static void behaviour_selector_goal_list_message_handler(carmen_behavior_selector_goal_list_message *msg) { Pose goal_pose; if ((msg->size <= 0) || !msg->goal_list || !GlobalState::localize_pose) return; GlobalState::last_goal = (msg->size == 1)? true: false; goal_pose.x = msg->goal_list->x; goal_pose.y = msg->goal_list->y; goal_pose.theta = carmen_normalize_theta(msg->goal_list->theta); GlobalState::robot_config.max_vel = fmin(msg->goal_list->v, GlobalState::param_max_vel); set_rrt_current_goal(goal_pose); }
carmen_pose_3D_t carmen_ackerman_interpolated_robot_position_at_time(carmen_pose_3D_t robot_pose, double dt, double v, double phi, double distance_between_front_and_rear_axles) { carmen_pose_3D_t pose = robot_pose; int i; int steps = 1; double ds; ds = v * (dt / (double) steps); for (i = 0; i < steps; i++) { pose.position.x = pose.position.x + ds * cos(pose.orientation.yaw); pose.position.y = pose.position.y + ds * sin(pose.orientation.yaw); pose.orientation.yaw = carmen_normalize_theta(pose.orientation.yaw + ds * (tan(phi) / distance_between_front_and_rear_axles)); } return pose; }
carmen_point_t carmen_point_with_move( carmen_point_t start, carmen_move_t move ) { carmen_point_t end; if ( (move.forward==0.0) && (move.sideward==0.0) && (move.rotation==0.0) ) return (start); end.x = start.x + cos(start.theta) * move.forward + sin(start.theta) * move.sideward; end.y = start.y + sin(start.theta) * move.forward - cos(start.theta) * move.sideward; end.theta = carmen_normalize_theta( start.theta + move.rotation ); return(end); }
/* initialize particles from a gaussian distribution */ void carmen_localize_ackerman_initialize_particles_gaussians(carmen_localize_ackerman_particle_filter_p filter, int num_modes, carmen_point_t *mean, carmen_point_t *std) { int i, j, each, start, end; double x, y, theta; each = (int) floor(filter->param->num_particles / (double) num_modes); for(i = 0; i < num_modes; i++) { start = i * each; if(i == num_modes - 1) end = filter->param->num_particles; else end = (i + 1) * each; for(j = start; j < end; j++) { x = carmen_gaussian_random(mean[i].x, std[i].x); y = carmen_gaussian_random(mean[i].y, std[i].y); theta = carmen_normalize_theta(carmen_gaussian_random(mean[i].theta, std[i].theta)); filter->particles[j].x = x; filter->particles[j].y = y; filter->particles[j].theta = theta; filter->particles[j].weight = 0.0; } } filter->initialized = 1; filter->first_odometry = 1; // if (num_modes < 2) if (0) // @@@ Alberto: mudancca de significado de global_mode para que indique apenas que nao convergiu filter->global_mode = 0; else filter->global_mode = 1; filter->distance_travelled = 0; }
Robot_State TrajectoryLookupTable::predict_next_pose(Robot_State &robot_state, Command &requested_command, double full_time_interval, double *distance_traveled, double delta_t) { int n = floor(full_time_interval / delta_t); double remaining_time = full_time_interval - ((double) n * delta_t); Robot_State achieved_robot_state = robot_state; // achieved_robot_state eh computado iterativamente abaixo a partir do estado atual do robo double curvature = carmen_get_curvature_from_phi( requested_command.phi, requested_command.v, GlobalState::robot_config.understeer_coeficient, GlobalState::robot_config.distance_between_front_and_rear_axles); double new_curvature = carmen_get_curvature_from_phi( achieved_robot_state.v_and_phi.phi, achieved_robot_state.v_and_phi.v, GlobalState::robot_config.understeer_coeficient, GlobalState::robot_config.distance_between_front_and_rear_axles); double max_curvature_change = GlobalState::robot_config.maximum_steering_command_rate * delta_t; // Euler method for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { double dist_walked = predict_next_pose_step(&achieved_robot_state, &requested_command, delta_t, new_curvature, curvature, max_curvature_change); if (distance_traveled) *distance_traveled += dist_walked; } if (remaining_time > 0.0) { double dist_walked = predict_next_pose_step(&achieved_robot_state, &requested_command, delta_t, new_curvature, curvature, max_curvature_change); if (distance_traveled) *distance_traveled += dist_walked; } achieved_robot_state.pose.theta = carmen_normalize_theta(achieved_robot_state.pose.theta); robot_state = achieved_robot_state; return (achieved_robot_state); }
