Exemple #1
void chpl_mem_layerInit(void) {
  void* heap_base_;
  size_t heap_size_;

  chpl_comm_desired_shared_heap(&heap_base_, &heap_size_);
  if (heap_base_ != NULL && heap_size_ == 0) {
    chpl_internal_error("if heap address is specified, size must be also");

  // If we have a shared heap, initialize our shared heap. This will take care
  // of initializing jemalloc. If we're not using a shared heap, do a first
  // allocation to allow jemaloc to set up:
  //   jemalloc 4.0.4 man: "Once, when the first call is made to one of the
  //   memory allocation routines, the allocator initializes its internals"
  if (heap_base_ != NULL) {
    heap_base = heap_base_;
    heap_size = heap_size_;
    cur_heap_offset = 0;
    if (pthread_mutex_init(&chunk_alloc_lock, NULL) != 0) {
      chpl_internal_error("cannot init chunk_alloc lock");
  } else {
    void* p;
    if ((p = je_malloc(1)) == NULL) {
      chpl_internal_error("cannot init heap: je_malloc() failed");
Exemple #2
void chpl_mem_layerInit(void) {
  void* start;
  size_t size;

  chpl_comm_desired_shared_heap(&start, &size);
  if (start || size)
    chpl_error("set CHPL_MEM to a more appropriate mem type", 0, 0);
Exemple #3
void chpl_mem_layerInit(void) {
  chpl_comm_desired_shared_heap(&saved_heap_start, &saved_heap_size);
  if (!saved_heap_start || !saved_heap_size) {
    chpl_dlmalloc_heap = create_mspace(0, 1);
  } else {
    chpl_dlmalloc_heap = create_mspace_with_base(saved_heap_start, saved_heap_size, 1);
Exemple #4
void chpl_mem_layerInit(void) {
  void*  heap_base;
  size_t heap_size;

  chpl_comm_desired_shared_heap(&heap_base, &heap_size);
  if (heap_base == NULL || heap_size == 0)
    chpl_dlmalloc_heap = create_mspace(0, 1);
    chpl_dlmalloc_heap = create_mspace_with_base(heap_base, heap_size, 1);
Exemple #5
void chpl_mem_layerInit(void)
  void*  heap_base;
  size_t heap_size;

  chpl_comm_desired_shared_heap(&heap_base, &heap_size);

  if (heap_base != NULL && heap_size == 0)
    chpl_internal_error("if heap address is specified, size must be also");

  // Do a first allocation, to allow tcmalloc to set up its internal
  // management structures.
    void* p;

    if ((p = tc_malloc(1)) == NULL)
      chpl_internal_error("cannot init heap: tc_malloc() failed");

  // Initialize our tcmalloc system allocator.
  tcmallocChapelInit_c(heap_base, heap_size);

  // If the heap has to come from the memory supplied to us (say, in
  // order that the comm layer be able to depend on all allocations
  // having come from it), use up all the system memory tcmalloc had
  // acquired before we set up our own system allocator just now.
  // All allocations after this will come from the memory supplied
  // to us.
  // Note that this can waste up to twice INITIAL_USE_UP_SIZE bytes
  // of the memory supplied to us, plus overhead.
  if (heap_base != NULL) {
#define INITIAL_USE_UP_SIZE ((size_t) 4 * 1024)

    size_t size;
    char*  p;

    for (size = INITIAL_USE_UP_SIZE; size > 0; size /= 2) {
      do {
        p = tc_malloc(size);
      } while (p != NULL
               && (p < (char*) heap_base
                   || p > (char*) heap_base + heap_size));

void chpl_mem_layerInit(void) {
  void* start;
  size_t size;

  chpl_comm_desired_shared_heap(&start, &size);

  // TODO (EJR 12/17/15): add support for shared heaps. I think we basically
  // need to create a custom chunk allocator.
  // HPX-5 did this so I think we can too:
  //     http://jemalloc-discuss.canonware.narkive.com/FzSQ4Qv4/need-help-in-porting-jemalloc
  //     http://www.canonware.com/pipermail/jemalloc-discuss/2015-October/001179.html
  //  TODO (EJR 12/17/15): when we support shared heaps, I need to remember to
  //  update the third-party README
  if (start || size)
    chpl_error("set CHPL_MEM to a more appropriate mem type", 0, 0);

  // Do a first allocation, to allow jemalloc to set up:
  //   """
  //   Once, when the first call is made to one of the memory allocation
  //   routines, the allocator initializes its internals based in part on various
  //   options that can be specified at compile- or run-time.
  //   """
    void* p;

    if ((p = je_malloc(1)) == NULL)
      chpl_internal_error("cannot init heap: je_malloc() failed");
