Exemple #1
 * @brief   Output queue write with timeout.
 * @details The function writes data from a buffer to an output queue. The
 *          operation completes when the specified amount of data has been
 *          transferred or after the specified timeout or if the queue has
 *          been reset.
 * @note    The function is not atomic, if you need atomicity it is suggested
 *          to use a semaphore or a mutex for mutual exclusion.
 * @note    The queue callback is invoked before entering a sleep state and at
 *          the end of the transfer.
 * @param[in] oqp       pointer to an @p OutputQueue structure
 * @param[out] bp       pointer to the data buffer
 * @param[in] n         the maximum amount of data to be transferred, the
 *                      value 0 is reserved
 * @param[in] time      the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              The number of bytes effectively transferred.
 * @api
size_t chOQWriteTimeout(OutputQueue *oqp, const uint8_t *bp,
                        size_t n, systime_t time) {
  qnotify_t nfy = oqp->q_notify;
  size_t w = 0;

  chDbgCheck(n > 0, "chOQWriteTimeout");

  while (TRUE) {
    if (chOQIsFullI(oqp)) {
      if (nfy)
      if ((chSemWaitTimeoutS(&oqp->q_sem, time) != RDY_OK)) {
        return w;
    *oqp->q_wrptr++ = *bp++;
    if (oqp->q_wrptr >= oqp->q_top)
      oqp->q_wrptr = oqp->q_buffer;
    chSysUnlock(); /* Gives a preemption chance in a controlled point.*/
    if (--n == 0) {
      if (nfy)
      return w;
Exemple #2
 * @brief   Input queue read with timeout.
 * @details The function reads data from an input queue into a buffer. The
 *          operation completes when the specified amount of data has been
 *          transferred or after the specified timeout or if the queue has
 *          been reset.
 * @note    The function is not atomic, if you need atomicity it is suggested
 *          to use a semaphore or a mutex for mutual exclusion.
 * @note    The queue callback is invoked before entering a sleep state and at
 *          the end of the transfer.
 * @param[in] iqp       pointer to an @p InputQueue structure
 * @param[out] bp       pointer to the data buffer
 * @param[in] n         the maximum amount of data to be transferred, the
 *                      value 0 is reserved
 * @param[in] time      the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              The number of bytes effectively transferred.
 * @api
size_t chIQReadTimeout(InputQueue *iqp, uint8_t *bp,
                       size_t n, systime_t time) {
  qnotify_t nfy = iqp->q_notify;
  size_t r = 0;

  chDbgCheck(n > 0, "chIQReadTimeout");

  while (TRUE) {
    if (chIQIsEmptyI(iqp)) {
      if (nfy)
      if ((chSemWaitTimeoutS(&iqp->q_sem, time) != RDY_OK)) {
        return r;
    *bp++ = *iqp->q_rdptr++;
    if (iqp->q_rdptr >= iqp->q_top)
      iqp->q_rdptr = iqp->q_buffer;
    chSysUnlock(); /* Gives a preemption chance in a controlled point.*/
    if (--n == 0) {
      if (nfy)
      return r;
Exemple #3
 * @brief   Performs a wait operation on a semaphore with timeout specification.
 * @param[in] sp        pointer to a @p Semaphore structure
 * @param[in] time      the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              A message specifying how the invoking thread has been
 *                      released from the semaphore.
 * @retval RDY_OK       if the thread has not stopped on the semaphore or the
 *                      semaphore has been signaled.
 * @retval RDY_RESET    if the semaphore has been reset using @p chSemReset().
 * @retval RDY_TIMEOUT  if the semaphore has not been signaled or reset within
 *                      the specified timeout.
 * @api
msg_t chSemWaitTimeout(Semaphore *sp, systime_t time) {
  msg_t msg;

