Exemple #1
/* A "safe" version of xosd_show that doesn't re-show the OSD if it's visible. */
void safe_show(xosd* osd) {
  if (!chkerror(xosd_is_onscreen(osd))) {
Exemple #2
/* A "safe" version of xosd_hide that doesn't re-hide the OSD if it's hidden. */
void safe_hide(xosd* osd) {
  if (chkerror(xosd_is_onscreen(osd))) {
Exemple #3
static int
testcase(Ndb_cluster_connection&cc, int flag)
    ndbout << "--- case " << flag << " ---" << endl;
    sprintf(tab, "TB%02d", flag);

    alignAddr = ! (flag & 1);
    ndbout << (alignAddr ? "align addresses" : "mis-align addresses") << endl;
    alignSize = ! (flag & 2);
    ndbout << (alignSize ? "align data sizes" : "mis-align data sizes") << endl;
    useBuf = ! (flag & 4);
    ndbout << (useBuf ? "use our buffers" : "use ndbapi buffers") << endl;
    noRandom = ! (flag & 8);
    ndbout << (noRandom ? "simple sizes" : "randomize sizes") << endl;

    int smax = 0, stot = 0, i;
    if (xverbose)
      ndbout << "- define table " << tab << endl;
    for (i = 0; i < attrcnt; i++) {
	col& c = ccol[i];
	memset(&c, 0, sizeof(c));
	sprintf(c.aAttrName, "C%d", i);
	if (i == 0) {
	    c.aAttrType = UnSigned;
	    c.aAttrSize = 32;
	    c.aArraySize = 1;
	    c.aTupleKey = TupleKey;
	    c.nullable = false;
	} else {
	    c.aAttrType = String;
	    c.aAttrSize = 8;
	    c.aArraySize = makeSize(i);
	    if (smax < c.aArraySize)
		smax = c.aArraySize;
	    stot += c.aArraySize;
	    c.aTupleKey = NoKey;
	    c.nullable = true;
	    if (xverbose)
	      ndbout << "-- column " << i << " size=" << c.aArraySize << endl;
	c.buf = toAligned(c.data);
	c.bufsiz = sizeof(c.data) - (c.buf - c.data);
    ndbout << "tab=" << tab << " cols=" << attrcnt
	<< " size max=" << smax << " tot=" << stot << endl;

    if ((tcon = NdbSchemaCon::startSchemaTrans(ndb)) == 0)
	return ndberror("startSchemaTransaction");
    if ((top = tcon->getNdbSchemaOp()) == 0)
	return ndberror("getNdbSchemaOp");
    if (top->createTable(tab) < 0)
	return ndberror("createTable");
    for (i = 0; i < attrcnt; i++) {
	col& c = ccol[i];
	if (top->createAttribute(
	) < 0)
	    return ndberror("createAttribute col=%d", i);
    if (tcon->execute() < 0) {
	if (! (tcon->getNdbError().code == 721 && existok))
	    return ndberror("execute");
	ndbout << "using " << tab << endl;
    } else {
	ndbout << "created " << tab << endl;
    top = 0;
    tcon = 0;

    if (xverbose)
      ndbout << "- delete" << endl;
    int delcnt = 0;
    for (key = 0; key < opercnt; key++) {
	if ((con = ndb->startTransaction()) == 0)
	    return ndberror("startTransaction key=%d", key);
	if ((op = con->getNdbOperation(tab)) == 0)
	    return ndberror("getNdbOperation key=%d", key);
	if (op->deleteTuple() < 0)
	    return ndberror("deleteTuple key=%d", key);
	for (i = 0; i < attrcnt; i++) {
	    col& c = ccol[i];
	    if (i == 0) {
		if (op->equal(c.aAttrName, (char*)&key, sizeof(key)) < 0)
		    return ndberror("equal key=%d", key);
	    } else {
	if (con->execute(Commit) < 0) {
	  if (con->getNdbError().code != 626)
	    return ndberror("execute key=%d", key);
	} else {
    con = 0;
    op = 0;
    ndbout << "deleted " << delcnt << endl;

