Exemple #1
void grdnav_init()
  int ier, iret, nitm;
  char buf[255], subst[255], *cpos;
  FILE *fp;
  nav_list *q;

  if ( ( fp = cfl_tbop ( "grdnav.tbl", "grid", &ier) ) != NULL ) {
    while ( ier == 0 ) {
      cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buf), buf, &ier);
      if  ( ( ier == 0 ) && ( ( q = (nav_list *)malloc( sizeof(nav_list) ) ) != NULL ) ) {

	cpos = cst_split( buf, ' ', sizeof(subst)-1, subst, &iret);
        if ( iret == 0 ) {
	  cst_ncpy(q->id,subst,sizeof(q->id)-1, &iret);
	  cst_ldsp(cpos, cpos, &nitm, &iret);

	cpos = cst_split( cpos, ' ', sizeof(subst)-1, subst, &iret);
        if ( ( iret == 0 ) && ( cpos != NULL ) ) {
          iret = sscanf(subst,"%d",&(q->gnum));
	  cst_ldsp(cpos, cpos, &nitm, &iret);
        else {

	cpos = cst_split( cpos, ' ', sizeof(subst)-1, subst, &iret);
        if ( ( iret == 0 ) && ( cpos != NULL ) ) {
	  cst_ncpy(q->proj,subst,sizeof(q->proj)-1, &iret);
	  cst_ldsp(cpos, cpos, &nitm, &iret);
	else {

	iret = sscanf(cpos,"%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %d %d",
			&(q->angle[0]), &(q->angle[1]), &(q->angle[2]),
			&(q->llt), &(q->lln), &(q->ult), &(q->uln),
			&(q->kx), &(q->ky) );
        if ( iret == 9 ) {
	   q->next = nav_head;
	   nav_head = q;
        else {

Exemple #2
void cds_scal ( char *fname, int *iret )
 * cds_scal								*
 *									*
 * This function sets the scaling factors for the objects.		*
 *									*
 * cds_scal ( fname, iret )						*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*fname		char		Scaling factor file name 	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					0 - successful			* 
 *			       	       -1 - file open error    		*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * C. Lin/EAI	        03/98						*
 * I. Durham/GSC	05/98	Changed underscore decl. to an include  *
 * F. J. Yen/NCEP	05/98	Removed pip stroke			*
int   ier;
char  buffer[256], pname[64], ignore[20];
float val;
FILE  *fp;


	*iret = 0;

	fp = (FILE *)cfl_tbop( fname, "pgen", &ier );
	if ( fp == NULL || ier != 0 ) {
		*iret = -1;

        while ( !feof(fp) ) {

            cfl_trln(fp, 256, buffer, &ier);

            if ( ier == 0 && strchr(buffer, '=') ) {

                sscanf(buffer, "%s %s %f", pname, ignore, &val );

		if ( val <= SCALE_MIN || val > SCALE_MAX )
		    val = 1.0F;
		if ( strcmp(pname, "PIPSIZE") == 0 ) 
		    cdsPipSiz    = val;
		else if ( strcmp(pname, "FRONTSTRENGTH") == 0 )
		    cdsFrntStrngth = val;
		else if ( strcmp(pname, "SYMWIDTH") == 0 )
		    cdsSymWdth   = val;
		else if ( strcmp(pname, "SYMSIZE") == 0 )
		    cdsSymSiz    = val;
		else if ( strcmp(pname, "WINDWIDTH") == 0 )
		    cdsWindWdth  = val;
		else if ( strcmp(pname, "WINDSIZE") == 0 )
		    cdsWindSiz   = val;
		else if ( strcmp(pname, "WINDHDSIZ") == 0 )
		    cdsWindHdsiz = val;
		else if ( strcmp(pname, "LINEWIDTH") == 0 )
		    cdsLineWdth  = val;
		else if ( strcmp(pname, "SPLWIDTH") == 0 )
		    cdsSplWdth   = val;
		else if ( strcmp(pname, "SPLSIZE") == 0 )
		    cdsSplSiz    = val;
		else if ( strcmp(pname, "TEXTSIZE") == 0 )
		    cdsTxtSiz    = val;
		else if ( strcmp(pname, "TEXTWIDTH") == 0 )
		    cdsTxtWdth   = val;
		else if ( strcmp(pname, "SPTXTSIZE") == 0 )
		    cdsSptSiz    = val;
		else if ( strcmp(pname, "SPTXTWIDTH") == 0 )
		    cdsSptWdth   = val;


Exemple #3
void ctb_g2rdvar ( char *tbname, G2vars_t *vartbl, int *iret ) 
 * ctb_g2rdvar								*
 *									*
 * This routine will read a GRIB2 Parameter                             *
 * table into an array of structures.	                                *
 * The table is allocated locally and a pointer to the new table is     *
 * passed back to the user in argument vartbl.  The user is resposible  *
 * for freeing this memory, when the table is no longer needed, by      *
 * free(vartbl.info)                                                    *
 *									*
 * ctb_g2rdvar ( tbname, vartbl, iret )				        *
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*tbname		char		Filename of the table to read   *
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*vartbl	G2vars_t	Pointer to list of table entries        *
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *                                        0 = Successful                *
 *                                       -1 = Could not open            *
 *                                       -2 = Could not get count of    *
 *                                            of table entries.         *
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * S. Gilbert/NCEP	 11/04	Modified from ctb_g2rdcntr to read a    *
 *                              GRIB2 Parameter Table.                  *
        FILE     *fp = NULL;
        int      n, blen,  nr, ier;
        char     buffer[256]; 
        char     name[33], gname[13], unts[21];
        int      disc, cat, parm, pdtn, scl, ihzrmp, idrct;
        float    msng;

        const    int  ncoln=110;

	*iret = G_NORMAL;

         *  Open the table. If not found return an error.

        fp = cfl_tbop( tbname, "grid", &ier);
        if ( fp == NULL  ||  ier != 0 )  {
            if (fp)
            *iret = -1;

        cfl_tbnr(fp, &nr, &ier);
        if ( ier != 0 || nr == 0 ) {
            *iret = -2;
            cfl_clos(fp, &ier);

        vartbl->info = malloc((size_t)nr*sizeof(G2Vinfo));
        if (vartbl->info == NULL) {
            *iret = -1;
            cfl_clos(fp, &ier);
        vartbl->nlines = nr;

        n  = 0;
        while ( n < nr ) {

            cfl_trln( fp, 256, buffer, &ier );
            if ( ier != 0 ) {

	    cst_lstr (  buffer, &blen, &ier );

            if ( blen > ncoln ) {
                sscanf( buffer,
                        "%12d %12d %12d %12d %32c %20c %12s %12d %20f %12d %12d",
                            &disc, &cat, &parm, &pdtn,
                            name, unts, gname,
                            &scl, &msng, &ihzrmp, &idrct );
            else {
                sscanf( buffer, "%12d %12d %12d %12d %32c %20c %12s %12d %20f",
                            &disc, &cat, &parm, &pdtn,
                            name, unts, gname,
                            &scl, &msng);
                ihzrmp = 0;
                idrct = 0;

	    name[32] = '\0';
	    unts[20] = '\0';
	    gname[12] = '\0';

            strcpy(vartbl->info[n].name,    name);
            strcpy(vartbl->info[n].units,   unts);
            strcpy(vartbl->info[n].gemname, gname);
            vartbl->info[n].hzremap = ihzrmp;
            vartbl->info[n].direction = idrct;


        cfl_clos(fp, &ier);

int main (int argc , char **argv)

 * main                                                                 *
 *                                                                      *
 * Main program of createbinfo.                                         *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output (from printf) must be re-directed to the proper info file 	*
 * within the script.        						*
 *                                                                      *
 * main(argc, argv)                                                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *  argc   int      number of parameters of command line                *
 *  argv   char**   parameter array of command line                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 * Return parameters:                                                   *
 *                      NONE                                            *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP     12/98						* 
 * T. Piper/GSC		 8/00	Modified for new generic boundary info  *
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 6/05	Incr accuracy from 2 decimal digits to 4*

char	buff[256], id[7], name[64];
int	i, ier, ilat, ilon, k, length, nparts, nptot, npts, num, pst;
float	fltptr[20], lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, minlat, minlon, maxlat, maxlon;

FILE	*fp;
long	lpos, lposp;

Bnd_t	boundary;
     *  Print out the name of the BOUNDARY file.
    boundary.filename = (char *)malloc( sizeof(char) * strlen(argv[1]) + 1);
    strcpy ( boundary.filename, argv[1] );
    printf("!\n!    BOUNDARIES FILENAME \n%s\n!\n", 
		boundary.filename );

    fp = (FILE *)cfl_tbop ( boundary.filename, "bounds", &ier );

     *  Allocate and initialize boundary location structure
    boundary.nbnd = 0;
    boundary.bound = (BInfo_t *)malloc(MAX_BOUNDS*sizeof(BInfo_t));
    for ( i = 0; i < MAX_BOUNDS; i++ )  {
	boundary.bound[i].name = (char *)malloc( sizeof(char) * MAX_NAMELEN + 1);
	boundary.bound[i].name[0] = '\0';
	boundary.bound[i].info = (char *)malloc( sizeof(char) * MAX_NAMELEN + 1);
	boundary.bound[i].info[0] = '\0';
	boundary.bound[i].strec   = 0;
    	boundary.bound[i].cenlat  = RMISSD;
	boundary.bound[i].cenlon  = RMISSD;
	boundary.bound[i].minlat  = RMISSD;
	boundary.bound[i].minlon  = RMISSD;
	boundary.bound[i].maxlat  = RMISSD;
	boundary.bound[i].maxlon  = RMISSD;
	boundary.bound[i].nparts  = 0;
    cfl_wher ( fp, &lpos, &ier );
    cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );

    if ( ier == 0 )  {

	sscanf ( buff, "%s %s %d %d %d", id,
		     name, &ilat, &ilon, &nparts );

	boundary.bound[0].bndspt = 
	    (Bndsprt_t *)malloc(nparts*sizeof(Bndsprt_t));

	/*  Read the second header line  */
	cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );
	strcpy ( boundary.bound[0].info, buff);
	for ( k = 0; k < nparts; k++ )  {

    	    cfl_wher ( fp, &lposp, &ier );
            cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );
	    sscanf ( buff, "%d %f %f %f %f", &npts,
		    &lat1, &lat2, &lon1, &lon2 );
	    boundary.bound[0].bndspt[k].minlat = G_MIN ( lat1, lat2 );
	    boundary.bound[0].bndspt[k].maxlat = G_MAX ( lat1, lat2 );
	    boundary.bound[0].bndspt[k].minlon = G_MIN ( lon1, lon2 );
	    boundary.bound[0].bndspt[k].maxlon = G_MAX ( lon1, lon2 );
	    boundary.bound[0].bndspt[k].strec = lposp;
	    boundary.bound[0].bndspt[k].npts = npts / 2;
	    cst_rxbl ( buff, buff, &length, &ier );
	    cst_rlst ( buff, ' ', RMISSD, (int) (sizeof(fltptr)/sizeof(float)), 
		       fltptr, &num, &ier);
	    nptot = ( num - 5 );
	    while ( ier == 0 && nptot < npts )  {
                cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );
	        if ( ier == 0 )  {
		    cst_rxbl ( buff, buff, &length, &ier );
		    cst_rlst ( buff, ' ', RMISSD, sizeof(fltptr)/sizeof(float), 
			       fltptr, &num, &ier);
		    nptot += num;
	        }   /*  Loop over all points in one part  */

	}  /*  Loop over all parts in one bound  */

	if ( ier == 0 )  {

	    strcpy ( boundary.bound[0].name, name );
	    boundary.bound[0].strec = lpos;
	    boundary.bound[0].cenlat = ilat / 100.0;
	    boundary.bound[0].cenlon = ilon / 100.0;
	    boundary.bound[0].nparts = nparts;




    while ( ier == 0 )  {

        cfl_wher ( fp, &lpos, &ier );
	cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );

        if ( ier == 0 )  {

	    pst = boundary.nbnd - 1;
	    sscanf ( buff, "%s %s %d %d %d", id,
		   name,  &ilat, &ilon, &nparts );
	    strcpy ( boundary.bound[pst].name, name );
	    boundary.bound[pst].strec = lpos;
	    boundary.bound[pst].cenlat = ilat / 100.0;
            boundary.bound[pst].cenlon = ilon / 100.0;
	    boundary.bound[pst].nparts = nparts;

	/*  Read the second header line  */
	    cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );
  	    strcpy ( boundary.bound[pst].info, buff);

            boundary.bound[pst].bndspt = 
		(Bndsprt_t *)malloc(nparts*sizeof(Bndsprt_t));

	    for ( k = 0; k < nparts; k++ )  {

    	      cfl_wher ( fp, &lposp, &ier );
              cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );

	      sscanf ( buff, "%d %f %f %f %f", &npts,
		    &lat1, &lat2, &lon1, &lon2 );
	      boundary.bound[pst].bndspt[k].minlat = G_MIN(lat1,lat2);
	      boundary.bound[pst].bndspt[k].maxlat = G_MAX(lat1,lat2);
	      boundary.bound[pst].bndspt[k].minlon = G_MIN(lon1,lon2);
	      boundary.bound[pst].bndspt[k].maxlon = G_MAX(lon1,lon2);
	      boundary.bound[pst].bndspt[k].strec = lposp;
	      boundary.bound[pst].bndspt[k].npts = npts / 2;
	      cst_rxbl( buff, buff, &length, &ier );
	      cst_rlst( buff, ' ', RMISSD, (int) (sizeof(fltptr)/sizeof(float)),
		       fltptr, &num, &ier);
	      nptot = ( num - 5 );
	      while ( ier == 0 && nptot < npts )  {
                cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );
	        if ( ier == 0 )  {
		    cst_rxbl ( buff, buff, &length, &ier );
		    cst_rlst ( buff, ' ', RMISSD, sizeof(fltptr)/sizeof(float), 
			       fltptr, &num, &ier);
		    nptot += num;




    boundary.maxpts = 0;
    for ( i = 0; i < boundary.nbnd; i++ )  {
        minlat =   90.0;
        minlon =  360.0;
        maxlat =  -90.0;
        maxlon = -360.0;
        for ( k = 0; k < boundary.bound[i].nparts; k++ )  {
	  minlat=G_MIN ( minlat, boundary.bound[i].bndspt[k].minlat );
	  minlon=G_MIN ( minlon, boundary.bound[i].bndspt[k].minlon );
	  maxlat=G_MAX ( maxlat, boundary.bound[i].bndspt[k].maxlat );
	  maxlon=G_MAX ( maxlon, boundary.bound[i].bndspt[k].maxlon );
	  boundary.maxpts = 
	    G_MAX ( boundary.maxpts, boundary.bound[i].bndspt[k].npts );
	boundary.bound[i].minlat = minlat;
	boundary.bound[i].minlon = minlon;
	boundary.bound[i].maxlat = maxlat;
	boundary.bound[i].maxlon = maxlon;

