Exemple #1
 * Attack the monster at the given location with a single blow.
static bool py_attack_real(int y, int x, bool *fear) {
	/* Information about the target of the attack */
	monster_type *m_ptr = cave_monster_at(cave, y, x);
	monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->r_idx];
	char m_name[80];
	bool stop = FALSE;

	/* The weapon used */
	object_type *o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_WIELD];

	/* Information about the attack */
	int bonus = p_ptr->state.to_h + o_ptr->to_h;
	int chance = p_ptr->state.skills[SKILL_TO_HIT_MELEE] + bonus * BTH_PLUS_ADJ;
	bool do_quake = FALSE;
	bool success = FALSE;

	/* Default to punching for one damage */
	const char *hit_verb = "punch";
	int dmg = 1;
	u32b msg_type = MSG_HIT;

	/* Extract monster name (or "it") */
	monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, 0);

	/* Auto-Recall if possible and visible */
	if (m_ptr->ml) monster_race_track(m_ptr->r_idx);

	/* Track a new monster */
	if (m_ptr->ml) health_track(p_ptr, m_ptr);

	/* Handle player fear (only for invisible monsters) */
	if (check_state(p_ptr, OF_AFRAID, p_ptr->state.flags)) {
		msgt(MSG_AFRAID, "You are too afraid to attack %s!", m_name);
		return FALSE;

	/* Disturb the monster */
	mon_clear_timed(m_ptr, MON_TMD_SLEEP, MON_TMD_FLG_NOMESSAGE, FALSE);

	/* See if the player hit */
	success = test_hit(chance, r_ptr->ac, m_ptr->ml);

	/* If a miss, skip this hit */
	if (!success) {
		msgt(MSG_MISS, "You miss %s.", m_name);
		return FALSE;

	/* Handle normal weapon */
	if (o_ptr->kind) {
		int i, mult = 1;
		const struct slay *best_s_ptr = NULL;

		hit_verb = "hit";

		/* Get the best attack from all slays or
		 * brands on all non-launcher equipment */
		for (i = INVEN_LEFT; i < INVEN_TOTAL; i++) {
			struct object *obj = &p_ptr->inventory[i];
			if (obj->kind)
				improve_attack_modifier(obj, m_ptr, &best_s_ptr, TRUE, FALSE);
		improve_attack_modifier(o_ptr, m_ptr, &best_s_ptr, TRUE, FALSE);

		dmg = damroll(o_ptr->dd, o_ptr->ds);

		if (best_s_ptr) {
			hit_verb = best_s_ptr->melee_verb;
			mult = best_s_ptr->mult;
			if (best_s_ptr->vuln_flag &&
					rf_has(r_ptr->flags, best_s_ptr->vuln_flag))
				mult += 1;
		dmg *= mult;
		dmg += o_ptr->to_d;
		dmg = critical_norm(o_ptr->weight, o_ptr->to_h, dmg, &msg_type);

		/* Learn by use for the weapon */

		if (check_state(p_ptr, OF_IMPACT, p_ptr->state.flags) && dmg > 50) {
			do_quake = TRUE;
			wieldeds_notice_flag(p_ptr, OF_IMPACT);

	/* Learn by use for other equipped items */

	/* Apply the player damage bonuses */
	dmg += p_ptr->state.to_d;

	/* No negative damage */
	if (dmg <= 0) dmg = 0;

	/* Tell the player what happened */
	if (dmg <= 0)
		msgt(MSG_MISS, "You fail to harm %s.", m_name);
	else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT)
		msgt(MSG_HIT, "You %s %s.", hit_verb, m_name);
	else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_GOOD)
		msgt(MSG_HIT_GOOD, "You %s %s. %s", hit_verb, m_name, "It was a good hit!");
	else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_GREAT)
		msgt(MSG_HIT_GREAT, "You %s %s. %s", hit_verb, m_name, "It was a great hit!");
	else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_SUPERB)
		msgt(MSG_HIT_SUPERB, "You %s %s. %s", hit_verb, m_name, "It was a superb hit!");
	else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_HI_GREAT)
		msgt(MSG_HIT_HI_GREAT, "You %s %s. %s", hit_verb, m_name, "It was a *GREAT* hit!");
	else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_HI_SUPERB)
		msgt(MSG_HIT_HI_SUPERB, "You %s %s. %s", hit_verb, m_name, "It was a *SUPERB* hit!");

	/* Complex message */
	if (p_ptr->wizard)
		msg("You do %d (out of %d) damage.", dmg, m_ptr->hp);

	/* Confusion attack */
	if (p_ptr->confusing) {
		p_ptr->confusing = FALSE;
		msg("Your hands stop glowing.");

		mon_inc_timed(m_ptr, MON_TMD_CONF,
				(10 + randint0(p_ptr->lev) / 10), MON_TMD_FLG_NOTIFY, FALSE);