    if (xverbose)
      ndbout << "- insert" << endl;
    for (key = 0; key < opercnt; key++) {
	int off = makeOff(key);
	if ((con = ndb->startTransaction()) == 0)
	    return ndberror("startTransaction key=%d", key);
	if ((op = con->getNdbOperation(tab)) == 0)
	    return ndberror("getNdbOperation key=%d", key);
	if (op->insertTuple() < 0)
	    return ndberror("insertTuple key=%d", key);
	for (i = 0; i < attrcnt; i++) {
	    col& c = ccol[i];
	    if (i == 0) {
		if (op->equal(c.aAttrName, (char*)&key, sizeof(key)) < 0)
		    return ndberror("equal key=%d", key);
	    } else {
		memset(c.buf, 'A', c.bufsiz);
		for (int j = 0; j < c.aArraySize; j++)
		    c.buf[j + off] = byteVal(key, i, j);
		if (op->setValue(c.aAttrName, c.buf + off, c.aArraySize) < 0)
		    return ndberror("setValue key=%d col=%d", key, i);
	if (con->execute(Commit) < 0)
	    return ndberror("execute key=%d", key);
    con = 0;
    op = 0;
    ndbout << "inserted " << key << endl;

    if (xverbose)
      ndbout << "- select" << endl;
    for (key = 0; key < opercnt; key++) {
	int off = makeOff(key);
	if (xverbose)
	  ndbout << "-- key " << key << " off=" << off << endl;
	if ((con = ndb->startTransaction()) == 0)
	    return ndberror("startTransaction key=%d", key);
	if ((op = con->getNdbOperation(tab)) == 0)
	    return ndberror("getNdbOperation key=%d", key);
	if (op->readTuple() < 0)
	    return ndberror("readTuple key=%d", key);
	for (i = 0; i < attrcnt; i++) {
	    col& c = ccol[i];
	    if (i == 0) {
		if (op->equal(c.aAttrName, (char*)&key, sizeof(key)) < 0)
		    return ndberror("equal key=%d", key);
	    } else {
		if (xverbose) {
		  char tmp[20];
		  if (useBuf)
		    sprintf(tmp, "0x%p", c.buf + off);
		    strcpy(tmp, "ndbapi");
		  ndbout << "--- column " << i << " addr=" << tmp << endl;
		memset(c.buf, 'B', c.bufsiz);
		if (useBuf) {
		    if (op->getValue(c.aAttrName, c.buf + off) < 0)
			return ndberror("getValue key=%d col=%d", key, i);
		} else {
		    if ((c.aRa = op->getValue(c.aAttrName)) == 0)
			return ndberror("getValue key=%d col=%d", key, i);
	if (con->execute(Commit) != 0)
	    return ndberror("execute key=%d", key);
	for (i = 0; i < attrcnt; i++) {
	    col& c = ccol[i];
	    if (i == 0) {
	    } else if (useBuf) {
                int j;
		for (j = 0; j < off; j++) {
		    if (c.buf[j] != 'B') {
			return chkerror("mismatch before key=%d col=%d pos=%d ok=%02x bad=%02x",
			    key, i, j, 'B', c.buf[j]);
		for (j = 0; j < c.aArraySize; j++) {
		    if (c.buf[j + off] != byteVal(key, i, j)) {
			return chkerror("mismatch key=%d col=%d pos=%d ok=%02x bad=%02x",
			    key, i, j, byteVal(key, i, j), c.buf[j]);
		for (j = c.aArraySize + off; j < c.bufsiz; j++) {
		    if (c.buf[j] != 'B') {
			return chkerror("mismatch after key=%d col=%d pos=%d ok=%02x bad=%02x",
			    key, i, j, 'B', c.buf[j]);
	    } else {
		char* buf = c.aRa->aRef();
		if (buf == 0)
		    return ndberror("null aRef key=%d col%d", key, i);
		for (int j = 0; j < c.aArraySize; j++) {
		    if (buf[j] != byteVal(key, i, j)) {
			return chkerror("mismatch key=%d col=%d pos=%d ok=%02x bad=%02x",
			    key, i, j, byteVal(key, i, j), buf[j]);
    con = 0;
    op = 0;
    ndbout << "selected " << key << endl;

