Exemple #1
	struct msghdr  mh;
	struct cmsghdr cmh;
	struct cmsghdr *cmhp, *cmhnextp;
	char ancbuf[10240];
	char magic[] = "MAGIC";

	set_funcname("test_cmsg_nexthdr", sizeof("test_cmsg_nexthdr"));

	 * Test: More than one cmsghdr
	init_hdrs(&mh, &cmh, ancbuf, sizeof(ancbuf));
	mh.msg_control = (caddr_t)ancbuf;
	mh.msg_controllen  = CMSG_SPACE(0) * 2;	/* 2 cmsghdr with no data */
	cmh.cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(0);

	 * Copy the same instance of cmsghdr twice. Use a magic value
	 * to id the second copy.
	bcopy((void *)&cmh, (void *)ancbuf, sizeof(cmh));
	strlcpy((char *)&cmh, (const char *)&magic, sizeof(magic));
	bcopy((void *)&cmh,
	    (void *)((caddr_t)ancbuf + CMSG_SPACE(0)),
	cmhp = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&mh);
	cmhnextp = CMSG_NXTHDR(&mh, cmhp);
	checkstr((const char *)&magic, (const char *)cmhnextp, sizeof(magic),
	    "more than one cmsghdr\0");

	 * Test: only one cmsghdr
	init_hdrs(&mh, &cmh, ancbuf, sizeof(ancbuf));
	mh.msg_control = (caddr_t)ancbuf;
	mh.msg_controllen  = CMSG_SPACE(0);
	cmh.cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(0);
	bcopy((void *)&cmh, (void *)ancbuf, sizeof(cmh));
	cmhp = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&mh);
	cmhnextp = CMSG_NXTHDR(&mh, cmhp);
	checkptr(NULL, (caddr_t)cmhnextp, "only one cmsghdr\0");

	 * Test: NULL cmsg pointer
	init_hdrs(&mh, &cmh, ancbuf, sizeof(ancbuf));
	mh.msg_control = (caddr_t)ancbuf;
	mh.msg_controllen  = sizeof(ancbuf);
	cmh.cmsg_len = sizeof(ancbuf);
	bcopy((void *)&cmh, (void *)ancbuf, sizeof(cmh));
	cmhp = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&mh);
	cmhnextp = CMSG_NXTHDR(&mh, NULL);
	checkptr((caddr_t)cmhp, (caddr_t)cmhnextp, "null second argument\0");
Exemple #2
char *mygetline (FILE *fp) {

if (buf1==NULL) {
    checkptr(buf1 = (char *) malloc (buf_size));
    checkptr(buf2 = (char *) malloc (buf_size));
    buf1=fgets(buf1, buf_size, fp);
    if (buf1==NULL) return buf1; /* end of file */
    while (buf1[strlen(buf1)-1] != '\n') { /* failed to get whole line */
        buf_size *= 2;
        if (fgets(buf1+strlen(buf1),buf_size-strlen(buf1),fp)==NULL)
            return buf1; /* end of file */
    return buf1;
Exemple #3
	struct msghdr  mh;
	struct cmsghdr cmh;
	struct cmsghdr *cmhp;
	char ancbuf[1024];
	char magic[] = "MAGIC";

	set_funcname("test_cmsg_firsthdr", sizeof("test_cmsg_firsthdr"));

	/* CMSG_FIRSTHDR() where msg_control is NULL */
	init_hdrs(&mh, NULL, NULL, 0);
	mh.msg_control = NULL;
	cmhp = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&mh);
	checkptr(NULL, (caddr_t)cmhp,
	    "msg_control is NULL\0");

	/* - where msg_controllen < sizeof cmsghdr */
	init_hdrs(&mh, NULL, NULL, 0);
	mh.msg_control = (caddr_t)&cmh;
	mh.msg_controllen = sizeof(cmh) - 1;
	cmhp = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&mh);
	checkptr(NULL, (caddr_t)cmhp,
	    "msg_controllen < sizeof cmsghdr\0");

	/* - where msg_controllen == 0 */
	init_hdrs(&mh, NULL, NULL, 0);
	mh.msg_control = (caddr_t)&cmh;
	mh.msg_controllen = 0;
	cmhp = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&mh);
	checkptr(NULL, (caddr_t)cmhp,
	    "msg_controllen == 0\0");

