Exemple #1
* Runs the naming game for a maximum of <rounds> rounds
void NamingGame::run(uint rounds) {
     uint sender, receiver;
     std::string word;
     // For am maximum of <rounds> rounds
     for (int i = 0; i < rounds; ++i) {    
          // Choose one random node (sender)
          sender = chooseNode();
          // Choose one random neighbor (receiver)
          receiver = chooseNeighbor(sender);
          if (receiver == -1) {
          // Choose one random word from the sender;
          word = chooseWord(sender);
          // Send him a random word. Hijinks ensue
          communicate(sender, receiver, word);
          // FIXME Testing only
          //if (i % 100 == 0) std::cout << "Round " << i << std::endl;
     // ??? (TODO)
     // Profit!  
Exemple #2
/** A specialisation for bool to allow more, better values. */
bool CommandSystem::parseArgument(std::string &message, bool *result)
	const static std::vector<std::string> trueValues = { "on", "true", "yes", "1" };
	const static std::vector<std::string> allValues = { "on", "true", "yes", "1",
		"off", "false", "no", "0" };

	std::vector<std::string> possible = chooseWord(allValues, message);
	if (possible.empty())
		return false;

	// Look what possibilities were found
	bool foundTrue = false;
	bool foundFalse = false;
	for (const auto &p : possible)
		if (std::find(trueValues.cbegin(), trueValues.cend(), p) != trueValues.cend())
			foundTrue = true;
			foundFalse = true;

	if (foundTrue && foundFalse)
		return false;
	*result = foundTrue;
	return true;
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    char letter = 0; // 存储用户输入的字母
    char secretWord[100] = {0}; // 要猜测的单词
    int *letterFound = NULL; // 布尔值的数组. 数组的每一个元素对应猜测单词的一个字母。 0 = 还没猜到此字母, 1 = 已猜到字母
    int leftTimes = 7; // 剩余猜测次数 (0 = 失败)
    int i = 0; // 下标
    long wordSize = 0;  // 单词的长度(字母数目)


    // 从词库(文件dictionary)中随机选取一个单词
    if (!chooseWord(secretWord))
      exit(0); // 退出游戏

    // 获取单词的长度
    wordSize = strlen(secretWord);

    letterFound = malloc(wordSize * sizeof(int)); // 动态分配数组的大小,因为我们一开始不知道单词长度
    if (letterFound == NULL)

    // 初始化布尔值数组,都置为0,表示还没有字母被猜到
    for (i = 0 ; i < wordSize ; i++)
      letterFound[i] = 0;

    // 主while循环,如果还有猜测机会并且还没胜利,继续
    while(leftTimes > 0 && !win(letterFound, wordSize)){
      printf("\n\n您还剩 %d 次机会", leftTimes);
      printf("\n神秘单词是什么呢 ? ");

      /* 我们显示猜测的单词,将还没猜到的字母用*表示
        例如 : *O**LE */
      for (i = 0 ; i < wordSize ; i++)
	if (letterFound[i]) // 如果第i+1个字母已经猜到
	  printf("%c", secretWord[i]); // 打印出来
	  printf("*"); // 还没猜到,打印一个*

      printf("\n输入一个字母 : ");
      letter = readCharacter();

      // 如果用户输入的字母不存在于单词中
      if (!researchLetter(letter, secretWord, letterFound))
	leftTimes--; // 将剩余猜测机会数减1

    if (win(letterFound, wordSize))
      printf("\n\n胜利了! 神秘单词是 : %s\n", secretWord);
      printf("\n\n失败了! 神秘单词是 : %s\n", secretWord);

    return 0;