	/* Damage, check for fear and death */
	stop = mon_take_hit(m_ptr, dmg, fear, NULL);

	if (stop)
		(*fear) = FALSE;

	/* Apply earthquake brand */
	if (do_quake) {
		earthquake(p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, 10);
		if (cave->m_idx[y][x] == 0) stop = TRUE;

	return stop;
Exemple #2
 * Attack the monster at the given location with a single blow.
static bool py_attack_real(int y, int x, bool *fear) {
	size_t i;

	/* Information about the target of the attack */
	monster_type *m_ptr = cave_monster_at(cave, y, x);
	char m_name[80];
	bool stop = FALSE;

	/* The weapon used */
	object_type *o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_WIELD];

	/* Information about the attack */
	int bonus = p_ptr->state.to_h + o_ptr->to_h;
	int chance = p_ptr->state.skills[SKILL_TO_HIT_MELEE] + bonus * BTH_PLUS_ADJ;
	bool do_quake = FALSE;
	bool success = FALSE;

	/* Default to punching for one damage */
	const char *hit_verb = "punch";
	int dmg = 1;
	u32b msg_type = MSG_HIT;

	/* Extract monster name (or "it") */
	monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, 0);

	/* Auto-Recall if possible and visible */
	if (m_ptr->ml) monster_race_track(m_ptr->race);

	/* Track a new monster */
	if (m_ptr->ml) health_track(p_ptr, m_ptr);

	/* Handle player fear (only for invisible monsters) */
	if (check_state(p_ptr, OF_AFRAID, p_ptr->state.flags)) {
		msgt(MSG_AFRAID, "You are too afraid to attack %s!", m_name);
		return FALSE;

	/* Disturb the monster */
	mon_clear_timed(m_ptr, MON_TMD_SLEEP, MON_TMD_FLG_NOMESSAGE, FALSE);

	/* See if the player hit */
	success = test_hit(chance, m_ptr->race->ac, m_ptr->ml);

	/* If a miss, skip this hit */
	if (!success) {
		msgt(MSG_MISS, "You miss %s.", m_name);
		return FALSE;

	/* Handle normal weapon */
	if (o_ptr->kind) {
		const struct slay *best_s_ptr = NULL;

		hit_verb = "hit";

		/* Get the best attack from all slays or
		 * brands on all non-launcher equipment */
		for (i = INVEN_LEFT; i < INVEN_TOTAL; i++) {
			struct object *obj = &p_ptr->inventory[i];
			if (obj->kind)
				improve_attack_modifier(obj, m_ptr, &best_s_ptr, TRUE, FALSE);

		improve_attack_modifier(o_ptr, m_ptr, &best_s_ptr, TRUE, FALSE);
		if (best_s_ptr != NULL)
			hit_verb = best_s_ptr->melee_verb;

		dmg = damroll(o_ptr->dd, o_ptr->ds);
		dmg *= (best_s_ptr == NULL) ? 1 : best_s_ptr->mult;

		dmg += o_ptr->to_d;
		dmg = critical_norm(o_ptr->weight, o_ptr->to_h, dmg, &msg_type);

		/* Learn by use for the weapon */

		if (check_state(p_ptr, OF_IMPACT, p_ptr->state.flags) && dmg > 50) {
			do_quake = TRUE;
			wieldeds_notice_flag(p_ptr, OF_IMPACT);

	/* Learn by use for other equipped items */

	/* Apply the player damage bonuses */
	dmg += p_ptr->state.to_d;

	/* No negative damage; change verb if no damage done */
	if (dmg <= 0) {
		dmg = 0;
		msg_type = MSG_MISS;
		hit_verb = "fail to harm";

	for (i = 0; i < N_ELEMENTS(melee_hit_types); i++) {
		const char *dmg_text = "";

		if (msg_type != melee_hit_types[i].msg)

		if (OPT(show_damage))
			dmg_text = format(" (%d)", dmg);

		if (melee_hit_types[i].text)
			msgt(msg_type, "You %s %s%s. %s", hit_verb, m_name, dmg_text,
			msgt(msg_type, "You %s %s%s.", hit_verb, m_name, dmg_text);

	/* Confusion attack */
	if (p_ptr->confusing) {
		p_ptr->confusing = FALSE;
		msg("Your hands stop glowing.");

		mon_inc_timed(m_ptr, MON_TMD_CONF,
				(10 + randint0(p_ptr->lev) / 10), MON_TMD_FLG_NOTIFY, FALSE);

	/* Damage, check for fear and death */
	stop = mon_take_hit(m_ptr, dmg, fear, NULL);

	if (stop)
		(*fear) = FALSE;

