void GameState::loop() { Ogre::Real elapse = UtilityFunc::getElapseLastFrame(); if (elapse > 0.1f) elapse = 0.1f; AIManager::getSingleton()->run(); cheat(car, vai1, 0); cheat(car2, vai2, 1); cheat(car3, vai3, 2); cheat(car4, vai4, 3, false); car->updata(elapse); car2->updata(elapse); car3->updata(elapse); car4->updata(elapse); raceLogic(car, vai1, 0); raceLogic(car2, vai2, 1); raceLogic(car3, vai3, 2); raceLogic(car4, vai4, 3); UtilityFunc::showFPS(mWindow); if (!mIsPause) { mPhysicScene->simulate(1.0f/6.0f); mPhysicScene->flushStream(); mPhysicScene->fetchResults(NX_RIGID_BODY_FINISHED, true); } }
int my_put_nbr(int nb) { unsigned char len; int copy; int diz; if (nb == -2147483648) { cheat(); return (0); } nb = is_negative(nb); copy = nb; len = 1; while (copy > 9) { copy = copy / 10; len = len + 1; } while (len != 0) { diz = nb / my_pow(len-1); my_putchar(diz + 48); nb = nb - diz * my_pow(len-1); len = len - 1; } }
uint8_t handle_fire(){ static uint16_t timer = 0; // for holdoff static uint16_t counter = 0; // for power uint16_t a; a=ADC_read(); if (a > config.fire_cheating){ cheat(); } if (a > config.fire_threshold && a < config.fire_cheating) { while(!my_random_number){ my_random_number = TMR0; } if(timer < config.fire_holdoff) { timer ++; } else { if(!config.power || counter <= config.power) { if(!counter) { green_led_on(); play_song((uint16_t*)fire_song,sizeof(fire_song)/sizeof(uint16_t),3000,!(config.power)); } Send_Byte(config.id); counter++; } else { led_off(); } } } else { led_off(); if(!config.power && counter) stop_song(); timer = 0; counter = 0; return 0; } return 1; }
int play(uint32_t goal) { while (!reach_goal(goal)) { print_board(); if (!SPACE) return 0; switch (get_move()) { case 'W': case 'w': up(); new_item(); break; case 'S': case 's': down(); new_item(); break; case 'A': case 'a': left(); new_item(); break; case 'D': case 'd': right(); new_item(); break; case 'C': case 'c': if (CHEAT) cheat(); break; case 'G': case 'g': if (CHEAT) return 0; break; } } return 1; }
void options() { int choix = 0; FctVideEcran(); do { // Affichage de "OPTIONS" en ASCII // printf(" _ _\n ___ _ __ | |_(_) ___ _ __ ___\n / _ \\| '_ \\| __| |/ _ \\| '_ \\/ __|\n | (_) | |_) | |_| | (_) | | | \\__ \\\n \\___/| .__/ \\__|_|\\___/|_| |_|___/\n |_|\n\n"); printf("\tFaites votre choix :\n\n\n"); printf("\t1 - High Score\n"); printf("\t2 - Credits\n"); printf("\t3 - Cheat Codes\n"); printf("\t4 - Retour\n\n"); printf("\t Veuillez entrez votre choix : "); scanf("%i",&choix); switch(choix) { case 1: menu_highscore(); break; case 2: credits(); break; case 3: cheat(); break; case 4: break; default: FctVideEcran(); viderBuffer(); printf("Erreur: votre choix doit être compris entre 1 et 4\n"); char tempo = get_one_char(); FctVideEcran(); break; } FctVideEcran(); }while(choix != 4); }
void Send_Byte(uint8_t data) { data ^= 0b10101010; delay_1_ms(); RCSTAbits.CREN = 0; // Disable receiver //if (!PORTAbits.RA1){cheat();} // IR receiver isn't in place for(uint16_t i=0; i<100; i++){ if(PORTAbits.RA1){break;} // You aren't cheating if RA1 is high delay_1_ms(); if(i==99){cheat();} } Modulate_Serial(); TXREG = data; while(!TXSTAbits.TRMT); // Wait for USART to send all data Disable_Modulation(); RCSTAbits.CREN = 1; // Enable receiver RCREG; delay_1_ms(); delay_1_ms(); }
/*scanning input from user*/ char scan(char input[length],int i, char color[length]) { printf("Guess %i\t%c ", i+1, 175); fflush(stdin); scanf("%c", &input[i]); input[i] = toupper(input[i]); if(input[i] == 'Q') { return 'Q'; } else if(input[i] == 'I') { Info(); return 'I'; } else if(input[i] == '*') { cheat(color); return 'I'; } }
