Exemple #1
QWidget *QgsAuthMethodRegistry::editWidget( const QString &authMethodKey, QWidget *parent )
  editFactoryFunction_t * editFactory =
    reinterpret_cast< editFactoryFunction_t * >( cast_to_fptr( function( authMethodKey, "editWidget" ) ) );

  if ( !editFactory )
    return nullptr;

  return editFactory( parent );
QWidget *QgsAuthMethodRegistry::editWidget( const QString &authMethodKey, QWidget *parent )
  editFactoryFunction_t * editFactory =
    ( editFactoryFunction_t * ) cast_to_fptr( function( authMethodKey, "editWidget" ) );

  if ( !editFactory )
    return 0;

  return editFactory( parent );
QWidget* QgsProviderRegistry::selectWidget( const QString & providerKey,
    QWidget * parent, Qt::WFlags fl )
  selectFactoryFunction_t * selectFactory =
    ( selectFactoryFunction_t * ) cast_to_fptr( function( providerKey, "selectWidget" ) );

  if ( !selectFactory )
    return 0;

  return selectFactory( parent, fl );
Exemple #4
QWidget *QgsProviderRegistry::createSelectionWidget( const QString &providerKey,
    QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags fl, QgsProviderRegistry::WidgetMode widgetMode )
  selectFactoryFunction_t *selectFactory =
    reinterpret_cast< selectFactoryFunction_t * >( cast_to_fptr( function( providerKey, "selectWidget" ) ) );

  if ( !selectFactory )
    return nullptr;

  return selectFactory( parent, fl, widgetMode );
/** Copied from QgsVectorLayer::setDataProvider
 *  TODO: Make it work in the generic environment
 *  TODO: Is this class really the best place to put a data provider loader?
 *        It seems more sensible to provide the code in one place rather than
 *        in qgsrasterlayer, qgsvectorlayer, serversourceselect, etc.
QgsDataProvider *QgsProviderRegistry::provider( QString const & providerKey, QString const & dataSource )
  // XXX should I check for and possibly delete any pre-existing providers?
  // XXX How often will that scenario occur?

  // load the plugin
  QString lib = library( providerKey );

  const char *cLib = lib.toUtf8();

  // test code to help debug provider loading problems
  //  void *handle = dlopen(cLib, RTLD_LAZY);
  void *handle = dlopen( cOgrLib, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL );
  if ( !handle )
    QgsLogger::warning( "Error in dlopen" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "dlopen suceeded" );
    dlclose( handle );

  // load the data provider
  QLibrary myLib( lib );

  QgsDebugMsg( "Library name is " + myLib.fileName() );
  if ( !myLib.load() )
    QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "Failed to load %1: %2" ).arg( lib ).arg( myLib.errorString() ) );
    return 0;

  classFactoryFunction_t *classFactory = ( classFactoryFunction_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "classFactory" ) );
  if ( !classFactory )
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Failed to load %1: no classFactory method" ).arg( lib ) );
    return 0;

  QgsDataProvider *dataProvider = classFactory( &dataSource );
  if ( !dataProvider )
    QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "Unable to instantiate the data provider plugin %1" ).arg( lib ) );
    return 0;

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Instantiated the data provider plugin: %1" ).arg( dataProvider->name() ) );
  return dataProvider;
} // QgsProviderRegistry::setDataProvider
void QgsProviderRegistry::registerGuis( QWidget *parent )
  typedef void registerGui_function( QWidget * parent );

  foreach ( const QString &provider, providerList() )
    registerGui_function *registerGui = ( registerGui_function * ) cast_to_fptr( function( provider, "registerGui" ) );

    if ( !registerGui )

    registerGui( parent );
Exemple #7
void QgsProviderRegistry::registerGuis( QWidget *parent )
  typedef void registerGui_function( QWidget * parent );

  Q_FOREACH ( const QString &provider, providerList() )
    registerGui_function *registerGui = reinterpret_cast< registerGui_function * >( cast_to_fptr( function( provider, "registerGui" ) ) );

    if ( !registerGui )

    registerGui( parent );
QgsAuthMethod *QgsAuthMethodRegistry::authMethod( const QString &authMethodKey )
  // load the plugin
  QString lib = library( authMethodKey );

  const char *cLib = lib.toUtf8();

  // test code to help debug auth method plugin loading problems
  //  void *handle = dlopen(cLib, RTLD_LAZY);
  void *handle = dlopen( cOgrLib, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_GLOBAL );
  if ( !handle )
    QgsLogger::warning( "Error in dlopen" );
    QgsDebugMsg( "dlopen suceeded" );
    dlclose( handle );

  // load the auth method
  QLibrary myLib( lib );

