Exemple #1
  bool BonminInterface::
  get_starting_point(BonminMemory* m, bool init_x, double* x,
                     bool init_z, double* z_L, double* z_U,
                     bool init_lambda, double* lambda) const {
    try {
      // Initialize primal variables
      if (init_x) {
        casadi_copy(m->x, nx_, x);

      // Initialize dual variables (simple bounds)
      if (init_z) {
        for (casadi_int i=0; i<nx_; ++i) {
          z_L[i] = max(0., -m->lam_x[i]);
          z_U[i] = max(0., m->lam_x[i]);

      // Initialize dual variables (nonlinear bounds)
      if (init_lambda) {
        casadi_copy(m->lam_g, ng_, lambda);

      return true;
    } catch(exception& ex) {
      uerr() << "get_starting_point failed: " << ex.what() << endl;
      return false;
  void IdasInterface::retreat(IntegratorMemory* mem, double t, double* rx,
                              double* rz, double* rq) const {
    auto m = to_mem(mem);

    // Integrate, unless already at desired time
    if (t<m->t) {
      THROWING(IDASolveB, m->mem, t, IDA_NORMAL);
      THROWING(IDAGetB, m->mem, m->whichB, &m->t, m->rxz, m->rxzdot);
      if (nrq_>0) {
        THROWING(IDAGetQuadB, m->mem, m->whichB, &m->t, m->rq);

    // Save outputs
    casadi_copy(NV_DATA_S(m->rxz), nrx_, rx);
    casadi_copy(NV_DATA_S(m->rxz)+nrx_, nrz_, rz);
    casadi_copy(NV_DATA_S(m->rq), nrq_, rq);

    // Get stats
    IDAMem IDA_mem = IDAMem(m->mem);
    IDAadjMem IDAADJ_mem = IDA_mem->ida_adj_mem;
    IDABMem IDAB_mem = IDAADJ_mem->IDAB_mem;
    THROWING(IDAGetIntegratorStats, IDAB_mem->IDA_mem, &m->nstepsB, &m->nfevalsB,
             &m->nlinsetupsB, &m->netfailsB, &m->qlastB, &m->qcurB, &m->hinusedB,
             &m->hlastB, &m->hcurB, &m->tcurB);
Exemple #3
 bool BonminInterface::
 get_bounds_info(BonminMemory* m, double* x_l, double* x_u,
                 double* g_l, double* g_u) const {
   try {
     casadi_copy(m->lbx, nx_, x_l);
     casadi_copy(m->ubx, nx_, x_u);
     casadi_copy(m->lbg, ng_, g_l);
     casadi_copy(m->ubg, ng_, g_u);
     return true;
   } catch(exception& ex) {
     uerr() << "get_bounds_info failed: " << ex.what() << endl;
     return false;
Exemple #4
  void BonminInterface::
  finalize_solution(BonminMemory* m, TMINLP::SolverReturn status,
      const double* x, double obj_value) const {
    try {
      // Get primal solution
      casadi_copy(x, nx_, m->x);

      // Get optimal cost
      m->f = obj_value;

      // Dual solution not calculated
      casadi_fill(m->lam_x, nx_, nan);
      casadi_fill(m->lam_g, ng_, nan);

      // Get the constraints
      casadi_fill(m->gk, ng_, nan);

      // Get statistics
      m->iter_count = 0;

      // Interpret return code
      m->return_status = return_status_string(status);
      m->success = status==Bonmin::TMINLP::SUCCESS;

    } catch(exception& ex) {
      uerr() << "finalize_solution failed: " << ex.what() << endl;
Exemple #5
void casadi_bfgs(const casadi_int* sp_h, T1* h, const T1* dx,
                 const T1* glag, const T1* glag_old, T1* w) {
  // Local variables
  casadi_int nx;
  T1 *yk, *qk, dxBkdx, omega, theta, phi;
  // Dimension
  nx = sp_h[0];
  // Work vectors
  yk = w; w += nx;
  qk = w; w += nx;
  // yk = glag - glag_old
  casadi_copy(glag, nx, yk);
  casadi_axpy(nx, -1., glag_old, yk);
  // qk = H*dx
  casadi_fill(qk, nx, 0.);
  casadi_mv(h, sp_h, dx, qk, 0);
  // Calculating theta
  dxBkdx = casadi_dot(nx, dx, qk);
  // C-REPLACE "if_else" "casadi_if_else"
  omega = if_else(casadi_dot(nx, yk, dx) < 0.2 * casadi_dot(nx, dx, qk),
                  0.8 * dxBkdx / (dxBkdx - casadi_dot(nx, dx, yk)), 1);
  // yk = omega * yk + (1 - omega) * qk;
  casadi_scal(nx, omega, yk);
  casadi_axpy(nx, 1 - omega, qk, yk);
  theta = 1. / casadi_dot(nx, dx, yk);
  phi = 1. / casadi_dot(nx, qk, dx);
  // Update H
  casadi_rank1(h, sp_h, theta, yk, yk);
  casadi_rank1(h, sp_h, -phi, qk, qk);
  void BonminInterface::
  finalize_solution(BonminMemory* m, const double* x, double obj_value) const {
    try {
      // Get primal solution
      casadi_copy(x, nx_, m->xk);

      // Get optimal cost
      m->fk = obj_value;

      // Get dual solution (simple bounds)
      if (m->lam_xk) {
        for (int i=0; i<nx_; ++i) {
          m->lam_xk[i] = casadi::nan;

      // Get dual solution (nonlinear bounds)
      casadi_fill(m->lam_gk, ng_, nan);

      // Get the constraints
      casadi_fill(m->gk, ng_, nan);

      // Get statistics
      m->iter_count = 0;

    } catch(exception& ex) {
      userOut<true, PL_WARN>() << "finalize_solution failed: " << ex.what() << endl;
  void SundialsInterface::resetB(IntegratorMemory* mem, double t, const double* rx,
                                 const double* rz, const double* rp) const {
    auto m = static_cast<SundialsMemory*>(mem);

    // Update time
    m->t = t;

    // Set parameters
    casadi_copy(rp, nrp_, m->rp);

    // Get the backward state
    casadi_copy(rx, nrx_, NV_DATA_S(m->rxz));

    // Reset summation states
    N_VConst(0., m->rq);
  void SundialsInterface::reset(IntegratorMemory* mem, double t, const double* x,
                                const double* z, const double* p) const {
    auto m = static_cast<SundialsMemory*>(mem);