	/* Apply earthquake brand */
	if (do_quake) {
		earthquake(p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, 10);
		if (cave->m_idx[y][x] == 0) stop = TRUE;

	return stop;
Exemple #3
 * This is a helper function used by do_cmd_throw and do_cmd_fire.
 * It abstracts out the projectile path, display code, identify and clean up
 * logic, while using the 'attack' parameter to do work particular to each
 * kind of attack.
static void ranged_helper(int item, int dir, int range, int shots, ranged_attack attack) {
	/* Get the ammo */
	object_type *o_ptr = object_from_item_idx(item);

	int i, j;
	byte missile_attr = object_attr(o_ptr);
	wchar_t missile_char;

	object_type object_type_body;
	object_type *i_ptr = &object_type_body;

	char o_name[80];

	int path_n;
	u16b path_g[256];

	int msec = op_ptr->delay_factor;

	/* Start at the player */
	int x = p_ptr->px;
	int y = p_ptr->py;

	/* Predict the "target" location */
	s16b ty = y + 99 * ddy[dir];
	s16b tx = x + 99 * ddx[dir];

	bool hit_target = FALSE;

	missile_char = object_char(o_ptr);

	/* Check for target validity */
	if ((dir == 5) && target_okay()) {
		int taim;
		char msg[80];
		target_get(&tx, &ty);
		taim = distance(y, x, ty, tx);
		if (taim > range) {
			sprintf (msg, "Target out of range by %d squares. Fire anyway? ",
				taim - range);
			if (!get_check(msg)) return;

	/* Sound */


	/* Describe the object */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_FULL | ODESC_SINGULAR);

	/* Actually "fire" the object -- Take a partial turn */
	p_ptr->energy_use = (100 / shots);

	/* Calculate the path */
	path_n = project_path(path_g, range, y, x, ty, tx, 0);

	/* Hack -- Handle stuff */

	/* Start at the player */
	x = p_ptr->px;
	y = p_ptr->py;

	/* Project along the path */
	for (i = 0; i < path_n; ++i) {
		int ny = GRID_Y(path_g[i]);
		int nx = GRID_X(path_g[i]);

		/* Hack -- Stop before hitting walls */
		if (!cave_ispassable(cave, ny, nx)) break;

		/* Advance */
		x = nx;
		y = ny;

		/* Only do visuals if the player can "see" the missile */
		if (player_can_see_bold(y, x)) {
			print_rel(missile_char, missile_attr, y, x);
			move_cursor_relative(y, x);

			if (p_ptr->redraw) redraw_stuff(p_ptr);

			Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_DELAY, msec);
			cave_light_spot(cave, y, x);

			if (p_ptr->redraw) redraw_stuff(p_ptr);
		} else {
			/* Delay anyway for consistency */
			Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_DELAY, msec);

		/* Handle monster */
		if (cave->m_idx[y][x] > 0) break;

	/* Try the attack on the monster at (x, y) if any */
	if (cave->m_idx[y][x] > 0) {
		monster_type *m_ptr = cave_monster_at(cave, y, x);
		int visible = m_ptr->ml;

		bool fear = FALSE;
		char m_name[80];
		const char *note_dies = monster_is_unusual(m_ptr->race) ? " is destroyed." : " dies.";

		struct attack_result result = attack(o_ptr, y, x);
		int dmg = result.dmg;
		u32b msg_type = result.msg_type;
		const char *hit_verb = result.hit_verb;

		if (result.success) {
			hit_target = TRUE;

			/* Get "the monster" or "it" */
			monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, 0);

			/* Learn by use for other equipped items */
			/* No negative damage; change verb if no damage done */
			if (dmg <= 0) {
				dmg = 0;
				msg_type = MSG_MISS;
				hit_verb = "fail to harm";
			if (!visible) {
				/* Invisible monster */
				msgt(MSG_SHOOT_HIT, "The %s finds a mark.", o_name);
			} else {
				for (i = 0; i < (int)N_ELEMENTS(ranged_hit_types); i++) {
					const char *dmg_text = "";

					if (msg_type != ranged_hit_types[i].msg)

					if (OPT(show_damage))
						dmg_text = format(" (%d)", dmg);

					if (ranged_hit_types[i].text)
						msgt(msg_type, "Your %s %s %s%s. %s", o_name, hit_verb,
								m_name, dmg_text, ranged_hit_types[i].text);
						msgt(msg_type, "Your %s %s %s%s.", o_name, hit_verb,
								m_name, dmg_text);