/** initialization process **/ int irrigation_controller::init(OBJECT *parent){ OBJECT *hdr = OBJECTHDR(this); char tname[32]; parent2=parent; insync=0; initial_zipload_power=gl_get_double_by_name(parent,"base_power"); char *namestr = (hdr->name ? hdr->name : tname); sprintf(tname, "irrigation_controller:%i", hdr->id); first=0; cheat(); if(parent == NULL){ gl_error("%s: irrigation_controller has no parent, therefore nothing to control", namestr); return 0; } if(pMarket == NULL){ gl_error("%s: irrigation_controller has no market, therefore no price signals", namestr); return 0; } if(gl_object_isa(pMarket, "auction")){ gl_set_dependent(hdr, pMarket); market = OBJECTDATA(pMarket, auction); } else { gl_error("irrigation_controllers only work when attached to an 'auction' object"); return 0; } if(dPeriod == 0.0){ if((pMarket->flags & OF_INIT) != OF_INIT){ char objname[256]; gl_verbose("irrigation_controller::init(): deferring initialization on %s", gl_name(pMarket, objname, 255)); return 2; // defer } period = market->period; } else { period = (TIMESTAMP)floor(dPeriod + 0.5); } if(bid_delay < 0){ bid_delay = -bid_delay; } if(bid_delay > period){ gl_warning("Bid delay is greater than the irrigation_controller period. Resetting bid delay to 0."); bid_delay = 0; } if(target[0] == 0){ GL_THROW("irrigation_controller: %i, target property not specified", hdr->id); } if(setpoint[0] == 0 && control_mode == CN_RAMP){ GL_THROW("irrigation_controller: %i, setpoint property not specified", hdr->id);; } if(demand[0] == 0 && control_mode == CN_RAMP){ GL_THROW("irrigation_controller: %i, demand property not specified", hdr->id); } if(deadband[0] == 0 && use_predictive_bidding == TRUE && control_mode == CN_RAMP){ GL_THROW("irrigation_controller: %i, deadband property not specified", hdr->id); } if(total[0] == 0){ GL_THROW("irrigation_controller: %i, total property not specified", hdr->id); } if(load[0] == 0){ GL_THROW("irrigation_controller: %i, load property not specified", hdr->id); } fetch(&pMonitor, target, parent); // auto tha einai to soil hmidit tha to pairnei apo to soil_SENSOR if(control_mode == CN_RAMP){ fetch(&pSetpoint, setpoint, parent); fetch(&pDemand, demand, parent); fetch(&pTotal, total, parent); fetch(&pLoad, load, parent); if(use_predictive_bidding == TRUE){ fetch(&pDeadband, deadband.get_string(), parent); } } fetch(&pAvg, avg_target.get_string(), pMarket); fetch(&pStd, std_target.get_string(), pMarket); if(dir == 0){ double high = ramp_high * range_high; double low = ramp_low * range_low; //printf("high:%f, low:%f, rh:%f, rl:%f,gh:%f,gl:%f\n\n\n\n",high,low,ramp_high,ramp_low,range_high,range_low); if(high > low){ dir = 1; } else if(high < low){ dir = -1; } else if((high == low) && (fabs(ramp_high) > 0.001 || fabs(ramp_low) > 0.001)){ dir = 0; if(ramp_high > 0){ direction = 1; } else { direction = -1; } gl_warning("%s: irrigation_controller has no price ramp", namestr); /* occurs given no price variation, or no control width (use a normal thermostat?) */ } if(ramp_low * ramp_high < 0){ gl_warning("%s: irrigation_controller price curve is not injective and may behave strangely"); /* TROUBLESHOOT The price curve 'changes directions' at the setpoint, which may create odd conditions in a number of circumstances. */ } } if(setpoint0==0) setpoint0 = -1; // key to check first thing // double period = market->period; // next_run = gl_globalclock + (TIMESTAMP)(period - fmod(gl_globalclock+period,period)); next_run = gl_globalclock;// + (market->period - gl_globalclock%market->period); init_time = gl_globalclock; time_off = TS_NEVER; if(sliding_time_delay < 0 ) dtime_delay = 21600; // default sliding_time_delay of 6 hours else dtime_delay = (int64)sliding_time_delay; if(state[0] != 0){ // grab state pointer pState = gl_get_enum_by_name(parent, state); last_pState = 0; if(pState == 0){ gl_error("state property name \'%s\' is not published by parent class", state); return 0; } } // get override, if set if(re_override[0] != 0){ pOverride = gl_get_enum_by_name(parent, re_override); } if((pOverride == 0) && (use_override == OU_ON)){ gl_error("use_override is ON but no valid override property name is given"); return 0; } if(control_mode == CN_RAMP){ if(slider_setting < -0.001){ gl_warning("slider_setting is negative, reseting to 0.0"); slider_setting = 0.0; } if(slider_setting > 1.0){ gl_warning("slider_setting is greater than 1.0, reseting to 1.0"); slider_setting = 1.0; } } last_p = market->init_price; /////////////////search for virtual_battery/////////////////////// /* static FINDLIST *xt1=NULL; xt1=gl_find_objects(FL_NEW,FT_CLASS,SAME,"virtual_battery",FT_END); OBJECT *firstt1= gl_find_next(xt1,NULL); OBJECT *it1; for(it1=firstt1;it1!=NULL;it1=it1->next) { if(gl_object_isa(it1,"virtual_battery")) { virtual_battery_object=it1; } else { // virtual_battery_object=NULL; } } */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// return 1; }
void runner_update(LandRunner * self) { All * a = global_a; #line 234 update(); #line 236 if (land_closebutton()) { save_level(0); land_quit(); } if (land_switched_out()) { save_level(0); } if (land_was_halted()) { #line 243 ; } #line 246 if (! land_keybuffer_empty()) { int k, u; land_keybuffer_next(& k, & u); cheat(u); #line 251 if (k == LandKeyEscape) { save_level(0); land_quit(); } #line 254 else if (k == LandKeyFunction + 1) { a->show_fps = ! a->show_fps; } #line 255 else { #line 257 if (a->text_input) { if (u == '|') { u = '\n'; } #line 260 if (u == 13) { u = 0; } #line 262 if (a->text_input == 1) { game->title [a->cursor++] = u; } #line 264 else if (a->text_input == 2) { game->hint [a->cursor++] = u; } #line 266 if (u == 0) { a->text_input = 0; } } #line 268 else if (! a->title) { if (a->editor_enabled) { game_key(game, k); } } } } }
/** initialization process **/ int controller::init(OBJECT *parent){ OBJECT *hdr = OBJECTHDR(this); char tname[32]; char *namestr = (hdr->name ? hdr->name : tname); // double high, low; sprintf(tname, "controller:%i", hdr->id); cheat(); if(parent == NULL){ gl_error("%s: controller has no parent, therefore nothing to control", namestr); return 0; } if(pMarket == NULL){ gl_error("%s: controller has no market, therefore no price signals", namestr); return 0; } if(gl_object_isa(pMarket, "auction")){ gl_set_dependent(hdr, pMarket); market = OBJECTDATA(pMarket, auction); } else { gl_error("controllers only work when attached to an 'auction' object"); return 0; } if(dPeriod == 0.0){ period = market->period; } else { period = (TIMESTAMP)floor(dPeriod + 0.5); } if(bid_delay < 0){ bid_delay = -bid_delay; } if(bid_delay > period){ gl_warning("Bid delay is greater than the controller period. Resetting bid delay to 0."); bid_delay = 0; } if(target[0] == 0){ GL_THROW("controller: %i, target property not specified", hdr->id); } if(setpoint[0] == 0 && control_mode == CN_RAMP){ GL_THROW("controller: %i, setpoint property not specified", hdr->id);; } if(demand[0] == 0 && control_mode == CN_RAMP){ GL_THROW("controller: %i, demand property not specified", hdr->id); } if(total[0] == 0){ GL_THROW("controller: %i, total property not specified", hdr->id); } if(load[0] == 0){ GL_THROW("controller: %i, load property not specified", hdr->id); } if(heating_setpoint[0] == 0 && control_mode == CN_DOUBLE_RAMP){ GL_THROW("controller: %i, heating_setpoint property not specified", hdr->id);; } if(heating_demand[0] == 0 && control_mode == CN_DOUBLE_RAMP){ GL_THROW("controller: %i, heating_demand property not specified", hdr->id); } if(cooling_setpoint[0] == 