    // Update time
    m->t = t;

    // Set parameters
    casadi_copy(p, np_, m->p);

    // Set the state
    casadi_copy(x, nx_, NV_DATA_S(m->xz));
    casadi_copy(z, nz_, NV_DATA_S(m->xz)+nx_);

    // Reset summation states
    N_VConst(0., m->q);
Exemple #9
  void Callback::eval(const double** arg, double** res, int* iw, double* w, int mem) {
    // Allocate input matrices
    int n_in = this->n_in();
    std::vector<DM> argv(n_in);
    for (int i=0; i<n_in; ++i) {
      argv[i] = DM(sparsity_in(i));
      casadi_copy(arg[i], argv[i].nnz(), argv[i].ptr());

    // Evaluate
    std::vector<DM> resv = eval(argv);

    // Get the outputs
    int n_out = this->n_out();
    for (int i=0; i<n_out; ++i) {
      casadi_copy(resv[i].ptr(), resv[i].nnz(), res[i]);
Exemple #10
  void IdasInterface::
  advance(IntegratorMemory* mem, double t, double* x, double* z, double* q) const {
    auto m = to_mem(mem);

    casadi_assert_message(t>=grid_.front(), "IdasInterface::integrate(" << t << "): "
                          "Cannot integrate to a time earlier than t0 (" << grid_.front() << ")");
    casadi_assert_message(t<=grid_.back() || !stop_at_end_, "IdasInterface::integrate("
                          << t << "): "
                          "Cannot integrate past a time later than tf (" << grid_.back() << ") "
                          "unless stop_at_end is set to False.");

    // Integrate, unless already at desired time
    double ttol = 1e-9;   // tolerance
    if (fabs(m->t-t)>=ttol) {
      // Integrate forward ...
      if (nrx_>0) { // ... with taping
        THROWING(IDASolveF, m->mem, t, &m->t, m->xz, m->xzdot, IDA_NORMAL, &m->ncheck);
      } else { // ... without taping
        THROWING(IDASolve, m->mem, t, &m->t, m->xz, m->xzdot, IDA_NORMAL);

      // Get quadratures
      if (nq_>0) {
        double tret;
        THROWING(IDAGetQuad, m->mem, &tret, m->q);

    // Set function outputs
    casadi_copy(NV_DATA_S(m->xz), nx_, x);
    casadi_copy(NV_DATA_S(m->xz)+nx_, nz_, z);
    casadi_copy(NV_DATA_S(m->q), nq_, q);

    // Get stats
    THROWING(IDAGetIntegratorStats, m->mem, &m->nsteps, &m->nfevals, &m->nlinsetups,
             &m->netfails, &m->qlast, &m->qcur, &m->hinused,
             &m->hlast, &m->hcur, &m->tcur);

    THROWING(IDAGetNonlinSolvStats, m->mem, &m->nniters, &m->nncfails);

Exemple #11
/* casadi_impl_ode_jac_xdot:(i0[3],i1[3],i2[4])->(o0[3x3]) */
static int casadi_f0(const casadi_real** arg, casadi_real** res, casadi_int* iw, casadi_real* w, void* mem) {
  casadi_real *rr, *ss;
  casadi_real *w0=w+3, *w1=w+6, *w2=w+9;
  /* #0: @0 = zeros(3x3,3nz) */
  casadi_fill(w0, 3, 0.);
  /* #1: @1 = ones(3x1) */
  casadi_fill(w1, 3, 1.);
  /* #2: (@0[:3] = @1) */
  for (rr=w0+0, ss=w1; rr!=w0+3; rr+=1) *rr = *ss++;
  /* #3: @1 = @0' */
  casadi_trans(w0,casadi_s0, w1, casadi_s0, iw);
  /* #4: @2 = dense(@1) */
  casadi_project(w1, casadi_s0, w2, casadi_s1, w);
  /* #5: output[0][0] = @2 */
  casadi_copy(w2, 9, res[0]);
  return 0;
Exemple #12
  bool BonminInterface::
  intermediate_callback(BonminMemory* m, const double* x, const double* z_L, const double* z_U,
                        const double* g, const double* lambda, double obj_value, int iter,
                        double inf_pr, double inf_du, double mu, double d_norm,
                        double regularization_size, double alpha_du, double alpha_pr,
                        int ls_trials, bool full_callback) const {
    m->n_iter += 1;
    try {
      if (verbose_) casadi_message("intermediate_callback started");
      if (!fcallback_.is_null()) {
        if (full_callback) {
          casadi_copy(x, nx_, m->x);
          for (casadi_int i=0; i<nx_; ++i) {
            m->lam_x[i] = z_U[i]-z_L[i];
          casadi_copy(lambda, ng_, m->lam_g);
          casadi_copy(g, ng_, m->gk);
        } else {
          if (iter==0) {
              << "Warning: intermediate_callback is disfunctional in your installation. "
              "You will only be able to use stats(). "
              "See https://github.com/casadi/casadi/wiki/enableBonminCallback to enable it."
              << endl;

        // Inputs
        fill_n(m->arg, fcallback_.n_in(), nullptr);
        if (full_callback) {
          // The values used below are meaningless
          // when not doing a full_callback
          m->arg[NLPSOL_X] = x;
          m->arg[NLPSOL_F] = &obj_value;
          m->arg[NLPSOL_G] = g;
          m->arg[NLPSOL_LAM_P] = nullptr;
          m->arg[NLPSOL_LAM_X] = m->lam_x;
          m->arg[NLPSOL_LAM_G] = m->lam_g;

        // Outputs
        fill_n(m->res, fcallback_.n_out(), nullptr);
        double ret_double;
        m->res[0] = &ret_double;

        fcallback_(m->arg, m->res, m->iw, m->w, 0);
        int ret = static_cast<int>(ret_double);

        return  !ret;
      } else {
        return 1;
    } catch(KeyboardInterruptException& ex) {
      return 0;
    } catch(exception& ex) {
      if (iteration_callback_ignore_errors_) {
        uerr() << "intermediate_callback: " << ex.what() << endl;
        return 1;
      return 0;
Exemple #13
  int BonminInterface::solve(void* mem) const {
    auto m = static_cast<BonminMemory*>(mem);

    // Reset statistics

    // Reset number of iterations
    m->n_iter = 0;

