double CSSTokenizerInputStream::getDouble(unsigned start, unsigned end)
    ASSERT(start <= end && ((m_offset + end) <= m_stringLength));
    bool isResultOK = false;
    double result = 0.0;
    if (start < end) {
        if (m_string->is8Bit())
            result = charactersToDouble(m_string->characters8() + m_offset + start, end - start, &isResultOK);
            result = charactersToDouble(m_string->characters16() + m_offset + start, end - start, &isResultOK);
    // FIXME: It looks like callers ensure we have a valid number
    return isResultOK ? result : 0.0;
static bool parseTransformNumberArguments(CharType*& pos, CharType* end, unsigned expectedCount, CSSFunctionValue* transformValue)
    while (expectedCount) {
        size_t delimiter = WTF::find(pos, end - pos, expectedCount == 1 ? ')' : ',');
        if (delimiter == kNotFound)
            return false;
        unsigned argumentLength = static_cast<unsigned>(delimiter);
        bool ok;
        double number = charactersToDouble(pos, argumentLength, &ok);
        if (!ok)
            return false;
        transformValue->append(cssValuePool().createValue(number, CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER));
        pos += argumentLength + 1;
    return true;
static inline bool parseSimpleLength(const CharacterType* characters, unsigned length, CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType& unit, double& number)
    if (length > 2 && (characters[length - 2] | 0x20) == 'p' && (characters[length - 1] | 0x20) == 'x') {
        length -= 2;
        unit = CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PX;
    } else if (length > 1 && characters[length - 1] == '%') {
        length -= 1;
        unit = CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE;

    // We rely on charactersToDouble for validation as well. The function
    // will set "ok" to "false" if the entire passed-in character range does
    // not represent a double.
    bool ok;
    number = charactersToDouble(characters, length, &ok);
    return ok;
Exemple #4
static Length parseLength(const UChar* data, unsigned length)
    if (length == 0)
        return Length(1, Relative);

    unsigned i = 0;
    while (i < length && isSpaceOrNewline(data[i]))
    if (i < length && (data[i] == '+' || data[i] == '-'))
    while (i < length && isASCIIDigit(data[i]))
    unsigned intLength = i;
    while (i < length && (isASCIIDigit(data[i]) || data[i] == '.'))
    unsigned doubleLength = i;

    // IE quirk: Skip whitespace between the number and the % character (20 % => 20%).
    while (i < length && isSpaceOrNewline(data[i]))

    bool ok;
    UChar next = (i < length) ? data[i] : ' ';
    if (next == '%') {
        // IE quirk: accept decimal fractions for percentages.
        double r = charactersToDouble(data, doubleLength, &ok);
        if (ok)
            return Length(r, Percent);
        return Length(1, Relative);
    int r = charactersToIntStrict(data, intLength, &ok);
    if (next == '*') {
        if (ok)
            return Length(r, Relative);
        return Length(1, Relative);
    if (ok)
        return Length(r, Fixed);
    return Length(0, Relative);
static inline bool parseSimpleLength(const CharacterType* characters,
                                     unsigned length,
                                     CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType& unit,
                                     double& number) {
  if (length > 2 && (characters[length - 2] | 0x20) == 'p' &&
      (characters[length - 1] | 0x20) == 'x') {
    length -= 2;
    unit = CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::Pixels;
  } else if (length > 1 && characters[length - 1] == '%') {
    length -= 1;
    unit = CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::Percentage;

  // We rely on charactersToDouble for validation as well. The function
  // will set "ok" to "false" if the entire passed-in character range does
  // not represent a double.
  bool ok;
  number = charactersToDouble(characters, length, &ok);
  if (!ok)
    return false;
  number = clampTo<double>(number, -std::numeric_limits<float>::max(),
  return true;
double StringImpl::toDouble(bool* ok)
    return charactersToDouble(m_data, m_length, ok);
float charactersToFloat(const UChar* data, size_t length, bool* ok)
    // FIXME: This will return ok even when the string fits into a double but not a float.
    return narrowPrecisionToFloat(charactersToDouble(data, length, ok));