carmen_point_t carmen_point_backwards_with_move( carmen_point_t start, carmen_move_t move ) { carmen_point_t end; if ( (move.forward==0.0) && (move.sideward==0.0) && (move.rotation==0.0) ) { return (start); } else { end.theta = carmen_normalize_theta( start.theta - move.rotation ); end.x = start.x - cos(end.theta) * move.forward - sin(end.theta) * move.sideward; end.y = start.y - sin(end.theta) * move.forward + cos(end.theta) * move.sideward; } return(end); }
carmen_ackerman_traj_point_t carmen_libcarmodel_recalc_pos_ackerman(carmen_ackerman_traj_point_t robot_state, double target_v, double target_phi, double full_time_interval, double *distance_traveled, double delta_t, carmen_robot_ackerman_config_t robot_config) { double a = (target_v - robot_state.v) / full_time_interval; int n = floor(full_time_interval / delta_t); double remaining_time = full_time_interval - ((double) n * delta_t); carmen_ackerman_traj_point_t achieved_robot_state = robot_state; // achieved_robot_state eh computado iterativamente abaixo a partir do estado atual do robo double curvature = carmen_get_curvature_from_phi(target_phi, target_v, robot_config.understeer_coeficient, robot_config.distance_between_front_and_rear_axles); double new_curvature = carmen_get_curvature_from_phi(achieved_robot_state.phi, achieved_robot_state.v, robot_config.understeer_coeficient, robot_config.distance_between_front_and_rear_axles); double max_curvature_change = robot_config.maximum_steering_command_rate * delta_t; // Euler method for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { double dist_walked = predict_next_pose_step(&achieved_robot_state, target_v, a, delta_t, new_curvature, curvature, max_curvature_change, robot_config); if (distance_traveled) *distance_traveled += dist_walked; } if (remaining_time > 0.0) { double dist_walked = predict_next_pose_step(&achieved_robot_state, target_v, a, delta_t, new_curvature, curvature, max_curvature_change, robot_config); if (distance_traveled) *distance_traveled += dist_walked; } achieved_robot_state.theta = carmen_normalize_theta(achieved_robot_state.theta); robot_state = achieved_robot_state; return (achieved_robot_state); }
// // ReadLog // // Reads back into the sensor data structures the raw readings that were stored to file by WriteLog (above) // Reads a single line from the file, and interprets it by its delineator (either Laser or Odometry). If the line // is not delineated for some reason, the function prints out an error message, and advances to the next line. // While there is still information in the file, it will return 0. When it reaches the end of the file, it will return 1. // int ReadLog(carmen_FILE *logFile, carmen_logfile_index_p logfile_index, TSense &sense) { int i, max; char line[4096]; int laser; carmen_robot_laser_message laser_msg; if (carmen_logfile_eof(logfile_index)) { fprintf(stderr, "End of Log File.\n"); return 1; } do { laser = carmen_logfile_read_next_line(logfile_index, logFile, 4095, line); } while (strncmp(line, "ROBOTLASER1 ", 12) != 0); memset(&laser_msg, 0, sizeof(laser_msg)); carmen_string_to_robot_laser_message(line, &laser_msg); max = laser_msg.num_readings; if (max > SENSE_NUMBER) max = SENSE_NUMBER; // Now read in the whole list of laser readings. for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { sense[i].theta = (i*M_PI/max) - M_PI/2; sense[i].distance = laser_msg.range[i] * MAP_SCALE; if (sense[i].distance > MAX_SENSE_RANGE) sense[i].distance = MAX_SENSE_RANGE; } // Read x and y coordinates. odometry.x = laser_msg.laser_pose.x; odometry.y = laser_msg.laser_pose.y; // Read the facing angle of the robot. odometry.theta = laser_msg.laser_pose.theta; odometry.theta = carmen_normalize_theta(odometry.theta); return 0; }
int gps_parse_hdt(char *line, int num_chars) { char *ptr; int i; for (i = 1; i < num_chars-1; i++) { if (line[i] == '$' || line[i] == '*') return(FALSE); } if (num_chars > 0 && carmen_extern_gphdt_ptr != NULL) { ptr = strsep(&line, ","); if (ptr == NULL) return(FALSE); ptr = strsep(&line, ","); if (ptr == NULL) return(FALSE); if (strlen(ptr) > 0) { double heading = atof(ptr); heading = carmen_degrees_to_radians(-90.0 - heading); heading = carmen_normalize_theta(heading); carmen_extern_gphdt_ptr->heading = heading; carmen_extern_gphdt_ptr->valid = 1; } else { carmen_extern_gphdt_ptr->heading = 0.0; carmen_extern_gphdt_ptr->valid = 0; } return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); }
