static void handle_motion_event(XMotionEvent *event) { if (!gWindow) return; if (findButtonInList(gWindow, event->x, event->y) != NULL) change_cursor(gActiveCursor, gWindow); else change_cursor(gNormalCursor, gWindow); }
static void init_cursor_state(HDWindow *window) { if (window) { int x, y, rx, ry, but; Window r, c; XQueryPointer(gXDisplay, window->fMainWindow, &r, &c, &rx, &ry, &x, &y,(unsigned int *) &but); if (findButtonInList(window, x, y) != NULL) change_cursor(gActiveCursor, window); else change_cursor(gNormalCursor, window); } }
BOOL HistoInit() /************************************************************************/ { LPFRAME lpFrame; int x, y, i; LPTR lpLine; RGBS rgb; lpFrame = frame_set(NULL); if (!lpFrame) return(FALSE); lpRHisto = AllocPtr(256 * sizeof(long)); lpGHisto = AllocPtr(256 * sizeof(long)); lpBHisto = AllocPtr(256 * sizeof(long)); if (!lpRHisto || !lpGHisto || !lpBHisto) { HistoDone(); return(FALSE); } clr(lpRHisto, 256 * sizeof(long)); clr(lpGHisto, 256 * sizeof(long)); clr(lpBHisto, 256 * sizeof(long)); AstralWaitCursor(); for (y = 0; y < lpFrame->Ysize; ++y) { AstralClockCursor(y, lpFrame->Ysize, TRUE); lpLine = CachePtr(0, 0, y, NO); for (x = 0; x < lpFrame->Xsize; ++x, lpLine += DEPTH) { frame_getRGB( lpLine, &rgb ); ++lpRHisto[]; ++lpGHisto[]; ++lpBHisto[]; } } change_cursor(0); TotalHisto = (long)lpFrame->Ysize * (long)lpFrame->Xsize; MaxHisto = 0; for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if (lpRHisto[i] > MaxHisto) MaxHisto = lpRHisto[i]; if (lpGHisto[i] > MaxHisto) MaxHisto = lpGHisto[i]; if (lpBHisto[i] > MaxHisto) MaxHisto = lpBHisto[i]; } for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) grayPat[i] = (i & 1) ? 0x55 : 0xAA; for (i = 0; i < QTONEPOINTS; ++i) QTone.QTmoved[i] = NO; MapInit(); QTone.ActiveMark = 0; HistoValue = PNTX(QT(QTone.ActiveMark)); return(TRUE); }
void draw_scene() { CHECK_GL_ERRORS(); glClearColor(skybox_fog_color[0], skybox_fog_color[1], skybox_fog_color[2], 0.0); if(!shadows_on || !have_stencil)glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT|GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); else glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT|GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); if (!have_display) { new_zoom_level = zoom_level; // No scrolling when switching modes... if (quickbar_relocatable && quickbar_win >= 0) // Hack { if (get_show_window (quickbar_win) && windows_list.window[quickbar_win].cur_x < window_width - hud_x && window_height - windows_list.window[quickbar_win].cur_y > hud_y) hide_window (quickbar_win); } } glLoadIdentity (); // Reset The Matrix Enter2DMode (); display_windows (1); // Have to draw the dragged item *after* all windows glColor3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); if (item_dragged != -1) drag_item (item_dragged, 0, 0); else if (use_item != -1 && current_cursor == CURSOR_USE_WITEM) drag_item (use_item, 0, 1); else if (storage_item_dragged != -1) drag_item (storage_item_dragged, 1, 0); draw_special_cursors(); Leave2DMode (); if(elwin_mouse >= 0) { if (current_cursor != elwin_mouse) change_cursor(elwin_mouse); elwin_mouse = -1; } SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); CHECK_GL_ERRORS(); /* start or stop the harvesting effect depending on harvesting state */ check_harvesting_effect(); if (draw_delay > 0) { SDL_Delay (draw_delay); draw_delay = 0; } }
static void make_busy_cursor(HDWindow *window) { change_cursor(gBusyCursor, window); }
void Handle_One_Event() { static const long twentyTicks = time_in_ticks(20).asMilliseconds(); static const long fortyTicks = time_in_ticks(40).asMilliseconds(); through_sending(); Handle_Update(); //(cur_time - last_anim_time > 42) if((animTimer.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds() >= fortyTicks) && (overall_mode != MODE_STARTUP) && (anim_onscreen) && get_bool_pref("DrawTerrainAnimation", true) && (!gInBackground)) { animTimer.restart(); draw_terrain(); } if((animTimer.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds() > twentyTicks) && (overall_mode == MODE_STARTUP)) { animTimer.restart(); draw_startup_anim(true); } clear_sound_memory(); if(map_visible && mini_map.pollEvent(event)){ if(event.type == sf::Event::Closed) { mini_map.setVisible(false); map_visible = false; } else if(event.type == sf::Event::GainedFocus) makeFrontWindow(mainPtr); } if(!mainPtr.pollEvent(event)) { if(changed_display_mode) { changed_display_mode = false; adjust_window_mode(); } flushingInput = false; redraw_screen(REFRESH_NONE); return; } switch(event.type) { case sf::Event::KeyPressed: if(flushingInput) return; if(!(event.key.