Exemple #1
static int gcvec_add( lua_State* L )
  vec_t* v1 = checkvec( L, 1 );
  vec_t* v2 = checkvec( L, 2 );
  new_vec( L, v1->x + v2->x, v1->y + v2->y, v1->z + v2->z, v1->w + v2->w );
  return 1;
Exemple #2
static int gcvec_sub( lua_State* L )
  vec_t* v1 = checkvec( L, 1 );
  vec_t* v2 = checkvec( L, 2 );
  new_vec( L, v1->x - v2->x, v1->y - v2->y, v1->z - v2->z, v1->w - v2->w );
  return 1;
Exemple #3
static int gcvec_div( lua_State* L )
  vec_t* v1 = checkvec( L, 1 );
  float s = (float)luaL_checknumber( L, 2 );
  luaL_argcheck( L, s != 0.0f, 2, "division by zero" );
  new_vec( L, v1->x / s, v1->y / s, v1->z / s, v1->w / s );
  return 1;
Exemple #4
static int gcvec_get_item( lua_State* L )
  vec_t* v = checkvec( L, 1 );
  int i = luaL_checkint( L, 2 );
  luaL_argcheck( L, i >= 1 && i <= LUA_VEC_SIZE, 2, "index out of range" );
  lua_pushnumber( L, (&v->x)[i-1] );
  return 1;
Exemple #5
static int gcvec_mul( lua_State* L )
  vec_t* v1 = checkvec( L, 1 );
  if( lua_isuserdata(L, 2) )
    // vector * vector
    vec_t* v2 = checkvec( L, 2 );
    new_vec( L, v1->x * v2->x, v1->y * v2->y, v1->z * v2->z, v1->w * v2->w );
    // vector * scalar
    float s = (float)luaL_checknumber( L, 2 );
    new_vec( L, v1->x * s, v1->y * s, v1->z * s, v1->w * s );
  return 1;
Exemple #6
static int gcvec_set_item( lua_State* L )
  vec_t* v = checkvec( L, 1 );
  int i = luaL_checkint( L, 2 );
  float val = (float)luaL_checknumber( L, 3 );
  luaL_argcheck( L, i >= 1 && i <= LUA_VEC_SIZE, 2, "index out of range" );
  (&v->x)[i-1] = val;
  return 0;
static void star_calc(liqcell *sheepdog_flow,STAR *stars,vgraph *graph,liqsketch *sketch, int drawwidth,int drawheight)
	// pseudostarcount is the count of actual stars, between 0..starscount,  based on the size of the box
	int pseudostarcount = starcount * drawwidth / 800;
	//liqapp_log("stardraw %i,%i :: %i",drawwidth,drawheight,pseudostarcount);
	int aax=0;
	int aay=0;
	int aaz=0;
	#define ff 0.08
	float fax=ff * (float)aax;
	float fay=ff * (float)aay;
	float faz=ff * (float)aaz;

	// 10000 == vigerous shake
    //     0 == still
	float r=   0.01 * ((float)accel_fat);
	//liqapp_log("af %5i %3.2f",accel_fat,r);

	int size = 4 + (accel_fat/(1000/8));

	liqcell *backplane = liqcell_child_lookup(sheepdog_flow,"backplane");

	liqimage *img = liqcell_getimage(backplane);		// grab the background
	//liqapp_log("...creating cliprect");
	liqcliprect *cr = (img?liqcliprect_newfromimage(img):NULL);
	//liqapp_log("%-4i %-4i %-4i",aax,aay,aaz);
	//liqapp_log("%-4.2f %-4.2f %-4.2f",fax,fay,faz);
		//liqapp_log("stars calc");
	int a;
	STAR *sa;

		//sa->a.x *= 0.3;
		//sa->a.y *= 0.3;

		sa->a.x = -fax;	// start with gravity
		sa->a.y = -fay;

