void PANEL_PREV_3D::getOrientationVars( SGPOINT& scale, SGPOINT& rotation, SGPOINT& offset )
    if( NULL == xscale || NULL == yscale || NULL == zscale
        || NULL == xrot || NULL == yrot || NULL == zrot
        || NULL == xoff || NULL == yoff || NULL == zoff )

    xscale->GetValue().ToDouble( &scale.x );
    yscale->GetValue().ToDouble( &scale.y );
    zscale->GetValue().ToDouble( &scale.z );

    if( 0.0001 > scale.x || 0.0001 > scale.y || 0.0001 > scale.z )
        wxString errmsg = _("[INFO] invalid scale values; setting all to 1.0");
        wxLogMessage( "%s", errmsg.ToUTF8() );

        scale.x = 1.0;
        scale.y = 1.0;
        scale.z = 1.0;

    xrot->GetValue().ToDouble( &rotation.x );
    yrot->GetValue().ToDouble( &rotation.y );
    zrot->GetValue().ToDouble( &rotation.z );
    checkRotation( rotation.x );
    checkRotation( rotation.y );
    checkRotation( rotation.z );

    xoff->GetValue().ToDouble( &offset.x );
    yoff->GetValue().ToDouble( &offset.y );
    zoff->GetValue().ToDouble( &offset.z );

void KisZoomAndPanTest::testRotation(qreal vastScrolling, qreal zoom)
    KisConfig cfg;

    ZoomAndPanTester t;

    QCOMPARE(t.image()->size(), QSize(640,441));
    QCOMPARE(t.image()->xRes(), 1.0);
    QCOMPARE(t.image()->yRes(), 1.0);

    QPointF preferredCenter = zoom * t.image()->bounds().center();

    t.zoomController()->setZoom(KoZoomMode::ZOOM_CONSTANT, zoom);

    QCOMPARE(t.canvasWidget()->size(), QSize(483,483));
    QCOMPARE(t.canvasWidget()->size(), t.canvasController()->viewportSize());

    QPointF realCenterPoint = t.coordinatesConverter()->widgetToImage(t.coordinatesConverter()->widgetCenterPoint());
    QPointF expectedCenterPoint = QPointF(t.image()->bounds().center());

    if(!compareWithRounding(realCenterPoint, expectedCenterPoint, 2/zoom)) {
        qDebug() << "Failed to set initial center point";
        qDebug() << ppVar(expectedCenterPoint) << ppVar(realCenterPoint);
        QFAIL("FAIL: Failed to set initial center point");

    QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 30));
    QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 20));
    QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 10));
    QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 5));
    QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 5));
    QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 5));

    if(vastScrolling < 0.5 && zoom < 1) {
        qWarning() << "Disabling a few tests for vast scrolling ="
                   << vastScrolling << ". See comment for more";
         * We have to disable a couple of tests here for the case when
         * vastScrolling value is 0.2. The problem is that the centering
         * correction applied  to the offset in
         * KisCanvasController::rotateCanvas pollutes the preferredCenter
         * value, because KoCnvasControllerWidget has no access to this
         * correction and cannot calculate the real value of the center of
         * the image. To fix this bug the calculation of correction
         * (aka "origin") should be moved to the KoCanvasControllerWidget
         * itself which would cause quite huge changes (including the change
         * of the external interface of it). Namely, we would have to
         * *calculate* offset from the value of the scroll bars, but not
         * use their values directly:
         * offset = scrollBarValue - origin
         * So now we just disable these unittests and allow a couple
         * of "jumping" bugs appear in vastScrolling < 0.5 modes, which
         * is, actually, not the default case.

    } else {
        QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 5));
        QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 5));
        QVERIFY(checkRotation(t, 5));