Exemple #1
/** Searches for the first occurrence of value and removes it. If value is not found the function has no effect.
 @since v0.99.4
void ccCArrayRemoveValue(ccCArray *arr, void* value)
	unsigned int index = ccCArrayGetIndexOfValue(arr, value);
	if (index != CC_INVALID_INDEX)
		ccCArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(arr, index);
Exemple #2
void TMXLayer::removeChild(Node* node, bool cleanup)
    Sprite *sprite = (Sprite*)node;
    // allows removing nil objects
    if (! sprite)

    CCASSERT(_children.contains(sprite), "Tile does not belong to TMXLayer");

    ssize_t atlasIndex = sprite->getAtlasIndex();
    ssize_t zz = (ssize_t)_atlasIndexArray->arr[atlasIndex];
    _tiles[zz] = 0;
    ccCArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(_atlasIndexArray, atlasIndex);
    SpriteBatchNode::removeChild(sprite, cleanup);
Exemple #3
void TMXLayer::removeTileAt(const Point& pos)
    CCASSERT(pos.x < _layerSize.width && pos.y < _layerSize.height && pos.x >=0 && pos.y >=0, "TMXLayer: invalid position");
    CCASSERT(_tiles && _atlasIndexArray, "TMXLayer: the tiles map has been released");

    int gid = getTileGIDAt(pos);

    if (gid) 
        int z = pos.x + pos.y * _layerSize.width;
        ssize_t atlasIndex = atlasIndexForExistantZ(z);

        // remove tile from GID map
        _tiles[z] = 0;

        // remove tile from atlas position array
        ccCArrayRemoveValueAtIndex(_atlasIndexArray, atlasIndex);

        // remove it from sprites and/or texture atlas
        Sprite *sprite = (Sprite*)getChildByTag(z);
        if (sprite)
            SpriteBatchNode::removeChild(sprite, true);

            // update possible children
            for(const auto &obj : _children) {
                Sprite* child = static_cast<Sprite*>(obj);
                ssize_t ai = child->getAtlasIndex();
                if ( ai >= atlasIndex )