void sammMesh::readCells()
    label nCells = 0;
    label maxLabel = -1;

    fileName cellsFileName(casePrefix_ + ".cel");

        IFstream cellsFile(cellsFileName);

        if (cellsFile.good())
            label lineLabel, cellLabel = -1, pointLabel, regionLabel, typeFlag;

            maxLabel = -1;
            while (!(cellsFile >> lineLabel).eof())
                maxLabel = max(maxLabel, lineLabel);
                for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
                    cellsFile >> pointLabel;

                cellsFile >> regionLabel;
                cellsFile >> typeFlag;

                if (lineLabel != cellLabel)
                    cellLabel = lineLabel;
void starMesh::readCells()
    label nCells = 0;
    label maxLabel = -1;

    fileName cellsFileName(casePrefix_ + ".cel");

        IFstream cellsFile(cellsFileName);

        if (cellsFile.good())
            label lineLabel, pointLabel, regionLabel, typeFlag;

            maxLabel = -1;
            while (!(cellsFile >> lineLabel).eof())
                maxLabel = max(maxLabel, lineLabel);
                for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
                    cellsFile >> pointLabel;

                cellsFile >> regionLabel;
                cellsFile >> typeFlag;

                // lines with typeFlag of zero are continuation lines.
                if (typeFlag != 0)

                // backward compatibility: number of trailing rubbish in
                // STAR is unknown. 
                // Fixed to cope with missing \n on last line.