum = 0; // see histogram() for shift for rounding
      // We need statistics -> avoid histogramDefaults in hasHistogram if possible
      // TODO: use approximated statistics if aproximated histogram is requested
      // (theSampleSize > 0)
      QgsRasterBandStats stats =  bandStatistics( theBandNo, QgsRasterBandStats::Min, theExtent, theSampleSize );
      theHistogram.minimum = stats.minimumValue;
  if ( qIsNaN( theHistogram.maximum ) )
    if ( !mInput && mySrcDataType == QGis::Byte )
      theHistogram.maximum = 255;
      QgsRasterBandStats stats =  bandStatistics( theBandNo, QgsRasterBandStats::Max, theExtent, theSampleSize );
      theHistogram.maximum = stats.maximumValue;

  QgsRectangle myExtent;
  if ( theExtent.isEmpty() )
    myExtent = extent();
    myExtent = extent().intersect( &theExtent );
  theHistogram.extent = myExtent;

  if ( theSampleSize > 0 )
    // Calc resolution from theSampleSize
    double xRes, yRes;
    xRes = yRes = sqrt(( myExtent.width() * myExtent.height() ) / theSampleSize );

    // But limit by physical resolution
    if ( capabilities() & Size )
      double srcXRes = extent().width() / xSize();
      double srcYRes = extent().height() / ySize();
      if ( xRes < srcXRes ) xRes = srcXRes;
      if ( yRes < srcYRes ) yRes = srcYRes;
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "xRes = %1 yRes = %2" ).arg( xRes ).arg( yRes ) );

    theHistogram.width = static_cast <int>( myExtent.width() / xRes );
    theHistogram.height = static_cast <int>( myExtent.height() / yRes );
    if ( capabilities() & Size )
      theHistogram.width = xSize();
      theHistogram.height = ySize();
      theHistogram.width = 1000;
      theHistogram.height = 1000;
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "theHistogram.width = %1 theHistogram.height = %2" ).arg( theHistogram.width ).arg( theHistogram.height ) );

  int myBinCount = theBinCount;
  if ( myBinCount == 0 )
    // TODO: this was OK when stats/histogram were calced in provider,
    // but what TODO in other interfaces? Check for mInput for now.
    if ( !mInput && mySrcDataType == QGis::Byte )
      myBinCount = 256; // Cannot store more values in byte
      // There is no best default value, to display something reasonable in histogram chart, binCount should be small, OTOH, to get precise data for cumulative cut, the number should be big. Because it is easier to define fixed lower value for the chart, we calc optimum binCount for higher resolution (to avoid calculating that where histogram() is used. In any any case, it does not make sense to use more than width*height;
      myBinCount = theHistogram.width * theHistogram.height;
      if ( myBinCount > 1000 )  myBinCount = 1000;

      // for Int16/Int32 make sure bin count <= actual range, because there is no sense in having
      // bins at fractional values
      if ( !mInput && (
             mySrcDataType == QGis::Int16 || mySrcDataType == QGis::Int32 ||
             mySrcDataType == QGis::UInt16 || mySrcDataType == QGis::UInt32 ) )
        if ( myBinCount > theHistogram.maximum - theHistogram.minimum + 1 )
          myBinCount = int( ceil( theHistogram.maximum - theHistogram.minimum + 1 ) );
  theHistogram.binCount = myBinCount;
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "theHistogram.binCount = %1" ).arg( theHistogram.binCount ) );
// Default implementation for values
QgsRasterIdentifyResult QgsRasterDataProvider::identify( const QgsPoint & thePoint, QgsRaster::IdentifyFormat theFormat, const QgsRectangle &theExtent, int theWidth, int theHeight , int /*theDpi*/ )
  QgsDebugMsgLevel( "Entered", 4 );
  QMap<int, QVariant> results;

  if ( theFormat != QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatValue || !( capabilities() & IdentifyValue ) )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Format not supported" );
    return QgsRasterIdentifyResult( ERR( tr( "Format not supported" ) ) );

  if ( !extent().contains( thePoint ) )
    // Outside the raster
    for ( int bandNo = 1; bandNo <= bandCount(); bandNo++ )
      results.insert( bandNo, QVariant() );
    return QgsRasterIdentifyResult( QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatValue, results );