     *  Print out number of bounds.
    printf("!    TOTAL NUMBER OF BOUNDS\n%d\n!\n", boundary.nbnd );

    printf("!    MAX NUMBER OF POINTS per BOUND\n%d\n!\n", boundary.maxpts );

    printf("!    BOUNDARY STRUCTURE INFORMATION\n!\n" );

     *  Dump the information.
    for ( i = 0; i < boundary.nbnd; i++ )  {
	printf("!\n%-s %-12ld %-.2f %-.2f %-.2f %-.2f %-.2f %-.2f %-5d\n",
		boundary.bound[i].nparts );
	printf("%s\n", boundary.bound[i].info);
	for ( k = 0; k < boundary.bound[i].nparts; k++ )  {
	    printf("\t%-12ld %-.2f %-.2f %-.2f %-.2f %-8d \n",
		boundary.bound[i].bndspt[k].npts );
Exemple #5
void clo_rdstn ( Stn_t *stn, char *fnm, char *alias, int *iret )
 * clo_rdstn								*
 *									*
 * This function loads station table information into the standard	*
 * station information structure.					*
 *									*
 * clo_rdstn ( stn, fnm, alias, iret )					*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 * *stn		Stn_t		station structure to fill		*
 * *fnm		char		station file name to use		*
 * *alias	char		alias of table name			*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 * *iret	int		Return code				*
 *				  -1 - Unable to open table		*
 *				  -2 - No records in table		*
 *				  -3 - Invalid type of point		*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 1/99	From (now replaced) cloancrd.c		*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 3/99	Add sorting index			*
 * T. Piper/GSC		 3/99	Corrected prolog			*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 4/99	Updated for MARINE & COASTAL types	*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 7/00	Updated for consolidated CLO structures	*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 8/00	Added conversion to upper case of desc	*
 * T. Piper/GSC		 6/01	Initialized c10 			*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 8/03	Increased c10 size.			*
 * B. Yin/SAIC		 5/04	Modified code to handle blank id.	*
 * B. Yin/SAIC		 7/04	Modified for various break point types	*
 * m.gamazaychikov	01/05	Corrected for proper column reading	*
int	counter, ier;
char 	buff[120];
FILE	*fp;
char	id[9], desc[64], state[8], cntry[8], c10[21]="\0", tmpstr[128];
int	stnm, lat, lon, numstn, elv, pri;

    *iret = G_NORMAL;

     *  Open the table. If not found return an error.
    fp = (FILE *)cfl_tbop(fnm, "stns", &ier);
    if ( fp == NULL  ||  ier != 0 )  {
	stn->nstn = 0;
        *iret = -1;

    cfl_tbnr( fp, &numstn, &ier );

    if ( numstn != 0 )  {

         *  Allocate the structure elements.
        stn->nstn = numstn; 
        stn->station = (SInfo_t *) malloc( (size_t)numstn * sizeof(SInfo_t) );

    else  {
	cfl_clos(fp, &ier);
        *iret = -2;


    if ( strncmp( alias, "TCA_BKPTS_", 10 ) == 0 ) {
       clo_rdtcabkpts( stn, fp, alias, numstn, iret );
       cfl_clos(fp, &ier);

     *  For every line in the station table list, read in the record,
     *  parse out the fields, and add to the structure.

    counter = 0;
    while ( counter < numstn ) {
	cfl_trln(fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier);

	if ( ier == 0 )  {

	    id[ 0 ]	= '\0';
	    desc[ 0 ]	= '\0';
	    state[ 0 ]	= '\0';
	    cntry[ 0 ]	= '\0';
	    c10[ 0 ]	= '\0';
	    stnm 	= 0;
	    lat 	= 9999;
	    lon 	= 9999;
	    elv 	= 9999;
	    pri 	= 9999;

	    strncpy( tmpstr, buff, 8 );
	    sscanf( tmpstr, "%s", id );
	    stn->station[counter].id = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(id)+1);
	    strcpy( stn->station[counter].id, id );

	    strncpy( tmpstr, &buff[9], 6 );
	    sscanf( tmpstr, "%d", &stnm );
	    stn->station[counter].nm = stnm;

	    strncpy( tmpstr, &buff[16], 32 );
	    sscanf( tmpstr, "%s", desc );
	    stn->station[counter].desc = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(desc)+1);
	    cst_lcuc ( desc, stn->station[counter].desc, &ier );

	    strncpy( tmpstr, &buff[49], 2 );
	    sscanf( tmpstr, "%s", state );
	    stn->station[counter].state=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(state)+1);
	    strcpy( stn->station[counter].state, state );

	    strncpy( tmpstr, &buff[52], 2 );
	    sscanf( tmpstr, "%s", cntry );
	    stn->station[counter].cntry=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(cntry)+1);
	    strcpy( stn->station[counter].cntry, cntry );

	    strncpy( tmpstr, &buff[55], 21 );
	    sscanf( tmpstr, "%d %d %d %d", &lat, &lon, &elv, &pri );
	    stn->station[counter].lat = (float)lat / 100.0F;

	    stn->station[counter].lon = (float)lon / 100.0F;

	    stn->station[counter].elv = elv;

	    stn->station[counter].pri = pri;

	    strncpy( tmpstr, &buff[76], 20 );
	    sscanf( tmpstr, "%s", c10 );
	    stn->station[counter].col10 = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(c10)+1);
	    strcpy( stn->station[counter].col10, c10 );




    cfl_clos(fp, &ier);

static void pglpfw_readUsrTbl ( char *tblname, lpfutbl_t *lpfutbl, int *iret )
 * pglpfw_readUsrTbl							*
 *									*
 * This routine will read LPF user table and create the data structure  *
 * to store the information.                                            *
 *									*
 * void pglpfw_readUsrTbl( tblname, lpfutbl, iret)                      *
 *									*
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *      *tblname        char            table name                      *
 *									*
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      *lpfutbl        lpfutbl_t       pointer to lpf user table struct*
 *      *iret           int             0 - success                     *
 *									*
 * Return code:                                                         *
 *                      NONE                                            *
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * T. Lee/SAIC		04/02	revise from vtbl_readUsrTbl()		*
    int         ii, nn, num, ier;
    char        buffer[256], title[60], path[256], cwd[256], format[256];
    char        dum1[256], dum2[256], dum3[256];
    FILE        *fp;


    *iret = G_NORMAL;

    strcpy ( format, "%s %s" );

    fp = cfl_tbop (tblname, "nmap", &ier);

    nn = 0;
    if (fp && ier == 0) {
        while (!feof(fp)) {
             * read a record
            cfl_trln (fp, 256, buffer, &ier);

            if  ( ier == 0 )  {

                if  ( nn == 0 )  {
                    num = sscanf ( buffer, "%s %s %s", dum1, dum2, dum3 );
                    if  ( num == 3 )  {
                        strcpy ( format, "%s %*s %s" );



     * allocate one additional item in case the current user
     * has to be added in
    lpfutbl->nitems = nn;
    lpfutbl->items  = (lpfusr_ent_t *) malloc ((nn+1) *sizeof (lpfusr_ent_t));

    if (nn > 0) {

        ii = 0;
        while ( ii < nn ) {
            cfl_trln( fp, 256, buffer, &ier );

            if (ier == 0) {
                sscanf(buffer, format, title, path);

                lpfutbl->items[ii].title = (char *) malloc (strlen (title) + 1);
                strcpy( lpfutbl->items[ii].title, title );

                lpfutbl->items[ii].usrpath = (char *) malloc (strlen(path) + 1);
                strcpy( lpfutbl->items[ii].usrpath, path );


    if (fp) fclose(fp);

     * set default user
    getcwd (cwd, sizeof (cwd));

    ii = lpfutbl->nitems;
    lpfutbl->items[ii].title = (char *) malloc (strlen (CWD_TITLE) + 1);
    strcpy (lpfutbl->items[ii].title, CWD_TITLE);

    lpfutbl->items[ii].usrpath = (char *) malloc(strlen(cwd) + 1);
    strcpy ( lpfutbl->items[ii].usrpath, cwd );

    nn = cfl_gfil (0, MAX_FILES, cwd, LPF_FILE_EXT, NULL);


Exemple #7
void ctb_g2read ( int *iret ) 
 * ctb_g2read								*
 *									*
 * This routine will read a grib2 table into an array of structures.	*
 *									*
 * ctb_g2read ( iret )							*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC	 5/03						*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC	 5/03	added parameter pdtnmbr to the table	*
 * M. Li/SAIC		 4/04	added hzremap, and direction		*
FILE     *fp = NULL;
int      n, nr, blen, ier;
char     buffer[256]; 
int      disc, cat, parm, pdtn, scl, ihzrmp, idrct;
char     name[33], unts[21], gname[13];
float    msng;

	*iret = G_NORMAL;

        if ( Gr2Readin == 1 )  return;

         *  Open the table. If not found return an error.

        fp = cfl_tbop( G2VARS_TBL, "grid", &ier);
        if ( fp == NULL  ||  ier != 0 )  {
            if (fp)
            *iret = -1;

        cfl_tbnr(fp, &nr, &ier);
        if ( ier != 0 || nr == 0 ) {
            *iret = -2;
            cfl_clos(fp, &ier);

        Gr2Tbl.info = (G2Vinfo *)malloc((size_t)nr*sizeof(G2Vinfo));

        n  = 0;
        while ( n < nr ) {

            cfl_trln( fp, 256, buffer, &ier );
            if ( ier != 0 ) break;

	    cst_lstr (  buffer, &blen, &ier );

	    if ( blen > NCOLN ) { 
                sscanf( buffer, "%12d %12d %12d %12d %32c %20c %s %12d %f %12d %12d",
                            &disc, &cat, &parm, &pdtn,
                            name, unts, gname,
                            &scl, &msng, &ihzrmp, &idrct );
	    else {
		sscanf( buffer, "%12d %12d %12d %12d %32c %20c %s %12d %20f",
                            &disc, &cat, &parm, &pdtn,
                            name, unts, gname,
                            &scl, &msng);
		ihzrmp = 0;
		idrct = 0;

	    name[32] = '\0';
	    unts[20] = '\0';

            strcpy(Gr2Tbl.info[n].name,    name);
            strcpy(Gr2Tbl.info[n].units,   unts);
            strcpy(Gr2Tbl.info[n].gemname, gname);

	    Gr2Tbl.info[n].hzremap = ihzrmp;
	    Gr2Tbl.info[n].direction = idrct;


        cfl_clos(fp, &ier);

        Gr2Tbl.nlines = n;

        Gr2Readin = 1;

Exemple #8
int rsrc_readFile ( char *fname ) 
 * rsrc_readFile                                                        *
 *                                                                      *
 * This function opens an NMAP resource file and read it into memory.   *
 *                                                                      *
 * int rsrc_readFile(fname)              				*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *  *fname      char     resource filename       			*
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *                      NONE                                            *
 *                                                                      *
 * Return parameters:                                                   *
 *        int      0 = successful      					*
 *                -1 = file can not be opened				*
 *                -2 = syntax error					*
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * C. Lin/EAI      9/96  						*
 * C. Lin/EAI      1/97	   add check after cfl_trln			*
FILE   *fp;
char   buffer[LINE_BUF], *ptr, *ptr1;
int    len, iret;
rsrc_t *current, *next;


	 * free the previous resource when necessary 
	if ( _rsrcTbl ) {

		current = _rsrcTbl;

		while(current) {
			next = current->next;
			free((rsrc_t *)current);
			current = next;

		_rsrcTbl = NULL;


	 * open resource file
        fp = cfl_tbop(fname, "nmap", &iret);
        if (iret != 0) {
        else { /* parse each line */

            while ( ! feof(fp) ) {

                cfl_trln(fp, LINE_BUF, buffer, &iret);

		if ( iret == 0 ) {
		    if ( strstr(buffer, "=") == NULL )

                    if ( _rsrcTbl == NULL ) { /* head */
                        _rsrcTbl = current =
                            (rsrc_t *)malloc(sizeof(rsrc_t));
                    else {
                        current->next = (rsrc_t *)malloc(sizeof(rsrc_t));
                        current = current->next;

		     * get the name
		    ptr = &buffer[0];
		    while ( *ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t' ) 
			ptr++;	/* remove leading space */ 
		    ptr1 = current->name;
		    while ( *ptr && *ptr != '=' ) 
			*ptr1++ = *ptr++;
		    *ptr1 = '\0';
		    cst_rmbl(current->name, current->name, &len, &iret);
		     * get the parm
		    while ( *ptr == ' ' || *ptr == '\t' ) 
			ptr++;	/* remove leading space */ 
		    strcpy(current->parm, ptr);
		    cst_rmbl(current->parm, current->parm, &len, &iret);

                    current->next = NULL;





Exemple #9
void tb_nidsdb ( char *prdnam, char *res, int *iprod, int *iret )
 * tb_nidsdb								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine returns information about the radar image from the	*
 * NIDS product table file.						*
 *									*
 * void tb_nidsdb (  prdnam, res, iprod, iret )				*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*prdnam		char		Product name			*
 *	*res		char		Data resolution in km		*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iprod		int		NIDS product ID                 *
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 *					 +3 = No entry found for image	*
 *					 -7 = Could not open imtyp table*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * m.gamazaychikov/CWS	01/10	Created					*
    int			found, ier, ier1, loglev=2;
    float               ares;
    char		*grp="TB", line[128];
    size_t		ii;
    static int		nr;
    static FILE		*fptr=NULL;
    static Radtbl_t	*radtbl=NULL;
 *  Initialize output variables.
    *iprod = 0;
    *iret = 33;  /*  Not found  */
    cst_crnm ( res, &ares, &ier );