  msg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(sp, time);
  return msg;
datatype * DataListener< datatype >::peekI(uint32_t timeout_ms){
	datatype * dst;
	if(RDY_OK == chSemWaitTimeoutS(&sem, timeout_ms)){
		dst = rd_head;
		return dst;
	return nullptr;
Exemple #5
 * @brief   Allocates an object from a guarded memory pool.
 * @pre     The guarded memory pool must already be initialized.
 * @param[in] gmp       pointer to a @p guarded_memory_pool_t structure
 * @param[in] timeout   the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              The pointer to the allocated object.
 * @retval NULL         if the operation timed out.
 * @sclass
void *chGuardedPoolAllocTimeoutS(guarded_memory_pool_t *gmp,
                                 sysinterval_t timeout) {
  msg_t msg;

  msg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(&gmp->sem, timeout);
  if (msg != MSG_OK) {
    return NULL;

  return chPoolAllocI(&gmp->pool);
Exemple #6
u32_t sys_arch_sem_wait(sys_sem_t *sem, u32_t timeout) {
  systime_t time, tmo;

  tmo = timeout > 0 ? (systime_t)timeout : TIME_INFINITE;
  time = osalOsGetSystemTimeX();
  if (chSemWaitTimeoutS(*sem, tmo) != MSG_OK)
    time = SYS_ARCH_TIMEOUT;
    time = osalOsGetSystemTimeX() - time;
  return time;
Exemple #7
u32_t sys_arch_sem_wait(sys_sem_t *sem, u32_t timeout) {
  systime_t time, tmo;

  tmo = timeout > 0 ? (systime_t)timeout : TIME_INFINITE;
  time = chTimeNow();
  if (chSemWaitTimeoutS(*sem, tmo) != RDY_OK)
    time = SYS_ARCH_TIMEOUT;
    time = chTimeNow() - time;
  return time;
Exemple #8
u32_t sys_arch_sem_wait(sys_sem_t *sem, u32_t timeout) {
  systime_t tmo, start, remaining;

  tmo = timeout > 0 ? MS2ST((systime_t)timeout) : TIME_INFINITE;
  start = osalOsGetSystemTimeX();
  if (chSemWaitTimeoutS(*sem, tmo) != MSG_OK) {
    return SYS_ARCH_TIMEOUT;
  remaining = osalOsGetSystemTimeX() - start;
  return (u32_t)ST2MS(remaining);
Exemple #9
 * @brief   Retrieves a message from a mailbox.
 * @details The invoking thread waits until a message is posted in the mailbox
 *          or the specified time runs out.
 * @param[in] mbp       the pointer to an initialized Mailbox object
 * @param[out] msgp     pointer to a message variable for the received message
 * @param[in] time      the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              The operation status.
 * @retval RDY_OK       if a message has been correctly fetched.
 * @retval RDY_RESET    if the mailbox has been reset while waiting.
 * @retval RDY_TIMEOUT  if the operation has timed out.
 * @sclass
msg_t chMBFetchS(Mailbox *mbp, msg_t *msgp, systime_t time) {
  msg_t rdymsg;

  chDbgCheck((mbp != NULL) && (msgp != NULL), "chMBFetchS");

  rdymsg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(&mbp->mb_fullsem, time);
  if (rdymsg == RDY_OK) {
    *msgp = *mbp->mb_rdptr++;
    if (mbp->mb_rdptr >= mbp->mb_top)
      mbp->mb_rdptr = mbp->mb_buffer;
  return rdymsg;
Exemple #10
u32_t sys_arch_sem_wait(sys_sem_t *sem, u32_t timeout) {
  systime_t tmo;
  u32_t time;

  tmo = timeout > 0 ? MS2ST((systime_t)timeout) : TIME_INFINITE;
  time = (u32_t)ST2MS(osalOsGetSystemTimeX());
  if (chSemWaitTimeoutS(*sem, tmo) != MSG_OK)
    time = SYS_ARCH_TIMEOUT;
    time = (u32_t)ST2MS(osalOsGetSystemTimeX()) - time;
  return time;
Exemple #11
 * @brief   Posts an high priority message into a mailbox.
 * @details The invoking thread waits until a empty slot in the mailbox becomes
 *          available or the specified time runs out.
 * @param[in] mbp       the pointer to an initialized Mailbox object
 * @param[in] msg       the message to be posted on the mailbox
 * @param[in] time      the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              The operation status.
 * @retval RDY_OK       if a message has been correctly posted.
 * @retval RDY_RESET    if the mailbox has been reset while waiting.
 * @retval RDY_TIMEOUT  if the operation has timed out.
 * @sclass
msg_t chMBPostAheadS(Mailbox *mbp, msg_t msg, systime_t time) {
  msg_t rdymsg;

