	Purpose:			Read the integers (stored one per line) from a text file to a data linked list structure
	Parameters:			filename - The filename of the file to open.
						head - The address of a pointer to be set to point to the first element
	Return value:		The number of integers stored
	Function calls:		Direct function calls - assert(), fopen(), fscanf(), malloc(), fclose()
						Via checkPtr macro - fprintf(), exit()
	Asserts:			fileName cannot point to nothing
						head cannot be NULL
	Revision history:	1.0 - 11/04/2014 created by Joshua Tyler
unsigned int datlCreateFromFile(char* fileName, dataListElement** head)
	assert(fileName != NULL);
	assert(head != NULL);

	FILE *inputFile = fopen(fileName,"r");

	unsigned int count = 0;
	int currentNum;
	dataListElement *currentItem = NULL;
	dataListElement *temp;
	*head = NULL;
	while( fscanf(inputFile,"%d", &currentNum) == 1)
		temp = (dataListElement *) malloc(sizeof(dataListElement));

		/* If this is the first item in the list, set the head pointer */
		if(currentItem == NULL)
			*head = currentItem = temp;
		} else {
			currentItem->next = temp;
			currentItem = temp;

		currentItem->data = currentNum;
		currentItem->next = NULL;

	return count;
Exemple #2
 * Allocate an object and execute the constructor.
 * @param cname the name of the class to be instantiated (may be 0 if cc is != 0)
 * @param loader the class loader that's to be used to lookup the class
 * @param cc the class to be instantiated (may be 0 if cname is != 0)
 * @param signature the signature of the constructor to be executed
 * @param argptr arguments to be passed to the constructor
 * @throws InstantiationException if class is an interface or abstract
 * @throws NoSuchMethodError if the specified constructor cannot be found
 * @return the newly allocated object
execute_java_constructor_v(const char* cname, Hjava_lang_ClassLoader* loader,
	Hjava_lang_Class* cc, const char* signature, va_list argptr)
	Hjava_lang_Object* obj;
	Method* mb;
	jvalue retval;
	errorInfo info;
	Utf8Const* sig;

	if (cc == 0) {
		char *buf;

		/* Convert "." to "/" and lookup class */
		buf = checkPtr(KMALLOC(strlen(cname) + 1));
		classname2pathname(cname, buf);
		cc = lookupClass(buf, loader, &info);
		if (!cc) {

	/* We cannot construct interfaces or abstract classes */

	if (cc->state < CSTATE_USABLE) {
		if (processClass(cc, CSTATE_COMPLETE, &info) == false) {

	sig = checkPtr(utf8ConstFromString(signature));
	mb = findMethodLocal(cc, constructor_name, sig);
	if (mb == 0) {

	obj = newObject(cc);
	assert(obj != 0);

	/* Make the call */
	KaffeVM_callMethodV(mb, METHOD_NATIVECODE(mb), obj, argptr, &retval);

	return (obj);
	Purpose:			Add a message to a debug linked list
	Parameters:			list - the list header of the list to add it to
						value and event - parameters to save into the list
						lastRep - if TRUE this function is being called on the last repitition of the store/search action
	Return value:		None
	Function calls:		Direct function calls - assert(), malloc()
						Via checkPtr macro - fprintf(), exit()
	Asserts:			list cannot be NULL
	Revision history:	1.0 - 16/04/2014 JT adapted from deblAddMsg() in hashed.cpp
void deblAddMsg(debugList *list, int value,  debugEvent event, unsigned int lastRep)
	assert(list != NULL);

	/* If this is not the last repitition, return to avoid repeat messages */

	debugListElement *elementToAdd;

	/* Allocate space for an element */
	elementToAdd = (debugListElement *)malloc(sizeof(debugListElement));

	/* Set values of new element */
	elementToAdd->value = value;
	elementToAdd->event = event;
	elementToAdd->next = NULL;

	/* Add element to the end of the list */
	if(list->first == NULL)
		list->first = elementToAdd;
		list->last = elementToAdd;
	} else {
		list->last->next = elementToAdd;
		list->last = elementToAdd;