 *  If table not yet read into memory; open the image type table file.
    if ( fptr == NULL ) {
	fptr = cfl_tbop ( NIDPRD_TBL, "rad", &ier );
	if ( ier != 0 ) { 
	    *iret = -7;
	    er_lmsg (&loglev, grp, iret, NIDPRD_TBL, &ier1, strlen(grp), strlen(NIDPRD_TBL));

 *  Load the structure.
	cfl_tbnr (fptr, &nr, &ier );
	if ( ier != 0 || nr == 0 ) {
	    *iret = -7;
	    er_lmsg (&loglev, grp, iret, NIDPRD_TBL, &ier1, strlen(grp), strlen(NIDPRD_TBL));
	    cfl_clos(fptr, &ier);
	G_MALLOC(radtbl, Radtbl_t, nr, "tb_nidsdb:  radtbl");
	for (ii = 0; ii < (size_t)nr; ii++ ) {

 *  Read the next record.
	    cfl_trln ( fptr, 127, line, &ier );
	    if ( ier == 0 ) {
		sscanf(line,"%s %s %i %i %s %f %s",
			radtbl[ii].type, radtbl[ii].name, &radtbl[ii].prod,
			&radtbl[ii].lvls, radtbl[ii].units,
			&radtbl[ii].res, radtbl[ii].desc);
	}  /*  end of 'for (ii = 0; ii < nr; ii++ )'  */
	cfl_clos(fptr, &ier);
    }  /*  end of 'if ( *fptr == NULL )'  */

    ii = 0;
    found = G_FALSE;

 *  Retrieve the product ID for the specified 
 *  product name and the resolution.
    while ( !found && ii < (size_t)nr ) {
      //if ( strstr (radtbl[ii].name, prdnam) != NULL ) {
      if ( strcmp (prdnam, radtbl[ii].name) == 0 ) {
         if ( G_DIFF(ares, radtbl[ii].res) ) {
	    found = G_TRUE; 
	    *iprod = radtbl[ii].prod;
	    *iret = G_NORMAL;
void ctb_g2rdcntr ( char *tbname, G2wmocntrs *cntrtbl, int *iret ) 
 * ctb_g2rdcntr								*
 *									*
 * This routine will read a WMO originating Center table into an array  *
 * of structures.	                                                *
 * The table is allocated locally and a pointer to the new table is     *
 * passed back to the user in argument cntrtbl.  The user is resposible *
 * for freeing this memory, when the table is no longer needed, by      *
 * free(cntrtbl.info)                                                   *
 *									*
 * ctb_g2rdcntr ( tbname, cntrtbl, iret )				*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*tbname		char		Filename of the table to read   *
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*cntrtbl	G2wmocenter	Pointer to list of table entries*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *                                        0 = Successful                *
 *                                       -1 = Could not open            *
 *                                       -1 = Could not get count of    *
 *                                            of teble entries.         *
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC	 5/03						*
 * m.gamazaychikov/SAIC	 5/03	added parameter pdtnmbr to the table	*
 * M. Li/SAIC		 4/04	added hzremap, and direction		*
 * S. Gilbert/NCEP	 11/04	Modified from ctb_g2read to read a WMO  *
 *                              Originating Center Table.               *
        FILE     *fp;
        int      n, blen, id, nr, ier;
        char     buffer[256]; 
        char     name[65], abbrev[9];

	*iret = G_NORMAL;

         *  Open the table. If not found return an error.

        fp = cfl_tbop( tbname, "grid", &ier);
        if ( fp == NULL  ||  ier != 0 )  {
            *iret = -1;

        cfl_tbnr(fp, &nr, &ier);
        if ( ier != 0 || nr == 0 ) {
            *iret = -2;
            cfl_clos(fp, &ier);

        cntrtbl->info = (G2wmocenter *)malloc((size_t)nr*sizeof(G2wmocenter));
        cntrtbl->nlines = nr;

        n  = 0;
        while ( n < nr ) {

            cfl_trln( fp, 256, buffer, &ier );
            if ( ier != 0 ) break;

	    cst_lstr (  buffer, &blen, &ier );

            sscanf( buffer, "%d %64c %s", 
                            &id, name, abbrev);

	    name[64] = '\0';
	    abbrev[8] = '\0';

            strcpy(cntrtbl->info[n].name,    name);
            strcpy(cntrtbl->info[n].abbrev,  abbrev);


        cfl_clos(fp, &ier);

Exemple #11
void pds_by10 ( const char *cvcrd, const char *wmotb, const char *nceptb,
                unsigned char *byte10, int *ibyt10, int *iscale, int *iret )
 * pds_by10								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine uses the GEMPAK GRIB vertical coordinate lookup	*
 * tables to determine the value of PDS octet 10.			*
 *									*
 * pds_by10 ( cvcrd, wmotb, nceptb, byte10, ibyt10, iscale, iret )	*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*cvcrd		const char	GEMPAK VCORD name string	*
 *	*wmotb		const char	WMO GRIB VCORD LUT file name	*
 *	*nceptb		const char	NCEP GRIB VCORD LUT file name	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*byte10		unsigned char	Byte with GRIB VCORD # stored	*
 *	*ibyt10		int		Integer value of byte 10	*
 *	*iscale		int		Power of 10 scaling in GEMPAK	*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 *					-85 = VCORD not found		*
 *					-86 = VCORD # is invalid	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * K. Brill/HPC		 7/99						*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		10/06	Recoded from Fortran			*
    char filnam[2][LLMXLN], record[LLMXLN], prmnam[17], chkprm[17];
    int found;
    int ifile, iprm, iscl, ier;
    FILE *fp;
    *iret = 0;
    *byte10 = (unsigned char)( 255 );
    *ibyt10 = 255;
    *iscale = 0;

     * Check the tables.
    cst_lcuc ( (char *)cvcrd, chkprm, &ier );
    strcpy ( filnam[0], wmotb );
    strcpy ( filnam[1], nceptb );
    found = G_FALSE;
    ifile = 0;
    while ( ifile < 2 && found == G_FALSE ) {
        fp = cfl_tbop ( filnam[ifile++], "grid", &ier );
	if ( ier != 0 ) continue;

	while ( ! feof(fp) && found == G_FALSE ) {
	    cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(record), record, &ier );
	    if ( ier != 0 ) continue;

	    sscanf ( record, "%d", &iprm );
	    sscanf ( &record[59], "%s %d", prmnam, &iscl );

	    if ( strcmp ( prmnam, chkprm ) == 0 ) {
	        found = G_TRUE;
		*ibyt10 = iprm;
		*iscale = iscl;
	cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );
    if ( found == G_FALSE ) {
	*iret = -85;
    } else if ( *ibyt10 < 255 && *ibyt10 > 0 ) {
	*byte10 = (unsigned char)( *ibyt10 );
    } else {
	*iret = -86;

Exemple #12
void NxmCursor_rdTbls ( void )
 * NxmCursor_rdTbls                                             	*
 *                                                                      *
 * This function reads the cursor type table and cursor reference table *
 *                                                                      *
 * void NxmCursor_rdTbls()                                            	*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 * Return parameters:                                                   *
 *                      NONE                                            *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * H. Zeng/EAI          04/00     initial coding                        *
int  ii, jj, nr = 0, ignore, iret;
char buffer[256];
FILE *fp;

 * Read cursorsymb.tbl
	_cursymbTbl.nsymb = 0;

        fp = cfl_tbop( CURSORSYMB_TBL, "config", &iret );
	if ( iret == 0 ) { 
	    cfl_tbnr( fp, &nr, &iret);
	if ( nr == 0 ) {
        else {
           _cursymbTbl.nsymb = nr;
           _cursymbTbl.cursymbs = (cursorsymb_t*)

           ii = 0;
           while (ii < _cursymbTbl.nsymb) {
               cfl_trln(fp, 256, buffer, &iret);

               if ( iret == 0 ) {
                   sscanf(buffer, "%s %d", _cursymbTbl.cursymbs[ii].X_name, 
				  &(_cursymbTbl.cursymbs[ii].id) );



 * Read cursortyp.tbl
	_curtypTbl.ntyp = 0;

        fp = cfl_tbop( CURSORTYPE_TBL, "config", &iret );
	if ( iret == 0 ) { 
	    cfl_tbnr( fp, &nr, &iret);
	if ( nr == 0 ) {
        else {
           _curtypTbl.ntyp = nr;
           _curtypTbl.curtyps = (cursortyp_t*)

           ii = 0;
           while (ii <  _curtypTbl.ntyp) {
               cfl_trln(fp, 256, buffer, &iret);

               if ( iret == 0 ) {
                   sscanf(buffer, "%s %s", 
			  _curtypTbl.curtyps[ii].int_name  );
 * By default id value is -1 which means it is a pixmap cursor.
                   _curtypTbl.curtyps[ii].id = -1;

                   if( strstr(_curtypTbl.curtyps[ii].int_name, 
                              "XC_") != NULL ) {

                     for(jj=0; jj<_cursymbTbl.nsymb; jj++) {
                           _cursymbTbl.cursymbs[jj].X_name)==0 ) {

                           _curtypTbl.curtyps[ii].id = 

                     } /* the end of for() */

		   } /* the end of if(strstr...) */




 * Read cursorref.tbl
	_currefTbl.nref = 0;

        fp = cfl_tbop( CURSORREF_TBL, "config", &iret );
	if ( iret == 0 ) { 
	    cfl_tbnr( fp, &nr, &iret);
	if ( nr == 0 ) {
        else {
           _currefTbl.nref = nr;
           _currefTbl.currefs = (cursorref_t*)

           ii = 0;
           while (ii < _currefTbl.nref) {
               cfl_trln(fp, 256, buffer, &iret);

               if ( iret == 0 ) {
                   sscanf(buffer, "%d %s %s %s", &ignore, 
                                  _currefTbl.currefs[ii].color    );




Exemple #13
void ctb_hfread ( int *iret )
 * ctb_pfread								*
 *									*
 * This function reads the info from the Hershey Fonts tables.		*
 * 									*
 * The Hershey Font coordinates are encoded using the ASCII characters.	*
 * Each character pair represents a coordinate in the drawing system	*
 * with 'R,R' as the origin. To get the coordinate values, subtract	*
 * 'R' from the given character. For example, the pair 'SB' corresponds	*
 * to (+1,-16).								*
 *									*
 * ctb_hfread ( iret )							*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *				  	  -1 = cannot open or read table*
 *				  	 -12 = cannot allocate memory	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	10/07	Created					*
 * T. Piper/SAIC	03/08	Replaced cmm functions with Macros	*
    FILE	*fp;
    char	buffer[256], av[6];
    int		ii, nr, ier, ifont, ier2, jj, kk, nf, one = 1;

    font_tbl_name_t   tbl[] = {	{"hfont03.tbl",  3},
				{"hfont23.tbl", 23},
				{"hfont04.tbl",  4},
				{"hfont14.tbl", 14},
				{"hfont24.tbl", 24},
				{"hfont34.tbl", 34} };

  *iret = G_NORMAL;

 * Allocate space for all of the font structures.
  nf = sizeof(tbl)/sizeof(tbl[0]);
  G_MALLOC ( _hfontTbl, HF_font_t, nf, "ctb_hfread - _hfontTbl");
  if ( _hfontTbl == NULL ) {
    *iret = -12;

  _nhfont = 0;
  for ( ifont = 0; ifont < nf; ifont++ )  {
 *  Read the font table and add entries into the structure. 
    nr = 0;
    fp = cfl_tbop ( tbl[ifont].table_name, "hershey", &ier );
    if ( ier == 0 ) { 
	cfl_tbnr ( fp, &nr, &ier);
    if ( nr == 0 ) {
	cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );
        *iret = -1;
    _hfontTbl[ifont].font_code = tbl[ifont].font_num;

 *  Allocate space for the characters.
    G_MALLOC ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character, HF_char_t, nr, "ctb_hfread - _hfontTbl[ifont].character");
    if ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character == NULL ) {
	cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );
	*iret = -12;
 * Read table entries into the structure.
    ii = 0;

/* Read the next line from the file */
    cfl_trln ( fp, 256, buffer, &ier );

 * Process the file while there is no error and
 * the end of the file has not been reached.
    while ( ier >= 0 && ier != 4 ) {

        if ( ier == 0 ) {

	    G_MALLOC ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point_code, char,  
		    strlen(buffer)+1, " ctb_hfread - _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point_code");
	    if ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point_code == NULL ) {
		cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );
		*iret = -12;
	    strcpy ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point_code, buffer );

/* Get the character ASCII code */
	    cst_ncpy ( av, &(buffer[0]), 5, &ier2 );
	    cst_numb ( av, &(_hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].ascii_val),
		       &ier2 );

 * Get the number of points for the character
 * (The number in the file includes the X min and max,
 *  so subtract one)
	    cst_ncpy ( av, &(buffer[5]), 3, &ier2 );
	    cst_numb ( av, &(_hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].npts),
			&ier2 );

/* Get the X min and max */
	    _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].xmin = buffer[8] - 'R';
	    _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].xmax = buffer[9] - 'R';

/* Get the coordinates, if the number of points is > 0 */
	    if ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].npts > 0 ) {
		G_MALLOC ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point, HF_point_t,
			" ctb_hfread - _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point");
                if ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point == NULL ) {
		    cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );
		    *iret = -12;

 * Check for " R", which denotes a "pen up".
 * If there is a pen up code, set the points to missing.
 * Otherwise, decode the coordinate values.
		kk = 10;
		for ( jj = 0;
		      jj < _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].npts;
		      jj++ ) {
		    if ( strncmp ( &(buffer[kk]), " R", 2 ) == 0 ) {
			_hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point[jj].x = -99;
			_hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point[jj].y = -99;
			kk += 2;
		    else {
			_hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point[jj].x =
						buffer[kk] - 'R'; kk++;
			_hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point[jj].y =
						buffer[kk] - 'R'; kk++;

 * If there are no character codes,
 * set one point at the origin
	    else {
		G_MALLOC ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point, HF_point_t,
				one, " ctb_hfread - _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point");
		if ( _hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point == NULL ) {
		    cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );
		    *iret = -12;
		_hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point[0].x = 0;
		_hfontTbl[ifont].character[ii].point[0].y = 0;