  chDbgCheck(mbp != NULL, "chMBPostAheadS");

  rdymsg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(&mbp->mb_emptysem, time);
  if (rdymsg == RDY_OK) {
    if (--mbp->mb_rdptr < mbp->mb_buffer)
      mbp->mb_rdptr = mbp->mb_top - 1;
    *mbp->mb_rdptr = msg;
  return rdymsg;
Exemple #12
 * @brief   Posts a message into a mailbox.
 * @details The invoking thread waits until a empty slot in the mailbox becomes
 *          available or the specified time runs out.
 * @param[in] mbp       the pointer to an initialized Mailbox object
 * @param[in] msg       the message to be posted on the mailbox
 * @param[in] time      the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              The operation status.
 * @retval RDY_OK       if a message has been correctly posted.
 * @retval RDY_RESET    if the mailbox has been reset while waiting.
 * @retval RDY_TIMEOUT  if the operation has timed out.
 * @sclass
msg_t chMBPostS(Mailbox *mbp, msg_t msg, systime_t time) {
  msg_t rdymsg;

  chDbgCheck(mbp != NULL, "chMBPostS");

  rdymsg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(&mbp->mb_emptysem, time);
  if (rdymsg == RDY_OK) {
    *mbp->mb_wrptr++ = msg;
    if (mbp->mb_wrptr >= mbp->mb_top)
      mbp->mb_wrptr = mbp->mb_buffer;
  return rdymsg;
bool DataListener< datatype >::receive_to(datatype & dst, uint32_t timeout_ms){
	if(RDY_OK == chSemWaitTimeoutS(&sem, timeout_ms)){
		dst = *rd_head;
		if(rd_head == buf_head + len - 1){
			rd_head = buf_head;
		} else {
			rd_head += 1;
		return true;
	return false;
Exemple #14
 * @brief   Waits for completion.
 * @details If the conversion is not completed or not yet started then the
 *          invoking thread waits for a conversion completion event.
 * @param[in] adcp      pointer to the @p ADCDriver object
 * @param[in] timeout   the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              The operation result.
 * @retval RDY_OK       conversion finished.
 * @retval RDY_TIMEOUT  conversion not finished within the specified time.
msg_t adcWaitConversion(ADCDriver *adcp, systime_t timeout) {

    chDbgAssert((adcp->ad_state == ADC_READY) ||
                (adcp->ad_state == ADC_RUNNING) ||
                (adcp->ad_state == ADC_COMPLETE),
                "adcWaitConversion(), #1",
                "invalid state");
    if (adcp->ad_state != ADC_COMPLETE) {
        if (chSemWaitTimeoutS(&adcp->ad_sem, timeout) == RDY_TIMEOUT) {
            return RDY_TIMEOUT;
    return RDY_OK;
datatype * DataListener< datatype >::receive(uint32_t timeout_ms){
	datatype * dst;
	if(RDY_OK == chSemWaitTimeoutS(&sem, timeout_ms)){
		dst = rd_head;
		if(rd_head == buf_head + len - 1){
			rd_head = buf_head;
		} else {
			rd_head += 1;
		return dst;

	return nullptr;
Exemple #16
 * @brief   Waits for a received frame.
 * @details Stops until a frame is received and buffered. If a frame is
 *          not immediately available then the invoking thread is queued
 *          until one is received.
 * @param[in] macp      pointer to the @p MACDriver object
 * @param[out] rdp      pointer to a @p MACReceiveDescriptor structure
 * @param[in] time      the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              The operation status.
 * @retval RDY_OK       the descriptor was obtained.
 * @retval RDY_TIMEOUT  the operation timed out, descriptor not initialized.
msg_t macWaitReceiveDescriptor(MACDriver *macp,
                               MACReceiveDescriptor *rdp,
                               systime_t time) {
  msg_t msg;

