Exemple #1
void cdSimInitText(cdSimulation* simulation)
  if (!simulation->tt_text)
    simulation->tt_text = cdTT_create();

  cdRegisterAttribute(simulation->canvas, &addfontmap_attrib);
  cdRegisterAttribute(simulation->canvas, &version_attrib);
Exemple #2
cdCtxCanvas *cdgdkCreateCanvas(cdCanvas* canvas, GdkDrawable* wnd, GdkScreen* scr, GdkVisual* vis)
  cdCtxCanvas *ctxcanvas = (cdCtxCanvas *)malloc(sizeof(cdCtxCanvas));
  memset(ctxcanvas, 0, sizeof(cdCtxCanvas));

  ctxcanvas->scr = scr;
  ctxcanvas->vis = vis;
  ctxcanvas->wnd = wnd;

  ctxcanvas->gc = gdk_gc_new(wnd);
  if (!ctxcanvas->gc) 
    return NULL;

  ctxcanvas->fontcontext = gdk_pango_context_get();
  pango_context_set_language(ctxcanvas->fontcontext, pango_language_get_default());

  ctxcanvas->canvas = canvas;
  canvas->ctxcanvas = ctxcanvas;
  gdk_drawable_get_size(wnd, &ctxcanvas->canvas->w, &ctxcanvas->canvas->h);
  ctxcanvas->depth = gdk_drawable_get_depth(wnd);

  canvas->bpp = ctxcanvas->depth;
  canvas->xres = ((double)gdk_screen_get_width(scr)  / (double)gdk_screen_get_width_mm(scr));
  canvas->yres = ((double)gdk_screen_get_height(scr) / (double)gdk_screen_get_height_mm(scr));
  canvas->w_mm = ((double)canvas->w) / canvas->xres;
  canvas->h_mm = ((double)canvas->h) / canvas->yres;
  canvas->invert_yaxis = 1;

  if (canvas->bpp <= 8)
    ctxcanvas->colormap = gdk_gc_get_colormap(ctxcanvas->gc);
    if (!ctxcanvas->colormap)
      ctxcanvas->colormap = gdk_colormap_get_system();
      gdk_gc_set_colormap(ctxcanvas->gc, ctxcanvas->colormap);
    ctxcanvas->num_colors = ctxcanvas->colormap->size;

  cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &gc_attrib);
  cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &rotate_attrib);
  cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &pangoversion_attrib);
  cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &imgdither_attrib);
  cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &interp_attrib);

  return ctxcanvas;
Exemple #3
static void cdcreatecanvas(cdCanvas* canvas, void *data)
  cdCtxCanvas* ctxcanvas;
  int w = 0, h = 0;
  double res = 3.78;
  char* str_data = (char*)data;

  sscanf(str_data, "%dx%d %lg", &w, &h, &res);

  if (w == 0 || h == 0)

  ctxcanvas = (cdCtxCanvas *)malloc(sizeof(cdCtxCanvas));
  memset(ctxcanvas, 0, sizeof(cdCtxCanvas));

  canvas->w = w;
  canvas->h = h;
  canvas->xres = res;
  canvas->yres = res;

  canvas->w_mm = ((double)canvas->w) / canvas->xres;
  canvas->h_mm = ((double)canvas->h) / canvas->yres;

  ctxcanvas->canvas = canvas;
  canvas->ctxcanvas = ctxcanvas;

  ctxcanvas->utf8_buffer = NULL;

  cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &rotate_attrib);
  cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &version_attrib);
  cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &poly_attrib);
  cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &size_attrib);
  cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &alpha_attrib);
  cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &aa_attrib);
  cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &txtaa_attrib);
  cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &utf8mode_attrib);

  cdCanvasSetAttribute(canvas, "ALPHA", "1");
  cdCanvasSetAttribute(canvas, "ANTIALIAS", "1");
  cdCanvasSetAttribute(canvas, "TEXTANTIALIAS", "1");
Exemple #4
static void cdcreatecanvas(cdCanvas* canvas, void* data)
  cdCtxCanvas* ctxcanvas;
  cairo_surface_t *surface;
  int w = 0, h = 0, use_alpha = 0;
  double res = 3.78;
  unsigned char *rgb = NULL;
  char* str_data = (char*)data;
  char* res_ptr = NULL;
  cairo_format_t format = CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24;

  /* Starting parameters */
  if (str_data == NULL) 

  if (strstr(str_data, "-a"))
    use_alpha = 1;

  res_ptr = strstr(str_data, "-r");
  if (res_ptr)
    sscanf(res_ptr+2, "%lg", &res);

  /* size and rgb */
#ifdef SunOS_OLD
  sscanf(str_data, "%dx%d %d", &w, &h, &rgb);
  sscanf(str_data, "%dx%d %p", &w, &h, &rgb);

  if (w == 0) w = 1;
  if (h == 0) h = 1;

  canvas->w = w;
  canvas->h = h;
  canvas->yres = res;
  canvas->xres = res;
  canvas->w_mm = ((double)w) / res;
  canvas->h_mm = ((double)h) / res;
  if (use_alpha)
    canvas->bpp = 32;
    format = CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32;
    canvas->bpp = 24;  /* fake value, image bpp is always 32 */

  if (rgb)
    surface = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(rgb, format, w, h, w*32);
  	surface = cairo_image_surface_create(format, canvas->w, canvas->h);

  /* Starting Cairo driver */
  ctxcanvas = cdcairoCreateCanvas(canvas, cairo_create(surface));

  if (rgb)
    ctxcanvas->user_image = 1;
    ctxcanvas->rgb = rgb;
    ctxcanvas->user_image = 0;
    ctxcanvas->rgb = cairo_image_surface_get_data(cairo_get_target(ctxcanvas->cr));

    /* fill with white */
    /* transparent, this is the normal alpha coding */
    cairo_set_source_rgba(ctxcanvas->cr, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
    cairo_rectangle(ctxcanvas->cr, 0, 0, canvas->w, canvas->h);
  cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &stride_attrib);
  cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &write2png_attrib);
  cdRegisterAttribute(canvas, &data_attrib);