/* Read the next line from the file */
	cfl_trln ( fp, 256, buffer, &ier );


/* Set the number of characters for the font */
    _hfontTbl[ifont].numchr = ii;

/* Close the font table */
    cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );

/* Increase the count for the number of fonts */
Exemple #14
int main ( void )
 * TESTGPC								*
 *									*
 * This program tests the GPC contributed library public functions.	*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	 2/04						*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	10/06	Added GPC_SET_EPSILON			*
int		ii, cont, numsub, which, ier;
int		operation, readholeflag, writeholeflag, hole;
int		nverts=0;
double		e;
char		select[8];
float		xv[LLMXPT], yv[LLMXPT];
char		filnam[256], buffer[80];
int		pagflg;
char    	errgrp[8];
FILE		*fpread, *fpwrite;
gpc_polygon	subject_polygon, clip_polygon, result_polygon;
gpc_vertex_list	contour;
    cont = G_FALSE;

     * Structure initializations.
    subject_polygon.num_contours = 0;
    subject_polygon.hole         = (int*)NULL;
    subject_polygon.contour      = (gpc_vertex_list*)NULL;
    clip_polygon.num_contours    = 0;
    result_polygon.num_contours  = 0;
    contour.vertex 		 = (gpc_vertex*)NULL;
    contour.num_vertices 	 = 0;

    while ( cont == G_FALSE ) {
        printf ( "\n\n" );
        printf ( "*** ORIGINAL GPC PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***\n");
        printf ( "   1 = GPC_READ_POLYGON    2 = GPC_WRITE_POLYGON \n");
        printf ( "   3 = GPC_ADD_CONTOUR     4 = GPC_POLYGON_CLIP \n");
        printf ( "   5 = GPC_FREE_POLYGON     \n");
        printf ( "*** GPC PUBLIC FUNCTION ADD-ONS ***\n");
        printf ( "  11 = GPC_CREATE_VERTEX_LIST   \n");
	printf ( "  12 = GPC_GET_VERTEX_LIST      \n");
	printf ( "  13 = GPC_GET_VERTEX_AREA      \n");
	printf ( "  14 = GPC_SET_EPSILON      \n");
        printf ( "*** HELP ***\n");
	printf ( "  99 = HELP on INPUT FILE FORMATS \n");
        printf ( "\n" );
        printf ( "Select a subroutine number or type EXIT: " );
        scanf ( " %s", select );
        switch ( select[0] ) {
    	    case 'e':
    	    case 'E':
    		cont = G_TRUE;
    		numsub = atoi ( select );

        if ( numsub == 1 ) {

	    printf("Make sure your polygon file is in the proper format:\n");

	    printf("<vertex-list> \n");

	    printf ( "Enter filename to read polygon from : \n");
	    scanf ( " %s", filnam );

	    printf ( "Enter whether file format contains hole flags (%d-FALSE,%d-TRUE) :\n",
		  G_FALSE, G_TRUE );
	    scanf ( " %d", &readholeflag );

	    printf ( "Enter which polygon (%d-SUBJECT,%d-CLIP) :\n",
	    scanf ( " %d", &which );

	    fpread = (FILE *)cfl_ropn ( filnam, "", &ier );
	    if ( ier == G_NORMAL )  {
	      if ( which == SUBJECT )
	        gpc_read_polygon ( fpread, readholeflag, &subject_polygon );
	      else if ( which == CLIP )
	        gpc_read_polygon ( fpread, readholeflag, &clip_polygon );
		printf("Invalid polygon type\n");
	      cfl_clos ( fpread, &ier );
	    else  {
	      printf("Unable to open file %s\n", filnam );

        if ( numsub == 2 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter filename to write polygon to : \n");
	    scanf ( " %s", filnam );

	    printf ( "Enter the write hole flag (%d-FALSE,%d-TRUE):\n",
		  G_FALSE, G_TRUE );
	    scanf ( " %d", &writeholeflag );

	    printf ( "Enter which polygon (%d-SUBJECT,%d-CLIP,%d-RESULT):\n",
	    scanf ( " %d", &which );

	    fpwrite = (FILE *)cfl_wopn ( filnam, &ier );
	    if ( ier == G_NORMAL )  {
	      if ( which == SUBJECT )
	        gpc_write_polygon ( fpwrite, writeholeflag, &subject_polygon );
	      else if ( which == CLIP )
	        gpc_write_polygon ( fpwrite, writeholeflag, &clip_polygon );
	      else if ( which == RESULT )
	        gpc_write_polygon ( fpwrite, writeholeflag, &result_polygon );
		printf("Invalid polygon type\n");
	      cfl_clos ( fpwrite, &ier );
	    else  {
	      printf("Unable to open file %s\n", filnam );

	if ( numsub == 3 ) {

	    if ( nverts == 0 )  {
		printf("Must first create a vertex list (option 11)\n");
	    else  {

	        printf ( "Enter which polygon (%d-SUBJECT,%d-CLIP,%d-RESULT) to add vertex list to:\n",
	        scanf ( " %d", &which );

	        printf ( "Enter the hole flag (%d-HOLE,%d-NOT A HOLE):\n",
		      G_TRUE, G_FALSE );
	        scanf ( " %d", &hole );

	        if ( which == SUBJECT )  {
		    gpc_add_contour ( &subject_polygon, &contour, hole );
		else if ( which == CLIP )  {
		    gpc_add_contour ( &clip_polygon, &contour, hole );
		else {
		    printf("Invalid polygon\n");

	if ( numsub == 4 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter operation (%d-GPC_DIFF,%d-GPC_INT,%d-GPC_XOR,%d-GPC_UNION):\n",
	    scanf ( " %d", &operation );

	    gpc_polygon_clip ( operation, &subject_polygon,
		    &clip_polygon, &result_polygon );

        if ( numsub == 5 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter which polygon (%d-SUBJECT,%d-CLIP,%d-RESULT,%d-ALL) to free contours:\n ",
	    scanf ( " %d", &which );

	    if ( which == SUBJECT || which == ALL )  {
    	        if ( subject_polygon.num_contours != 0 )
		    gpc_free_polygon ( &subject_polygon );
	    else if ( which == CLIP || which == ALL )  {
    	        if ( clip_polygon.num_contours != 0 )
        	    gpc_free_polygon ( &clip_polygon );
	    else if ( which == RESULT || which == ALL )  {
    	        if ( result_polygon.num_contours != 0 )
        	    gpc_free_polygon ( &result_polygon );

        if ( numsub == 11 ) {

	    printf ( "Enter either the number of points in polygon (to be followed by entering the points), or a filename to read points from: \n");
	    scanf ( " %s", filnam );

	    cst_numb ( filnam, &nverts, &ier );

	    if ( ier == 0 )  {
	        for ( ii = 0; ii < nverts; ii++ )
		    scanf ( "%f %f", &(xv[ii]), &(yv[ii]) );
    	        if ( contour.vertex != (gpc_vertex*)NULL )
		    free ( contour.vertex );
	        gpc_cvlist ( nverts, xv, yv, &contour, &ier );
	    else  {
	        printf ( "Note that the file format is simply a list of coordinate pairs separated by whitespace.\nThe number of points will be counted automatically. For instance, a file containing:\n0 0\n0 1\n1 1\nyields a vertex list of three points.\n\n");
		nverts = 0;
	        fpread = (FILE *)cfl_tbop ( filnam, "", &ier );
	        if ( ier == G_NORMAL )  {
		    cfl_trln ( fpread, sizeof(buffer), buffer, &ier );
		    while ( ier == 0 )  {
			sscanf ( buffer, "%f %f", 
			    &(xv[nverts]), &(yv[nverts]) );
			    nverts += 1;
			cfl_trln ( fpread, sizeof(buffer), buffer, &ier );
		    printf("EOF reached in file %s, number of vertices = %d\n", 
			    filnam, nverts );
		    cfl_clos( fpread, &ier );
    	            if ( contour.vertex != (gpc_vertex*)NULL )
		    	free ( contour.vertex );
	            gpc_cvlist ( nverts, xv, yv, &contour, &ier );

        if ( numsub == 12 ) {

	    gpc_gvlist ( &contour, &nverts, xv, yv, &ier );

	    printf("gpc_gvlist, ier = %d\n", ier );

	    printf("Number of vertices = %d\n", nverts );
	    for ( ii = 0; ii < nverts; ii++ )
		printf ( "%d - %f %f\n", ii, xv[ii], yv[ii] );

        if ( numsub == 13 ) {

	    printf ( "Area of contour is %f\n", gpc_gvarea(&contour) );

        if ( numsub == 14 ) {

	    scanf ( " %lf", &e );

	    gpc_set_epsilon ( e );

        if ( numsub == 99 ) {

	    pagflg = G_FALSE;
	    strcpy ( errgrp, "TESTGPC" );
	    ip_help ( errgrp, &pagflg, &ier, strlen(errgrp) );


    if ( subject_polygon.num_contours != 0 )
	gpc_free_polygon ( &subject_polygon );
    if ( clip_polygon.num_contours != 0 )
        gpc_free_polygon ( &clip_polygon );
    if ( result_polygon.num_contours != 0 )
        gpc_free_polygon ( &result_polygon );
    if ( contour.vertex != (gpc_vertex*)NULL )
	free ( contour.vertex );


Exemple #15
void nmp_init ( int *iret )
 * nmp_init								*
 *                                                                      *
 * This function reads the mapinfo.tbl and mapovl.tbl tables into 	*
 * the structure.							*
 *                                                                      *
 * void nmp_init( iret )                                              	*
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 *      *iret           int             Return code                     *
 *					 = 0  - OK			*
 *					 = -1 - map table not read	*
 *					 = -2 - overlay table not read	*
 * Return parameters:                                                   *
 *                      NONE                                            *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * M. Li/GSC		11/00	Created					*
 * M. Li/GSC		12/00	Allocated saved_overlay			*
 * M. Li/GSC		12/00	Added nmp_setmap			*
 * M. Li/GSC		02/01	expanded map, lat/lon and STN		*
 * E. Safford/GSC	04/01	init imgfile, imgtyp			*
 * E. Safford/GSC	05/01	use SAT_STR && RAD_STR 			*
 * M. Li/GSC		05/01	replaced nmp_savovl with nmp_save	*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		08/01	allocate space for default_overlay[]	*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		08/01	save off default_map & default_overlay	*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		08/03	save marker size as float number	*
 * T. Piper/SAIC	08/04	Added check on nn (number of overlays)	*
 * T. Piper/SAIC	08/04	Added itype 5 (scale legend) support	*
int   	active, color, ier, ii, itype, lat_opt, lp, nn, val_opt, which;
float	lat, msize;
char  	app[5][3], buffer[256], val_txt[64];
FILE  	*fp;
nmpovlstr_t title, gname, ovlattr;


    *iret = 0;

     * Read table mapinfo.tbl

    fp = cfl_tbop(MAPAREA_FILE, TBL_DIR, &ier);
    if (ier!= 0) {
	*iret = -1;
    else {

         * figure out the total # of records
        nn = 0;
        while ( !feof(fp) ) {

             * read a record
            cfl_trln(fp, 256, buffer, &ier);

            if ( ier == 0 )  nn++;


    map_tbl = malloc((nn+EXTRA_PDFBTN)* sizeof(maptbl_ent_t));

    if ( nn > 0 ) {

	num_maps = nn;	


        ii = 0;
        while ( ii < nn ) {

            cfl_trln(fp, 256, buffer, &ier);

            if ( ier == 0 ) {
                sscanf(buffer, "%s %s", map_tbl[ii].name,

    if ( fp ) {

     * Add SAT and Custom
    num_maps += EXTRA_PDFBTN;

     * set satellite projection button
    which = num_maps-SAT_BTN;
    strcpy(map_tbl[which].name, SAT_STR);
    strcpy(map_tbl[which].geog, "DSET");

     * set customize button
    which = num_maps - CUSTOM_BTN;
    strcpy(map_tbl[which].name, RAD_STR);
    strcpy(map_tbl[which].geog, "\0");
     * Set the map object
    nmp_setmap(map_tbl[0].name, 0, TRUE, &ier);
    for (lp = 0; lp < MAX_LOOP; lp++) {
	maps[lp].mode   = 1;
	maps[lp].imgtyp = NO_IMG;
	strcpy (maps[lp].imgfile, "");

     * Read table mapovl.tbl

    fp = cfl_tbop(MAPOVL_FILE, TBL_DIR, &ier);
    if (ier != 0) {
	*iret = -2;

	for (lp =0; lp < MAX_LOOP; lp ++) {
	    overlay[lp].novl = 0;
    else {

         * figure out the total # of records
        nn = 0;
        while ( !feof(fp) ) {

             * read a record
            cfl_trln(fp, 256, buffer, &ier);

            if ( ier == 0 ) { 
    if ( nn > MAX_OVL ) nn = MAX_OVL;	

