Exemple #1
OSystem::OSystem() :

    if ( is_null( m_lib_loader ) )   m_lib_loader.reset( new PosixDlopenLibLoader() );

#ifdef CF_OS_LINUX
    if ( is_null( m_layer ) ) m_layer.reset( new Linux::OSystemLayer() );
    if ( is_null( m_layer ) ) m_layer.reset( new MacOSX::OSystemLayer() );
    if ( is_null( m_layer ) ) m_layer.reset( new Win32::OSystemLayer() );
    if ( is_null( m_lib_loader ) )   m_lib_loader.reset( new Win32::LibLoader() );
  #error "Unkown operating system: not Windows, MacOSX or Linux"

    cf_assert ( is_not_null( m_layer ) );
    cf_assert ( is_not_null( m_lib_loader   ) );
  std::vector< boost::filesystem::path > default_paths(1, boost::filesystem::path(CF_BUILD_DIR) / boost::filesystem::path("dso"));
Exemple #2
boost::tuple<Common::Component&,Uint> CUnifiedData::location_v2(const Uint data_glb_idx)
  const Uint data_vector_idx = std::upper_bound(m_data_indices->array().begin(), m_data_indices->array().end(), data_glb_idx) - 1 -  m_data_indices->array().begin();
  cf_assert(m_data_indices->array()[data_vector_idx] <= data_glb_idx );
  return boost::tuple<Common::Component&,Uint>(*m_data_vector[data_vector_idx], data_glb_idx - m_data_indices->array()[data_vector_idx]);
Exemple #3
/// Get the const component and local index in the component
/// given a continuous index spanning multiple components
/// @param [in] data_glb_idx continuous index covering multiple components
/// @return boost::tuple<Uint component_idx, Uint idx_in_component>
boost::tuple<Uint,Uint> CUnifiedData::location_idx(const Uint data_glb_idx) const
  const Uint data_vector_idx = std::upper_bound(m_data_indices->array().begin(), m_data_indices->array().end(), data_glb_idx) - 1 -  m_data_indices->array().begin();
  return boost::make_tuple(data_vector_idx, data_glb_idx - m_data_indices->array()[data_vector_idx]);
Exemple #4
void ListeningThread::add_communicator( Communicator comm )

    cf_assert( comm != MPI_COMM_NULL );
    cf_assert( m_comms.find(comm) == m_comms.end() );

    m_comms[comm] = new ListeningInfo();

void VectorialFunction::evaluate( const RealVector& var_values, RealVector& ret_value) const
  cf_assert(var_values.size() == m_nbvars);

  // evaluate and store the functions line by line in the vector
  std::vector<FunctionParser*>::const_iterator parser = m_parsers.begin();
  std::vector<FunctionParser*>::const_iterator end = m_parsers.end();
  Uint i = 0;
  for( ; parser != end ; ++parser, ++i )
    ret_value[i] = (*parser)->Eval(&var_values[0]);
void Triag2DLagrangeP2::mapped_coordinates(const CoordsT& coord, const NodeMatrixT& nodes, MappedCoordsT& map_coord)
  throw Common::NotImplemented( FromHere(), "" );

  cf_assert(coord.size() == 2);
  cf_assert(map_coord.size() == 2);
  cf_assert(nodes.size() == 6);

  const Real invDet = 1. / jacobian_determinant(nodes);

  map_coord[KSI] = invDet * ((nodes(2, YY) - nodes(0, YY))*coord[XX] + (nodes(0, XX) - nodes(2, XX))*coord[YY] - nodes(0, XX)*nodes(2, YY) + nodes(2, XX)*nodes(0, YY));
  map_coord[ETA] = invDet * ((nodes(0, YY) - nodes(1, YY))*coord[XX] + (nodes(1, XX) - nodes(0, XX))*coord[YY] + nodes(0, XX)*nodes(1, YY) - nodes(1, XX)*nodes(0, YY));

Exemple #7
void ListeningThread::remove_comunicator( Communicator comm )

    cf_assert( comm!= MPI_COMM_NULL );

    std::map<Communicator, ListeningInfo*>::iterator it = m_comms.find(comm);

    cf_assert( it != m_comms.end() );


RealVector& VectorialFunction::operator()( const RealVector& var_values)
  cf_assert(var_values.size() == m_nbvars);

  // evaluate and store the functions line by line in the result vector
  std::vector<FunctionParser*>::const_iterator parser = m_parsers.begin();
  std::vector<FunctionParser*>::const_iterator end = m_parsers.end();
  Uint i = 0;
  for( ; parser != end ; ++parser, ++i )
    m_result[i] = (*parser)->Eval(&var_values[0]);

  return m_result;
as_record_write_from_pickle(as_storage_rd* rd)
	cf_assert(as_bin_inuse_has(rd), AS_RECORD, "unexpected binless pickle");

	return as_storage_record_write(rd);
	struct rlimit rl;


	if (g_file_handle_a == 0) {
		if (-1 == getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl)) {
			cf_crash(AS_DEMARSHAL, "getrlimit: %s", cf_strerror(errno));

		// Initialize the message pointer array and the unread byte counters.
		g_file_handle_a = cf_calloc(rl.rlim_cur, sizeof(as_proto *));
		cf_assert(g_file_handle_a, AS_DEMARSHAL, CF_CRITICAL, "allocation: %s", cf_strerror(errno));
		g_file_handle_a_sz = rl.rlim_cur;

		for (int i = 0; i < g_file_handle_a_sz; i++) {
			cf_queue_push(g_freeslot, &i);

		pthread_create(&g_demarshal_reaper_th, 0, thr_demarshal_reaper_fn, 0);