Exemple #4
 * Call a Java static method on a class from native code.
 * @param cname name of the class whose method is to be called
 * @param loader the class loader that's to be used to lookup the class
 * @param method_name the name of the method to be called
 * @param signature the signature of the method to be called
 * @param argptr the arguments to be passed to the method
 * @throws NuSuchMethodError if method cannot be found
 * @return the return value of the method
do_execute_java_class_method_v(jvalue *retval, const char* cname,
	Hjava_lang_ClassLoader* loader, const char* method_name,
	const char* signature, va_list argptr)
	Hjava_lang_Class* clazz;
	errorInfo info;
	Method* mb = NULL;
	char *buf;

	/* Convert "." to "/" and lookup class */
	buf = checkPtr(KMALLOC(strlen(cname) + 1));
	classname2pathname(cname, buf);
	clazz = lookupClass(buf, loader, &info);

	/* Get method */
	if (clazz != NULL) {
		mb = lookupClassMethod(clazz, method_name, signature, false, &info);
	if (mb == NULL) {

	/* Method must be static to invoke it here */
	if ((mb->accflags & ACC_STATIC) == 0) {

	/* Make the call */
	KaffeVM_callMethodV(mb, METHOD_NATIVECODE(mb), NULL, argptr, retval);
Exemple #5
void _sphere_finalizer(SEXP Rextp)
    checkPtr(Rextp, sphere_type_tag);
    STGM::CBoolSphereSystem *sp = (STGM::CBoolSphereSystem *)(R_ExternalPtrAddr(Rextp));
Exemple #6
 * pushSig()
 *     Pushes a new signature on the Stack
pushSig(SigStack* sigs, const char* sig)
    SigStack* new_sig = checkPtr(gc_malloc(sizeof(SigStack), KGC_ALLOC_VERIFIER));
    new_sig->sig = sig;
    new_sig->next = sigs;
    return new_sig;
	Purpose:			Creates an array and initialises all elements to empty
	Parameters:			size - the number of elements to have in the array
	Return value:		The header of the array
	Function calls:		Direct function calls - assert(), calloc().
						Via checkPtr macro - fprintf(), exit()
	Asserts:			Size cannot be zero.
	Revision history:	1.0 - 15/04/2014 adapted from htblCreate() by Joshua Tyler
array aryCreate(unsigned int size)
	assert(size > 0);

	array header;
	header.data = (int *) calloc(size, sizeof(int)); // We're using calloc, so all elements will be 0

	header.size = size;

	return header;
Exemple #8
 * This function is an helper for lookupField. It creates a UTF string and invoke lookupField
 * with it.
Field*  KNI_lookupFieldC(struct Hjava_lang_Class* clazz, const char* fieldName, 
			 bool isStatic, errorInfo* einfo)
  Utf8Const *fieldUTF;
  Field *field;

  checkPtr(fieldUTF = utf8ConstFromString(fieldName));
  field = lookupClassField(clazz, fieldUTF, isStatic, einfo);

  return field;
Exemple #9
 * Signal an error by creating the object and throwing the exception.
 * See also SignalErrorf
 * @param cname the name of the class of the exception object to be created
 * @param str the message to be passed to the constructor of the exception object
SignalError(const char* cname, const char* str)
	Hjava_lang_Throwable* obj;

