QList<lastfm::User> unicorn::Settings::userRoster() const { const_cast<Settings*>(this)->beginGroup( "Users" ); QList<User> ret; foreach( QString child, childGroups()) { if( child == "com" || !contains( child + "/SessionKey" )) continue; ret << User( child ); } const_cast<Settings*>(this)->endGroup(); return ret; }
DatabaseInfo UserSettings::getDatabaseInfo(const QString & id) { DatabaseInfo info; beginGroup("Database"); if (!childGroups().contains(id)) { return info; endGroup(); } beginGroup(id); info.id = id; info.host = value("host",QString("localhost")).toString(); info.port = value("port", 5432).toInt(); info.name = value("name", "daisi").toString(); info.password = value("password", "18ifaoe184").toString(); info.user = value("user","daisi").toString(); endGroup(); endGroup(); return info; }
int settings::load_users() { users_info->clear(); // select all groups at users group beginGroup("users"); QStringList users = childGroups(); endGroup(); QStringList u_dirs; QString tmp_dir; user_info tmp_user; int pos = 0; // select all data dirs for(int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++) { tmp_dir = value("users/"+users[i]+"/dir", "").toString(); // check is dir defined if( tmp_dir.size() == 0 ) { // delete user (wrong) remove( QString("users/"+users[i]) ); users.removeAt(i); continue; } // check is dir belong to other user if( (pos = u_dirs.indexOf( tmp_dir )) != -1) { // user with same user dir exists del them remove( QString("users/"+users[i]) ); users.removeAt(i); remove( QString("users/"+users[pos]) ); users.removeAt(pos); u_dirs.removeAt(pos); continue; } u_dirs.insert(i, tmp_dir); // add to list tmp_user.user = users[i]; tmp_user.dir = QDir( tmp_dir ); tmp_user.hash = value("users/"+users[i]+"/password", "").toString(); // add users_info->push_back(tmp_user); } return users_info->size(); }
int FolderMan::setupFolders() { unloadAndDeleteAllFolders(); auto settings = Account::settingsWithGroup(QLatin1String("Accounts")); const auto accountsWithSettings = settings->childGroups(); if (accountsWithSettings.isEmpty()) { int r = setupFoldersMigration(); if (r > 0) { AccountManager::instance()->save(false); // don't save credentials, they had not been loaded from keychain } return r; } qDebug() << "* Setup folders from settings file"; foreach (const auto& account, AccountManager::instance()->accounts()) { const auto id = account->account()->id(); if (!accountsWithSettings.contains(id)) { continue; } settings->beginGroup(id); settings->beginGroup(QLatin1String("Folders")); foreach (const auto& folderAlias, settings->childGroups()) { FolderDefinition folderDefinition; if (FolderDefinition::load(*settings, folderAlias, &folderDefinition)) { Folder* f = addFolderInternal(folderDefinition); if (f) { f->setAccountState( account.data() ); slotScheduleSync(f); emit folderSyncStateChange(f); } } } settings->endGroup(); // Folders settings->endGroup(); // <account> } emit folderListChanged(_folderMap); return _folderMap.size(); }
bool AccountManager::restore() { auto settings = Account::settingsWithGroup(QLatin1String(accountsC)); // If there are no accounts, check the old format. if (settings->childGroups().isEmpty()) { return restoreFromLegacySettings(); } foreach (const auto& accountId, settings->childGroups()) { settings->beginGroup(accountId); if (auto acc = load(*settings)) { acc->_id = accountId; addAccount(acc); } settings->endGroup(); } return true; }
int FolderMan::setupFolders() { unloadAndDeleteAllFolders(); auto settings = ConfigFile::settingsWithGroup(QLatin1String("Accounts")); const auto accountsWithSettings = settings->childGroups(); if (accountsWithSettings.isEmpty()) { int r = setupFoldersMigration(); if (r > 0) { AccountManager::instance()->save(false); // don't save credentials, they had not been loaded from keychain } return r; } qCInfo(lcFolderMan) << "Setup folders from settings file"; foreach (const auto &account, AccountManager::instance()->accounts()) { const auto id = account->account()->id(); if (!accountsWithSettings.contains(id)) { continue; } settings->beginGroup(id); settings->beginGroup(QLatin1String("Folders")); setupFoldersHelper(*settings, account, true); settings->endGroup(); // See Folder::saveToSettings for details about why this exists. settings->beginGroup(QLatin1String("Multifolders")); setupFoldersHelper(*settings, account, false); settings->endGroup(); settings->endGroup(); // <account> } emit folderListChanged(_folderMap); return _folderMap.size(); }
bool AccountManager::restore() { auto settings = Utility::settingsWithGroup(QLatin1String(accountsC)); // If there are no accounts, check the old format. if (settings->childGroups().isEmpty() && !settings->contains(QLatin1String(versionC))) { return restoreFromLegacySettings(); } foreach (const auto& accountId, settings->childGroups()) { settings->beginGroup(accountId); if (auto acc = loadAccountHelper(*settings)) { acc->_id = accountId; if (auto accState = AccountState::loadFromSettings(acc, *settings)) { addAccountState(accState); } } settings->endGroup(); } return true; }