  QgsDebugMsg( "Auth method library name is " + myLib.fileName() );
  if ( !myLib.load() )
    QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "Failed to load %1: %2" ).arg( lib, myLib.errorString() ) );
    return 0;

  classFactoryFunction_t *classFactory = ( classFactoryFunction_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "classFactory" ) );
  if ( !classFactory )
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Failed to load %1: no classFactory method" ).arg( lib ) );
    return 0;

  QgsAuthMethod *authMethod = classFactory();
  if ( !authMethod )
    QgsMessageLog::logMessage( QObject::tr( "Unable to instantiate the auth method plugin %1" ).arg( lib ) );
    return 0;

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Instantiated the auth method plugin: %1" ).arg( authMethod->key() ) );
  return authMethod;
Exemple #9
QgsTransaction* QgsTransaction::create( const QString& connString, const QString& providerKey )
  std::unique_ptr< QLibrary > lib( QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->providerLibrary( providerKey ) );
  if ( !lib )
    return nullptr;

  createTransaction_t* createTransaction = reinterpret_cast< createTransaction_t* >( cast_to_fptr( lib->resolve( "createTransaction" ) ) );
  if ( !createTransaction )
    return nullptr;

  QgsTransaction* ts = createTransaction( connString );

  return ts;
int GRASS_LIB_EXPORT G_parser( int argc, char **argv )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Entered" );
    G_parser_type* fn = ( G_parser_type* ) cast_to_fptr( QgsGrassGisLib::instance()->resolve( "G_parser" ) );
    int ret = fn( argc, argv );

    if ( ret == 0 ) // parsed OK
        // It would be useful to determine the region from input raster layers if
        // no one is given by environment variable but there seems to be no way to
        // get access to module options. Everything is in static variables in
        // parser.c and there are no access functions to them.
    return ret;
Exemple #11
int QgsProviderRegistry::providerCapabilities( const QString &providerKey ) const
  std::unique_ptr< QLibrary > library( createProviderLibrary( providerKey ) );
  if ( !library )
    return QgsDataProvider::NoDataCapabilities;

  dataCapabilities_t *dataCapabilities = reinterpret_cast< dataCapabilities_t *>( cast_to_fptr( library->resolve( "dataCapabilities" ) ) );
  if ( !dataCapabilities )
    return QgsDataProvider::NoDataCapabilities;

  return dataCapabilities();
int QgsProviderRegistry::providerCapabilities( const QString &providerKey ) const
    QLibrary *library = providerLibrary( providerKey );
    if ( !library )
        return QgsDataProvider::NoDataCapabilities;

    dataCapabilities_t * dataCapabilities = ( dataCapabilities_t * ) cast_to_fptr( library->resolve( "dataCapabilities" ) );
    if ( !dataCapabilities )
        return QgsDataProvider::NoDataCapabilities;

    return dataCapabilities();
  Providers::const_iterator it = mProviders.begin();

  while ( it != mProviders.end() )
    QString lib = it->second->library();
    QLibrary myLib( lib );
    if ( myLib.isLoaded() )
      cleanupProviderFunction_t* cleanupFunc = ( cleanupProviderFunction_t* ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "cleanupProvider" ) );
      if ( cleanupFunc )
Exemple #14
QgsRasterDataProvider *QgsRasterDataProvider::create( const QString &providerKey,
    const QString &uri,
    const QString &format, int nBands,
    Qgis::DataType type,
    int width, int height, double *geoTransform,
    const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem &crs,
    const QStringList &createOptions )
  createFunction_t *createFn = reinterpret_cast< createFunction_t * >( cast_to_fptr( QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->function( providerKey, "create" ) ) );
  if ( !createFn )
    QgsDebugMsg( "Cannot resolve 'create' function in " + providerKey + " provider" );
    // TODO: it would be good to return invalid QgsRasterDataProvider
    // with QgsError set, but QgsRasterDataProvider has pure virtual methods
    return nullptr;
  return createFn( uri, format, nBands, type, width, height, geoTransform, crs, createOptions );
  AuthMethods::const_iterator it = mAuthMethods.begin();

  while ( it != mAuthMethods.end() )
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "cleanup: %1" ).arg( it->first ) );
    QString lib = it->second->library();
    QLibrary myLib( lib );
    if ( myLib.isLoaded() )
      cleanupAuthMethod_t* cleanupFunc = ( cleanupAuthMethod_t* ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "cleanupAuthMethod" ) );
      if ( cleanupFunc )
    // clear cached QgsAuthMethodMetadata *
    delete it->second;
Exemple #16
QgsTransaction* QgsTransaction::create( const QString& connString, const QString& providerKey )

  QLibrary* lib = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->providerLibrary( providerKey );
  if ( !lib )
    return 0;

  createTransaction_t* createTransaction = ( createTransaction_t* ) cast_to_fptr( lib->resolve( "createTransaction" ) );
  if ( !createTransaction )
    return 0;

