Exemple #1
// turns all plains/desert into new things
void complete_map(void) {
	int iter;
	for (iter = 0; iter < USE_SIZE; ++iter) {
		switch (grid[iter].type) {
			case PLAINS: {
				if (number(0, 3) == 0) {
					change_grid(iter, TEMPERATE_CROP);
				else {
					change_grid(iter, FOREST);
				// nothing stays plains
			case DESERT: {
				if (number(0, 74) == 0) {
					change_grid(iter, OASIS);
				else if (number(0, 24) == 0) {
					change_grid(iter, DESERT_CROP);
				else if (number(0, 3) == 0) {
					change_grid(iter, GROVE);
				// most spaces remain desert
Exemple #2
// overwrites the top and bottom edges of the map with tundra
void add_tundra(void) {
	int iter;
	// find edge tiles
	for (iter = 0; iter < USE_SIZE; ++iter) {
		if (Y_COORD(iter) < TUNDRA_HEIGHT + (!number(0, 2) ? 1 : 0)) {
			change_grid(iter, TUNDRA);
		else if (Y_COORD(iter) >= (USE_HEIGHT - TUNDRA_HEIGHT - (!number(0, 2) ? 1 : 0))) {
			change_grid(iter, TUNDRA);
Exemple #3
/* Add a splotch of a given sect in a nice splotchy shape	*/
void splotch(int room, int type, struct island_data *isle) {
	int i, j, last_s, last_n, a, b, width_e, width_w, width_n, width_s;
	int loc, sect = PLAINS;

	if (sect == DESERT) {
		width_e = number(1, 3);
		width_w = number(1, 3);
	else {
		width_e = number(2, 8);
		width_w = number(2, 8);

	a = last_n = width_n = number((sect == DESERT ? 1 : 2), width_e);
	b = last_s = width_s = number((sect == DESERT ? 1 : 2), width_e);

	for (j = 0; j <= width_e; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i <= last_n; i++) {
			if ((loc = shift(room, j, i)) != -1 && grid[loc].type == sect) {
				change_grid(loc, type);
		for (i = 0; i <= last_s; i++) {
			if ((loc = shift(room, j, -i)) != -1 && grid[loc].type == sect) {
				change_grid(loc, type);

		last_n += number(last_n <= 0 ? 0 : -2, ((width_e - j) < last_n) ? -2 : 2);
		last_s += number(last_s <= 0 ? 0 : -2, ((width_e - j) < last_s) ? -2 : 2);

	last_n = a;
	last_s = b;

	for (j = 0; j <= width_w; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i <= last_n; i++) {
			if ((loc = shift(room, -j, i)) != -1 && grid[loc].type == sect) {
				change_grid(loc, type);
		for (i = 0; i <= last_s; i++) {
			if ((loc = shift(room, -j, -i)) != -1 && grid[loc].type == sect) {
				change_grid(loc, type);

		last_n += number(last_n <= 0 ? 0 : -2, ((width_w - j) < last_n) ? -2 : 2);
		last_s += number(last_s <= 0 ? 0 : -2, ((width_w - j) < last_s) ? -2 : 2);
Exemple #4
/* Add land to an island */
void land_mass(struct island_data *isle, int min_radius, int max_radius) {
	int i, j, last_s, last_n, a, b, loc;
	int sect = PLAINS;

	/* Island's heart */
	change_grid(isle->loc, sect);

	isle->width[EAST] = number(min_radius, max_radius);
	isle->width[WEST] = number(min_radius, max_radius);

	a = last_n = isle->width[NORTH] = number(min_radius, MIN(isle->width[EAST], isle->width[WEST]));
	b = last_s = isle->width[SOUTH] = number(min_radius, MIN(isle->width[EAST], isle->width[WEST]));

	for (j = 0; j <= isle->width[EAST]; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i <= last_n; i++) {
			if ((loc = shift(isle->loc, j, i)) != -1) {
				change_grid(loc, sect);
		for (i = 0; i <= last_s; i++) {
			if ((loc = shift(isle->loc, j, -i)) != -1) {
				change_grid(loc, sect);

		last_n += number(last_n <= 0 ? 0 : -2, ((isle->width[EAST] - j) < last_n) ? -2 : 2);
		last_s += number(last_s <= 0 ? 0 : -2, ((isle->width[EAST] - j) < last_s) ? -2 : 2);

	last_n = a;
	last_s = b;

