// swap_init - init swap fs, two swap lists, alloc memory & init for swap_entry record array mem_map // - init the hash list. void swap_init(void) { swapfs_init(); swap_list_init(&active_list); swap_list_init(&inactive_list); if (!(512 <= max_swap_offset && max_swap_offset < MAX_SWAP_OFFSET_LIMIT)) { panic("bad max_swap_offset %08x.\n", max_swap_offset); } mem_map = kmalloc(sizeof(short) * max_swap_offset); assert(mem_map != NULL); size_t offset; for (offset = 0; offset < max_swap_offset; offset ++) { mem_map[offset] = SWAP_UNUSED; } int i; for (i = 0; i < HASH_LIST_SIZE; i ++) { list_init(hash_list + i); } sem_init(&swap_in_sem, 1); check_swap(); check_mm_swap(); check_mm_shm_swap(); wait_queue_init(&kswapd_done); swap_init_ok = 1; }
static void first_pile_check(t_pushswap *data) { if (data->length_a == 3 && check_pile_reverse(data->pile_a, data->length_a)) { reverse_rotate_a(data, 0); swap_a(data, 0); } if (data->pile_a[0] < data->pile_a[1]) check_swap_beg(data); if (data->pos_smallest_a == data->length_a - 2) check_swap(data); }
INT wmain(INT argc, WCHAR **argv) { printInfoStruct printInfo = { }; po::variables_map vm; INT ret = parseArguments(argc, argv, vm, printInfo); if (ret != -1) return ret; ret = check_swap(printInfo); if (ret != -1) return ret; return printOutput(printInfo); }
int swap_init(void) { swapfs_init(); if (!(1024 <= max_swap_offset && max_swap_offset < MAX_SWAP_OFFSET_LIMIT)) { panic("bad max_swap_offset %08x.\n", max_swap_offset); } sm = &swap_manager_fifo; int r = sm->init(); if (r == 0) { swap_init_ok = 1; cprintf("SWAP: manager = %s\n", sm->name); check_swap(); } return r; }
void do_install(void) { msg_display(MSG_installusure); process_menu(MENU_noyes, NULL); if (!yesno) return; get_ramsize(); if (find_disks(msg_string(MSG_install)) < 0) return; clear(); refresh(); if (check_swap(diskdev, 0) > 0) { msg_display(MSG_swapactive); process_menu(MENU_ok, NULL); if (check_swap(diskdev, 1) < 0) { msg_display(MSG_swapdelfailed); process_menu(MENU_ok, NULL); if (!debug) return; } } process_menu(MENU_distset, NULL); if (!md_get_info()) { msg_display(MSG_abort); process_menu(MENU_ok, NULL); return; } if (md_make_bsd_partitions() == 0) { msg_display(MSG_abort); process_menu(MENU_ok, NULL); return; } /* Last chance ... do you really want to do this? */ clear(); refresh(); msg_display(MSG_lastchance, diskdev); process_menu(MENU_noyes, NULL); if (!yesno) return; if (md_pre_disklabel() != 0) return; if (write_disklabel() != 0) return; if (md_post_disklabel() != 0) return; if (make_filesystems()) return; if (make_fstab() != 0) return; if (md_post_newfs() != 0) return; /* Unpack the distribution. */ if (get_and_unpack_sets(0, MSG_disksetupdone, MSG_extractcomplete, MSG_abortinst) != 0) return; if (md_post_extract() != 0) return; do_configmenu(); sanity_check(); md_cleanup_install(); msg_display(MSG_instcomplete); process_menu(MENU_ok, NULL); }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int percent_used, percent; float total_swap_mb = 0, used_swap_mb = 0, free_swap_mb = 0; float dsktotal_mb = 0, dskused_mb = 0, dskfree_mb = 0, tmp_mb = 0; int result = STATE_UNKNOWN; char input_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; #ifdef HAVE_PROC_MEMINFO FILE *fp; #else int conv_factor = SWAP_CONVERSION; # ifdef HAVE_SWAP char *temp_buffer; char *swap_command; char *swap_format; # else # ifdef HAVE_DECL_SWAPCTL int i=0, nswaps=0, swapctl_res=0; # ifdef CHECK_SWAP_SWAPCTL_SVR4 swaptbl_t *tbl=NULL; swapent_t *ent=NULL; # else # ifdef CHECK_SWAP_SWAPCTL_BSD struct swapent *ent; # endif /* CHECK_SWAP_SWAPCTL_BSD */ # endif /* CHECK_SWAP_SWAPCTL_SVR4 */ # endif /* HAVE_DECL_SWAPCTL */ # endif #endif char str[32]; char *status; setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain (PACKAGE); status = strdup (""); /* Parse extra opts if any */ argv=np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname); if (process_arguments (argc, argv) == ERROR) usage4 (_("Could not parse arguments")); #ifdef HAVE_PROC_MEMINFO if (verbose >= 3) { printf("Reading PROC_MEMINFO at %s\n", PROC_MEMINFO); } fp = fopen (PROC_MEMINFO, "r"); while (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, fp)) { if (sscanf (input_buffer, "%*[S]%*[w]%*[a]%*[p]%*[:] %f %f %f", &dsktotal_mb, &dskused_mb, &dskfree_mb) == 3) { dsktotal_mb = dsktotal_mb / 1048576; /* Apply conversion */ dskused_mb = dskused_mb / 1048576; dskfree_mb = dskfree_mb / 1048576; total_swap_mb += dsktotal_mb; used_swap_mb += dskused_mb; free_swap_mb += dskfree_mb; if (allswaps) { if (dsktotal_mb == 0) percent=100.0; else percent = 100 * (((double) dskused_mb) / ((double) dsktotal_mb)); result = max_state (result, check_swap (percent, dskfree_mb)); if (verbose) xasprintf (&status, "%s [%.0f (%d%%)]", status, dskfree_mb, 100 - percent); } } else if (sscanf (input_buffer, "%*[S]%*[w]%*[a]%*[p]%[TotalFre]%*[:] %f %*[k]%*[B]", str, &tmp_mb)) { if (verbose >= 3) { printf("Got %s with %f\n", str, tmp_mb); } /* I think this part is always in Kb, so convert to mb */ if (strcmp ("Total", str) == 0) { dsktotal_mb = tmp_mb / 1024; } else if (strcmp ("Free", str) == 0) { dskfree_mb = tmp_mb / 1024; } } } fclose(fp); dskused_mb = dsktotal_mb - dskfree_mb; total_swap_mb = dsktotal_mb; used_swap_mb = dskused_mb; free_swap_mb = dskfree_mb; #else # ifdef HAVE_SWAP xasprintf(&swap_command, "%s", SWAP_COMMAND); xasprintf(&swap_format, "%s", SWAP_FORMAT); /* These override the command used if a summary (and thus ! allswaps) is required */ /* The summary flag returns more accurate information about swap usage on these OSes */ # ifdef _AIX if (!allswaps) { xasprintf(&swap_command, "%s", "/usr/sbin/lsps -s"); xasprintf(&swap_format, "%s", "%f%*s %f"); conv_factor = 1; } # endif if (verbose >= 2) printf (_("Command: %s\n"), swap_command); if (verbose >= 3) printf (_("Format: %s\n"), swap_format); child_process = spopen (swap_command); if (child_process == NULL) { printf (_("Could not open pipe: %s\n"), swap_command); return STATE_UNKNOWN; } child_stderr = fdopen (child_stderr_array[fileno (child_process)], "r"); if (child_stderr == NULL) printf (_("Could not open stderr for %s\n"), swap_command); sprintf (str, "%s", ""); /* read 1st line */ fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_process); if (strcmp (swap_format, "") == 0) { temp_buffer = strtok (input_buffer, " \n"); while (temp_buffer) { if (strstr (temp_buffer, "blocks")) sprintf (str, "%s %s", str, "%f"); else if (strstr (temp_buffer, "dskfree")) sprintf (str, "%s %s", str, "%f"); else sprintf (str, "%s %s", str, "%*s"); temp_buffer = strtok (NULL, " \n"); } } /* If different swap command is used for summary switch, need to read format differently */ # ifdef _AIX if (!allswaps) { fgets(input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_process); /* Ignore first line */ sscanf (input_buffer, swap_format, &total_swap_mb, &used_swap_mb); free_swap_mb = total_swap_mb * (100 - used_swap_mb) /100; used_swap_mb = total_swap_mb - free_swap_mb; if (verbose >= 3) printf (_("total=%.0f, used=%.0f, free=%.0f\n"), total_swap_mb, used_swap_mb, free_swap_mb); } else { # endif while (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_process)) { sscanf (input_buffer, swap_format, &dsktotal_mb, &dskfree_mb); dsktotal_mb = dsktotal_mb / conv_factor; /* AIX lists percent used, so this converts to dskfree in MBs */ # ifdef _AIX dskfree_mb = dsktotal_mb * (100 - dskfree_mb) / 100; # else dskfree_mb = dskfree_mb / conv_factor; # endif if (verbose >= 3) printf (_("total=%.0f, free=%.0f\n"), dsktotal_mb, dskfree_mb); dskused_mb = dsktotal_mb - dskfree_mb; total_swap_mb += dsktotal_mb; used_swap_mb += dskused_mb; free_swap_mb += dskfree_mb; if (allswaps) { percent = 100 * (((double) dskused_mb) / ((double) dsktotal_mb)); result = max_state (result, check_swap (percent, dskfree_mb)); if (verbose) xasprintf (&status, "%s [%.0f (%d%%)]", status, dskfree_mb, 100 - percent); } } # ifdef _AIX } # endif /* If we get anything on STDERR, at least set warning */ while (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_stderr)) result = max_state (result, STATE_WARNING); /* close stderr */ (void) fclose (child_stderr); /* close the pipe */ if (spclose (child_process)) result = max_state (result, STATE_WARNING); # else # ifdef CHECK_SWAP_SWAPCTL_SVR4 /* get the number of active swap devices */ if((nswaps=swapctl(SC_GETNSWP, NULL))== -1) die(STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Error getting swap devices\n") ); if(nswaps == 0) die(STATE_OK, _("SWAP OK: No swap devices defined\n")); if(verbose >= 3) printf("Found %d swap device(s)\n", nswaps); /* initialize swap table + entries */ tbl=(swaptbl_t*)malloc(sizeof(swaptbl_t)+(sizeof(swapent_t)*nswaps)); if(tbl==NULL) die(STATE_UNKNOWN, _("malloc() failed!\n")); memset(tbl, 0, sizeof(swaptbl_t)+(sizeof(swapent_t)*nswaps)); tbl->swt_n=nswaps; for(i=0;i<nswaps;i++){ if((tbl->swt_ent[i].ste_path=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*MAXPATHLEN)) == NULL) die(STATE_UNKNOWN, _("malloc() failed!\n")); } /* and now, tally 'em up */ swapctl_res=swapctl(SC_LIST, tbl); if(swapctl_res < 0){ perror(_("swapctl failed: ")); die(STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Error in swapctl call\n")); } for(i=0;i<nswaps;i++){ dsktotal_mb = (float) tbl->swt_ent[i].ste_pages / SWAP_CONVERSION; dskfree_mb = (float) tbl->swt_ent[i].ste_free / SWAP_CONVERSION; dskused_mb = ( dsktotal_mb - dskfree_mb ); if (verbose >= 3) printf ("dsktotal_mb=%.0f dskfree_mb=%.0f dskused_mb=%.0f\n", dsktotal_mb, dskfree_mb, dskused_mb); if(allswaps && dsktotal_mb > 0){ percent = 100 * (((double) dskused_mb) / ((double) dsktotal_mb)); result = max_state (result, check_swap (percent, dskfree_mb)); if (verbose) { xasprintf (&status, "%s [%.0f (%d%%)]", status, dskfree_mb, 100 - percent); } } total_swap_mb += dsktotal_mb; free_swap_mb += dskfree_mb; used_swap_mb += dskused_mb; } /* and clean up after ourselves */ for(i=0;i<nswaps;i++){ free(tbl->swt_ent[i].ste_path); } free(tbl); # else # ifdef CHECK_SWAP_SWAPCTL_BSD /* get the number of active swap devices */ nswaps=swapctl(SWAP_NSWAP, NULL, 0); /* initialize swap table + entries */ ent=(struct swapent*)malloc(sizeof(struct swapent)*nswaps); /* and now, tally 'em up */ swapctl_res=swapctl(SWAP_STATS, ent, nswaps); if(swapctl_res < 0){ perror(_("swapctl failed: ")); die(STATE_UNKNOWN, _("Error in swapctl call\n")); } for(i=0;i<nswaps;i++){ dsktotal_mb = (float) ent[i].se_nblks / conv_factor; dskused_mb = (float) ent[i].se_inuse / conv_factor; dskfree_mb = ( dsktotal_mb - dskused_mb ); if(allswaps && dsktotal_mb > 0){ percent = 100 * (((double) dskused_mb) / ((double) dsktotal_mb)); result = max_state (result, check_swap (percent, dskfree_mb)); if (verbose) { xasprintf (&status, "%s [%.0f (%d%%)]", status, dskfree_mb, 100 - percent); } } total_swap_mb += dsktotal_mb; free_swap_mb += dskfree_mb; used_swap_mb += dskused_mb; } /* and clean up after ourselves */ free(ent); # endif /* CHECK_SWAP_SWAPCTL_BSD */ # endif /* CHECK_SWAP_SWAPCTL_SVR4 */ # endif /* HAVE_SWAP */ #endif /* HAVE_PROC_MEMINFO */ /* if total_swap_mb == 0, let's not divide by 0 */ if(total_swap_mb) { percent_used = 100 * ((double) used_swap_mb) / ((double) total_swap_mb); } else { percent_used = 0; } result = max_state (result, check_swap (percent_used, free_swap_mb)); printf (_("SWAP %s - %d%% free (%d MB out of %d MB) %s|"), state_text (result), (100 - percent_used), (int) free_swap_mb, (int) total_swap_mb, status); puts (perfdata ("swap", (long) free_swap_mb, "MB", TRUE, (long) max (warn_size_bytes/(1024 * 1024), warn_percent/100.0*total_swap_mb), TRUE, (long) max (crit_size_bytes/(1024 * 1024), crit_percent/100.0*total_swap_mb), TRUE, 0, TRUE, (long) total_swap_mb)); return result; }