void DiskOutUGenInternalAiff32::processBlock(bool& shouldDelete, const unsigned int blockID, const int /*channel*/) throw()
	static const float factor = 0x7FFFFFFF;
	const int blockSize = uGenOutput.getBlockSize();
		for(int channel = 0; channel < numChannels; channel++)
			const float *inputSamples = inputs[Input].processBlock(shouldDelete, blockID, channel);
			float *outputSamples = proxies[channel]->getSampleData();
			memcpy(outputSamples, inputSamples, blockSize * sizeof(float));
			SInt32* audioFileSamples = ((SInt32*)audioData) + channel;
			int numSamplesToProcess = blockSize;
				SInt32 sample = (SInt32)(*inputSamples * factor);
				*audioFileSamples = bigEndian32Bit((const char*)&sample);
				audioFileSamples += numChannels;
void DiskOutUGenInternalAiff24::processBlock(bool& shouldDelete, const unsigned int blockID, const int /*channel*/) throw()
	static const float factor = 0x7FFFFFFF; // try 32 bit... and take the 3 MSBs
	const int blockSize = uGenOutput.getBlockSize();
		for(int channel = 0; channel < numChannels; channel++)
			const float *inputSamples = inputs[Input].processBlock(shouldDelete, blockID, channel);
			float *outputSamples = proxies[channel]->getSampleData();
			memcpy(outputSamples, inputSamples, blockSize * sizeof(float));
			char* audioFileSamples = ((char*)audioData) + (channel*3);
			int numSamplesToProcess = blockSize;
				int sample = (int)(*inputSamples * factor);
				char *samplePtr = (char*)&sample;
				audioFileSamples[0] = samplePtr[3];
				audioFileSamples[1] = samplePtr[2];
				audioFileSamples[2] = samplePtr[1];
				audioFileSamples += (numChannels * 3);
qint32 OscContentComposer::computeSize()
	// Be sure to align type tags ending
	if (mHeaderByteBuffer->get(mHeaderByteBuffer->getPosition() - 1) != 0)
		mHeaderByteBuffer = checkBufferSize(mHeaderByteBuffer, 1);
	return mHeaderByteBuffer->getPosition();
// write a command and ptr to buffer
void mgTextBuffer::writePtr(
  mgFormatCmd cmd, 
  void* value)
  // add command (byte) and value (ptr) to buffer

  m_buffer[m_bufferLen++] = (BYTE) cmd;
  *(void**) (m_buffer+m_bufferLen) = value;

  m_bufferLen += sizeof(void*);
// write a command and long value to buffer
void mgTextBuffer::writeDWORD(
  mgFormatCmd cmd, 
  DWORD value)
  // add command (byte) and value (long) to buffer

  m_buffer[m_bufferLen++] = (BYTE) cmd;
  *(DWORD*) (m_buffer+m_bufferLen) = value;

  m_bufferLen += sizeof(DWORD);
// write a command and short value to buffer
void mgTextBuffer::writeShort(
  mgFormatCmd cmd, 
  short value)
  // add command (byte) and value (short) to buffer

  m_buffer[m_bufferLen++] = (BYTE) cmd;
  *(short* ) (m_buffer+m_bufferLen) = value;

  m_bufferLen += sizeof(short);
// write a string to buffer
void mgTextBuffer::writeString(
  const char* value,
  int len)
  if (len == -1)
    len = strlen(value);

  // add length plus string bytes
  checkBufferSize(1+sizeof(short) + len);