  QgsRectangle myExtent = theExtent;
  if ( myExtent.isEmpty() )  myExtent = extent();

  if ( theWidth == 0 )
    theWidth = capabilities() & Size ? xSize() : 1000;
  if ( theHeight == 0 )
    theHeight = capabilities() & Size ? ySize() : 1000;

  // Calculate the row / column where the point falls
  double xres = ( myExtent.width() ) / theWidth;
  double yres = ( myExtent.height() ) / theHeight;

  int col = static_cast< int >( floor(( thePoint.x() - myExtent.xMinimum() ) / xres ) );
  int row = static_cast< int >( floor(( myExtent.yMaximum() - thePoint.y() ) / yres ) );

  double xMin = myExtent.xMinimum() + col * xres;
  double xMax = xMin + xres;
  double yMax = myExtent.yMaximum() - row * yres;
  double yMin = yMax - yres;
  QgsRectangle pixelExtent( xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax );

  for ( int i = 1; i <= bandCount(); i++ )
    QgsRasterBlock * myBlock = block( i, pixelExtent, 1, 1 );

    if ( myBlock )
      double value = myBlock->value( 0 );

      results.insert( i, value );
      delete myBlock;
      results.insert( i, QVariant() );
  return QgsRasterIdentifyResult( QgsRaster::IdentifyFormatValue, results );
void QgsRasterDataProvider::readBlock( int bandNo, QgsRectangle
                                       const & viewExtent, int width,
                                       int height,
                                       QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem theSrcCRS,
                                       QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem theDestCRS,
                                       void *data )
  QgsDebugMsg( "Entered" );
  QgsDebugMsg( "viewExtent = " + viewExtent.toString() );

  if ( ! theSrcCRS.isValid() || ! theDestCRS.isValid() || theSrcCRS == theDestCRS )
    readBlock( bandNo, viewExtent, width, height, data );

  QTime time;

  double mMaxSrcXRes = 0;
  double mMaxSrcYRes = 0;

  if ( capabilities() & QgsRasterDataProvider::ExactResolution )
    mMaxSrcXRes = extent().width() / xSize();
    mMaxSrcYRes = extent().height() / ySize();

  QgsRasterProjector myProjector( theSrcCRS, theDestCRS, viewExtent, height, width, mMaxSrcXRes, mMaxSrcYRes, extent() );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "create projector time  (ms): %1" ).arg( time.elapsed() ) );

  // TODO: init data by nulls

  // If we zoom out too much, projector srcRows / srcCols maybe 0, which can cause problems in providers
  if ( myProjector.srcRows() <= 0 || myProjector.srcCols() <= 0 )

  // Allocate memory for not projected source data
  int mySize = dataTypeSize( bandNo ) / 8;
  void *mySrcData = malloc( mySize * myProjector.srcRows() * myProjector.srcCols() );


  readBlock( bandNo, myProjector.srcExtent(), myProjector.srcCols(), myProjector.srcRows(), mySrcData );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "read not projected block time  (ms): %1" ).arg( time.elapsed() ) );

  // Project data from source
  int mySrcRow;
  int mySrcCol;
  int mySrcOffset;
  int myDestOffset;
  for ( int r = 0; r < height; r++ )
    for ( int c = 0; c < width; c++ )
      myProjector.srcRowCol( r, c, &mySrcRow, &mySrcCol );
      mySrcOffset = mySize * ( mySrcRow * myProjector.srcCols() + mySrcCol );
      myDestOffset = mySize * ( r * width + c );
      // retype to char is just to avoid g++ warning
      memcpy(( char* ) data + myDestOffset, ( char* )mySrcData + mySrcOffset, mySize );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "reproject block time  (ms): %1" ).arg( time.elapsed() ) );

  free( mySrcData );
QString QgsVectorDataProvider::capabilitiesString() const
  QStringList abilitiesList;

  int abilities = capabilities();