	for (j = 0; j <= isle->width[WEST]; j++) {
		for (i = 0; i <= last_n; i++) {
			if ((loc = shift(isle->loc, -j, i)) != -1) {
				change_grid(loc, sect);
		for (i = 0; i <= last_s; i++) {
			if ((loc = shift(isle->loc, -j, -i)) != -1) {
				change_grid(loc, sect);

		last_n += number(last_n <= 0 ? 0 : -2, ((isle->width[WEST] - j) < last_n) ? -2 : 2);
		last_s += number(last_s <= 0 ? 0 : -2, ((isle->width[WEST] - j) < last_s) ? -2 : 2);
Exemple #5
/* Add a pass through a mountain (at random) */
void add_pass(struct island_data *isle) {
	int x, y, room, loc;
	int sect = PLAINS;

	do {
		x = number(-1, 1);
		y = number(-1, 1);
	} while (x == 0 && y == 0);

	room = find_border(isle, x, y);

	/* invert directions */
	x *= -1;
	y *= -1;

	while (room != -1) {
		if (!terrains[grid[room].type].is_land) {
		if (grid[room].type == PLAINS) {
			sect = PLAINS;
		if (grid[room].type == DESERT) {
			sect = DESERT;
		if (grid[room].type == MOUNTAIN) {
			change_grid(room, sect);

		if ((loc = shift(room, 0, 1)) != -1 && grid[loc].type == MOUNTAIN) {
			change_grid(loc, sect);
		if ((loc = shift(room, 1, 0)) != -1 && grid[loc].type == MOUNTAIN) {
			change_grid(loc, sect);

		room = shift(room, x, y);
Exemple #6
// changes plains to <type> in a pattern roughly between y-start and y-end
// y_start and y_end are PERCENTAGES of the map height
void add_latitude_terrain(int type, double y_start, double y_end) {
	int x, y, to;
	for (x = 0; x < USE_WIDTH; ++x) {
		for (y = 0; y < USE_HEIGHT; ++y) {
			to = MAP(x, y);
			if (grid[to].type == PLAINS) {
				if (IS_IN_Y_PRC_RANGE(y + number(-1, 1), y_start, y_end)) {
					change_grid(to, type);
Exemple #7
// adds a start location (tower)
void add_start_points(void) {
	struct island_data *isle;
	int count = 0;

	for (isle = island_list; isle && count < NUM_START_POINTS; isle = isle->next) {
		if (!number(0, 2) && (grid[isle->loc].type == PLAINS || grid[isle->loc].type == FOREST || grid[isle->loc].type == DESERT)) {
			change_grid(isle->loc, TOWER);

	// repeat until success
	if (count == 0) {
Exemple #8
* Convert terrain from one thing to another near other terrain.
* @param int from Terrain to convert from.
* @param int to Terrain to convert to.
* @param int near Terrain it must be near.
* @param int dist Distance it must be within.
void replace_near(int from, int to, int near, int dist) {
	int x, y, hor, ver, at, loc;
	int found;
	for (x = 0; x < USE_WIDTH; ++x) {
		for (y = 0; y < USE_HEIGHT; ++y) {
			at = MAP(x, y);
			if (grid[at].type == from) {
				found = 0;
				for (hor = -dist; hor <= dist && !found; ++hor) {
					for (ver = -dist; ver <= dist && !found; ++ver) {
						loc = shift(at, hor, ver);
						if (loc != -1 && grid[loc].type == near && compute_distance(X_COORD(at), Y_COORD(at), X_COORD(loc), Y_COORD(loc)) <= dist) {
							change_grid(at, to);
							found = 1;
Exemple #9
/*----------------   6. The most important subroutine of the main: "time_loop"   ---------------*/
void time_loop(ALLDATA *A){ 

	clock_t tstart, tend;
	short en=0, wt=0, out;
	long i, sy, r, c, j, l;
	double t, Dt, JD0, JDb, JDe, W, th, th0;
	double Vout, Voutsub, Voutsup, Vbottom, C0, C1;
	FILE *f;
	//double mean;
	DOUBLEVECTOR *a, *Vsup_ch, *Vsub_ch;
	S=(STATEVAR_3D *)malloc(sizeof(STATEVAR_3D));
	allocate_and_initialize_statevar_3D(S, (double)number_novalue, A->P->max_snow_layers, Nr, Nc);
		G=(STATEVAR_3D *)malloc(sizeof(STATEVAR_3D));
		allocate_and_initialize_statevar_3D(G, (double)number_novalue, A->P->max_glac_layers, Nr, Nc);
	L=(SOIL_STATE *)malloc(sizeof(SOIL_STATE));
	initialize_soil_state(L, A->P->total_pixel, Nl);
	C=(SOIL_STATE *)malloc(sizeof(SOIL_STATE));
	initialize_soil_state(C, A->C->r->nh, Nl);	
	V=(STATE_VEG *)malloc(sizeof(STATE_VEG));
	initialize_veg_state(V, A->P->total_pixel);
	time( &start_time );

