Exemple #1
 * @brief   Waits for any of the specified events.
 * @details The function waits for any event among those specified in
 *          @p mask to become pending then the events are cleared and
 *          returned.
 * @param[in] mask      mask of the event flags that the function should wait
 *                      for, @p ALL_EVENTS enables all the events
 * @param[in] timeout   the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              The mask of the served and cleared events.
 * @retval 0            if the operation has timed out.
 * @api
eventmask_t chEvtWaitAnyTimeout(eventmask_t mask, systime_t timeout) {
  eventmask_t m;

  m = chEvtWaitAnyTimeoutS(mask, timeout);

  return m;
static void test_002_005_execute(void) {
  systime_t time;
  eventmask_t events;

  /* A set of event flags are set on the current thread then the
     function chVTGetSystemTimeX() is invoked, the function is supposed to
     return immediately because the event flags are already pending,
     after return the events mask is tested.*/
    time = chVTGetSystemTimeX();
    chEvtSignalI(chThdGetSelfX(), 0x55);
    events = chEvtWaitAnyTimeout(ALL_EVENTS, MS2ST(1000));
    test_assert((eventmask_t)0 != events,
                "timed out");
    test_assert((eventmask_t)0x55 == events,
                "wrong events mask");

  /* The pending event flags mask is cleared then the function
     chVTGetSystemTimeX() is invoked, after return the events
     mask is tested. The thread is signaled by another thread.*/
    time = chVTGetSystemTimeX();
    chThdGetSelfX()->epmask = 0;
    events = chEvtWaitAnyTimeout(ALL_EVENTS, MS2ST(1000));
    test_assert((eventmask_t)0 != events,
                "timed out");
    test_assert((eventmask_t)0x55 == events,
                "wrong events mask");

  /* The function chVTGetSystemTimeX() is invoked, no event can
     wakeup the thread, the function must return because timeout.*/
    time = chVTGetSystemTimeX();
    events = chEvtWaitAnyTimeoutS(0, MS2ST(1000));
    test_assert_time_window(time + MS2ST(1000),
                            time + MS2ST(1000) + 1,
                            "out of time window");
    test_assert((eventmask_t)0 == events,
                "wrong events mask");