  QgsTransaction* ts = createTransaction( connString );

  delete lib;

  return ts;

    Providers::const_iterator it = mProviders.begin();

    while ( it != mProviders.end() )
        QgsDebugMsg( QString( "cleanup:%1" ).arg( it->first ) );
        QString lib = it->second->library();
        QLibrary myLib( lib );
        if ( myLib.isLoaded() )
            cleanupProviderFunction_t* cleanupFunc = ( cleanupProviderFunction_t* ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "cleanupProvider" ) );
            if ( cleanupFunc )
        delete it->second;
int GRASS_LIB_EXPORT G_lookup_key_value_from_file( const char *file, const char *key, char value[], int n )
    G_lookup_key_value_from_file_type *fn = ( G_lookup_key_value_from_file_type* ) cast_to_fptr( QgsGrassGisLib::instance()->resolve( "G_lookup_key_value_from_file" ) );
    return fn( file, key, value, n );
Exemple #19
QList<QPair<QString, QString> > QgsRasterDataProvider::pyramidResamplingMethods( const QString &providerKey )
  pyramidResamplingMethods_t *pPyramidResamplingMethods = reinterpret_cast< pyramidResamplingMethods_t * >( cast_to_fptr( QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->function( providerKey,  "pyramidResamplingMethods" ) ) );
  if ( pPyramidResamplingMethods )
    QList<QPair<QString, QString> > *methods = pPyramidResamplingMethods();
    if ( !methods )
      QgsDebugMsg( "provider pyramidResamplingMethods returned no methods" );
      return *methods;
    QgsDebugMsg( "Could not resolve pyramidResamplingMethods provider library" );
  return QList<QPair<QString, QString> >();
QgsProviderRegistry::QgsProviderRegistry( QString pluginPath )
  // At startup, examine the libs in the qgis/lib dir and store those that
  // are a provider shared lib
  // check all libs in the current plugin directory and get name and descriptions
  //TODO figure out how to register and identify data source plugin for a specific
  //TODO layer type
#if 0
  char **argv = qApp->argv();
  QString appDir = argv[0];
  int bin = appDir.findRev( "/bin", -1, false );
  QString baseDir = appDir.left( bin );
  QString mLibraryDirectory = baseDir + "/lib";
  mLibraryDirectory = pluginPath;
  mLibraryDirectory.setSorting( QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase );
  mLibraryDirectory.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks );

#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
  mLibraryDirectory.setNameFilters( QStringList( "*.dll" ) );
  mLibraryDirectory.setNameFilters( QStringList( "*provider.so" ) );
  mLibraryDirectory.setNameFilters( QStringList( "*.so" ) );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1 for provider plugins" ).arg( mLibraryDirectory.path() ) );

  if ( mLibraryDirectory.count() == 0 )
    QString msg = QObject::tr( "No QGIS data provider plugins found in:\n%1\n" ).arg( mLibraryDirectory.path() );
    msg += QObject::tr( "No vector layers can be loaded. Check your QGIS installation" );

    QgsMessageOutput* output = QgsMessageOutput::createMessageOutput();
    output->setTitle( QObject::tr( "No Data Providers" ) );
    output->setMessage( msg, QgsMessageOutput::MessageText );

  QListIterator<QFileInfo> it( mLibraryDirectory.entryInfoList() );
  while ( it.hasNext() )
    QFileInfo fi( it.next() );

    QLibrary myLib( fi.filePath() );
    if ( !myLib.load() )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (lib not loadable): %2" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ).arg( myLib.errorString() ) );

    //MH: Added a further test to detect non-provider plugins linked to provider plugins.
    //Only pure provider plugins have 'type' not defined
    isprovider_t *hasType = ( isprovider_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "type" ) );
    if ( hasType )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (has type method)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ) );

    // get the description and the key for the provider plugin
    isprovider_t *isProvider = ( isprovider_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "isProvider" ) );
    if ( !isProvider )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (no isProvider method)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ) );

    // check to see if this is a provider plugin
    if ( !isProvider() )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (not a provider)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ) );

    // looks like a provider. get the key and description
    description_t *pDesc = ( description_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "description" ) );
    if ( !pDesc )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (no description method)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ) );

    providerkey_t *pKey = ( providerkey_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "providerKey" ) );
    if ( !pKey )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (no providerKey method)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ) );

    // add this provider to the provider map
    mProviders[pKey()] = new QgsProviderMetadata( pKey(), pDesc(), myLib.fileName() );

    // load database drivers
    databaseDrivers_t *pDatabaseDrivers = ( databaseDrivers_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "databaseDrivers" ) );
    if ( pDatabaseDrivers )
      mDatabaseDrivers = pDatabaseDrivers();