		// If config value is 0, set a maximum proto size based on the RLIMIT.
		if (g_config.n_proto_fd_max == 0) {
			g_config.n_proto_fd_max = rl.rlim_cur / 2;
			cf_info(AS_DEMARSHAL, "setting default client file descriptors to %d", g_config.n_proto_fd_max);

Exemple #11
    typename LIB::Ptr library ()
      const std::string lname = LIB::library_namespace(); //instead of LIB::type_name();
      Component::Ptr clib = get_child_ptr(lname);

      typename LIB::Ptr lib;
      if ( is_null(clib) ) // doesnt exist so build it
        CF::Common::TypeInfo::instance().regist< LIB >( lname );
        lib = create_component_ptr< LIB >(lname);
        cf_assert( is_not_null(lib) );
        return lib;

      // try to convert existing ptr to LIB::Ptr and return it
      lib = clib->as_ptr<LIB>();

      if( is_null(lib) ) // conversion failed
        throw CastingFailed( FromHere(),
                            "Found component in CLibraries with name "
                            + lname
                            + " but is not the actual library "
                            + LIB::type_name() );
      return lib;
Exemple #12
void GrowOverlap::execute()

  CMesh& mesh = *m_mesh.lock();
  Geometry& nodes = mesh.geometry();

  const std::vector<Component::Ptr>& mesh_elements = mesh.elements().components();

  CFaceCellConnectivity& face2cell = mesh.create_component<CFaceCellConnectivity>("face2cell");

  std::map<Uint,Uint> glb_node_2_loc_node;
  std::map<Uint,Uint>::iterator glb_node_not_found = glb_node_2_loc_node.end();
  for (Uint n=0; n<nodes.size(); ++n)
    if ( glb_node_2_loc_node.find(nodes.glb_idx()[n]) == glb_node_not_found )
      glb_node_2_loc_node[nodes.glb_idx()[n]] = n;
      std::cout << PERank << "node glb idx " << nodes.glb_idx()[n] << " already exists..." << std::endl;

  std::map<Uint,Uint> glb_elem_2_loc_elem;
  std::map<Uint,Uint>::iterator glb_elem_not_found = glb_elem_2_loc_elem.end();
  for (Uint e=0; e<mesh.elements().size(); ++e)
    Component::Ptr comp;
    Uint idx;

    boost::tie(comp,idx) = mesh.elements().location(e);
    if ( CElements::Ptr elements = comp->as_ptr<CElements>() )
      if ( glb_elem_2_loc_elem.find(elements->glb_idx()[idx]) == glb_elem_not_found )
        glb_elem_2_loc_elem[elements->glb_idx()[idx]] = e;
        std::cout << PERank << "elem glb idx " << elements->glb_idx()[idx] << " already exists..." << std::endl;

  std::set<Uint> bdry_nodes;
  for (Uint f=0; f<face2cell.size(); ++f)
    cf_assert(f < face2cell.is_bdry_face().size());
    if (face2cell.is_bdry_face()[f])
      boost_foreach(const Uint node, face2cell.face_nodes(f))
Exemple #13
  inline void
  all_gathervm_impl(const Communicator& comm, const T* in_values, const int in_n, const int *in_map, T* out_values, const int *out_n, const int *out_map, const int stride )
    // get data type and number of processors
    Datatype type = PE::get_mpi_datatype(*in_values);
    int nproc;

    // if stride is smaller than one and unsupported functionality
    cf_assert( stride>0 );

    // compute displacements both on send an receive side
    // also compute stride-multiplied send and receive counts
    int *out_nstride=new int[nproc];
    int *out_disp=new int[nproc];
    for(int i=0; i<nproc-1; i++) {

    // compute total number of send and receive items
    const int in_sum=stride*in_n;
    const int out_sum=out_disp[nproc-1]+stride*out_n[nproc-1];

    // set up in_buf
    T *in_buf=(T*)in_values;
    if (in_map!=0) {
      if ( (in_buf=new T[in_sum+1]) == (T*)0 ) throw CF::Common::NotEnoughMemory(FromHere(),"Could not allocate temporary buffer."); // +1 for avoiding possible zero allocation
      if (stride==1) { for(int i=0; i<in_sum; i++) in_buf[i]=in_values[in_map[i]]; }
      else { for(int i=0; i<in_sum/stride; i++) memcpy(&in_buf[stride*i],&in_values[stride*in_map[i]],stride*sizeof(T)); }

    // set up out_buf
    T *out_buf=out_values;
    if ((out_map!=0)||(in_values==out_values)) {
      if ( (out_buf=new T[out_sum+1]) == (T*)0 ) throw CF::Common::NotEnoughMemory(FromHere(),"Could not allocate temporary buffer."); // +1 for avoiding possible zero allocation

    // do the communication
    MPI_CHECK_RESULT(MPI_Allgatherv, (in_buf, in_sum, type, out_buf, out_nstride, out_disp, type, comm));

    // re-populate out_values
    if (out_map!=0) {
      if (stride==1) { for(int i=0; i<out_sum; i++) out_values[out_map[i]]=out_buf[i]; }
      else { for(int i=0; i<out_sum/stride; i++) memcpy(&out_values[stride*out_map[i]],&out_buf[stride*i],stride*sizeof(T)); }
      delete[] out_buf;
    } else if (in_values==out_values) {
      delete[] out_buf;