     * Load the table into the structure
    if ( nn > 0 ) {

        for (lp=0; lp<MAX_LOOP; lp++) {
            overlay[lp].novl   = nn;
	    if (overlay[lp].mapovl == NULL) {
	        overlay[lp].mapovl = (overlay_t *)malloc(overlay[lp].novl*


	ii = 0;
	while ( ii < nn ) {

            cfl_trln(fp, 256, buffer, &ier);

            if ( ier == 0 ) {
		sscanf ( buffer, "%s %d", title, &itype);
		if ( itype == 1 ) {
                    sscanf ( buffer, "%s %d %s %d %d %s %s",
                   	     title, &itype, gname, &active, &color,
	 	    	     app[0], app[1]);
		    sprintf ( ovlattr, "%d %s %s", color, app[0], app[1] );
	        else if ( itype == 0 ) {
		    sscanf ( buffer, "%s %d %s %d %d %s %s %s %s",
			     title, &itype, gname, &active, &color,
			     app[0], app[1], app[2], app[3]); 
		    sprintf ( ovlattr, "%d %s %s %s %s", 
			      color, app[0], app[1], app[2], app[3] );
	        else if ( itype == 2 ) {
                    sscanf ( buffer, "%s %d %s %d %d %s %s %s %s %s",
                            title, &itype, gname, &active, &color,
			    app[0], app[1], app[2], app[3], app[4] );

                    msize = (float) atof ( app[1] );
		    if ( msize < 0.5 || msize > 3.0 ) msize = 1.0;
		    sprintf ( ovlattr, "%d %s %2.1f %s %s %s",
                              color, app[0], msize, app[2],
			      app[3], app[4] );
		else if ( itype == 5 ) {
		    sscanf ( buffer, "%s %d %s %d %d %s %s %s %s %s %f %s",
			     title, &itype, gname, &active, &color,
			     app[0], app[1], app[2], app[3], app[4], &lat, val_txt );
		    if ( !ERMISS(lat) ) {
			lat_opt = 1;  /*  Manual mode  */
		    else {
			lat_opt = 0;  /*  Auto mode  */
		    cst_lcuc(val_txt, val_txt, &ier);
		    if ( strcmp(val_txt, "AUTO") == 0 ) {
			val_opt = 0;  /*  Auto mode  */
			val_txt[0] = '-';
			val_txt[1] = '\0';
		    else {
			val_opt = 1;  /*  Manual mode  */

		    sprintf ( ovlattr, "%d %s %d %f %d %s %s %s %s %s", 
			color, app[0], lat_opt, lat, val_opt, val_txt, app[1], 
			app[2], app[3], app[4] );

		for ( lp = 0; lp < MAX_LOOP; lp++ ) {                    
                    strcpy ( overlay[lp].mapovl[ii].title, title );
		    strcpy ( overlay[lp].mapovl[ii].gname, gname );
		    overlay[lp].mapovl[ii].ityp = itype;
		    overlay[lp].mapovl[ii].active = active;
		    strcpy ( overlay[lp].mapovl[ii].attr, ovlattr );



	 * Save a copy of map & overlay feature 
	for (lp=0; lp<MAX_LOOP; lp++) {
            strcpy(default_map[lp].imgfile, maps[lp].imgfile);
            default_map[lp].imgtyp = maps[lp].imgtyp;
            strcpy(default_map[lp].mapfile, maps[lp].mapfile);
            strcpy(default_map[lp].mapattr, maps[lp].mapattr);
            strcpy(default_map[lp].map, maps[lp].map);
            strcpy(default_map[lp].proj, maps[lp].proj);
            strcpy(default_map[lp].garea[0], maps[lp].garea[0]);
            strcpy(default_map[lp].garea[1], maps[lp].garea[1]);
            default_map[lp].mode = maps[lp].mode;	

	    if (default_overlay[lp].mapovl == NULL) {
                default_overlay[lp].mapovl = 
			(overlay_t *)malloc(nn * sizeof(overlay_t));
	    if (saved_overlay[lp].mapovl == NULL) {
                saved_overlay[lp].mapovl = 
			(overlay_t *)malloc(nn * sizeof(overlay_t));
	    default_overlay[lp].novl = overlay[lp].novl;
            for (ii =0; ii < default_overlay[lp].novl; ii++ ) {
                default_overlay[lp].mapovl[ii].ityp = overlay[lp].mapovl[ii].ityp;
                strcpy (default_overlay[lp].mapovl[ii].attr,
                strcpy (default_overlay[lp].mapovl[ii].gname,
                strcpy (default_overlay[lp].mapovl[ii].title,
                default_overlay[lp].mapovl[ii].active = overlay[lp].mapovl[ii].active;

    cfl_clos(fp, &ier);

Exemple #16
void na_gtbl ( const char *cpyfil, char *name, char *proj, int *nxgd,
               int *nygd, float *garea, float *rnvblk, float *anlblk,
	       int *iret )
 * na_gtbl								*
 *									*
 * This subroutine finds grid INNAME (a numerical or character          *
 * identifier prefaced by '#') in a grid navigation table, then makes 	*
 * the navigation and analysis blocks.  The grid navigation is set up	*
 * in GEMPLT in order to check its validity.				*
 *									*
 * na_gtbl ( cpyfil, name, proj, nxgd, nygd, garea, rnvblk, anlblk,	*
 *           iret )							*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*cpyfil		const char	Input for CPYFIL		*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*name		char		Name of selected grid		*
 *	*proj		char		Grid projection			*
 *	*nxgd		int		Number of points in x dir	*
 *	*nygd		int		Number of points in y dir	*
 *	*garea		float		Grid corners			*
 *	*rnvblk		float		Grid navigation block		*
 *	*anlblk		float		Grid analysis block		*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					 +1 = EXIT entered		*
 *					  0 = normal return		*
 *					 -4 = invalid navigation	*
 *					 -9 = grid not found in table	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * S. Jacobs/EAI	 7/93		Copied from GDCTBL		*
 * D. Keiser/GSC	12/95		Changed FL_TOPN to FL_TBOP	*
 * R. Tian/SAIC		 7/06		Recoded from Fortran		*
 * S. Gilbert/NCEP      10/06   Added call to GR_VNAV                   *
    char gntrec[81], namgd[5], c2name[9], buffer[LLMXLN];
    float angl1, angl2, angl3, dbnds[4], deln;
    int angflg, found, valid;
    int iebnds[4], ingrdn, numgd, extnd, ier, ier1, iernum, navsz, i;
    FILE *lungrd;
    *iret = 0;
    name[0] = '\0';

     * Get the grid number (INGRDN) out of NAME; a conversion error
     * sets IERNUM .ne. 0 and it is assumed that NAME is a type.
    cst_lcuc ( (char *)cpyfil, c2name, &ier );
    strcpy ( name, &c2name[1] );
    cst_numb ( name, &ingrdn, &iernum );

     * Open the table of valid grid types.
    lungrd = cfl_tbop ( "grdnav.tbl", "grid", &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	er_wmsg ( "CFL", &ier, "grdnav.tbl", &ier1,
	          strlen("CFL"), strlen("grdnav.tbl") );
	*iret = -9;

     * List the table contents for the user, if requested.
    if ( strcmp ( name, "LIST" ) == 0 ) {
	while ( ! feof ( lungrd) ) {
	    cfl_trln ( lungrd, sizeof(gntrec), gntrec, &ier );
	    if ( ier != 0 ) break;

	    printf ( "%-79.79s\n", gntrec );

	 * Rewind the table file.
	cfl_seek ( lungrd, 0, SEEK_SET, &ier );

	 * Prompt user for grid choice.
	printf ( "Enter grid id or number or type EXIT: " );
	scanf ( " %s", name );
	if ( name[0] == 'e' || name[0] == 'E' ) {
	    *iret = +1;
	cst_lcuc ( name, name, &ier );
	cst_numb ( name, &ingrdn, &iernum );

     * Read through the list of valid grid types/numbers to get 
     * navigation/analysis information.
    found = G_FALSE;
    while ( ! feof ( lungrd ) ) {
    	cfl_trln ( lungrd, sizeof(buffer), buffer, &ier );
	if ( ier != 0 ) break;

	sscanf ( buffer, "%s %d %s %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %d %d %f %d",
                 namgd, &numgd, proj, &angl1, &angl2, &angl3,
		 &garea[0], &garea[1], &garea[2], &garea[3],
		 nxgd, nygd, &deln, &extnd );
	if ( strcmp ( name, namgd ) == 0 || ingrdn == numgd ) {
	    found = G_TRUE;
    cfl_clos ( lungrd, &ier );

     * Bail out if NAME wasn't found in the table.
    if ( found == G_FALSE ) {
	*iret = -9;

     * Fill navigation block.
    angflg = G_TRUE;
    gr_vnav  ( proj, nxgd, nygd, &garea[0], &garea[1],
                &garea[2], &garea[3], &angl1, &angl2, &angl3,
		&angflg, &valid, &ier, strlen(proj) );

    if ( ier == 0 )
       grc_mnav  ( proj, nxgd, nygd, &garea[0], &garea[1],
                   &garea[2], &garea[3], &angl1, &angl2, &angl3,
                   &angflg, rnvblk, &ier );
    else {
       *iret = -2;

     * Set up navigation in GEMPLT to check validity.
    navsz = 13;
    grc_snav  ( &navsz, rnvblk, &ier );
    if ( ier != 0 ) {
	*iret = -4;

     * Make an analysis block.
    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
	iebnds[i] = extnd;
	dbnds [i] = RMISSD;
    grc_mbn2 ( &deln, iebnds, dbnds, rnvblk, anlblk, &ier );

Exemple #17
void gg_rtrk ( char *filtyp, char *filnam, char *stime, char *etime,
		int *itmclr, int *iskip, int *iret )
 * gg_rtrk								*
 *									*
 * This routine reads the data from a Altimeter Ground Track Prediction *
 * file and plots it.							*
 *									*
 * gg_rtrk ( filtyp, filnam, stime, etime, itmclr, iskip, iret )        *
 *									*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*filtyp		char		Data type			*
 *	*filnam		char		Data file name			*
 *	*stime		char		Start time of data 		*
 *	*etime		char		End time of data 		*
 * 	*itmclr		int		Time stamp color		*
 *	*iskip		int		Skip value			*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * G. McFadden/SAIC	12/08	Modeled after gg_qsrd			*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 6/10	Removed underscore on function name	*
	int	ier, incr, itarr[5], iyoff = 0,
		ixoff = -10, ntime, np2, pcount, gyear, ymd, hm;
	FILE    *fptr;
	char    buffer[256], textstr[8], final_ts[9], ymd_string[7], hm_string[5];
        char    gempak_dt[12];
        char    *cp, underscore[2];
	float   lat, lon, rotat = 0.0F;
	double	dlat, dlon, dalt;
        size_t  two = 2;
 *  Open the data file.
	fptr = cfl_ropn ( filnam, NULL, &ier );
	if ( fptr == NULL  ||  ier != 0 )  {
	    *iret = -1;
	*iret = 0;

        underscore[0] = '_';
        underscore[1] = '\0';

 * Set the skip factor.
        if  ( *iskip <= 0 ) {
            incr = 1;
        else {
            incr = *iskip + 1;

        pcount = incr;
        while  ( ier == 0 )  {

 *  Read this prediction's data.
	    cfl_trln( fptr, 256, buffer, &ier );
	    if ( ier != 0 ) {
 *  Bad read...close the file and exit.
     		cfl_clos ( fptr, &ier );
 *  Extract this prediction's data.
	    sscanf( buffer, "%d %d %d %d %d %lf %lf %lf",
			&itarr[0], &itarr[1], &itarr[2], &itarr[3],
			&itarr[4], &dlat, &dlon, &dalt );

	    lat = (float)dlat;
            lon = (float)dlon;
 *  Get the gempak date/time of this prediction
            gyear = itarr[0] - 2000;
            ymd  = gyear * 10000 + itarr[1] * 100 + itarr[2];
            sprintf(ymd_string, "%6.6d", ymd );

            hm = itarr[3] * 100 + itarr[4];
            sprintf(hm_string, "%4.4d", hm );

            gempak_dt[0] = '\0';

 *  The longitude is stored as 0 -> 360.  PRNLON will correct the longitude to
 *  the range -180 -> 180.
            np2 = 1;
            prnlon( &np2, &lon, &ier );

 *  Plot the prediction if it is not skipped and if it is within the valid
 *  time range...plot "DD_HHMM" on the screen.
            ntime = itarr[2] * 10000 + itarr[3] * 100 + itarr[4];
	    sprintf(textstr, "%6.6d", ntime);
            final_ts[0] = '\0';
            final_ts[2] = '\0';
            cp = textstr + 2;
	    gscolr ( itmclr, &ier);
            if ( pcount % incr == 0 && PathTimeCheck( gempak_dt, stime, etime) ) {
	       gtext  ( sys_M, &lat, &lon, final_ts, &rotat, &ixoff, &iyoff,
	                &ier, strlen(sys_M), strlen(final_ts) );


 *  Close the file.
	cfl_clos ( fptr, &ier );
void cvg_rdfilter ( int *iret )
 * cvg_rdfilter								*
 *									*
 * This function reads in all valid entries in the filter table.	*
 *									*
 * cvg_rdfilter ( filter, iret )					*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	none								*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					  0 = Normal  			*
 *					 -1 = unable to open table file	*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		06/06   initial coding         			*
    int		ier;
    char	buff[256], filtype[12], str[256], filstr[8];
    FILE	*fp;
    *iret = 0;
     *  Read the table only once.
    if ( filterLoaded )  return;
     *  Initialize.
    nTblFilter = 0;
     *  Set the flag to True.
    filterLoaded = True;

     *  Open the filter table. If not found, return an error.
    fp = cfl_tbop ( FILTER_TBL, "pgen", &ier );
    if ( fp == NULL || ier != 0 ) {
        printf ( "not loaded ....\n" );
        *iret = -1;
     *  Scan table line-by-line and load valid entries.
    while ( !feof(fp) ) {

	cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );

	if ( ier == 0 ) {

	    sscanf ( buff, "%s %s", filstr, filtype );

	    if ( strcmp ( filstr, "FILTER" ) != 0 ) {
		continue;	/* Skip invalid lines */
	    if ( ( strcmp ( filtype, "TIME") == 0 ) && 
	         ( nTblFilter < MAX_FILTER_NUM ) ) {
		sscanf ( buff, "%*s %*s %s", str );
		_fillStrArray ( MAX_FILTER_NUM, DSPLY_FILTER_SZ, str, 
				&nTblFilter, tblFilter );

    cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );

Exemple #19
void ctb_g2rdlvl ( char *tbname, G2lvls *lvltbl, int *iret ) 
 * ctb_g2rdlvl								*
 *									*
 * This routine will read a GRIB2 vertical coordinate level/layer       *
 * table into an array of structures.	                                *
 * The table is allocated locally and a pointer to the new table is     *
 * passed back to the user in argument lvltbl.  The user is responsible *
 * for freeing this memory, when the table is no longer needed, by      *
 * free(lvltbl.info)                                                    *
 *									*
 * ctb_g2rdlvl ( tbname, lvltbl, iret )				        *
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*tbname char    Filename of the table to read                   *
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*lvltbl G2lvls  Pointer to list of table entries                *
 *	*iret   int     Return code			                *
 *                          0 = Successful                              *
 *                         -1 = Could not open                          *
 *                         -2 = Could not get count of of table entries *
 *                        -52 = Memory allocation failure (G_NMEMRY)    *
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * S. Gilbert/NCEP	 11/04	Modified from ctb_g2rdcntr to read a    *
 *                              GRIB2 level/layer Table.                *
 * S. Emmerson/Unidata   12/15  Added check for malloc() returning NULL *
        FILE     *fp = NULL;
        int      n, blen, id1, id2, scale, nr, ier;
        char     buffer[256]; 
        char     name[34], abbrev[5], unit[21];