		//sa->a.x = 0;	// start with no acceleration
		//sa->a.y = 0;
		//sa->a.z = 0;

				// need to get a sample of points from the ground below
				// this is achieved with:
				inline void liqcliprect_drawpgetcolor(      	liqcliprect *self,int x, int y, unsigned char *grey,unsigned char *u,unsigned char *v);
				unsigned char gcy[9]={128};
				unsigned char gcu=128;
				unsigned char gcv=128;
				int gx=sa->p.x;
				int gy=sa->p.y;
					if(gx>0)  liqcliprect_drawpgetcolor( cr, gx-1, gy-1, &gcy[0], &gcu, &gcv );
					          liqcliprect_drawpgetcolor( cr, gx  , gy-1, &gcy[1], &gcu, &gcv );
					if(gx<799)liqcliprect_drawpgetcolor( cr, gx+1, gy-1, &gcy[2], &gcu, &gcv );
					if(gx>0)  liqcliprect_drawpgetcolor( cr, gx-1, gy  , &gcy[3], &gcu, &gcv );
					          liqcliprect_drawpgetcolor( cr, gx  , gy  , &gcy[4], &gcu, &gcv );
					if(gx<799)liqcliprect_drawpgetcolor( cr, gx+1, gy  , &gcy[5], &gcu, &gcv );
					if(gx>0)  liqcliprect_drawpgetcolor( cr, gx-1, gy+1, &gcy[6], &gcu, &gcv );
					          liqcliprect_drawpgetcolor( cr, gx  , gy+1, &gcy[7], &gcu, &gcv );
					if(gx<799)liqcliprect_drawpgetcolor( cr, gx+1, gy+1, &gcy[8], &gcu, &gcv );
				// now we look for gradients
				// relative to 4
				//the size of the gradient represents a vector in that other direction
				float gax=0;
				float gay=0;
				void checkvec(int idx,int ox,int oy)
					int vidx = gcy[idx];
					int v4 = gcy[4];
					gax += (float)ox * (float)(vidx-v4) ;
					gay += (float)oy * (float)(vidx-v4) ;
				#define rx 1
				#define ry 1
				checkvec(0, -rx,-ry);
				checkvec(1,  0, -ry);
				checkvec(2,  rx,-ry);
				checkvec(3, -rx,0);
				//checkvec(0,  0, 0);
				checkvec(5,  rx,0);
				checkvec(6, -rx,ry);
				checkvec(7,  0, ry);
				checkvec(8,  rx,ry);
				liqapp_log("g? %i %3.3f,%3.3f %i",a,gax,gay,gcy[4]);

				sa->a.x += gax;	// start with no acceleration
				sa->a.y += gay;

Exemple #8
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv);

  // This little trick lets us print to std::cout only if a (dummy) command-line argument is provided.
  int iprint     = argc - 1;
  Teuchos::RCP<std::ostream> outStream;
  Teuchos::oblackholestream bhs; // outputs nothing
  if (iprint > 0)
    outStream = Teuchos::rcp(&std::cout, false);
    outStream = Teuchos::rcp(&bhs, false);

  int errorFlag  = 0;

  double errtol = ROL::ROL_THRESHOLD;

  // *** Test body.

  try {

    int dim = 100;
    Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<ElementT> > x_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<ElementT> (dim, 0.0) );
    Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<ElementT> > y_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<ElementT> (dim, 0.0) );
    Teuchos::RCP<std::vector<ElementT> > z_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new std::vector<ElementT> (dim, 0.0) );
    ROL::StdVector<RealT, ElementT> x(x_rcp);
    ROL::StdVector<RealT, ElementT> y(y_rcp);
    ROL::StdVector<RealT, ElementT> z(z_rcp);

    RealT left = -1e0, right = 1e0;