*systemKey)) handle_keystroke(event); break; case sf::Event::MouseButtonPressed: if(flushingInput) return; Mouse_Pressed(); break; case sf::Event::MouseLeft: // Make sure we don't have an arrow cursor when it's outside the window make_cursor_sword(); break; case sf::Event::GainedFocus: Handle_Update(); makeFrontWindow(mainPtr); case sf::Event::MouseMoved: if(!gInBackground) { location where(event.mouseMove.x, event.mouseMove.y); change_cursor(where); } break; case sf::Event::MouseWheelMoved: if(flushingInput) return; handle_scroll(event); break; case sf::Event::Closed: if(overall_mode == MODE_STARTUP) { if(party_in_memory) { std::string choice = cChoiceDlog("quit-confirm-save", {"save","quit","cancel"}).show(); if(choice == "cancel") break; if(choice == "save") { fs::path file = nav_put_party(); if(!file.empty()) break; save_party(file, univ); } } All_Done = true; break; } if(overall_mode > MODE_TOWN){ std::string choice = cChoiceDlog("quit-confirm-nosave", {"quit", "cancel"}).show(); if(choice == "cancel") break; } else { std::string choice = cChoiceDlog("quit-confirm-save", {"save", "quit", "cancel"}).show(); if(choice == "cancel") break; if(choice == "save") save_party(univ.file, univ); } All_Done = true; default: break; // There's several events we don't need to handle at all } flushingInput = false; // TODO: Could there be a case when the key and mouse input that needs to be flushed has other events interspersed? }
int switch_to_game_map() { #ifdef NEW_TEXTURES char buffer[1024]; #else /* NEW_TEXTURES */ int len; texture_cache_struct tex; #endif /* NEW_TEXTURES */ short int cur_cont; static short int old_cont = -1; /* check we loaded the mapinfo data */ if (continent_maps == NULL || continent_maps[0].name == NULL) { LOG_TO_CONSOLE(c_yellow2,err_nomap_str); return 0; } #ifdef NEW_TEXTURES if (check_image_name(map_file_name, sizeof(buffer), buffer) == 1) { map_text = load_texture_cached(buffer, tt_image); } else { map_text = 0; } #else /* NEW_TEXTURES */ my_strcp(tex.file_name,map_file_name); len=strlen(tex.file_name); tex.file_name[len-3]='b'; tex.file_name[len-2]='m'; tex.file_name[len-1]='p'; tex.alpha = 128; if (!el_file_exists(tex.file_name)) map_text = 0; else map_text=load_bmp8_fixed_alpha(&tex, tex.alpha); #endif /* NEW_TEXTURES */ if(!map_text) { LOG_TO_CONSOLE(c_yellow2,err_nomap_str); return 0; } if (cur_map < 0) { cur_cont = -1; } else { cur_cont = continent_maps[cur_map].cont; } if (cur_cont != old_cont && cur_cont >= 0 && cur_cont < nr_continents) { #ifdef NEW_TEXTURES cont_text = load_texture_cached (cont_map_file_names[cur_cont], tt_image); #else /* NEW_TEXTURES */ cont_text = load_texture_cache (cont_map_file_names[cur_cont], 128); #endif /* NEW_TEXTURES */ old_cont = cur_cont; } #ifdef DEBUG_MAP_SOUND cur_tab_map = cur_map; #endif // DEBUG_MAP_SOUND if(current_cursor != CURSOR_ARROW) { change_cursor(CURSOR_ARROW); } return 1; }
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; POINT press; HMENU menu; RECT dlg_rect; RECT wind_rect; short handled = 0; short store_ulx; short store_uly; short sbar_pos; short which_sbar; short old_setting; short smin; short smax; // First, handle window size GetWindowRect(mainPtr,&wind_rect); switch (display_mode) { //case 0 is center case 1: store_ulx = 0; store_uly = 0; break; case 2: store_ulx = wind_rect.right - 550 - 21; store_uly = 0; break; case 3: store_ulx = 0; store_uly = wind_rect.bottom - 422 - 24 - 21; break; case 4: store_ulx = wind_rect.right - 550 - 21; store_uly = wind_rect.bottom - 422 - 24 - 21; break; case 5: store_ulx = 0; store_uly = 0; break; default: store_ulx = ((wind_rect.right - wind_rect.left) - 536) / 2 - 30; store_uly = ((wind_rect.bottom - - 478) / 2 + 8; break; } store_ulx -= store_ulx % 8; store_uly -= store_uly % 8; if ((store_ulx != ulx) || (store_uly != uly)) { ulx = store_ulx; uly = store_uly; adjust_window_mode(); } switch (message) { case WM_KEYDOWN: if (hwnd != mainPtr) check_cd_event(hwnd,message,wParam,lParam); else { cursor_go(); All_Done = handle_syskeystroke(wParam,lParam,&handled); check_game_done(); } if (handled == 1) FlushEvents(0); return 0; case WM_CHAR: if (hwnd != mainPtr) check_cd_event(hwnd,message,wParam,lParam); else { cursor_go(); All_Done = handle_keystroke(wParam,lParam); check_game_done(); } return 0; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: cursor_stay(); if (hwnd != mainPtr) check_cd_event(hwnd,message,wParam,lParam); else { SetFocus(hwnd); press = MAKEPOINT(lParam); if (in_startup_mode == false) All_Done = handle_action(press, wParam,lParam); else All_Done = handle_startup_press(press); change_cursor(press); check_game_done(); } return 0; break; case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: cursor_stay(); if (hwnd != mainPtr) check_cd_event(hwnd,message,wParam,lParam); else { SetFocus(hwnd); press = MAKEPOINT(lParam); if (in_startup_mode == false) All_Done = handle_action(press, wParam,-2); else All_Done = handle_startup_press(press); change_cursor(press); check_game_done(); } return 0; break; case WM_ACTIVATE: if (hwnd == mainPtr) { WORD fActive = LOWORD(wParam); if ((fActive == WA_ACTIVE) ||(fActive == WA_CLICKACTIVE)) { window_in_front = true; GetClientRect(hwnd,&dlg_rect); InvalidateRect(hwnd,&dlg_rect,false); } if (fActive == WA_INACTIVE) { cursor_stay(); anim_onscreen = false; window_in_front = false; } } return 0; case WM_ERASEBKGND: if (hwnd != mainPtr) break; block_erase = false; return 1; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if (store_mouse != lParam) cursor_stay(); store_mouse = lParam; press = MAKEPOINT(lParam); if (hwnd == mainPtr) { change_cursor(press); if ((overall_mode > MODE_COMBAT) && (overall_mode < MODE_TALKING)) draw_targeting_line(press); } return 0; case WM_PAINT: if ((block_erase == true) && (hwnd == mainPtr)) { block_erase = false; } BeginPaint(hwnd,&ps); EndPaint(hwnd,&ps); if (hwnd != mainPtr) check_cd_event(hwnd,message,wParam,lParam); else { string_added = true; reset_text_bar(); if (in_startup_mode == true) draw_startup(0); else if (first_update == true) { first_update = false; if (overall_mode == MODE_OUTDOORS) redraw_screen(0); if ((overall_mode > MODE_OUTDOORS) & (overall_mode < MODE_COMBAT)) redraw_screen(1); // 1st update never combat } else refresh_screen(overall_mode); } return 0; case WM_TIMER: switch(wParam) { case 1: if ((in_startup_mode == false) && (anim_onscreen == true) && (window_in_front == true) && (give_delays == false)) { if(PSD[SDF_NO_TER_ANIM] != 1) anim_ticks++; initiate_redraw(); } break; case 2: if ((overall_mode > MODE_COMBAT) && (overall_mode < MODE_TALKING)) { GetCursorPos(&press); press.x -= wind_rect.left + 3; press.y -= + 41; draw_targeting_line(press); } if ((in_startup_mode == true) && (window_in_front == true)) draw_startup_anim(); break; } return 0; case WM_COMMAND: // 1006 is dummy event // creation events 2000 spend xp 2001 pick graphic 2002 finish up if (hwnd == mainPtr) { menu = GetMenu(mainPtr); All_Done = handle_menu((short) LOWORD(wParam), menu); check_game_done(); } else check_cd_event(hwnd,message,wParam,lParam); return 0; case WM_VSCROLL: which_sbar = GetWindowLong((HWND) lParam, GWL_ID); switch (which_sbar) {// 1 text 2 items 3 shop case 1: sbar_pos = GetScrollPos(text_sbar,SB_CTL); switch (wParam ) { case SB_PAGEDOWN: sbar_pos += 11; break; case SB_LINEDOWN: sbar_pos++; break; case SB_PAGEUP: sbar_pos -= 11; break; case SB_LINEUP: sbar_pos--; break; case SB_TOP: sbar_pos = 0; break; case SB_BOTTOM: sbar_pos = 57; break; case SB_THUMBPOSITION: case SB_THUMBTRACK: sbar_pos = LOWORD(lParam); break; } if (sbar_pos < 0) sbar_pos = 0; if (sbar_pos > 58) sbar_pos = 58; { // SetScrollPos(text_sbar,SB_CTL,sbar_pos,true); lpsi.nPos = sbar_pos; lpsi.fMask = SIF_POS; SetScrollInfo(text_sbar,SB_CTL,&lpsi,true); } string_added = true; print_buf(); break; case 2: old_setting = sbar_pos = GetScrollPos(item_sbar,SB_CTL); GetScrollRange(item_sbar,SB_CTL,(int *) &smin,(int *) &smax); switch (wParam ) { case SB_PAGEDOWN: sbar_pos += (stat_window == 7) ? 2 : 8; break; case SB_LINEDOWN: sbar_pos++; break; case SB_PAGEUP: sbar_pos -= (stat_window == 7) ? 2 : 8; break; case SB_LINEUP: sbar_pos--; break; case SB_TOP: sbar_pos = 0; break; case SB_BOTTOM: sbar_pos = smax; break; case SB_THUMBPOSITION: case SB_THUMBTRACK: sbar_pos = LOWORD(lParam); break; } if (sbar_pos < 0) sbar_pos = 0; if (sbar_pos > smax) sbar_pos = smax; { // SetScrollPos(item_sbar,SB_CTL,sbar_pos,true); lpsi.nPos = sbar_pos; lpsi.fMask = SIF_POS; SetScrollInfo(item_sbar,SB_CTL,&lpsi,true); } if (sbar_pos != old_setting) put_item_screen(stat_window,1); break; case 3: old_setting = sbar_pos = GetScrollPos(shop_sbar,SB_CTL); GetScrollRange(shop_sbar,SB_CTL,(int *) &smin,(int *) &smax); switch (wParam ) { case SB_PAGEDOWN: sbar_pos += 8; break; case SB_LINEDOWN: sbar_pos++; break; case SB_PAGEUP: sbar_pos -= 8; break; case SB_LINEUP: sbar_pos--; break; case SB_TOP: sbar_pos = 0; break; case SB_BOTTOM: sbar_pos = smax; break; case SB_THUMBPOSITION: case SB_THUMBTRACK: sbar_pos = LOWORD(lParam); break; } if (sbar_pos < 0) sbar_pos = 0; if (sbar_pos > smax) sbar_pos = smax; { // SetScrollPos(shop_sbar,SB_CTL,sbar_pos,true); lpsi.nPos = sbar_pos; lpsi.fMask = SIF_POS; SetScrollInfo(shop_sbar,SB_CTL,&lpsi,true); } if (sbar_pos != old_setting) draw_shop_graphics(0,shop_sbar_rect); break; } SetFocus(mainPtr); return 0; case WM_DESTROY: case WM_CLOSE: if (hwnd == mainPtr) { lose_graphics(); PostQuitMessage(0); } return 0; case WM_QUIT: if (hwnd == mainPtr) lose_graphics(); break; } return DefWindowProc(hwnd,message,wParam,lParam); }
void draw_scene() { CHECK_GL_ERRORS(); glClearColor(skybox_fog_color[0], skybox_fog_color[1], skybox_fog_color[2], 0.0); if(!shadows_on || !have_stencil)glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT|GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); else glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT|GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT|GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); if (!have_display) { // No scrolling when switching modes... new_zoom_level = zoom_level; // Hide the moveable hud windows if they are not on the bottom or side hud bar hide_moved_hud_windows(); } glLoadIdentity (); // Reset The Matrix Enter2DMode (); display_windows (1); // Have to draw the dragged item *after* all windows glColor3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); if (item_dragged != -1) drag_item (item_dragged, 0, 0); else if (use_item != -1 && current_cursor == CURSOR_USE_WITEM) drag_item (use_item, 0, 1); else if (storage_item_dragged != -1) drag_item (storage_item_dragged, 1, 0); draw_special_cursors(); Leave2DMode (); if(elwin_mouse >= 0) { if (current_cursor != elwin_mouse) change_cursor(elwin_mouse); elwin_mouse = -1; } SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); CHECK_GL_ERRORS(); /* stuff to do not every frame, twice a second is fine */ { static Uint32 last_half_second_timer = 0; static int first_time = 1; Uint32 current_time = SDL_GetTicks(); if (first_time) { last_half_second_timer = current_time; first_time = 0; } if ((current_time - last_half_second_timer) > 500u) { /* start or stop the harvesting effect depending on harvesting state */ check_harvesting_effect(); /* check for and possibly do auto save */ auto_save_local_and_server(); /* action on afk state changes */ check_afk_state(); /* the timer in the hud */ update_hud_timer(); /* check if we need to do buff duration requests */ check_then_do_buff_duration_request(); /* check if we are doing a server connection test */ check_if_testing_server_connection(); /* until next time */ last_half_second_timer = current_time; } } if (draw_delay > 0) { SDL_Delay (draw_delay); draw_delay = 0; } }
void init_stuff() { int seed; Uint32 (*my_timer_pointer) (unsigned int) = my_timer; //TODO: process command line options chdir(datadir); //Initialize all strings init_translatables(); #ifdef WRITE_XML load_translatables();//Write to the current working directory - hopefully we'll have write rights here... #endif //read the config file read_config(); //Parse command line options read_command_line(); //OK, we have the video mode settings... setup_video_mode(full_screen,video_mode); //now you may set the video mode using the %<foo> in-game video_mode_set=1; //Good, we should be in the right working directory - load all translatables from their files load_translatables(); init_video(); resize_window(); init_gl_extensions(); #ifdef CAL3D create_cal3d_model(); init_cal3d_model(); #endif seed = time (NULL); srand (seed); cache_system_init(MAX_CACHE_SYSTEM); init_texture_cache(); init_md2_cache(); init_e3d_cache(); init_2d_obj_cache(); load_ignores(); load_filters(); load_e3d_list(); load_e2d_list(); load_part_list(); load_knowledge_list(); load_cursors(); build_cursors(); change_cursor(CURSOR_ARROW); build_glow_color_table(); init_actors_lists(); memset(tile_list, 0, sizeof(tile_list)); memset(lights_list, 0, sizeof(lights_list)); init_particles_list(); memset(actors_defs, 0, sizeof(actors_defs)); init_actor_defs(); load_map_tiles(); //lights setup build_global_light_table(); build_sun_pos_table(); reset_material(); init_lights(); disable_local_lights(); init_colors(); clear_error_log(); clear_conn_log(); clear_thunders(); build_rain_table(); read_bin_cfg(); build_levels_table();//for some HUD stuff init_scale_array(); if(!no_sound)init_sound(); //initialize the fonts init_fonts(); check_gl_errors(); //load the necesary textures //font_text=load_texture_cache("./textures/font.bmp",0); icons_text=load_texture_cache("./textures/gamebuttons.bmp",0); hud_text=load_texture_cache("./textures/gamebuttons2.bmp",0); cons_text=load_texture_cache("./textures/console.bmp",255); sky_text_1=load_texture_cache("./textures/sky.bmp",70); particle_textures[0]=load_texture_cache("./textures/particle0.bmp",0); particle_textures[1]=load_texture_cache("./textures/particle1.bmp",0); particle_textures[2]=load_texture_cache("./textures/particle2.bmp",0); particle_textures[3]=load_texture_cache("./textures/particle3.bmp",0); particle_textures[4]=load_texture_cache("./textures/particle4.bmp",0); particle_textures[5]=load_texture_cache("./textures/particle5.bmp",0); particle_textures[6]=load_texture_cache("./textures/particle6.bmp",0); particle_textures[7]=load_texture_cache("./textures/particle7.bmp",0); items_text_1=load_texture_cache("./textures/items1.bmp",0); items_text_2=load_texture_cache("./textures/items2.bmp",0); items_text_3=load_texture_cache("./textures/items3.bmp",0); items_text_4=load_texture_cache("./textures/items4.bmp",0); items_text_5=load_texture_cache("./textures/items5.bmp",0); items_text_6=load_texture_cache("./textures/items6.bmp",0); items_text_7=load_texture_cache("./textures/items7.bmp",0); items_text_8=load_texture_cache("./textures/items8.bmp",0); items_text_9=load_texture_cache("./textures/items9.bmp",0); portraits1_tex=load_texture_cache("./textures/portraits1.bmp",0); portraits2_tex=load_texture_cache("./textures/portraits2.bmp",0); portraits3_tex=load_texture_cache("./textures/portraits3.bmp",0); portraits4_tex=load_texture_cache("./textures/portraits4.bmp",0); portraits5_tex=load_texture_cache("./textures/portraits5.bmp",0); halo_tex=load_texture_cache("./textures/halo.bmp",0); if(have_multitexture)ground_detail_text=load_texture_cache("./textures/ground_detail.bmp",255); check_gl_errors(); create_char_error_str[0]=0; init_opening_interface(); init_hud_interface(); if(SDLNet_Init()<0) { char str[120]; sprintf(str,"%s: %s\n",failed_sdl_net_init,SDLNet_GetError()); log_error(str); SDLNet_Quit(); SDL_Quit(); exit(2); } if(SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_TIMER)<0) { char str[120]; sprintf(str, "%s: %s\n", failed_sdl_timer_init,SDL_GetError()); log_error(str); SDL_Quit(); exit(1); } SDL_SetTimer (1000/(18*4), my_timer_pointer); ReadXML("languages/en/Encyclopedia/index.xml"); read_key_config(); load_questlog(); init_buddy(); //initiate function pointers init_attribf(); //we might want to do this later. connect_to_server(); }