/*calculates a laser message based upon the current position*/ void carmen_simulator_ackerman_calc_laser_msg(carmen_laser_laser_message *laser, carmen_simulator_ackerman_config_p simulator_config, int is_rear) { carmen_traj_point_t point; carmen_simulator_ackerman_laser_config_t *laser_config = NULL; if (is_rear) { laser_config = &(simulator_config->rear_laser_config); } else { laser_config = &(simulator_config->front_laser_config); } laser->id = laser_config->id; point.x = simulator_config->true_pose.x + laser_config->offset * cos(simulator_config->true_pose.theta) - laser_config->side_offset * sin(simulator_config->true_pose.theta); point.y = simulator_config->true_pose.y + laser_config->offset * sin(simulator_config->true_pose.theta) + laser_config->side_offset * cos(simulator_config->true_pose.theta); point.theta = carmen_normalize_theta(simulator_config->true_pose.theta + laser_config->angular_offset); point.t_vel = simulator_config->v; point.r_vel = simulator_config->phi; laser->num_readings = laser_config->num_lasers; laser->config.maximum_range = laser_config->max_range; laser->config.fov = laser_config->fov; laser->config.start_angle = laser_config->start_angle; laser->config.angular_resolution = laser_config->angular_resolution; laser->config.laser_type = SIMULATED_LASER; laser->config.accuracy = laser_config->variance; //this was placed here because compiling with the old motion model //did't work, check this if this breaks something laser->config.remission_mode = REMISSION_NONE; { carmen_map_t _map; carmen_traj_point_t _point; _map = simulator_config->map; _map.config.x_origin = _map.config.y_origin = 0; _point.x = point.x - simulator_config->map.config.x_origin; _point.y = point.y - simulator_config->map.config.y_origin; _point.theta = point.theta; carmen_geometry_generate_laser_data(laser->range, &_point, laser->config.start_angle, laser->config.start_angle+laser->config.fov, laser_config->num_lasers, &_map); } carmen_simulator_ackerman_add_objects_to_laser(laser, simulator_config, is_rear); add_laser_error(laser, laser_config); }
// updates the internal state variables int carmen_base_direct_update_status(double* packet_timestamp) // { // fill in the time stamp and update internal time double curr_time = carmen_get_time(); //s_delta_time = curr_time - s_time; s_time = curr_time; *packet_timestamp = curr_time; // sonar is not implemented in orc 5 so we don't deal with this s_left_range = 0.0; s_right_range = 0.0; // ir deleted since not being used // bumpers s_bumpers[0] = orc_digital_read( s_orc, ORC_BUMPER_PORT0 ); s_bumpers[1] = orc_digital_read( s_orc, ORC_BUMPER_PORT1 ); s_bumpers[2] = orc_digital_read( s_orc, ORC_BUMPER_PORT2 ); s_bumpers[3] = orc_digital_read( s_orc, ORC_BUMPER_PORT3 ); // read encoders int curr_left_tick = orc_quadphase_read( s_orc, ORC_LEFT_ENCODER_PORT ); int curr_right_tick = orc_quadphase_read( s_orc, ORC_RIGHT_ENCODER_PORT ); int left_delta = compute_delta_ticks_mod( curr_left_tick, s_left_tick ) * ORC_LEFT_REVERSE_ENCODER ; int right_delta = compute_delta_ticks_mod( curr_right_tick, s_right_tick ) * ORC_RIGHT_REVERSE_ENCODER ; s_left_displacement = delta_tick_to_metres( left_delta ); s_right_displacement = delta_tick_to_metres( right_delta ); s_left_tick = curr_left_tick; s_right_tick = curr_right_tick; // update velocity information int left_delta_velocity = orc_quadphase_read_velocity_signed( s_orc, ORC_LEFT_ENCODER_PORT ); int right_delta_velocity = orc_quadphase_read_velocity_signed( s_orc, ORC_RIGHT_ENCODER_PORT ); // looking for underflow or overflow /* if( left_delta_velocity > SHORT_MAX/2 ) left_delta_velocity = SHORT_MAX - left_delta_velocity; if( right_delta_velocity > SHORT_MAX/2 ) right_delta_velocity = SHORT_MAX - right_delta_velocity; if( left_delta_velocity < -1.0 * SHORT_MAX/2 ) left_delta_velocity = SHORT_MAX + left_delta_velocity; if( right_delta_velocity < -1.0 * SHORT_MAX/2 ) right_delta_velocity = SHORT_MAX + right_delta_velocity; */ s_left_velocity = -1.0 * delta_tick_to_metres( left_delta_velocity ) * 60.0 ; //s_left_displacement / s_delta_time; s_right_velocity = delta_tick_to_metres( right_delta_velocity ) * 60.0 ; //s_right_displacement / s_delta_time; //printf( " *** ticks: left %d, right %d \n", left_delta, right_delta ); //printf( " *** ticks: left %d, right %d \n", left_delta_velocity , right_delta_velocity ); //printf( " *** vels: left %f, right %f \n", s_left_velocity, s_right_velocity ); // update position information double displacement = ( s_left_displacement + s_right_displacement )/2; double rotation = atan2( s_right_displacement - s_left_displacement, ORC_WHEEL_BASE ); s_x = s_x + displacement*cos( s_theta ); s_y = s_y + displacement*sin( s_theta ); s_theta = carmen_normalize_theta( s_theta + rotation ); return 0; }