	if (str == NULL || *str == '\0') {
		obj = (Hjava_lang_Throwable*)execute_java_constructor(cname,
	} else {
		obj = (Hjava_lang_Throwable*)execute_java_constructor(cname,
			NULL, NULL, ERROR_SIGNATURE, checkPtr(stringC2Java(str)));
Exemple #10
 * allocate memory for a block info and fill in with default values
createBlock(const Method* method)
	int i;
	BlockInfo* binfo = checkPtr((BlockInfo*)gc_malloc(sizeof(BlockInfo), KGC_ALLOC_VERIFIER));
	binfo->startAddr   = 0;
	binfo->status      = IS_INSTRUCTION | START_BLOCK;  /* not VISITED or CHANGED */
	/* allocate memory for locals */
	if (method->localsz > 0) {
		binfo->locals = checkPtr(gc_malloc(method->localsz * sizeof(Type), KGC_ALLOC_VERIFIER));
		for (i = 0; i < method->localsz; i++) {
			binfo->locals[i] = *getTUNSTABLE();
	} else {
		binfo->locals = NULL;
	/* allocate memory for operand stack */
	binfo->stacksz = 0;
	if (method->stacksz > 0) {
		binfo->opstack = checkPtr(gc_malloc(method->stacksz * sizeof(Type), KGC_ALLOC_VERIFIER));
		for (i = 0; i < method->stacksz; i++) {
			binfo->opstack[i] = *getTUNSTABLE();
	} else {
		binfo->opstack = NULL;
	return binfo;
Exemple #11
SEXP IntersectSphereSystem(SEXP ext, SEXP R_n, SEXP R_z, SEXP R_intern) {
  checkPtr(ext, sphere_type_tag);

  STGM::CVector3d n(REAL(R_n)[0],REAL(R_n)[1],REAL(R_n)[2]);
  STGM::CPlane plane( n , asReal(R_z));

  STGM::CBoolSphereSystem *sp = static_cast<STGM::CBoolSphereSystem *>(getExternalPtr(ext));
  if(PL>100) Rprintf("Intersect with plane: %d \n", sp->refObjects().size());

  STGM::Intersectors<STGM::CSphere>::Type objects;
  int intern = asInteger(AS_INTEGER(R_intern));

  return convert_R_Circles(objects);
	Purpose:			Write statistics to an output text file in CSV format
	Parameters:			fileName - the name of the output file to append to
						noStored, noSearched, noFound, timeToStore, timeToSearch - parameters to output
	Return value:		None
	Function calls:		Direct function calls - assert(), fopen(), fprintf(), fclose()
						Via checkPtr macro - fprintf(), exit()
	Asserts:			fileName cannot be NULL
	Revision history:	1.0 - 14/04/2014 created by Joshua Tyler
						2.0 - 15/04/2014 JT added the filename as a parameter
void printAddToFile(char *fileName, unsigned int noStored, unsigned int noSearched, unsigned int noFound, double timeToStore, double timeToSearch)
	assert(fileName != NULL);

	/* Open the file */
	FILE *outputFile;
	outputFile = fopen(fileName,"a");

	/* Output the data */
	fprintf(outputFile,"%d,%d,%d,%e,%e\n", noStored, noSearched, noFound, timeToStore, timeToSearch);

	/* Close the file */
Exemple #13
SEXP GetSphereSystem(SEXP ext)
  checkPtr(ext, sphere_type_tag);

  STGM::CBoolSphereSystem *sp = (STGM::CBoolSphereSystem *)(getExternalPtr(ext));
  SEXP R_spheres = R_NilValue;
  STGM::Spheres &spheres = sp->refObjects();
  PROTECT(R_spheres = convert_R_SphereSystem(spheres,sp->box()));

  setAttrib(R_spheres, install("eptr"), ext);

  return R_spheres;
struct Hjava_lang_Class*
java_lang_VMClass_loadArrayClass(struct Hjava_lang_String* str, struct Hjava_lang_ClassLoader* loader)
	errorInfo einfo;
	Hjava_lang_Class* clazz;
	Utf8Const *utf8buf;
	const char *buf;
	int jlen;
	jchar *js;

	 * NB: internally, we store class names as path names (with slashes
	 *     instead of dots.  However, we must also prevent calls to
	 *     "java/lang/Object" or "[[Ljava/lang/Object;" from succeeding.
	 *	Since class names cannot have slashes, we reject all attempts
	 *	to look up names that do.  Awkward.  Inefficient.
	js = STRING_DATA(str);
	jlen = STRING_SIZE(str);
	while (--jlen > 0) {
		if (*js++ == '/') {
				"Cannot have slashes - use dots instead.");