// Handle FLTK events int Fl_Table_Copy::handle(int event) { PRINTEVENT; int ret = Fl_Group::handle(event); // let FLTK group handle events first // Which row/column are we over? int R, C; // row/column being worked on ResizeFlag resizeflag; // which resizing area are we over? (0=none) TableContext context = cursor2rowcol(R, C, resizeflag); if (ret) { if (Fl::event_inside(hscrollbar) || Fl::event_inside(vscrollbar)) return 1; if ( context != CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER && // mouse not in row header (STR#2742) context != CONTEXT_COL_HEADER && // mouse not in col header (STR#2742) Fl::focus() != this && // we don't have focus? contains(Fl::focus())) { // focus is a child? return 1; } } // Make snapshots of realtime event states *before* we service user's cb, // which may do things like post popup menus that return with unexpected button states. int _event_button = Fl::event_button(); int _event_clicks = Fl::event_clicks(); int _event_x = Fl::event_x(); int _event_y = Fl::event_y(); int _event_key = Fl::event_key(); #if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303 int _event_state = Fl::event_state(); #endif Fl_Widget *_focus = Fl::focus(); switch ( event ) { case FL_PUSH: // Single left-click on table? do user's callback with CONTEXT_TABLE if (_event_button == 1 && !_event_clicks) { if (_focus == this) { take_focus(); do_callback(CONTEXT_TABLE, -1, -1); ret = 1; } damage_zone(current_row, current_col, select_row, select_col, R, C); if (context == CONTEXT_CELL) { current_row = select_row = R; current_col = select_col = C; _selecting = CONTEXT_CELL; } else { // Clear selection if not resizing row/col if ( !resizeflag ) { current_row = select_row = -1; current_col = select_col = -1; } } } // A click on table with user's callback defined? // Need this for eg. right click to pop up a menu // if ( Fl_Widget::callback() && // callback defined? resizeflag == RESIZE_NONE ) { // not resizing? do_callback(context, R, C); // do callback with context (cell, header, etc) } // Handle selection if handling a left-click // Use snapshot of _event_button we made before servicing user's cb's // to avoid checking realtime state of buttons which may have changed // during the user's callbacks. // switch ( context ) { case CONTEXT_CELL: // FL_PUSH on a cell? ret = 1; // express interest in FL_RELEASE break; case CONTEXT_NONE: // FL_PUSH on table corner? if ( _event_button == 1 && _event_x < x() + row_header_width()) { current_col = 0; select_col = cols() - 1; current_row = 0; select_row = rows() - 1; damage_zone(current_row, current_col, select_row, select_col); ret = 1; } break; case CONTEXT_COL_HEADER: // FL_PUSH on a column header? if ( _event_button == 1) { // Resizing? Handle it if ( resizeflag ) { // Start resize if left click on column border. // "ret=1" ensures we get drag events from now on. // (C-1) is used if mouse is over the left hand side // of cell, so we resize the next column on the left. // _resizing_col = ( resizeflag & RESIZE_COL_LEFT ) ? C-1 : C; _resizing_row = -1; _dragging_x = _event_x; ret = 1; } else { // Not resizing? Select the column if ( Fl::focus() != this && contains(Fl::focus()) ) return 0; // STR #3018 - item 1 current_col = select_col = C; current_row = 0; select_row = rows() - 1; _selecting = CONTEXT_COL_HEADER; damage_zone(current_row, current_col, select_row, select_col); ret = 1; } } break; case CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER: // FL_PUSH on a row header? if ( _event_button == 1 ) { // Resizing? Handle it if ( resizeflag ) { // Start resize if left mouse clicked on row border. // "ret = 1" ensures we get drag events from now on. // (R-1) is used if mouse is over the top of the cell, // so that we resize the row above. // _resizing_row = ( resizeflag & RESIZE_ROW_ABOVE ) ? R-1 : R; _resizing_col = -1; _dragging_y = _event_y; ret = 1; } else { // Not resizing? Select the row if ( Fl::focus() != this && contains(Fl::focus()) ) return 0; // STR #3018 - item 1 current_row = select_row = R; current_col = 0; select_col = cols() - 1; _selecting = CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER; damage_zone(current_row, current_col, select_row, select_col); ret = 1; } } break; default: ret = 0; // express disinterest break; } _last_row = R; break; case FL_DRAG: if (_auto_drag == 1) { ret = 1; break; } if ( _resizing_col > -1 ) { // Dragging column? // // Let user drag even /outside/ the row/col widget. // Don't allow column width smaller than 1. // Continue to show FL_CURSOR_WE at all times during drag. // int offset = _dragging_x - _event_x; int new_w = col_width(_resizing_col) - offset; if ( new_w < _col_resize_min ) new_w = _col_resize_min; col_width(_resizing_col, new_w); _dragging_x = _event_x; table_resized(); redraw(); change_cursor(FL_CURSOR_WE); ret = 1; if ( Fl_Widget::callback() && when() & FL_WHEN_CHANGED ) { do_callback(CONTEXT_RC_RESIZE, R, C); } } else if ( _resizing_row > -1 ) { // Dragging row? // // Let user drag even /outside/ the row/col widget. // Don't allow row width smaller than 1. // Continue to show FL_CURSOR_NS at all times during drag. // int offset = _dragging_y - _event_y; int new_h = row_height(_resizing_row) - offset; if ( new_h < _row_resize_min ) new_h = _row_resize_min; row_height(_resizing_row, new_h); _dragging_y = _event_y; table_resized(); redraw(); change_cursor(FL_CURSOR_NS); ret = 1; if ( Fl_Widget::callback() && when() & FL_WHEN_CHANGED ) { do_callback(CONTEXT_RC_RESIZE, R, C); } } else { if (_event_button == 1 && _selecting == CONTEXT_CELL && context == CONTEXT_CELL) { // Dragging a cell selection? if ( _event_clicks ) break; // STR #3018 - item 2 if (select_row != R || select_col != C) { damage_zone(current_row, current_col, select_row, select_col, R, C); } select_row = R; select_col = C; ret = 1; } else if (_event_button == 1 && _selecting == CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER && context & (CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER|CONTEXT_COL_HEADER|CONTEXT_CELL)) { if (select_row != R) { damage_zone(current_row, current_col, select_row, select_col, R, C); } select_row = R; ret = 1; } else if (_event_button == 1 && _selecting == CONTEXT_COL_HEADER && context & (CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER|CONTEXT_COL_HEADER|CONTEXT_CELL)) { if (select_col != C) { damage_zone(current_row, current_col, select_row, select_col, R, C); } select_col = C; ret = 1; } } // Enable autodrag if not resizing, and mouse has moved off table edge if ( _resizing_row < 0 && _resizing_col < 0 && _auto_drag == 0 && ( _event_x > x() + w() - 20 || _event_x < x() + row_header_width() || _event_y > y() + h() - 20 || _event_y < y() + col_header_height() ) ) { _start_auto_drag(); } break; case FL_RELEASE: _stop_auto_drag(); switch ( context ) { case CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER: // release on row header case CONTEXT_COL_HEADER: // release on col header case CONTEXT_CELL: // release on a cell case CONTEXT_TABLE: // release on dead zone if ( _resizing_col == -1 && // not resizing a column _resizing_row == -1 && // not resizing a row Fl_Widget::callback() && // callback defined when() & FL_WHEN_RELEASE && // on button release _last_row == R ) { // release on same row PUSHed? // Need this for eg. left clicking on a cell to select it do_callback(context, R, C); } break; default: break; } if ( _event_button == 1 ) { change_cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT); _resizing_col = -1; _resizing_row = -1; ret = 1; } break; case FL_MOVE: if ( context == CONTEXT_COL_HEADER && // in column header? resizeflag ) { // resize + near boundary? change_cursor(FL_CURSOR_WE); // show resize cursor } else if ( context == CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER && // in row header? resizeflag ) { // resize + near boundary? change_cursor(FL_CURSOR_NS); // show resize cursor } else { change_cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT); // normal cursor } ret = 1; break; case FL_ENTER: // See FLTK event docs on the FL_ENTER widget if (!ret) take_focus(); ret = 1; //FALLTHROUGH case FL_LEAVE: // We want to track the mouse if resizing is allowed. if ( resizeflag ) { ret = 1; } if ( event == FL_LEAVE ) { _stop_auto_drag(); change_cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT); } break; case FL_FOCUS: Fl::focus(this); //FALLTHROUGH case FL_UNFOCUS: _stop_auto_drag(); ret = 1; break; case FL_KEYBOARD: { ret = 0; int is_row = select_row; int is_col = select_col; switch(_event_key) { case FL_Home: ret = move_cursor(0, -1000000); break; case FL_End: ret = move_cursor(0, 1000000); break; case FL_Page_Up: ret = move_cursor(-(botrow - toprow - 1), 0); break; case FL_Page_Down: ret = move_cursor(botrow - toprow - 1 , 0); break; case FL_Left: ret = move_cursor(0, -1); break; case FL_Right: ret = move_cursor(0, 1); break; case FL_Up: ret = move_cursor(-1, 0); break; case FL_Down: ret = move_cursor(1, 0); break; case FL_Tab: #if FLTK_ABI_VERSION >= 10303 if ( !tab_cell_nav() ) break; // not navigating cells? let fltk handle it (STR#2862) if ( _event_state & FL_SHIFT ) { ret = move_cursor(0, -1, 0); // shift-tab -> left } else { ret = move_cursor(0, 1, 0); // tab -> right } break; #else break; // without tab_cell_nav(), Fl_Table_Copy should default to navigating widgets, not cells #endif } if (ret && Fl::focus() != this) { do_callback(CONTEXT_TABLE, -1, -1); take_focus(); } //if (!ret && Fl_Widget::callback() && when() & FL_WHEN_NOT_CHANGED ) if ( Fl_Widget::callback() && ( ( !ret && when() & FL_WHEN_NOT_CHANGED ) || ( is_row!= select_row || is_col!= select_col ) ) ) { do_callback(CONTEXT_CELL, select_row, select_col); //damage_zone(current_row, current_col, select_row, select_col); ret = 1; } break; } default: change_cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT); break; } return(ret); }