	i_sim = i_sim0;
		A->I->time = A->P->delay_day_recover*86400.;//Initialize time	
		A->P->delay_day_recover = 0.;
			if( A->I->time > (A->P->end_date->co[i_sim] - A->P->init_date->co[i_sim])*86400. - 1.E-5){
				printf("Number of times the simulation #%ld has been run: %ld\n",i_sim,i_run);
				f=fopen(logfile, "a");
				fprintf(f,"Number of times the simulation #%ld has been run: %ld\n",i_sim,i_run);
				print_run_average(A->S, A->T, A->P);
				A->I->time = 0.0;//Initialize time
				A->M->line_interp_WEB_LR = 0;
				A->M->line_interp_Bsnow_LR = 0;
				for (i=1; i<=A->M->st->Z->nh; i++) {
					A->M->line_interp_WEB[i-1] = 0;
					A->M->line_interp_Bsnow[i-1] = 0;
				if(i_run <= A->P->run_times->co[i_sim]){
					reset_to_zero(A->P, A->S, A->L, A->N, A->G, A->E, A->M, A->W);
					init_run(A->S, A->P);
			}else {
				//find time step from file or inpts
				set_time_step(A->P, A->I);
				//time at the beginning of the time step
				JD0 = A->P->init_date->co[i_sim]+A->I->time/secinday;			
				//time step variables
				t = 0.;
				Dt = A->P->Dt;
				//time step subdivisions
					JDb = A->P->init_date->co[i_sim]+(A->I->time+t)/secinday;
					if (t + Dt > A->P->Dt) Dt = A->P->Dt - t;
						JDe = A->P->init_date->co[i_sim]+(A->I->time+t+Dt)/secinday;
						//copy state variables on 
						copy_snowvar3D(A->N->S, S);
						copy_doublevector(A->N->age, a);
						if (A->P->max_glac_layers>0) copy_snowvar3D(A->G->G, G);
						copy_soil_state(A->S->SS, L);
						copy_soil_state(A->C->SS, C);
						copy_veg_state(A->S->VS, V);	
						/*for (j=1; j<=A->W->H1->nh; j++) {
							printf("START %ld %ld %ld %e\n",l,r,c,A->S->SS->P->co[l][A->T->j_cont[r][c]]);
						initialize_doublevector(Vsub_ch, 0.);
						initialize_doublevector(Vsup_ch, 0.);			
						Vout = 0.;
						Voutsub = 0.;
						Voutsup = 0.;
						Vbottom = 0.;
						meteo_distr(A->M->line_interp_WEB, A->M->line_interp_WEB_LR, A->M, A->W, A->T, A->P, JD0, JDb, JDe);
						if(A->P->en_balance == 1){
							en = EnergyBalance(Dt, JD0, JDb, JDe, L, C, S, G, V, a, A, &W);
						if(A->P->wat_balance == 1 && en == 0){
							wt = water_balance(Dt, JD0, JDb, JDe, L, C, A, Vsub_ch, Vsup_ch, &Vout, &Voutsub, &Voutsup, &Vbottom);