0 && control_mode == CN_DOUBLE_RAMP){ GL_THROW("controller: %i, cooling_setpoint property not specified", hdr->id);; } if(cooling_demand[0] == 0 && control_mode == CN_DOUBLE_RAMP){ GL_THROW("controller: %i, cooling_demand property not specified", hdr->id); } if(deadband[0] == 0 && control_mode == CN_DOUBLE_RAMP){ GL_THROW("controller: %i, deadband property not specified", hdr->id); } fetch(&pMonitor, target, parent); if(control_mode == CN_RAMP){ fetch(&pSetpoint, setpoint, parent); fetch(&pDemand, demand, parent); fetch(&pTotal, total, parent); fetch(&pLoad, load, parent); } else if(control_mode == CN_DOUBLE_RAMP){ sprintf(aux_state, "is_AUX_on"); sprintf(heat_state, "is_HEAT_on"); sprintf(cool_state, "is_COOL_on"); fetch(&pHeatingSetpoint, heating_setpoint, parent); fetch(&pHeatingDemand, heating_demand, parent); fetch(&pHeatingTotal, total, parent); fetch(&pHeatingLoad, total, parent); fetch(&pCoolingSetpoint, cooling_setpoint, parent); fetch(&pCoolingDemand, cooling_demand, parent); fetch(&pCoolingTotal, total, parent); fetch(&pCoolingLoad, load, parent); fetch(&pDeadband, deadband, parent); fetch(&pAuxState, aux_state, parent); fetch(&pHeatState, heat_state, parent); fetch(&pCoolState, cool_state, parent); } fetch(&pAvg, avg_target, pMarket); fetch(&pStd, std_target, pMarket); if(dir == 0){ double high = ramp_high * range_high; double low = ramp_low * range_low; if(high > low){ dir = 1; } else if(high < low){ dir = -1; } else if((high == low) && (fabs(ramp_high) > 0.001 || fabs(ramp_low) > 0.001)){ dir = 0; gl_warning("%s: controller has no price ramp", namestr); /* occurs given no price variation, or no control width (use a normal thermostat?) */ } if(ramp_low * ramp_high < 0){ gl_warning("%s: controller price curve is not injective and may behave strangely"); /* TROUBLESHOOTING The price curve 'changes directions' at the setpoint, which may create odd conditions in a number of circumstances. */ } } if(setpoint0==0) setpoint0 = -1; // key to check first thing if(heating_setpoint0==0) heating_setpoint0 = -1; if(cooling_setpoint0==0) cooling_setpoint0 = -1; // double period = market->period; // next_run = gl_globalclock + (TIMESTAMP)(period - fmod(gl_globalclock+period,period)); next_run = gl_globalclock;// + (market->period - gl_globalclock%market->period); time_off = TS_NEVER; if(sliding_time_delay < 0 ) dtime_delay = 21600; // default sliding_time_delay of 6 hours else dtime_delay = (int64)sliding_time_delay; if(state[0] != 0){ // grab state pointer pState = gl_get_enum_by_name(parent, state); last_pState = 0; if(pState == 0){ gl_error("state property name \'%s\' is not published by parent class", state); return 0; } } if(heating_state[0] != 0){ // grab state pointer pHeatingState = gl_get_enum_by_name(parent, heating_state); if(pHeatingState == 0){ gl_error("heating_state property name \'%s\' is not published by parent class", heating_state); return 0; } } if(cooling_state[0] != 0){ // grab state pointer pCoolingState = gl_get_enum_by_name(parent, cooling_state); if(pCoolingState == 0){ gl_error("cooling_state property name \'%s\' is not published by parent class", cooling_state); return 0; } } // get override, if set if(re_override[0] != 0){ pOverride = gl_get_enum_by_name(parent, re_override); } if((pOverride == 0) && (use_override == OU_ON)){ gl_error("use_override is ON but no valid override property name is given"); return 0; } if(control_mode == CN_RAMP){ if(slider_setting < 0.0){ gl_warning("slider_setting is negative, reseting to 0.0"); slider_setting = 0.0; } if(slider_setting > 1.0){ gl_warning("slider_setting is greater than 1.0, reseting to 1.0"); slider_setting = 1.0; } } if(control_mode == CN_DOUBLE_RAMP){ if(slider_setting_heat < 0.0){ gl_warning("slider_setting_heat is negative, reseting to 0.0"); slider_setting_heat = 0.0; } if(slider_setting_cool < 0.0){ gl_warning("slider_setting_cool is negative, reseting to 0.0"); slider_setting_cool = 0.0; } if(slider_setting_heat > 1.0){ gl_warning("slider_setting_heat is greater than 1.0, reseting to 1.0"); slider_setting_heat = 1.0; } if(slider_setting_cool > 1.0){ gl_warning("slider_setting_cool is greater than 1.0, reseting to 1.0"); slider_setting_cool = 1.0; } // get override, if set } last_p = market->init_price; return 1; }
static void read_config(void) { FILE *fp; char file[MAX_PATH + 1]; char line[MAX_LINE]; char *key, *val, *p; long n; int story_matches = 1; zterp_os_rcfile(file, sizeof file); fp = fopen(file, "r"); if(fp == NULL) return; while(fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) != NULL) { line[strcspn(line, "#\n")] = 0; if(line[0] == 0) continue; if(line[0] == '[') { p = strrchr(line, ']'); if(p != NULL && p[1] == 0) { *p = 0; story_matches = 0; for(p = strtok(line + 1, " ,"); p != NULL; p = strtok(NULL, " ,")) { if(is_story(p)) story_matches = 1; } } continue; } if(!story_matches) continue; key = strtok(line, " \t="); if(key == NULL) continue; val = strtok(NULL, "="); if(val == NULL) continue; /* Trim whitespace. */ while(isspace((unsigned char)*val)) val++; if(*val == 0) continue; p = val + strlen(val) - 1; while(isspace((unsigned char)*p)) *p-- = 0; n = strtol(val, NULL, 10); #define BOOL(name) else if(strcmp(key, #name) == 0) options.name = (n != 0) #define NUMBER(name) else if(strcmp(key, #name) == 0) options.name = n #define STRING(name) else if(strcmp(key, #name) == 0) do { free(options.name); options.name = xstrdup(val); } while(0) #define CHAR(name) else if(strcmp(key, #name) == 0) options.name = val[0] #ifdef GARGLK #define COLOR(name, num)else if(strcmp(key, "color_" #name) == 0) update_color(num, strtol(val, NULL, 16)) #else #define COLOR(name, num)else if(0) #endif if(0); NUMBER(eval_stack_size); NUMBER(call_stack_size); BOOL (disable_color); BOOL (disable_timed); BOOL (disable_sound); BOOL (enable_escape); STRING(escape_string); BOOL (disable_fixed); BOOL (assume_fixed); BOOL (disable_graphics_font); BOOL (enable_alt_graphics); BOOL (disable_term_keys); BOOL (disable_utf8); BOOL (force_utf8); BOOL (disable_meta_commands); NUMBER(max_saves); BOOL (disable_undo_compression); NUMBER(int_number); CHAR (int_version); BOOL (replay_on); STRING(replay_name); BOOL (record_on); STRING(record_name); BOOL (transcript_on); STRING(transcript_name); BOOL (disable_abbreviations); BOOL (enable_censorship); BOOL (overwrite_transcript); NUMBER(random_seed); STRING(random_device); COLOR(black, 2); COLOR(red, 3); COLOR(green, 4); COLOR(yellow, 5); COLOR(blue, 6); COLOR(magenta, 7); COLOR(cyan, 8); COLOR(white, 9); #ifndef ZTERP_NO_CHEAT else if(strcmp(key, "cheat") == 0) cheat(val); #endif #undef BOOL #undef NUMBER #undef STRING #undef CHAR #undef COLOR }
void grid::Grid::update() { if( egn::Keyboard::isActive( "return" ) ) { GameState::set( Gamestate::MENU_PAUSE ); egn::Keyboard::setActive("return",false); } if( egn::Keyboard::isActive( "space" ) ) { cheat( 1024 ); egn::Keyboard::setActive( "space", false ); } if( m_InMove == false ) { if( egn::Keyboard::isActive("up") ) { move(Direction::UP); egn::Keyboard::setActive("up",false); egn::AudioManager::get()->playSound("data/audio/theme1.ogg"); } else if( egn::Keyboard::isActive("down") ) { move(Direction::DOWN); egn::Keyboard::setActive("down",false); egn::AudioManager::get()->playSound("data/audio/theme1.ogg"); } else if( egn::Keyboard::isActive("left") ) { move(Direction::LEFT); egn::Keyboard::setActive("left",false); egn::AudioManager::get()->playSound("data/audio/theme1.ogg"); } else