int main(int argc, char** argv) { (void) argc; (void) argv; QProcess client; client.start("./client.elf", QStringList()); myAssert(client.waitForStarted(), "Line " S__LINE__ ": The client could not be initialized properly."); char buffer[80]; char buffer2[80]; for(int i = 1 ; i <= 8 ; i++) { sprintf(buffer, "T %d 0\n", (i * 10) + 1); client.write(buffer); client.waitForReadyRead(); for(int id = 1 ; id <= 8 ; id++) { if(i % id == 0) { sprintf(buffer, "D TESTER value %d", id); sprintf(buffer2, "Line " S__LINE__ ": Unexpected at i=%d and id=%d", i, id); myAssert(checkMsg(client, buffer), buffer2); } } myAssert(checkMsg(client, "T"), "Line " S__LINE__ ": The client thread did not send \"T\" as expected."); } client.write("S\n"); myAssert(checkMsg(client, "S"), "Line " S__LINE__ ": The client thread did not send \"S\" as expected."); client.closeWriteChannel(); myAssert(client.waitForFinished(), "Line " S__LINE__ ": The client did not close properly."); std::cout << "OK" << std::endl; return 0; }
void testObj::test<3>(void) { MimeCreateHelper mch("[email protected]", Config::Recipients("[email protected]"), "re: stuff", "hello world"); vmime::ref<vmime::message> mime1=mch.createMimeMessage(); checkMsg(mime1); vmime::ref<vmime::message> mime2=mch.createMimeMessage(); checkMsg(mime2); }
void testObj::test<4>(void) { Config::Recipients to("[email protected]"); to.push_back("*****@*****.**"); to.push_back("*****@*****.**"); MimeCreateHelper mch("[email protected]", to, "re: stuff", "hello world"); vmime::ref<vmime::message> mime=mch.createMimeMessage(); checkMsg(mime); }
bool ExternalWrapper::askUserToAllow(const std::string& url) { nsCOMPtr<nsIPromptService> promptService = do_GetService( ";1"); if (!promptService) { return false; } NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16 title("Allow GWT Developer Plugin Connection"); NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16 text("The web and code server combination is unrecognized and requesting a GWT " "developer plugin connection -- do you want to allow it?"); NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16 checkMsg("Remember this decision for this server " "(change in GWT Developer Plugin preferences)"); #if GECKO_VERSION < 10000 // Please see: PRBool remember = false; PRBool include = true; if (promptService->ConfirmCheck(domWindow.get(), title.get(), text.get(), checkMsg.get(), &remember, &include) != NS_OK) { return false; } if (remember) { std::string host = AllowedConnections::getHostFromUrl(url); std::string server = AllowedConnections::getCodeServerFromUrl(url); preferences->addNewRule(host + "/" + server, !include); } return include; #else bool remember = false; bool include = true; if (promptService->ConfirmCheck(domWindow.get(), title.get(), text.get(), checkMsg.get(), &remember, &include) != NS_OK) { return false; } if (remember) { std::string host = AllowedConnections::getHostFromUrl(url); std::string server = AllowedConnections::getCodeServerFromUrl(url); preferences->addNewRule(host + "/" + server, !include); } return include; #endif //GECKO_VERSION }
void loop() { if (receivingBot) { /* execute code to anticipate and respond to messages */ while (!receiving) { delayMicroseconds(1); } /* idle until we see a * handshake */ /* if here, we've seen a waiting falling edge AND a receiving rising * edge */ receive(recMsg, MSG_LEN); /* testing only */ for (unsigned i(0); i < 2 * MSG_LEN; ++i) Serial.print(recMsg[i]); Serial.print("\n"); } else { /* TRANSMITTING BOT */ unsigned long currTime(millis()); transmit(transMsg, MSG_LEN); while (!receiving) { if (millis() - currTime > TIMEOUT) { /* execute code to transmit a * regular message */ transmit(transMsg, MSG_LEN); currTime = millis(); } /* wait until acknowledgement */ delayMicroseconds(1); } receive(recMsg, MSG_LEN); if (checkMsg(recMsg, ack, MSG_LEN)) { /* testing only */ for (unsigned i(0); i < 2 * MSG_LEN; ++i) Serial.print(recMsg[i]); Serial.print("\n"); delay(2000); } } }