static carmen_fused_odometry_particle sample_motion_model(carmen_fused_odometry_particle x_t_1, carmen_fused_odometry_control ut, double dt, carmen_fused_odometry_parameters *fused_odometry_parameters) { double L = fused_odometry_parameters->axis_distance; carmen_fused_odometry_particle x_t = x_t_1; x_t.state.velocity.x = ut.v + carmen_gaussian_random(0.0, fused_odometry_parameters->velocity_noise_velocity * ut.v * ut.v + fused_odometry_parameters->velocity_noise_phi * ut.phi * ut.phi); x_t.state.velocity.y = 0.0; x_t.state.velocity.z = 0.0; //x_t.state.velocity.z = ut.v_z + carmen_gaussian_random(0.0, alpha5 * ut.v_z * ut.v_z);// + alpha6 * ut.v_pitch * ut.v_pitch); x_t.state.phi = ut.phi + carmen_gaussian_random(0.0, fused_odometry_parameters->phi_noise_phi * ut.phi * ut.phi + fused_odometry_parameters->phi_noise_velocity * ut.v * ut.v); x_t.state.ang_velocity.roll = 0.0; // x_t.state.ang_velocity.pitch = 0.0; // x_t.state.ang_velocity.pitch = ut.v_pitch + carmen_gaussian_random(0.0, // fused_odometry_parameters->pitch_v_noise_pitch_v * ut.v_pitch * ut.v_pitch + // fused_odometry_parameters->pitch_v_noise_velocity * ut.v * ut.v); x_t.state.ang_velocity.yaw = 0.0; // This will limit the wheel position to the maximum angle the car can turn if (x_t.state.phi > fused_odometry_parameters->maximum_phi) { x_t.state.phi = fused_odometry_parameters->maximum_phi; } else if (x_t.state.phi < -fused_odometry_parameters->maximum_phi) { x_t.state.phi = -fused_odometry_parameters->maximum_phi; } //sensor_vector_imu imu_zt = create_sensor_vector_imu(xsens_matrix_message); //x_t.state.pose.orientation.roll = imu_zt.orientation.roll; x_t.state.pose.orientation.roll = ut.roll; x_t.state.pose.orientation.pitch = ut.pitch; //x_t.state.pose.orientation.pitch = x_t_1.state.pose.orientation.pitch + x_t.state.ang_velocity.pitch * dt; //x_t.state.pose.orientation.pitch = 0.0; x_t.state.pose.orientation.yaw = x_t_1.state.pose.orientation.yaw + (x_t.state.velocity.x * tan(x_t.state.phi) / L) * dt; x_t.state.pose.orientation.yaw = carmen_normalize_theta(x_t.state.pose.orientation.yaw); if (0) // (fabs(ut.v) > fused_odometry_parameters->minimum_speed_for_correction) && ut.gps_available) { x_t.state.xsens_yaw_bias = x_t_1.state.xsens_yaw_bias * 0.9999 + carmen_gaussian_random(0.0, fused_odometry_parameters->xsens_yaw_bias_noise); if (x_t.state.xsens_yaw_bias > fused_odometry_parameters->xsens_maximum_yaw_bias) { x_t.state.xsens_yaw_bias = fused_odometry_parameters->xsens_maximum_yaw_bias; } else if (x_t.state.xsens_yaw_bias < -fused_odometry_parameters->xsens_maximum_yaw_bias) { x_t.state.xsens_yaw_bias = -fused_odometry_parameters->xsens_maximum_yaw_bias; } } else x_t.state.xsens_yaw_bias = 0.0; tf::Vector3 displacement_car_reference(x_t.state.velocity.x * dt, x_t.state.velocity.y * dt, x_t.state.velocity.z * dt); tf::Transform car_to_global; car_to_global.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); car_to_global.setRotation(tf::Quaternion(x_t.state.pose.orientation.yaw, x_t.state.pose.orientation.pitch, x_t.state.pose.orientation.roll)); tf::Vector3 displacement_global_reference = car_to_global * displacement_car_reference; tf::Vector3 x_t_global_position(x_t_1.state.pose.position.x, x_t_1.state.pose.position.y, x_t_1.state.pose.position.z); x_t_global_position = x_t_global_position + displacement_global_reference; double xy_uncertainty_due_to_grid_resolution = (0.2 / 4.0) * (0.2 / 4.0); double yaw_uncertainty_due_to_grid_resolution = asin((0.2 / 4.0)) * asin((0.2 / 4.0)); x_t.state.pose.position.x = x_t_global_position.getX() + carmen_gaussian_random(0.0, xy_uncertainty_due_to_grid_resolution); x_t.state.pose.position.y = x_t_global_position.getY() + carmen_gaussian_random(0.0, xy_uncertainty_due_to_grid_resolution); x_t.state.pose.position.z = 0.0; //x_t_global_position.getZ(); x_t.state.pose.orientation.yaw = carmen_normalize_theta(x_t.state.pose.orientation.yaw + carmen_gaussian_random(0.0, yaw_uncertainty_due_to_grid_resolution)); x_t.weight = x_t_1.weight; return (x_t); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *fp; carmen_FILE *outfile; int m, d, y, h, min, temp1, temp2, i; float s; // int type_id; double timestamp, first_timestamp = 0; double last_front_laser_timestamp, last_odometry_timestamp; int first = 1; char key; carmen_ipc_initialize(argc, argv); carmen_param_check_version(argv[0]); if(argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: wrong number of arguments.