	/* no errors */
	init_hdrs(&mh, &cmh, ancbuf, sizeof(ancbuf));
	memset((void *)ancbuf, 0, sizeof(ancbuf));
	mh.msg_control = (caddr_t)ancbuf;
	mh.msg_controllen  = sizeof(ancbuf);
	strlcpy((char *)&cmh, (const char *)&magic, sizeof(magic));
	bcopy((void *)&cmh, (void *)ancbuf, sizeof(cmh));
	cmhp = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&mh);
	checkstr((const char *)&magic, (const char *)cmhp, sizeof(magic),
	    "with payload\0");
Exemple #4
	char buf[10240];
	char *pbuf;

	set_funcname("test_rth_init", sizeof("test_rth_init\0"));

	pbuf = inet6_rth_init((void *)buf, 10, IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0, 100);
	checkptr(NULL, pbuf, "buffer too small\0");

	pbuf = inet6_rth_init((void *)buf, 10240, IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0, 0);
	checkptr((caddr_t)&buf, pbuf, "0 segments\0");

	pbuf = inet6_rth_init((void *)buf, 10240, IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0, 127);
	checkptr((caddr_t)&buf, pbuf, "127 segments\0");

	pbuf = inet6_rth_init((void *)buf, 10240, IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0, -1);
	checkptr(NULL, pbuf, "negative number of segments\0");

	pbuf = inet6_rth_init((void *)buf, 10240, IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0, 128);
	checkptr(NULL, pbuf, "128 segments\0");
Exemple #5
*makeBuf( const size_t length, const char *file, const size_t line)
   BUFQUEUE *current;

   if ( length == 0 )
      printmsg(0,"makeBuf: Invalid request for zero byte buffer");
      bugout( file, line );

   current = malloc( length + sizeof (BUFQUEUE) );

/*              Verify our buffer was properly allocated              */

   if ( !current )
      checkptr( file, line);

/*                  Chain new buffer to top of queue                  */

#ifdef UDEBUG

   current->length = length;
   current->entry = entries;

   current->signature  = SIGNATURE;
   current->userBuffer = (void *) (sizeof (BUFQUEUE) + (char *) current);
   current->previous   = top;
   top = current;

   return current->userBuffer;

} /* makeBuf */
Exemple #6
char *strpool( const char *input , const char UUFAR *file, size_t line)
   unsigned len;
   int best_fit = SHRT_MAX;
   char *result;

   STR_QUEUE *current = anchor;
   STR_QUEUE *last    = anchor;
   STR_QUEUE *save    = NULL;

#ifdef __DEBUG_ALLOC__

   if ( input == NULL )
      printmsg(0,"strpool: NULL pointer passed to newstr()");
      bugout( file, line );      /* Become Info Highway Roadkill     */

   len  = strlen( input );

/*                     Handle over length strings                     */

   if ( len > UCHAR_MAX )
      result = strdup( input );

      if ( !result)
         checkptr( file, line);
      return result;

/*                      Perform best fit search                       */

   while(current != NULL )
      int available;

/*                 Scan current buffer for the string                 */

      if ( ! bflag[ F_SPEEDOVERMEMORY ] )
         char *target = current->pool;
         char *bufend = target + current->used;

         while( target < bufend )
            int target_len = (unsigned char) *target++;
            int diff =  target_len - (int) len;

            if ((diff >= 0 ) && equal( target + diff, input))

#ifdef UDEBUG
               duplicates ++;
               saved += (long) len + 2;
               return target+diff;

            target += target_len + 1;  /* Step to start of next string */

         } /* while( offset < current->used ) */
      }  /* if */

/*    No string in this buffer, look for best fit in case we need     */
/*    to allocate the string from scratch                             */

      available = (int) (pool_size - current->used);

      if (( available < (int) best_fit) && (available > (int) (len+1) ))
         best_fit = available;
         save     = current;
         last =  current;        /* Save last buffer in case we
                                    have to chain new buffer in       */
      current = current->next_link;

   }  /* while */

/*    We have no matching string, we have to insert the new string    */
/*    into our pool                                                   */

   if ( save == NULL )           /* We find a buffer?                 */
   {                             /* No --> Allocate a new one         */
      pools ++;

      save = malloc( sizeof *save );

      if ( !save)
         checkptr( file, line);

      if ( anchor == NULL )

#ifdef UDEBUG
         atexit( dump_pool );

         anchor = save;
         last->next_link = save;

      save->used = 0;
      save->next_link = NULL;

/*    Save the string, update memory available in current pool,       */
/*    and return to the caller with the new string                    */

   result = save->pool + save->used;
   *result = (char) ((unsigned char) len);
   strcpy( ++result, input );
   save->used += len + 2;

#ifdef UDEBUG
   strings ++;
   used    += (long) len + 2;

   return result;

 } /* strpool */
Exemple #7
char *strsave (char *s) {
    char *t = malloc (strlen(s)+1);
    return t;
Exemple #8
void new_buffers(void) {
    checkptr(buf1 = (char *) realloc(buf1, buf_size));
    checkptr(buf2 = (char *) realloc(buf2, buf_size));