    // free internal memory
    if (in_map!=0) delete[] in_buf;
    delete[] out_disp;
    delete[] out_nstride;
Exemple #14
CNode::Ptr CNodeBuilders::buildCNode( const QString & componentType,
                                      const std::string & name ) const
  cf_assert( m_builders.contains( componentType ) );

  CBuilder & builder = m_builders[componentType]->as_type<CBuilder>();

  return builder.build( name )->as_ptr_checked<CNode>();
Exemple #15
  XmlNode Protocol::add_signal_frame ( XmlNode& node, const std::string & target,
                                       const URI & sender, const URI & receiver,
                                       bool user_trans )
    cf_assert(sender.scheme() == URI::Scheme::CPATH);
    cf_assert(receiver.scheme() == URI::Scheme::CPATH);

    std::string uuid = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(boost::uuids::random_generator()());

    XmlNode signalnode = node.add_node( Tags::node_frame() );

    signalnode.set_attribute( "type", Tags::node_type_signal() );
    signalnode.set_attribute( "target", target );
    signalnode.set_attribute( "sender", sender.string() );
    signalnode.set_attribute( "receiver", receiver.string() );
    signalnode.set_attribute( "transaction", user_trans ? "user" : "auto" );
    signalnode.set_attribute( "frameid", uuid );

    return signalnode;
Exemple #16
void NLog::signal_message(SignalArgs & node)
  SignalOptions options( node );

  std::string typeStr = options.value<std::string>("type");
  std::string message = options.value<std::string>("text");
  LogMessage::Type type = LogMessage::Convert::instance().to_enum(typeStr);

  cf_assert(type != LogMessage::INVALID);

  this->appendToLog(type, true, message.c_str());
Exemple #17
void CPartitioner::query_list_of_connected_objects(void *data, int sizeGID, int sizeLID, int num_obj,
                                                   ZOLTAN_ID_PTR globalID, ZOLTAN_ID_PTR localID,
                                                   int *num_edges,
                                                   ZOLTAN_ID_PTR nborGID, int *nborProc,
                                                   int wgt_dim, float *ewgts, int *ierr)
  CMeshPartitioner& p = *(CMeshPartitioner *)data;
  *ierr = ZOLTAN_OK;


  // for debugging
#if 0
  const Uint nb_obj = p.nb_owned_objects();
  std::vector<Uint> numEdges(nb_obj);
  Uint tot_nb_edges = p.nb_connected_objects(numEdges);

  std::vector<Uint> conn_glbID(tot_nb_edges);

  std::vector<Uint> glbID(nb_obj);

  CFdebug << RANK << "conn_glbID =\n";
  Uint cnt = 0;
  index_foreach( e, const Uint nbEdge, numEdges)
    if (p.is_node(glbID[e]))
      CFdebug << "  N" << p.to_node_glb(glbID[e]) << ": ";
      CFdebug << "  E" << p.to_elem_glb(glbID[e]) << ": ";

    for (Uint c=cnt; c<cnt+nbEdge; ++c)
      if (p.is_node(conn_glbID[c]))
        CFdebug << " N" << p.to_node_glb(conn_glbID[c]);
        CFdebug << " E" << p.to_elem_glb(conn_glbID[c]);
    CFdebug << "\n";
    cnt += nbEdge;
  CFdebug << CFendl;
  cf_assert( cnt == tot_nb_edges );
  CFdebug << RANK << "total nb_edges = " << cnt << CFendl;

Exemple #18
  XmlNode Protocol::add_reply_frame ( XmlNode& node )
    cf_assert( node.is_valid() );
    cf_assert( is_not_null(node.content->parent()) );

    rapidxml::xml_node<>* xml_node = node.content;

    XmlNode replynode = XmlNode(node.content->parent()).add_node( Tags::node_frame());

    replynode.set_attribute( "type", Tags::node_type_reply() );

    // reply with same target
    rapidxml::xml_attribute<>* target_att = xml_node->first_attribute("target");
    std::string target = is_not_null(target_att) ? target_att->value() : "";
    replynode.set_attribute("target", target);

    // the sender becomes the receiver
    rapidxml::xml_attribute<>* sender_att = xml_node->first_attribute("sender");
    std::string receiver = is_not_null(sender_att) ? sender_att->value() : "";
    replynode.set_attribute("receiver", receiver);

    // same transaction type
    rapidxml::xml_attribute<>* trans_att = xml_node->first_attribute("transaction");
    std::string trans = is_not_null(trans_att) ? trans_att->value() : "auto";
    replynode.set_attribute("transaction", trans);

    // copy uuids, if any
    rapidxml::xml_attribute<>*  client_uuid_att = xml_node->first_attribute( Tags::attr_clientid() );
    rapidxml::xml_attribute<>*  frame_uuid_att = xml_node->first_attribute( Tags::attr_frameid() );

    if( is_not_null(client_uuid_att) )
      replynode.set_attribute(Tags::attr_clientid(), client_uuid_att->value());

    if( is_not_null(frame_uuid_att) )
      replynode.set_attribute(Tags::attr_frameid(), frame_uuid_att->value() );

    return replynode;
//    return XmlNode();
Exemple #19
void RK::execute()
  RDSolver& mysolver = solver().as_type< RDSolver >();

  // get the current rk k step and order

  const Uint rkorder = mysolver.properties().value<Uint>("rkorder");
  const Uint step    = mysolver.iterative_solver().properties().value<Uint>("iteration");

  if (m_solution.expired())
    m_solution = mysolver.fields().get_child( RDM::Tags::solution() ).follow()->as_ptr_checked<Field>();
  if (m_residual.expired())
    m_residual = mysolver.fields().get_child( RDM::Tags::residual() ).follow()->as_ptr_checked<Field>();
  if (m_dual_area.expired())
    m_dual_area = mysolver.fields().get_child( RDM::Tags::dual_area() ).follow()->as_ptr_checked<Field>();