				/* Track this monster */
				if (m_ptr->ml) monster_race_track(m_ptr->race);
				if (m_ptr->ml) health_track(p_ptr, m_ptr);
			/* Hit the monster, check for death */
			if (!mon_take_hit(m_ptr, dmg, &fear, note_dies)) {
				message_pain(m_ptr, dmg);
				if (fear && m_ptr->ml)
					add_monster_message(m_name, m_ptr, MON_MSG_FLEE_IN_TERROR, TRUE);

	/* Obtain a local object */
	object_copy(i_ptr, o_ptr);
	object_split(i_ptr, o_ptr, 1);

	/* See if the ammunition broke or not */
	j = breakage_chance(i_ptr, hit_target);

	/* Drop (or break) near that location */
	drop_near(cave, i_ptr, j, y, x, TRUE);

	if (item >= 0) {
		/* The ammo is from the inventory */
		inven_item_increase(item, -1);
	} else {
		/* The ammo is from the floor */
		floor_item_increase(0 - item, -1);
		floor_item_optimize(0 - item);
Exemple #4
 * Handle a textui mouseclick.
static void textui_process_click(ui_event e)
	int x, y;

	if (!OPT(mouse_movement)) return;

	y = KEY_GRID_Y(e);
	x = KEY_GRID_X(e);

	/* Check for a valid location */
	if (!cave_in_bounds_fully(cave, y, x)) return;

	/* XXX show context menu here */
	if ((p_ptr->py == y) && (p_ptr->px == x)) {
		if (e.mouse.mods & KC_MOD_SHIFT) {
			/* shift-click - cast magic */
			if (e.mouse.button == 1) {
			} else
			if (e.mouse.button == 2) {
		} else
		if (e.mouse.mods & KC_MOD_CONTROL) {
			/* ctrl-click - use feature / use inventory item */
			/* switch with default */
			if (e.mouse.button == 1) {
				if (cave_isupstairs(cave, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px))
				else if (cave_isdownstairs(cave, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px))
			} else
			if (e.mouse.button == 2) {
		} else
		if (e.mouse.mods & KC_MOD_ALT) {
			/* alt-click - Search  or show char screen */
			/* XXX call a platform specific hook */
			if (e.mouse.button == 1) {
			} else
			if (e.mouse.button == 2) {
		} else
			if (e.mouse.button == 1) {
				if (cave->o_idx[y][x]) {
				} else {
			} else
			if (e.mouse.button == 2) {
				// show a context menu
				context_menu_player(e.mouse.x, e.mouse.y);

	else if (e.mouse.button == 1)
		if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_CONFUSED])
			if (e.mouse.mods & KC_MOD_SHIFT) {
				/* shift-click - run */
				cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd_get_top(), 0, coords_to_dir(y,x));
				/*if ((y-p_ptr->py >= -1) && (y-p_ptr->py <= 1)
					&& (x-p_ptr->px >= -1) && (x-p_ptr->px <= 1)) {
					cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd_get_top(), 0, coords_to_dir(y,x));
				} else {
				  cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd_get_top(), 0, coords_to_dir(y,x));
			} else
			if (e.mouse.mods & KC_MOD_CONTROL) {
				/* control-click - alter */
				cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd_get_top(), 0, coords_to_dir(y,x));
			} else
			if (e.mouse.mods & KC_MOD_ALT) {
				/* alt-click - look */
				if (target_set_interactive(TARGET_LOOK, x, y)) {
					msg("Target Selected.");
				//cmd_set_arg_point(cmd_get_top(), 0, y, x);
			} else
				/* pathfind does not work well on trap detection borders,
				 * so if the click is next to the player, force a walk step */
				if ((y-p_ptr->py >= -1) && (y-p_ptr->py <= 1)
					&& (x-p_ptr->px >= -1) && (x-p_ptr->px <= 1)) {
					cmd_set_arg_direction(cmd_get_top(), 0, coords_to_dir(y,x));
				} else {
					cmd_set_arg_point(cmd_get_top(), 0, y, x);

