Exemple #1
/** Creates the directories for the addons data. This will set m_addons_dir
 *  with the appropriate path, and also create the subdirectories in this
 *  directory.
void FileManager::checkAndCreateAddonsDir()
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
    m_addons_dir  = m_user_config_dir+"addons/";
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
    m_addons_dir  = getenv("HOME");
    m_addons_dir += "/Library/Application Support/SuperTuxKart/Addons/";
    m_addons_dir = checkAndCreateLinuxDir("XDG_DATA_HOME", "supertuxkart",
                                          ".local/share", ".stkaddons");
    m_addons_dir += "addons/";

        Log::error("FileManager", "Can not create add-ons dir '%s', "
                   "falling back to '.'.", m_addons_dir.c_str());
        m_addons_dir = "./";

    if (!checkAndCreateDirectory(m_addons_dir + "icons/"))
        Log::error("FileManager", "Failed to create add-ons icon dir at '%s'.",
                   (m_addons_dir + "icons/").c_str());
    if (!checkAndCreateDirectory(m_addons_dir + "tmp/"))
        Log::error("FileManager", "Failed to create add-ons tmp dir at '%s'.",
                   (m_addons_dir + "tmp/").c_str());

}   // checkAndCreateAddonsDir
Exemple #2
/** Creates the directories for screenshots. This will set m_screenshot_dir
 *  with the appropriate path.
void FileManager::checkAndCreateScreenshotDir()
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
    m_screenshot_dir  = m_user_config_dir+"screenshots/";
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
    m_screenshot_dir  = getenv("HOME");
    m_screenshot_dir += "/Library/Application Support/SuperTuxKart/Screenshots/";
    m_screenshot_dir = checkAndCreateLinuxDir("XDG_CACHE_HOME", "supertuxkart", ".cache/", ".");
    m_screenshot_dir += "screenshots/";

        Log::error("FileManager", "Can not create screenshot directory '%s', "
                   "falling back to '.'.", m_screenshot_dir.c_str());
        m_screenshot_dir = ".";

}   // checkAndCreateScreenshotDir
/** Creates the directories for user-defined grand prix. This will set m_gp_dir
 *  with the appropriate path.
void FileManager::checkAndCreateGPDir()
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
    m_gp_dir = m_user_config_dir + "grandprix/";
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
    m_gp_dir  = getenv("HOME");
    m_gp_dir += "/Library/Application Support/SuperTuxKart/grandprix/";
    m_gp_dir = checkAndCreateLinuxDir("XDG_DATA_HOME", "supertuxkart",
                                          ".local/share", ".supertuxkart");
    m_gp_dir += "grandprix/";

        Log::error("FileManager", "Can not create user-defined grand prix directory '%s', "
                   "falling back to '.'.", m_gp_dir.c_str());
        m_gp_dir = ".";

}   // checkAndCreateGPDir