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Add Features" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteFeatures )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Delete Features" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeAttributeValues )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Change Attribute Values" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddAttributes )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Add Attributes" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteAttributes )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Delete Attributes" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::RenameAttributes )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Rename Attributes" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::CreateSpatialIndex )
    // TODO: Tighten up this test.  See QgsOgrProvider for details.
    abilitiesList += tr( "Create Spatial Index" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::CreateAttributeIndex )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Create Attribute Indexes" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::SelectAtId )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Fast Access to Features at ID" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeGeometries )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Change Geometries" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::SimplifyGeometries )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Presimplify Geometries" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::SimplifyGeometriesWithTopologicalValidation )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Presimplify Geometries with Validity Check" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeFeatures )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Simultaneous Geometry and Attribute Updates" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::TransactionSupport )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Transactions" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::CircularGeometries )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Curved Geometries" );

  return abilitiesList.join( QStringLiteral( ", " ) );
Exemple #9
/* Returns TRUE if we are done */
int parser(struct protstream *sieved_out, struct protstream *sieved_in)
  int token = EOL;
  const char *error_msg = "Generic Error";

  mystring_t *mechanism_name = NULL;
  mystring_t *initial_challenge = NULL;
  mystring_t *sieve_name = NULL;
  mystring_t *sieve_data = NULL;
  unsigned long num;
  int ret = FALSE;

  /* get one token from the lexer */
  while(token == EOL) 
      token = timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in);

  if (!authenticated && (token > 255) && (token!=AUTHENTICATE) &&
      (token!=LOGOUT) && (token!=CAPABILITY) &&
      (token!=NOOP) && (token!=CHECKSCRIPT) &&
      (!tls_enabled() || (token!=STARTTLS)))
    error_msg = "Authenticate first";
    if (token!=EOL)

    goto error;

  if (verify_only && (token > 255) && (token!=CHECKSCRIPT)
    && (token!=PUTSCRIPT) && (token!=LOGOUT))
    error_msg = "Script verification only";
    if (token!=EOL)

    goto error;

  switch (token)
  case EOF:
      /* timlex() will return EOF when the remote disconnects badly */
      syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Lost connection to client -- exiting");
      ret = TRUE;
      goto done;

    if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=SPACE)
      error_msg = "SPACE must occur after AUTHENTICATE";
      goto error;

    if (timlex(&mechanism_name, NULL, sieved_in)!=STRING)
      error_msg = "Did not specify mechanism name";
      goto error;

    token = timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in);

    if (token != EOL)
      /* optional client first challenge */
      if (token!=SPACE)
	error_msg = "Expected SPACE";
	goto error;

      if (timlex(&initial_challenge, NULL, sieved_in)!=STRING)
	error_msg = "Expected string";
	goto error;

      token = timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in);      

    if (token != EOL)
      error_msg = "Expected EOL";
      goto error;

    if (authenticated)
	prot_printf(sieved_out, "NO \"Already authenticated\"\r\n");
    else if (cmd_authenticate(sieved_out, sieved_in, mechanism_name,
			      initial_challenge, &error_msg)==FALSE)
	error_msg = "Authentication Error";
	goto error;

#if 0 /* XXX - not implemented in sieveshell*/
    /* referral_host is non-null only once we are authenticated */
	goto do_referral;

      if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=EOL)
	  error_msg = "Expected EOL";
	  goto error;

	  goto do_referral;

      capabilities(sieved_out, sieved_saslconn, starttls_done, authenticated,

      if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=SPACE)
          error_msg = "SPACE must occur after CHECKSCRIPT";
          goto error;

      if (timlex(&sieve_data, NULL, sieved_in)!=STRING)
          error_msg = "Did not specify legal script data length";
          goto error;

      if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=EOL)
        error_msg = "Expected EOL";
        goto error;

      /* f stands for "f"aked name, it could be any valid script name */
      string_allocate(1, "f", &sieve_name);
      putscript(sieved_out, sieve_name, sieve_data, /* verify_only */ 1);

      if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=SPACE)
	  error_msg = "SPACE must occur after HAVESPACE";
	  goto error;
      if (timlex(&sieve_name, NULL, sieved_in)!=STRING)
	  error_msg = "Did not specify script name";
	  goto error;
      if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=SPACE)
	  error_msg = "Expected SPACE";
	  goto error;
      if (timlex(NULL, &num, sieved_in)!=NUMBER)
	  error_msg = "Expected Number";
	  goto error;

      if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=EOL)
	  error_msg = "Expected EOL";
	  goto error;

	  goto do_referral;

      cmd_havespace(sieved_out, sieve_name, num);


  case LOGOUT:
      token = timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in);
      /* timlex() will return LOGOUT when the remote disconnects badly */
      if (token!=EOL && token!=EOF && token!=LOGOUT)
	  error_msg = "Garbage after logout command";
	  goto error;