int BookmarkGroup::childCount() const { //DEBUG_BLOCK return childGroups().count() + childBookmarks().count(); }
QStringList UserSettings::getDatabaseList() { beginGroup("Database"); QStringList children = childGroups(); endGroup(); return children; }
void dvbcut_settings::save_settings() { setValue("/version", 2); // latest config version beginGroup("/wheel"); setValue("/incr_normal", wheel_increments[WHEEL_INCR_NORMAL]); setValue("/incr_shift", wheel_increments[WHEEL_INCR_SHIFT]); setValue("/incr_ctrl", wheel_increments[WHEEL_INCR_CTRL]); setValue("/incr_alt", wheel_increments[WHEEL_INCR_ALT]); setValue("/threshold", wheel_threshold); setValue("/delta", wheel_delta); endGroup(); // wheel beginGroup("/slider"); setValue("/jog_maximum", jog_maximum); setValue("/jog_threshold", jog_threshold); setValue("/jog_offset", jog_offset); setValue("/jog_interval", jog_interval); setValue("/lin_interval", lin_interval); endGroup(); // slider beginGroup("/lastdir"); setValue("/name", lastdir); setValue("/update", lastdir_update); endGroup(); // lastdir beginGroup("/viewscalefactor"); setValue("/current", viewscalefactor); setValue("/custom", viewscalefactor_custom); endGroup(); // viewscalefactor setValue("/export_format", export_format); beginGroup("/recentfiles"); // first remove any OLD recentfiles entries to clean the settings file (<revision 108)!!! QStringList keys = childKeys(); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it ) remove("/" + *it); // then remove ALL new recentfiles entries!!! // (otherwise it would be a mess with erased&inserted muliple file entries of different size) QStringList subkeys = childGroups(); for ( QStringList::Iterator its = subkeys.begin(); its != subkeys.end(); ++its ) { beginGroup("/" + *its); QStringList keys = childKeys(); endGroup(); for ( QStringList::Iterator itk = keys.begin(); itk != keys.end(); ++itk ) remove("/" + *its + "/" + *itk); } setValue("/max", int(recentfiles_max)); // and NOW write the updated list from scratch!!! for (unsigned int i = 0; i < recentfiles.size(); ++i) { QString key = "/" + QString::number(i); beginGroup(key); int j=0; for(std::list<std::string>::iterator it=settings().recentfiles[i].first.begin(); it!=settings().recentfiles[i].first.end(); it++, j++) setValue("/" + QString::number(j), it->c_str()); setValue("/idx", recentfiles[i].second.c_str()); endGroup(); // key } endGroup(); // recentfiles setValue("/start_bof", start_bof); setValue("/stop_eof", stop_eof); beginGroup("/snapshots"); setValue("/type", snapshot_type); setValue("/quality", snapshot_quality); setValue("/prefix", snapshot_prefix); setValue("/delimiter", snapshot_delimiter); setValue("/first", snapshot_first); setValue("/width", snapshot_width); setValue("/extension", snapshot_extension); setValue("/range", snapshot_range); setValue("/samples", snapshot_samples); endGroup(); // snapshots beginGroup("/pipe"); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pipe_command.size(); ++i) { QString key = "/" + QString::number(i); beginGroup(key); setValue("/command", pipe_command[i]); setValue("/post", pipe_post[i]); setValue("/label", pipe_label[i]); setValue("/format", pipe_format[i]); endGroup(); // key } endGroup(); // pipe beginGroup("/chapters"); setValue("/interval", chapter_interval); setValue("/tolerance", chapter_tolerance); setValue("/threshold", chapter_threshold); setValue("/minimum", chapter_minimum); endGroup(); // auto chapters }
void CWizSettings::GetSections(CWizStdStringArray& arrayAction) { QStringList sl = childGroups(); arrayAction.assign(sl.begin(), sl.end()); }
QStringList ConfigHandler::getDatabaseList() { beginGroup("Database"); QStringList children = childGroups(); endGroup(); return children; }
bool Preferences::_loadOk() { TestMode::Mode testMode; quint8 pingsPerHost; quint8 pingThreads; quint8 pingTimeoutSecs; quint8 downloadTestSecs; QString hostlistUrl; sync(); if(!childGroups().contains("Preferences")) { return false; } beginGroup("Preferences"); testMode = (TestMode::Mode) value("TestMode", 0).toUInt(); if(!(testMode == TestMode::Info || testMode == TestMode::Ping || testMode == TestMode::Download || testMode == TestMode::All)) { return false; } pingsPerHost = value("PingsPerHost", 0).toUInt(); if(pingsPerHost < 1 || pingsPerHost > 10) { return false; } pingThreads = value("PingThreads", 0).toUInt(); if(pingThreads < 1 || pingThreads > 8) { return false; } pingTimeoutSecs = value("PingTimeoutSecs", 0).toUInt(); if(pingTimeoutSecs < 1 || pingTimeoutSecs > 4) { return false; } downloadTestSecs = value("DownloadTestSecs", 0).toUInt(); if(downloadTestSecs < 5 || downloadTestSecs > 30) { return false; } hostlistUrl = value("HostlistUrl", QString("")).toString(); if(hostlistUrl.isEmpty() || !QUrl(hostlistUrl).isValid()) { return false; } // At this point, preferences INI file was valid. Load its preferences TESTMODE = testMode; PINGSPERHOST = pingsPerHost; PINGTHREADS = pingThreads; PINGTIMEOUTSECS = pingTimeoutSecs; DOWNLOADTESTSECS = downloadTestSecs; HOSTLISTURL = hostlistUrl; emit message(trUtf8("Loaded preferences from") + ' ' + QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName())); return true; }