bool Account::updateSupportInfo() { std::string apiEndpoint(API_ENDPOINT); CPLJSONObject root = http::fetchJson(apiEndpoint + "/support_info/"); if(!root.IsValid()) { return false; } bool supported = root.GetBool("supported"); Settings &settings = Settings::instance(); settings.set("account/supported", supported); if(supported) { settings.set("account/sign", root.GetString("sign")); settings.set("account/start_date", root.GetString("start_date")); settings.set("account/end_date", root.GetString("end_date")); // Get key file const char *settingsPath = CPLGetConfigOption("NGS_SETTINGS_PATH", nullptr); std::string keyFilePath = File::formFileName(settingsPath, KEY_FILE, ""); return http::getFile(apiEndpoint + "/rsa_public_key/", keyFilePath); } m_supported = checkSupported(); return true; }
// smell: yellow (the save functions may have additional options, not regarded) // Save file FXbool MFXImageHelper::saveImage(const std::string& file, int width, int height, FXColor* data) { FXString ext = FXPath::extension(file.c_str()); checkSupported(ext); FXFileStream stream; if (!, FXStreamSave)) { throw InvalidArgument("Could not open file for writing!"); } if (comparecase(ext, "gif") == 0) { return fxsaveGIF(stream, data, width, height, false /* !!! "fast" */); } else if (comparecase(ext, "bmp") == 0) { return fxsaveBMP(stream, data, width, height); } else if (comparecase(ext, "xpm") == 0) { return fxsaveXPM(stream, data, width, height); } else if (comparecase(ext, "pcx") == 0) { return fxsavePCX(stream, data, width, height); } else if (comparecase(ext, "ico") == 0 || comparecase(ext, "cur") == 0) { return fxsaveICO(stream, data, width, height); } else if (comparecase(ext, "tga") == 0) { return fxsaveTGA(stream, data, width, height); } else if (comparecase(ext, "rgb") == 0) { return fxsaveRGB(stream, data, width, height); } else if (comparecase(ext, "xbm") == 0) { return fxsaveXBM(stream, data, width, height); } else if (comparecase(ext, "png") == 0) { return fxsavePNG(stream, data, width, height); } else if (comparecase(ext, "jpg") == 0 || comparecase(ext, "jpeg") == 0) { return fxsaveJPG(stream, data, width, height, 75); } else if (comparecase(ext, "tif") == 0 || comparecase(ext, "tiff") == 0) { return fxsaveTIF(stream, data, width, height, 0); } throw InvalidArgument("Unknown file extension for image!"); }
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> ImageManager::getImage(const std::string &filename) { std::string normalized = filename; mVFS->normalizeFilename(normalized); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Object> obj = mCache->getRefFromObjectCache(normalized); if (obj) return osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image>(static_cast<osg::Image*>(obj.get())); else { Files::IStreamPtr stream; try { stream = mVFS->get(normalized.c_str()); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Failed to open image: " << e.what() << std::endl; mCache->addEntryToObjectCache(normalized, mWarningImage); return mWarningImage; } size_t extPos = normalized.find_last_of('.'); std::string ext; if (extPos != std::string::npos && extPos+1 < normalized.size()) ext = normalized.substr(extPos+1); osgDB::ReaderWriter* reader = osgDB::Registry::instance()->getReaderWriterForExtension(ext); if (!reader) { std::cerr << "Error loading " << filename << ": no readerwriter for '" << ext << "' found" << std::endl; mCache->addEntryToObjectCache(normalized, mWarningImage); return mWarningImage; } osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult result = reader->readImage(*stream, mOptions); if (!result.success()) { std::cerr << "Error loading " << filename << ": " << result.message() << " code " << result.status() << std::endl; mCache->addEntryToObjectCache(normalized, mWarningImage); return mWarningImage; } osg::Image* image = result.getImage(); image->setFileName(normalized); if (!checkSupported(image, filename)) { mCache->addEntryToObjectCache(normalized, mWarningImage); return mWarningImage; } mCache->addEntryToObjectCache(normalized, image); return image; } }