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s laserint-logname logname\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } fp = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if(fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not open file %s for reading.\n", argv[1]); exit(1); } outfile = carmen_fopen(argv[2], "r"); if (outfile != NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Overwrite %s? ", argv[2]); scanf("%c", &key); if (toupper(key) != 'Y') exit(-1); carmen_fclose(outfile); } outfile = carmen_fopen(argv[2], "w"); if(outfile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not open file %s for writing.\n", argv[2]); exit(1); } front_laser.num_readings = 180; front_laser.range = (float *)calloc(180, sizeof(float)); carmen_test_alloc(front_laser.range); = carmen_get_host(); = carmen_get_host(); carmen_logwrite_write_header(outfile); carmen_logwrite_write_robot_name("beesoft", outfile); get_all_params(outfile); while(!feof(fp)) { fgets(line, LINE_SIZE, fp); if(strncmp(line, "@SENS", 5) == 0) { fgets(line2, 7, fp); if(strncmp(line2, "#LASER", 6) == 0) { last_front_laser_timestamp = front_laser_timestamp; sscanf(line, "@SENS %d-%d-%d %d:%d:%f\n", &m, &d, &y, &h, &min, &s); timestamp = h * 3600.0 + min * 60.0 + s; fscanf(fp, " %d %d: ", &temp1, &temp2); for(i = 0; i < 180; i++) { fscanf(fp, "%d", &temp1); front_laser.range[i] = temp1/100.0; } front_laser.laser_pose.x = odometry.x; front_laser.laser_pose.y = odometry.y; front_laser.laser_pose.theta = odometry.theta; front_laser.robot_pose.x = odometry.x; front_laser.robot_pose.y = odometry.y; front_laser.robot_pose.theta = odometry.theta; if(first) { first_timestamp = timestamp; first = 0; } front_laser_timestamp = timestamp - first_timestamp; if(current_front_laser > 0 && front_laser_timestamp < last_front_laser_timestamp) front_laser_timestamp = last_front_laser_timestamp; // type_id = ROBOT_FRONTLASER_ID; front_laser.timestamp = front_laser_timestamp; carmen_logwrite_write_robot_laser(&front_laser, 1, outfile, front_laser_timestamp); current_front_laser++; } else if(strncmp(line2, "#ROBOT", 6) == 0) { last_odometry_timestamp = odometry_timestamp; sscanf(line, "@SENS %d-%d-%d %d:%d:%f\n", &m, &d, &y, &h, &min, &s); timestamp = h * 3600.0 + min * 60.0 + s; fscanf(fp, " %lf %lf %lf", &odometry.x, &odometry.y, &odometry.theta); odometry.x /= 100.0; odometry.y /= 100.0; odometry.theta = carmen_normalize_theta(carmen_degrees_to_radians(odometry.theta)); if(first) { first_timestamp = timestamp; first = 0; } odometry_timestamp = timestamp - first_timestamp; if(current_odometry > 0 && odometry_timestamp < last_odometry_timestamp) odometry_timestamp = last_odometry_timestamp; // type_id = ODOM_ID; carmen_logwrite_write_odometry(&odometry, outfile, odometry_timestamp); current_odometry++; } fgets(line2, LINE_SIZE, fp); } } fclose(fp); carmen_fclose(outfile); return 0; }
particle_datmo_t sample_motion_model(double delta_time, particle_datmo_t particle_t_1, double mean, particle_datmo_t mean_particle) { particle_datmo_t particle_t; carmen_point_t pose_t, pose_t_1; double v; pose_t_1.x = particle_t_1.pose.x; pose_t_1.y = particle_t_1.pose.y; pose_t_1.theta = particle_t_1.pose.theta; v = particle_t_1.velocity; v = v + carmen_gaussian_random(0.0, alpha_1); // v = v + carmen_gaussian_random(0.0, mean*0.1); if (v > v_max) v = v_max; if (v < v_min) v = v_min; pose_t_1.theta = pose_t_1.theta + carmen_gaussian_random(0.0, alpha_2); /* Os resultados melhores estão com inicialização aleatória da orientação utilizando o mesmo desvio padrão fixo. double c = 100.0; if (mean > c) { mean = c; } mean = mean * M_PI / c; double theta_noise = carmen_gaussian_random(0.0, mean); if(theta_noise > M_PI) { theta_noise = M_PI; } else if (theta_noise < -M_PI){ theta_noise = -M_PI; } pose_t_1.theta = pose_t_1.theta + theta_noise; */ pose_t_1.theta = carmen_normalize_theta(pose_t_1.theta); pose_t.x = pose_t_1.x + delta_time*v*cos(pose_t_1.theta); pose_t.y = pose_t_1.y + delta_time*v*sin(pose_t_1.theta); particle_t.pose.theta = pose_t_1.theta; particle_t.pose.x = pose_t.x; particle_t.pose.y = pose_t.y; particle_t.velocity = v; particle_t.weight = particle_t_1.weight; // Keep same class with 90% probability #ifndef BASELINE // fixme modificado para o baseline if ((rand() % 100) <= 90) //if (carmen_uniform_random(0.0, 100.0) <= 90.0) particle_t.class_id = particle_t_1.class_id; else particle_t.class_id = get_random_model_id(num_of_models); #else particle_t.class_id = 0; #endif particle_t.model_features = get_obj_model_features(particle_t.class_id); // particle_t.model_features_3d = get_obj_model_features_3d(particle_t.class_id, object_models_3d); if(mean > 0 && mean_particle.dist > 0) { } return particle_t; }