/* * This function is called by the handleConnection() function in * rwtransfer.c once the connection has been established. This * function returns -1 on error, 0 if no files were transferred, or * 1 if one or more files were successfully received. */ int transferFiles( sk_msg_queue_t *q, skm_channel_t channel, transfer_t *sndr) { static pthread_mutex_t open_file_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; int fd = -1; uint64_t size = 0; uint64_t pa_size = 0; uint8_t *map = NULL; char *name = NULL; char *dotname = NULL; char dotpath[PATH_MAX]; char destpath[sizeof(dotpath)-1]; struct stat st; ino_t *inode; int proto_err; int rv; sk_dll_iter_t iter; const char *duplicate_dir; enum transfer_state {File_info, File_info_ack, Send_file, Complete_ack, Error} state; int thread_exit; int transferred_file = 0; state = File_info; proto_err = 0; thread_exit = 0; destpath[0] = '\0'; dotpath[0] = '\0'; memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st)); while (!shuttingdown && !proto_err && !thread_exit && !sndr->disconnect && (state != Error)) { sk_msg_t *msg; /* Handle reads */ switch (state) { case File_info: case Send_file: rv = skMsgQueueGetMessage(q, &msg); if (rv == -1) { ASSERT_ABORT(shuttingdown); continue; } if (handleDisconnect(msg, sndr->ident)) { state = Error; } break; case Error: ASSERT_ABORT(0); break; default: msg = NULL; } /* Handle all states */ switch (state) { case File_info: /* Create the placeholder and dot files and mmap() the * space. */ { file_info_t *finfo; uint32_t len; mode_t mode; off_t offrv; if ((proto_err = checkMsg(msg, q, CONN_NEW_FILE))) { break; } DEBUG_PRINT1("Received CONN_NEW_FILE"); finfo = (file_info_t *)skMsgMessage(msg); size = (uint64_t)ntohl(finfo->high_filesize) << 32 | ntohl(finfo->low_filesize); pa_size = size; /* blocksize = ntohl(finfo->block_size); --- UNUSED */ mode = ntohl(finfo->mode) & 0777; len = skMsgLength(msg) - offsetof(file_info_t, filename); dotname = (char *)calloc(1, len + 1); CHECK_ALLOC(dotname); name = dotname + 1; dotname[0] = '.'; memcpy(name, finfo->filename, len); if (!memchr(name, '\0', len)) { sendString(q, channel, EXTERNAL, SEND_CONN_REJECT(sndr), LOG_WARNING, "Illegal filename (from %s)", sndr->ident); state = FILE_INFO_ERROR_STATE(sndr); break; } INFOMSG("Receiving from %s: '%s' (%" PRIu64 " bytes)", sndr->ident, name, size); /* Check filesystem for enough space for file */ if (CHECK_DISK_SPACE(pa_size)) { WARNINGMSG(("Not enough space on filesystem for %" PRIu64 " byte file '%s'"), pa_size, name); pa_size = 0; state = FILESYSTEM_FULL_ERROR_STATE(sndr); break; } /* Create the placeholder file */ rv = snprintf(destpath, sizeof(destpath), "%s/%s", destination_dir, name); if ((size_t)rv >= sizeof(destpath)) { sendString(q, channel, EXTERNAL, SEND_CONN_REJECT(sndr), LOG_WARNING, "Filename too long (from %s)", sndr->ident); state = FILE_INFO_ERROR_STATE(sndr); destpath[0] = '\0'; break; } assert((size_t)rv < sizeof(destpath)); pthread_mutex_lock(&open_file_mutex); reopen: fd = open(destpath, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0); if (fd == -1) { if (errno != EEXIST) { CRITMSG("Could not create '%s': %s", destpath, strerror(errno)); thread_exit = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&open_file_mutex); break; } if (stat(destpath, &st) == -1) { WARNINGMSG("Unable to stat '%s': %s", destpath, strerror(errno)); } else if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && ((st.st_mode & 0777) == 0) && ((st.st_size == 0))) { /* looks like a placeholder file. are we * receiving a file with the same name from a * different rwsender? */ int found = 0; skDLLAssignIter(&iter, open_file_list); while (skDLLIterForward(&iter, (void **)&inode) == 0) { if (st.st_ino == *inode) { WARNINGMSG(("Multiple rwsenders attempting" " to send file '%s'"), name); found = 1; break; } } if (!found) { WARNINGMSG(("Filename already exists (from a" " previous run?). Removing '%s'"), destpath); if (unlink(destpath) == 0) { goto reopen; } WARNINGMSG("Failed to unlink '%s': %s", destpath, strerror(errno)); /* treat file as a duplicate */ } } /* else file is a duplicate */ st.st_ino = 0; destpath[0] = dotpath[0] = '\0'; sendString(q, channel, EXTERNAL, SEND_CONN_DUPLICATE(sndr), LOG_WARNING, "Filename already exists (from %s)", sndr->ident); state = FILE_INFO_ERROR_STATE(sndr); pthread_mutex_unlock(&open_file_mutex); break; } /* else, successfully opened placeholder file */ if (fstat(fd, &st) == -1) { CRITMSG("Could not fstat newly created file '%s': %s", destpath, strerror(errno)); st.st_ino = 0; thread_exit = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&open_file_mutex); break; } if (skDLListPushTail(open_file_list, &st.st_ino)) { CRITMSG("Unable to grow open file list"); st.st_ino = 0; thread_exit = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&open_file_mutex); break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&open_file_mutex); DEBUGMSG("Created '%s'", destpath); rv = close(fd); fd = -1; if (rv == -1) { CRITMSG("Could not close file '%s': %s", destpath, strerror(errno)); thread_exit = 1; break; } /* Create the dotfile */ rv = snprintf(dotpath, sizeof(dotpath), "%s/%s", destination_dir, dotname); reopen2: fd = open(dotpath, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, mode); if (fd == -1) { int saveerrno = errno; if (errno == EEXIST) { WARNINGMSG("Filename already exists. Removing '%s'", dotpath); if (unlink(dotpath) == 0) { goto reopen2; } WARNINGMSG("Failed to unlink '%s': %s", dotpath, strerror(errno)); } CRITMSG("Could not create '%s': %s", dotpath, strerror(saveerrno)); thread_exit = 1; dotpath[0] = '\0'; break; } DEBUGMSG("Created '%s'", dotpath); /* Allocate space on disk */ offrv = lseek(fd, size - 1, SEEK_SET); if (offrv == -1) { CRITMSG("Could not allocate disk space for '%s': %s", dotpath, strerror(errno)); thread_exit = 1; break; } rv = write(fd, "", 1); if (rv == -1) { CRITMSG("Could not allocate disk space for '%s': %s", dotpath, strerror(errno)); thread_exit = 1; break; } /* Map space */ map = (uint8_t *)mmap(0, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if ((void *)map == MAP_FAILED) { CRITMSG("Could not map '%s': %s", dotpath, strerror(errno)); thread_exit = 1; break; } rv = close(fd); fd = -1; if (rv == -1) { CRITMSG("Could not close file '%s': %s", dotpath, strerror(errno)); thread_exit = 1; break; } GOT_DISK_SPACE(pa_size); pa_size = 0; state = File_info_ack; } break; case File_info_ack: DEBUG_PRINT1("Sending CONN_NEW_FILE_READY"); proto_err = skMsgQueueSendMessage(q, channel, CONN_NEW_FILE_READY, NULL, 0); state = Send_file; break; case Send_file: /* Get the content of the file and write into the dot file */ { block_info_t *block; uint64_t offset; uint32_t len; if (skMsgType(msg) != CONN_FILE_BLOCK) { if ((proto_err = checkMsg(msg, q, CONN_FILE_COMPLETE))) { break; } DEBUG_PRINT1("Received CONN_FILE_COMPLETE"); state = Complete_ack; break; } block = (block_info_t *)skMsgMessage(msg); len = skMsgLength(msg) - offsetof(block_info_t, block); offset = (uint64_t)ntohl(block->high_offset) << 32 | ntohl(block->low_offset); DEBUG_CONTENT_PRINT("Receiving offset=%" PRIu64 " len=%" PRIu32, offset, len); if (offset + len > size) { sendString(q, channel, EXTERNAL, CONN_DISCONNECT, LOG_WARNING, ("Illegal block (offset/size %" PRIu64 "/%" PRIu32 ")"), offset, len); state = Error; break; } memcpy(map + offset, block->block, len); } break; case Complete_ack: /* Un-mmap() the file, create any duplicate files, and * move the dotfile over the placeholder file */ rv = munmap(map, size); map = NULL; if (rv == -1) { CRITMSG("Could not unmap file '%s': %s", dotpath, strerror(errno)); thread_exit = 1; break; } /* Handle duplicate-destinations. Any errors here are * simply logged and processing continues. */ skDLLAssignIter(&iter, duplicate_dirs); while (skDLLIterForward(&iter, (void **)&duplicate_dir) == 0) { char path[sizeof(destpath)]; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", duplicate_dir, name); if (unique_duplicates) { rv = skCopyFile(dotpath, path); if (rv != 0) { WARNINGMSG("Could not copy '%s' to '%s': %s", dotpath, path, strerror(rv)); } } else { DEBUGMSG("Linking '%s' as '%s'", dotpath, path); rv = link(dotpath, path); if (EXDEV == errno) { DEBUGMSG("Link failed EXDEV; copying '%s' to '%s'", dotpath, path); rv = skCopyFile(dotpath, path); if (rv != 0) { WARNINGMSG("Could not copy '%s' to '%s': %s", dotpath, path, strerror(rv)); } } else if (rv != 0) { WARNINGMSG("Could not link '%s' as '%s': %s", dotpath, path, strerror(errno)); } } } DEBUGMSG("Renaming '%s' to '%s'", dotpath, destpath); rv = rename(dotpath, destpath); if (rv != 0) { CRITMSG("Failed rename of '%s' to '%s': %s", dotpath, destpath, strerror(errno)); thread_exit = 1; break; } /* remove the file from the open_file_list */ pthread_mutex_lock(&open_file_mutex); skDLLAssignIter(&iter, open_file_list); while (skDLLIterForward(&iter, (void **)&inode) == 0) { if (st.st_ino == *inode) { skDLLIterDel(&iter); break; } } st.st_ino = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&open_file_mutex); DEBUG_PRINT1("Sending CONN_FILE_COMPLETE"); proto_err = skMsgQueueSendMessage(q, channel, CONN_FILE_COMPLETE, NULL, 0); if (proto_err == 0) { /* Run the post command on the file */ if (post_command) { runPostCommand(post_command, destpath, sndr->ident); } destpath[0] = '\0'; INFOMSG("Finished receiving from %s: '%s'", sndr->ident, name); free(dotname); dotname = NULL; } destpath[0] = dotpath[0] = '\0'; transferred_file = 1; state = File_info; break; case Error: break; } if (msg != NULL) { skMsgDestroy(msg); } } if (fd != -1) { close(fd); } if (map != NULL) { munmap(map, size); } if (dotname != NULL) { free(dotname); } if (dotpath[0] != '\0') { DEBUGMSG("Removing '%s'", dotpath); unlink(dotpath); } if (destpath[0] != '\0') { DEBUGMSG("Removing '%s'", destpath); unlink(destpath); } if (st.st_ino != 0) { skDLLAssignIter(&iter, open_file_list); while (skDLLIterForward(&iter, (void **)&inode) == 0) { if (st.st_ino == *inode) { skDLLIterDel(&iter); break; } } } if (pa_size) { GOT_DISK_SPACE(pa_size); } if (thread_exit) { return -1; } return transferred_file; }
void msgQ(int n,msgQ_t &q) { if (n!=q.length()) CkAbort("Message queue length corrupted during marshalling"); for (int i=0;i<n;i++) checkMsg(q.deq(),5,13+2*i); next(); }