if( egn::Keyboard::isActive("right") ) { move(Direction::RIGHT); egn::Keyboard::setActive("right",false); egn::AudioManager::get()->playSound("data/audio/theme1.ogg"); } } for( int i = 0; i < m_MoveNumber.size(); i++ ) { m_MoveNumber[i].update(); if( m_MoveNumber[i].inMove() == false ) { ref ref_tmp = m_MoveNumber[i].getRef(); m_Grid[ref_tmp.i][ref_tmp.j].setDraw( true ); if( m_Grid[ref_tmp.i][ref_tmp.j].get() == 2048 && m_Continue == false && !m_Challenge ) { m_Continue = true; GameState::set(Gamestate::MENU_CONTINUE); m_InMove = false; } } } for( int i = 0; i < m_MoveNumber.size(); i++ ) { if( m_MoveNumber[i].inMove() == false ) { m_MoveNumber.erase( m_MoveNumber.begin() + i ); } } if( m_MoveNumber.size() <= 0 && m_InMove == true ) { if( !moveIsPossible( m_Direction ) ) { m_InMove = false; if( !isFull() ) { popNumber( 1 ); } } else { move( m_Direction ); } } m_PlayerInfo.update(); }
// ----------------------- MAINWINDOW() ----------------------- MainWindow::MainWindow() { // Set initial gameplay states shouldDelete = false; heuristic = NONE; tileMoving = false; // Change app style defaultStyle = new QPlastiqueStyle; QApplication::setStyle(defaultStyle); // Create Main Layout mainLayout = new QGridLayout(); // Board Visualization puzzleScene = new QGraphicsScene(-WINDOW_MAX_X/2, -WINDOW_MAX_X/2, WINDOW_MAX_X, WINDOW_MAX_Y); puzzleScene->setBackgroundBrush(Qt::white); viewStyle = new QProxyStyle; puzzleView = new QGraphicsView(puzzleScene); puzzleView->setStyle(viewStyle); puzzleView->setFixedSize(WINDOW_MAX_X + 20, WINDOW_MAX_Y + 20); mainLayout->addWidget(puzzleView, 2, 1, 4, 1); // Error Box errorText = new QTextEdit(); errorText->setReadOnly(true); errorBox = new QGroupBox("Console"); errorBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout; errorBoxLayout->addWidget(errorText); errorBox->setLayout(errorBoxLayout); mainLayout->addWidget(errorBox, 6, 1); // Title Label titleLabel = new QLabel(); titleLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); titleLabel->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); titleLabel->setText("<b>Game Time!</font></b>"); mainLayout->addWidget(titleLabel, 1, 0); // Exit Button exitButton = new QPushButton("&Quit"); connect(exitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); mainLayout->addWidget(exitButton, 6, 0); // A* Button cheatButton = new QPushButton("&Cheat"); connect(cheatButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(cheat())); // A* Results cheatResults = new QListWidget(); // Radio Button Label heuristicLabel = new QLabel("Choose a Heuristic:"); // Radio Buttons outOfPlaceRadio = new QRadioButton("&Out of Place"); connect(outOfPlaceRadio, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(handleRadios())); manhattanRadio = new QRadioButton("&Manhattan"); connect(manhattanRadio, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(handleRadios())); // Cheaters GroupBox cheatersBox = new QGroupBox("For Cheaters"); cheatersBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout; cheatersBoxLayout->addWidget(heuristicLabel); cheatersBoxLayout->addWidget(manhattanRadio); cheatersBoxLayout->addWidget(outOfPlaceRadio); cheatersBoxLayout->addWidget(cheatButton); cheatersBoxLayout->addWidget(cheatResults); cheatersBox->setLayout(cheatersBoxLayout); mainLayout->addWidget(cheatersBox, 5, 0); // Start Game Button startButton = new QPushButton("&Start Game"); connect(startButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(start())); // Input Labels sizeLabel = new QLabel("Board Size:"); sizeLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); movesLabel = new QLabel("Initial Moves:"); movesLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); seedLabel = new QLabel("Seed:"); seedLabel->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); // Input Text Boxes sizeText = new QLineEdit(); movesText = new QLineEdit(); seedText = new QLineEdit(); // Input GroupBox initialStuffBox = new QGroupBox("Initial Values"); formLayout = new QFormLayout; formLayout->setLabelAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); formLayout->addRow(sizeLabel, sizeText); formLayout->addRow(movesLabel, movesText); formLayout->addRow(seedLabel, seedText); formLayout->addRow(startButton); initialStuffBox->setLayout(formLayout); mainLayout->addWidget(initialStuffBox, 2, 0); // Set Layout Settings setWindowTitle("Game Time!"); setLayout(mainLayout); }
void process_keystrokes (int key) { #if defined (commentout) /* KBR 10/14/2002 - Cleanup MSVC warning */ int retval; #endif switch (key) { case 0: printf("dead!"); return; case ' ': /* Space */ case 10: /* Linefeed/Return */ case 13: /* Enter */ case 127: /* Backspace */ if (key == 127) { cs_mouse_handler (LC_MOUSE_RIGHTBUTTON | LC_MOUSE_PRESS, 0, 0); cs_mouse_handler (LC_MOUSE_RIGHTBUTTON | LC_MOUSE_RELEASE, 0, 0); } else { cs_mouse_handler (LC_MOUSE_LEFTBUTTON | LC_MOUSE_PRESS, 0, 0); cs_mouse_handler (LC_MOUSE_LEFTBUTTON | LC_MOUSE_RELEASE, 0, 0); } if (help_flag) { draw_help_page ("return-2"); } if (prefs_flag) { close_prefs_screen (); refresh_main_screen (); } break; #if defined (SVGALIB) case 91: { int w = vga_getkey (); switch (w) { case ('A'): cs_mouse_handler (0, 0, -kmouse_val); break; case ('B'): cs_mouse_handler (0, 0, kmouse_val); break; case ('C'): cs_mouse_handler (0, kmouse_val, 0); break; case ('D'): cs_mouse_handler (0, -kmouse_val, 0); break; } } break; #endif #if defined (WIN32) || defined (LC_X11) case 1: /* Scroll left */ if (x_key_shifted) { adjust_main_origin (main_screen_originx - RIGHT_MOUSE_MOVE_VAL, main_screen_originy, TRUE); } else { adjust_main_origin (main_screen_originx - 1, main_screen_originy, TRUE); } break; case 2: /* Scroll down */ if (x_key_shifted) { adjust_main_origin (main_screen_originx, main_screen_originy + RIGHT_MOUSE_MOVE_VAL, TRUE); } else { adjust_main_origin (main_screen_originx, main_screen_originy + 1, TRUE); } break; case 3: /* Scroll up */ if (x_key_shifted) { adjust_main_origin (main_screen_originx, main_screen_originy - RIGHT_MOUSE_MOVE_VAL, TRUE); } else { adjust_main_origin (main_screen_originx, main_screen_originy - 1, TRUE); } break; case 4: /* Scroll right */ if (x_key_shifted) { adjust_main_origin (main_screen_originx + RIGHT_MOUSE_MOVE_VAL, main_screen_originy, TRUE); } else { adjust_main_origin (main_screen_originx + 1, main_screen_originy, TRUE); } break; #endif case 'P': case 'p': select_pause (); break; #ifdef DEBUG_KEYS case 'e': if (cheat () != 0) people_pool += 100; break; case 'd': if (cheat () != 0) dump_screen (); break; case 'D': /* dump_tcore (); */ break; case 't': if (cheat () != 0) tech_level += 1000; break; case 'T': if (cheat () != 0) tech_level += 10000; break; case 'm': if (cheat () != 0) adjust_money(1000000); break; #endif case 'f': do_random_fire (-1, -1, 1); break; case 'L': case 'l': load_flag = 1; break; case 'H': case 'h': activate_help ("index.hlp"); break; /* Escape Key */ #ifdef LC_X11 case 27: #else case 5: #endif if (help_flag) { /* exit help */ draw_help_page("return-2"); } else if (prefs_flag) { close_prefs_screen(); refresh_main_screen (); } else { activate_help ("menu.hlp"); } break; case 'S': case 's': save_flag = 1; break; case 'v': case 'V': /* Toggle overlay */ rotate_main_screen(); break; case 'o': case 'O': prefs_flag = 1; break; case 'r': window_results(); break; case 'q': case 'Q': quit_flag = 1; break; } /* end switch on keystroke */ }