    // MINLP instance
    SmartPtr<BonminUserClass> tminlp = new BonminUserClass(*this, m);

    BonMinMessageHandler mh;

    // Start an BONMIN application
    BonminSetup bonmin(&mh);

    SmartPtr<OptionsList> options = new OptionsList();
    SmartPtr<Journalist> journalist= new Journalist();
    SmartPtr<Bonmin::RegisteredOptions> roptions = new Bonmin::RegisteredOptions();

      // Direct output through casadi::uout()
      StreamJournal* jrnl_raw = new StreamJournal("console", J_ITERSUMMARY);
      jrnl_raw->SetPrintLevel(J_DBG, J_NONE);
      SmartPtr<Journal> jrnl = jrnl_raw;

    bonmin.setOptionsAndJournalist(roptions, options, journalist);
    // Get all options available in BONMIN
    auto regops = bonmin.roptions()->RegisteredOptionsList();

    // Pass all the options to BONMIN
    for (auto&& op : opts_) {
      // Find the option
      auto regops_it = regops.find(op.first);
      if (regops_it==regops.end()) {
        casadi_error("No such BONMIN option: " + op.first);

      // Get the type
      Ipopt::RegisteredOptionType ipopt_type = regops_it->second->Type();

      // Pass to BONMIN
      bool ret;
      switch (ipopt_type) {
      case Ipopt::OT_Number:
        ret = bonmin.options()->SetNumericValue(op.first, op.second.to_double(), false);
      case Ipopt::OT_Integer:
        ret = bonmin.options()->SetIntegerValue(op.first, op.second.to_int(), false);
      case Ipopt::OT_String:
        ret = bonmin.options()->SetStringValue(op.first, op.second.to_string(), false);
      case Ipopt::OT_Unknown:
        casadi_warning("Cannot handle option \"" + op.first + "\", ignored");
      if (!ret) casadi_error("Invalid options were detected by BONMIN.");

    // Initialize

    if (true) {
      // Branch-and-bound
      try {
        Bab bb;
      } catch (CoinError& e) {
        casadi_error("CoinError occured: " + to_str(e));

    // Save results to outputs
    casadi_copy(m->gk, ng_, m->g);
    return 0;
  void BonminInterface::solve(void* mem) const {
    auto m = static_cast<BonminMemory*>(mem);

    // Check the provided inputs

    // Reset statistics

    // Reset number of iterations
    m->n_iter = 0;

    // Statistics
    for (auto&& s : m->fstats) s.second.reset();

    // MINLP instance
    SmartPtr<BonminUserClass> tminlp = new BonminUserClass(*this, m);

    BonMinMessageHandler mh;

    // Start an BONMIN application
    BonminSetup bonmin(&mh);

    SmartPtr<OptionsList> options = new OptionsList();
    SmartPtr<Journalist> journalist= new Journalist();
    SmartPtr<Bonmin::RegisteredOptions> roptions = new Bonmin::RegisteredOptions();

      // Direct output through casadi::userOut()
      StreamJournal* jrnl_raw = new StreamJournal("console", J_ITERSUMMARY);
      jrnl_raw->SetPrintLevel(J_DBG, J_NONE);
      SmartPtr<Journal> jrnl = jrnl_raw;

    bonmin.setOptionsAndJournalist(roptions, options, journalist);

    // Initialize


    if (true) {
      // Branch-and-bound
      Bab bb;

    //m->return_status = return_status_string(status);

    // Save results to outputs
    casadi_copy(&m->fk, 1, m->f);
    casadi_copy(m->xk, nx_, m->x);
    casadi_copy(m->lam_gk, ng_, m->lam_g);
    casadi_copy(m->lam_xk, nx_, m->lam_x);
    casadi_copy(m->gk, ng_, m->g);

  void SnoptInterface::solve(void* mem) const {
    auto m = static_cast<SnoptMemory*>(mem);

    // Check the provided inputs


    // Memory object
    snProblem prob;

    // Evaluate gradF and jacG at initial value
    const double** arg = m->arg;
    *arg++ = m->x0;
    *arg++ = m->p;
    double** res = m->res;
    *res++ = 0;
    *res++ = m->jac_gk;
    calc_function(m, "nlp_jac_g");
    res = m->res;
    *res++ = 0;
    *res++ = m->jac_fk;
    calc_function(m, "nlp_jac_f");

    // perform the mapping:
    // populate A_data_ (the nonzeros of A)
    // with numbers pulled from jacG and gradF
    for (int k = 0; k < A_structure_.nnz(); ++k) {
      int i = A_structure_.nonzeros()[k];
      if (i == 0) {
        m->A_data[k] = 0;
      } else if (i > 0) {
        m->A_data[k] = m->jac_gk[i-1];
      } else {
        m->A_data[k] = m->jac_fk[-i-1];

    int n = nx_;
    int nea = A_structure_.nnz();
    double ObjAdd = 0;

    casadi_assert(m_ > 0);
    casadi_assert(n > 0);
    casadi_assert(nea > 0);
    casadi_assert(A_structure_.nnz() == nea);

    // Pointer magic, courtesy of Greg
    casadi_assert_message(!jac_f_fcn_.is_null(), "blaasssshc");

    // Outputs
    //double Obj = 0; // TODO(Greg): get this from snopt

    // snInit must be called first.
    //   9, 6 are print and summary unit numbers (for Fortran).
    //   6 == standard out
    int iprint = 9;
    int isumm = 6;
    std::string outname = name_ + ".out";
    snInit(&prob, const_cast<char*>(name_.c_str()),
           const_cast<char*>(outname.c_str()), iprint, isumm);

    // Set the problem size and other data.
    // This will allocate arrays inside snProblem struct.
    setProblemSize(&prob, m_, nx_, nea, nnCon_, nnJac_, nnObj_);
    setObjective(&prob, iObj_, ObjAdd);
    setUserfun(&prob, userfunPtr);

    // user data
    prob.leniu = 1;
    prob.iu = &m->memind;

    // Pass bounds
    casadi_copy(m->lbx, nx_, prob.bl);
    casadi_copy(m->ubx, nx_, prob.bu);
    casadi_copy(m->lbg, ng_, prob.bl + nx_);
    casadi_copy(m->ubg, ng_, prob.bu + nx_);