	else if (e.mouse.button == 2)
		struct monster *m = cave_monster_at(cave, y, x);
		if (m && target_able(m)) {
			/* Set up target information */
			health_track(p_ptr, m);
		} else {
		if (e.mouse.mods & KC_MOD_SHIFT) {
			/* shift-click - cast spell at target */
			if (textui_obj_cast_ret() >= 0) {
				cmd_set_arg_target(cmd_get_top(), 1, DIR_TARGET);
		} else
		if (e.mouse.mods & KC_MOD_CONTROL) {
			/* control-click - fire at target */
			cmd_set_arg_target(cmd_get_top(), 1, DIR_TARGET);
		} else
		if (e.mouse.mods & KC_MOD_ALT) {
			/* alt-click - throw at target */
			cmd_set_arg_target(cmd_get_top(), 1, DIR_TARGET);
		} else
			//msg("Target set.");
			/* see if the click was adjacent to the player */
			if ((y-p_ptr->py >= -1) && (y-p_ptr->py <= 1)
				&& (x-p_ptr->px >= -1) && (x-p_ptr->px <= 1)) {
				context_menu_cave(cave,y,x,1,e.mouse.x, e.mouse.y);
			} else {
				context_menu_cave(cave,y,x,0,e.mouse.x, e.mouse.y);
Exemple #5
 * Attempts to place a copy of the given monster at the given position in
 * the dungeon.
 * All of the monster placement routines eventually call this function. This
 * is what actually puts the monster in the dungeon (i.e., it notifies the cave
 * and sets the monsters position). The dungeon loading code also calls this
 * function directly.
 * `origin` is the item origin to use for any monster drops (e.g. ORIGIN_DROP,
 * ORIGIN_DROP_PIT, etc.) The dungeon loading code calls this with origin = 0,
 * which prevents the monster's drops from being generated again.
 * Returns the m_idx of the newly copied monster, or 0 if the placement fails.
s16b place_monster(int y, int x, monster_type *mon, byte origin)
	s16b m_idx;
	monster_type *m_ptr;

	assert(cave_in_bounds(cave, y, x));
	assert(!cave_monster_at(cave, y, x));

	/* Get a new record */
	m_idx = mon_pop();
	if (!m_idx) return 0;

	/* Copy the monster */
	m_ptr = cave_monster(cave, m_idx);
	COPY(m_ptr, mon, monster_type);

	/* Set the ID */
	m_ptr->midx = m_idx;

	/* Set the location */
	cave->m_idx[y][x] = m_ptr->midx;
	m_ptr->fy = y;
	m_ptr->fx = x;
	assert(cave_monster_at(cave, y, x) == m_ptr);

	update_mon(m_ptr, TRUE);

	/* Hack -- Count the number of "reproducers" */
	if (rf_has(m_ptr->race->flags, RF_MULTIPLY)) num_repro++;

	/* Count racial occurrences */

	/* Create the monster's drop, if any */
	if (origin)
		(void)mon_create_drop(m_ptr, origin);

	/* Make mimics start mimicking */
	if (origin && m_ptr->race->mimic_kinds) {
		object_type *i_ptr;
		object_type object_type_body;
		object_kind *kind = m_ptr->race->mimic_kinds->kind;
		struct monster_mimic *mimic_kind;
		int i = 1;
		/* Pick a random object kind to mimic */
		for (mimic_kind = m_ptr->race->mimic_kinds; mimic_kind; 
				mimic_kind = mimic_kind->next, i++) {
			if (one_in_(i)) kind = mimic_kind->kind;

		i_ptr = &object_type_body;

		if (kind->tval == TV_GOLD) {
			make_gold(i_ptr, p_ptr->depth, kind->sval);
		} else {
			object_prep(i_ptr, kind, m_ptr->race->level, RANDOMISE);
			apply_magic(i_ptr, m_ptr->race->level, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
			i_ptr->number = 1;

		i_ptr->origin = origin;
		i_ptr->mimicking_m_idx = m_idx;
		m_ptr->mimicked_o_idx = floor_carry(cave, y, x, i_ptr);

	/* Result */
	return m_idx;
Exemple #6
//static struct keypress target_set_interactive_aux(int y, int x, int mode)
static ui_event target_set_interactive_aux(int y, int x, int mode)
	s16b this_o_idx = 0, next_o_idx = 0;

	const char *s1, *s2, *s3;

	bool boring;

	int feat;

	int floor_list[MAX_FLOOR_STACK];
	int floor_num;

	//struct keypress query;
	ui_event press;

	char out_val[256];

	char coords[20];

	const monster_race *r_ptr;
	const monster_lore *l_ptr;

	/* Describe the square location */
	coords_desc(coords, sizeof(coords), y, x);

	/* Repeat forever */
	while (1)
		/* Paranoia */
		press.type = EVT_KBRD;
		press.key.code = ' ';
		press.key.mods = 0;

		/* Assume boring */
		boring = TRUE;

		/* Default */
		s1 = "You see ";
		s2 = "";
		s3 = "";

		/* The player */
		if (cave->m_idx[y][x] < 0) {
			/* Description */
			s1 = "You are ";

			/* Preposition */
			s2 = "on ";

		/* Hallucination messes things up */
		if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_IMAGE]) {
			const char *name = "something strange";

			/* Display a message */
			if (p_ptr->wizard)
				strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "%s%s%s%s, %s (%d:%d).",
						s1, s2, s3, name, coords, y, x);
				strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "%s%s%s%s, %s.",
						s1, s2, s3, name, coords);

			prt(out_val, 0, 0);
			move_cursor_relative(y, x);
			press.key = inkey();