	/* Convert string to utf8, converting '.' to '/' */
	utf8buf = checkPtr(stringJava2Utf8ConstReplace(str, '.', '/'));
	buf = utf8buf->data;
	clazz = loadArray(utf8buf, loader, &einfo);

	/* if an error occurred, throw an exception */
	if (clazz == 0) {

	return clazz;
Exemple #15
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
  // Define constants
  const int nArgs = 6;

  // Process arguments
  int c, timeCol=0, valueCol=1;
  extern char *optarg;
  char * dataFile, * basisFile, * priorFile, * idString=NULL;
  short readID = 0;
  int kSmooth = 8;
  int maxIter = 1e3;
  double nu=5;
  double tol=1e-9;
  double missingCode = 99.999;
  int minObs = 10;
  int basisRows, basisCols, dataRows;
  int i;

  // Parse options
  while ( (c=getopt(argc, argv, "c:d:i:m:n:s:t:h")) != -1 ) {
    switch(c) {
      case 'h':
        return 0;
      case 'c':
        valueCol = atoi(optarg);
        valueCol = (valueCol < 0) ? 0 : valueCol;
      case 'd':
        nu = atof(optarg);
        nu = (nu < 1) ? 1 : nu;
      case 'i':
        idString = optarg;
        readID = 1;
      case 'm':
        missingCode = atof(optarg);
      case 'n':
        minObs = atoi(optarg);
      case 's':
        kSmooth = atoi(optarg);
        kSmooth = (trunc(log2(kSmooth))-log2(kSmooth) > 1e-16) ?
          (int) gsl_pow_int(2, trunc(log2(kSmooth))) : kSmooth;
      case 't':
        timeCol = atoi(optarg);
        timeCol = (timeCol < 0) ? 1 : timeCol;
      case '?':
        if ( isprint(optopt) )
          fprintf(stderr, "Unknown argument '%c'\n", optopt);
          fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", optopt);

  // Parse positional arguments
  if (argc-optind < nArgs) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Not enough arguments\n");

  // Get file names and dimensions
  basisFile = argv[optind];
  basisRows = atoi( argv[optind+1] );
  basisCols = atoi( argv[optind+2] );

  dataFile = argv[optind+3];
  dataRows = atoi( argv[optind+4] );

  priorFile = argv[optind + 5];

  if (readID == 0)
    idString = dataFile;

  // Read basis to allocated matrix
  double* basisMat;
  basisMat = malloc(basisCols * basisRows * sizeof(double));
  checkPtr(basisMat, "out of memory");

  readToDoubleMatrix(basisFile, basisRows, basisCols, basisMat);

  // Read times to vector
  double* timeVec;
  timeVec = malloc(dataRows * sizeof(double));
  if (timeVec==NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- out of memory\n");
  int timesRead = readToDoubleVectorDynamic(dataFile, dataRows,
      timeCol, &timeVec);

  // Check for valid first time
  if (isnan(timeVec[0]))
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- NaN at first time; aborting\n");

  // Read y values to vector
  double* yVec;
  yVec = malloc(dataRows * sizeof(double));
  if (yVec==NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- out of memory\n");
  int obsRead = readToDoubleVectorDynamic(dataFile, dataRows,
      valueCol, &yVec);

  // Check for valid first obs
  if (isnan(yVec[0]))
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- NaN at first observation; aborting\n");

  // Check for agreement between timesRead and obsRead
  if (timesRead != obsRead)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- differing number of entries ");
    fprintf(stderr, "in time and data columns\n");

  // Read prior to vector
  double * priorVec;
  priorVec = malloc( (basisCols-1) * sizeof(double));
  if (priorVec==NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- out of memory\n");
  readToDoubleVector(priorFile, basisCols-1, 0, priorVec);

   * Handle coded missing values and restructure times
  int nObs = 0;
  int * validInd;
  validInd = calloc(sizeof(int), obsRead);

  // Find valid indices
  for (i=0; i<obsRead; i++)
    if (yVec[i] != missingCode)

  // Check for minimum number of observations
  if (nObs < minObs)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- read %d obs, minimum to process is %d\n",
        nObs, minObs);