    // Initialize states and slack
    casadi_fill(prob.hs, ng_ + nx_, 0);
    casadi_copy(m->x0, nx_, prob.x);
    casadi_fill(prob.x + nx_, ng_, 0.);

    // Initialize multipliers
    casadi_copy(m->lam_g0, ng_, prob.pi);

    // Set up Jacobian matrix
    casadi_copy(A_structure_.colind(), A_structure_.size2()+1, prob.locJ);
    casadi_copy(A_structure_.row(), A_structure_.nnz(), prob.indJ);
    casadi_copy(get_ptr(m->A_data), A_structure_.nnz(), prob.valJ);

    for (auto&& op : opts_) {
      // Replace underscores with spaces
      std::string opname = op.first;
      std::replace(opname.begin(), opname.end(), '_', ' ');

      // Try integer
      if (op.second.can_cast_to(OT_INT)) {
        casadi_assert(opname.size() <= 55);
        int flag = setIntParameter(&prob, const_cast<char*>(opname.c_str()),
        if (flag==0) continue;

      // Try double
      if (op.second.can_cast_to(OT_DOUBLE)) {
        casadi_assert(opname.size() <= 55);
        int flag = setRealParameter(&prob, const_cast<char*>(opname.c_str()),
        if (flag==0) continue;

      // try string
      if (op.second.can_cast_to(OT_STRING)) {
        std::string buffer = opname + " " + op.second.to_string();
        casadi_assert(buffer.size() <= 72);
        int flag = setParameter(&prob, const_cast<char*>(buffer.c_str()));
        if (flag==0) continue;

      // Error if reached this point
      casadi_error("SNOPT error setting option \"" + opname + "\"");


    // Run SNOPT
    int info = solveC(&prob, Cold_, &m->fk);
    casadi_assert_message(99 != info, "snopt problem set up improperly");

    // Negate rc to match CasADi's definition
    casadi_scal(nx_ + ng_, -1., prob.rc);

    // Get primal solution
    casadi_copy(prob.x, nx_, m->x);

    // Get dual solution
    casadi_copy(prob.rc, nx_, m->lam_x);
    casadi_copy(prob.rc+nx_, ng_, m->lam_g);

    // Copy optimal cost to output
    if (m->f) *m->f = m->fk;

    // Copy optimal constraint values to output
    casadi_copy(m->gk, ng_, m->g);

    // Free memory
Exemple #16
  void Newton::solve(void* mem) const {
    auto m = static_cast<NewtonMemory*>(mem);

    // Get the initial guess
    casadi_copy(m->iarg[iin_], n_, m->x);

    // Perform the Newton iterations
    bool success = true;
    while (true) {
      // Break if maximum number of iterations already reached
      if (m->iter >= max_iter_) {
        log("eval", "Max. iterations reached.");
        m->return_status = "max_iteration_reached";
        success = false;

      // Start a new iteration

      // Use x to evaluate J
      copy_n(m->iarg, n_in(), m->arg);
      m->arg[iin_] = m->x;
      m->res[0] = m->jac;
      copy_n(m->ires, n_out(), m->res+1);
      m->res[1+iout_] = m->f;
      calc_function(m, "jac_f_z");

      // Check convergence
      double abstol = 0;
      if (abstol_ != numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
        for (int i=0; i<n_; ++i) {
          abstol = max(abstol, fabs(m->f[i]));
        if (abstol <= abstol_) {
          casadi_msg("Converged to acceptable tolerance - abstol: " << abstol_);

      // Factorize the linear solver with J
      linsol_.solve(m->f, 1, false);

      // Check convergence again
      double abstolStep=0;
      if (numeric_limits<double>::infinity() != abstolStep_) {
        for (int i=0; i<n_; ++i) {
          abstolStep = max(abstolStep, fabs(m->f[i]));
        if (abstolStep <= abstolStep_) {
          casadi_msg("Converged to acceptable tolerance - abstolStep: " << abstolStep_);

      if (print_iteration_) {
        // Only print iteration header once in a while
        if (m->iter % 10==0) {

        // Print iteration information
        printIteration(userOut(), m->iter, abstol, abstolStep);

      // Update Xk+1 = Xk - J^(-1) F
      casadi_axpy(n_, -1., m->f, m->x);

    // Get the solution
    casadi_copy(m->x, n_, m->ires[iout_]);

    // Store the iteration count
    if (success) m->return_status = "success";

    casadi_msg("Newton::solveNonLinear():end after " << m->iter << " steps");
Exemple #17
  int IdasInterface::psolveB(double t, N_Vector xz, N_Vector xzdot, N_Vector xzB,
                                    N_Vector xzdotB, N_Vector resvalB, N_Vector rvecB,
                                    N_Vector zvecB, double cjB, double deltaB,
                                    void *user_data, N_Vector tmpB) {
    try {
      auto m = to_mem(user_data);
      auto& s = m->self;

      // Get right-hand sides in m->v1, ordered by sensitivity directions
      double* vx = NV_DATA_S(rvecB);
      double* vz = vx + s.nrx_;
      double* v_it = m->v1;
      for (int d=0; d<=s.ns_; ++d) {
        casadi_copy(vx + d*s.nrx1_, s.nrx1_, v_it);
        v_it += s.nrx1_;
        casadi_copy(vz + d*s.nrz1_, s.nrz1_, v_it);
        v_it += s.nrz1_;

      // Solve for undifferentiated right-hand-side, save to output
      s.linsolB_.solve(m->v1, 1);
      vx = NV_DATA_S(zvecB); // possibly different from rvecB
      vz = vx + s.nrx_;
      casadi_copy(m->v1, s.nrx1_, vx);
      casadi_copy(m->v1 + s.nrx1_, s.nrz1_, vz);

      // Sensitivity equations
      if (s.ns_>0) {
        // Second order correction
        if (s.second_order_correction_) {
          // The outputs will double as seeds for jtimesB
          casadi_fill(vx + s.nrx1_, s.nrx_ - s.nrx1_, 0.);
          casadi_fill(vz + s.nrz1_, s.nrz_ - s.nrz1_, 0.);