  // get the correct solution to update depending on which rk k step we are

  Field::Ptr csolution_k;
  if ( step == rkorder )
    csolution_k = m_solution.lock();
    csolution_k = mysolver.fields().get_child( RDM::Tags::solution() + to_str(step) ).follow()->as_ptr_checked<Field>();

  cf_assert( is_not_null(csolution_k) );

  Field& solution_k   = *csolution_k;
  Field& dual_area    = *m_dual_area.lock();
  Field& residual     = *m_residual.lock();

  /// @todo should be used later to calculate automatically the \Delta t
     //const Real CFL = options().option("cfl").value<Real>();

  /// @todo maybe better to directly store dual_area inverse

  // implementation of the RungeKutta update step

  const Uint nbdofs = solution_k.size();
  const Uint nbvars = solution_k.row_size();
  for ( Uint i=0; i< nbdofs; ++i )
    for ( Uint j=0; j< nbvars; ++j )
      solution_k[i][j] += - residual[i][j] / dual_area[i][0];
Exemple #20
bool SignatureDialog::show(XmlNode & sig, const QString & title, bool block)
  cf_assert( sig.is_valid() );

  XmlNode node = sig.content->first_node();
  QString name;

  m_okClicked = false;



  for( ; node.is_valid() ; node.content = node.content->next_sibling())
    m_dataLayout->addOption( SignalOptions::xml_to_option(node) );

    name = node.content->first_attribute( Protocol::Tags::attr_key() )->value();

    m_nodes[name] = node;

 if( m_dataLayout->hasOptions() )
     m_isBlocking = true;
     m_isBlocking = false;
    m_okClicked = true;
    emit finished(QDialog::Accepted);

  return m_okClicked;
Exemple #21
read_dup_res_cb(rw_request* rw)

	as_transaction tr;
	as_transaction_init_from_rw(&tr, rw);

	if (tr.result_code != AS_OK) {
		send_read_response(&tr, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL);
		return true;

	if (read_must_ping(&tr)) {
		// Set up the nodes to which we'll ping.
		rw->n_dest_nodes = as_partition_get_other_replicas(tr.rsv.p,

		if (insufficient_replica_destinations(tr.rsv.ns, rw->n_dest_nodes)) {
			tr.result_code = AS_ERR_UNAVAILABLE;
			send_read_response(&tr, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL);
			return true;

		repl_ping_after_dup_res(rw, &tr);

		return false;

	// Read the local copy and respond to origin.
	transaction_status status = read_local(&tr);

	cf_assert(status != TRANS_IN_PROGRESS, AS_RW, "read in-progress");

	if (status == TRANS_WAITING) {
		// Note - new tr now owns msgp, make sure rw destructor doesn't free it.
		// Also, rw will release rsv - new tr will get a new one.
		rw->msgp = NULL;

	// Finished transaction - rw_request cleans up reservation and msgp!
	return true;
Exemple #22
void increment_solution(const RealVector& solution, const std::vector<std::string>& field_names, const std::vector<std::string>& var_names, const std::vector<Uint>& var_sizes, CMesh& solution_mesh)
  const Uint nb_vars = var_names.size();

  std::vector<Uint> var_offsets;
  for(Uint i = 0; i != nb_vars; ++i)
    var_offsets.push_back(var_offsets.back() + var_sizes[i]);

  // Copy the data to the fields, where each field value is incremented with the value from the solution vector
  std::set<std::string> unique_field_names;
  boost_foreach(const std::string& field_name, field_names)
      Field& field = find_component_with_name<Field>(solution_mesh,field_name);
      const Uint field_size = field.size();
      for(Uint row_idx = 0; row_idx != field_size; ++row_idx)
        Field::Row row = field[row_idx];
        for(Uint i = 0; i != nb_vars; ++i)
          if(field_names[i] != field_name)

          const Uint solution_begin = var_offsets.back() * row_idx + var_offsets[i];
          const Uint solution_end = solution_begin + var_sizes[i];
          Uint field_idx = field.var_index(var_names[i]);

          cf_assert( (Uint) field.var_length(var_names[i]) == (Uint) var_sizes[i]);

          for(Uint sol_idx = solution_begin; sol_idx != solution_end; ++sol_idx)
            row[field_idx++] += solution[sol_idx];
Exemple #23
std::string CField::var_name(Uint i) const
  return m_var_names.size() ? m_var_names[i] : "var";

  //  std::vector<std::string> names;
  //  switch (m_var_types[i])
  //  {
  //    case SCALAR:
  //      names += name;
  //      break;
  //    case VECTOR_2D:
  //      names += name+"x";
  //      names += name+"y";
  //      break;
  //    case VECTOR_3D:
  //      names += name+"x";
  //      names += name+"y";
  //      names += name+"z";
  //      break;
  //    case TENSOR_2D:
  //      names += name+"xx";
  //      names += name+"xy";
  //      names += name+"yx";
  //      names += name+"yy";
  //      break;
  //    case TENSOR_3D:
  //      names += name+"xx";
  //      names += name+"xy";
  //      names += name+"xz";
  //      names += name+"yx";
  //      names += name+"yy";
  //      names += name+"yz";
  //      names += name+"zx";
  //      names += name+"zy";
  //      names += name+"zz";
  //      break;
  //    default:
  //      break;
  //  }
  //  return names;
Exemple #24
repl_ping_cb(rw_request* rw)
	BENCHMARK_NEXT_DATA_POINT_FROM(rw, batch_sub, FROM_BATCH, repl_ping);

	as_transaction tr;
	as_transaction_init_from_rw(&tr, rw);