double Util::heading(const Pose &pose, const Pose &target_pose) { double target_theta = fabs(carmen_normalize_theta(atan2(pose.y - target_pose.y, pose.x - target_pose.x) - M_PI - pose.theta)); return target_theta / M_PI; }
void map_modify_update(carmen_robot_laser_message *laser_msg, carmen_navigator_config_t *config, carmen_world_point_p world_point, carmen_map_p true_map, carmen_map_p modify_map) { int index; double angle, separation; int laser_x, laser_y; double dist; int increment; carmen_map_point_t map_point; int count; int maxrange_beam; if (!config->map_update_freespace && !config->map_update_obstacles) return; if (true_map == NULL || modify_map == NULL) { carmen_warn("%s called with NULL map argument.\n", __FUNCTION__); return; } if (laser_scan == NULL) { laser_scan = (grid_cell_p *)calloc(LASER_HISTORY_LENGTH, sizeof(grid_cell_p)); carmen_test_alloc(laser_scan); scan_size = (int *)calloc(LASER_HISTORY_LENGTH, sizeof(int)); carmen_test_alloc(scan_size); max_scan_size = (int *)calloc(LASER_HISTORY_LENGTH, sizeof(int)); carmen_test_alloc(max_scan_size); } update_existing_data(true_map, modify_map); if (laser_msg->num_readings < config->num_lasers_to_use) { increment = 1; separation = laser_msg->config.angular_resolution; } else { increment = laser_msg->num_readings / config->num_lasers_to_use; if (increment != 1) separation = carmen_normalize_theta(laser_msg->config.fov / (config->num_lasers_to_use+1)); else separation = laser_msg->config.angular_resolution; } angle = carmen_normalize_theta(world_point->pose.theta + laser_msg->config.start_angle); carmen_world_to_map(world_point, &map_point); count = 0; for (index = 0; index < laser_msg->num_readings; index += increment) { if (laser_msg->range[index] < laser_msg->config.maximum_range ) maxrange_beam = 0; else maxrange_beam = 1; if (config->map_update_freespace) { dist = laser_msg->range[index] - modify_map->config.resolution; if (dist < 0) dist = 0; if (dist > config->map_update_radius) dist = config->map_update_radius; laser_x = carmen_round(map_point.x + (cos(angle)*dist)/ modify_map->config.resolution); laser_y = carmen_round(map_point.y + (sin(angle)*dist)/ modify_map->config.resolution); trace_laser(map_point.x, map_point.y, laser_x, laser_y, true_map, modify_map); } if (config->map_update_obstacles) { // add obstacle only if it is not a maxrange reading! if (!maxrange_beam) { dist = laser_msg->range[index]; laser_x = carmen_round(map_point.x + (cos(angle)*dist)/ modify_map->config.resolution); laser_y = carmen_round(map_point.y + (sin(angle)*dist)/ modify_map->config.resolution); if (is_in_map(laser_x, laser_y, modify_map) && dist < config->map_update_radius && dist < (laser_msg->config.maximum_range - 2*modify_map->config.resolution)) { count++; add_filled_point(laser_x, laser_y, true_map, modify_map); } } } angle += separation; } }
int write_carmen_file( char *filename, logtools_log_data_t *rec ) { double time, starttime = 0.0; int i, k, stop; FILE * iop; fprintf( stderr, "# write carmen file %s ...\n", filename ); if ((iop = fopen( filename, "w")) == 0){ fprintf(stderr, "# WARNING: can't write carmen file %s\n", filename ); return(-1); } stop = FALSE; for (i=0; i<rec->numentries && !stop; i++) { switch( rec->entry[i].type ) { case LASER_VALUES: starttime = double_time(rec->lsens[rec->entry[i].index].laser.time); stop = TRUE; break; case POSITION: starttime = double_time(rec->psens[rec->entry[i].index].time); stop = TRUE; break; default: break; } } fprintf( iop, "# message_name [message contents] ipc_timestamp ipc_hostname logger_timestamp\n" ); fprintf( iop, "# message formats defined: PARAM SYNC ODOM FLASER RLASER TRUEPOS \n" ); fprintf( iop, "# PARAM param_name param_value\n" ); fprintf( iop, "# SYNC tagname\n" ); fprintf( iop, "# ODOM x y theta tv rv accel\n" ); fprintf( iop, "# FLASER num_readings [range_readings] x y theta