	*iret = G_NORMAL;

         *  Open the table. If not found return an error.

        fp = cfl_tbop( tbname, "grid", &ier);
        if ( fp == NULL  ||  ier != 0 )  {
            if (fp)
            *iret = -1;

        cfl_tbnr(fp, &nr, &ier);
        if ( ier != 0 || nr == 0 ) {
            *iret = -2;
            cfl_clos(fp, &ier);

        lvltbl->info = (G2level *)malloc((size_t)nr*sizeof(G2level));
        if (lvltbl->info == NULL) {
            *iret = G_NMEMRY;
            cfl_clos(fp, &ier);
        lvltbl->nlines = nr;

        n  = 0;
        while ( n < nr ) {

            cfl_trln( fp, 256, buffer, &ier );
            if ( ier != 0 ) {

            cst_lstr (  buffer, &blen, &ier );

            sscanf( buffer, "%11d %11d %33c %20c %4s %11d",
                            &id1, &id2, name, unit, abbrev, &scale);

            name[33] = '\0';
            unit[20] = '\0';
            abbrev[4] = '\0';

            strcpy(lvltbl->info[n].name,    name);
            strcpy(lvltbl->info[n].unit,    unit);
            strcpy(lvltbl->info[n].abbrev,  abbrev);


        cfl_clos(fp, &ier);

Exemple #20
void shp_rdException ( int *iret )
 * shp_rdException							*
 *									*
 * This function reads the shape exception table.			*
 *									*
 * void shp_rdException ( iret )					*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret	int		Return value				*
 *                               -1 - Unable to open table      	*
 *				 -2 - Information missing		*
 *									*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * H. Zeng/SAIC		07/07	created					*
    int		num, ilat, ilon, idx, ier;
    char	tagstr1[128], tagstr2[128], tagstr3[128], tagstr4[128];
    char	tagstr5[128], tagstr6[128], tagstr7[128], buff[256];
    FILE    	*fp;

    *iret = 0;

     *  Open the shape exception table. If not found, return an error.
    fp = cfl_tbop("shpexception.tbl", "stns", &ier);
    if ( fp == NULL  ||  ier != 0 )  {
        *iret = -1;

     * Count # of records on the table.
    cfl_tbnr (fp, &_numShpException, &ier);

     * Allocate space for _shpException.
    _shpException = (ShpException_t*) malloc( sizeof(ShpException_t) *
                    _numShpException );

     *  Scan table line-by-line.
    idx = 0;
    rewind (fp);
    while ( !feof(fp) )  {

        cfl_trln(fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier);
        if ( ier != 0 ) continue;

        num = sscanf (buff, "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s", tagstr1, tagstr2,
                      tagstr3, tagstr4, tagstr5, tagstr6, tagstr7);
        if ( num != 7 ) continue;

        if ( sscanf (tagstr6, "%d",  &ilat) == 1  &&
                sscanf (tagstr7, "%d",  &ilon) == 1     ) {

            strcpy ( _shpException[idx].id, tagstr1);
            _shpException[idx].fips = 0;
            sscanf (tagstr2, "%lu", &(_shpException[idx].fips));
            _shpException[idx].clat = ilat * 0.01;
            _shpException[idx].clon = ilon * 0.01;
    } /* the end of while (... */

    cfl_clos(fp, &ier);

void ctb_permccrd ( char *tblnam, char *dirsym, Permclust_t *pc, int *iret )
 * ctb_permccrd								*
 *									*
 * This routine will read the permanent clustered county table into a 	*
 * structure.								*
 *									*
 * ctb_permccrd ( tblnam, dirsym, pc, iret )				*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *	*tblnam		char		Data type table name		*
 *	*dirsym		char		Directory			*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*pc	Permclust_t 		Perm. clustered cnty structure	*
 *	*iret	int			Return code			*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * A. Hardy/NCEP	10/04		copied from ctb_ccrd		*
 * A. Hardy/NCEP        1/05	Added creation of virtual cluster combos*
 * 			      	& added error check on 1st cst_split    *
    FILE    *ftbl;
    char    buff[256], pcname[32], *next;
    int	    ii, jj, ij, in, inx, numclust, fips[50], nfips, len, ier, ierr;
    int     ik, kk, ll, nn, itotal, srchfip, inum, ivfips, cfips[20];
    Boolean	found, match;
    static Permclust_t  vpc, tpc;

    *iret = 0;

     *  Open the table.
    ftbl = cfl_tbop ( tblnam, dirsym, iret );
    if ( *iret != 0 )  {
        tpc.nclust = 0;

     *  Get number of valid table entries.
    cfl_tbnr( ftbl, &numclust, &ier );

    if ( numclust != 0 )  {
         *  Allocate the structure elements.
        tpc.nclust = numclust;
        tpc.clust = (PCinfo *) malloc( numclust * sizeof(PCinfo) );
    else  {
         *  Problem opening table file; set error code and return.
        cfl_clos( ftbl, &ier );
        *iret = -2;

    rewind ( ftbl );

     *  For every valid table entry, read in, parse, put in structure

    ii = 0;
    while ( ii < numclust )  {

	cfl_trln( ftbl, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier );

	if ( ier == 0 )  {

	    next = cst_split ( buff, '|', 4, tpc.clust[ii].pcwfo, &ier );

            if ( ier == 0 ) {
	        next = cst_split ( next, '|', 32, pcname, &ier );
	        tpc.clust[ii].pcname = 
		    (char *)malloc( (strlen(pcname)+1) * sizeof(char) );
	        strcpy ( tpc.clust[ii].pcname, pcname );

	        cst_rmbl ( next, next, &len, &ier );

	        cst_ilst ( next, '+', IMISSD, sizeof(fips)/sizeof(fips[0]),
		           fips, &nfips, &ier );

	        tpc.clust[ii].npc = nfips;
                tpc.clust[ii].pc = (int *)malloc( nfips * sizeof(int) );

	        for ( jj = 0; jj < nfips; jj++ )  {
		    tpc.clust[ii].pc[jj] = fips[jj];
            else {
                ierr = 3; 
                er_wmsg ( "CTB", &ierr, buff, &ier, 3, strlen (buff) );



    cfl_clos ( ftbl, &ier );

    * Create virtual clusters.
    * Allocate the structure elements.

    vpc.nclust = 0;
    vpc.clust = (PCinfo *) malloc( (numclust*4) * sizeof(PCinfo) );
    inum = vpc.nclust;
    ii = 0;
    * Loop over all perm clusters.
    while ( ii < numclust ) {
        for ( jj = 1;jj < tpc.clust[ii].npc; jj++ ) {
            found = False;
            srchfip = tpc.clust[ii].pc[jj];
            * Compare search fip value to the other 1st fips codes.
            * Search permanent table first.
            ij = 0;
            while ( (!found) && (ij < numclust ) ) {
               if ( srchfip == tpc.clust[ij].pc[0] ) {
                   found = True;
            * Search virtual cluster table next.
            ij = 0;
            while ( (!found) && (ij < vpc.nclust ) ) {
                if ( srchfip == vpc.clust[ij].pc[0] ) {
                    found = True;

            * Didn't find a cluster group with search fip as first key.
            * Find all cluster groups in perm. table with this key in 
            * the cluster groups. Create a new virtual cluster entry.

            if ( !found ) {
                cfips[0] = srchfip;
                ik = 0;
               /* Loop over rest of current clustered combo fips 
                * and store the codes temporarily.
                for ( ij = 0; ij < tpc.clust[ii].npc;ij++ ) {
                    if ( tpc.clust[ii].pc[ij] != srchfip ) {
                       cfips[ik] = tpc.clust[ii].pc[ij];
               /* Set the number of virtual fips codes we have so far*/
                ivfips = ik+1;

                * Check rest of perm clusters combox for srchfip.
                * Start with the next perm cluster combo.
                inx = ii + 1;
                match = False;
                    /* loop over rest of combo clusters */
                    for ( kk= inx; kk < numclust; kk++ )  {
                        /* loop over number of counties in each cluster */
                        for ( ll = 0; ll < tpc.clust[kk].npc; ll++ )  {
                            /* look for a match in a cluster */
                            if ( tpc.clust[kk].pc[ll] == srchfip )  {
                                /* store all new codes in cfips array */
                                for ( nn = 0; nn < tpc.clust[kk].npc; nn++ )  {
                                    /* loop over current cluster array, store
                                       one's we don't have*/
                                    in = 0;
                                    while ( (in < ivfips ) && ( !match) ) {
                                        if ( tpc.clust[kk].pc[nn] == cfips[in] )  {
                                            match = True; 
                                   /* didn't find fips in cfips array, keep it */
                                    if ( !match ) { 
                                        cfips[ivfips]  = tpc.clust[kk].pc[nn];
                                    match = False;

                * Put temporary pcname, pcwfo, npc and fips array into 
                * virtual perm clust. combos.
                * Increment number of virtual fip cluster combos

                 strcpy ( vpc.clust[inum].pcwfo, tpc.clust[ii].pcwfo );
	         vpc.clust[inum].pcname = 
		        (char *)malloc( (strlen(pcname)+1) * sizeof(char) );

                 * Store the number of fips codes and the code numbers
                  vpc.clust[inum].npc = ivfips;
                  vpc.clust[inum].pc = (int *)malloc( ivfips * sizeof(int) );
                  for ( ij= 0; ij < ivfips; ij++ )  {
                      vpc.clust[inum].pc[ij] = cfips[ij];
            } /* (!found) loop */ 
        } /* for jj loop */
    } /* while ii loop */ 

    * Fill out output permanent cluster structure.
    * Allocate the structure elements.

    itotal = numclust + vpc.nclust;
    pc->nclust = itotal;
    pc->clust = (PCinfo *) malloc( itotal * sizeof(PCinfo) );
    ii = 0;

    * Write out permanent table cluster combos first.
    while ( ii < numclust )  {

        strcpy (pc->clust[ii].pcwfo, tpc.clust[ii].pcwfo);
        pc->clust[ii].pcname = 
                    (char *)malloc( (strlen(tpc.clust[ii].pcname)+1) * sizeof(char) );
        strcpy ( pc->clust[ii].pcname, tpc.clust[ii].pcname );

        pc->clust[ii].npc = tpc.clust[ii].npc;
        pc->clust[ii].pc = (int *)malloc( tpc.clust[ii].npc * sizeof(int) );
        for ( jj = 0; jj < pc->clust[ii].npc; jj++ )  {
            pc->clust[ii].pc[jj] =  tpc.clust[ii].pc[jj];
    * Write out virtual cluster combos next.
    jj = 0;
    while ( ii < pc->nclust )  {

        strcpy (pc->clust[ii].pcwfo, vpc.clust[jj].pcwfo);
        pc->clust[ii].pcname =
                    (char *)malloc( 12 * sizeof(char) );
        sprintf ( pc->clust[ii].pcname, "VClust %d", jj+1 );

        pc->clust[ii].npc = vpc.clust[jj].npc;
        pc->clust[ii].pc = (int *)malloc( vpc.clust[jj].npc * sizeof(int) );
        for ( ij = 0; ij < pc->clust[ii].npc; ij++ )  {
            pc->clust[ii].pc[ij] =  vpc.clust[jj].pc[ij];

Exemple #22
int main ( int argc , char **argv)
 * main                                                                 *
 *                                                                      *
 * Main program of naminfo.                                           	*
 *									*
 * This program will create an information file (table) about the	*
 * cities table which has been sorted alphabetically.  This information	*
 * is printed out as standard output (via printf) and must be 		*
 * re-directed to the proper information file within the script.	*
 *                                                                      *
 * main(argc, argv)                                                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * Input parameters:                                                    *
 *  argc   int      number of parameters of command line                *
 *  argv   char**   parameter array of command line                     *
 *                                                                      *
 * Output parameters:                                                   *
 * Return parameters:                                                   *
 *                      NONE                                            *
 *                                                                      *
 **                                                                     *
 * Log:                                                                 *
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	12/98						*

char	filename[128], buffer[80], string[512], str[32];
char	alphabet[64], ab1, ab2;
char	c2[3], c2test[3];
int	nstart, nlines, reclen, hdrlen, ier;
size_t  ii, jj;

FILE	*fptr;

	 *  Print out the name of the (alphabetically sorted) city file.
	strcpy ( filename, argv[1] );
	printf("!\n!    CITY FILENAME (sorted alphabetically)\n%s\n!\n",
		filename );

	 *  Alphabet characters must be in increasing ASCII order.
	 *  Print it out.
	strcpy ( alphabet, "'.1ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" );
	printf("!    CHARACTER COMBINATIONS\n%s\n!\n", alphabet );

	fptr = (FILE *)cfl_tbop ( filename, "cities", &ier );

	cfl_trln ( fptr, sizeof(buffer), buffer, &ier );

	reclen = strlen(buffer) + 1;
	hdrlen = (int)ftell( fptr ) - reclen;

	 *  Print out header length and (fixed) record length.
	printf("!    HEADER LENGTH (bytes)\n%d\n!\n", hdrlen );
	printf("!    RECORD LENGTH (bytes)\n%d\n!\n", reclen );