          // Get second-order-correction, save to m->v2
          m->arg[0] = &t; // t
          m->arg[1] = NV_DATA_S(xz); // x
          m->arg[2] = NV_DATA_S(xz)+s.nx_; // z
          m->arg[3] = m->p; // p
          m->arg[4] = NV_DATA_S(xzB); // rx
          m->arg[5] = NV_DATA_S(xzB)+s.nrx_; // rz
          m->arg[6] = m->rp; // rp
          m->arg[7] = vx; // fwd:rx
          m->arg[8] = vz; // fwd:rz
          m->res[0] = m->v2; // fwd:rode
          m->res[1] = m->v2 + s.nrx_; // fwd:ralg
          s.calc_function(m, "jtimesB");

          // Subtract m->v2 (reordered) from m->v1
          v_it = m->v1 + s.nrx1_ + s.nrz1_;
          for (int d=1; d<=s.ns_; ++d) {
            casadi_axpy(s.nrx1_, -1., m->v2 + d*s.nrx1_, v_it);
            v_it += s.nrx1_;
            casadi_axpy(s.nrz1_, -1., m->v2 + s.nrx_ + d*s.nrz1_, v_it);
            v_it += s.nrz1_;

        // Solve for sensitivity right-hand-sides
        s.linsolB_.solve(m->v1 + s.nrx1_ + s.nrz1_, s.ns_);

        // Save to output, reordered
        v_it = m->v1 + s.nrx1_ + s.nrz1_;
        for (int d=1; d<=s.ns_; ++d) {
          casadi_copy(v_it, s.nrx1_, vx + d*s.nrx1_);
          v_it += s.nrx1_;
          casadi_copy(v_it, s.nrz1_, vz + d*s.nrz1_);
          v_it += s.nrz1_;

      return 0;
    } catch(int flag) { // recoverable error
      return flag;
    } catch(exception& e) { // non-recoverable error
      userOut<true, PL_WARN>() << "psolveB failed: " << e.what() << endl;
      return -1;
Exemple #18
  int WorhpInterface::solve(void* mem) const {
    auto m = static_cast<WorhpMemory*>(mem);

    if (m->lbg && m->ubg) {
      for (casadi_int i=0; i<ng_; ++i) {
        casadi_assert(!(m->lbg[i]==-inf && m->ubg[i] == inf),
                        "WorhpInterface::evaluate: Worhp cannot handle the case when both "
                        "LBG and UBG are infinite."
                        "You have that case at non-zero " + str(i)+ "."
                        "Reformulate your problem eliminating the corresponding constraint.");

    // Pass inputs to WORHP data structures
    casadi_copy(m->x, nx_, m->worhp_o.X);
    casadi_copy(m->lbx, nx_, m->worhp_o.XL);
    casadi_copy(m->ubx, nx_, m->worhp_o.XU);
    casadi_copy(m->lam_x, nx_, m->worhp_o.Lambda);
    if (m->worhp_o.m>0) {
      casadi_copy(m->lam_g, ng_, m->worhp_o.Mu);
      casadi_copy(m->lbg, ng_, m->worhp_o.GL);
      casadi_copy(m->ubg, ng_, m->worhp_o.GU);

    // Replace infinite bounds with m->worhp_p.Infty
    double inf = numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
    for (casadi_int i=0; i<nx_; ++i)
      if (m->worhp_o.XL[i]==-inf) m->worhp_o.XL[i] = -m->worhp_p.Infty;
    for (casadi_int i=0; i<nx_; ++i)
      if (m->worhp_o.XU[i]== inf) m->worhp_o.XU[i] =  m->worhp_p.Infty;
    for (casadi_int i=0; i<ng_; ++i)
      if (m->worhp_o.GL[i]==-inf) m->worhp_o.GL[i] = -m->worhp_p.Infty;
    for (casadi_int i=0; i<ng_; ++i)
      if (m->worhp_o.GU[i]== inf) m->worhp_o.GU[i] =  m->worhp_p.Infty;

    if (verbose_) casadi_message("WorhpInterface::starting iteration");

    bool firstIteration = true;

    // Reverse Communication loop
    while (m->worhp_c.status < TerminateSuccess &&  m->worhp_c.status > TerminateError) {
      if (GetUserAction(&m->worhp_c, callWorhp)) {
        Worhp(&m->worhp_o, &m->worhp_w, &m->worhp_p, &m->worhp_c);

      if (GetUserAction(&m->worhp_c, iterOutput)) {

        if (!firstIteration) {
          firstIteration = true;

          if (!fcallback_.is_null()) {
            m->iter = m->worhp_w.MajorIter;
            m->iter_sqp = m->worhp_w.MinorIter;
            m->inf_pr = m->worhp_w.NormMax_CV;
            m->inf_du = m->worhp_p.ScaledKKT;
            m->alpha_pr = m->worhp_w.ArmijoAlpha;

            // Inputs
            fill_n(m->arg, fcallback_.n_in(), nullptr);
            m->arg[NLPSOL_X] = m->worhp_o.X;
            m->arg[NLPSOL_F] = &m->worhp_o.F;
            m->arg[NLPSOL_G] = m->worhp_o.G;
            m->arg[NLPSOL_LAM_P] = nullptr;
            m->arg[NLPSOL_LAM_X] = m->worhp_o.Lambda;
            m->arg[NLPSOL_LAM_G] = m->worhp_o.Mu;

            // Outputs
            fill_n(m->res, fcallback_.n_out(), nullptr);
            double ret_double;
            m->res[0] = &ret_double;

            // Evaluate the callback function
            fcallback_(m->arg, m->res, m->iw, m->w, 0);
            casadi_int ret = static_cast<casadi_int>(ret_double);

            if (ret) m->worhp_c.status = TerminateError;