	// Read the local copy and respond to origin.
	transaction_status status = read_local(&tr);

	cf_assert(status != TRANS_IN_PROGRESS, AS_RW, "read in-progress");

	if (status == TRANS_WAITING) {
		// Note - new tr now owns msgp, make sure rw destructor doesn't free it.
		// Also, rw will release rsv - new tr will get a new one.
		rw->msgp = NULL;
Exemple #25
void CField::create_data_storage()

  cf_assert( m_var_types.size()!=0 );
  cf_assert( is_not_null(m_topology->follow()) );

  // Check if there are coordinates in this field, and add to map
  m_coords = find_parent_component<CMesh>(topology()).nodes().coordinates().as_ptr<CTable<Real> >();

  Uint row_size(0);
  boost_foreach(const VarType var_size, m_var_types)
    row_size += Uint(var_size);


  switch (m_basis)
    case Basis::POINT_BASED:
      m_used_nodes = CElements::used_nodes(topology()).as_ptr<CList<Uint> >();
    case Basis::ELEMENT_BASED:
      Uint data_size = 0;
      boost_foreach(CEntities& field_elements, find_components_recursively<CEntities>(topology()))
        if (field_elements.exists_space(m_space_name) == false)
          throw ValueNotFound(FromHere(),"space \""+m_space_name+"\" does not exist in "+field_elements.uri().path());

        m_elements_start_idx[field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>()] = data_size;
        CFieldView field_view("tmp_field_view");
        data_size = field_view.initialize(*this,field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>());
    case Basis::CELL_BASED:
      Uint data_size = 0;
      boost_foreach(CEntities& field_elements, find_components_recursively<CCells>(topology()))
        //CFinfo << name() << ": creating cellbased field storage in " << field_elements.uri().path() << CFendl;
        if (field_elements.exists_space(m_space_name) == false)
          throw ValueNotFound(FromHere(),"space \""+m_space_name+"\" does not exist in "+field_elements.uri().path());

        m_elements_start_idx[field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>()] = data_size;
        CFieldView field_view("tmp_field_view");
        data_size = field_view.initialize(*this,field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>());
    case Basis::FACE_BASED:
      Uint data_size = 0;
      boost_foreach(CEntities& field_elements, find_components_recursively_with_tag<CEntities>(topology(),Mesh::Tags::face_entity()))
        if (field_elements.exists_space(m_space_name) == false)
          throw ValueNotFound(FromHere(),"space \""+m_space_name+"\" does not exist in "+field_elements.uri().path());

        m_elements_start_idx[field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>()] = data_size;
        CFieldView field_view("tmp_field_view");
        data_size = field_view.initialize(*this,field_elements.as_ptr<CEntities>());

      throw NotSupported(FromHere() , "Basis can only be ELEMENT_BASED or NODE_BASED");
Exemple #26
void NLog::addException(const QString & message)

  this->appendToLog(LogMessage::EXCEPTION, false, message);
Exemple #27
/* cf_socket_init_svc
 * Initialize a socket for listening
 * Leaves the socket in a blocking state - if you want nonblocking, set nonblocking
cf_socket_init_svc(cf_socket_cfg *s)
    struct timespec delay;
    cf_assert(s, CF_SOCKET, CF_CRITICAL, "invalid argument");
    if (!s->addr) {
        cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "could not initialize service, check config file");
    if (s->port == 0) {
        cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "could not initialize service, missing port, check config file");

    delay.tv_sec = 5;
    delay.tv_nsec = 0;

    /* Create the socket */
    if (0 > (s->sock = socket(AF_INET, s->proto, 0))) {
        cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "socket: %s", cf_strerror(errno));
    s->saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    if (1 != inet_pton(AF_INET, s->addr, &s->saddr.sin_addr.s_addr)) {
        cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "inet_pton: %s", cf_strerror(errno));
    s->saddr.sin_port = htons(s->port);

    if (s->reuse_addr) {
        int v = 1;
        setsockopt(s->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &v, sizeof(v) );

    /* Set close-on-exec */
    fcntl(s->sock, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);

    // I've tried a little tuning here, doesn't seem terribly important.
    // int flag = (1024 * 32);
    // setsockopt(s->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &flag, sizeof(flag) );
    // setsockopt(s->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &flag, sizeof(flag) );

    // No-delay is terribly important, but setting here doesn't seem all that effective. Doesn't
    // seem to effect the accepted file descriptors derived from the listen fd
    // int flag = 1;
    // setsockopt(s->sock, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &flag, sizeof(flag) );

    /* Bind to the socket; if we can't, nanosleep() and retry */
    while (0 > (bind(s->sock, (struct sockaddr *)&s->saddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)))) {
        if (EADDRINUSE != errno) {
            cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "bind: %s", cf_strerror(errno));

        cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "bind: socket in use, waiting (port:%d)",s->port);

        nanosleep(&delay, NULL);