  *(short*) (m_buffer+m_bufferLen) = (short) len;
  memcpy(m_buffer+m_bufferLen, value, len);

  m_bufferLen += sizeof(short)+ len;
void OscContentComposer::fillAlignment(ByteBuffer*& dst)
    qint32 size = 4 - (dst->getPosition() & 0x3);
	if (size != 4)
			dst = checkBufferSize(dst, size);
			dst->put(&mBlank, 0, size);
		catch (const QException& e)
			throw e;
// set font face
void mgTextBuffer::writeFontFace(
  const char* face)
  if (m_fontFace.equalsIgnoreCase(face))
  m_fontFace = face;

  int len = m_fontFace.length();

  m_buffer[m_bufferLen++] = (BYTE) mgFontFaceCmd;
  *(WORD*) (m_buffer+m_bufferLen) = len;
  m_bufferLen += sizeof(WORD);
  memcpy(m_buffer+m_bufferLen, (const char*) m_fontFace, len);
  m_bufferLen += len;
Exemple #10
// create box for child and add it
void mgTextBuffer::writeChild(
  const void* child,                   // child object
  mgTextAlign horzAlign,               // horizontal alignment
  mgTextAlign vertAlign)               // vertical alignment
  // add ChildCmd (byte), child (ptr) to buffer
  checkBufferSize(1+sizeof(void*) + 2*sizeof(short));
  m_buffer[m_bufferLen++] = (BYTE) mgChildCmd;
  *(const void**) (m_buffer+m_bufferLen) = child;
  m_bufferLen += sizeof(void*);
  *(short* ) (m_buffer+m_bufferLen) = (short) horzAlign;
  m_bufferLen += sizeof(short);
  *(short* ) (m_buffer+m_bufferLen) = (short) vertAlign;
  m_bufferLen += sizeof(short);
Exemple #11
int main()
	// Program settings 

	float		stageStepSize = 5.0/2; // in um
	int			stepTotalX = 1600;//2000/stageStepSize; 
	int			stepTotalY = 600;//2000/stageStepSize;
	int			stepX = 1;
	int			stepY = 1;
	int			stageLocation[2] = { 0, 0 };

	int16		*stageLocationSave[2]; // Ensure that this is made large enough for some spillover
	int			stageCount = 0;

	stageLocationSave[0] = new int16[NUMSTAGELOCATIONS];
	stageLocationSave[1] = new int16[NUMSTAGELOCATIONS];

	// Motors off

	// Initialize DAQ settings 

	TaskHandle	directionX = 0;
	TaskHandle	directionY = 0;

	DAQmxCreateTask("XDir", &directionX);
	DAQmxCreateTask("YDir", &directionY);

	DAQmxCreateAOVoltageChan(directionX, "Dev1/ao1", "XDir", 0.0, 5.0, DAQmx_Val_Volts, NULL); // X Direction
	DAQmxCreateAOVoltageChan(directionY, "Dev1/ao0", "YDir", 0.0, 5.0, DAQmx_Val_Volts, NULL); // Y Direction

	float64 fiveVoltOut[2] = { 5.0, 5.0 }; // 5.0 V
	float64 zeroVoltOut[2] = { 0.0, 0.0 }; // 0.0 V

	//Must be 2 bits
	uInt8 outClock[2] = { 0 , 1 };
	uInt8 onSig[2] = { 1, 1 };	

	// Initialize Gage card

	if (initializeGage(stageStepSize))
		fprintf(stdout, ("Error initializing Gage card, please check settings\n\n"));
		return -1;
	fprintf(stdout, ("Gage card sucessfully initialized.\n\n"));

	// Initial settings checks

	// Check program buffer sizes
	int currBufferSize = checkBufferSize();
	int totalNumStageMoves = (stepTotalX / stepX)*(stepTotalY / stepY);
	if (currBufferSize >= totalNumStageMoves && NUMSTAGELOCATIONS >= totalNumStageMoves)
		fprintf(stdout, ("Buffer sizes appear correct.\n\n"));
		fprintf(stdout, ("Buffer size is not set correctly. Stage locations (%d) and segment count (%d) must be greater than %d.\n\n"),
			(int)NUMSTAGELOCATIONS, currBufferSize, totalNumStageMoves);
		return -1;