    // set x,y,z
    for (int i=0; i<dim; i++) {
      (*x_rcp)[i] = ( (RealT)rand() / (RealT)RAND_MAX ) * (right - left) + left;
      (*y_rcp)[i] = ( (RealT)rand() / (RealT)RAND_MAX ) * (right - left) + left;
      (*z_rcp)[i] = ( (RealT)rand() / (RealT)RAND_MAX ) * (right - left) + left;

    // Standard tests.
    std::vector<RealT> consistency = x.checkVector(y, z, true, *outStream);
    ROL::StdVector<RealT, ElementT> checkvec(Teuchos::rcp(&consistency, false));
    if (checkvec.norm() > std::sqrt(ROL::ROL_EPSILON)) {

    // Basis tests.
    // set x to first basis vector
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::Vector<RealT> > zp = x.clone();
    zp = x.basis(0);
    RealT znorm = zp->norm();
    *outStream << "Norm of ROL::Vector z (first basis vector): " << znorm << "\n";
    if ( std::abs(znorm-1.0) > errtol ) {
      *outStream << "---> POSSIBLE ERROR ABOVE!\n";
    // set x to middle basis vector
    zp = x.basis(dim/2);
    znorm = zp->norm();
    *outStream << "\nNorm of ROL::Vector z ('middle' basis vector): " << znorm << "\n";
    if ( std::abs(znorm-1.0) > errtol ) {
      *outStream << "---> POSSIBLE ERROR ABOVE!\n";
    // set x to last basis vector
    zp = x.basis(dim-1);
    znorm = zp->norm();
    *outStream << "\nNorm of ROL::Vector z (last basis vector): " << znorm << "\n";
    if ( std::abs(znorm-1.0) > errtol ) {
      *outStream << "---> POSSIBLE ERROR ABOVE!\n";

    // Repeat the checkVector tests with a zero vector.
    consistency = x.checkVector(x, x, true, *outStream);
    if (checkvec.norm() > 0.0) {

  catch (std::logic_error err) {
    *outStream << err.what() << "\n";
    errorFlag = -1000;
  }; // end try

  if (errorFlag != 0)
    std::cout << "End Result: TEST FAILED\n";
    std::cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED\n";

  return 0;

Exemple #9
/* Benchmark certain kernel operations */
time_kernels (
    struct vtx_data **A,		/* matrix/graph being analyzed */
    int n,			/* number of rows/columns in matrix */
    double *vwsqrt		/* square roots of vertex weights */
    extern int DEBUG_PERTURB;	/* debug flag for matrix perturbation */
    extern int PERTURB;		/* randomly perturb to break symmetry? */
    extern int NPERTURB;	/* number of edges to perturb */
    extern int DEBUG_TRACE;	/* trace main execution path */
    extern double PERTURB_MAX;	/* maximum size of perturbation */
    int       i, beg, end;
    double   *dvec1, *dvec2, *dvec3;
    float    *svec1, *svec2, *svec3, *vwsqrt_float;
    double    norm_dvec, norm_svec;
    double    dot_dvec, dot_svec;
    double    time, time_dvec, time_svec;
    double    diff;
    double    factor, fac;
    float     factor_float, fac_float;
    int       loops;
    double    min_time, target_time;

    double   *mkvec();
    float    *mkvec_float();
    void      frvec(), frvec_float();
    void      vecran();
    double    ch_norm(), dot();
    double    norm_float(), dot_float();
    double    seconds();
    void      scadd(), scadd_float(), update(), update_float();
    void      splarax(), splarax_float();
    void      perturb_init(), perturb_clear();

    if (DEBUG_TRACE > 0) {
	printf("<Entering time_kernels>\n");

    beg = 1;
    end = n;

    dvec1 = mkvec(beg, end);
    dvec2 = mkvec(beg, end);
    dvec3 = mkvec(beg - 1, end);
    svec1 = mkvec_float(beg, end);
    svec2 = mkvec_float(beg, end);
    svec3 = mkvec_float(beg - 1, end);

    if (vwsqrt == NULL) {
	vwsqrt_float = NULL;
    else {
        vwsqrt_float = mkvec_float(beg - 1, end);
	for (i = beg - 1; i <= end; i++) {
	    vwsqrt_float[i] = vwsqrt[i];

    vecran(dvec1, beg, end);
    vecran(dvec2, beg, end);
    vecran(dvec3, beg, end);
    for (i = beg; i <= end; i++) {
	svec1[i] = dvec1[i];
	svec2[i] = dvec2[i];
	svec3[i] = dvec3[i];