Account::Account() : m_authorized(false), m_supported(false) { const char *settingsPath = CPLGetConfigOption("NGS_SETTINGS_PATH", nullptr); Settings &settings = Settings::instance(); m_firstName = settings.getString("account/first_name", "no name"); m_lastName = settings.getString("account/last_name", "no name"); m_email = settings.getString("account/email", "no email"); m_avatarPath = File::formFileName(settingsPath, AVATAR_FILE, ""); m_supported = checkSupported(); }
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> TextureManager::getImage(const std::string &filename) { std::string normalized = filename; mVFS->normalizeFilename(normalized); std::map<std::string, osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> >::iterator found = mImages.find(normalized); if (found != mImages.end()) return found->second; else { Files::IStreamPtr stream; try { stream = mVFS->get(normalized.c_str()); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Failed to open image: " << e.what() << std::endl; return NULL; } osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> opts (new osgDB::Options); opts->setOptionString("dds_dxt1_detect_rgba"); // isn't loading in the correct format without this option size_t extPos = normalized.find_last_of('.'); std::string ext; if (extPos != std::string::npos && extPos+1 < normalized.size()) ext = normalized.substr(extPos+1); osgDB::ReaderWriter* reader = osgDB::Registry::instance()->getReaderWriterForExtension(ext); if (!reader) { std::cerr << "Error loading " << filename << ": no readerwriter for '" << ext << "' found" << std::endl; return NULL; } osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult result = reader->readImage(*stream, opts); if (!result.success()) { std::cerr << "Error loading " << filename << ": " << result.message() << " code " << result.status() << std::endl; return NULL; } osg::Image* image = result.getImage(); if (!checkSupported(image, filename)) { return NULL; } mImages.insert(std::make_pair(normalized, image)); return image; } }
void MainWindow::onDeviceSelected(int index) { Q_D(MainWindow); d->device = d->pc->devices()[index]; refreshPresets(); if (d->state == MainWindowPrivate::FinishedPatching) { d->state = MainWindowPrivate::ChoseFile; } checkSupported(); updateWidgetsVisibility(); }
FXImage* MFXImageHelper::loadImage(FXApp* a, const std::string& file) { FXString ext = FXPath::extension(file.c_str()); checkSupported(ext); FXImage* img = NULL; if (comparecase(ext, "gif") == 0) { img = new FXGIFImage(a, NULL, IMAGE_KEEP | IMAGE_SHMI | IMAGE_SHMP); } else if (comparecase(ext, "bmp") == 0) { img = new FXBMPImage(a, NULL, IMAGE_KEEP | IMAGE_SHMI | IMAGE_SHMP); } else if (comparecase(ext, "xpm") == 0) { img = new FXXPMImage(a, NULL, IMAGE_KEEP | IMAGE_SHMI | IMAGE_SHMP); } else if (comparecase(ext, "pcx") == 0) { img = new FXPCXImage(a, NULL, IMAGE_KEEP | IMAGE_SHMI | IMAGE_SHMP); } else if (comparecase(ext, "ico") == 0 || comparecase(ext, "cur") == 0) { img = new FXICOImage(a, NULL, IMAGE_KEEP | IMAGE_SHMI | IMAGE_SHMP); } else if (comparecase(ext, "tga") == 0) { img = new FXTGAImage(a, NULL, IMAGE_KEEP | IMAGE_SHMI | IMAGE_SHMP); } else if (comparecase(ext, "rgb") == 0) { img = new FXRGBImage(a, NULL, IMAGE_KEEP | IMAGE_SHMI | IMAGE_SHMP); } else if (comparecase(ext, "xbm") == 0) { img = new FXXBMImage(a, NULL, NULL, IMAGE_KEEP | IMAGE_SHMI | IMAGE_SHMP); } else if (comparecase(ext, "png") == 0) { img = new FXPNGImage(a, NULL, IMAGE_KEEP | IMAGE_SHMI | IMAGE_SHMP); } else if (comparecase(ext, "jpg") == 0 || comparecase(ext, "jpeg") == 0) { img = new FXJPGImage(a, NULL, IMAGE_KEEP | IMAGE_SHMI | IMAGE_SHMP); } else if (comparecase(ext, "tif") == 0 || comparecase(ext, "tiff") == 0) { img = new FXTIFImage(a, NULL, IMAGE_KEEP | IMAGE_SHMI | IMAGE_SHMP); } else { throw InvalidArgument("Unknown file extension '" + toString(ext.text()) + "' for image '" + file + "'!"); } FXFileStream stream; if (img != NULL &&, FXStreamLoad)) { a->beginWaitCursor(); img->loadPixels(stream); stream.close(); img->create(); a->endWaitCursor(); } else { delete img; throw InvalidArgument("Loading failed!"); } return img; }