	// Print scan settings

	fprintf(stdout, ("\n\n Scan Settings\n---------------\n\n"));
	fprintf(stdout, ("X stage step size: %3.2f um\nY stage step size: %3.2f um\n"), (float)stepX*stageStepSize, (float)stepY*stageStepSize);
	fprintf(stdout, ("X range: %3.2f mm\nY range: %3.2f mm\n\n"), (float)stepTotalX * stageStepSize / 1000.0, (float)stepTotalY * stageStepSize / 1000.0);
	//fprintf(stdout, ("Total stage moves: %d\nStage clock speed: %d Hz\n\n---------------\n\n"), (stepTotalX / stepX)*(stepTotalY / stepY),getStageClockSpeed());
	fprintf(stdout, ("Total stage moves: %d\nStage clock speed: %d Hz\n"), (stepTotalX / stepX)*(stepTotalY / stepY), getStageClockSpeed());
	fprintf(stdout, ("Set trigger holdoff bettween %d us and %d us\n\n"), (int)(1.0 / (float)getStageClockSpeed()*1e6), (int)(2.0 / (float)getStageClockSpeed()*1e6));
	fprintf(stdout, ("---------------\n\n"));

	// Prep for scan

	// Ready to start scan
	fprintf(stdout, ("Ensure stage is centered.\nPress any key to start scan.\n\n"));

	fprintf(stdout, ("Moving stage to start location.\n\n"));

	// Motors on

	// Scan variables
	int steps;
	//int gageCollectStatus;
	int XDir = 1;
	int saveCount = 1;	
	// Move to start position
	steps = stepTotalX / 2;
	DAQmxWriteAnalogF64(directionX, 1, 1, 0.0, DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, zeroVoltOut, NULL, NULL); // dir
	moveXStage(steps, outClock);
	stageLocation[0] -= steps;

	steps = stepTotalY / 2;
	DAQmxWriteAnalogF64(directionY, 1, 1, 0.0, DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, zeroVoltOut, NULL, NULL); // dir 	
	moveYStage(steps, outClock); // Move
	stageLocation[1] -= steps;

	// Scan

	moveXStage(1, onSig); // hold on
	// Start data collection	
	if (collectData())
		fprintf(stdout, ("Data Collection Failed"));
		return (-1);

	// Scan along Y
	for (int countY = 0; countY < stepTotalY; countY += stepY)
		if (countY != 0)
			// Step Y
			DAQmxWriteAnalogF64(directionY, 1, 1, 0.0, DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, fiveVoltOut, NULL, NULL); // dir 			
			moveYStage(stepY, outClock); // Move--			
			stageLocation[1] += stepY;			
		if (countY > 0)
			_ftprintf(stdout, ("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"));
		_ftprintf(stdout, _T("%04.0f um remaining in Y"), (float)(stepTotalY - countY) * stageStepSize);

		// Scan along X
		if (XDir == 1)
			DAQmxWriteAnalogF64(directionX, 1, 1, 0.0, DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, fiveVoltOut, NULL, NULL); // dir 				
			stageLocation[0] += stepTotalX;
		else {
			DAQmxWriteAnalogF64(directionX, 1, 1, 0.0, DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, zeroVoltOut, NULL, NULL); // dir 				
			stageLocation[0] -= stepTotalX;
		moveXStage(stepTotalX, outClock); // Move			
		// Save stage data and change direction
		if (XDir == 1)
			XDir = 0;
		else {
			XDir = 1;

	_ftprintf(stdout, _T("\nScan complete. Returning to start position.\n\n"));