    /* Set number of loops so that ch_norm() takes about one second. This should
       insulate against inaccurate timings on faster machines. */

    loops = 1;
    time_dvec = 0;
    min_time = 0.5;
    target_time = 1.0;
    while (time_dvec < min_time) {
	time = seconds();
	for (i = loops; i; i--) {
	    norm_dvec = ch_norm(dvec1, beg, end);
	time_dvec = seconds() - time;
	if (time_dvec < min_time) {
	    loops = 10 * loops;
    loops = (target_time / time_dvec) * loops;
    if (loops < 1)
	loops = 1;

    printf("                Kernel benchmarking\n");
    printf("Time (in seconds) for %d loops of each operation:\n\n", loops);

    printf("Routine      Double     Float      Discrepancy      Description\n");
    printf("-------      ------     -----      -----------      -----------\n");

    /* Norm operation */
    time = seconds();
    for (i = loops; i; i--) {
	norm_dvec = ch_norm(dvec1, beg, end);
    time_dvec = seconds() - time;

    time = seconds();
    for (i = loops; i; i--) {
	norm_svec = norm_float(svec1, beg, end);
    time_svec = seconds() - time;

    diff = norm_dvec - norm_svec;
    printf("norm        %6.2f    %6.2f    %14.5e", time_dvec, time_svec, diff);
    printf("      2 norm\n");

    /* Dot operation */
    time = seconds();
    for (i = loops; i; i--) {
	dot_dvec = dot(dvec1, beg, end, dvec2);
    time_dvec = seconds() - time;

    time = seconds();
    for (i = loops; i; i--) {
	dot_svec = dot_float(svec1, beg, end, svec2);
    time_svec = seconds() - time;

    diff = dot_dvec - dot_svec;
    printf("dot         %6.2f    %6.2f    %14.5e", time_dvec, time_svec, diff);
    printf("      scalar product\n");

    /* Scadd operation */
    factor = 1.01;
    factor_float = factor;

    fac = factor;
    time = seconds();
    for (i = loops; i; i--) {
	scadd(dvec1, beg, end, fac, dvec2);
	fac = -fac;		/* to keep things in scale */
    time_dvec = seconds() - time;

    fac_float = factor_float;
    time = seconds();
    for (i = loops; i; i--) {
	scadd_float(svec1, beg, end, fac_float, svec2);
	fac_float = -fac_float;	/* to keep things in scale */
    time_svec = seconds() - time;

    diff = checkvec(dvec1, beg, end, svec1);
    printf("scadd       %6.2f    %6.2f    %14.5e", time_dvec, time_svec, diff);
    printf("      vec1 <- vec1 + alpha*vec2\n");

    /* Update operation */
    time = seconds();
    for (i = loops; i; i--) {
	update(dvec1, beg, end, dvec2, factor, dvec3);
    time_dvec = seconds() - time;

    time = seconds();
    for (i = loops; i; i--) {
	update_float(svec1, beg, end, svec2, factor_float, svec3);
    time_svec = seconds() - time;

    diff = checkvec(dvec1, beg, end, svec1);
    printf("update      %6.2f    %6.2f    %14.2g", time_dvec, time_svec, diff);
    printf("      vec1 <- vec2 + alpha*vec3\n");