    /* Listen for connections */
    if ((SOCK_STREAM == s->proto) && (0 > listen(s->sock, 512))) {
        cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "listen: %s", cf_strerror(errno));

as_namespace *
as_namespace_create(char *name, uint16_t replication_factor)
	if (strlen(name) >= AS_ID_NAMESPACE_SZ) {
		cf_warning(AS_NAMESPACE, "can't create namespace: name length too long");
		return NULL;

	if (replication_factor < 2) {
		cf_warning(AS_NAMESPACE, "can't create namespace: need replication factor >= 2");
		return NULL;

	if (g_config.n_namespaces >= AS_NAMESPACE_SZ) {
		cf_warning(AS_NAMESPACE, "can't create namespace: already have %d", AS_NAMESPACE_SZ);
		return NULL;

	for (int i = 0; i < g_config.n_namespaces; i++) {
		if (0 == strcmp(g_config.namespaces[i]->name, name)) {
			cf_warning(AS_NAMESPACE, "can't create namespace: namespace %s mentioned again in the configuration", name);
			return NULL;

	as_namespace *ns = cf_malloc(sizeof(as_namespace));
	cf_assert(ns, AS_NAMESPACE, CF_CRITICAL, "%s as_namespace allocation failed", name);

	// Set all members 0/NULL/false to start with.
	memset(ns, 0, sizeof(as_namespace));

	strncpy(ns->name, name, AS_ID_NAMESPACE_SZ - 1);
	ns->name[AS_ID_NAMESPACE_SZ - 1] = '\0';
	ns->id = ++g_namespace_id_counter; // note that id is 1-based

#ifdef USE_JEM
	if (-1 == (ns->jem_arena = jem_create_arena())) {
		cf_crash(AS_NAMESPACE, "can't create JEMalloc arena for namespace %s", name);
	} else {
		cf_info(AS_NAMESPACE, "Created JEMalloc arena #%d for namespace \"%s\"", ns->jem_arena, name);
	as_namespace_set_jem_arena(ns->name, ns->jem_arena);

	ns->cold_start = false; // try warm restart unless told not to
	ns->arena = NULL; // can't create the arena until the configuration has been done

	// Configuration defaults.

	ns->replication_factor = replication_factor;
	ns->cfg_replication_factor = replication_factor;
	ns->memory_size = 1024LL * 1024LL * 1024LL * 4LL; // default memory limit is 4G per namespace
	ns->default_ttl = 0; // default time-to-live is unlimited
	ns->enable_xdr = false;
	ns->sets_enable_xdr = true; // ship all the sets by default
	ns->ns_forward_xdr_writes = false; // forwarding of xdr writes is disabled by default
	ns->ns_allow_nonxdr_writes = true; // allow nonxdr writes by default
	ns->ns_allow_xdr_writes = true; // allow xdr writes by default
	ns->cold_start_evict_ttl = 0xFFFFffff; // unless this is specified via config file, use evict void-time saved in device header
	ns->data_in_index = false;
	ns->evict_tenths_pct = 5; // default eviction amount is 0.5%
	ns->hwm_disk = 0.5; // default high water mark for eviction is 50%
	ns->hwm_memory = 0.6; // default high water mark for eviction is 60%
	ns->ldt_enabled = false; // By default ldt is not enabled
	ns->ldt_page_size = 8192; // default ldt page size is 8192
	ns->ldt_gc_sleep_us = 500; // Default is sleep for .5Ms. This translates to constant 2k Subrecord
							   // GC per second.
	ns->obj_size_hist_max = OBJ_SIZE_HIST_NUM_BUCKETS;
	ns->single_bin = false;
	ns->stop_writes_pct = 0.9; // stop writes when 90% of either memory or disk is used

	// Set default server policies which are used only when the corresponding override is true:
	ns->read_consistency_level = AS_POLICY_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL_ONE;
	ns->read_consistency_level_override = false;
	ns->write_commit_level = AS_POLICY_COMMIT_LEVEL_ALL;
	ns->write_commit_level_override = false;

	ns->storage_type = AS_STORAGE_ENGINE_MEMORY;
	ns->storage_data_in_memory = true;
	// Note - default true is consistent with AS_STORAGE_ENGINE_MEMORY, but
	// cfg.c will set default false for AS_STORAGE_ENGINE_SSD and KV.

	ns->storage_filesize = 1024LL * 1024LL * 1024LL * 16LL; // default file size is 16G per file
	ns->storage_scheduler_mode = NULL; // null indicates default is to not change scheduler mode
	ns->storage_write_block_size = 1024 * 1024;
	ns->storage_defrag_lwm_pct = 50; // defrag if occupancy of block is < 50%
	ns->storage_defrag_queue_min = 0; // don't defrag unless the queue has this many eligible wblocks (0: defrag anything queued)
	ns->storage_defrag_sleep = 1000; // sleep this many microseconds between each wblock
	ns->storage_defrag_startup_minimum = 10; // defrag until >= 10% disk is writable before joining cluster
	ns->storage_flush_max_us = 1000 * 1000; // wait this many microseconds before flushing inactive current write buffer (0 = never)
	ns->storage_fsync_max_us = 0; // fsync interval in microseconds (0 = never)
	ns->storage_max_write_cache = 1024 * 1024 * 64;
	ns->storage_min_avail_pct = 5; // stop writes when < 5% disk is writable
	ns->storage_num_write_blocks = 64; // number of write blocks to use with KV store devices
	ns->storage_post_write_queue = 256; // number of wblocks per device used as post-write cache
	ns->storage_read_block_size = 64 * 1024; // size in bytes of read buffers to use with KV store devices
	// [Note - current FusionIO maximum read buffer size is 1MB - 512B.]
	ns->storage_write_threads = 1;

	ns->sindex_data_max_memory = ULONG_MAX;
	ns->sindex_data_memory_used = 0;
	ns->sindex_cfg_var_hash = NULL;
	ns->sindex_num_partitions = DEFAULT_PARTITIONS_PER_INDEX;