odom_x odom_y odom_theta\n" ); fprintf( iop, "# RLASER num_readings [range_readings] x y theta odom_x odom_y odom_theta\n" ); fprintf( iop, "# TRUEPOS true_x true_y true_theta odom_x odom_y odom_theta\n"); fprintf( iop, "# NMEA-GGA utc latitude lat_orient longitude long_orient gps_quality num_sattelites hdop sea_level alitude geo_sea_level geo_sep data_age\n"); for (i=0; i<rec->numentries; i++) { switch( rec->entry[i].type ) { case LASER_VALUES: time = double_time( rec->lsens[rec->entry[i].index].laser.time); switch( rec->lsens[rec->entry[i].index].id ) { case 0: fprintf( iop, "FLASER" ); break; case 1: fprintf( iop, "RLASER" ); break; case 2: fprintf( iop, "LASER2" ); break; case 3: fprintf( iop, "LASER3" ); break; default: fprintf( iop, "FLASER" ); break; } fprintf( iop, " %d", rec->lsens[rec->entry[i].index].laser.numvalues ); for (k=0;k<rec->lsens[rec->entry[i].index].laser.numvalues;k++) { fprintf(iop, " %.3f", rec->lsens[rec->entry[i].index].laser.val[k]/100.0 ); } fprintf( iop, " %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %s %f\n", (float) (rec->lsens[rec->entry[i].index].estpos.x/100.0), (float) (rec->lsens[rec->entry[i].index].estpos.y/100.0), (float) (carmen_normalize_theta(rec->lsens[rec->entry[i].index].estpos.o)), (float) (rec->lsens[rec->entry[i].index].estpos.x/100.0), (float) (rec->lsens[rec->entry[i].index].estpos.y/100.0), (float) (carmen_normalize_theta(rec->lsens[rec->entry[i].index].estpos.o)), time, "nohost", time-starttime ); break; case POSITION: time = double_time(rec->psens[rec->entry[i].index].time); fprintf( iop, "ODOM %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %s %f\n", (float) (rec->psens[rec->entry[i].index].rpos.x/100.0), (float) (rec->psens[rec->entry[i].index].rpos.y/100.0), (float) (carmen_normalize_theta(rec->psens[rec->entry[i].index].rpos.o)), (float) (rec->psens[rec->entry[i].index], (float) (rec->psens[rec->entry[i].index].rvel.rv/100.0), 0.0, /* acceleration */ time, "nohost", time-starttime ); break; default: break; } } return(0); }
static void tracker_position_handler(carmen_tracker_position_message *message) { static std::vector<double> X; static std::vector<double> Y; static std::vector<double> I; static unsigned int index = 0; tk::spline x, y; double distancia; double angulo; if (global_localize_ackerman_globalpos_message.size() == 0) { printf("globalpos nao inicializado!\n"); return; } else { for (int i = 0; i < global_localize_ackerman_globalpos_message.size(); i++) { if (fabs(message->timestamp - global_localize_ackerman_globalpos_message[i].timestamp) < 0.01) { globalpos = global_localize_ackerman_globalpos_message[i].globalpos; } } } if (globalpos.x == 0 && globalpos.y == 0 && globalpos.theta == 0) { printf("globalpos nao inicializado!\n"); return; } if (message->object_position.x == 0.0) { printf("pose zerada: message->object_position.x %.2f message->object_position.y %.2f\n",message->object_position.x,message->object_position.y); return; } distancia = sqrt(pow(message->object_position.x, 2) + pow(message->object_position.y, 2)); angulo = atan2(message->object_position.y, message->object_position.x); distancia -= 4; X.push_back(globalpos.x + distancia * cos(carmen_normalize_theta(globalpos.theta + carmen_degrees_to_radians(angulo))) - 0); Y.push_back(globalpos.y + distancia * sin(carmen_normalize_theta(globalpos.theta + carmen_degrees_to_radians(angulo)))); I.push_back(index++); if (I.size() > MAX_POSITIONS) { X.erase(X.begin()); Y.erase(Y.begin()); I.erase(I.begin()); } if (I.size() > 1) { x.set_points(I,X); y.set_points(I,Y); for (int i = 0; i < I.size() + EXTRA_POSITIONS; i++) { poses[i].x = x(I[0] + i); poses[i].y = y(I[0] + i); } } carmen_point_t goal; goal.x = poses[I.size() - 1].x; goal.y = poses[I.size() - 1].y; goal.theta = globalpos.theta; carmen_behavior_selector_clear_goal_list(); carmen_behavior_selector_add_goal(goal); //publish_spline_goal_list_message(poses + I.size() - 1, 1); //todo colocar o menor possivel, pode ajudar. // publish_spline_path_message(poses, I.size() + EXTRA_POSITIONS); printf("pose X %f Y %f I %d theta %f\t", message->object_position.x, message->object_position.y, I[I.size() - 1], globalpos.theta); printf("I.size(): %d\n",I.size()); }
bool Util::is_behind(const Pose &p1, const Pose &p2) { return fabs(carmen_normalize_theta(atan2(p1.y - p2.y, p1.x - p2.x) - M_PI - p1.theta)) > M_PI_2; }