    /* splarax operation */
    if (PERTURB) {
	if (NPERTURB > 0 && PERTURB_MAX > 0.0) {
	    if (DEBUG_PERTURB > 0) {
		printf("Matrix being perturbed with scale %e\n", PERTURB_MAX);
	else if (DEBUG_PERTURB > 0) {
	    printf("Matrix not being perturbed\n");

    time = seconds();
    for (i = loops; i; i--) {
	splarax(dvec1, A, n, dvec2, vwsqrt, dvec3);
    time_dvec = seconds() - time;

    time = seconds();
    for (i = loops; i; i--) {
	splarax_float(svec1, A, n, svec2, vwsqrt_float, svec3);

    time_svec = seconds() - time;

    diff = checkvec(dvec1, beg, end, svec1);
    printf("splarax     %6.2f    %6.2f    %14.5e", time_dvec, time_svec, diff);
    printf("      sparse matrix vector multiply\n");

    if (PERTURB && NPERTURB > 0 && PERTURB_MAX > 0.0) {

    /* Free memory */
    frvec(dvec1, 1);
    frvec(dvec2, 1);
    frvec(dvec3, 0);
    frvec_float(svec1, 1);
    frvec_float(svec2, 1);
    frvec_float(svec3, 0);
    if (vwsqrt_float != NULL) {
        frvec_float(vwsqrt_float, beg - 1);
Exemple #10
static int gcvec_normalize (lua_State *L) {
  const vec_t* v = checkvec(L, 1);
  float s = 1.0f / sqrt(v->x*v->x + v->y*v->y + v->z*v->z + v->w*v->w);
  new_vec(L, v->x*s, v->y*s, v->z*s, v->w*s);
  return 1;
Exemple #11
static int gcvec_length (lua_State *L) {
  const vec_t* v = checkvec(L, 1);
  lua_pushnumber(L, sqrt(v->x*v->x + v->y*v->y + v->z*v->z + v->w*v->w));
  return 1;
Exemple #12
static int gcvec_cross (lua_State *L) {
  const vec_t* v1 = checkvec(L, 1);
  const vec_t* v2 = checkvec(L, 2);
  new_vec(L, v1->y * v2->z - v1->z * v2->y, v1->z * v2->x - v1->x * v2->z, v1->x * v2->y - v1->y * v2->x, 0.0f);
  return 1;
Exemple #13
static int gcvec_dot (lua_State *L) {
  const vec_t* v1 = checkvec(L, 1);
  const vec_t* v2 = checkvec(L, 2);
  lua_pushnumber(L, v1->x*v2->x + v1->y*v2->y + v1->z*v2->z + v1->w*v2->w);
  return 1;
Exemple #14
static int gcvec_tostring( lua_State* L )
  vec_t* v = checkvec(L, 1);
  lua_pushfstring( L, "vec(%f, %f, %f, %f)", v->x, v->y, v->z, v->w );
  return 1;
Exemple #15
static int gcvec_negate( lua_State* L )
  vec_t* v = checkvec( L, 1 );
  new_vec( L, -v->x, -v->y, -v->z, -v->w );
  return 1;
Exemple #16
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  Teuchos::GlobalMPISession mpiSession(&argc, &argv,0);
  Platform &platform = Tpetra::DefaultPlatform::getDefaultPlatform();
  Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> > comm = platform.getComm();

  int iprint = argc - 1;
  Teuchos::oblackholestream bhs; // outputs nothing
  std::ostream& outStream = (iprint > 0) ? std::cout : bhs;

  int errorFlag = 0;

  RealT errtol = ROL::ROL_THRESHOLD<RealT>();

  try {
    // Dimension of the optimization vector

    int dim = 10; 
    Teuchos::RCP<Map> map = Teuchos::rcp( new Map(dim,0,comm) );

    // Create Tpetra::MultiVectors (single vectors) 
    MVP x_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new MV(map,1,true) ); 
    MVP y_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new MV(map,1,true) ); 
    VP W_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new V(map,true) );