void set_new_video_mode(int fs,int mode) { int i; #ifndef NEW_TEXTURES int alpha; #endif /* NEW_TEXTURES */ full_screen=fs; video_mode=mode; //now, clear all the textures... #ifdef NEW_TEXTURES unload_texture_cache(); #else /* NEW_TEXTURES */ for(i = 0; i < TEXTURE_CACHE_MAX; i++) { if(texture_cache[i].file_name[0]) { glDeleteTextures(1,(GLuint*)&texture_cache[i].texture_id); texture_cache[i].texture_id=0;//force a reload CHECK_GL_ERRORS(); } } #ifndef MAP_EDITOR2 //do the same for the actors textures... for(i=0;i<max_actors;i++) { if(actors_list[i]) { if(actors_list[i]->remapped_colors || actors_list[i]->is_enhanced_model)//if it is not remapable, then it is already in the cache { glDeleteTextures(1,&actors_list[i]->texture_id); actors_list[i]->texture_id=0; CHECK_GL_ERRORS(); } } } #endif #endif /* NEW_TEXTURES */ if (use_vertex_buffers) { e3d_object * obj; #ifdef FASTER_MAP_LOAD for (i = 0; i < cache_e3d->num_items; i++) #else for (i = 0; i < cache_e3d->max_item; i++) #endif { if (!cache_e3d->cached_items[i]) continue; obj= cache_e3d->cached_items[i]->cache_item; free_e3d_va(obj); } CHECK_GL_ERRORS(); } #ifndef NEW_TEXTURES ec_clear_textures(); #endif /* NEW_TEXTURES */ //destroy the current context init_video(); #ifndef WINDOWS // Re-enable window manager events, since the killing of the video // subsystem turns them off. SDL_EventState (SDL_SYSWMEVENT, SDL_ENABLE); #endif resize_root_window(); init_lights(); disable_local_lights(); reset_material(); //reload the cursors load_cursors(); build_cursors(); change_cursor(current_cursor); ec_load_textures(); //now, reload the textures #ifndef NEW_TEXTURES for(i = 0; i < TEXTURE_CACHE_MAX; i++) { if (texture_cache[i].file_name[0] && !texture_cache[i].load_err) { alpha=texture_cache[i].alpha; //our texture was freed, we have to reload it if(alpha<=0) texture_cache[i].texture_id = load_bmp8_color_key (&(texture_cache[i]), alpha); else texture_cache[i].texture_id = load_bmp8_fixed_alpha (&(texture_cache[i]), alpha); } } reload_fonts(); #ifndef MAP_EDITOR2 //do the same for the actors textures... for(i=0;i<max_actors;i++) { if(actors_list[i]) { if(actors_list[i]->remapped_colors)//if it is not remapable, then it is already in the cache { //reload the skin //actors_list[i]->texture_id=load_bmp8_remapped_skin(actors_list[i]->skin_name, // 150,actors_list[i]->skin,actors_list[i]->hair,actors_list[i]->shirt, // actors_list[i]->pants,actors_list[i]->boots); } if(actors_list[i]->is_enhanced_model) { actors_list[i]->texture_id=load_bmp8_enhanced_actor(actors_list[i]->body_parts, 255); } } } #endif #endif /* NEW_TEXTURES */ //it is dependent on the window height... init_hud_interface (HUD_INTERFACE_LAST); new_minute(); set_all_intersect_update_needed(main_bbox_tree); skybox_init_gl(); // resize the EL root windows resize_all_root_windows (window_width, window_height); check_options(); reload_tab_map = 1; #ifdef NEW_CURSOR if (!sdl_cursors) { SDL_ShowCursor(0); SDL_WM_GrabInput(SDL_GRAB_OFF); } #endif // NEW_CURSOR }
// Handle FLTK events int Fl_Table::handle(int event) { PRINTEVENT; int ret = Fl_Group::handle(event); // let FLTK group handle events first if (ret) { if (Fl::event_inside(hscrollbar) || Fl::event_inside(vscrollbar)) return 1; if (Fl::focus() != this && contains(Fl::focus())) return 1; } // Which row/column are we over? int R, C; // row/column being worked on ResizeFlag resizeflag; // which resizing area are we over? (0=none) TableContext context = cursor2rowcol(R, C, resizeflag); switch ( event ) { case FL_PUSH: if (Fl::event_button() == 1 && !Fl::event_clicks()) { if (Fl::focus() != this) { take_focus(); do_callback(CONTEXT_TABLE, -1, -1); ret = 1; } damage_zone(current_row, current_col, select_row, select_col, R, C); if (context == CONTEXT_CELL) { current_row = select_row = R; current_col = select_col = C; _selecting = CONTEXT_CELL; } else { current_row = select_row = -1; current_col = select_col = -1; } } // Need this for eg. right click to pop up a menu if ( Fl_Widget::callback() && // callback defined? resizeflag == RESIZE_NONE ) // not resizing? { do_callback(context, R, C); } // do callback switch ( context ) { case CONTEXT_CELL: // FL_PUSH on a cell? ret = 1; // express interest in FL_RELEASE break; case CONTEXT_NONE: // FL_PUSH on table corner? if ( Fl::event_button() == 1 && Fl::event_x() < x() + row_header_width()) { current_col = 0; select_col = cols() - 1; current_row = 0; select_row = rows() - 1; damage_zone(current_row, current_col, select_row, select_col); ret = 1; } break; case CONTEXT_COL_HEADER: // FL_PUSH on a column header? if ( Fl::event_button() == 1) { // Resizing? Handle it if ( resizeflag ) { // Start resize if left click on column border. // "ret=1" ensures we get drag events from now on. // (C-1) is used if mouse is over the left hand side // of cell, so we resize the next column on the left. // _resizing_col = ( resizeflag & RESIZE_COL_LEFT ) ? C-1 : C; _resizing_row = -1; _dragging_x = Fl::event_x(); ret = 1; } else { // Not resizing? Select the column current_col = select_col = C; current_row = 0; select_row = rows() - 1; _selecting = CONTEXT_COL_HEADER; damage_zone(current_row, current_col, select_row, select_col); ret = 1; } } break; case CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER: // FL_PUSH on a row header? if ( Fl::event_button() == 1 ) { // Resizing? Handle it if ( resizeflag ) { // Start resize if left mouse clicked on row border. // "ret = 1" ensures we get drag events from now on. // (R-1) is used if mouse is over the top of the cell, // so that we resize the row above. // _resizing_row = ( resizeflag & RESIZE_ROW_ABOVE ) ? R-1 : R; _resizing_col = -1; _dragging_y = Fl::event_y(); ret = 1; } else { // Not resizing? Select the row current_row = select_row = R; current_col = 