						if (en != 0 || wt != 0) {
							if(Dt > A->P->min_Dt) Dt *= 0.5;
							out = 0;
							f = fopen(logfile, "a");
							if (en != 0) {
								fprintf(f,"Energy balance not converging\n");
							}else {
								fprintf(f,"Water balance not converging\n");
							fprintf(f,"Reducing time step to %f s, t:%f s\n",Dt,t);
						}else {
							out = 1;
						//printf("Dt:%f min:%f\n",Dt,A->P->min_Dt);
					}while( out == 0 && Dt > A->P->min_Dt ); 
					/*if (en != 0 || wt != 0) {
						f = fopen(FailedRunFile, "w");
						fprintf(f, "Simulation Period:%ld\n",i_sim);
						fprintf(f, "Run Time:%ld\n",i_run);
						fprintf(f, "Number of days after start:%f\n",A->I->time/86400.);	
						if (en != 0 && wt == 0) {
							fprintf(f, "ERROR: Energy balance does not converge, Dt:%f\n",Dt);
						}else if (en == 0 && wt != 0) {
							fprintf(f, "ERROR: Water balance does not converge, Dt:%f\n",Dt);
						}else {
							fprintf(f, "ERROR: Water and energy balance do not converge, Dt:%f\n",Dt);
						t_error("Fatal Error! Geotop is closed. See failing report.");	
					if (en != 0 || wt != 0) {
						//f = fopen(FailedRunFile, "w");
						f = fopen(logfile, "a");
						//fprintf(f, "Simulation Period:%ld\n",i_sim);
						//fprintf(f, "Run Time:%ld\n",i_run);
						//fprintf(f, "Number of days after start:%f\n",A->I->time/86400.);	
						if (en != 0 && wt == 0) {
							fprintf(f, "WARNING: Energy balance does not converge, Dt:%f\n",Dt);
						}else if (en == 0 && wt != 0) {
							fprintf(f, "WARNING: Water balance does not converge, Dt:%f\n",Dt);
						}else {
							fprintf(f, "WARNING: Water and energy balance do not converge, Dt:%f\n",Dt);
						//t_error("Fatal Error! Geotop is closed. See failing report.");	
					t += Dt;
					if (A->P->state_pixel == 1 && A->P->dUzrun == 1) {
						for (j=1; j<=A->P->rc->nrh; j++) {
							for (l=1; l<=Nl; l++){
								r = A->P->rc->co[j][1];
								c = A->P->rc->co[j][2];
								sy = A->S->type->co[r][c];
								th = theta_from_psi(A->S->SS->P->co[l][A->T->j_cont[r][c]], A->S->SS->thi->co[l][A->T->j_cont[r][c]], l, A->S->pa->co[sy], PsiMin);
								if(th > A->S->pa->co[sy][jsat][l]-A->S->SS->thi->co[l][A->T->j_cont[r][c]]) th = A->S->pa->co[sy][jsat][l]-A->S->SS->thi->co[l][A->T->j_cont[r][c]];
								C0 = A->S->pa->co[sy][jct][l]*(1.-A->S->pa->co[sy][jsat][l])*A->S->pa->co[sy][jdz][l] + c_ice*A->S->SS->thi->co[l][A->T->j_cont[r][c]] + c_liq*th;
								th0 = th;
								th = theta_from_psi(L->P->co[l][A->T->j_cont[r][c]], L->thi->co[l][A->T->j_cont[r][c]], l, A->S->pa->co[sy], PsiMin);
								if(th > A->S->pa->co[sy][jsat][l]-L->thi->co[l][A->T->j_cont[r][c]]) th = A->S->pa->co[sy][jsat][l]-L->thi->co[l][A->T->j_cont[r][c]];
								C1 = A->S->pa->co[sy][jct][l]*(1.-A->S->pa->co[sy][jsat][l])*A->S->pa->co[sy][jdz][l] + c_ice*L->thi->co[l][A->T->j_cont[r][c]] + c_liq*th;
								A->S->dUzrun->co[j][l] += 1.E-6*( 0.5*(C0+C1)*(L->T->co[l][A->T->j_cont[r][c]] - A->S->SS->T->co[l][A->T->j_cont[r][c]]) + Lf*(th-th0)*A->S->pa->co[sy][jdz][l] );
					//write state variables
					copy_snowvar3D(S, A->N->S);
					copy_doublevector(a, A->N->age);
					if (A->P->max_glac_layers>0) copy_snowvar3D(G, A->G->G);
					copy_soil_state(L, A->S->SS);
					copy_soil_state(C, A->C->SS);
					copy_veg_state(V, A->S->VS);
					add_doublevector(Vsub_ch, A->C->Vsub);
					add_doublevector(Vsup_ch, A->C->Vsup);	
					A->C->Vout += Vout;
					A->W->Voutbottom += Vbottom;
					A->W->Voutlandsub += Voutsub;
					A->W->Voutlandsup += Voutsup;
					//record time step
					odb[ootimestep] = Dt * (Dt/A->P->Dtplot_basin->co[i_sim]);
					//write output variables
					fill_output_vectors(Dt, W, A->E, A->N, A->G, A->W, A->M, A->P, A->I, A->T, A->S);
					//reset Dt
					if (Dt < A->P->Dt) Dt *= 2.;
				}while(t < A->P->Dt);
					windtrans_snow(A->N, A->M, A->W, A->L, A->T, A->P, A->I->time);

				write_output(A->I, A->W, A->C, A->P, A->T, A->L, A->S, A->E, A->N, A->G, A->M);
				A->I->time += A->P->Dt;//Increase TIME