void MainWindow::chooseFile() { Q_D(MainWindow); QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, QString(), d->settings.value(QStringLiteral("last_dir")).toString(), tr("Zip files (*.zip)")); if (fileName.isNull()) { return; } d->settings.setValue(QStringLiteral("last_dir"), QFileInfo(fileName).dir().absolutePath()); d->state = MainWindowPrivate::ChoseFile; d->fileName = fileName; checkSupported(); updateWidgetsVisibility(); }
CmCError CheckSyntax(char *filename, CmCParser *synParser) { //***************************************** //parse the file //***************************************** int error; synParser->SetDelimiters("=(){},;'"); synParser->StoreDelimiters(true); error = synParser->Parse(filename); if(error) return (CmCError((CmCToken *) NULL, SYN_INVALID_FILE)); //***************************************** //check syntax //***************************************** int curveId; int parameterId; int commandTypeId, commandId; CmCToken *token, *(tokenSet)[MAX_TOKEN_NUM]; while(token = synParser->GetToken()) { //identify the command... commandId = Command(token->token_); commandTypeId = CommandType(commandId); //based on the command, identify the number of tokens //associated with it and obtain those tokens error = GetTokenSet(commandId, tokenSet, synParser); //if the specified number of tokens does not exist //then return an error if(error == SYN_ERROR) return CmCError((CmCToken *) NULL, error); //if the specified tokens exist, then check them for //their validity switch(commandTypeId) { case CMD_IO: switch(commandId) { case CMD_SAVE: //check structure if(strcmp(tokenSet[0]->token_, "(")) return CmCError(tokenSet[0], SYN_MISSING_LEFT_PARENTHESIS); if(strcmp(tokenSet[1]->token_, "'")) return CmCError(tokenSet[1],SYN_MISSING_QUOTATION); if(strcmp(tokenSet[3]->token_, "'")) return CmCError(tokenSet[3],SYN_MISSING_QUOTATION); if(strcmp(tokenSet[4]->token_, ",")) return CmCError(tokenSet[4],SYN_MISSING_COMMA); if(strcmp(tokenSet[6]->token_, ",")) return CmCError(tokenSet[6],SYN_MISSING_COMMA); if(strcmp(tokenSet[8]->token_, ")")) return CmCError(tokenSet[8],SYN_MISSING_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS); if(strcmp(tokenSet[9]->token_, ";")) return CmCError(tokenSet[9],SYN_MISSING_SEMICOLON); //check constants if(!validFileType(tokenSet[5]->token_)) return CmCError(tokenSet[5],SYN_INVALID_FILETYPE); if(!validOutputType(tokenSet[7]->token_))return CmCError(tokenSet[7],SYN_INVALID_OUTPUTTYPE); if(checkSupported(FileType(tokenSet[5]->token_))) return CmCError(tokenSet[5],SYN_UNSUPPORTED_FILETYPE); break; case CMD_LOAD: //check structure if(strcmp(tokenSet[0]->token_, "(")) return CmCError(tokenSet[0],SYN_MISSING_LEFT_PARENTHESIS); if(strcmp(tokenSet[1]->token_, "'")) return CmCError(tokenSet[1],SYN_MISSING_QUOTATION); if(strcmp(tokenSet[3]->token_, "'")) return CmCError(tokenSet[3],SYN_MISSING_QUOTATION); if(strcmp(tokenSet[4]->token_, ",")) return CmCError(tokenSet[4],SYN_MISSING_COMMA); if(strcmp(tokenSet[6]->token_, ")")) return CmCError(tokenSet[6],SYN_MISSING_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS); if(strcmp(tokenSet[7]->token_, ";")) return CmCError(tokenSet[7],SYN_MISSING_SEMICOLON); //check constants if(!validInputType(tokenSet[5]->token_)) return CmCError(tokenSet[5],SYN_INVALID_INPUTTYPE); break; case CMD_USE_RESULT: if(strcmp(tokenSet[0]->token_, "(")) return CmCError(tokenSet[0], SYN_MISSING_LEFT_PARENTHESIS); if(strcmp(tokenSet[2]->token_, ")")) return CmCError(tokenSet[2], SYN_MISSING_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS); if(strcmp(tokenSet[3]->token_, ";")) return CmCError(tokenSet[3], SYN_MISSING_SEMICOLON); if((OutputType(tokenSet[1]->token_) != OUTPUT_SEGM_IMAGE) && (OutputType(tokenSet[1]->token_) != OUTPUT_FILT_IMAGE)) { if(OutputType(tokenSet[1]->token_) != OUTPUT_UNKNOWN) { return CmCError(tokenSet[1], SYN_ASSIGN_INVALID_ARG); } else { return CmCError(tokenSet[1], SYN_INVALID_OUTPUTTYPE); } } break; } break; case CMD_EXECUTION: if(tokenSet[0]->token_[0] != ';') return CmCError(tokenSet[0],SYN_MISSING_SEMICOLON); break; case CMD_FLAGS: if(!validFlag(tokenSet[0]->token_)) return CmCError(tokenSet[0],SYN_INVALID_FLAG); if(tokenSet[1]->token_[0] != ';') return