      /* no referral for logout */

      cmd_logout(sieved_out, sieved_in);
      ret = TRUE;
      goto done;

    if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=SPACE)
      error_msg = "SPACE must occur after GETSCRIPT";
      goto error;

    if (timlex(&sieve_name, NULL, sieved_in)!=STRING)
      error_msg = "Did not specify script name";
      goto error;

    if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=EOL)
      error_msg = "Expected EOL";
      goto error;

	goto do_referral;

    getscript(sieved_out, sieve_name);

    if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=SPACE)
      error_msg = "SPACE must occur after PUTSCRIPT";
      goto error;

    if (timlex(&sieve_name, NULL, sieved_in)!=STRING)
      error_msg = "Did not specify script name";
      goto error;

    if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=SPACE)
      error_msg = "Expected SPACE";
      goto error;

    if (timlex(&sieve_data, NULL, sieved_in)!=STRING)
      error_msg = "Did not specify legal script data length";
      goto error;

    if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=EOL)
      error_msg = "Expected EOL";
      goto error;

	goto do_referral;

    putscript(sieved_out, sieve_name, sieve_data, verify_only);

    if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=SPACE)
      error_msg = "SPACE must occur after SETACTIVE";
      goto error;

    if (timlex(&sieve_name, NULL, sieved_in)!=STRING)
      error_msg = "Did not specify script name";
      goto error;

    if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=EOL)
      error_msg = "Expected EOL";
      goto error;

	goto do_referral;

    setactive(sieved_out, sieve_name);

    if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=SPACE)
      error_msg = "SPACE must occur after DELETESCRIPT";
      goto error;

    if (timlex(&sieve_name, NULL, sieved_in)!=STRING)
      error_msg = "Did not specify script name";
      goto error;

    if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=EOL)
      error_msg = "Expected EOL";
      goto error;

	goto do_referral;

    deletescript(sieved_out, sieve_name);


    if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=EOL)
      error_msg = "Expected EOL";
      goto error;

	goto do_referral;

  case STARTTLS:

    if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=EOL)
      error_msg = "Expected EOL";
      goto error;

    /* XXX  discard any input pipelined after STARTTLS */

	goto do_referral;

    cmd_starttls(sieved_out, sieved_in);

  case NOOP:

    token = timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in);
    mystring_t *noop_param = NULL;
    if (token != EOL)
      /* optional string parameter */
      if (token!=SPACE)
	error_msg = "Expected SPACE";
	goto error;

      if (timlex(&noop_param, NULL, sieved_in)!=STRING)
	error_msg = "Expected string";
	goto error;

      token = timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in);      

    if (token != EOL)
      error_msg = "Expected EOL";
      goto error;

    if (noop_param != NULL) {
      int temp;
      char* dataptr = string_DATAPTR(noop_param);
      prot_printf(sieved_out, "OK (TAG {%d}\r\n", noop_param->len);
      for (temp = 0; temp < noop_param->len; temp++)
      prot_putc(dataptr[temp], sieved_out);
      prot_printf(sieved_out, ") \"Done\"\r\n");
    } else
      prot_printf(sieved_out, "OK \"Done\"\r\n");

      if (timlex(NULL, NULL, sieved_in)!=EOL)
	  error_msg = "Expected EOL";
	  goto error;
      cmd_unauthenticate(sieved_out, sieved_in);

    error_msg="Expected a command. Got something else.";
    goto error;


  /* free memory */

  return ret;


  /* free memory */

  prot_printf(sieved_out, "NO \"%s\"\r\n",error_msg);

  return FALSE;

      char buf[4096];
      char *c;

      /* Truncate the hostname if necessary */
      strlcpy(buf, referral_host, sizeof(buf));
      c = strchr(buf, '!');
      if(c) *c = '\0';
      prot_printf(sieved_out, "BYE (REFERRAL \"sieve://%s\") \"Try Remote.\"\r\n",
      ret = TRUE;
      goto done;

Exemple #10
bool LocatorInterface::supports(Capability c) const {
	return (capabilities() & c) > 0;
Exemple #11
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	struct options	*opts = &__options;
	int		c, errcnt = 0, ret;
	cpc_setgrp_t	*sgrp;
	char		*errstr;
	double		period;
	char		*endp;
	struct rlimit	rl;