		}while(i_run <= A->P->run_times->co[i_sim]);//end of time-cycle
		if (A->P->newperiodinit != 0) end_period_1D(A->S, A->T, A->P);
		if (i_sim < A->P->init_date->nh) change_grid(i_sim, i_sim+1, A->P, A->T, A->L, A->W, A->C);
		reset_to_zero(A->P, A->S, A->L, A->N, A->G, A->E, A->M, A->W);
		init_run(A->S, A->P);
		i_run0 = 1;
		i_run = i_run0;
	}while (i_sim <= A->P->init_date->nh);
	if(A->P->max_glac_layers>0) deallocate_statevar_3D(G);

Exemple #10
/* Add a river to the island */
void add_river(struct island_data *isle) {
	int x, y, room;
	int hor, ver, to;
	int found = 0;


	do {
		x = number(-1, 1);
		y = number(-1, 1);
	} while (x == 0 && y == 0);

	room = find_border(isle, x, y);

	/* invert directions */
	x *= -1;
	y *= -1;

	while (room != -1) {
		if (!terrains[grid[room].type].is_land)
		change_grid(room, RIVER);
		grid[room].pass = 1;
		for (hor = number(-1, 0); hor <= 1; ++hor) {
			for (ver = number(-1, 0); ver <= 1; ++ver) {
				if (hor == 0 && ver == 0) {
					// safe to skip self
				to = shift(room, hor, ver);
				if (to != -1) {
					// if we hit another river, stop AFTER this sect
					if (grid[to].type == RIVER && grid[to].pass == 0) {
						found = 1;
					if (terrains[grid[to].type].is_land) {
						change_grid(to, RIVER);
						grid[to].pass = 1;

		if (found) {

		/* Alter course */
		if (!number(0, 2)) {
			if (x == 0)
				x += number(-1, 1);
			else if (y == 0)
				y += number(-1, 1);
			else if (x > 0 && y > 0) {
				if ((y -= number(0, 1)))
					x -= number(0, 1);
			else if (x < 0 && y < 0) {
				if ((y += number(0, 1)))
					x += number(0, 1);
			else if (x < 0 && y > 0) {
				if ((y -= number(0, 1)))
					x += number(0, 1);
			else if (y < 0 && x > 0) {
				if ((y += number(0, 1)))
					x -= number(0, 1);
			// verify bounds to prevent leaps
			x = MAX(-1, MIN(x, 1));
			y = MAX(-1, MIN(y, 1));

		room = shift(room, x, y);
Exemple #11
/* Add a mountain range to an island */
void add_mountains(struct island_data *isle) {
	int x, y, room;
	int hor, ver, to;
	int found = 0;

	do {
		x = number(-1, 1);
		y = number(-1, 1);
	} while (x == 0 && y == 0);

	room = find_border(isle, x, y);

	/* invert directions */
	x *= -1;
	y *= -1;

	while (room != -1) {
		if (!terrains[grid[room].type].is_land)
		if (grid[room].type == MOUNTAIN && grid[room].pass == 0) {
		if (grid[room].type == PLAINS) {
			change_grid(room, MOUNTAIN);
		grid[room].pass = 1;

		for (hor = -2; hor <= 2; ++hor) {
			for (ver = -2; ver  <= 2; ++ver) {
				// skip the corners to make a "rounded brush"
				if (((hor == ver) || (hor == -1 * ver)) && (hor == -2 || hor == 2)) {
				to = shift(room, hor, ver);
				if (to != -1 && number(0, 10) && grid[to].type == PLAINS) {
					// if we find a mountain that already exists, we stop AFTER this round
					if (grid[to].type == MOUNTAIN && grid[to].pass == 0) {
						found = 1;
					change_grid(to, MOUNTAIN);
					grid[to].pass = 1;
		// break out
		if (found) {