			/* Stop on everything but "return" */
			if (press.key.code == '\n' || press.key.code == '\r')

			return press;

		/* Actual monsters */
		if (cave->m_idx[y][x] > 0) {
			monster_type *m_ptr = cave_monster_at(cave, y, x);
			r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->r_idx];
			l_ptr = &l_list[m_ptr->r_idx];

			/* Visible */
			if (m_ptr->ml && !m_ptr->unaware) {
				bool recall = FALSE;

				char m_name[80];

				/* Not boring */
				boring = FALSE;

				/* Get the monster name ("a kobold") */
				monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, MDESC_IND2);

				/* Hack -- track this monster race */

				/* Hack -- health bar for this monster */
				health_track(p_ptr, m_ptr);

				/* Hack -- handle stuff */

				/* Interact */
				while (1) {
					/* Recall */
					if (recall)	{
						/* Save screen */

						/* Recall on screen */
						screen_roff(r_ptr, l_ptr);

						/* Command */
						press = inkey_m();

						/* Load screen */
					} else { /* Normal */
						char buf[80];

						/* Describe the monster */
						look_mon_desc(buf, sizeof(buf), cave->m_idx[y][x]);

						/* Describe, and prompt for recall */
						if (p_ptr->wizard)
							strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val),
									"%s%s%s%s (%s), %s (%d:%d).",
									s1, s2, s3, m_name, buf, coords, y, x);
							strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val),
									"%s%s%s%s (%s), %s.",
									s1, s2, s3, m_name, buf, coords);

						prt(out_val, 0, 0);

						/* Place cursor */
						move_cursor_relative(y, x);

						/* Command */
						press = inkey_m();

					/* Normal commands */
				  	if ((press.type == EVT_MOUSE) && (press.mouse.button == 1)
							&& (KEY_GRID_X(press) == x) &&
							(KEY_GRID_Y(press) == y))
						recall = !recall;
					else if ((press.type == EVT_KBRD) &&
							(press.key.code == 'r'))
						recall = !recall;

				if (press.type == EVT_MOUSE) {
					/* Stop on right click */
					if (press.mouse.button == 2)

					/* Sometimes stop at "space" key */
					if (press.mouse.button && !(mode & (TARGET_LOOK))) break;
				} else {
					/* Stop on everything but "return"/"space" */
					if (press.key.code != '\n' && press.key.code != '\r' && press.key.code != ' ')

					/* Sometimes stop at "space" key */
					if ((press.key.code == ' ') && !(mode & (TARGET_LOOK))) break;

				/* Take account of gender */
				if (rf_has(r_ptr->flags, RF_FEMALE)) s1 = "She is ";
				else if (rf_has(r_ptr->flags, RF_MALE)) s1 = "He is ";
				else s1 = "It is ";

				/* Use a verb */
				s2 = "carrying ";

				/* Scan all objects being carried */
				for (this_o_idx = m_ptr->hold_o_idx; this_o_idx; this_o_idx = next_o_idx)
					char o_name[80];

					object_type *o_ptr;

					/* Get the object */
					o_ptr = object_byid(this_o_idx);

					/* Get the next object */
					next_o_idx = o_ptr->next_o_idx;

					/* Obtain an object description */
					object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr,

					/* Describe the object */
					if (p_ptr->wizard)
						strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val),
								"%s%s%s%s, %s (%d:%d).",
								s1, s2, s3, o_name, coords, y, x);
					/* Disabled since monsters now carry their drops
						strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val),
								"%s%s%s%s, %s.", s1, s2, s3, o_name, coords);
					} */

					prt(out_val, 0, 0);
					move_cursor_relative(y, x);
					press = inkey_m();

					if (press.type == EVT_MOUSE) {
						/* Stop on right click */
						if (press.mouse.button == 2)

						/* Sometimes stop at "space" key */
						if (press.mouse.button && !(mode & (TARGET_LOOK))) break;
					} else {
						/* Stop on everything but "return"/"space" */
						if ((press.key.code != '\n') && (press.key.code != '\r') && (press.key.code != ' ')) break;

						/* Sometimes stop at "space" key */
						if ((press.key.code == ' ') && !(mode & (TARGET_LOOK))) break;

					/* Change the intro */
					s2 = "also carrying ";

				/* Double break */
				if (this_o_idx) break;

				/* Use a preposition */
				s2 = "on ";

		/* Assume not floored */
		floor_num = scan_floor(floor_list, N_ELEMENTS(floor_list), y, x, 0x02);

		/* Scan all marked objects in the grid */
		if ((floor_num > 0) &&
		    (!(p_ptr->timed[TMD_BLIND]) || (y == p_ptr->py && x == p_ptr->px)))
			/* Not boring */
			boring = FALSE;