  // Move valid data to head of timeVec and yVec
  for (i=0; i<nObs; i++)
    yVec[i] = yVec[validInd[i]];
    timeVec[i] = timeVec[validInd[i]];

  // Setup variables for estimation
  double logPosterior_l, logLikelihood_l, tau_l;
  double logPosterior_m, logLikelihood_m, tau_m;
  double * coef_l, * coef_m;

  coef_l = malloc(kSmooth * sizeof(double));
  if (coef_l==NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- out of memory\n");

  coef_m = malloc(basisCols * sizeof(double));
  if (coef_m==NULL)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error -- out of memory\n");

  // Run wavelet model with t residuals for full basis
  int iter_m;
  iter_m = lmT(basisMat, basisRows, basisCols,
      yVec, nObs,
      nu, basisCols,
      maxIter, tol,

  // Run wavelet model with t residuals for restricted (smooth) basis
  int iter_l;
  iter_l = lmT(basisMat, basisRows, basisCols,
      yVec, nObs,
      nu, kSmooth,
      maxIter, tol,

  // Calculate test statistics (LLR & LPR)
  double llr, lpr;
  llr = logLikelihood_m - logLikelihood_l;
  llr *= 2;
  lpr = logPosterior_m - logPosterior_l;

   * Print output

  // Basic information
  fprintf(stdout, "%s %d %d %d %g ", idString, nObs, basisCols, kSmooth, nu);

  // Test statistics
  fprintf(stdout, "%g %g ", llr, lpr);

  // Other statistics
  fprintf(stdout, "%g ", sqrt(tau_m));

  // Coefficients for k = 1..m
  for (i=0; i<basisCols; i++) fprintf(stdout, "%g ", coef_m[i]);
  fprintf(stdout, "\n");

   * Free allocated memory

  // Free basisMat
  basisMat = NULL;

  // Free timeVec & yVec


  // Free coef vecs and prior vec



  return 0;
//! Simplify the WKB-geometry using the specified tolerance
bool QgsMapToPixelSimplifier::simplifyWkbGeometry(
  int simplifyFlags,
  SimplifyAlgorithm simplifyAlgorithm,
  QGis::WkbType wkbType,
  QgsConstWkbPtr sourceWkbPtr,
  QgsWkbPtr targetWkbPtr,
  int &targetWkbSize,
  const QgsRectangle &envelope, double map2pixelTol,
  bool writeHeader, bool isaLinearRing )
  bool isGeneralizable = true;
  bool result = false;

  // Save initial WKB settings to use when the simplification creates invalid geometries
  QgsConstWkbPtr sourcePrevWkbPtr( sourceWkbPtr );
  QgsWkbPtr targetPrevWkbPtr( targetWkbPtr );
  int targetWkbPrevSize = targetWkbSize;

  // Can replace the geometry by its BBOX ?
  if (( simplifyFlags & QgsMapToPixelSimplifier::SimplifyEnvelope ) &&
      isGeneralizableByMapBoundingBox( envelope, map2pixelTol ) )
    isGeneralizable = generalizeWkbGeometryByBoundingBox( wkbType, sourceWkbPtr, targetWkbPtr, targetWkbSize, envelope, writeHeader );
    if ( isGeneralizable )
      return true;

  if ( !( simplifyFlags & QgsMapToPixelSimplifier::SimplifyGeometry ) )
    isGeneralizable = false;

  // Write the main header of the geometry
  if ( writeHeader )
    QgsWKBTypes::Type geometryType = sourceWkbPtr.readHeader();

    targetWkbPtr << ( char ) QgsApplication::endian() << QgsWKBTypes::flatType( geometryType );

    targetWkbSize += targetWkbPtr - targetPrevWkbPtr;

  unsigned int flatType = QGis::flatType( wkbType );

  // Write the geometry
  if ( flatType == QGis::WKBLineString || isaLinearRing )
    QgsWkbPtr savedTargetWkbPtr( targetWkbPtr );
    double x = 0.0, y = 0.0, lastX = 0, lastY = 0;
    QgsRectangle r;

    int skipZM = ( QGis::wkbDimensions( wkbType ) - 2 ) * sizeof( double );
    Q_ASSERT( skipZM >= 0 );

    int numPoints;
    sourceWkbPtr >> numPoints;

    if ( numPoints <= ( isaLinearRing ? 5 : 2 ) )
      isGeneralizable = false;

