Exemple #1
SEXP csc_tcrossprod(SEXP x)
    cholmod_sparse *cha = cholmod_aat(as_cholmod_sparse(x),
	(int *) NULL, 0, 1, &c);

    cha->stype = -1;		/* set the symmetry */
    cholmod_sort(cha, &c);	/* drop redundant entries */
    return chm_sparse_to_SEXP(cha, -1);
  cholmod_sparse *MultivariateFNormalSufficientSparse::compute_PTP() const
  IMP_LOG(TERSE, "MVNsparse:   computing PTP" << std::endl);
  cholmod_sparse *eps = cholmod_dense_to_sparse(epsilon_, true, c_);
  cholmod_sparse *tmp = cholmod_spsolve(CHOLMOD_A, L_, eps, c_);
  cholmod_sparse *ptp = cholmod_aat(tmp, nullptr, 0, 1, c_);
  cholmod_free_sparse(&eps, c_);
  cholmod_free_sparse(&tmp, c_);
  return ptp;
Exemple #3
cholmod_sparse* get_second_power(cholmod_sparse* const NNE,
                                 const bool directed,
                                 cholmod_common* const cholmod_c) {

  cholmod_sparse* out;
  if (directed) {
    // out = (NNE | t(NNE) | t(NNE) %*% NNE) & !I
    cholmod_sparse* NNEt = cholmod_transpose(NNE, CHOLMOD_PATTERN, cholmod_c);
    cholmod_sparse* NNEtNNE = cholmod_aat(NNEt, NULL, 0, -1, cholmod_c); // -1 = no diagnol
    cholmod_sparse* tmp = cholmod_add(NNE, NNEt, NULL, NULL, false, false, cholmod_c);
    cholmod_free_sparse(&NNEt, cholmod_c);
    out = cholmod_add(tmp, NNEtNNE, NULL, NULL, false, false, cholmod_c);
    cholmod_free_sparse(&NNEtNNE, cholmod_c);
    cholmod_free_sparse(&tmp, cholmod_c);

  } else {
    // out = (NNE | t(NNE) %*% NNE) & !I
    cholmod_sparse* NNEtNNE = cholmod_aat(NNE, NULL, 0, -1, cholmod_c); // -1 = no diagnol
    out = cholmod_add(NNE, NNEtNNE, NULL, NULL, false, false, cholmod_c);
    cholmod_free_sparse(&NNEtNNE, cholmod_c);

  return out;
Exemple #4
/* Computes   x'x  or  x x' -- *also* for Tsparse (triplet = TRUE)
   see Csparse_Csparse_crossprod above for  x'y and x y' */
SEXP Csparse_crossprod(SEXP x, SEXP trans, SEXP triplet)
    int trip = asLogical(triplet),
	tr   = asLogical(trans); /* gets reversed because _aat is tcrossprod */
    CHM_TR cht = trip ? AS_CHM_TR(x) : (CHM_TR) NULL;
#else /* workaround needed:*/
    SEXP xx = PROTECT(Tsparse_diagU2N(x));
    CHM_TR cht = trip ? AS_CHM_TR__(xx) : (CHM_TR) NULL;
    CHM_SP chcp, chxt,
	chx = (trip ?
	       cholmod_triplet_to_sparse(cht, cht->nnz, &c) :
    SEXP dn = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 2));

    if (!tr) chxt = cholmod_transpose(chx, chx->xtype, &c);
    chcp = cholmod_aat((!tr) ? chxt : chx, (int *) NULL, 0, chx->xtype, &c);
    if(!chcp) {
	error(_("Csparse_crossprod(): error return from cholmod_aat()"));
    cholmod_band_inplace(0, chcp->ncol, chcp->xtype, chcp, &c);
    chcp->stype = 1;
    if (trip) cholmod_free_sparse(&chx, &c);
    if (!tr) cholmod_free_sparse(&chxt, &c);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dn, 0,	/* establish dimnames */
		   duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(GET_SLOT(x, Matrix_DimNamesSym),
					(tr) ? 0 : 1)));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(dn, 1, duplicate(VECTOR_ELT(dn, 0)));
    return chm_sparse_to_SEXP(chcp, 1, 0, 0, "", dn);
Exemple #5
 static cholmod_sparse* aat(cholmod_sparse* A, int* fset, size_t fsize, int mode, cholmod_common* c) {
   return cholmod_aat(A, fset, fsize, mode, c);