        IterationOutput(&m->worhp_o, &m->worhp_w, &m->worhp_p, &m->worhp_c);
        DoneUserAction(&m->worhp_c, iterOutput);

      if (GetUserAction(&m->worhp_c, evalF)) {
        m->arg[0] = m->worhp_o.X;
        m->arg[1] = m->p;
        m->res[0] = &m->worhp_o.F;
        calc_function(m, "nlp_f");
        m->f = m->worhp_o.F; // Store cost, before scaling
        m->worhp_o.F *= m->worhp_w.ScaleObj;
        DoneUserAction(&m->worhp_c, evalF);

      if (GetUserAction(&m->worhp_c, evalG)) {
        m->arg[0] = m->worhp_o.X;
        m->arg[1] = m->p;
        m->res[0] = m->worhp_o.G;
        calc_function(m, "nlp_g");
        DoneUserAction(&m->worhp_c, evalG);

      if (GetUserAction(&m->worhp_c, evalDF)) {
        m->arg[0] = m->worhp_o.X;
        m->arg[1] = m->p;
        m->res[0] = nullptr;
        m->res[1] = m->worhp_w.DF.val;
        calc_function(m, "nlp_grad_f");
        casadi_scal(nx_, m->worhp_w.ScaleObj, m->worhp_w.DF.val);
        DoneUserAction(&m->worhp_c, evalDF);

      if (GetUserAction(&m->worhp_c, evalDG)) {
        m->arg[0] = m->worhp_o.X;
        m->arg[1] = m->p;
        m->res[0] = nullptr;
        m->res[1] = m->worhp_w.DG.val;
        calc_function(m, "nlp_jac_g");
        DoneUserAction(&m->worhp_c, evalDG);

      if (GetUserAction(&m->worhp_c, evalHM)) {
        m->arg[0] = m->worhp_o.X;
        m->arg[1] = m->p;
        m->arg[2] = &m->worhp_w.ScaleObj;
        m->arg[3] = m->worhp_o.Mu;
        m->res[0] = m->worhp_w.HM.val;
        calc_function(m, "nlp_hess_l");
        // Diagonal values
        double *dval = m->w;
        casadi_fill(dval, nx_, 0.);

        // Remove diagonal
        const casadi_int* colind = hesslag_sp_.colind();
        const casadi_int* row = hesslag_sp_.row();
        casadi_int ind=0;
        for (casadi_int c=0; c<nx_; ++c) {
          for (casadi_int el=colind[c]; el<colind[c+1]; ++el) {
            if (row[el]==c) {
              dval[c] = m->worhp_w.HM.val[el];
            } else {
              m->worhp_w.HM.val[ind++] = m->worhp_w.HM.val[el];

        // Add diagonal entries at the end
        casadi_copy(dval, nx_, m->worhp_w.HM.val+ind);
        DoneUserAction(&m->worhp_c, evalHM);

      if (GetUserAction(&m->worhp_c, fidif)) {
        WorhpFidif(&m->worhp_o, &m->worhp_w, &m->worhp_p, &m->worhp_c);

    // Copy outputs
    casadi_copy(m->worhp_o.X, nx_, m->x);
    casadi_copy(m->worhp_o.G, ng_, m->g);
    casadi_copy(m->worhp_o.Lambda, nx_, m->lam_x);
    casadi_copy(m->worhp_o.Mu, ng_, m->lam_g);

    StatusMsg(&m->worhp_o, &m->worhp_w, &m->worhp_p, &m->worhp_c);

    m->return_code = m->worhp_c.status;
    m->return_status = return_codes(m->worhp_c.status);
    m->success = m->return_code > TerminateSuccess;
    return 0;
  void GurobiInterface::
  eval(void* mem, const double** arg, double** res, int* iw, double* w) const {
    auto m = static_cast<GurobiMemory*>(mem);

    // Inputs
    const double *h=arg[CONIC_H],

    // Outputs
    double *x=res[CONIC_X],

    // Temporary memory
    double *val=w; w+=nx_;
    int *ind=iw; iw+=nx_;
    int *ind2=iw; iw+=nx_;
    int *tr_ind=iw; iw+=nx_;

    // Greate an empty model
    GRBmodel *model = 0;
    try {
      int flag = GRBnewmodel(m->env, &model, name_.c_str(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));

      // Add variables
      for (int i=0; i<nx_; ++i) {
        // Get bounds
        double lb = lbx ? lbx[i] : 0., ub = ubx ? ubx[i] : 0.;
        if (isinf(lb)) lb = -GRB_INFINITY;
        if (isinf(ub)) ub =  GRB_INFINITY;

        // Get variable type
        char vtype;
        if (!vtype_.empty()) {
          // Explicitly set 'vtype' takes precedence
          vtype = vtype_.at(i);
        } else if (!discrete_.empty() && discrete_.at(i)) {
          // Variable marked as discrete (integer or binary)
          vtype = lb==0 && ub==1 ? GRB_BINARY : GRB_INTEGER;
        } else {
          // Continious variable
          vtype = GRB_CONTINUOUS;

        // Pass to model
        flag = GRBaddvar(model, 0, 0, 0, g ? g[i] : 0., lb, ub, vtype, 0);
        casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));
      flag = GRBupdatemodel(model);
      casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));

      // Add quadratic terms
      const int *H_colind=sparsity_in(CONIC_H).colind(), *H_row=sparsity_in(CONIC_H).row();
      for (int i=0; i<nx_; ++i) {

        // Quadratic term nonzero indices
        int numqnz = H_colind[1]-H_colind[0];
        casadi_copy(H_row, numqnz, ind);
        H_row += numqnz;

        // Corresponding column
        casadi_fill(ind2, numqnz, i);

        // Quadratic term nonzeros
        if (h) {
          casadi_copy(h, numqnz, val);
          casadi_scal(numqnz, 0.5, val);
          h += numqnz;
        } else {
          casadi_fill(val, numqnz, 0.);

        // Pass to model
        flag = GRBaddqpterms(model, numqnz, ind, ind2, val);
        casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));

      // Add constraints
      const int *A_colind=sparsity_in(CONIC_A).colind(), *A_row=sparsity_in(CONIC_A).row();
      casadi_copy(A_colind, nx_, tr_ind);
      for (int i=0; i<na_; ++i) {
        // Get bounds
        double lb = lba ? lba[i] : 0., ub = uba ? uba[i] : 0.;
//        if (isinf(lb)) lb = -GRB_INFINITY;
//        if (isinf(ub)) ub =  GRB_INFINITY;

        // Constraint nonzeros
        int numnz = 0;
        for (int j=0; j<nx_; ++j) {
          if (tr_ind[j]<A_colind[j+1] && A_row[tr_ind[j]]==i) {
            ind[numnz] = j;
            val[numnz] = a ? a[tr_ind[j]] : 0;

        // Pass to model
        if (isinf(lb)) {
          if (isinf(ub)) {
            // Neither upper or lower bounds, skip
          } else {
            // Only upper bound
            flag = GRBaddconstr(model, numnz, ind, val, GRB_LESS_EQUAL, ub, 0);
            casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));
        } else {
          if (isinf(ub)) {
            // Only lower bound
            flag = GRBaddconstr(model, numnz, ind, val, GRB_GREATER_EQUAL, lb, 0);
            casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));
          } else if (lb==ub) {
            // Upper and lower bounds equal
            flag = GRBaddconstr(model, numnz, ind, val, GRB_EQUAL, lb, 0);
            casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));
          } else {
            // Both upper and lower bounds
            flag = GRBaddrangeconstr(model, numnz, ind, val, lb, ub, 0);
            casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));