    QgsWkbPtr numPtr( targetWkbPtr );

    int numTargetPoints = 0;
    targetWkbPtr << numTargetPoints;
    targetWkbSize += 4;

    bool isLongSegment;
    bool hasLongSegments = false; //-> To avoid replace the simplified geometry by its BBOX when there are 'long' segments.
    bool badLuck = false;

    // Check whether the LinearRing is really closed.
    if ( isaLinearRing )
      QgsConstWkbPtr checkPtr( sourceWkbPtr );

      double x1, y1, x2, y2;

      checkPtr >> x1 >> y1;
      checkPtr += skipZM + ( numPoints - 2 ) * ( 2 * sizeof( double ) + skipZM );
      checkPtr >> x2 >> y2;

      isaLinearRing = qgsDoubleNear( x1, x2 ) && qgsDoubleNear( y1, y2 );

    // Process each vertex...
    if ( simplifyAlgorithm == SnapToGrid )
      double gridOriginX = envelope.xMinimum();
      double gridOriginY = envelope.yMinimum();

      // Use a factor for the maximum displacement distance for simplification, similar as GeoServer does
      float gridInverseSizeXY = map2pixelTol != 0 ? ( float )( 1.0f / ( 0.8 * map2pixelTol ) ) : 0.0f;

      for ( int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i )
        sourceWkbPtr >> x >> y;
        sourceWkbPtr += skipZM;

        if ( i == 0 ||
             !isGeneralizable ||
             !equalSnapToGrid( x, y, lastX, lastY, gridOriginX, gridOriginY, gridInverseSizeXY ) ||
             ( !isaLinearRing && ( i == 1 || i >= numPoints - 2 ) ) )
          targetWkbPtr << x << y;
          lastX = x;
          lastY = y;

        r.combineExtentWith( x, y );
Exemple #17
struct Hjava_lang_String*
	return checkPtr(stringC2Java(LIBRARYSUFFIX));
Exemple #18
java_lang_VMSystem_arraycopy0(struct Hjava_lang_Object* src,
			      jint srcpos,
			      struct Hjava_lang_Object* dst,
			      jint dstpos,
			      jint len)
	char* in; 	 
	char* out; 	 
	int elemsz; 	 
	Hjava_lang_Class* sclass; 	 
	Hjava_lang_Class* dclass;

	sclass = OBJECT_CLASS(src); 	 
	dclass = OBJECT_CLASS(dst);

	sclass = Kaffe_get_array_element_type(sclass); 	 
	dclass = Kaffe_get_array_element_type(dclass); 	 
	elemsz = TYPE_SIZE(sclass); 	 

	len *= elemsz; 	 
	srcpos *= elemsz; 	 
	dstpos *= elemsz; 	 

	in = &((char*)ARRAY_DATA(src))[srcpos]; 	 
	out = &((char*)ARRAY_DATA(dst))[dstpos];

	if (sclass == dclass) {
#if defined(HAVE_MEMMOVE) 	 
		memmove((void*)out, (void*)in, (size_t)len); 	 
		/* Do it ourself */ 	 
#if defined(HAVE_MEMCPY) 	 
		if (src != dst) { 	 
			memcpy((void*)out, (void*)in, (size_t)len); 	 
		} else 	 
		if (out < in) { 	 
			/* Copy forwards */ 	 
			for (; len > 0; len--) { 	 
				*out++ = *in++; 	 
		} else { 	 
			/* Copy backwards */ 	 
			out += len; 	 
			in += len; 	 
			for (; len > 0; len--) { 	 
				*--out = *--in; 	 
	} else {
		if (CLASS_IS_PRIMITIVE(sclass) || CLASS_IS_PRIMITIVE(dclass)) {
		  Hjava_lang_Throwable* asexc;
		  const char *stype = CLASS_CNAME(sclass);
		  const char *dtype = CLASS_CNAME(dclass);
		  char *b;
#define _FORMAT "incompatible array types `%s' and `%s'"
		  b = checkPtr(KMALLOC(strlen(stype)+strlen(dtype)+strlen(_FORMAT)));
		  sprintf(b, _FORMAT, stype, dtype);
#undef _FORMAT
		  asexc = ArrayStoreException(b);