  while (((msg = max_lld_get_receive_descriptor(macp, rdp)) != RDY_OK) &&
         (time > 0)) {
    systime_t now = chTimeNow();
    if ((msg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(&macp->md_rdsem, time)) == RDY_TIMEOUT)
    if (time != TIME_INFINITE)
      time -= (chTimeNow() - now);
  return msg;
Exemple #17
 * @brief   Output queue write with timeout.
 * @details This function writes a byte value to an output queue. If the queue
 *          is full then the calling thread is suspended until there is space
 *          in the queue or a timeout occurs.
 * @param[in] oqp       pointer to an @p OutputQueue structure
 * @param[in] b         the byte value to be written in the queue
 * @param[in] time      the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              The operation status.
 * @retval Q_OK         if the operation succeeded.
 * @retval Q_TIMEOUT    if the specified time expired.
 * @retval Q_RESET      if the queue was reset.
 * @api
msg_t chOQPutTimeout(OutputQueue *oqp, uint8_t b, systime_t time) {
  msg_t msg;

  if ((msg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(&oqp->q_sem, time)) < RDY_OK) {
    return msg;
  *oqp->q_wrptr++ = b;
  if (oqp->q_wrptr >= oqp->q_top)
    oqp->q_wrptr = oqp->q_buffer;

  if (oqp->q_notify)

  return Q_OK;
Exemple #18
 * @brief   Can frame transmission.
 * @details The specified frame is queued for transmission, if the hardware
 *          queue is full then the invoking thread is queued.
 * @note    Trying to transmit while in sleep mode simply enqueues the thread.
 * @param[in] canp      pointer to the @p CANDriver object
 * @param[in] ctfp      pointer to the CAN frame to be transmitted
 * @param[in] timeout   the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              The operation result.
 * @retval RDY_OK       the frame has been queued for transmission.
 * @retval RDY_TIMEOUT  The operation has timed out.
 * @retval RDY_RESET    The driver has been stopped while waiting.
 * @api
msg_t canTransmit(CANDriver *canp, const CANTxFrame *ctfp, systime_t timeout) {

  chDbgCheck((canp != NULL) && (ctfp != NULL), "canTransmit");

  chDbgAssert((canp->state == CAN_READY) || (canp->state == CAN_SLEEP),
              "canTransmit(), #1", "invalid state");
  while ((canp->state == CAN_SLEEP) || !can_lld_can_transmit(canp)) {
    msg_t msg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(&canp->txsem, timeout);
    if (msg != RDY_OK) {
      return msg;
  can_lld_transmit(canp, ctfp);
  return RDY_OK;
Exemple #19
 * @brief   Can frame receive.
 * @details The function waits until a frame is received.
 * @note    Trying to receive while in sleep mode simply enqueues the thread.
 * @param[in] canp      pointer to the @p CANDriver object
 * @param[out] crfp     pointer to the buffer where the CAN frame is copied
 * @param[in] timeout   the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout (useful in an
 *                        event driven scenario where a thread never blocks
 *                        for I/O).
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              The operation result.
 * @retval RDY_OK       a frame has been received and placed in the buffer.
 * @retval RDY_TIMEOUT  The operation has timed out.
 * @retval RDY_RESET    The driver has been stopped while waiting.
 * @api
msg_t canReceive(CANDriver *canp, CANRxFrame *crfp, systime_t timeout) {

  chDbgCheck((canp != NULL) && (crfp != NULL), "canReceive");