	// Move stage to center (0,0)
	if (stageLocation[0] > 0){
		steps = stageLocation[0];
		DAQmxWriteAnalogF64(directionX, 1, 1, 0.0, DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, zeroVoltOut, NULL, NULL); // dir 		
		moveXStage(steps, outClock); // Move
		stageLocation[0] -= steps;
		steps = -stageLocation[0];
		DAQmxWriteAnalogF64(directionX, 1, 1, 0.0, DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, fiveVoltOut, NULL, NULL); // dir 
		moveXStage(steps, outClock); // Move
		stageLocation[0] += steps;

	if (stageLocation[1] > 0){
		steps = stageLocation[1];
		DAQmxWriteAnalogF64(directionY, 1, 1, 0.0, DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, zeroVoltOut, NULL, NULL); // dir		
		moveYStage(steps, outClock); // Move
		stageLocation[1] -= steps;
		steps = -stageLocation[1];
		DAQmxWriteAnalogF64(directionY, 1, 1, 0.0, DAQmx_Val_GroupByChannel, fiveVoltOut, NULL, NULL); // dir
		moveYStage(steps, outClock); // Move
		stageLocation[1] += steps;

	moveXStage(2, onSig); // Move

	// Motors off

	//moveXStage(4, onSig); // hold on

	// Stage stage data
	int countX = 0;
	int countY = 0;
	XDir = 1;
	for (countY = 0; countY < stepTotalY; countY += stepY)
		if (countY != 0)
			stageLocationSave[0][stageCount] = countX;
			stageLocationSave[1][stageCount++] = countY;
		if (XDir == 1)
			for (countX = 0; countX < stepTotalX; countX += stepX)
				stageLocationSave[0][stageCount] = countX;
				stageLocationSave[1][stageCount++] = countY;
			XDir = 0;
		else {
			for (countX = stepTotalX-1; countX > -1; countX -= stepX)
				stageLocationSave[0][stageCount] = countX;
				stageLocationSave[1][stageCount++] = countY;
			XDir = 1;

	// Check if aquisition is completed

	// Transfer and save data
	int nSaveError = saveGageData();
	if (nSaveError)
		fprintf(stdout, ("Data Save Failed"));
		return (-1);

	// Save stage data
	TCHAR StageFileName[MAX_PATH];
	FILE *fidStage;

	// Open Save files
	int nCount = 0;
	while (1)
		_stprintf(StageFileName, _T("E:\\GageData\\MechStageDataScan%d.txt"), nCount);
		fidStage = fopen(StageFileName, "r");
		if (fidStage)
			fidStage = fopen(StageFileName, "w");

	//_stprintf(StageFileName, _T("E:\\GageData\\MechStageData.txt"));
	//fidStage = fopen(StageFileName, "w");

	for (int n = 0; n < stageCount; n++)
		_ftprintf(fidStage, _T("%d %d\n"), stageLocationSave[0][n], stageLocationSave[1][n]); // print peakData

	fidStage = NULL;

	delete stageLocationSave[0];
	delete stageLocationSave[1];

	return 0;
Exemple #12
// write text in the current font
void mgTextBuffer::writeText(
  const char* text,
  int len)
  if (len == -1)
    len = (int) strlen(text);
  if (len == 0)
    return;  // nothing to do

  // add TextCmd (byte), text length (short) and text to buffer

  m_buffer[m_bufferLen++] = (BYTE) mgTextCmd;

  // fill in length after we remove duplicate blanks
  unsigned lenPosn = m_bufferLen;
  m_bufferLen += sizeof(WORD);
  int outLen = 0;

  // if we're not wrapping, copy text as-is
  if (m_wrap == mgFalse)
    memcpy(m_buffer+m_bufferLen, text, len);
    m_bufferLen += len;
    outLen = len;
    while (len > 0)
      int c = (int) (0xFF & *text++);

      if (isspace(c))
        // remove duplicate blanks if wrap
        if (!m_wasBlank)
          m_buffer[m_bufferLen++] = ' ';
        m_wasBlank = true;
        m_wasBlank = false;
        m_buffer[m_bufferLen++] = c;

  // if nothing written, remove text command
  if (outLen == 0)
    m_bufferLen -= 1+sizeof(WORD);

  // write length
  *(WORD*) (m_buffer+lenPosn) = (WORD) outLen;