    // load directory drivers
    directoryDrivers_t *pDirectoryDrivers = ( directoryDrivers_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "directoryDrivers" ) );
    if ( pDirectoryDrivers )
      mDirectoryDrivers = pDirectoryDrivers();

    // load protocol drivers
    protocolDrivers_t *pProtocolDrivers = ( protocolDrivers_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "protocolDrivers" ) );
    if ( pProtocolDrivers )
      mProtocolDrivers = pProtocolDrivers();

    // now get vector file filters, if any
    fileVectorFilters_t *pFileVectorFilters = ( fileVectorFilters_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "fileVectorFilters" ) );
    if ( pFileVectorFilters )
      QString fileVectorFilters = pFileVectorFilters();

      if ( !fileVectorFilters.isEmpty() )
        mVectorFileFilters += fileVectorFilters;

      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...loaded ok (%2 file filters)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ).arg( fileVectorFilters.split( ";;" ).count() ) );

    // now get raster file filters, if any
    // this replaces deprecated QgsRasterLayer::buildSupportedRasterFileFilter
    buildsupportedrasterfilefilter_t *pBuild =
      ( buildsupportedrasterfilefilter_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "buildSupportedRasterFileFilter" ) );
    if ( pBuild )
      QString fileRasterFilters;
      pBuild( fileRasterFilters );

      QgsDebugMsg( "raster filters: " + fileRasterFilters );
      if ( !fileRasterFilters.isEmpty() )
        mRasterFileFilters += fileRasterFilters;

      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...loaded ok (%2 file filters)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ).arg( fileRasterFilters.split( ";;" ).count() ) );
} // QgsProviderRegistry ctor
Exemple #21
void QgsProviderRegistry::init()
  // add standard providers
  mProviders[ QgsMemoryProvider::providerKey() ] = new QgsProviderMetadata( QgsMemoryProvider::providerKey(), QgsMemoryProvider::providerDescription(), &QgsMemoryProvider::createProvider );

  mLibraryDirectory.setSorting( QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase );
  mLibraryDirectory.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks );

#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
  mLibraryDirectory.setNameFilters( QStringList( "*.dll" ) );
#elif defined(ANDROID)
  mLibraryDirectory.setNameFilters( QStringList( "*provider.so" ) );
  mLibraryDirectory.setNameFilters( QStringList( QStringLiteral( "*.so" ) ) );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1 for provider plugins" ).arg( mLibraryDirectory.path() ) );

  if ( mLibraryDirectory.count() == 0 )
    QString msg = QObject::tr( "No QGIS data provider plugins found in:\n%1\n" ).arg( mLibraryDirectory.path() );
    msg += QObject::tr( "No vector layers can be loaded. Check your QGIS installation" );

    QgsMessageOutput *output = QgsMessageOutput::createMessageOutput();
    output->setTitle( QObject::tr( "No Data Providers" ) );
    output->setMessage( msg, QgsMessageOutput::MessageText );

  // provider file regex pattern, only files matching the pattern are loaded if the variable is defined
  QString filePattern = getenv( "QGIS_PROVIDER_FILE" );
  QRegExp fileRegexp;
  if ( !filePattern.isEmpty() )
    fileRegexp.setPattern( filePattern );

  Q_FOREACH ( const QFileInfo &fi, mLibraryDirectory.entryInfoList() )
    if ( !fileRegexp.isEmpty() )
      if ( fileRegexp.indexIn( fi.fileName() ) == -1 )
        QgsDebugMsg( "provider " + fi.fileName() + " skipped because doesn't match pattern " + filePattern );

    QLibrary myLib( fi.filePath() );
    if ( !myLib.load() )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (lib not loadable): %2" ).arg( myLib.fileName(), myLib.errorString() ) );

    //MH: Added a further test to detect non-provider plugins linked to provider plugins.
    //Only pure provider plugins have 'type' not defined
    isprovider_t *hasType = reinterpret_cast< isprovider_t * >( cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "type" ) ) );
    if ( hasType )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (has type method)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ) );

    // get the description and the key for the provider plugin
    isprovider_t *isProvider = reinterpret_cast< isprovider_t * >( cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "isProvider" ) ) );
    if ( !isProvider )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (no isProvider method)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ) );

    // check to see if this is a provider plugin
    if ( !isProvider() )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (not a provider)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ) );

    // looks like a provider. get the key and description
    description_t *pDesc = reinterpret_cast< description_t * >( cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "description" ) ) );
    if ( !pDesc )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (no description method)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ) );

    providerkey_t *pKey = reinterpret_cast< providerkey_t * >( cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "providerKey" ) ) );
    if ( !pKey )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (no providerKey method)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ) );

