void handleCrash(int signalNumber, siginfo_t *sigInfo, void *context) {
    static volatile sig_atomic_t fatal_error_in_progress = 0;
    if (fatal_error_in_progress) //Stop a signal loop.
    fatal_error_in_progress = 1;

    char *j;
    char *signumber = strdup(sys_signame[signalNumber]);
    asprintf(&j, "Crash Signal: %s, crashed on: %li, UID: %ld\n", signumber, (long) sigInfo->si_addr, (long) sigInfo->si_uid);  //%x prints out the faulty memory address in hex
    LOGE("%s", j);

    const size_t max = 30;
    void *buffer[max];
    std::ostringstream oss;

    bool encodingCrash = dumpBacktrace(oss, buffer, captureBacktrace(buffer, max));

    LOGE("%s", oss.str().c_str());
    if (encodingCrash) {
        pthread_t *id = (pthread_t *) malloc(sizeof(pthread_t));
        pthread_create(id, NULL, notifyThread, NULL);
        pthread_join(*id, NULL);
    call_old_signal_handler(signalNumber, sigInfo, context);
Exemple #2
void printStackTrace(unsigned int max_frames)
    void* buffer[max_frames];
    std::ostringstream oss;

    dumpBacktrace(oss, buffer, captureBacktrace(buffer, max_frames));

    __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, TAG, "%s", oss.str().c_str());
Exemple #3
void Ref::release()
    CCASSERT(_referenceCount > 0, "reference count should be greater than 0");
    if(_referenceCount <= 0){
    auto poolManager = PoolManager::getInstance();
    if (_isInAutoPool&&poolManager->isClearing()) {
        _isInAutoPool = false;

    if (_referenceCount == 0)
        //auto poolManager = PoolManager::getInstance();
        if (_isInAutoPool&&!poolManager->isClearing() )//&& poolManager->isObjectInPools(this))
#if defined(COCOS2D_DEBUG) && (COCOS2D_DEBUG > 0)
//        auto poolManager = PoolManager::getInstance();
//        if (!poolManager->getCurrentPool()->isClearing() && poolManager->isObjectInPools(this))
//        {
//        }
            // Trigger an assert if the reference count is 0 but the Ref is still in autorelease pool.
            // This happens when 'autorelease/release' were not used in pairs with 'new/retain'.
            // Wrong usage (1):
            // auto obj = Node::create();   // Ref = 1, but it's an autorelease Ref which means it was in the autorelease pool.
            // obj->autorelease();   // Wrong: If you wish to invoke autorelease several times, you should retain `obj` first.
            // Wrong usage (2):
            // auto obj = Node::create();
            // obj->release();   // Wrong: obj is an autorelease Ref, it will be released when clearing current pool.
            // Correct usage (1):
            // auto obj = Node::create();
            //                     |-   new Node();     // `new` is the pair of the `autorelease` of next line
            //                     |-   autorelease();  // The pair of `new Node`.
            // obj->retain();
            // obj->autorelease();  // This `autorelease` is the pair of `retain` of previous line.
            // Correct usage (2):
            // auto obj = Node::create();
            // obj->retain();
            // obj->release();   // This `release` is the pair of `retain` of previous line.
//            CCASSERT(false, "The reference shouldn't be 0 because it is still in autorelease pool.");
//        }

        if ( g_performanceCrashSwitch && _isInAutoPool && !poolManager->isClearing() )
            const size_t max = 30;
            void* buffer[max];
            dumpBacktrace( buffer, captureBacktrace(buffer, max));
            int *pTest = NULL;
            *pTest =  123456;
        delete this;
Exemple #4
void getStackTrace(vector<InstructionPointer>& stackTrace, size_t skip) {
  captureBacktrace(skip + 1, stackTrace);