CmCError(tokenSet[1],SYN_MISSING_SEMICOLON); break; //unknown command default: break; } //if its not a command, then maybe its a parameter if(commandTypeId == UNKNOWN_COMMAND) { //get the parameter type parameterId = Parameter(token->token_); if(parameterId != UNKNOWN_PARAMETER) { //retreive tokens expected given a parameter error = GetParamTokenSet(tokenSet, synParser); if(error == SYN_ERROR) return CmCError(token, SYN_ERROR); //check those tokens for validity if(strcmp(tokenSet[0]->token_, "=")) return CmCError(tokenSet[0],SYN_MISSING_EQUALS); if(strcmp(tokenSet[2]->token_, ";")) return CmCError(tokenSet[2],SYN_MISSING_SEMICOLON); //make sure parameter is of the right type error = CheckParameter(parameterId, tokenSet[1]->token_); if(error) return CmCError(token, error); //if its an unknown parameter then maybe its a curve list } else { //get custom curve curveId = CustomCurve(token->token_); //if its not a custom curve list then flag an error if(curveId == UNKNOWN_CURVE) return CmCError(token,SYN_INVALID_PARAMCMD); //check for equals token = synParser->GetToken(); if(token->token_[0] != '=') return CmCError(token,SYN_MISSING_EQUALS); //if its a curve list, then check that a proper point list //is provided error = CheckList(synParser, &token); if(error) return CmCError(token, error); //check for semicolon token = synParser->GetToken(); if(token->token_[0] != ';') return CmCError(token,SYN_MISSING_SEMICOLON); } } //command/parameter identified and verified for //its validity, next command/parameter } //reset parser synParser->StartOver(); //file is syntaxically correct return CmCError((CmCToken *) NULL, NO_ERRORS); }
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture2D> TextureManager::getTexture2D(const std::string &filename, osg::Texture::WrapMode wrapS, osg::Texture::WrapMode wrapT) { std::string normalized = filename; mVFS->normalizeFilename(normalized); MapKey key = std::make_pair(std::make_pair(wrapS, wrapT), normalized); std::map<MapKey, osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture2D> >::iterator found = mTextures.find(key); if (found != mTextures.end()) { return found->second; } else { Files::IStreamPtr stream; try { stream = mVFS->get(normalized.c_str()); } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "Failed to open texture: " << e.what() << std::endl; return mWarningTexture; } osg::ref_ptr<osgDB::Options> opts (new osgDB::Options); opts->setOptionString("dds_dxt1_detect_rgba"); // isn't loading in the correct format without this option size_t extPos = normalized.find_last_of('.'); std::string ext; if (extPos != std::string::npos && extPos+1 < normalized.size()) ext = normalized.substr(extPos+1); osgDB::ReaderWriter* reader = osgDB::Registry::instance()->getReaderWriterForExtension(ext); if (!reader) { std::cerr << "Error loading " << filename << ": no readerwriter for '" << ext << "' found" << std::endl; return mWarningTexture; } osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult result = reader->readImage(*stream, opts); if (!result.success()) { std::cerr << "Error loading " << filename << ": " << result.message() << " code " << result.status() << std::endl; return mWarningTexture; } osg::Image* image = result.getImage(); if (!checkSupported(image, filename)) { return mWarningTexture; } // We need to flip images, because the Morrowind texture coordinates use the DirectX convention (top-left image origin), // but OpenGL uses bottom left as the image origin. // For some reason this doesn't concern DDS textures, which are already flipped when loaded. if (ext != "dds") { image->flipVertical(); } osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture2D> texture(new osg::Texture2D); texture->setImage(image); texture->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_S, wrapS); texture->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_T, wrapT); texture->setFilter(osg::Texture::MIN_FILTER, mMinFilter); texture->setFilter(osg::Texture::MAG_FILTER, mMagFilter); texture->setMaxAnisotropy(mMaxAnisotropy); texture->setUnRefImageDataAfterApply(mUnRefImageDataAfterApply); mTextures.insert(std::make_pair(key, texture)); return texture; } }