			/* If there is more than one item... */
			if (floor_num > 1) while (1)
				/* Describe the pile */
				if (p_ptr->wizard)
					strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val),
							"%s%s%sa pile of %d objects, %s (%d:%d).",
							s1, s2, s3, floor_num, coords, y, x);
					strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val),
							"%s%s%sa pile of %d objects, %s.",
							s1, s2, s3, floor_num, coords);

				prt(out_val, 0, 0);
				move_cursor_relative(y, x);
				press = inkey_m();

				/* Display objects */
				if (((press.type == EVT_MOUSE) && (press.mouse.button == 1) &&
						(KEY_GRID_X(press) == x) && (KEY_GRID_Y(press) == y)) ||
						((press.type == EVT_KBRD) && (press.key.code == 'r'))) {
					int rdone = 0;
					int pos;
					while (!rdone) {
						/* Save screen */

						/* Display */
						show_floor(floor_list, floor_num, (OLIST_WEIGHT | OLIST_GOLD));

						/* Describe the pile */
						prt(out_val, 0, 0);
						press = inkey_m();

						/* Load screen */

						if (press.type == EVT_MOUSE)
							pos = press.mouse.y-1;
							pos = press.key.code - 'a';

						if (0 <= pos && pos < floor_num) {
						rdone = 1;

					/* Now that the user's done with the display loop, let's */
					/* the outer loop over again */

				/* Done */
			/* Only one object to display */

				char o_name[80];

				/* Get the single object in the list */
				object_type *o_ptr = object_byid(floor_list[0]);

				/* Not boring */
				boring = FALSE;

				/* Obtain an object description */
				object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr,

				/* Describe the object */
				if (p_ptr->wizard)
					strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val),
							"%s%s%s%s, %s (%d:%d).",
							s1, s2, s3, o_name, coords, y, x);
					strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val),
							"%s%s%s%s, %s.", s1, s2, s3, o_name, coords);

				prt(out_val, 0, 0);
				move_cursor_relative(y, x);
				press = inkey_m();

				/* Stop on everything but "return"/"space" */
				if ((press.key.code != '\n') && (press.key.code != '\r') && (press.key.code != ' ')) break;

				/* Sometimes stop at "space" key */
				if ((press.key.code == ' ') && !(mode & (TARGET_LOOK))) break;

				/* Change the intro */
				s1 = "It is ";

				/* Plurals */
				if (o_ptr->number != 1) s1 = "They are ";

				/* Preposition */
				s2 = "on ";


		/* Double break */
		if (this_o_idx) break;

		/* Feature (apply "mimic") */
		feat = f_info[cave->feat[y][x]].mimic;

		/* Require knowledge about grid, or ability to see grid */
		if (!(cave->info[y][x] & (CAVE_MARK)) && !player_can_see_bold(y,x))
			/* Forget feature */
			feat = FEAT_NONE;

		/* Terrain feature if needed */
		if (boring || (feat > FEAT_INVIS))
			const char *name = f_info[feat].name;

			/* Hack -- handle unknown grids */
			if (feat == FEAT_NONE) name = "unknown grid";

			/* Pick a prefix */
			if (*s2 && (feat >= FEAT_DOOR_HEAD)) s2 = "in ";

			/* Pick proper indefinite article */
			s3 = (is_a_vowel(name[0])) ? "an " : "a ";

			/* Hack -- special introduction for store doors */
			if ((feat >= FEAT_SHOP_HEAD) && (feat <= FEAT_SHOP_TAIL))
				s3 = "the entrance to the ";

			/* Display a message */
			if (p_ptr->wizard)
				strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val),
						"%s%s%s%s, %s (%d:%d).", s1, s2, s3, name, coords, y, x);
				strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val),
						"%s%s%s%s, %s.", s1, s2, s3, name, coords);

			prt(out_val, 0, 0);
			move_cursor_relative(y, x);
			press = inkey_m();

			if (press.type == EVT_MOUSE) {
				/* Stop on right click */
				if (press.mouse.button == 2)
			} else {
				/* Stop on everything but "return"/"space" */
				if ((press.key.code != '\n') && (press.key.code != '\r') && (press.key.code != ' ')) break;

		/* Stop on everything but "return" */
		if (press.type == EVT_MOUSE) {
				/* Stop on right click */
				if (press.mouse.button != 2)
		} else if ((press.key.code != '\n') && (press.key.code != '\r')) break;

	/* Keep going */
	return (press);
Exemple #7
 * Hack -- determine if a given location is "interesting"
static bool target_set_interactive_accept(int y, int x)
	object_type *o_ptr;

	/* Player grids are always interesting */
	if (cave->m_idx[y][x] < 0) return (TRUE);

	/* Handle hallucination */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_IMAGE]) return (FALSE);

