Exemple #1
void nextMove(char player, char board[3][3]){
    int iboard[25];
    int i,j,move;
    pair best;
    initializeBoard(iboard, board);
    US = player;
    THEM = otherPlayer(US);

    best = chooseMoveAB(iboard,player,INT_MIN,INT_MAX);
    printf("chooseMoveAB timesCalled: %d bestMove:%d\n", timesCalled,best.move);

    best = chooseMove(iboard,player);
    printf("chooseMove timesCalled: %d bestMove:%d\n", timesCalled,best.move);

    best = chooseMoveEvaluate(iboard,player);
    printf("chooseMoveEvaluate timesCalled: %d bestMove:%d\n", timesCalled,best.move);    

    best = chooseMoveABDepth(iboard,player,INT_MIN,INT_MAX);
    printf("chooseMoveAB timesCalled: %d bestMove:%d\n", timesCalled,best.move);    

Exemple #2
// Décision du mouvement à effectuer
void decideMove(const SGameState * const gameState)
	SMove choosedMove;
	int choice;
	// Décision du mouvemennt
	/*j'ai besoin du coup precedent(m_decidedMove) pour determiner le suivant*/

	GroupMoves priorityMoves; // liste qui contient les mouvements non dupliqués et risqués évalués globalement( avec toutes les pieces énnemies voisines)
	GroupMoves normalMoves, riskedMoves;

	evaluateMoves(gameState, &normalMoves,&riskedMoves);
 	globalEvaluation(&priorityMoves,riskedMoves, gameState);
 	normalClassication(gameState, &normalMoves);

 	/* Choix du type de mouvement à faire en fonction
 	du gameState et des mouvements trouvés */
	choice = chooseTypeOfMove(gameState, normalMoves.length_list, riskedMoves.length_list);

	if(choice == 0)
		choosedMove = chooseMove(gameState, priorityMoves);
		choosedMove = chooseMove(gameState, normalMoves);

 	/* Mise à jour de la variable de nombre d'allers-retours */

 	// Si on a fait le mouvement inverse du précédent, on incrémente le nombre
 	if ((choosedMove.start.line == m_decidedMove.end.line)
 		&&(choosedMove.start.col == m_decidedMove.end.col)
 		&&(choosedMove.end.line == m_decidedMove.start.line)
 		&&(choosedMove.end.col == m_decidedMove.start.col))
 	else // Sinon remise à zéro de la variable
 		m_nbRoundTrips = 1;

 	m_decidedMove = choosedMove;

 	/* Vérification si le mouvement est une attaque pour la valeur de m_myMove */
 	if (gameState->board[m_decidedMove.end.line][m_decidedMove.end.col].content == m_enemyColor)
 		m_myMove = true;
void Spacebot::writeNextMove()
    Move move = chooseMove();
Exemple #4
/*Main program*/
int main(void)
    /*Variable Declarations*/

    /*Used to store lines from text, copies of lines, file name of text, and tokens, respectively*/
    char line[100], lineCopy[100], fileName[100], *token;

    /*Array of keywords that are valid commands*/
    char keywords[8][14] = {"forward", "reverse", "turnright", "turnleft", "pause", "light", "reset", "loop"};

    /*Variable used as a counter*/
    int counter;

    /*Variable used to keep track of line number in text file*/
    int lineCount = 0;

    /*Initializr status of the light*/
    LIGHT_ON = false;

    /*Variable for getting the file from the user*/
    FILE *inputFile;

    /*Makes sure the motors are stationary and the LED is off*/

    /*Prompts user to enter a file name*/
    printf("Enter a file name: ");

    /* Main loop in the program */

    /*If the file is valid and can be read*/
    if ( (inputFile = fopen( fileName, "r" )) != NULL )
        /*While there is another line in the text file*/
        while ( !feof(inputFile) )
            /*Get the line*/
            fgets( line, 99, inputFile );

            /*Convert line to lowecase*/

            /*Creates a copy of the line for tokenization (which changes original line)*/
            strcpy(lineCopy, line);

            /*Increase line count by 1*/

            /*Prevents iteration of previous line if very last line in text file is an empty line*/
            if( feof(inputFile) )

            /*If the command in the text file is valid*/
            if (isValidMove(lineCopy, inputFile) == true)
                /*Display message*/
                printf("Line #%d: ", lineCount);
                /*creates a copy of the string*/
                strcpy(lineCopy, line);

                /*create a token using line copy*/
                token = removeWhiteSpace(strtok( lineCopy, " \t\n" ));

                /*Checks to see if line is not blank or a comment and displays a message indicating what was on the line*/
                if (token == NULL)
                    printf("empty line\n");

                if(strncmp(token, "#", 1) == 0)

                /*Loop used to check if move is one of the following:*/
                /*Forward, backward, turnleft, turnright, pause*/
                for (counter = 0; counter < 5; counter++)
                    /*If the command is one of the following*/
                    if (strcmp(token, keywords[counter]) == 0)
                        /*Select function to execture based on counter and break out of loop*/
                        chooseMove(counter, atoi(removeWhiteSpace(strtok(NULL, " \t\n"))));

                /*Check to see if the command was to configure the light*/
                if (strcmp(token, keywords[5]) == 0)
                    /*Execute light function*/
                    light(removeWhiteSpace(strtok( NULL, " \t\n" ))) ;

                /*Check to see if the command was reset*/
                if (strcmp(token, keywords[6]) == 0)
                    /*Execute reset function*/