  chDbgAssert((canp->state == CAN_READY) || (canp->state == CAN_SLEEP),
              "canReceive(), #1", "invalid state");
  while ((canp->state == CAN_SLEEP) || !can_lld_can_receive(canp)) {
    msg_t msg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(&canp->rxsem, timeout);
    if (msg != RDY_OK) {
      return msg;
  can_lld_receive(canp, crfp);
  return RDY_OK;
Exemple #20
 * @brief   Input queue read with timeout.
 * @details This function reads a byte value from an input queue. If the queue
 *          is empty then the calling thread is suspended until a byte arrives
 *          in the queue or a timeout occurs.
 * @param[in] iqp       pointer to an @p InputQueue structure
 * @param[in] time      the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              A byte value from the queue.
 * @retval Q_TIMEOUT    if the specified time expired.
 * @retval Q_RESET      if the queue was reset.
 * @api
msg_t chIQGetTimeout(InputQueue *iqp, systime_t time) {
  uint8_t b;
  msg_t msg;


  if (iqp->q_notify)

  if ((msg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(&iqp->q_sem, time)) < RDY_OK) {
    return msg;
  b = *iqp->q_rdptr++;
  if (iqp->q_rdptr >= iqp->q_top)
    iqp->q_rdptr = iqp->q_buffer;

  return b;
Exemple #21
 * @brief   Waits for a received frame.
 * @details Stops until a frame is received and buffered. If a frame is
 *          not immediately available then the invoking thread is queued
 *          until one is received.
 * @param[in] macp      pointer to the @p MACDriver object
 * @param[out] rdp      pointer to a @p MACReceiveDescriptor structure
 * @param[in] time      the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              The operation status.
 * @retval RDY_OK       the descriptor was obtained.
 * @retval RDY_TIMEOUT  the operation timed out, descriptor not initialized.
 * @api
msg_t macWaitReceiveDescriptor(MACDriver *macp,
                               MACReceiveDescriptor *rdp,
                               systime_t time) {
    msg_t msg;

    chDbgCheck((macp != NULL) && (rdp != NULL), "macWaitReceiveDescriptor");
    chDbgAssert(macp->state == MAC_ACTIVE, "macWaitReceiveDescriptor(), #1",
                "not active");

    while (((msg = max_lld_get_receive_descriptor(macp, rdp)) != RDY_OK) &&
            (time > 0)) {
        systime_t now = chTimeNow();
        if ((msg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(&macp->rdsem, time)) == RDY_TIMEOUT) {
        if (time != TIME_INFINITE)
            time -= (chTimeNow() - now);
    return msg;
Exemple #22
 * @brief   Waits for a received frame.
 * @details Stops until a frame is received and buffered. If a frame is
 *          not immediately available then the invoking thread is queued
 *          until one is received.
 * @param[in] macp      pointer to the @p MACDriver object
 * @param[out] rdp      pointer to a @p MACReceiveDescriptor structure
 * @param[in] time      the number of ticks before the operation timeouts,
 *                      the following special values are allowed:
 *                      - @a TIME_IMMEDIATE immediate timeout.
 *                      - @a TIME_INFINITE no timeout.
 *                      .
 * @return              The operation status.
 * @retval RDY_OK       the descriptor was obtained.
 * @retval RDY_TIMEOUT  the operation timed out, descriptor not initialized.
 * @api
msg_t macWaitReceiveDescriptor(MACDriver *macp,
                               MACReceiveDescriptor *rdp,
                               systime_t time) {
  msg_t msg;
  systime_t now;

  osalDbgCheck((macp != NULL) && (rdp != NULL));
  osalDbgAssert(macp->state == MAC_ACTIVE, "not active");

  while (((msg = mac_lld_get_receive_descriptor(macp, rdp)) != MSG_OK) &&
         (time > 0)) {
    now = osalOsGetSystemTimeX();
    if ((msg = chSemWaitTimeoutS(&macp->rdsem, time)) == MSG_TIMEOUT) {
    if (time != TIME_INFINITE)
      time -= (osalOsGetSystemTimeX() - now);
  return msg;
Exemple #23
msg_t CounterSemaphore::waitTimeoutS(systime_t time) {

    return chSemWaitTimeoutS(&sem, time);
bool Semaphore_::wait_unsafe(const Time &timeout) {

  return chSemWaitTimeoutS(&impl, US2ST(timeout.to_us_raw())) == RDY_OK;