      // Solve the optimization problem
      flag = GRBoptimize(model);
      casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));
      int optimstatus;
      flag = GRBgetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_STATUS, &optimstatus);
      casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));

      // Get the objective value, if requested
      if (cost) {
        flag = GRBgetdblattr(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_OBJVAL, cost);
        casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));

      // Get the optimal solution, if requested
      if (x) {
        flag = GRBgetdblattrarray(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, 0, nx_, x);
        casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env));

      // Free memory

    } catch (...) {
      // Free memory
      if (model) GRBfreemodel(model);
Exemple #20
  int OoqpInterface::
  eval(const double** arg, double** res, casadi_int* iw, double* w, void* mem) const {

    return_status_ = -1;
    success_ = false;
    if (inputs_check_) {
      check_inputs(arg[CONIC_LBX], arg[CONIC_UBX], arg[CONIC_LBA], arg[CONIC_UBA]);

    // Get problem data
    double* g=w; w += nx_;
    casadi_copy(arg[CONIC_G], nx_, g);
    double* lbx=w; w += nx_;
    casadi_copy(arg[CONIC_LBX], nx_, lbx);
    double* ubx=w; w += nx_;
    casadi_copy(arg[CONIC_UBX], nx_, ubx);
    double* lba=w; w += na_;
    casadi_copy(arg[CONIC_LBA], na_, lba);
    double* uba=w; w += na_;
    casadi_copy(arg[CONIC_UBA], na_, uba);
    double* H=w; w += nnz_in(CONIC_H);
    casadi_copy(arg[CONIC_H], nnz_in(CONIC_H), H);
    double* A=w; w += nnz_in(CONIC_A);
    casadi_copy(arg[CONIC_A], nnz_in(CONIC_A), A);

    // Temporary memory
    double* c_ = w; w += nx_;
    double* bA_ = w; w += na_;
    double* xlow_ = w; w += nx_;
    double* xupp_ = w; w += nx_;
    double* clow_ = w; w += na_;
    double* cupp_ = w; w += na_;
    double* x_ = w; w += nx_;
    double* gamma_ = w; w += nx_;
    double* phi_ = w; w += nx_;
    double* y_ = w; w += na_;
    double* z_ = w; w += na_;
    double* lambda_ = w; w += na_;
    double* pi_ = w; w += na_;
    char* ixlow_ = reinterpret_cast<char*>(iw); iw += nx_;
    char* ixupp_ = reinterpret_cast<char*>(iw); iw += nx_;
    char* iclow_ = reinterpret_cast<char*>(iw); iw += na_;
    char* icupp_ = reinterpret_cast<char*>(iw); iw += na_;
    double* dQ_ = w; w += nQ_;
    double* dA_ = w; w += nA_;
    double* dC_ = w; w += nA_;
    int* irowQ_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(iw); iw += nQ_;
    int* jcolQ_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(iw); iw += nQ_;
    int* irowA_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(iw); iw += nA_;
    int* jcolA_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(iw); iw += nA_;
    int* irowC_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(iw); iw += nA_;
    int* jcolC_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(iw); iw += nA_;
    int* x_index_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(iw); iw += nx_;
    int* c_index_ = reinterpret_cast<int*>(iw); iw += na_;
    double* p_ = w; w += nx_;
    double* AT = w; w += nA_;

    // Parameter contribution to the objective
    double objParam = 0;

    // Get the number of free variables and their types
    casadi_int nx = 0, np=0;
    for (casadi_int i=0; i<nx_; ++i) {
      if (lbx[i]==ubx[i]) {
        // Save parameter
        p_[np] = lbx[i];

        // Add contribution to objective
        objParam += g[i]*p_[np];

        // Save index
        x_index_[i] = -1-np++;

      } else {
        // True free variable
        if (lbx[i]==-numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
          xlow_[nx] = 0;
          ixlow_[nx] = 0;
        } else {
          xlow_[nx] = lbx[i];
          ixlow_[nx] = 1;
        if (ubx[i]==numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
          xupp_[nx] = 0;
          ixupp_[nx] = 0;
        } else {
          xupp_[nx] = ubx[i];
          ixupp_[nx] = 1;
        c_[nx] = g[i];
        x_index_[i] = nx++;

    // Get quadratic term
    const casadi_int* H_colind = H_.colind();
    const casadi_int* H_row = H_.row();
    casadi_int nnzQ = 0;
    // Loop over the columns of the quadratic term
    for (casadi_int cc=0; cc<nx_; ++cc) {

      // Loop over nonzero elements of the column
      for (casadi_int el=H_colind[cc]; el<H_colind[cc+1]; ++el) {

        // Only upper triangular part
        casadi_int rr=H_row[el];
        if (rr>cc) break;

        // Get variable types
        casadi_int icc=x_index_[cc];
        casadi_int irr=x_index_[rr];

        if (icc<0) {
          if (irr<0) {
            // Add contribution to objective
            objParam += icc==irr ? H[el]*sq(p_[-1-icc])/2 : H[el]*p_[-1-irr]*p_[-1-icc];
          } else {
            // Add contribution to gradient term
            c_[irr] += H[el]*p_[-1-icc];
        } else {
          if (irr<0) {
            // Add contribution to gradient term
            c_[icc] += H[el]*p_[-1-irr];
          } else {
            // Add to sparsity pattern
            irowQ_[nnzQ] = icc; // row-major --> indices swapped
            jcolQ_[nnzQ] = irr; // row-major --> indices swapped
            dQ_[nnzQ++] = H[el];

    // Get the transpose of the sparsity pattern to be able to loop over the constraints
    casadi_trans(A, A_, AT, spAT_, iw);