	/* Visible monsters */
	if (cave->m_idx[y][x] > 0)
		monster_type *m_ptr = cave_monster_at(cave, y, x);

		/* Visible monsters */
		if (m_ptr->ml && !m_ptr->unaware) return (TRUE);

	/* Scan all objects in the grid */
	for (o_ptr = get_first_object(y, x); o_ptr; o_ptr = get_next_object(o_ptr))
		/* Memorized object */
		if (o_ptr->marked && !squelch_item_ok(o_ptr)) return (TRUE);

	/* Interesting memorized features */
	if (cave->info[y][x] & (CAVE_MARK))
		/* Notice glyphs */
		if (cave->feat[y][x] == FEAT_GLYPH) return (TRUE);

		/* Notice doors */
		if (cave->feat[y][x] == FEAT_OPEN) return (TRUE);
		if (cave->feat[y][x] == FEAT_BROKEN) return (TRUE);

		/* Notice stairs */
		if (cave->feat[y][x] == FEAT_LESS) return (TRUE);
		if (cave->feat[y][x] == FEAT_MORE) return (TRUE);

		/* Notice shops */
		if ((cave->feat[y][x] >= FEAT_SHOP_HEAD) &&
		    (cave->feat[y][x] <= FEAT_SHOP_TAIL)) return (TRUE);

		/* Notice traps */
		if (cave_isknowntrap(cave, y, x)) return TRUE;

		/* Notice doors */
		if (cave_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x)) return TRUE;

		/* Notice rubble */
		if (cave->feat[y][x] == FEAT_RUBBLE) return (TRUE);

		/* Notice veins with treasure */
		if (cave->feat[y][x] == FEAT_MAGMA_K) return (TRUE);
		if (cave->feat[y][x] == FEAT_QUARTZ_K) return (TRUE);

	/* Nope */
	return (FALSE);
Exemple #8
 * Draw a visible path over the squares between (x1,y1) and (x2,y2).
 * The path consists of "*", which are white except where there is a
 * monster, object or feature in the grid.
 * This routine has (at least) three weaknesses:
 * - remembered objects/walls which are no longer present are not shown,
 * - squares which (e.g.) the player has walked through in the dark are
 *   treated as unknown space.
 * - walls which appear strange due to hallucination aren't treated correctly.
 * The first two result from information being lost from the dungeon arrays,
 * which requires changes elsewhere
static int draw_path(u16b path_n, u16b *path_g, wchar_t *c, byte *a, int y1, int x1)
	int i;
	bool on_screen;

	/* No path, so do nothing. */
	if (path_n < 1) return 0;

	/* The starting square is never drawn, but notice if it is being
     * displayed. In theory, it could be the last such square.
	on_screen = panel_contains(y1, x1);

	/* Draw the path. */
	for (i = 0; i < path_n; i++) {
		byte colour;

		/* Find the co-ordinates on the level. */
		int y = GRID_Y(path_g[i]);
		int x = GRID_X(path_g[i]);

		 * As path[] is a straight line and the screen is oblong,
		 * there is only section of path[] on-screen.
		 * If the square being drawn is visible, this is part of it.
		 * If none of it has been drawn, continue until some of it
		 * is found or the last square is reached.
		 * If some of it has been drawn, finish now as there are no
		 * more visible squares to draw.
		 if (panel_contains(y,x)) on_screen = TRUE;
		 else if (on_screen) break;
		 else continue;

	 	/* Find the position on-screen */

		/* This square is being overwritten, so save the original. */
		Term_what(Term->scr->cx, Term->scr->cy, a+i, c+i);

		/* Choose a colour. */
		if (cave->m_idx[y][x] && cave_monster_at(cave, y, x)->ml) {
			/* Visible monsters are red. */
			monster_type *m_ptr = cave_monster_at(cave, y, x);
			monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->r_idx];

			/*mimics act as objects*/
			if (rf_has(r_ptr->flags, RF_UNAWARE)) 
				colour = TERM_YELLOW;
				colour = TERM_L_RED;

		else if (cave->o_idx[y][x] && object_byid(cave->o_idx[y][x])->marked)
			/* Known objects are yellow. */
			colour = TERM_YELLOW;

		else if (!cave_floor_bold(y,x) &&
				 ((cave->info[y][x] & (CAVE_MARK)) || player_can_see_bold(y,x)))
			/* Known walls are blue. */
			colour = TERM_BLUE;

		else if (!(cave->info[y][x] & (CAVE_MARK)) && !player_can_see_bold(y,x))
			/* Unknown squares are grey. */
			colour = TERM_L_DARK;

			/* Unoccupied squares are white. */
			colour = TERM_WHITE;

		/* Draw the path segment */
		(void)Term_addch(colour, L'*');
	return i;