	 *  Scan the file looking for two-character combinations of
	 *  the chars in the alphabet string, ie., AA, AB, AC, AD, etc.
	 *  Print out, in sequence, the combination, starting record number
	 *  and number of records in format combo/strec/nrec, eg.,
	 *  AA/strecAA/nrecAA AB/strecAB/nrecAB AC/strecAC/nrecAC  etc...
	nstart = 0;
	nlines = 0;
	for ( ii = 0; ii < strlen(alphabet); ii++ )  {

		ab1 = alphabet[ii];
		string[0] = '\0';

		for ( jj = 0; jj < strlen(alphabet); jj++ )  {

			ab2 = alphabet[jj];
			sprintf( c2, "%c%c", ab1, ab2 );

			strncpy ( c2test, buffer, 2 );

			nstart = nstart + nlines;
			nlines = 0;

			if ( strcmp(c2,c2test) == 0 )  {

			    ier = 0;
			    while ( strcmp(c2,c2test) == 0 && ier == 0 )  {
				cfl_trln ( fptr, sizeof(buffer), buffer, &ier );
				if ( ier == 0 )  strncpy ( c2test, buffer, 2 );

			if ( strlen(string) > 0 )  strcat( string, " " );
			sprintf ( str, "%s/%d/%d", c2, nstart, nlines );
			strcat( string, str );

			if ( strlen(string) > 68 )  {
		                printf("%s\n", string );
				string[0] = '\0';

		if ( strlen(string) > 0 )  {
			printf("%s\n!\n", string );
		else  {
Exemple #23
void ces_rtbl ( int *iret )
 * ces_rtbl								*
 *									*
 * This function reads the setting table and loads the settings		*
 * structure.								*
 *									*
 * ces_rtbl ( iret )							*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 *	*iret		int		Return code			*
 *					  2 = Bad read.  Ignore record. *
 *					  1 = Setting array siz exceeded*
 *					 -1 = No setting table		*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * D. Keiser/GSC	 7/97	Rewrote using union structure		*
 * E. Wehner/EAi	 8/97	Adopted from cpg_rstng			*
 * C. Lin/EAi		 9/97	Change default table name		*
 * G. Krueger/EAI	10/97	CST_xLST: Removed RSPTB; Add str limit	*
 * C. Lin/EAi		10/97	modify to remove cst_clst(), cleanup	*
 * C. Lin/EAi	 	10/97	modify WBOX_ELM				*
 * M. Linda/GSC		10/97	Corrected the prologue format		*
 * C. Lin/EAi	 	11/97	use CLASS_WATCHES for WBOX_ELM		*
 * C. Lin/EAi	 	11/97	add front strength and wind line width	*
 * S. Law/GSC		03/98	Changed scanned values for CLASS_WINDS  *
 * F. J. Yen/NCEP	 4/98	Renamed from ces_rstng.  Cleaned up.	*
 * F. J. Yen/NCEP	 4/98	Set hdsiz for BARB_ELM to 1.		*
 * W. Li/EAI		04/98	Add darr and hash in CLASS_WINDS	*
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	 6/98	Changed front pip size to type float	*
 * W. Li/EAI		07/98	Added txt_attrib's text value setting	*
 * C. Lin/EAI		09/98	Add smoothing level for line/front	*
 * A. Hardy/GSC		10/98	Added CMBSY_ELM                         *
 * S. Jacobs/NCEP	12/98	Fixed typo				*
 * A. Hardy/GSC		12/98	Added CIRCLE_ELM                        *
 * E. Safford/GSC	02/99	set default for wndtyp to 114 (cleared) *
 * W. Li/EAI		03/99	added latitude/longitude for symbols	*
 * S. Law/GSC		03/99	added filled/closed = 0			*
 * W. Li/EAI		04/99	added MARK_ELM, removed lat/long symbol *
 * S. Law/GSC		05/99	Added CLASS_TRACKS			*
 * S. Law/GSC		07/99	Added CLASS_SIGMETS			*
 * S. Law/GSC		08/99	added remaining SIGMETs			*
 * S. Law/GSC		02/00	added CCF				*
 * H. Zeng/EAI		02/01	added group type info.			*
 * E. Safford/SAIC	02/02	added initialization for new_subtyp	*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		11/02	add class LIST				*
 * M. Li/SAIC		01/03	delete vgstruct.h			*
 * H. Zeng/XTRIA	01/03	added marker info. for Watch		*
 * H. Zeng/XTRIA	03/03	added layer_flag			*
 * D.W.Plummer/NCEP	06/03	added ASHCLD_ELM and VOLC_ELM		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		09/03	add CLASS_MET -> JET_ELM		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		01/04	add CLASS_MET -> GFA_ELM		*
 * B. Yin/SAIC		02/04	added CLASS_MET -> TCA_ELM		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		05/04	add barb/hash color into JET_ELM	*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		05/04	add initialization for "ppid"		*
 * H. Zeng/SAIC		07/04	added check for ialign value		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		09/04	add text type for jet barb text		*
 * J. Wu/SAIC		10/04   remove line width from GFA_ELM		*
 * T. Piper/SAIC	12/05	redone with new Setting_t structure	*
 * B. Yin/SAIC		12/05	added line width for GFA		*
 * S. Jacobs		03/06	add initialization of special text (bug)*
 * S. Danz/AWC		04/06	initialized jet->barb[]spt.text		*
 * B. Yin/SAIC		07/06	added line type and line elem for GFA	*
 * L. Hinson/AWC        12/06   added text color, size, font, hw, width *
 *                              alignment, and text Layout for GFA      *
 * L. Hinson/AWC        06/07   added arrow size for GFA                *
 * L. Hinson/AWC        07/09   Add color, fills, linetype, szarrow,    *
 *                              text size, font, hw, width, alignment,  *
 *                              and text Layout to CCF                  *
 * L. Hinson/AWC        01/12   Add CLASS_MET -> SGWX_ELM               *
    char	tstr[256], vg_classstr[64], vg_typestr[64], tmpstr[256];
    int		one=1, smooth, loglev, quit, ier1, ier, jj, align_val;
    int		ii, tmpwid[3], tmpclr[3], ityp, ifnt, ithw, ialign, nn;
    char	grp[4], *ptr;
    float	tmpsiz, tmpsz[3];
    FILE	*fp;

    *iret = G_NORMAL;

     * Open the setting table.  If not found, return an error.

    if ( (fp = (FILE * )cfl_tbop(SETTING_TBL, "pgen", &ier)) == NULL) {
        *iret = -1;
	loglev = 2;
	strcpy(grp, "CES");
	er_lmsg (&loglev, grp, iret, SETTING_TBL, &ier1, strlen(grp),

     * For every line in the setting table list, read in the record,
     * parse out the fields, and compare to input type.
    jj = num_set = 0;
    quit = G_FALSE;
    while ( ( !quit ) && ( jj < MAX_SET ) ) {

	cfl_trln ( fp, sizeof(tstr), tstr, &ier );

	if ( ier == 4 ) {
	     * Here for end of file.
	    quit = G_TRUE;

	else if ( ier != 0 ) {
	     * Here for a bad read; record is ignored.
	    loglev = 2;
	    strcpy(grp, "CES");
	    ier = 2;
	    er_lmsg ( &loglev, grp, &ier, SETTING_TBL, &ier1,
		      strlen(grp), strlen(SETTING_TBL) );

	else {
	     * Here to process a good record.
	    sscanf(tstr, "%s %s", vg_classstr, vg_typestr);
	    G_REALLOC(set, Setting_t, num_set, "set");
	    set[jj].smooth = 0;
	    set[jj].filled = 0;
	    set[jj].closed = 0;

     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

	    if ( strcmp(vg_classstr, "CLASS_FRONTS" ) == 0 ) {
		set[jj].vg_class = CLASS_FRONTS;
		G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.frt, FrontInfo, one, "set[jj].info.frt");

		sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %f %d %d %s",
			 &(set[jj].subtyp), &(set[jj].maj_col),
			 &(set[jj].min_col), &smooth, &tmpsiz,
			   set[jj].grp_typ );
		set[jj].info.frt->fpipsz = (int)(tmpsiz * 100.0F);
		set[jj].info.frt->fcode = set[jj].subtyp;
		set[jj].info.frt->fpipst = 1;
		if ( smooth < 0 || smooth > 2 )
		    smooth = 0;
		set[jj].smooth = smooth;

		if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "FRONT_ELM" ) == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = FRONT_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "-99" ) == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = DEFLTSET;

     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
	    else if ( strcmp(vg_classstr, "CLASS_CIRCLE") == 0 ) {
		set[jj].vg_class = CLASS_CIRCLE;
		G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.cir, LineInfo, one, "set[jj].info.cir");

		if (strcmp(vg_typestr, "CIRCLE_ELM") == 0) {
		   set[jj].vg_type = CIRCLE_ELM;

		   sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s", 
			 &(set[jj].maj_col), &(set[jj].min_col),
			   set[jj].grp_typ );


     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
	    else if ( strcmp(vg_classstr, "CLASS_LINES") == 0 ) {
		set[jj].vg_class = CLASS_LINES;

		if (strcmp(vg_typestr, "LINE_ELM") == 0) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = LINE_ELM;
		    G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.lin, LineInfo, one, "set[jj].info.lin");
		    sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s",
			 &(set[jj].maj_col), &(set[jj].min_col),
			   set[jj].grp_typ );

		else if (strcmp(vg_typestr, "SPLN_ELM") == 0) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = SPLN_ELM;
		    G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.spl, SpLineInfo, one, "set[jj].info.spl");
		    set[jj].info.spl->splstr = 1;

			sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %d %s",
			&(set[jj].maj_col), &(set[jj].min_col),
			set[jj].grp_typ );


		if (smooth < 0 || smooth > 2)
			smooth = 0;
		set[jj].smooth = smooth;

     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
	    else if ( strcmp(vg_classstr, "CLASS_SYMBOLS") == 0 ) {
		set[jj].vg_class = CLASS_SYMBOLS;
		G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.sym, SymType, one, "set[jj].info.sym");

		if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "WXSYM_ELM") == 0) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = WXSYM_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "CTSYM_ELM") == 0) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = CTSYM_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "ICSYM_ELM") == 0) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = ICSYM_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "PTSYM_ELM") == 0) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = PTSYM_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "PWSYM_ELM") == 0) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = PWSYM_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "SKSYM_ELM") == 0) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = SKSYM_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "SPSYM_ELM") == 0) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = SPSYM_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "TBSYM_ELM") == 0) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = TBSYM_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "CMBSY_ELM") == 0) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = CMBSY_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "MARK_ELM" ) == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = MARK_ELM;
		else if (strcmp(vg_typestr, "-99" ) == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = DEFLTSET;
		sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %f %s", 
			 set[jj].grp_typ );

     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
	    else if ( strcmp(vg_classstr, "CLASS_WINDS") == 0 ) {
		set[jj].vg_class = CLASS_WINDS;
		G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.wnd, WindInfo, one, "set[jj].info.wnd");

		if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "ARROW_ELM") == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = ARROW_ELM;
		    sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %f %f %s",
			&(set[jj].maj_col), &(set[jj].min_col),
			&(set[jj].info.wnd->hdsiz), set[jj].grp_typ );
		    set[jj].info.wnd->wndtyp = 114;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "BARB_ELM") == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = BARB_ELM;
		    sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %f %s",
			 &(set[jj].subtyp), &(set[jj].maj_col),
			 &(set[jj].min_col), &(set[jj].info.wnd->width),
			 &(set[jj].info.wnd->size), set[jj].grp_typ );
		    set[jj].info.wnd->hdsiz = 1.0F;
		    set[jj].info.wnd->wndtyp = 114;

		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "DARR_ELM") == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = DARR_ELM;
		    sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %f %f %s",
			&(set[jj].maj_col), &(set[jj].min_col),
			&(set[jj].info.wnd->hdsiz), set[jj].grp_typ );
		    set[jj].info.wnd->wndtyp = 114;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "HASH_ELM") == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = HASH_ELM;
		    sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %f %s",
			&(set[jj].maj_col), &(set[jj].min_col),
			  set[jj].grp_typ );
		    set[jj].info.wnd->hdsiz = 1.0F;
		    set[jj].info.wnd->wndtyp = 1;

     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
	    else if ( strcmp(vg_classstr, "CLASS_WATCHES") == 0 ) {
		set[jj].vg_class = CLASS_WATCHES;
		G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.wbx, WboxAttr, one, "set[jj].info.wbx");

		sscanf (tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %d %f %d %s",
			&(set[jj].maj_col), &(set[jj].min_col),
			&(set[jj].info.wbx->w_mrkwid), set[jj].grp_typ );

		set[jj].info.wbx->w_number = -9999;

		if (strcmp(vg_typestr, "WBOX_ELM") == 0) { 
		    set[jj].vg_type = WBOX_ELM;
		else if (strcmp(vg_typestr, "-99") == 0) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = DEFLTSET;

     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
	    else if ( strcmp(vg_classstr, "CLASS_TEXT") == 0 ) {
		set[jj].vg_class = CLASS_TEXT;

		if (strcmp(vg_typestr, "TEXT_ELM") == 0) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = TEXT_ELM;
		    G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.txt, TextType, one, "set[jj].info.txt");

		    sscanf (tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %f %f %d %d %d %s", 
			&(set[jj].maj_col), &(set[jj].min_col),
			  set[jj].grp_typ );

		    set[jj].info.txt->info.ithw = set[jj].subtyp;
		    set[jj].info.txt->text[0] = CHNULL;

		     * Make sure ialign value is among (-1, 0, 1).
		    align_val = set[jj].info.txt->info.ialign;

		    if ( align_val != -1 && align_val != 0 &&
			align_val !=  1			) {

			set[jj].info.txt->info.ialign = 0;

		else if (strcmp(vg_typestr, "TEXTC_ELM") == 0) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = TEXTC_ELM;
		    G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.txt, TextType, one, "set[jj].info.txt");

		    sscanf (tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %f %f %d %d %d %s",
			&(set[jj].maj_col), &(set[jj].min_col),
			  set[jj].grp_typ );
		    set[jj].info.txt->info.ithw = set[jj].subtyp;
		    set[jj].info.txt->text[0] = CHNULL;

		     * Make sure ialign value is among (-1, 0, 1).
		    align_val = set[jj].info.txt->info.ialign;

		    if ( align_val != -1 && align_val != 0 &&
			align_val !=  1			) {

			set[jj].info.txt->info.ialign = 0;

		else if (strcmp(vg_typestr, "SPTX_ELM") == 0) { 
		    set[jj].vg_type = SPTX_ELM;
		    G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.spt, SpTxtAttr, one, "set[jj].info.spt");

		    sscanf (tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %f %f %d %d %d %d %d %s",
			&(set[jj].maj_col), &(set[jj].min_col),
			  set[jj].grp_typ );
		    set[jj].info.spt->text.info.sptxtyp = set[jj].subtyp;
		    strcpy ( set[jj].info.spt->ppid, DEFLTPPID );
		    set[jj].info.spt->text.text[0] = CHNULL;
		     * Make sure ialign value is among (-1, 0, 1).
		    align_val = set[jj].info.spt->text.info.ialign;

		    if ( align_val != -1 && align_val != 0 &&
			 align_val !=  1			) {

		         set[jj].info.spt->text.info.ialign = 0;