    // Random elements

    // Set all values to 2

    // Create ROL vectors
    ROL::PrimalScaledTpetraMultiVector<RealT,LO,GO,Node> x(x_rcp,W_rcp);
    ROL::DualScaledTpetraMultiVector<RealT,LO,GO,Node>   y(y_rcp,W_rcp);

//    const ROL::Vector<RealT> &g = x.dual();
//    const ROL::Vector<RealT> &h = x.dual();
//    RealT hnorm = h.norm();
//    RealT gnorm = g.norm();

    RealT xy = x.dot(y.dual());
    RealT yx = y.dot(x.dual());

    outStream << "\nAbsolute error between x.dot(y.dual()) and y.dot(x.dual()): "
              << std::abs(xy-yx) << "\n";
    outStream << "x.dot(y.dual()): " << xy << "\n";
    outStream << "y.dot(x.dual()): " << yx << "\n";
    if ( std::abs(xy-yx) > errtol ) {
      outStream << "---> POSSIBLE ERROR ABOVE!\n";

    RealT xx = std::sqrt(x.dot(x)), xnorm = x.norm();
    RealT yy = std::sqrt(y.dot(y)), ynorm = y.norm();

    outStream << "\nAbsolute error between sqrt(x.dot(x)) and x.norm(): "
              << std::abs(xx-xnorm) << "\n";
    outStream << "sqrt(x.dot(x)): " << xx << "\n";
    outStream << "x.norm():       " << xnorm << "\n";
    if ( std::abs(xx-xnorm) > errtol ) {
      outStream << "---> POSSIBLE ERROR ABOVE!\n";

    outStream << "\nAbsolute error between sqrt(y.dot(y)) and y.norm(): "
              << std::abs(yy-ynorm) << "\n";
    outStream << "sqrt(y.dot(y)): " << yy << "\n";
    outStream << "y.norm():       " << ynorm << "\n";
    if ( std::abs(yy-ynorm) > errtol ) {
      outStream << "---> POSSIBLE ERROR ABOVE!\n";

    // clone z from x, deep copy x into z, norm of z
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::Vector<RealT> > z = x.clone();
    RealT znorm = z->norm();
    outStream << "\nNorm of ROL::Vector z (clone of x): " << znorm << "\n";
    if ( std::abs(xnorm - znorm) > errtol ) {
      outStream << "---> POSSIBLE ERROR ABOVE!\n";
    Teuchos::RCP<ROL::Vector<RealT> > w = y.clone();
    w = y.clone();
    RealT wnorm = w->norm();
    outStream << "\nNorm of ROL::Vector w (clone of y): " << wnorm << "\n";
    if ( std::abs(ynorm - wnorm) > errtol ) {
      outStream << "---> POSSIBLE ERROR ABOVE!\n";

    // Standard tests.
    // Create Tpetra::MultiVectors (single vectors) 
    MVP x1_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new MV(map,1,true) ); 
    MVP y1_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new MV(map,1,true) ); 
    MVP z1_rcp = Teuchos::rcp( new MV(map,1,true) ); 
    ROL::PrimalScaledTpetraMultiVector<RealT,LO,GO,Node> x1(x1_rcp,W_rcp);
    ROL::PrimalScaledTpetraMultiVector<RealT,LO,GO,Node> y1(y1_rcp,W_rcp);
    ROL::PrimalScaledTpetraMultiVector<RealT,LO,GO,Node> z1(z1_rcp,W_rcp);

    std::vector<RealT> consistency = x1.checkVector(y1, z1, true, outStream);
    ROL::StdVector<RealT> checkvec(Teuchos::rcp(&consistency, false));
    if (checkvec.norm() > std::sqrt(errtol)) {


  catch (std::logic_error err) {
    outStream << err.what() << "\n";
    errorFlag = -1000;
  }; // end try

  if (errorFlag != 0)
    std::cout << "End Result: TEST FAILED\n";
    std::cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED\n";

  return 0;