	(void) setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
	(void) textdomain(TEXT_DOMAIN);

	if ((opts->pgmname = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) == NULL)
		opts->pgmname = argv[0];

	/* Make sure we can open enough files */
	rl.rlim_max = rl.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY;
	if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl) != 0) {
		errstr = strerror(errno);
		(void) fprintf(stderr,
		    gettext("%s: setrlimit failed - %s\n"),
		    opts->pgmname, errstr);

	if ((cpc = cpc_open(CPC_VER_CURRENT)) == NULL) {
		errstr = strerror(errno);
		(void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: cannot access performance "
		    "counters - %s\n"), opts->pgmname, errstr);
		return (1);

	(void) cpc_seterrhndlr(cpc, cpustat_errfn);
	strtoset_errfn = cpustat_errfn;

	 * Check to see if cpustat needs to be SMT-aware.
	smt = smt_limited_cpc_hw(cpc);

	 * Establish some defaults
	opts->mseconds = 5000;
	opts->nsamples = UINT_MAX;
	opts->dotitle = 1;
	if ((opts->master = cpc_setgrp_new(cpc, smt)) == NULL) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: out of heap\n"),
		return (1);

	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "Dc:hntT:sp:")) != EOF && errcnt == 0)
		switch (c) {
		case 'D':			/* enable debugging */
		case 'c':			/* specify statistics */
			if ((sgrp = cpc_setgrp_newset(opts->master,
			    optarg, &errcnt)) != NULL)
				opts->master = sgrp;
		case 'n':			/* no titles */
			opts->dotitle = 0;
		case 'p':			/* periodic behavior */
			opts->doperiod = 1;
			period = strtod(optarg, &endp);
			if (*endp != '\0') {
				(void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: invalid "
				    "parameter \"%s\"\n"), opts->pgmname,
		case 's':			/* run soaker thread */
			opts->dosoaker = 1;
		case 't':			/* print %tick */
			opts->dotick = 1;
		case 'T':
			if (optarg) {
				if (*optarg == 'u')
					timestamp_fmt = UDATE;
				else if (*optarg == 'd')
					timestamp_fmt = DDATE;
			} else {
		case 'h':			/* help */
			opts->dohelp = 1;
		case '?':

	switch (argc - optind) {
	case 0:
	case 2:
		opts->nsamples = strtol(argv[optind + 1], &endp, 10);
		if (*endp != '\0') {
			(void) fprintf(stderr,
			    gettext("%s: invalid argument \"%s\"\n"),
			    opts->pgmname, argv[optind + 1]);
	case 1:
		opts->mseconds = (uint_t)(strtod(argv[optind], &endp) * 1000.0);
		if (*endp != '\0') {
			(void) fprintf(stderr,
			    gettext("%s: invalid argument \"%s\"\n"),
			    opts->pgmname, argv[optind]);

	if (opts->nsamples == 0 || opts->mseconds == 0)

	if (errcnt != 0 || opts->dohelp ||
	    (opts->nsets = cpc_setgrp_numsets(opts->master)) == 0) {
		(void) fprintf(opts->dohelp ? stdout : stderr, gettext(
		    "Usage:\n\t%s [-c events] [-p period] [-nstD] "
		    "[-T d|u] [interval [count]]\n\n"
		    "\t-c events specify processor events to be monitored\n"
		    "\t-n\t  suppress titles\n"
		    "\t-p period cycle through event list periodically\n"
		    "\t-s\t  run user soaker thread for system-only events\n"
		    "\t-t\t  include %s register\n"
		    "\t-T d|u\t  Display a timestamp in date (d) or unix "
		    "time_t (u)\n"
		    "\t-D\t  enable debug mode\n"
		    "\t-h\t  print extended usage information\n\n"
		    "\tUse cputrack(1) to monitor per-process statistics.\n"),
		    opts->pgmname, CPC_TICKREG_NAME);
		if (opts->dohelp) {
			(void) putchar('\n');
			(void) capabilities(cpc, stdout);

	 * If the user requested periodic behavior, calculate the rest time
	 * between cycles.
	if (opts->doperiod) {
		opts->mseconds_rest = (uint_t)((period * 1000.0) -
		    (opts->mseconds * opts->nsets));
		if ((int)opts->mseconds_rest < 0)
			opts->mseconds_rest = 0;
		if (opts->nsamples != UINT_MAX)
			opts->nsamples *= opts->nsets;