    // Loop over constraints
    const casadi_int* A_colind = A_.colind();
    const casadi_int* A_row = A_.row();
    const casadi_int* AT_colind = spAT_.colind();
    const casadi_int* AT_row = spAT_.row();
    casadi_int nA=0, nC=0, /*mz=0, */ nnzA=0, nnzC=0;
    for (casadi_int j=0; j<na_; ++j) {
      if (lba[j] == -numeric_limits<double>::infinity() &&
          uba[j] ==  numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
        // Redundant constraint
        c_index_[j] = 0;
      } else if (lba[j]==uba[j]) {
        // Equality constraint
        bA_[nA] = lba[j];

        // Add to A
        for (casadi_int el=AT_colind[j]; el<AT_colind[j+1]; ++el) {
          casadi_int i=AT_row[el];
          if (x_index_[i]<0) {
            // Parameter
            bA_[nA] -= AT[el]*p_[-x_index_[i]-1];
          } else {
            // Free variable
            irowA_[nnzA] = nA;
            jcolA_[nnzA] = x_index_[i];
            dA_[nnzA++] = AT[el];
        c_index_[j] = -1-nA++;
      } else {
        // Inequality constraint
        if (lba[j]==-numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
          clow_[nC] = 0;
          iclow_[nC] = 0;
        } else {
          clow_[nC] = lba[j];
          iclow_[nC] = 1;
        if (uba[j]==numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) {
          cupp_[nC] = 0;
          icupp_[nC] = 0;
        } else {
          cupp_[nC] = uba[j];
          icupp_[nC] = 1;

        // Add to C
        for (casadi_int el=AT_colind[j]; el<AT_colind[j+1]; ++el) {
          casadi_int i=AT_row[el];
          if (x_index_[i]<0) {
            // Parameter
            if (iclow_[nC]==1) clow_[nC] -= AT[el]*p_[-x_index_[i]-1];
            if (icupp_[nC]==1) cupp_[nC] -= AT[el]*p_[-x_index_[i]-1];
          } else {
            // Free variable
            irowC_[nnzC] = nC;
            jcolC_[nnzC] = x_index_[i];
            dC_[nnzC++] = AT[el];
        c_index_[j] = 1+nC++;

    // Reset the solution
    casadi_fill(x_, nx_, 0.);
    casadi_fill(gamma_, nx_, 0.);
    casadi_fill(phi_, nx_, 0.);
    casadi_fill(y_, na_, 0.);
    casadi_fill(z_, na_, 0.);
    casadi_fill(lambda_, na_, 0.);
    casadi_fill(pi_, na_, 0.);

    // Solve the QP
    double objectiveValue;

    int ierr;
    if (false) { // Use C interface
      // TODO(jgillis): Change to conicvehb, see OOQP users guide
      qpsolvesp(c_, nx,
                irowQ_,  nnzQ, jcolQ_, dQ_,
                xlow_, ixlow_,
                xupp_, ixupp_,
                irowA_, nnzA, jcolA_, dA_,
                bA_, nA,
                irowC_, nnzC, jcolC_, dC_,
                clow_, nC, iclow_,
                cupp_, icupp_,
                x_, gamma_, phi_,
                z_, lambda_, pi_,
                print_level_, &ierr);
    } else { // Use C++ interface
      // All OOQP related allocations in evaluate

      std::vector<int> krowQ(nx+1);
      std::vector<int> krowA(nA+1);
      std::vector<int> krowC(nC+1);

      //casadi_int status_code = 0;
      makehb(irowQ_, nnzQ, get_ptr(krowQ), nx, &ierr);
      if (ierr == 0) makehb(irowA_, nnzA, get_ptr(krowA), nA, &ierr);
      if (ierr == 0) makehb(irowC_, nnzC, get_ptr(krowC), nC, &ierr);

      if (ierr == 0) {
        QpGenContext ctx;

        QpGenHbGondzioSetup(c_, nx, get_ptr(krowQ), jcolQ_, dQ_,
                            xlow_, ixlow_, xupp_, ixupp_,
                            get_ptr(krowA), nA, jcolA_, dA_, bA_,
                            get_ptr(krowC), nC, jcolC_, dC_,
                            clow_, iclow_, cupp_, icupp_, &ctx,
        if (ierr == 0) {
          Solver* solver = static_cast<Solver *>(ctx.solver);
          gOoqpPrintLevel = print_level_;

          QpGenFinish(&ctx, x_, gamma_, phi_,
                      y_, z_, lambda_, pi_,
                      &objectiveValue, &ierr);


    return_status_ = ierr;
    success_ = ierr==SUCCESSFUL_TERMINATION;
    if (ierr>0) {
      casadi_warning("Unable to solve problem: " + str(errFlag(ierr)));
    } else if (ierr<0) {
      casadi_error("Fatal error: " + str(errFlag(ierr)));

    // Retrieve eliminated decision variables
    for (casadi_int i=nx_-1; i>=0; --i) {
      casadi_int ii = x_index_[i];
      if (ii<0) {
        x_[i] = p_[-1-ii];
      } else {
        x_[i] = x_[ii];

    // Retreive eliminated dual variables (linear bounds)
    for (casadi_int j=na_-1; j>=0; --j) {
      casadi_int jj = c_index_[j];
      if (jj==0) {
        lambda_[j] = 0;
      } else if (jj<0) {
        lambda_[j] = -y_[-1-jj];
      } else {
        lambda_[j] = pi_[-1+jj]-lambda_[-1+jj];

    // Retreive eliminated dual variables (simple bounds)
    for (casadi_int i=nx_-1; i>=0; --i) {
      casadi_int ii = x_index_[i];
      if (ii<0) {
        // The dual solution for the fixed parameters follows from the KKT conditions
        gamma_[i] = -g[i];
        for (casadi_int el=H_colind[i]; el<H_colind[i+1]; ++el) {
          casadi_int j=H_row[el];
          gamma_[i] -= H[el]*x_[j];
        for (casadi_int el=A_colind[i]; el<A_colind[i+1]; ++el) {
          casadi_int j=A_row[el];
          gamma_[i] -= A[el]*lambda_[j];
      } else {
        gamma_[i] = phi_[ii]-gamma_[ii];

    // Save optimal cost
    if (res[CONIC_COST]) *res[CONIC_COST] = objectiveValue + objParam;

    // Save primal solution
    casadi_copy(x_, nx_, res[CONIC_X]);

    // Save dual solution (linear bounds)
    casadi_copy(lambda_, na_, res[CONIC_LAM_A]);

    // Save dual solution (simple bounds)
    casadi_copy(gamma_, nx_, res[CONIC_LAM_X]);
    return 0;