    if (xverbose)
      ndbout << "- scan" << endl;
    char found[MaxOper];
    int k;
    for (k = 0; k < opercnt; k++)
	found[k] = 0;
    for (key = 0; key < opercnt; key++) {
	int off = makeOff(key);
	if (xverbose)
	  ndbout << "-- key " << key << " off=" << off << endl;
	int newkey = 0;
	if ((con = ndb->startTransaction()) == 0)
	    return ndberror("startTransaction key=%d", key);
	if ((op = sop = con->getNdbScanOperation(tab)) == 0)
	  return ndberror("getNdbOperation key=%d", key);
	if (sop->readTuples(1))
	  return ndberror("openScanRead key=%d", key);
	    col& c = ccol[0];
	    if (op->load_const_u32(1, key) < 0)
		return ndberror("load_const_u32");
	    if (op->read_attr(c.aAttrName, 2) < 0)
		return ndberror("read_attr");
	    if (op->branch_eq(1, 2, 0) < 0)
		return ndberror("branch_eq");
	    if (op->interpret_exit_nok() < 0)
		return ndberror("interpret_exit_nok");
	    if (op->def_label(0) < 0)
		return ndberror("def_label");
	    if (op->interpret_exit_ok() < 0)
		return ndberror("interpret_exit_ok");
	for (i = 0; i < attrcnt; i++) {
	    col& c = ccol[i];
	    if (i == 0) {
		if (op->getValue(c.aAttrName, (char*)&newkey) < 0)
		    return ndberror("getValue key=%d col=%d", key, i);
	    } else {
		if (xverbose) {
		  char tmp[20];
		  if (useBuf)
		    sprintf(tmp, "0x%p", c.buf + off);
		    strcpy(tmp, "ndbapi");
		  ndbout << "--- column " << i << " addr=" << tmp << endl;
		memset(c.buf, 'C', c.bufsiz);
		if (useBuf) {
		    if (op->getValue(c.aAttrName, c.buf + off) < 0)
			return ndberror("getValue key=%d col=%d", key, i);
		} else {
		    if ((c.aRa = op->getValue(c.aAttrName)) == 0)
			return ndberror("getValue key=%d col=%d", key, i);
	if (con->execute(NoCommit) < 0)
	    return ndberror("executeScan key=%d", key);
	int ret, cnt = 0;
	while ((ret = sop->nextResult()) == 0) {
	    if (key != newkey)
		return ndberror("unexpected key=%d newkey=%d", key, newkey);
	    for (i = 1; i < attrcnt; i++) {
		col& c = ccol[i];
		if (useBuf) {
                    int j;
		    for (j = 0; j < off; j++) {
			if (c.buf[j] != 'C') {
			    return chkerror("mismatch before key=%d col=%d pos=%d ok=%02x bad=%02x",
				key, i, j, 'C', c.buf[j]);
		    for (j = 0; j < c.aArraySize; j++) {
			if (c.buf[j + off] != byteVal(key, i, j)) {
			    return chkerror("mismatch key=%d col=%d pos=%d ok=%02x bad=%02x",
				key, i, j, byteVal(key, i, j), c.buf[j]);
		    for (j = c.aArraySize + off; j < c.bufsiz; j++) {
			if (c.buf[j] != 'C') {
			    return chkerror("mismatch after key=%d col=%d pos=%d ok=%02x bad=%02x",
				key, i, j, 'C', c.buf[j]);
		} else {
		    char* buf = c.aRa->aRef();
		    if (buf == 0)
			return ndberror("null aRef key=%d col%d", key, i);
		    for (int j = 0; j < c.aArraySize; j++) {
			if (buf[j] != byteVal(key, i, j)) {
			    return chkerror("mismatch key=%d col=%d pos=%d ok=%02x bad=%02x",
				key, i, j, byteVal(key, i, j), buf[j]);
	if (ret < 0)
	    return ndberror("nextScanResult key=%d", key);
	if (cnt != 1)
	    return ndberror("scan key=%d found %d", key, cnt);
	found[key] = 1;
    con = 0;
    op = 0;
    for (k = 0; k < opercnt; k++)
	if (! found[k])
	    return ndberror("key %d not found", k);
    ndbout << "scanned " << key << endl;

    ndbout << "done" << endl;
    return 0;