		/* Alter course */
		if (!number(0, 4)) {
			if (x == 0)
				x += number(-1, 1);
			else if (y == 0)
				y += number(-1, 1);
			else if (x > 0 && y > 0) {
				if ((y -= number(0, 1)))
					x -= number(0, 1);
			else if (x < 0 && y < 0) {
				if ((y += number(0, 1)))
					x += number(0, 1);
			else if (x < 0 && y > 0) {
				if ((y -= number(0, 1)))
					x += number(0, 1);
			else if (y < 0 && x > 0) {
				if ((y += number(0, 1)))
					x -= number(0, 1);

		room = shift(room, x, y);
Exemple #12
void load_and_shift_map(int dist) {
	char fname[256], line[1024];
	FILE *index, *wld;
	int block, vnum, island, type, junk;
	// nowork
	if (dist == 0) {
		printf("Shift by distance 0: no work to do.\n");
	printf("Loaded existing map...\n");
	// load in existing map
	if (!(index = fopen("index", "r"))) {
		printf("ERROR: Unable to load index file.\n");
	while (fscanf(index, "%d.wld\n", &block) == 1) {
		sprintf(fname, "%d.wld", block);
		printf("Loading file %s ...\n", fname);
		if (!(wld = fopen(fname, "r"))) {
			printf("ERROR: Unable to open world file %s.\n", fname);
		while (get_line(wld, line)) {
			if (*line == '$') {
			else if (*line == '#') {
				// found entry
				vnum = atoi(line + 1);
				if (!get_line(wld, line) || sscanf(line, "%d %d %d", &island, &type, &junk) != 3) {
					printf("Error reading room #%d\n", vnum);
				change_grid(vnum, sect_to_terrain(type));
				grid[vnum].island_id = island;
				// trailing 'S' line
				get_line(wld, line);
			else {
				printf("Unknown line in %s: %s\n", fname, line);

	printf("Map shifted %d on X-axis.\n", dist);
Exemple #13
// sets up island numbers and converts trapped ocean to lake
void number_islands_and_fix_lakes(void) {
	int first_ocean_done = FALSE, changed = FALSE;
	struct num_data_t *ndt;
	int old, x, y, pos;
	int iter, use_id, use_land;
	int top_id = 0;
	// initialize
	for (iter = 0; iter < USE_SIZE; ++iter) {
		grid[iter].island_id = 0;	// anything that stays zero will be made a lake
	// find and create basic stack
	for (iter = 0; iter < USE_SIZE; ++iter) {
		if (grid[iter].island_id == 0) {
			if (terrains[grid[iter].type].is_land) {
				use_id = ++top_id;
				use_land = TRUE;
			else if (!first_ocean_done) {	// non-land
				use_id = -1;
				use_land = FALSE;
				first_ocean_done = TRUE;
			else {
				continue;	// skip
			old = grid[iter].island_id;
			while ((ndt = pop_ndt())) {
				grid[ndt->loc].island_id = use_id;
				for (x = -1; x <= 1; ++x) {
					for (y = -1; y <= 1; ++y) {
						if (x != 0 || y != 0) {
							pos = shift(ndt->loc, x, y);
							if (pos != -1 && grid[pos].island_id == old && terrains[grid[pos].type].is_land == use_land) {
	// now find unreachable land and turn to lake
	for (iter = 0; iter < USE_SIZE; ++iter) {
		if (grid[iter].island_id == 0) {
			change_grid(iter, LAKE);
			changed = TRUE;
	// should only take 1 second time
	if (changed) {
int main()
	const std::string gol_name = "Game of Life Mini V0.2";
	const int delaz = 100;
	assert(delaz > 0);
	const std::chrono::milliseconds delay(delaz);
	const int x_size = 80, y_size = 80;
	const bool term = false, sfml = true;
	assert(x_size > 2);
	assert(x_size <= 100);
	assert(y_size > 2);
	assert(y_size <= 100);
	assert(generation_loop > 0);
	const int dot_size = 8;
	const int window_x = x_size*dot_size, window_y = y_size*dot_size;
	assert(x_size > 0);
	assert(y_size > 0);
	std::vector < std::vector<int>> life_grid(y_size, std::vector<int>(x_size, 0));
	std::vector < std::vector<int>> change_grid(y_size, std::vector<int>(x_size, 0));
	for (int pos = 0; pos < y_size; ++pos)
		life_grid[pos][pos] = 1;
		life_grid[y_size - 1 - pos][pos] = 1;
	const std::string life_dot_img = "Life_Dot.png";
	sf::Texture life_dot_tex;
	if (!life_dot_tex.loadFromFile(life_dot_img))
		std::cout << life_dot_img << " not found!\n";
	sf::Sprite life_dot_sprite;

	sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(window_x, window_y), gol_name, sf::Style::Default);

	int cur_gen = 0;
	while (window.isOpen())
		if (sfml)
			show_grid_sfml(life_grid, window, life_dot_sprite, dot_size);
		if (term)
			show_grid_term(life_grid, cur_gen);
		next_generation(life_grid, change_grid);
		life_grid = change_grid;
		if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Escape))
			return 1;
	return 0;