	(void) setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);

	 * If no system-mode only sets were created, no soaker threads will be
	 * needed.
	if (opts->dosoaker == 1 && cpc_setgrp_has_sysonly(opts->master) == 0)
		opts->dosoaker = 0;

	ret = cpustat();

	(void) cpc_close(cpc);

	return (ret);
Exemple #12
void OscarStatus::removeCapability(const QString &type)
	CapabilityHash caps = capabilities();
	setProperty("capabilities", QVariant::fromValue(caps));
Exemple #13
QString QgsVectorDataProvider::capabilitiesString() const
  QStringList abilitiesList;

  int abilities = capabilities();

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Add Features" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Add Features" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteFeatures )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Delete Features" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Delete Features" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeAttributeValues )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Change Attribute Values" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Change Attribute Values" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddAttributes )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Add Attributes" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Add Attributes" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::DeleteAttributes )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Delete Attributes" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Delete Attributes" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::CreateSpatialIndex )
    // TODO: Tighten up this test.  See QgsOgrProvider for details.
    abilitiesList += tr( "Create Spatial Index" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Create Spatial Index" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::SelectAtId )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Fast Access to Features at ID" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Select at ID" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeGeometries )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Change Geometries" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Change Geometries" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::SimplifyGeometries )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Simplify Geometries" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Simplify Geometries before fetch the feature" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::SimplifyGeometriesWithTopologicalValidation )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Simplify Geometries with topological validation" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: Simplify Geometries before fetch the feature ensuring that the result is a valid geometry" );

  if ( abilities & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeFeatures )
    abilitiesList += tr( "Change Geometries and Attributes at once" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "Capability: change attributes and geometries at once" );

  return abilitiesList.join( ", " );
Exemple #14
void Capability::execute()
    respond( "CAPABILITY " + capabilities( imap(), true ) );
QgsRasterBlock * QgsRasterDataProvider::block( int theBandNo, QgsRectangle  const & theExtent, int theWidth, int theHeight )
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "theBandNo = %1 theWidth = %2 theHeight = %3" ).arg( theBandNo ).arg( theWidth ).arg( theHeight ) );
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "theExtent = %1" ).arg( theExtent.toString() ) );

  QgsRasterBlock *block = new QgsRasterBlock( dataType( theBandNo ), theWidth, theHeight, noDataValue( theBandNo ) );

  if ( block->isEmpty() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Couldn't create raster block" );
    return block;

  // Read necessary extent only
  QgsRectangle tmpExtent = extent().intersect( &theExtent );

  if ( tmpExtent.isEmpty() )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Extent outside provider extent" );
    return block;

  double xRes = theExtent.width() / theWidth;
  double yRes = theExtent.height() / theHeight;
  double tmpXRes, tmpYRes;
  double providerXRes = 0;
  double providerYRes = 0;
  if ( capabilities() & ExactResolution )
    providerXRes = extent().width() / xSize();
    providerYRes = extent().height() / ySize();
    tmpXRes = qMax( providerXRes, xRes );
    tmpYRes = qMax( providerYRes, yRes );
    if ( doubleNear( tmpXRes, xRes ) ) tmpXRes = xRes;
    if ( doubleNear( tmpYRes, yRes ) ) tmpYRes = yRes;
    tmpXRes = xRes;
    tmpYRes = yRes;

  if ( tmpExtent != theExtent ||
       tmpXRes > xRes || tmpYRes > yRes )
    // Read smaller extent or lower resolution

    // Calculate row/col limits (before tmpExtent is aligned)
    int fromRow = qRound(( theExtent.yMaximum() - tmpExtent.yMaximum() ) / yRes );
    int toRow = qRound(( theExtent.yMaximum() - tmpExtent.yMinimum() ) / yRes ) - 1;
    int fromCol = qRound(( tmpExtent.xMinimum() - theExtent.xMinimum() ) / xRes ) ;
    int toCol = qRound(( tmpExtent.xMaximum() - theExtent.xMinimum() ) / xRes ) - 1;