    // add this provider to the provider map
    mProviders[pKey()] = new QgsProviderMetadata( pKey(), pDesc(), myLib.fileName() );

    // load database drivers
    databaseDrivers_t *pDatabaseDrivers = reinterpret_cast< databaseDrivers_t * >( cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "databaseDrivers" ) ) );
    if ( pDatabaseDrivers )
      mDatabaseDrivers = pDatabaseDrivers();

    // load directory drivers
    directoryDrivers_t *pDirectoryDrivers = reinterpret_cast< directoryDrivers_t * >( cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "directoryDrivers" ) ) );
    if ( pDirectoryDrivers )
      mDirectoryDrivers = pDirectoryDrivers();

    // load protocol drivers
    protocolDrivers_t *pProtocolDrivers = reinterpret_cast< protocolDrivers_t * >( cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "protocolDrivers" ) ) );
    if ( pProtocolDrivers )
      mProtocolDrivers = pProtocolDrivers();

    // now get vector file filters, if any
    fileVectorFilters_t *pFileVectorFilters = reinterpret_cast< fileVectorFilters_t * >( cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "fileVectorFilters" ) ) );
    if ( pFileVectorFilters )
      QString fileVectorFilters = pFileVectorFilters();

      if ( !fileVectorFilters.isEmpty() )
        mVectorFileFilters += fileVectorFilters;

      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...loaded OK (%2 file filters)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ).arg( fileVectorFilters.split( ";;" ).count() ) );

    // now get raster file filters, if any
    // this replaces deprecated QgsRasterLayer::buildSupportedRasterFileFilter
    buildsupportedrasterfilefilter_t *pBuild =
      reinterpret_cast< buildsupportedrasterfilefilter_t * >( cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "buildSupportedRasterFileFilter" ) ) );
    if ( pBuild )
      QString fileRasterFilters;
      pBuild( fileRasterFilters );

      QgsDebugMsg( "raster filters: " + fileRasterFilters );
      if ( !fileRasterFilters.isEmpty() )
        mRasterFileFilters += fileRasterFilters;

      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...loaded OK (%2 file filters)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ).arg( fileRasterFilters.split( ";;" ).count() ) );
} // QgsProviderRegistry ctor
bool QgsGeometryCheckerResultTab::exportErrorsDo( const QString &file )
  QList< QPair<QString, QString> > attributes;
  attributes.append( qMakePair( QStringLiteral( "Layer" ), QStringLiteral( "String;30;" ) ) );
  attributes.append( qMakePair( QStringLiteral( "FeatureID" ), QStringLiteral( "String;10;" ) ) );
  attributes.append( qMakePair( QStringLiteral( "ErrorDesc" ), QStringLiteral( "String;80;" ) ) );

  QFileInfo fi( file );
  QString ext = fi.suffix();
  QString driver = QgsVectorFileWriter::driverForExtension( ext );

  QLibrary ogrLib( QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->library( QStringLiteral( "ogr" ) ) );
  if ( !ogrLib.load() )
    return false;
  typedef bool ( *createEmptyDataSourceProc )( const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, QgsWkbTypes::Type, const QList< QPair<QString, QString> > &, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem & );
  createEmptyDataSourceProc createEmptyDataSource = ( createEmptyDataSourceProc ) cast_to_fptr( ogrLib.resolve( "createEmptyDataSource" ) );
  if ( !createEmptyDataSource )
    return false;
  if ( !createEmptyDataSource( file, driver, "UTF-8", QgsWkbTypes::Point, attributes, QgsProject::instance()->crs() ) )
    return false;
  QgsVectorLayer *layer = new QgsVectorLayer( file, QFileInfo( file ).baseName(), QStringLiteral( "ogr" ) );
  if ( !layer->isValid() )
    delete layer;
    return false;

  int fieldLayer = layer->fields().lookupField( QStringLiteral( "Layer" ) );
  int fieldFeatureId = layer->fields().lookupField( QStringLiteral( "FeatureID" ) );
  int fieldErrDesc = layer->fields().lookupField( QStringLiteral( "ErrorDesc" ) );
  for ( int row = 0, nRows = ui.tableWidgetErrors->rowCount(); row < nRows; ++row )
    QgsGeometryCheckError *error = ui.tableWidgetErrors->item( row, 0 )->data( Qt::UserRole ).value<QgsGeometryCheckError *>();
    QgsVectorLayer *srcLayer = mChecker->featurePools()[error->layerId()]->layer();
    QgsFeature f( layer->fields() );
    f.setAttribute( fieldLayer, srcLayer->name() );
    f.setAttribute( fieldFeatureId, error->featureId() );
    f.setAttribute( fieldErrDesc, error->description() );
    QgsGeometry geom( new QgsPoint( error->location() ) );
    f.setGeometry( geom );
    layer->dataProvider()->addFeatures( QgsFeatureList() << f );