                /*Check to see if the command was a loop*/
                if (strcmp(token, keywords[7]) == 0)
                    /*Adds appropriate number of lines to get current line number and execute loop function*/
                    lineCount += loop(line, atoi(removeWhiteSpace(strtok(NULL, " \t\n"))), inputFile);

            /*If the move is not valid*/
                /*isplay error message indicating the line number in the text file where the error was found*/

                /*Reset motors and LED and waits for user to press a key then exits*/
                return 0;

        /* Display the results */

        /*If there are no more line in the file*/

        /*Notify user that commands are finished execuing*/
        printf("\nReached the end of the file.\nThe program will now exit.\n");

        /*Reset motors and LED and waits for user to press a key then exits*/

    /*If file does not exist*/
        /*Notify user that file does not exist*/
        printf("\nThe file does not exist.\nThe program will now exit.\n");

        /*Wait for user to press a key then exits*/
Exemple #5
/*This method is used to perform the loop command*/
int loop(char line[], int iterations, FILE* inputFile)
    /*This method is very similar to the main() function*/
    /*The only difference is it exectues the instructions iterations number of times*/
    /*In addition, this function returns the number of lines within the loop as the last iteration*/
    /*does not alter current position within text file*/

    /*Same as main() function*/
    char lineCopy[100], *token;
    char keywords[7][14] = {"forward", "reverse", "turnright", "turnleft", "pause", "light", "reset"};
    int counter, counter2;
    int lineCount = 0;

    /*Used to keep track of current position within text file*/
    fpos_t currentPosition;

    /*Stores current position within text file so the location can be read from again*/
    fgetpos (inputFile,&currentPosition);

    strcpy(lineCopy, line);

    /*Display message*/
    printf("loop %d times\n", iterations);

    for (counter = 0; counter < iterations; counter++)
        /*Display message*/
        printf("\niteration #%d:\n", counter+1);
        /*Sets location within text file to line right after loop comand*/
        fsetpos (inputFile,&currentPosition);

        /*random string used so token does not become null after each iteration*/
        token = "reset token";

        /*Executes commands like in main() function as long as command is not endloop*/
        while (strcmp(token, "endloop") != 0)
            fgets( line, 99, inputFile );
            strcpy(lineCopy, line);

            token = removeWhiteSpace(strtok( lineCopy, " \t\n" ));

            if (token == NULL || strncmp(token, "#", 1) == 0)

            for (counter2 = 0; counter2 < 5; counter2++)
                if (strcmp(token, keywords[counter2]) == 0 && counter2 < 5)
                    chooseMove(counter2, atoi(removeWhiteSpace(strtok(NULL, " \t\n"))));

            if (strcmp(token, keywords[5]) == 0)
                light(removeWhiteSpace(strtok( NULL, " \t\n" ))) ;

            if (strcmp(token, keywords[6]) == 0)

            if (strcmp(token, keywords[7]) == 0)
                loop(line, atoi(removeWhiteSpace(strtok(NULL, " \t\n"))), inputFile);

    /*Display message*/
    printf("\nend loop\n\n");

    /*Returns number of line within the loop (including endloop statement)*/
    return (lineCount / iterations);
Exemple #6
pair chooseMoveEvaluate (int* iboard, int player) {
    ASSERT(player == XPL || player == OPL);
    pair myBest = {0,-1};
    pair reply;
    int i, move;
    int moveCount=0, moveList[9];

    //default score
    if(player == US){
        myBest.score = INT_MIN;
    } else {
        myBest.score = INT_MAX;

    pair temp;
    temp.score = 0;
    temp.move = -1;    
    if(didHeWin(iboard,US)) {
        //printf("%c WON\n",US);
        //temp.score = 10+timesCalled;
        temp.score = evaluateBoard(iboard);
        return temp;
    } else if(didHeWin(iboard,THEM)) {
        //printf("%c WON\n",THEM);
        //temp.score = -10-timesCalled;
        temp.score = evaluateBoard(iboard);        
        return temp;
    } else if(isBoardFull(iboard)) {
        //temp.score = 0;
        return temp;
    // get legal moves
    for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        if( iboard[convert9To25[cellScoreOrdered[i]]] == EMPTY) {
            moveList[moveCount++] = convert9To25[cellScoreOrdered[i]];

    // for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
    //     if( iboard[convert9To25[i]] == EMPTY) {
    //         moveList[moveCount++] = convert9To25[i];
    //     }
    // }

    // any legal move
    //myBest.move = pickValuedMove(moveList,moveCount);
    //printf("Move by %c;*********************************************\n",player);
    //for(i=0; i < moveCount; i++) {
        //printf("%d ", moveList[i]);
    for(i=0; i < moveCount; i++) {
        move = moveList[i];
        iboard[move] = player;
        //printf("%c(to move(%d/%d) %d);best:%d ;reply:%d \n", 
        //    player,i+1,moveCount,move,myBest.score,reply.score);
        reply = chooseMove(iboard, otherPlayer(player));
        iboard[move] = EMPTY;
        //printf("RESET %c(to move(%d/%d) %d);best:%d ;reply:%d \n", 
        //    player,i+1,moveCount,move,myBest.score,reply.score);
        if( // maximizinf by selecting opponents less score
            (player == US && myBest.score < reply.score) ||
            // minimizing by letting them select high score
            (player == THEM && myBest.score > reply.score)){
        //    printf("%c SCORE CHANGED (score:%d, best move:%d)!!\n",
        //        player,reply.score,move);
            myBest.score = reply.score;
            myBest.move = move;
    return myBest;