    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "fromRow = %1 toRow = %2 fromCol = %3 toCol = %4" ).arg( fromRow ).arg( toRow ).arg( fromCol ).arg( toCol ) );

    if ( fromRow < 0 || fromRow >= theHeight || toRow < 0 || toRow >= theHeight ||
         fromCol < 0 || fromCol >= theWidth || toCol < 0 || toCol >= theWidth )
      // Should not happen
      QgsDebugMsg( "Row or column limits out of range" );
      return block;

    // If lower source resolution is used, the extent must beS aligned to original
    // resolution to avoid possible shift due to resampling
    if ( tmpXRes > xRes )
      int col = floor(( tmpExtent.xMinimum() - extent().xMinimum() ) / providerXRes );
      tmpExtent.setXMinimum( extent().xMinimum() + col * providerXRes );
      col = ceil(( tmpExtent.xMaximum() - extent().xMinimum() ) / providerXRes );
      tmpExtent.setXMaximum( extent().xMinimum() + col * providerXRes );
    if ( tmpYRes > yRes )
      int row = floor(( extent().yMaximum() - tmpExtent.yMaximum() ) / providerYRes );
      tmpExtent.setYMaximum( extent().yMaximum() - row * providerYRes );
      row = ceil(( extent().yMaximum() - tmpExtent.yMinimum() ) / providerYRes );
      tmpExtent.setYMinimum( extent().yMaximum() - row * providerYRes );
    int tmpWidth = qRound( tmpExtent.width() / tmpXRes );
    int tmpHeight = qRound( tmpExtent.height() / tmpYRes );
    tmpXRes = tmpExtent.width() / tmpWidth;
    tmpYRes = tmpExtent.height() / tmpHeight;

    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Reading smaller block tmpWidth = %1 theHeight = %2" ).arg( tmpWidth ).arg( tmpHeight ) );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "tmpExtent = %1" ).arg( tmpExtent.toString() ) );


    QgsRasterBlock *tmpBlock = new QgsRasterBlock( dataType( theBandNo ), tmpWidth, tmpHeight, noDataValue( theBandNo ) );

    readBlock( theBandNo, tmpExtent, tmpWidth, tmpHeight, tmpBlock->data() );

    int pixelSize = dataTypeSize( theBandNo );

    double xMin = theExtent.xMinimum();
    double yMax = theExtent.yMaximum();
    double tmpXMin = tmpExtent.xMinimum();
    double tmpYMax = tmpExtent.yMaximum();

    for ( int row = fromRow; row <= toRow; row++ )
      double y = yMax - ( row + 0.5 ) * yRes;
      int tmpRow = floor(( tmpYMax - y ) / tmpYRes );

      for ( int col = fromCol; col <= toCol; col++ )
        double x = xMin + ( col + 0.5 ) * xRes;
        int tmpCol = floor(( x - tmpXMin ) / tmpXRes );

        if ( tmpRow < 0 || tmpRow >= tmpHeight || tmpCol < 0 || tmpCol >= tmpWidth )
          QgsDebugMsg( "Source row or column limits out of range" );
          block->setIsNoData(); // so that the problem becomes obvious and fixed
          delete tmpBlock;
          return block;

        size_t tmpIndex = tmpRow * tmpWidth + tmpCol;
        size_t index = row * theWidth + col;

        char *tmpBits = tmpBlock->bits( tmpIndex );
        char *bits = block->bits( index );
        if ( !tmpBits )
          QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Cannot get input block data tmpRow = %1 tmpCol = %2 tmpIndex = %3." ).arg( tmpRow ).arg( tmpCol ).arg( tmpIndex ) );
        if ( !bits )
          QgsDebugMsg( "Cannot set output block data." );
        memcpy( bits, tmpBits, pixelSize );

    delete tmpBlock;
    readBlock( theBandNo, theExtent, theWidth, theHeight, block->data() );

  // apply user no data values
  // TODO: there are other readBlock methods where no data are not applied
  QList<QgsRasterBlock::Range> myNoDataRangeList = userNoDataValue( theBandNo );
  if ( !myNoDataRangeList.isEmpty() )
    double myNoDataValue = noDataValue( theBandNo );
    size_t size = theWidth * theHeight;
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < size; i++ )
      double value = block->value( i );

      if ( QgsRasterBlock::valueInRange( value, myNoDataRangeList ) )
        block->setValue( i, myNoDataValue );

  return block;