    // Geospatial query within defaults
    ns->geo2dsphere_within_strict = true;
    ns->geo2dsphere_within_min_level = 1;
    ns->geo2dsphere_within_max_level = 30;
    ns->geo2dsphere_within_max_cells = 12;
    ns->geo2dsphere_within_level_mod = 1;
    ns->geo2dsphere_within_earth_radius_meters = 6371000;  // Wikipedia, mean

	// END - Configuration defaults.

	g_config.namespaces[g_config.n_namespaces] = ns;

	char hist_name[HISTOGRAM_NAME_SIZE];
	// Note - histograms' ranges MUST be set before use.

	sprintf(hist_name, "%s object size histogram", name);
	ns->obj_size_hist = linear_histogram_create(hist_name, 0, 0, OBJ_SIZE_HIST_NUM_BUCKETS);

	sprintf(hist_name, "%s evict histogram", name);
	ns->evict_hist = linear_histogram_create(hist_name, 0, 0, EVICTION_HIST_NUM_BUCKETS);

	sprintf(hist_name, "%s evict coarse histogram", name);
	ns->evict_coarse_hist = linear_histogram_create(hist_name, 0, 0, EVICTION_HIST_NUM_BUCKETS);

	sprintf(hist_name, "%s ttl histogram", name);
	ns->ttl_hist = linear_histogram_create(hist_name, 0, 0, EVICTION_HIST_NUM_BUCKETS);

	return ns;
as_namespace_eval_write_state(as_namespace *ns, bool *hwm_breached, bool *stop_writes)
	cf_assert(ns, AS_NAMESPACE, CF_WARNING, "NULL namespace");
	cf_assert(hwm_breached, AS_NAMESPACE, CF_WARNING, "NULL parameter, hwm_breached");
	cf_assert(stop_writes, AS_NAMESPACE, CF_WARNING, "NULL parameter, stop_writes");

	*hwm_breached = false;
	*stop_writes = false;

	// Compute the space limits on this namespace
	uint64_t mem_lim = ns->memory_size;
	uint64_t ssd_lim = ns->ssd_size;

	// Compute the high-watermarks - memory.
	uint64_t mem_hwm = mem_lim * ns->hwm_memory;
	uint64_t mem_stop_writes = mem_lim * ns->stop_writes_pct;

	// Compute the high-watermark - disk.
	uint64_t ssd_hwm = ssd_lim * ns->hwm_disk;

	// compute disk size of namespace
	uint64_t disk_sz = 0;
	int disk_avail_pct = 0;

	as_storage_stats(ns, &disk_avail_pct, &disk_sz);

	// Protection check! Make sure we are not wrapped around for the disk_sz and erroneously evict!
	if (disk_sz > CL_PETA_BYTES) {
		cf_warning(AS_NAMESPACE, "namespace disk bytes big %"PRIu64" please bring node down to reset counter", disk_sz);
		disk_sz = 0;
	// Protection check! Make sure we are not wrapped around for the memory counter and erroneously evict!
	if (cf_atomic_int_get(ns->n_bytes_memory) > CL_TERA_BYTES) {
		cf_warning(AS_NAMESPACE, "namespace memory bytes big %"PRIu64" please bring node down to reset counter", cf_atomic_int_get(ns->n_bytes_memory));
		cf_atomic_int_set(&ns->n_bytes_memory, 0);

	// compute memory size of namespace
	// compute index size - index is always stored in memory
	uint64_t index_sz = cf_atomic_int_get(ns->n_objects) * as_index_size_get(ns);
	uint64_t sub_index_sz = cf_atomic_int_get(ns->n_sub_objects) * as_index_size_get(ns);
	uint64_t sindex_sz = as_sindex_get_ns_memory_used(ns);
	uint64_t data_in_memory_sz = cf_atomic_int_get(ns->n_bytes_memory);
	uint64_t memory_sz = index_sz + sub_index_sz + data_in_memory_sz + sindex_sz;

	// Possible reasons for eviction or stopping writes.
	// (We don't use all combinations, but in case we change our minds...)
	static const char* reasons[] = {
		"", " (memory)", " (disk)", " (memory & disk)", " (disk avail pct)", " (memory & disk avail pct)", " (disk & disk avail pct)", " (all)"

	// check if the high water mark is breached
	uint32_t how_breached = 0x0;

	if (memory_sz > mem_hwm) {
		*hwm_breached = true;
		how_breached = 0x1;

	if (disk_sz > ssd_hwm) {
		*hwm_breached = true;
		how_breached |= 0x2;

	// check if the writes should be stopped
	uint32_t why_stopped = 0x0;

	if (memory_sz > mem_stop_writes) {
		*stop_writes = true;
		why_stopped = 0x1;

	if (disk_avail_pct < (int)ns->storage_min_avail_pct) {
		*stop_writes = true;
		why_stopped |= 0x4;