0; select_col = cols() - 1; _selecting = CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER; damage_zone(current_row, current_col, select_row, select_col); ret = 1; } } break; default: ret = 0; // express disinterest break; } _last_row = R; break; case FL_DRAG: if (_auto_drag == 1) { ret = 1; break; } if ( _resizing_col > -1 ) { // Dragging column? // // Let user drag even /outside/ the row/col widget. // Don't allow column width smaller than 1. // Continue to show FL_CURSOR_WE at all times during drag. // int offset = _dragging_x - Fl::event_x(); int new_w = col_width(_resizing_col) - offset; if ( new_w < _col_resize_min ) new_w = _col_resize_min; col_width(_resizing_col, new_w); _dragging_x = Fl::event_x(); table_resized(); redraw(); change_cursor(FL_CURSOR_WE); ret = 1; if ( Fl_Widget::callback() && when() & FL_WHEN_CHANGED ) { do_callback(CONTEXT_RC_RESIZE, R, C); } } else if ( _resizing_row > -1 ) { // Dragging row? // // Let user drag even /outside/ the row/col widget. // Don't allow row width smaller than 1. // Continue to show FL_CURSOR_NS at all times during drag. // int offset = _dragging_y - Fl::event_y(); int new_h = row_height(_resizing_row) - offset; if ( new_h < _row_resize_min ) new_h = _row_resize_min; row_height(_resizing_row, new_h); _dragging_y = Fl::event_y(); table_resized(); redraw(); change_cursor(FL_CURSOR_NS); ret = 1; if ( Fl_Widget::callback() && when() & FL_WHEN_CHANGED ) { do_callback(CONTEXT_RC_RESIZE, R, C); } } else { if (Fl::event_button() == 1 && _selecting == CONTEXT_CELL && context == CONTEXT_CELL) { if (select_row != R || select_col != C) damage_zone(current_row, current_col, select_row, select_col, R, C); select_row = R; select_col = C; ret = 1; } else if (Fl::event_button() == 1 && _selecting == CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER && context & (CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER|CONTEXT_COL_HEADER|CONTEXT_CELL)) { if (select_row != R) damage_zone(current_row, current_col, select_row, select_col, R, C); select_row = R; ret = 1; } else if (Fl::event_button() == 1 && _selecting == CONTEXT_COL_HEADER && context & (CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER|CONTEXT_COL_HEADER|CONTEXT_CELL)) { if (select_col != C) damage_zone(current_row, current_col, select_row, select_col, R, C); select_col = C; ret = 1; } } // Enable autodrag if not resizing, and mouse has moved off table edge if ( _resizing_row < 0 && _resizing_col < 0 && _auto_drag == 0 && ( Fl::event_x() > x() + w() - 20 || Fl::event_x() < x() + row_header_width() || Fl::event_y() > y() + h() - 20 || Fl::event_y() < y() + col_header_height() ) ) { _start_auto_drag(); } break; case FL_RELEASE: _stop_auto_drag(); switch ( context ) { case CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER: // release on row header case CONTEXT_COL_HEADER: // release on col header case CONTEXT_CELL: // release on a cell case CONTEXT_TABLE: // release on dead zone if ( _resizing_col == -1 && // not resizing a column _resizing_row == -1 && // not resizing a row Fl_Widget::callback() && // callback defined when() & FL_WHEN_RELEASE && // on button release _last_row == R ) // release on same row PUSHed? { // Need this for eg. left clicking on a cell to select it do_callback(context, R, C); } break; default: break; } if ( Fl::event_button() == 1 ) { change_cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT); _resizing_col = -1; _resizing_row = -1; ret = 1; } break; case FL_MOVE: if ( context == CONTEXT_COL_HEADER && // in column header? resizeflag ) // resize + near boundary? { change_cursor(FL_CURSOR_WE); } // show resize cursor else if ( context == CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER && // in row header? resizeflag ) // resize + near boundary? { change_cursor(FL_CURSOR_NS); } // show resize cursor else { change_cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT); } // normal cursor ret = 1; break; case FL_ENTER: // See FLTK event docs on the FL_ENTER widget if (!ret) take_focus(); ret = 1; //FALLTHROUGH case FL_LEAVE: // We want to track the mouse if resizing is allowed. if ( resizeflag ) { ret = 1; } if ( event == FL_LEAVE ) { _stop_auto_drag(); change_cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT); } break; case FL_FOCUS: Fl::focus(this); //FALLTHROUGH case FL_UNFOCUS: _stop_auto_drag(); ret = 1; break; case FL_KEYBOARD: ret = 0; switch(Fl::event_key()) { case FL_Home: ret = move_cursor(0, -1000000); break; case FL_End: ret = move_cursor(0, 1000000); break; case FL_Page_Up: ret = move_cursor(-(botrow - toprow - 1), 0); break; case FL_Page_Down: ret = move_cursor(botrow - toprow - 1 , 0); break; case FL_Left: ret = move_cursor(0, -1); break; case FL_Right: ret = move_cursor(0, 1); break; case FL_Up: ret = move_cursor(-1, 0); break; case FL_Down: ret = move_cursor(1, 0); break; } if (ret && Fl::focus() != this) { do_callback(CONTEXT_TABLE, -1, -1); take_focus(); } if (!ret && Fl_Widget::callback() && when() & FL_WHEN_NOT_CHANGED ) { do_callback(CONTEXT_CELL, select_row, select_col); //damage_zone(current_row, current_col, select_row, select_col); ret = 1; } break; default: change_cursor(FL_CURSOR_DEFAULT); break; } return(ret); }