  // Remove existing layer with same uri
  QStringList toRemove;
  for ( QgsMapLayer *maplayer : QgsProject::instance()->mapLayers() )
    if ( dynamic_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( maplayer ) &&
         static_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( maplayer )->dataProvider()->dataSourceUri() == layer->dataProvider()->dataSourceUri() )
      toRemove.append( maplayer->id() );
  if ( !toRemove.isEmpty() )
    QgsProject::instance()->removeMapLayers( toRemove );

  QgsProject::instance()->addMapLayers( QList<QgsMapLayer *>() << layer );
  return true;
bool QgsNewSpatialiteLayerDialog::createDb()
  QString dbPath = mDatabaseComboBox->currentText();
  if ( dbPath.isEmpty() )
    return false;

  QFile newDb( dbPath );
  if ( newDb.exists() )
    QMessageBox msgBox;
    msgBox.setIcon( QMessageBox::Question );
    msgBox.setWindowTitle( tr( "The File Already Exists." ) );
    msgBox.setText( tr( "Do you want to overwrite the existing file with a new database or add a new layer to it?" ) );
    QPushButton *overwriteButton = msgBox.addButton( tr( "Overwrite" ), QMessageBox::ActionRole );
    QPushButton *addNewLayerButton = msgBox.addButton( tr( "Add new layer" ), QMessageBox::ActionRole );
    msgBox.setStandardButtons( QMessageBox::Cancel );
    msgBox.setDefaultButton( addNewLayerButton );
    int ret = msgBox.exec();
    if ( ret == QMessageBox::Cancel )
      return false;

    if ( msgBox.clickedButton() == overwriteButton )

  if ( !newDb.exists() )
    QString errCause;
    bool res = false;

    QString spatialite_lib = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->library( QStringLiteral( "spatialite" ) );
    QLibrary *myLib = new QLibrary( spatialite_lib );
    bool loaded = myLib->load();
    if ( loaded )
      QgsDebugMsg( "SpatiaLite provider loaded" );

      typedef bool ( *createDbProc )( const QString &, QString & );
      createDbProc createDbPtr = ( createDbProc ) cast_to_fptr( myLib->resolve( "createDb" ) );
      if ( createDbPtr )
        res = createDbPtr( dbPath, errCause );
        errCause = QStringLiteral( "Resolving createDb(...) failed" );
    delete myLib;

    if ( !res )
      QMessageBox::warning( nullptr, tr( "SpatiaLite Database" ), errCause );
      pbnFindSRID->setEnabled( false );

  QFileInfo fi( newDb );
  if ( !fi.exists() )
    pbnFindSRID->setEnabled( false );
    return false;

  QString key = "/SpatiaLite/connections/" + fi.fileName() + "/sqlitepath";

  QgsSettings settings;
  if ( !settings.contains( key ) )
    settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "SpatiaLite/connections/selected" ), fi.fileName() + tr( "@" ) + fi.canonicalFilePath() );
    settings.setValue( key, fi.canonicalFilePath() );

    QMessageBox::information( nullptr, tr( "SpatiaLite Database" ), tr( "Registered new database!" ) );

  pbnFindSRID->setEnabled( true );

  return true;
QgsVectorLayerImport::QgsVectorLayerImport( const QString &uri,
    const QString &providerKey,
    const QgsFields& fields,
    QGis::WkbType geometryType,
    const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem* crs,
    bool overwrite,
    const QMap<QString, QVariant> *options,
    QProgressDialog *progress )
    : mErrorCount( 0 )
    , mAttributeCount( -1 )
    , mProgress( progress )

  mProvider = nullptr;

  QgsProviderRegistry * pReg = QgsProviderRegistry::instance();

  QLibrary *myLib = pReg->providerLibrary( providerKey );
  if ( !myLib )
    mError = ErrInvalidProvider;
    mErrorMessage = QObject::tr( "Unable to load %1 provider" ).arg( providerKey );

  createEmptyLayer_t * pCreateEmpty = reinterpret_cast< createEmptyLayer_t * >( cast_to_fptr( myLib->resolve( "createEmptyLayer" ) ) );
  if ( !pCreateEmpty )
    delete myLib;
    mError = ErrProviderUnsupportedFeature;
    mErrorMessage = QObject::tr( "Provider %1 has no %2 method" ).arg( providerKey, "createEmptyLayer" );

  delete myLib;

  // create an empty layer
  QString errMsg;
  mError = pCreateEmpty( uri, fields, geometryType, crs, overwrite, &mOldToNewAttrIdx, &errMsg, options );
  if ( hasError() )
    mErrorMessage = errMsg;

  Q_FOREACH ( int idx, mOldToNewAttrIdx.values() )
    if ( idx > mAttributeCount )
      mAttributeCount = idx;