static void update_evidence_grid(carmen_shape_p contour, int *laser_mask, double resolution, double laser_stdev) { double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; double dx, dy, dmax; double *ux, *uy; double **mask; int i, j, x, y, x0, x1, y0, y1; int new_x_size, new_y_size; int mask_x_size, mask_y_size, mask_ux, mask_uy; int mask_x0, mask_x1, mask_y0, mask_y1; int x_offset, y_offset; double ltheta; printf("update_evidence_grid()\n"); ux = contour->x; uy = contour->y; // find bounds for contour's evidence grid xmin = xmax = ux[0]; ymin = ymax = uy[0]; for (i = 1; i < contour->num_points; i++) { if (ux[i] > xmax) xmax = ux[i]; else if (ux[i] < xmin) xmin = ux[i]; if (uy[i] > ymax) ymax = uy[i]; else if (uy[i] < ymin) ymin = uy[i]; } // give a buffer for the egrid xmin -= 2 * EGRID_MASK_STDEV_MULT * laser_stdev; ymin -= 2 * EGRID_MASK_STDEV_MULT * laser_stdev; xmax += 2 * EGRID_MASK_STDEV_MULT * laser_stdev; ymax += 2 * EGRID_MASK_STDEV_MULT * laser_stdev; new_x_size = floor((xmax-xmin) / resolution); new_y_size = floor((ymax-ymin) / resolution); //egrid_x_offset = -xmin; //egrid_y_offset = -ymin; if (egrid == NULL) { // new egrid egrid = new_matrix(egrid_x_size, egrid_y_size); egrid_counts = new_imatrix(egrid_x_size, egrid_y_size); egrid_hits = new_imatrix(egrid_x_size, egrid_y_size); for (i = 0; i < egrid_x_size; i++) { for (j = 0; j < egrid_y_size; j++) { egrid_counts[i][j] = egrid_hits[i][j] = 0; egrid[i][j] = -1.0; } } egrid_x_size = new_x_size; egrid_y_size = new_y_size; egrid_x_offset = -xmin; egrid_y_offset = -ymin; } else { // resize x0 = floor((xmin - egrid_x_offset)/resolution); x1 = floor((xmax - egrid_x_offset)/resolution) + 1; y0 = floor((ymin - egrid_y_offset)/resolution); y1 = floor((ymax - egrid_y_offset)/resolution) + 1; if (x0 < 0 || x1 > egrid_x_size || y0 < 0 || y1 > egrid_y_size) { x0 = MAX(-x0, 0); x1 = MAX(x1, egrid_x_size); y0 = MAX(-y0, 0); y1 = MAX(y1, egrid_y_size); egrid = matrix_resize(egrid, x0, y0, egrid_x_size, egrid_y_size, x0+x1, y0+y1, -1.0); egrid_counts = imatrix_resize(egrid_counts, x0, y0, egrid_x_size, egrid_y_size, x0+x1, y0+y1, 0); egrid_hits = imatrix_resize(egrid_hits, x0, y0, egrid_x_size, egrid_y_size, x0+x1, y0+y1, 0); egrid_x_size = x0 + x1; egrid_y_size = y0 + y1; egrid_x_offset -= x0*resolution; egrid_y_offset -= y0*resolution; } } // trace laser for (i = 0; i < laser_msg.num_readings; i++) { ltheta = carmen_normalize_theta(laser->theta + (i-90)*M_PI/180.0); trace_laser_beam(laser->x, laser->y, ltheta, laser->range[i], laser_mask[i]); } /***************************** dbug ********************************** for (i = 0; i < egrid_x_size; i++) for (j = 0; j < egrid_y_size; j++) egrid[i][j] = LOW_LOG_PROB; // create a log prob mask of odd dimensions (so there will be a unique center cell) mask_x_size = floor(2 * EGRID_MASK_STDEV_MULT * laser_stdev / resolution); if (mask_x_size % 2 == 0) mask_x_size++; mask_y_size = floor(2 * EGRID_MASK_STDEV_MULT * laser_stdev / resolution); if (mask_y_size % 2 == 0) mask_y_size++; mask_ux = floor(mask_x_size / 2.0); mask_uy = floor(mask_y_size / 2.0); //printf("mask_size = (%d %d)\n", mask_x_size, mask_y_size); mask = new_matrix(mask_x_size, mask_y_size); dmax = mask_x_size*mask_x_size*resolution*resolution/4.0; for (i = 0; i < mask_x_size; i++) { dx = (i - mask_ux) * resolution; for (j = 0; j < mask_y_size; j++) { dy = (j - mask_uy) * resolution; if (dx*dx+dy*dy <= dmax) // circular mask mask[i][j] = -(dx*dx+dy*dy) / (2 * laser_stdev * laser_stdev); else mask[i][j] = LOW_LOG_PROB; } } for (i = 0; i < contour->num_points; i++) { x = floor((ux[i] - xmin) / resolution); y = floor((uy[i] - ymin) / resolution); if (x < 0 || x >= egrid_x_size || y < 0 || y >= egrid_y_size) { carmen_warn("Warning: contour point out of evidence grid bounds in get_evidence_grid()\n"); continue; } mask_x0 = MAX(0, x + (mask_ux+1) - mask_x_size); mask_x1 = MIN(egrid_x_size - 1, x - mask_ux + mask_x_size); mask_y0 = MAX(0, y + (mask_uy+1) - mask_y_size); mask_y1 = MIN(egrid_y_size - 1, y - mask_uy + mask_y_size); x_offset = mask_ux - x; y_offset = mask_uy - y; for (x = mask_x0; x < mask_x1; x++) for (y = mask_y0; y < mask_y1; y++) if (egrid[x][y] < mask[x+x_offset][y+y_offset]) egrid[x][y] = mask[x+x_offset][y+y_offset]; } free(mask); //*egrid_x_offset = -xmin; //*egrid_y_offset = -ymin; //*egrid_x_size_ptr = egrid_x_size; //*egrid_y_size_ptr = egrid_y_size; ***************************** end dbug *****************************/ return egrid; }