	if (*hwm_breached || *stop_writes) {
		cf_warning(AS_NAMESPACE, "{%s} hwm_breached %s%s, stop_writes %s%s, memory sz:%"PRIu64" (%"PRIu64" + %"PRIu64") hwm:%"PRIu64" sw:%"PRIu64", disk sz:%"PRIu64" hwm:%"PRIu64,
				ns->name, *hwm_breached ? "true" : "false", reasons[how_breached], *stop_writes ? "true" : "false", reasons[why_stopped],
				memory_sz, index_sz, data_in_memory_sz, mem_hwm, mem_stop_writes,
				disk_sz, ssd_hwm);
	else {
		cf_debug(AS_NAMESPACE, "{%s} hwm_breached %s%s, stop_writes %s%s, memory sz:%"PRIu64" (%"PRIu64" + %"PRIu64") hwm:%"PRIu64" sw:%"PRIu64", disk sz:%"PRIu64" hwm:%"PRIu64,
				ns->name, *hwm_breached ? "true" : "false", reasons[how_breached], *stop_writes ? "true" : "false", reasons[why_stopped],
				memory_sz, index_sz, data_in_memory_sz, mem_hwm, mem_stop_writes,
				disk_sz, ssd_hwm);
Exemple #30
/* cf_socket_init_client
 * Connect a socket to a remote endpoint
cf_socket_init_client(cf_socket_cfg *s, int timeout)
    cf_assert(s, CF_SOCKET, CF_CRITICAL, "invalid argument");

    if (0 > (s->sock = socket(AF_INET, s->proto, 0))) {
        cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "socket: %s", cf_strerror(errno));

    fcntl(s->sock, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);  /* close on exec */
    fcntl(s->sock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); /* non-blocking */

    // Try tuning the window: must be done before connect
//	int flag = (1024 * 32);
//	setsockopt(s->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &flag, sizeof(flag) );
//	setsockopt(s->sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, &flag, sizeof(flag) );

    s->saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    int rv = inet_pton(AF_INET, s->addr, &s->saddr.sin_addr.s_addr);
    if (rv < 0) {
        cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "inet_pton: %s", cf_strerror(errno));
    } else if (rv == 0) {
        cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "inet_pton: invalid ip %s", s->addr);
    s->saddr.sin_port = htons(s->port);

    rv = connect(s->sock, (struct sockaddr *)&s->saddr, sizeof(s->saddr));
    cf_debug(CF_SOCKET, "connect: rv %d errno %s",rv,cf_strerror(errno));

    if (rv < 0) {
        int epoll_fd = -1;

        if (errno == EINPROGRESS) {
            cf_clock start = cf_getms();

            if (0 > (epoll_fd = epoll_create(1))) {
                cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "epoll_create() failed (errno %d: \"%s\")", errno, cf_strerror(errno));
                goto Fail;

            struct epoll_event event;
            memset(&event, 0, sizeof(struct epoll_event));
            event.data.fd = s->sock;
            event.events = EPOLLOUT;

            if (0 > epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, s->sock, &event)) {
                cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "epoll_ctl(ADD) of client socket failed (errno %d: \"%s\")", errno, cf_strerror(errno));
                goto Fail;

            int tries = 0;
            do {
                int nevents = 0;
                int max_events = 1;
                int wait_ms = 1;
                struct epoll_event events[max_events];

                if (0 > (nevents = epoll_wait(epoll_fd, events, max_events, wait_ms))) {
                    if (errno == EINTR) {
                        cf_debug(CF_SOCKET, "epoll_wait() on client socket encountered EINTR ~~ Retrying!");
                        goto Retry;
                    } else {
                        cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "epoll_wait() on client socket failed (errno %d: \"%s\") ~~ Failing!", errno, cf_strerror(errno));
                        goto Fail;
                } else {
                    if (nevents == 0) {
                        cf_debug(CF_SOCKET, "epoll_wait() returned no events ~~ Retrying!");
                        goto Retry;
                    if (nevents != 1) {
                        cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "epoll_wait() returned %d events ~~ only 1 expected, so ignoring others!", nevents);
                    if (events[0].data.fd == s->sock) {
                        if (events[0].events & EPOLLOUT) {
                            cf_debug(CF_SOCKET, "epoll_wait() on client socket ready for write detected ~~ Succeeding!");
                        } else {
                            // (Note:  ERR and HUP events are automatically waited for as well.)
                            if (events[0].events & (EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP)) {
                                cf_debug(CF_SOCKET, "epoll_wait() on client socket detected failure event 0x%x ~~ Failing!", events[0].events);
                            } else {
                                cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "epoll_wait() on client socket detected non-write events 0x%x ~~ Failing!", events[0].events);
                            goto Fail;
                    } else {
                        cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "epoll_wait() on client socket returned event on unknown socket %d ~~ Retrying!", events[0].data.fd);
                        goto Retry;
                    if (0 > epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, s->sock, &event)) {
                        cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "epoll_ctl(DEL) on client socket failed (errno %d: \"%s\")", errno, cf_strerror(errno));
                    goto Success;
                cf_debug(CF_SOCKET, "Connect epoll loop:  Retry #%d", tries++);
                if (start + timeout < cf_getms()) {
                    cf_warning(CF_SOCKET, "Error in delayed connect() to %s:%d: timed out", s->addr, s->port);
                    errno = ETIMEDOUT;
                    goto Fail;
            } while (1);
        cf_debug(CF_SOCKET, "connect failed to %s:%d : %s", s->addr, s->port, cf_strerror(errno));

        if (epoll_fd > 0) {

        s->sock = -1;
    } else {
        cf_debug(CF_SOCKET, "client socket connect() to %s:%d in 1 try!", s->addr, s->port);
    // regarding this: calling here doesn't seem terribly effective.
    // on the fabric threads, it seems important to set no-delay much later
    int flag = 1;
    setsockopt(s->sock, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &flag, sizeof(flag));
    long farg = fcntl(s->sock, F_GETFL, 0);
    fcntl(s->sock, F_SETFL, farg & (~O_NONBLOCK)); /* blocking again */