		for (; len > 0; len -= sizeof(Hjava_lang_Object*)) { 	 
			Hjava_lang_Object* val = *(Hjava_lang_Object**)in; 	 
			if (val != 0 && !instanceof(dclass, OBJECT_CLASS(val))) { 	 
			  Hjava_lang_Throwable* asexc;
			  const char *vtype = CLASS_CNAME(OBJECT_CLASS(val));
			  const char *atype = CLASS_CNAME(dclass);
			  char *b;
#define _FORMAT "can't store `%s' in array of type `%s'"
			  b = checkPtr(KMALLOC(strlen(vtype)+strlen(atype)+strlen(_FORMAT)));
			  sprintf(b, _FORMAT, vtype, atype);
#undef _FORMAT
			  asexc = ArrayStoreException(b);
			*(Hjava_lang_Object**)out = val; 	 
			in += sizeof(Hjava_lang_Object*); 	 
			out += sizeof(Hjava_lang_Object*); 	 
 * Convert string name to class object.
struct Hjava_lang_Class*
java_lang_VMClass_forName0(struct Hjava_lang_String* str, struct Hjava_lang_ClassLoader* loader)
	errorInfo einfo;
	Hjava_lang_Class* clazz;
	Utf8Const *utf8buf;
	const char *buf;
	int jlen;
	jchar *js;

	 * NB: internally, we store class names as path names (with slashes
	 *     instead of dots.  However, we must also prevent calls to
	 *     "java/lang/Object" or "[[Ljava/lang/Object;" from succeeding.
	 *	Since class names cannot have slashes, we reject all attempts
	 *	to look up names that do.  Awkward.  Inefficient.
	js = STRING_DATA(str);
	jlen = STRING_SIZE(str);
	while (--jlen > 0) {
		if (*js++ == '/') {
				"Cannot have slashes - use dots instead.");

	 * Note the following oddity:
	 * It is apparently perfectly legal to call forName for array types,
	 * such as "[Ljava.lang.String;" or "[B".
	 * However, it is wrong to call Class.forName("Ljava.lang.String;")
	 * This situation is similar to the constant pool resolution.  We
	 * therefore do the same thing as in getClass in kaffevm/lookup.c,
	 * that is, use either loadArray or loadClass depending on the name.
	 * This is somewhat described in Section 5.1.3 of the VM
	 * Specification, titled "Array Classes".  This section seems to
	 * imply that we must avoid asking a class loader to resolve such
	 * array names (those starting with an [), and this is what calling
	 * loadArray does.

	/* Convert string to utf8, converting '.' to '/' */
	utf8buf = checkPtr(stringJava2Utf8ConstReplace(str, '.', '/'));
	buf = utf8buf->data;

	if (buf[0] == '[') {
		clazz = loadArray(utf8buf, loader, &einfo);
	else {
		clazz = loadClass(utf8buf, loader, &einfo);
	/* if an error occurred, throw an exception */
	if (clazz == 0) {
	 * loadClass returns the class in state CSTATE_LINKED.
	 * Processing to CSTATE_COMPLETE will initialize the class, resolve
	 * its constants and run its static initializers.
	 * The option to load a class via forName without initializing it
	 * was introduced in 1.2, presumably for the convenience of
	 * programs such as stub compilers.
	if (processClass(clazz, CSTATE_COMPLETE, &einfo) == false) {
	return (clazz);
 * Convert class to string name.
struct Hjava_lang_String*
java_lang_VMClass_getName(struct Hjava_lang_Class* c)
	return(checkPtr(utf8Const2JavaReplace(c->name, '/', '.')));