     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
	    else if ( strcmp(vg_classstr, "CLASS_TRACKS") == 0 ) {
		set[jj].vg_class = CLASS_TRACKS;
		G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.trk, TrackInfo, one, "set[jj].info.trk");

		if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "TRKSTORM_ELM" ) == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = TRKSTORM_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "-99" ) == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = DEFLTSET;

		sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s",
		    &(set[jj].maj_col), &(set[jj].min_col),
		    &(set[jj].info.trk->ltype1), &(set[jj].info.trk->ltype2),
		    &(set[jj].info.trk->mtype1), &(set[jj].info.trk->mtype2),
		    &(set[jj].info.trk->width), &(set[jj].info.trk->incr),
		    set[jj].grp_typ );
     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
	    else if ( strcmp(vg_classstr, "CLASS_SIGMETS") == 0 ) {
		set[jj].vg_class = CLASS_SIGMETS;

		if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "SIGAIRM_ELM" ) == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = SIGAIRM_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "SIGCONV_ELM" ) == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = SIGCONV_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "SIGINTL_ELM" ) == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = SIGINTL_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "SIGNCON_ELM" ) == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = SIGNCON_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "SIGOUTL_ELM" ) == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = SIGOUTL_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "SIGCCF_ELM" ) == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = SIGCCF_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "ASHCLD_ELM" ) == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = ASHCLD_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "VOLC_ELM" ) == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = VOLC_ELM;
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "-99" ) == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = DEFLTSET;

		if (set[jj].vg_type == SIGCCF_ELM) {
                    G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.ccf, CcfAttr, one, "set[jj].info.ccf");		    
                    sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %d %d %d %d %s %s",
                      &(set[jj].subtyp), &(set[jj].smooth),
                      &(set[jj].maj_col), &(set[jj].min_col),
                      set[jj].grp_typ );
                    /* printf("subtyp = %d, smooth=%d, maj_col=%d, min_col=%d, fillhi=%d, fillmed=%d, filllow=%d\n", 
                      set[jj].subtyp, set[jj].smooth, set[jj].maj_col, set[jj].min_col, 
                      set[jj].info.ccf->fillhi, set[jj].info.ccf->fillmed, set[jj].info.ccf->filllow);
                    printf("linetype=%d, szarrow=%f, sztext=%f, itxfn=%d, ithw=%d, iwidth=%d ialign=%d\n",
                      set[jj].info.ccf->linetype, set[jj].info.ccf->szarrow, 
                      set[jj].info.ccf->info.itxfn, set[jj].info.ccf->info.ithw, set[jj].info.ccf->info.iwidth,
                    printf("tlayout=%s grptyp=%s\n",set[jj].info.ccf->textLayout, set[jj].grp_typ); */
		else if (set[jj].vg_type == ASHCLD_ELM) {
		    G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.ash, SigAttr, one, "set[jj].info.ash");
		    sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %s", 
			   &(set[jj].subtyp), &(set[jj].maj_col),
			   &(set[jj].min_col), &(set[jj].smooth),
			   set[jj].grp_typ );
		else if (set[jj].vg_type == VOLC_ELM) {
		    G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.vol, VolAttr, one, "set[jj].info.vol");
		    sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %f %s",
			   &(set[jj].subtyp), &(set[jj].maj_col),
			   &(set[jj].info.vol->size), set[jj].grp_typ );
		else {
		    G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.sig, SigAttr, one, "set[jj].info.sig");
		    sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %d %s",
			   &(set[jj].maj_col), &(set[jj].min_col),
			     set[jj].grp_typ );

     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
	    else if ( strcmp(vg_classstr, "CLASS_LIST") == 0 ) {
		set[jj].vg_class = CLASS_LIST;
		G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.lst, ListInfo, one, "set[jj].info.lst");

		if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "LIST_ELM") == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = LIST_ELM;
		    sscanf ( tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %f %d %s",
			  set[jj].grp_typ );

		     set[jj].info.lst->subtyp = set[jj].subtyp;


     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
	    else if ( strcmp(vg_classstr, "CLASS_MET") == 0 ) {
		set[jj].vg_class = CLASS_MET;

		if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "JET_ELM") == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = JET_ELM;
 		    G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.jet, JetInfo, one, "set[jj].info.jet");
		       *  Check the number of items in setting.tbl.
		       *  ( 22 - version 5.7.4 & later; 21 for earlier versions.
		    strcpy ( tmpstr, tstr );
		    cst_nocc ( tmpstr, '!', 1, 0, &nn, &ier );

		    if ( ier == 0 ) {
		        tmpstr[nn] = '\0';
		        cst_lstr ( tmpstr, &nn, &ier );
		        tmpstr[nn] = '\0';

		    nn = 0;
		    ptr = strtok ( tmpstr, " " );
		    while ( (ptr != (char *)NULL) ) {
			ptr = strtok ( NULL, " " );

		    if ( nn < 22 ) {  /* Version 5.7.3 & before */
			sscanf ( tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %d %f %d %d %f %d %f %d %d %d %d %d %f %d %s",
			    &(set[jj].maj_col), &(set[jj].min_col), &smooth,
			    &tmpclr[0], &tmpsz[0], &tmpwid[0],			/* Barb */
			    &tmpsz[1], &ifnt, &ithw, &tmpwid[1], &ialign,	/* Text */
			    &tmpclr[1], &tmpsz[2], &tmpwid[2],			/* Hash */
			    set[jj].grp_typ );

			    ityp = 0;
		    else {  /* Version 5.7.4 and later */
		        sscanf ( tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %d %f %d %d %f %d %d %f %d %d %d %d %d %f %d %s",
			    &(set[jj].maj_col), &(set[jj].min_col), &smooth,
			    &tmpclr[0], &tmpsz[0], &tmpwid[0],				/* Barb */
			    &ityp, &tmpsz[1], &ifnt, &ithw, &tmpwid[1], &ialign,	/* Text */
			    &tmpclr[1], &tmpsz[2], &tmpwid[2],				/* Hash */
			    set[jj].grp_typ );
		    if (smooth < 0 || smooth > 2) smooth = 0;
		    set[jj].smooth = smooth;
		    set[jj].info.jet->splcol = set[jj].maj_col;
		    set[jj].info.jet->line.splstr = 1;
		    set[jj].info.jet->line.spldir = 0;

		    for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_JETPTS; ii++ ) {
		        set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].wndcol = tmpclr[0];
		        set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].wnd.info.size = tmpsz[0];
		        set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].wnd.info.width = tmpwid[0];
		        set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].wnd.info.wndtyp = 114;
		        set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].wnd.info.hdsiz = 1.0F;
		        set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].sptcol = tmpclr[0];
			set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.sztext = tmpsz[1];
		        set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.itxfn = ifnt;
		        set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.ithw = ithw;
		        set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.iwidth = tmpwid[1];
		        set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.ialign = ialign;
		        set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.rotn = 0.0F;
		        set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.sptxtyp = ityp;
		        set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.turbsym = 0;
		        set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.txtcol = tmpclr[0];
		        set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.filcol = tmpclr[0];
		        set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.info.lincol = tmpclr[0];
			set[jj].info.jet->barb[ii].spt.text[0] = CHNULL;
		        set[jj].info.jet->hash[ii].wndcol = tmpclr[1];
		        set[jj].info.jet->hash[ii].wnd.info.size = tmpsz[2];
		        set[jj].info.jet->hash[ii].wnd.info.width = tmpwid[2];
		        set[jj].info.jet->hash[ii].wnd.info.wndtyp = 1;	
		        set[jj].info.jet->hash[ii].wnd.info.hdsiz = 1.0F;			


		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "GFA_ELM") == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = GFA_ELM;
		    G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.gfa, GfaAttr, one, "set[jj].info.gfa");
		    sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %d %f %d %d %d %d %s %s", 
			   &(set[jj].subtyp), &(set[jj].maj_col), 
			   &(set[jj].min_col), &(set[jj].info.gfa->linelm), 
			   set[jj].grp_typ );
                else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "SGWX_ELM") == 0 ) {
                  set[jj].vg_type = SGWX_ELM;
                  G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.sgwx, SgwxAttr, one, "set[jj].info.sgwx");
                  sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %f %f %d %d %d %d %s",
                    &(set[jj].subtyp), &(set[jj].smooth),
                    &(set[jj].maj_col), &(set[jj].min_col),
                    set[jj].grp_typ );
		else if ( strcmp(vg_typestr, "TCA_ELM") == 0 ) {
		    set[jj].vg_type = TCA_ELM;
		    G_MALLOC(set[jj].info.tca, TcaInfo, one, "set[jj].info.tca");

		    sscanf(tstr, "%*s %*s %d %d %d %d %s",
                           &set[jj].subtyp, &set[jj].maj_col, &set[jj].min_col,
                           &set[jj].info.tca->wwNum, set[jj].grp_typ );


	     * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
	     * ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
	    else {
		*iret = 2;
	        loglev = 2;
		strcpy(grp, "CES");
		er_lmsg (&loglev, grp, iret, SETTING_TBL, &ier1, strlen(grp),

         * Set layer_flag according to set[jj].grp_typ
            cst_lcuc(set[jj].grp_typ, set[jj].grp_typ, &ier1);
	    if ( strstr ( set[jj].grp_typ, "/LAYER" ) != NULL ) {
                 set[jj].cds_or_ces.layer_flag = TRUE;
	    else {
		set[jj].cds_or_ces.layer_flag = FALSE;

	     * Increment jj



    if ( !quit ) {
	 * Setting array (set) size exceeded.  MAX_SET should
	 * be increased.
	*iret = 1;
	loglev = 2;
	strcpy(grp, "CES");
	er_lmsg (&loglev, grp, iret, SETTING_TBL, &ier1, strlen(grp),

    /* close the settings file */
    cfl_clos(fp, &ier);
Exemple #24
static void clo_rdtcabkpts( Stn_t *stn, FILE *fp, char *alias, 
                            int numstn, int *iret )
 * clo_rdtcabkpts							*
 *									*
 * This function loads break point table information into the standard	*
 * station information structure.					*
 *									*
 *									*
 * void clo_rdtcabkpts( stn, fp, alias, numstn, iret )			*
 *									*
 * Input parameters:							*
 * *stn		Stn_t		station structure to fill		*
 * *fp		FILE		FILE pointer to the table file		*
 * *alias	char		alias name of the table			*
 * numstn	int		total number of stations in the table	*
 *									*
 * Output parameters:							*
 * *iret	int		Return code				*
 **									*
 * Log:									*
 * B. Yin/SAIC		 7/04	Created					*
 * m.gamazaychikov	01/05	Corrected for proper column reading	*
 * D. Kidwell/NCEP	 4/05	Added pri = 99 check for supplemental   *
    char 	buff[120];
    char	id[9], desc[64], state[8], cntry[8], c10[21]="\0", tmpstr[128];
    int		counter, ier, lat, lon, stnm, elv, pri;

    counter = 0;
    ier = 0;

    while ( counter < numstn && ier != 4 ) {  			/* ier = 4 EOF */
	cfl_trln(fp, sizeof(buff), buff, &ier);

	if ( ier == 0 )  {

	    id[ 0 ]	= '\0';
	    desc[ 0 ]	= '\0';
	    state[ 0 ]	= '\0';
	    cntry[ 0 ]	= '\0';
	    c10[ 0 ]	= '\0';
	    stnm 	= 0;
	    lat 	= 9999;
	    lon 	= 9999;
	    elv 	= 9999;
	    pri 	= 9999;

	    strncpy( tmpstr, &buff[55], 21 );
	    sscanf( tmpstr, "%d %d %d %d", &lat, &lon, &elv, &pri );

            if ( (  ( strcmp( alias, "TCA_BKPTS_OFF" ) == 0 &&
                       pri % 10 == 0 && pri != 80 && pri != 50 ) 	/* official break points */
                   ||( strcmp( alias, "TCA_BKPTS_SUP" ) == 0 && 
                       (( pri == 19 ) || ( pri == 99 )
                       ||( pri % 10 == 0 && pri != 80 && pri != 50)))   /* supplemental */
                   ||( strcmp( alias, "TCA_BKPTS_WAT" ) == 0 &&
                       pri == 80 )					/* water */
                   ||( strcmp( alias, "TCA_BKPTS_ISL" ) == 0 &&
                       pri == 50 ) ) ){					/* islands */
	       stn->station[counter].lat = (float)lat / 100.0F;
	       stn->station[counter].lon = (float)lon / 100.0F;

	       stn->station[counter].elv = elv;
	       stn->station[counter].pri = pri;

	       strncpy( tmpstr, buff, 8 );
	       sscanf( tmpstr, "%s", id );
	       stn->station[counter].id = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(id)+1);
	       strcpy( stn->station[counter].id, id );

	       strncpy( tmpstr, &buff[9], 6 );
	       sscanf( tmpstr, "%d", &stnm );
	       stn->station[counter].nm = stnm;

	       strncpy( tmpstr, &buff[16], 32 );
	       sscanf( tmpstr, "%s", desc );
	       stn->station[counter].desc = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(desc)+1);
	       cst_lcuc ( desc, stn->station[counter].desc, &ier );

	       strncpy( tmpstr, &buff[49], 2 );
	       sscanf( tmpstr, "%s", state );
	       stn->station[counter].state=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(state)+1);
	       strcpy( stn->station[counter].state, state );

	       strncpy( tmpstr, &buff[52], 2 );
	       sscanf( tmpstr, "%s", cntry );
	       stn->station[counter].cntry=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(cntry)+1);
	       strcpy( stn->station[counter].cntry, cntry );

	       strncpy( tmpstr, &buff[76], 20 );
	       sscanf( tmpstr, "%s", c10 );
	       stn->station[counter].col10 = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*strlen(c10)+1);
	       strcpy( stn->station[counter].col10, c10 );



    stn->nstn = counter; 

     * Free extra memory
    stn->station = (SInfo_t *) realloc( stn->station, (size_t)counter * sizeof(SInfo_t) );

    *iret = 0;