  QgsDebugMsg( "Created empty layer" );

  QgsVectorDataProvider *vectorProvider = dynamic_cast< QgsVectorDataProvider* >( pReg->provider( providerKey, uri ) );
  if ( !vectorProvider || !vectorProvider->isValid() || ( vectorProvider->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::AddFeatures ) == 0 )
    mError = ErrInvalidLayer;
    mErrorMessage = QObject::tr( "Loading of layer failed" );

    if ( vectorProvider )
      delete vectorProvider;


  mProvider = vectorProvider;
  mError = NoError;
// this is static
QString QgsNewVectorLayerDialog::runAndCreateLayer( QWidget* parent, QString* pEnc )
  QgsNewVectorLayerDialog geomDialog( parent );
  if ( geomDialog.exec() == QDialog::Rejected )
    return QLatin1String( "" );

  QgsWkbTypes::Type geometrytype = geomDialog.selectedType();
  QString fileformat = geomDialog.selectedFileFormat();
  QString enc = geomDialog.selectedFileEncoding();
  int crsId = geomDialog.selectedCrsId();
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "New file format will be: %1" ).arg( fileformat ) );

  QList< QPair<QString, QString> > attributes;
  geomDialog.attributes( attributes );

  QSettings settings;
  QString lastUsedDir = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "/UI/lastVectorFileFilterDir" ), QDir::homePath() ).toString();
  QString filterString = QgsVectorFileWriter::filterForDriver( fileformat );
  QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( nullptr, tr( "Save layer as..." ), lastUsedDir, filterString );
  if ( fileName.isNull() )
    return QLatin1String( "" );

  if ( fileformat == QLatin1String( "ESRI Shapefile" ) && !fileName.endsWith( QLatin1String( ".shp" ), Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
    fileName += QLatin1String( ".shp" );

  settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "/UI/lastVectorFileFilterDir" ), QFileInfo( fileName ).absolutePath() );
  settings.setValue( QStringLiteral( "/UI/encoding" ), enc );

  //try to create the new layer with OGRProvider instead of QgsVectorFileWriter
  QgsProviderRegistry * pReg = QgsProviderRegistry::instance();
  QString ogrlib = pReg->library( QStringLiteral( "ogr" ) );
  // load the data provider
  QLibrary* myLib = new QLibrary( ogrlib );
  bool loaded = myLib->load();
  if ( loaded )
    QgsDebugMsg( "ogr provider loaded" );

    typedef bool ( *createEmptyDataSourceProc )( const QString&, const QString&, const QString&, QgsWkbTypes::Type,
        const QList< QPair<QString, QString> >&, const QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem & );
    createEmptyDataSourceProc createEmptyDataSource = ( createEmptyDataSourceProc ) cast_to_fptr( myLib->resolve( "createEmptyDataSource" ) );
    if ( createEmptyDataSource )
      if ( geometrytype != QgsWkbTypes::Unknown )
        QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem srs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::fromSrsId( crsId );
        if ( !createEmptyDataSource( fileName, fileformat, enc, geometrytype, attributes, srs ) )
          return QString::null;
        QgsDebugMsg( "geometry type not recognised" );
        return QString::null;
      QgsDebugMsg( "Resolving newEmptyDataSource(...) failed" );
      return QString::null;

  if ( pEnc )
    *pEnc = enc;

  return fileName;
QgsAuthMethodRegistry::QgsAuthMethodRegistry( const QString& pluginPath )
  // At startup, examine the libs in the qgis/lib dir and store those that
  // are an auth method shared lib
  // check all libs in the current plugin directory and get name and descriptions
#if 0
  char **argv = qApp->argv();
  QString appDir = argv[0];
  int bin = appDir.findRev( "/bin", -1, false );
  QString baseDir = appDir.left( bin );
  QString mLibraryDirectory = baseDir + "/lib";
  mLibraryDirectory = pluginPath;
  mLibraryDirectory.setSorting( QDir::Name | QDir::IgnoreCase );
  mLibraryDirectory.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::NoSymLinks );

#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
  mLibraryDirectory.setNameFilters( QStringList( "*authmethod.dll" ) );
  mLibraryDirectory.setNameFilters( QStringList( "*authmethod.so" ) );

  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking for auth method plugins in: %1" ).arg( mLibraryDirectory.path() ) );

  if ( mLibraryDirectory.count() == 0 )
    QString msg = QObject::tr( "No QGIS auth method plugins found in:\n%1\n" ).arg( mLibraryDirectory.path() );
    msg += QObject::tr( "No authentication methods can be used. Check your QGIS installation" );

    QgsMessageOutput* output = QgsMessageOutput::createMessageOutput();
    output->setTitle( QObject::tr( "No Authentication Methods" ) );
    output->setMessage( msg, QgsMessageOutput::MessageText );

  // auth method file regex pattern, only files matching the pattern are loaded if the variable is defined
  QString filePattern = getenv( "QGIS_AUTHMETHOD_FILE" );
  QRegExp fileRegexp;
  if ( !filePattern.isEmpty() )
    fileRegexp.setPattern( filePattern );

  QListIterator<QFileInfo> it( mLibraryDirectory.entryInfoList() );
  while ( it.hasNext() )
    QFileInfo fi( it.next() );

    if ( !fileRegexp.isEmpty() )
      if ( fileRegexp.indexIn( fi.fileName() ) == -1 )
        QgsDebugMsg( "auth method " + fi.fileName() + " skipped because doesn't match pattern " + filePattern );

    QLibrary myLib( fi.filePath() );
    if ( !myLib.load() )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (lib not loadable): %2" ).arg( myLib.fileName(), myLib.errorString() ) );

    // get the description and the key for the auth method plugin
    isauthmethod_t *isAuthMethod = ( isauthmethod_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "isAuthMethod" ) );
    if ( !isAuthMethod )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (no isAuthMethod method)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ) );

    // check to see if this is an auth method plugin
    if ( !isAuthMethod() )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (not an auth method)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ) );

    // looks like an auth method plugin. get the key and description
    description_t *pDesc = ( description_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "description" ) );
    if ( !pDesc )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (no description method)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ) );

    methodkey_t *pKey = ( methodkey_t * ) cast_to_fptr( myLib.resolve( "authMethodKey" ) );
    if ( !pKey )
      QgsDebugMsg( QString( "Checking %1: ...invalid (no authMethodKey method)" ).arg( myLib.fileName() ) );

    // add this auth method to the method map
    mAuthMethods[pKey()] = new QgsAuthMethodMetadata( pKey(), pDesc(), myLib.fileName() );

bool QgsNewSpatialiteLayerDialog::createDb()
    QString dbPath = mDatabaseComboBox->currentText();
    if ( dbPath.isEmpty() )
        return false;

    QFile newDb( dbPath );
    if ( !newDb.exists() )
        QString errCause;
        bool res = false;

        QString spatialite_lib = QgsProviderRegistry::instance()->library( "spatialite" );
        QLibrary* myLib = new QLibrary( spatialite_lib );
        bool loaded = myLib->load();
        if ( loaded )
            QgsDebugMsg( "spatialite provider loaded" );

            typedef bool ( *createDbProc )( const QString&, QString& );
            createDbProc createDbPtr = ( createDbProc ) cast_to_fptr( myLib->resolve( "createDb" ) );
            if ( createDbPtr )
                res = createDbPtr( dbPath, errCause );
                errCause = "Resolving createDb(...) failed";
        delete myLib;

        if ( !res )
            QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr( "SpatiaLite Database" ), errCause );
            pbnFindSRID->setEnabled( false );

    QFileInfo fi( newDb );
    if ( !fi.exists() )
        pbnFindSRID->setEnabled( false );
        return false;

    QString key = "/SpatiaLite/connections/" + fi.fileName() + "/sqlitepath";

    QSettings settings;
    if ( !settings.contains( key ) )
        settings.setValue( "/SpatiaLite/connections/selected", fi.fileName() + tr( "@" ) + fi.canonicalFilePath() );
        settings.setValue( key, fi.canonicalFilePath() );

        QMessageBox::information( 0, tr( "SpatiaLite Database" ), tr( "Registered new database!" ) );

    pbnFindSRID->setEnabled( true );

    return true;
int GRASS_LIB_EXPORT G_set_error_routine( int ( *error_routine )( const char *, int ) )
    //QgsDebugMsg( "Entered" );
    G_set_error_routine_type* fn = ( G_set_error_routine_type* ) cast_to_fptr( QgsGrassGisLib::instance()->resolve( "G_set_error_routine" ) );
    return fn( error_routine );
int GRASS_LIB_EXPORT G_cell_stats_histo_eq( struct Cell_stats *statf, CELL min1, CELL max1, CELL min2, CELL max2, int zero, void ( *func )( CELL, CELL, CELL ) )
    G_cell_stats_histo_eq_type *fn = ( G_cell_stats_histo_eq_type* ) cast_to_fptr( QgsGrassGisLib::instance()->resolve( "G_cell_stats_histo_eq_type" ) );
    return fn( statf, min1, max1, min2, max2, zero, func );
int G_vasprintf( char **out, const char *fmt, va_list ap )
    G_vasprintf_type* fn = ( G_vasprintf_type* ) cast_to_fptr( QgsGrassGisLib::instance()->resolve( "G_vasprintf" ) );
    return fn( out, fmt, ap );